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Page 1: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

“A Town Like Blyth” ~Progressive and Community Minded~

Newsletter No 127—April, 2020 http://www.communitywebs.org/blythprogressassociation/

DATES TO REMEMBER: April 10th Good Friday 12th Easter Sunday 13th Easter Holiday 25th ANZAC Day (No service) 27th School Term 2 commences May 10th Mother’s Day

Colour pages have been kindly donated




The coronavirus affected many a sport grand final in 2020 including our Blyth Kybunga A1 cricket team who were eager to bring home a Premiership. After defeating the top side, Lower North, in the last minor round match to get into them in the top four, a sudden holt was put to their aspirations when Stanley Cricket Associations called off all Grand Finals on the eve of the big match thus awarding the top team the Premiership being Lower North. It being 47 years since the A1 team had played in a final series, the decision left the “Dogs” bitterly disappointed and frustrated. Both grand final teams agreed to follow all Coronavirus recommendations and to play without a spectator in sight. But to no avail. Also to add insult to injury was the fact the tennis players were playing their grand finals across the way!!. Cont.. inside

Above: “Dogs”cricketers celebrated their achievements in 2019/20 with a round of golf at Clare


The Blyth Tennis Club’s Div 2 Junior team played their Grand Final against unde-feated Auburn and came pretty close but went down by 6 games 3 sets 27—3 sets 21games. At the team’s final practice (below) Charlie Jacka, Tyler Bigg, Nic McElroy and Mat-thew White not only had hit but practiced their social distancing

TEDDY BEAR HUNT IN BLYTH It was great to see the call out for Blyth residents to put a teddy or 2 in their win-dows for a “Teddy Bear” hunt. Hayley Zweck posted on Facebook the idea and the community responded positively with 60+ houses sporting a teddy in their win-dow, in pot plants, riding a bike or doing a bit of gardening. Cont inside... Below: Estelle Noble enjoyed the hunt on numerous occasions.

Page 2: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St BLYTH

8844 5007

Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St,


Ph 8844 5255 Fax 8844 5283


Due to the Coronavirus and Government regulations there will be no Easter worship services at Trinity Blyth for 2020. All worships services have ceased until further notice.

Easter Worship services can be viewed on both television or the internet via live stream or watch at your leisure on You Tube. Below is a link to worship services conducted by a previous Pastor to our district Pr Fin Klein. https://www.facebook.com/stmichaelshahndorf Other services http://new.livestream.com/luthworship/events/2472486 7NEWS will broadcast nationally St Mary’s Cathedral , Sydney’s Easter services across Channel 7, Prime 7 and live-streamed on 7plus.

NEW PLANTINGS ALONG SOUTH TERRACE Thanks to WRC for clearing the ugly pine trees that were at-tacked by the tornado in 2016 along South Terrace. What’s happening next?? The Blyth Progress Association is counting on some general rains in 2020 and then this area will be revegetated during the winter. As Ian Roberts has so many spare plants this year this area will become a mini botanical garden, showcasing both local species & those from WA & other states. Species will come from the Eremophila, Grevillea, Eucalyptus, Hakea, Banksia, Myoporum & Melaleuca families, to name but a few. They will range from groundcovers to small ornamental trees & likely be grouped by family.

CAN YOU AND/OR YOUR FAMILY HELP?? As we are unable to meet as a group to plant due to social distancing, we hope to organise a time table for families, willing to dig holes, plant and water trees. When this area is ready to be planted, a post will appear on “Blyth Around the Traps” Facebook page with more specific measures..

MEDIKA GALLERY With several large plant sales cancelled, Medika Gallery has thousands of unique native plants looking for a home. This year’s batch are the healthiest ever grown & ready to take off.

Prices $6 ea for 6 or more, $7 for less than 6. Farm trees $2.20 or $3.30ea. List available by emailing. [email protected]

Ian is around all day, most days, but please phone 0498 763 434 just to make sure.”

Page 3: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

Valley Ceiling & Wall Linings Dennis Ph: 0459 030674

Mid North

Sandblasting 88445154 0429445154

TAKE AWAY SERVICE AT POST OFFICE! At the Post Office , Ian Wandel had the Australia Post heads visit him to see what could be done to social distance himself from his customers. Simple solution was the brain wave of opening the window for take away. While Ian has been asked on count-less times for a “Big Mac with fries” none have been forth coming... While the window was a good idea, it did disad-vantage the shorter people of our community, so handyman extraordinaire, Barry Spinks, came to the rescue and built a step complete with handle. While the PO door is locked, if the window is open, it is business as usual. Below: Ian delivers a parcel to local Eelco Dyk .

THE HILLS ARE RECOVERING It has been 12 months since the fire jumped the hills and tore through the Clare/Blyth road cutting east of Blyth. Many of the eucalypt trees have reshot bringing fresh life, while many of the sheoaks are struggling for new life.


RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL SERVICES Blyth Management Committee have secured funding from Wakefield Regional Council to pay for volunteers that com-plete their Responsible Service of Alcohol Courses either via TAFE or online. As TAFE is not operating at the mo-ment you can still complete your online course to receive a certificate and help out as a volunteer for your club / com-mittee. All clubs will need people that have received their Responsi-ble Service of Alcohol Certificate to be able to operate a bar at any fundraising functions. If you would like to complete an online course (South Aus-tralia) please check in at Express Online Trading at www.eot.edu.au/online-courses/RSA (a number of volun-teers have completed this one) and ensure it is an accredit-ed course. (the website www.rsaonline-sa.com.au is not accredited) The fee is initially to be paid by you and forward your receipt and certificate to Tracey Andriske at [email protected] or your club secretary / president who will need to forward onto BMC. Last day for completing this course to receive reimburse-ment of funds is 25 April 2020. We encourage as many volunteers for clubs / committees to complete this course to provide numerous people that are able to help out and keep our fundraising events going. For further information please contact Tracey Andriske, Blyth Management Committee on 0428 445168 or [email protected] .

Page 4: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

Clare Financial Services

Graeme Wandel

8842 2391 ah88445047

66 Main North Rd, Clare

8842 1110 0407 085979 8844 5125 or 0417 821 225


Happy 50th birthday to Tanya Bertelsmeier (right with her Mum) who cele-brated her birthday with family and friends at The Lady Daly Hotel having lots of fun plus a band and kombi photo booth.

Son Joel celebrated his 16th birthday on the night of his Mum’s party and all enjoyed the impressive cake.

A belated happy birthday to Paul Zacher who celebrated his 40th in December and enjoyed a weekend of celebration a house boat on the River Murray with his friends in March.

Happy 40th to Kate Wandel (left) who celebrated her birthday at home with Rob and the kids. Also had a lovely lunch with girlfriends earlier in the month and is looking forward to catching up with family later in year.

Happy 40th birthday to Katherine White (right) who, despite the na-tional Covid-19 restrictions, enjoyed her celebration. Will Pratt has been sent home from the Solomon Islands be-cause of the COVID-19. While no cases are yet in the coun-try, with a pretty basic health system the Government decided it was best for Will to be home. He is currently in isolation at home in Blyth. Welcome to Marie Parker who has made her home in Eime Drive, Benbournie Estate. Marie made the move to Blyth from Orroroo after retiring and to be closer to her sister in Clare. Kasey Bigg capped off a great Basketball season when she was awarded Joint B&F in the Women’s Division as well as B&F in the U18 division and winning the Dickinson Family Memorial for Best Female Under 21. Unfortunately Kasey lost both of her Basketball Grand Finals. Tyson Salter was awarded triple joint B&F runner up in the Div 1 Men .

ACTS OF KINDNESS: The community were impressed with Mum and daughter trio Michelle, Jess and Bridie handing out treats as random acts of kindness. Some FB comments in-cluded: “What beautiful people we have in our community. Thank you ladies xx” “Bless the little girl who goes around door to door handing out cookies and easter eggs to lighten peoples mood in these negative times” “Beautiful gesture for a moral boost was gratefully received today... thank you for the lovely ladies who took the time to make and deliver these sweet gifts, we are sooo lucky to be apart of an amazing town xo”

BLYTH PLAYGROUP CANCELLED until further notice

Playgroup Mums are coming up with some great ideas and sharing on the Blyth Playgroup Facebook page to occupy their toddlers.. At the last group session at the Primary school they enjoyed Leo Noble’s 1st birthday party complete with party games and birthday cake.

Well done to our local bowlers (below) Ron de’Luca, Brian Eime, Bruce Farley and Damien Philp (Skipper) on winning the BMW Regional Fours at Balaklava

Blyth Leisure Activity Group Is suspended due to Covid-19. Hoping you all keep your mind and body active at this time. Looking forward to this being lifted and resuming ac-tivities again. Kerryn Mugge—Coordinator

Page 5: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP



0428 430 197


Hosts Darren & Lee


8844 5004

BLYTH TENNIS Season 2019-2020 The Junior Division 2 competed in the Grand Final against the undefeated Auburn Tennis Club and narrowly loss by 6 games. All reports from the game was that the players, Nic McElroy, Charlotte Jacka, Tyler Bigg and Matthew White all played like champions and displayed excellent sportsman-ship. They also kept to all social distancing rules and 'shook hands' at the end of the day with a touch of their racquets. We had good representation in the finals with Division 5 knocked out the week earlier and Division 1 and A Grade the week before that. Due to the Convid-19 virus we were unable to hold our usual end of season wind up so Simone Bigg held an impromptu presentation at the last junior training session to award the junior winners. Drew Bertelsmeier was awarded the Division 1 most games won trophy, Tyler Bigg was awarded the trophy for Division 2. Hamish Tappin and Samuel Kennett were joint winners for Division 3 and Harry Jamieson won for Division 5. Blyth Tennis Club thanks Tanya Bertelsmeier, Simone Bigg, Katherine White and Alice Williams for being the junior team managers this season and all the hard work that comes along with the title. Particularly a big thank you to Simone Bigg, our junior co-ordinator for all her efforts especially all the organising that goes into Monday night coaching with Sam Clayson.

Adam Pratt and Kim Franklin were joint most consecutive winners for A grade for season 2019-2020. Both players are terrific to watch and display great sportsmanship each and every week. There's always a bit of a cheer heard when Kim's doubles partner is announced for the day! A Grade would like to thank all their fill ins for the season. After being second to bottom at the Christmas Break, it's a pretty incredible effort to finish 3rd and compete in finals. We couldn't have done it without our fill ins! Thank you to Kylie Pearce for stepping up into the role of President this season and keeping everything running in a different time towards the end of the season. Thank you to Tracey Andriske for all her efforts as Treasurer and being the 'go-to' person for most things around the club! Thanks to Secretary Kristin for her expertise as Secretary and ensuring a tennis report makes it to the Blyth Newsletter on time... Huge thank you to the committee for organising another suc-cessful season.

Blyth Tennis Club are always welcoming new members for seasons ahead and encourage anyone and everyone to come and have a hit! Last thank you to our grounds keeper Craig Walkley, as we wouldn't be able to play each Saturday without your efforts in making sure the courts are mowed and well looked after each week. Hopefully with some rain in the off season they'll be looking schmicko for next season!

UNITED ARCHERS The members of the United Archers were looking forward to their first proper intra club competition shoot at the end of March after our AGM. This shoot would have been the first time that most club members would have had to earn points towards rankings and handicaps (similar to golf). Our ranking and our handicap are important when we shoot at inter-club competitions to try and maintain a level playing field between competitors with different bow types and levels of experi-ence. Unfortunately, social distancing commenced in the days lead-ing up to that weekend and both the shoot and the AGM have been postponed. Whilst social distancing is being enforced, you won’t find us at our field on a Sunday but we will be all keen to return once the restrictions are lifted. At this time we still hope to be able to hold our Annual Open Day in October so watch this space (and keep your fingers crossed).

LIFE AS A TEEN DURING COVID-19 As a teen during the covid-19 pandemic, my life has been rather hectic. In a time where we have the technology to keep us all connected, it’s unusual to say that I have never felt so detached from the world. With some of my friends still at school and others at home, we all seem to feel totally iso-lated. The homework is allocated to students as usual and time just seems to blur together, although it is incredibly helpful having supportive teachers who are doing everything, they can to support me during this time. One of the most vital foundations of my life and many of my peers’ lives is routine. Without routine, teenagers tend to be-come rather unmotivated and that has a huge impact on the way we go through life. I however am very lucky as I have a calm and quiet environment that I live in making it easy to knuckle down and work. Whereas many of my friends don’t share that comfort, as many of them have parents under stress, and siblings who are bored and look for entertainment in anything. If you are or have a teenager, in order to thrive during this time be sure to establish a healthy routine and a have a quiet place to work or just to think. Stay safe, and make sure to be social distancing. Laura Brown, Year 9

Parents are finding new ways to entertain their children and this time it was chalk games along the road. Mother Cassandra kept a watch-ful eye on her 3 year old twin boys Conor and Luke McLoughlin having fun, fresh air and a bit of exercise. Unfortunately the rain on the weekend has washed it all away—so time for some new games...

Page 6: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

MC & KL EIME Silage Contractors Ph/Fax 8844 5151 Mobile: 0427 186 450

Email: [email protected]




BLYTH KYBUNGA CRICKET CLUB Thank you to all BKCC players and supporters for a wonder-ful 2019/2020 season. We were fortunate to have all teams playing finals cricket and to our A1s making the Grand Final for the first time in decades. Unfortunately, the COVID19 pan-demic saw an abrupt end to the season. We would like to congratulate all trophy winners, coaches and volunteers who contributed to such a successful season. Please see Justin Zweck to collect your trophy. Div 2 & 3 will also be awarded medallions. COLTS Trophy winners: Fielding- Cooper Altman: Leading Run Scorer- Riley Stirling (163 runs); Leading wicket taker- Seth Angus (7 wickets) All Rounder- Riley Stirling (273 points); Coaches Award- Carter Pratt; Most Improved- Coby Bigg Game Day ACHIEVEMENTS: Hat-trick Austin Altman—2 overs 3 wickets 2 runs) Retirements: Carter Pratt 25 vs BKC); Riley Stirling (3) 25 vs AMWCC; 26 vs BKCC; 51 vs Lower North A2 Trophy Winners: Fielding- Nigel Harris: Leading Run Scorer- Dan Richards (260 runs/ Ave 52); Leading wicket taker- Mick Agnew (10 wickets); All Rounder- Riley Stirling (308 points); Captains Award- Lachlan Eime A1 Trophy Winners: Fielding Henry Warner; Leading Run Scorer Will Pratt (347 runs/ Ave 43.38); Leading wicket taker Ben Pratt (22 wickets/ Ave 18.92) ; All Rounder (Barrie Mugge Memorial Trophy) Ben Pratt (708 points) Captains Award Brayden Eime Player of the Finals Charatpolo Pannu

A Grade Cricketers were all smiles after their Prelimi-nary Final win to get into the Grand Final.

Cont.... “ Bear Hunt” with Hayley Zweck

The response from Blythens has been brilliant with 60+ households participating in the Blyth Bear Hunt. The weather has been glorious for a walk, ride or drive to spot teddy bears and other toys. People of all ages have been enjoying the creativity and effort from residents. The positives from this activity: 1) Fresh air, sunshine and exercise 2) Families can spot teddies together 3) Anyone can get involved by either going on a bear hunt and/or putting bears in their window and watching the com-munity go past 4) It's a fun way to help brighten peoples day and keep the community connected 5) You're still following current social distancing guidelines.

Page 7: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP


METAL FABRICATION 21 Harley St. Ph/Fax: 88445357

Mobile: 0402755586

[email protected]

Kybunga Klippings Lovely to see the popula-tion of Kybunga on the increase! A big welcome to Carolyn and Dave Garner who have purchased the Ky-bunga Church and have wasted no time in prepar-ing a B&B Accommodation which will be known as The Old School House. Unfortunately due to the present situation, all Book-ings are on hold!

Welcome to Bryce Eldredge and Ashleigh Schultz as they return from Sydney and take up residence in Kybun-ga. Congratulations and best wishes to Dylan Underdown and Zoe Large as they welcome with love, Carson Peter Underdown, on March 24th at the Clare Hospital. First grandchild for Peter Underdown.

Gwen Schumacher has made the very difficult decision to move to a Retirement Village in Adelaide. She moved to Kybunga in 1970 and quickly became a valued member of the community as she nursed at the Blyth Hospital until it closed in 1991. After the Hospital closed she worked at the Clare Hospital and furthered her skills by completing a Theatre Course at the Adelaide Hospital. Gwen retired in 1996 and enjoyed living in Clare and seeing all the locals as she went shopping. Although she is missing the local community she has thoroughly enjoyed exploring the ins and outs of the Retirement Village …. until the arrival of the Corona Virus!! Take care Gwen, we will miss you scooting around the Clare Main Street.

Verna Wood, who is 96, can remember the Balaklava High School being closed in the late 1930s due to an out-break of polio in the local community. She would walk down to the High School gate each morning to collect the lessons for the day – the teachers had to be at the school during this time. Victor Harbor School was closed from February to the third Tuesday in March because of polio.

BLYTH SNOWTOWN FOOTBALL CLUB Since the last newsletter things have changed quite a bit! Pre-season had started and the boys that were getting out were having a good go and getting to know the new coach Lindsay Bass. Bass being in the fitness industry had a different approach to training that has helped re-energise the group. It was great to see some of the junior and senior colts come out for a kick and a catch and I hope they enjoyed their time out with the older guys. Then just as we were looking forward to some matches COVID-19 hit. We put in place some safe-guards for trainings but after a couple of weeks the directive came from AFL & SANFL that they recommended both trainings and games be postponed until the 31st of May. This was backed by the NEFL and all trainings and games have been postponed. This decision will be reviewed in time and as information comes down the line to us the club will keep everyone informed. Bass is running training videos on Facebook that are free to view and get involved with so if you are interested in keep-ing fit please have look at the Fitness Society page.

Please everyone stay safe and healthy and we will see you all on the other side of this. GO CATS!

Page 8: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

MEDIKA GALLERY 16 Moore St, Blyth

Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 2-5pm

Ph/Fax 8844 5175 A/H 8844 5025

TE & A Eime Front End Loader, Excavator, Tip Trucks, Grader, Bobcat

0429 817 233 Ah 8842 2722

BLYTH COMMUNITY HALL At present, unfortunately the doors to the Blyth Community Hall have been closed due to COVID-19 government regula-tions.. After many years of discussion, the dividing bi-fold doors between the main hall and annexe have been completed. Thanks to the Hall’s Chairman Narelle Roberts for her con-stant chasing of quotes to apply for grants over the past 2+ years. Thanks to WRC Community Infrastructure Program for fund-ing 50% of the project. Work was completed by Clare Join-ery, Vision Builders and Terry Redden. The doors and installation cost approx $34,000 plus painting costs. They certainly have made a great addition to the Hall. (below right) The interior of the main hall & annex have received a fresh coat of paint by Terry Redden (Balaklava) and again thanks to WRC Community Infrastructure Program for funding 50% of the project. Approx cost $11,500. Altogether the Blyth Community Hall has injected in excess of $25,000 into these projects. Funds have come from strong fundraising in the last 5 years including catering for many events including a monthly dinner for the Mid North Film Club and hiring fees of the venue. Thanks to the small band of ladies on the Hall committee and helpers that raise funds to maintain the excellent Hall facilities. Many community groups/clubs hire the Hall and we expect they continue to care and take pride in this valuable assett the town has. Many thanks to James Conlon, who does an excellent job in regularly cleaning the Hall and the public toilets. The Blyth Community Hall held their AGM in March with all being re elected as: Chairperson Narelle Roberts, Vice Janet Zweck, Secretary Kerryn Mugge, Treasurer Denby Wandel. Bookings Officer Kerry Smith, extra committee Marie Spinks &Hayley Zweck.

The Hall are always looking for members to join their group and you can contact any of the committee for more info.

Bookings Officer, Kerry Smith gave a report on the use of the Hall during 2019: Through the hiring of the Hall approx. 3280 people have attended the Hall and generated income of $5,070 (estimate). Regulars – Leisure Activities Group and two dance schools (Carmen’s School of Dance and Valda Inglis’s Steps Dance Academy) . The regular groups add an additional $7,470 in income and another 2610 attendances, bringing the overall totals to ap-prox. $12,500 income and 5900 people using the facilities of the Hall.

Above: BCH committee members Maria Spinks, Kerry Smith, Kerryn Mugge, Narelle Roberts and Denby Wandel.


2019 has seen major achievement and changes to the Blyth community Hall. Wakefield Regional council grant money from 2018 and 2019 has seen the completion of bi-fold doors sepa-rating the Main Hall and Annex as well as painting of these two rooms, plus painting of the stage passage ways. These have been expensive projects but has added value to our building. During the year, we replaced the overhead cupboards on the southern side of the kitchen. Fairy lights were also added to the Main Hall and have created a better ambience to the area. Our sound system has also finally been completed. Hall hire does not cover these projects so we need to do fund-raising. This mainly comes from catering. We did 5 MN Film Club dinners, light lunches, morning afternoon teas for various groups. Thank you to the catering committee, Marie, Kerryn and Kerryn, to Janet for organising waitresses, Kerryn for mak-ing desserts and Marie for overseeing it all. Thank you to all

community members who give of their time at these functions by donating food or washing dishes. It is very much appreciated. We thank our regular users of the Hall—Blyth community activity Group, Carmen’s School of Dance, IAF Film Club, Blyth/Snowtown Football and Netball clubs, Blyth Tennis Club, Blyth Primary School for their support. Groups from outside Blyth also use the Hall as fundraisers in conjunction with the Blyth Cinema. Funeral wakes and other private functions have also taken place. Special thanks to our Treasurer, Denby, for a job well done, Kerryn as our ever reliable Secretary and Kerry as Booking Of-ficer who liaises with clients, our Treasurer Denby, and our cleaner James. Finally, thank you to all committee members and community members who have helped at functions and busy bees. The Blyth community Hall is a town asset and one we can be proud of.

Narelle Roberts, Chairperson.

BLYTH GOLF CLUB The Club’s Opening Day has been can-celled due to COVID-19 Govt regulations. By the end of April, the course should be up and running, but groups are limited to 2 playing together. The pins and scrapes have been removed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Page 9: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

Rainfall in the District Blyth Kybunga Hart Bowillia

Post Office AJ Wood Field Site Wayne Carling 2020 Feb 54.6mm 39.8mm 58.8mm 24.0mm

2019 Feb 8.0mm 2.0mm 5.4mm 4.6mm

2020 Mar 9.0mm 5.0mm 7.6mm 5.8mm

2019 Mar 2.2mm 2.0mm 2.8mm 3.0mm

2020 YTD 76.0mm 47.2mm 78.0mm 45.0mm

2019YTD 12.2mm 7.2mm 10.2mm 7.6mm




Blyth Community Library News Blyth Community Hall, Blyth Main Street.

Library Operator: Narelle Roberts 8844 5175 or 0458128932 Due to the COVID-19 Government regulations the

Blyth Library is closed until further notice.

DISCLAIMER: The Blyth Progress Assoc does not take responsibility for opinions expressed by contributors to this paper. The editors reserve the right to reject

articles and advertisements. The Editors also reserve to right to edit submissions if necessary. The Editor apologises for any mispelt names/words

Blyth Progress Association Committee Kerry Smith (Chair) 8844 5368; Secretary Vacancy; Denni Russell , Janet Zweck (Treas) 0457681694; Kym Schultz, Tracey Andriske, Ian Roberts, Gabrielle Kitschke, Deb & Jeff Hatfield, Graham VanDeere,

The ANZAC Day service has been cancelled in Blyth,

Families are encouraged to place a wreath or sprig of rosemary at the base of the War Memorial on ANZAC Day morning. Please observe social distancing and do not congregate around the memorial if more than one family is present.

Mark Norton took a snap of this visitor, a white-faced Heron at his home re-cently. Mark had not seen one at his property before, but apparently they are quite often in the paddocks with farm dams looking for insects or look-ing for your fish in your garden pond!!

Who would have thought in the Year 2020 we

would have a shortage of toilet paper??

A dust storm sweeps over the Blyth Plains prior to 25 mms falling over last weekend.

Page 10: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

Ph 8862 0800

BLYTH POST OFFICE Licensee: Ian Wandel


Ph/Fax 8844 5212

Peter McEwin and Michelle Burton were married on the Clare Golf Course on March 21st followed by the Reception in the clubhouse. Close family and friends shared the special day amidst the corona virus pandemic. They just scraped their wedding in within a whisker before restrictions took place. Granddaughters Alysia and Astrid were flower girls, nephews Isaac and Chris where page boys and their oldest grand-daughter Shay walked Michelle down to meet Pete and Michelle’s children Belle Leigh James and her brother gave Michelle to Pete. Pete’s children Liam and Enya were also present supporting their dad. Marriage celebrant Lyn Lovell from Adelaide performed the ceremony and a very dear friend Jenny Benham wrote a reading for them and read it at the ceremony. Robert Yates did a fantastic job as MC kept the night flowing. Awesome catering by Jodie Weckert with a sit down menu . The amazing band the Basham brothers entertained the crowd who danced the night away. Photos were by Matt Walker and Zinta. The Honeymoon has been postponed to Hamilton Island until our world gets back to some normality!.

Drew Salter, son of Andrew and Jo, and Lauren Marwede were married in the Botanic Gardens on 21st March and the reception followed at The Ellington Function Centre. Drew had his brothers Jack as Best man and Tyson as the Groomsman. Lauren's Bridesmaids were her sister, Amber, and her cousin, Bec Squires. Nads Wilkinson was photogra-pher. Drew and Lauren have made their in Mt Barker..

Michael & Kate Pudney were married on 21st March at Bun-garee Station. The wedding was always planned for the 21st but quite a few guests pulled out as they were coming in from interstate due to the coronavirus. The ceremony was held in the Bungaree Station grounds and the reception at the Clare Town Halls. The bridal party were groomsman Nigel Scott, Adam Rowley, Joel Hitch and bridesmaids Holly Morgan, Natasha Davis and Fiona Deverell. Michael, Kate and family continue to live in Blyth.

Ian Haysman and Angie Henbest married on 4th April Due to the COVID-19 government regulations changing fre-quently there were a few weeks of uncertainty as each re-striction was announced by our PM. “Our first change was gatherings unable to be in church. So ok we would hold it outside with everyone distancing. Then the next change was no gatherings at all at churches so we planned to hold it in Padnaindi Reserve, Blyth, with guests distancing. The next week it went to a limit of 5 at all wed-dings so we regretfully had to inform our guests they were no longer able to attend. The 5 people attending were Gus deJong officiating, Best man Darren Jury, Matron of Honour Joanne Takacs and ourselves keeping the 1.5 metre distanc-ing . The service was allowed to go back into the Clare Bap-tist Church. After the service and unknown to Ian & Angie, guests and church family members got together and from their cars parked across the road and heralded us with car horns and purple balloons. We are very blessed, and the rain in be-tween the sunshine was wonderful and much needed on the land. We plan to celebrate with the guests once all this is over.


Page 11: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

Wow. Just Wow! What a roller coaster ride. Thanks to all that have made con tact or sent messages of support. Our hearts are truly broken for our couples who are unable to go ahead with their special celebrations, and for the hardworking volunteer committees and event organisers. We are devastated for our awesome casual staff who will be sitting on the sidelines for some time. However, even though we have nothing foreseeable on the books for some time, we are still here, still working with you to put your future events together. We will still be here when the dust settles, guaranteed . We will be here raring to go when the fog clears. It’s as good as time as any to start putting your plans in place - via email or phone for now. (appointments will resume at a time de-termined by others). Kym & Richard With school holidays on the horizon, and the awesome weather hanging on, why not hire some lawn games for the kids to get them outside? Reduced rates for weekly hire.

The not so good news is The Blyth Hotel as per new govern ment regulations is no longer able to provide dine in food or drinks but the good news is that they can still do takeaway food and beverages.

Opening days: Tuesday to Saturday. Closed Sunday and Monday.

TAKE AWAY MEALS (Menu can be found on The Blyth Hotel Facebook page) Add a $1.00 surcharge per meal during this time. Minimum order will be $15.00 Kitchen times are from 6pm to 7.30pm. If you would like to place an order please do so between 5.30pm and 7pm. Ring 88445004 NB - Due to product shortages, some menu items may not be available. Bar snacks are still available. BEVERAGES Takeaways can be bought during trading hours or ring 8844 5004 to arrange pick-up. Leave a message if no answer and we will call you back asap. We apologise or any inconvenience, and look forward to your continued support. Darren & Lee

Covid 19 has hit us for a six! It has unfortunately forced us to delay the opening of the Breakout Escape rooms from the first week of the April school holidays to opening unknown.

We have also decided to suspend bookings at the Quarters until September 2020 (Open for harvest). We will contin-ue to accommodate the 4 people who have been working locally since before January, 2 are working vintage so will be leaving soon.


It is with sadness that we announce Dingo Dreaming will be closing as of Tuesday 24th March 2020. Inline with Social Distanc-ing, borders closing etc.

Our Online sales WILL continue for those wishing to make purchases. www.dingodreaming.com.au Stay safe .

Closed as from 1st April

Closed as from March 23rd


Hosts Darren & Lee


8844 5004

A sneak preview of what’s been happening inside the old hospital building.



Page 12: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

Next Newsletter Deadline is Friday 31st May 2020.

Please forward personal or club info/photos to Janet

Zweck. Ph/Fax 8844 5027; 0457681694 or

[email protected]

Geoff Brock MP

Member for Frome 8633 1210

PO Box 519, Port Pirie 5540

Rowan Ramsey MP

Fed Member for Grey 1300 301 742

PO Box 296, Port Pirie 5540

Keeping Active at Home during Covid-19

Find Your 30 Published on 18 September 2019 Every Australian adult should commit to at least 30 minutes of activity each day. The Department of Health says: Adults aged 18-64 should accumulate 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity or 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous activity each week. Children should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day. Find your 30 is all about finding practical ways in which anyone can work half an hour of activity into their day. There are simple solutions, like walking the extra block to work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and getting the whole family active together. You don’t have to climb a mountain, join a gym or wear lycra. You just need to get up, get moving and give your health and happiness a fighting chance. You can find your 30 At Home, At Work, On the Weekend Sport Australia have developed an easy guide to find 30 minutes each day

to get active. So why not take the challenge and find your 30 – Lets do this Australia!

Page 13: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP

WAKEFIELD REGIONAL COUNCIL Ph: 8862 0800 or 1300 762 500

Fax: 8862 1115 Email: admin @wrc.sa.gov.au

Website www.wrc.sa.gov.au Mayor: Rodney Reid

Local Councillors (Northern Ward):

Cr John Wood, Kybunga 08 88443209 Email: [email protected]

Cr Denni Russell, Blyth 0431 233 679 Email: [email protected]

Cr Joh Nicholls, Lochiel 0428662273 Email: [email protected]

Page 14: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP
Page 15: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP
Page 16: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP


MILLINGTON’S PTY LTD A member of National Rural Independents

for supply of Farm Products.

Always Competitive.

Account customers automatic after hours

service if home.

Hardi Parts Chemicals Innoculants Seed Pickle

Dips, Drenches & Vaccines Oils Seed & Salt blocks

Shares Airseeder hoses Bearings & Belts Nuts & Bolts

Belts & Chains Steel Cement

Pet Food Rat/Mouse Baits Fencing, Posts, Cyclone & Gates

Poly Pipe Troughs Tanks Pipe fittings Pumps

Phone: 8844 5007 Fax: 8844 5283

Mobile: 0407 395 950

1255 Blyth Road, Blyth SA 5462

PO Box 102 Blyth SA 5462

Ph: 0427613122/0429836454 [email protected]

Page 17: “A Town Like Blyth” · MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St PO BOX 127, BLYTH BLYTH Ph 8844 5255 8844 5007 Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St, Fax 8844 5283 NO EASTER WORSHIP


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