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JALALABAD” PHYSICAL ADDRESS Plot 285 Main Road De Deur South Africa


De Deur


CONTACT DETAILS Cell no: +27 82 696 4678/ +27 79 111 1911/ +27 82 744 5439 E-mail: [email protected]

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RULES AND REGULATIONS --------------------------------- 3

INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------- 3

1. THE INTENTION ---------------------------------------------------- 6

2. ADMISSION --------------------------------------------------------- 7

3. APPEARANCE ------------------------------------------------------- 9

4. DISCIPLINE -------------------------------------------------------- 10

5. WEEKLY REPORT BACK TO PARENTS ------------------------ 11

6. DEMERITS SYSTEM ---------------------------------------------- 12

7. PHONE CALLS ---------------------------------------------------- 14

8. ABSENTEEISM ---------------------------------------------------- 15

9. HOLIDAYS --------------------------------------------------------- 15

10. WEEKENDS ------------------------------------------------------ 16

11. MID-TERM WEEKEND ---------------------------------------- 16

12. PRINCIPAL’S DISCRETION ------------------------------------ 16

13. TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS ------------------------------ 17


OF STUDENTS ------------------------------------------------------- 17

15. “FEES” ------------------------------------------------------------ 20

16. BANNED ITEMS ------------------------------------------------ 22

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17. HYGIENE --------------------------------------------------------- 22

18. LAUNDRY -------------------------------------------------------- 22

19. SLEEPING -------------------------------------------------------- 23

20. SICKNESS--------------------------------------------------------- 23

21. CHANGING OF CLASSES -------------------------------------- 24

22. MENU ------------------------------------------------------------ 24

23. SNACKS----------------------------------------------------------- 25

24. SATURDAYS ----------------------------------------------------- 25

25. RECREATION ---------------------------------------------------- 26

26. BAYAANS -------------------------------------------------------- 26

27. QUOTA SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------ 27

28. COMPLAINTS --------------------------------------------------- 27

29. IMTIHAAN OF SABAQ PAARAHS --------------------------- 29

30. MAJOR IMTIHAAN --------------------------------------------- 29

31. SYLLABUS ---------------------------------------------------------- 2

32. COMPLETION OF HIFZ ------------------------------------------ 3

33. “JALSAS” AND FINAL SABAQ ---------------------------------- 3

34. SPECIAL HIFZ CLASSES ------------------------------------------ 4

35. REPORTS ----------------------------------------------------------- 7

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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem


All praises are due only unto Allah Subhaanahu Wata’aala

“Who created Man from a clot of blood and thereafter

“taught him what he knew not.”

Durood and Salaam be upon Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam

who said: “No parent has given anything better to his

children than Adab.” (Knowledge and Respect).

Our Institution is situated in the farming area called De Deur,

which is situated 8km from Roshnee on the main

Vereeniging – Johannesburg R82 road. (GPS co-ordinates --

26.501597,27.933329) This Madrasah was previously based

in Lenasia and has been in existence for approximately

thirty-two years. The Madrasah operates on the Sunnah

Maslak (methodology) of Deoband as understood by Hadhrat

Moulana Maseehullah (Rahmatullahi Alayh). Alhamdulillah,

with the Fadhl of Allah Ta’aala, it has produced more than

four hundred Huffaaz and a dozen Ulama including Muftis.

Every parent loves his child and simply wants the very best of

everything for him in life. Undoubtedly, the best gift which a

parent could bequeath to his child is the Knowledge of Deen.

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This gift will most certainly be a lifelong source of Blessings

and a genuine means of success in both this World and as

well as the everlasting Aakhirah.

The quest of Deeni Knowledge generally commences with

Hifz. In the Eyes of Allah Azza Wajal and his Beloved

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, a Haafizul-Qur’aan is



Thus Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:

“The best amongst you is he who learns and teaches the Holy


Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam also informed his

Ummah that those who learn the Holy Qur’aan are the

family of Allah Ta’aala.

Allahu Akbar! What a great honour… for is it not the Truth -

and nothing but the Truth - that Allah Most High, will always

Protect and Provide the Best for His Family?

We are pleased that you intend sending your child to learn

Deen. We are happy that you wish to sacrifice him in the

Path of Allah Ta’aala. We are thrilled that this Ummah will,

Insha-Allah, be blessed with one more Haafizul Qur’aan; one

more Aalim. We are determined, with the Fadhl of Allah

Ta’aala, to give your child the best Deeni Ílm coupled with a

sterling lofty character which reflects the Holy Quráan.

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In order to achieve our desired goals, there are certain rules

and regulations which need to be carefully noted.

These rules and regulations are, Alhamdulillah, strict but fair,

free from being oppressive and yet not so lenient that a child

is left free to do as he pleases. Our rules are meant to

inculcate a lost treasure called discipline. The rules will,

Insha-Allah, assist him in his mental, physical and spiritual

development. It will also, Insha-Allah, serve to avoid any

misunderstandings that may occur during his stay here.

For success we need to be compatible and comfortable with

one another. The Ustaads, the parents and the child need to

have common goals and a common clear vision. Success

cannot be achieved if a child is exposed to two different

lifestyles or the parent misunderstands the objective of the

Madrasah or the Madrasah does not have a clear vision of

what the parents aims and objectives are.

For instance, it is the objective of the Madrasah that a

student be taught the absolute need to perform 5 times

Salaah and practice upon the Sunnah. However, if instead of

performing Salaah, a child is allowed to watch T.V and be

exposed to images of half-naked women, blazing guns, pop

music and violent scenes, then that Hafiz-to-be will most

certainly going to be deeply confused and frustrated!

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Children are nowadays by and large pampered. They thus

cannot cope with the difficulties and the rigors of real life.

Boarding life does indeed teach a child how to cope with

some discomfort. It is here where a child is moulded to learn

how to negotiate difficulties and consequently to appreciate

the luxuries of home and how to value the love and kindness

of his parents and family, Insha Allah.

‘Ilm only shines in proportion to the sacrifices made. In

times before, students left home for ten years without

seeing their parents, family or friends. Because of such

SACRIFICES they were chosen by Allah Ta’aala for His Deen

and became the guiding stars of the Ummah.

It is our fervent Duáa that your child be amongst the chosen

servants of Allah Ta’aala. May it be that by learning Deen

your child’s life changes forever and even the lives of you as


Please do study and explain the following rules and

regulations to your child.


Some people may comment negatively on your decision to

enlist your child to learn Deen. Their criticism should not

affect you. Insha-Allah, firmly focus your gaze on the

following intention:

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“My child is Insha-Allah going to be a Haafiz/Aalim for the

Pleasure of Allah Ta’aala and we are prepared to sacrifice

anything in order to achieve this Ni’mat (bounty).”

Remember, ultimately, it is your child and it is your choice.

Before your child even starts his studies, make it clear to him

that there is no leaving – no matter what! A firm intention

will cement the child’s resolve.

Explain kindly to him that all you want is for him to be an up-

righteous Allah-fearing, practicing Haafiz and an Aalim who

can selflessly serve the Ummah. And to achieve this, you will

stand by him through thick and thin.

All our toilets are cleaned twice daily as well as the

bathrooms and wudhu khanas. We have a special worker

dedicated to only this task to ensure a high standard of

hygiene. The kitchen is fumigated thrice a year. Deep

cleaning of all carpets are done twice a year. It is for this

reason that we don’t allow cooked food in the boardings.


The Madrasah is not a reformatory or a rehabilitation centre.

Please do not enrol your child here if he is problematic or

going out of hand at home. Applicants from the age of

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twelve years are accepted; though exceptions are made in

some cases.

When a student completes his Hifz and he wishes to become

an Aalim, it should be understood and accepted that he will

continue here with his studies. Experience has proven that

students who hop from one Institution to another generally

tend to lose focus. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Some parents have not allowed their children to attend any

form of school or Madrasah since childhood. All the Ta’leem

etc. was done at home in order to safeguard the child from

evil and bad companionship.

We strongly advise such parents not to send their child to

the Madrasah. Rather employ an Ustaad to teach the child at

home as we cannot guarantee that the child may not be

exposed to wrongs.

It is impossible for the Madrasah to control the language and

the ways of each and every student. In any Madrasah there

will always be an assortment of students from different

backgrounds. Yes, we Insha-Allah, will try our best to ensure

that our environment conforms to a Deeni environment.

We prefer students from distant places to rather enrol their

child at an Institution close-by unless they have some

relatives nearby the Madrasah who can assist in looking after

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him in the event he is unwell etc. We do not have facilities to

cater for foreign students.


Since flashy and fancy clothing breeds pride and arrogance,

students are expected to wear white clothing. If we want our

children to be humble and modest, then we need to train

them and discipline them from when they are small. How a

person is dressed, speaks volumes of his character. No

clothing, socks or skippers which has any numerals,

alphabets, pictures or logos etc. will be allowed.

The Madrasah expects students to dress Islamically during

holidays and weekends. Trousers should be HEMMED

BEFOREHAND above the ankles. Rasoollullah Sallalllahu

Alayhi Wasallam has said: “Whatever flows below the ankles

(of a male) will be in Jahannam.” This is a clear and severe

warning that all men should heed seriously.

Beards should be lengthened. We stress this point: The

Madrasah will not tolerate the destruction of the Sunnah

and allow Ma’soom children to witness this being done. The

Love of the Sunnah is to be firmly ingrained in the student,


Anyone trimming the beard will be expelled. Haircuts will be

given to all students once in about a month without any

exceptions. Some parents prefer to cut the hair of their

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children at home. We have no problem as long as the haircut

is taken regularly without fail.


Our strict but fair rules are meant to protect your child. We

consider your child to be an Amaanat who needs to be

protected from all types of bad influences. Ill-discipline

affects other students. Students could be expelled for

smoking, disrespecting the Ustaads, fighting, having cell

phones and stealing etc.

Before expelling a student, parents will be informed of his

demeanour. If the student persists, then he would be


Students are disciplined in the following manner:

a) First and foremost they are educated about what is

acceptable and what is unacceptable

b) If any rule is broken they are warned verbally

c) If they persist, then they are detained during free time

d) If they still persist, then their parents are called up and

informed of the ill-discipline.

e) If they still do not reform then they are asked to leave the


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Nor would the parent or any relative have recourse to

debates and discussions etc. if a child is expelled.

Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children do not

“by mistake” bring a cell phone or any other prohibited items

to the Madrassah, especially after weekends.

Students involved with Haraam social media platforms such

as Instagram or any other photographic platforms will first

be admonished and thereafter expelled if they refuse to



Parents receive a weekly report of their child as shown


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A meticulous record of every student’s demerits is kept as

per the system below:


SYSTEM/DISCIPLINARY PROCESS Hereby follows a detailed explanation of how the Madrassah demerit

system works. The reasons for the demerits are also explained so that

parents may understand the need for it.





TOTAL = 30

The first thing we emphasize upon is the 5 times salaah. Students must

be in the Masjid at Athaan time. As a Muslim, you must have been

informed that a person who does not respect Athaan is in great danger

of losing his Imaan. If students are left free, they are bound to make a

huge noise during Azaan. Moreover, they will not reply to the Azaan, nor

recite the Masnoon Duas. Even worse, they will run into the Masjid late

and will not read their Sunnats etc.

Respected parents! The only point of contact and direct Ibaadat that we

have between ourselves and our Allah is Salaah. Fasting comes once a

year. Zakaat, Hajj etc. does not apply to many of the students.

It is much more important to respect and read Salaah correctly than

becoming a Haafiz or a Moulana. Thus, every Saturday afternoon, 1 hour

is spent teaching students Wudhu and Salaah. Every student is expected

to be in the Masjid before Athaan. If a student is late or misbehaves he

gets a demerit.

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TOTAL = 18

Students have to be present for all three meals. If a student decides not

to eat in the mess and survives on crisp, chocolates and noodles, how is

going to learn? Alhamdulillah we provide nutritious food which is

prepared under hygienic conditions. Private companies are regularly

called out for disinfection of the kitchen. If students are left free to

come whenever they want to, how will we know how many students to

cook for? Thus, we have a roll call to ensure that each student is

present. If not, a student gets a demerit.





TOTAL = 12

Students must be on time for morning and afternoon class. He cannot

come in whenever he wants to as this disrupts the order of the

Madrasah. Every institution is regulated by strict timetables to ensure

optimum learning. Discipline is the foundation of success. If a student is

late, he gets a demerit.





TOTAL = 18

This is also vitally important for the learning ability of a student. If a

student makes noise, screams, jumps, plays games etc, then it would

affect the sleep of not only your child, but other students as well.

Students wake up very, very early. In summer times they sleep after

morning classes, as well as after Zohr.





TOTAL = 12

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Students have to be taught to be responsible for their personal hygiene,

cleanliness and tidiness of their cubicles. Students have to ensure that

their beds are made, cupboards are neat, bins are emptied, floor is clean

and curtains are opened. Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:

“Cleanliness is half of Imaan”. For learning Hifz a clean, organized and

healthy environment is essential for a healthy body and a sharp mind.

Untidiness etc. will earn a student a demerit.





TOTAL = 10

Your innocent child is Insha Allah the Imaam of tomorrow of this

Ummah. He needs to be trained not tomorrow, but today o practice on

the Holy Quráan. The Miswaak is the last deed which Nabi Sallallahu

alayhi wasallam did before passing away. Salaah with miswaak earns

one seventy-two times more reward. As for the tasbeeh, it should be

our best friend for through it we remember to remember Allah Taáala.




1 demerit for 3 weeks One day off

Note: 2 demerits per week allowed in order to get Saturday afternoon off.

More than 2 demerits will result in a student being detained until Sunday

11.00 a.m.


No students are allowed to receive phone calls unless in an

extreme situation where the parent himself must phone the


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Students who do not go home weekly are allowed to receive

a three-minute phone call once a week.


Yes, we do worry when your child is absent. Please, do inform the Madrasah beforehand if he is going to be absent. Medical appointments should be made for the mid-term weekends or during the holidays. A Madrasah year planner has been specifically given to your child and has been placed on our website for your convenience. Our website address is as follows:


9. HOLIDAYS Parents will be informed at the beginning of the year as to

the exact dates of the holiday periods. Students who do not

know their work may be detained during holidays. Holiday

dates change from year to year. During the holidays, parents

are requested to assist with their children’s Ta’leem and

Tarbiyat by filling in the holidays monitoring chart.

Please ensure that students return on time as delaying

causes immense harm to the student’s attitude and work.

Below is a table outlining the estimated holiday periods.

Dec & Jan: 21 days From 21st Ramadaan: 21 days

March & April: 7 days Eidul-Adhaa: 7 days

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Students are allowed to go home every Saturday after Zohr

Salaah provided they complete all their work and their

behaviour is excellent. Parents are requested to fill in the

weekend Tarbiyat charts. It is important that students return

10 minutes before Maghrieb so that they could focus on

their next day’s work, otherwise they may not be given off.


Since the students are confined to the Madrasah compound

all the time, the Madrasah gives them a long weekend during

some of the mid-terms. This also gives parents a chance to

spend quality time with their children. Remember, in a

calendar year, your child only spends about 20 % full days of

the year at home. The balance 80% is spent in the Madrasah.

The mid-term weekend commences at 11.30 a.m. on Fridays

and concludes at Maghrieb on Sundays.


If a student displays exemplary behaviour and produces

outstanding work, he may be given off at any time at the

discretion of the Principal.

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All transport arrangements should be made in advance.

Refrain from giving lifts to students without the consent of

their parents and the Madrasah as this creates a lot of

confusion. Baaligh boys are not allowed to travel with Ghair-

Mahram ladies. Parents are welcome to organize their own

lift clubs. It is extremely to note that in the event of a

student being detained for not knowing his work etc., the

consequences would be with the parents to make alternative




Tarbiyat, in short, refers to refining one’s manners, respect,

behaviour and conduct etc. It refers to inculcating good

qualities such as gratitude, patience, Yaqeen, Love for Allah

Ta’aala and His beloved Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Tarbiyat also includes how to control greed, anger, jealousy

and other evil qualities. The Shariah has not only prohibited

immorality and evil but even anything that may lead to it.

Each student has a Tarbiyat book which he is expected to fill

in daily.

In order to ensure that your child is not misbehaving, he has

a book which he fills in once a week with regards to the

following issues:

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Cell phone

(a) Who has a cell-phone in the Madrasah (b) Where do they hide it?


Who smokes in the Madrasah?

Banned Items

(a) Who has a MP3/MP4? (b) Radio or tape recorder? (c) Memory card or flash drive? (d) Charger? (e) Cigarettes or matches/lighter? (f) Any weapon? (g) Sim card? (h) Any other, please specify:

Cooked food

Who brings cooked/fried food in the Madrasah?


(a) Who uses vulgar language? (b) Who speaks bad about the Ustaads?

Who speaks about the following:

(a) TV programs? (b) Movies/Videos? (c) Sports/Scores? (d) Girls? (e) Any other, please specify…

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Sleeping Time

(a) Who plays after lights off? (b) Who disrespects the monitors?


Who breaks… (a) Plants/Flowers? (b) Windows? (c) Walking on garden-beds bricks? (d) Doors/Locks? (e) Writes on doors? (f) Who troubles/chases or throw stones at the animals? (g) What do they do? (Please circle)


Wrong Relations/Bullying etc.

(a) Is there any wrong/haraam relation taking place in the Madrasah which we are unaware of? Who is involved and what do they do?

(b) Who calls you names you dislike? (c) Who steals in the Madrasah?

Boarding and behaviour

(a) Name 3 students who you think make the most noise/laugh aloud:

(b) Who runs around in the boarding? (c) Any buying, selling and borrowing taking place?


(a) Does any Ustaad hit you without a valid reason?

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(b) Is there anything we can do to improve your work? Please specify.


(a) Is there any problem in the mess which has to be brought to our attention?

Students could also request to speak to the principal in private! The above system is meant to protect your child from bad

influences. We must stress that we are extremely cautious

and are meticulous in verifying any information forwarded

before we pursue any issue. The books and all information

are kept strictly confidential. This system has been proven to

be extremely beneficial in assisting us to protect innocent


15. “FEES”

The difference between “fees” and contributions are that if

someone does not pay their fees, they get expelled.

Alhamdulillah, this has never been our policy as the Holy

Qur’aan is priceless. May Allah Azza Wajal always keep us on

the path of Ikhlaas. (Ameen)

The Madrasah does not charge any fees for teaching the

priceless Holy Qur’aan. The “fees” given are for looking after

the welfare of the child. The “fees” are accepted after

Maghrieb on Sundays of each month and are reflected in the

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Sabaq Paarah book with the signature of both the office and

the student.

The Madrasah is a private institution and not a public one. It

does not send any agents for collections. Only sincere and

unconditional donations will be accepted.

Due to the high costs of living and the different income

groups of parents, parents have been given an option to

contribute whatever they consistently can comfortably afford

for twelve months. No parent should feel stressed if they are

unable to contribute and should merely inform the Madrasah

so that our records may be accordingly adjusted. More

important than all the money in the World is that the student

be successful in his quest for ‘Ilm.

Lillah funds are used to assist students who cannot afford the

monthly fees as well as for student’s bursaries etc.

The following account could be used for Lillah funds:

It is important to make an intention of appointing the Principal as your unfettered Wakeel in all monetary and qurbani etc. matters.

When using banking facilities, kindly ensure that the

student’s name, surname and the month for which the

“fees” are given are stipulated in the reference or via sms.

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Under no circumstances should Zakaat, Lillah or Sadqah be

given to any of the Ustaads or staff, neither should any trade

be conducted with them as this leads to a lot of unwarranted



The following items are strictly banned:

Radios, newspapers, magazines, tape recorders, cell phones,

playing-cards, MP3/MP4 players, soft drinks of any nature,

tin foods, under-arm sprays, knives, ball sports, board games

etc. If any of the above are found on a student, it will be

confiscated. Absolutely NO COOKED FOOD OR TAKE AWAY

FOOD IS ALLOWED due to hygiene reasons.


All bathrooms, toilets and wudhu khanas are cleaned twice

daily. To ensure a high standard of hygiene, we have a

special worker dedicated to only this task. The kitchen is

fumigated thrice a year. Deep cleaning of all carpets are

done twice a year. It is for this reason that we don’t allow

cooked food in the boardings.


Students are expected to do their own laundry at home. Only

in cases where students are unable to do their own laundry,

will their clothing be washed at the Madrasah.

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Each student is responsible for his own personal belongings.

Unclaimed or discarded clothing or shoes etc. will be given

away as charity if not claimed within three months. Parents

are expected to label all clothing of students clearly. Some

students are very careless and leave their clothing around

and thereafter complain at home that someone stole their

clothing. Because of this, we have a register to ensure that

each student collects his clothing.


All boarding’s have an appointed supervisor to ensure that

students go and sleep on time. It is extremely vital to respect

the sleeping times and not to disturb the sleep of other

students. The Madrassah reserves the right to change a

student’s boarding if necessary. Though we try our best to

ensure that all cupboards etc. are maintained, it may be that

the drawers etc. are not always perfect.


If a child requires personal medical treatment, then the

parent would be requested to fetch him. Minor sicknesses

are treated at the Madrasah. Students are welcome to bring

their own panado, zambuk etc. However, they should seek

advice from the Ustaads before using it.

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Students may be shifted to another class during the course

of the year if need arises.

Sometimes they need a change in order to perform better.

Generally, students are consulted prior to their class being


22. MENU

It is compulsory for students to be present in the Mess

during meals.

The menu is as follows:

Breakfast: Tea, cereals, biscuits, bread, toast, jam etc. and

eggs (once a week)

Lunch: Dhal and rice (twice weekly), mutton curry and rice,

akni, biryani, kari kitchri, Spanish rice with sauce on Sundays

Supper: Baked Beans, Kebaab with mash potatoes,

spaghetti and mince, dhal, stew, steak curry and chicken

curry with bread and polony chip roll on Saturday nights.

Salads and fruit are Alhamdulillah given regularly. Due to

circumstances, the menu may change at times.

In order to prevent the breeding of cockroaches and other

insects, no student is allowed to eat in his cubicle. Some

students bring fried and cooked food from home and

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greedily store it in their cupboards. This in turn affects the

health of the entire institution. Parents are kindly requested

to co-operate in this regard.

Parents are welcome to visit their children on Sunday

afternoons and even share a meal with them. Please park

the vehicle in a Purdah-conscious way. Under no

circumstances are ladies allowed into the boarding areas or

pathways. Do not invite other students to join in meals etc.

as this causes lots of problems.


Whilst we do not mind students bringing some crisp and

chocolates etc., it must be in moderation. Three packets of

crisp and juices per week are reasonable. No tuna, noodles

and canned fruit is allowed. Our menu does include canned

fruit, spaghetti and other delicious meals, Alhamdulillah.

Obsession with food dulls the memory and weakens one’s



Saturdays are very important since all the week’s work is

accounted for on a Saturday. Parents will receive an

sms/whatsapp on Saturdays concerning their child’s weekly

progress. Saturdays are also dedicated to teaching practical

Wudhu, Qiraat, Masnoon Duáas and Salaah.

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We are currently updating facilities and Insha Allah hope that

the following activities will be ready in 2020 for Saturday


Horse riding


Boxing & Gyming

On Sundays after Zuhr salaah students can go for a walk in

the nature conservation area which is approximately 3km

from our Institution.

All activities are suspended during Ramadaan and due to

adverse weather.

Students are not allowed to pick and choose if they wish to

participate. It is not compulsory to participate.


There are Alhamdulillah, plenty of lectures given to the

students in order to make their Imaan stronger. Parents are

invited to participate in the bayaans as well on Saturdays,

(11.45 a.m. – 12.45 p.m.) and on Sundays (11.00 a.m. -12.00

p.m.) All the Bayaans are live streamed including those on

Jumaáh. Students are also daily repeatedly reminded why

they are here.

In the bayaans, respect is strongly emphasized upon, the

love for Jannah is called towards, Jahannam is warned about

and the temporary nature of life is explained and obedience

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unto Allah and His Rasool Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is

stressed upon. In short, Alhamdulillah, the message of the

Holy Qur’aan is explained.

Our greatest fear is NOT that your son does not complete his

Hifz! Rather our greatest fear is that he does NOT PRACTICE

UPON THE HOLY QURÁAN for then he is surely doomed.

How many are the Huffaaz not who after having obtained

Allah’s Divine Treasure, and His Glorious Message, destroy it

and mutilate it with leading sinful lives! Wallah! The Holy

Qur’aan will either take one to Jannah or to Jahannam. Of

this, there is no doubt!

May Allah Ta’aala save grant us all Hidayat to practice upon

the Holy Quráan and save us all FROM DISRESPECTING THE

Holy Quráan. Ameen.


Every Hifz student is expected to complete a certain amount

of work per week. Students not completing their quotas are

detained for the weekend. This aids everyone in having a

clear picture with regards to the progress made.


If something is disturbing your child, he has numerous

avenues to get help. He can approach the principal, the vice

principal or his class Ustaad or any other Ustaad for

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assistance. If he is scared, he could write a note, even if it is


In the event of any problems between students etc, parents

should contact the principal directly or the deputy principal.

Insha-Allah, the appropriate steps will be taken to resolve

the issue.

It is vitally important that parents do not accept any complaints from the child without prior verification. This

is extremely important as Shaytaan will seek every possible excuse to break the spirit of the child.

Shaytaan will desperately seek to influence a student:

“The food is too salty, the food s too strong, the food is too oily, the meat has smell, the food tastes funny…the students are threatening to spy me for nothing, the students are troubling me, the students are making noise, the students are stealing my things, the rules are too strict, the Ustaad is favouring others, the Ustaad is picking on me, the Ustaad is hitting me, why can’t we get pizzas…etc”.

Some of these complains may by be valid in some instance. However, in the overwhelming majority cases we find that the student is making up or overstating the problem as he wants an excuse to leave.

Students should also be alerted NOT TO MIND the business of other

students or anything else that may distract them from their studies.

Carrying tales is strictly forbidden as well as interfering in the

administrative affairs of the Institution.

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As far as learning is concerned the following measures have been instituted to Insha Allah, get the most out of your child:

Strict weekly sabak quotas.

Upon completion of a paarah, the paarah must be

given TEN times before the student is tested in the


Only 3 mistakes are allowed in a paarah

Upon passing a paarah, parents are informed of the

results of the Imtihaan.

In addition to the above the following questions concerning

the paarah done:


Two major Imtihaans are conducted during the course of the

year wherein Imtihaan is taken of all the students work over

a period of two weeks.

Students will also be tested with the following questions:

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Questions concerning the Paraah

Pass Fail

What is the first Aayet of this Paarah?

What is the last Aayet of this Paraah?

What is the first Aayet of each quarter?

What is the last Aayet of each quarter?

How many Rukus in this Paarah? (1)

How many Surahs in this Paarah? (1)

Questions concerning the Surahs in this Paarah

What are the names of the complete Surahs in this Paarah?

What is the beginning of each Surah in this Paarah?

What is the ending of each Surah in this Paarah?

Questions on 6 Mutashaabihaats

Paraah Quarter Ruku Paraah Quarter Ruku

1 4

2 5

3 6

Questions Concerning Rukus in this Paarah Tajweed Imtihaan

First Aayat of each Ruku Last Aayat of each Ruku

Passed Failed Passed Failed

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The Madrasah syllabus consists of the following subjects:



Spot Checking

Paraah Questions? (Approximately 75 Per

Paarah. (+-2250 for the entire

Quráan Sharief)

Quráanic Words (This is a booklet of 20 pages which consists of 82.6% of the whole

Quráan Sharief)


54 Tajweed Rules


(Practical examples with exercises)

Correct Tajweed of 115 common

Words in the Holy Quráan

Qiraat 30th Juz


There are some 250 practical

Sunnats which are monitored and filled in daily by

students, Alhamdulillah


Wudhu theory with meaning of Duaas

Practical Wudhu

Salaah theory with translation

Practical Salaah


Complete Duroosul Fiqh over 3 years

consisting of 283 lessons.

95 Sunnats theory

105 Masnoon Duáas

Tarbiyat and Adab


English Reading (Stories of Auliyaa)

English Grammar (Students



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No student is allowed to complete unless his work is

extremely pakka. Sabaq will be stopped when a student

completes 28 Paarahs. Whenever the student completes

thorough Dor of 28 Paaraahs, only then will he be allowed to

complete his Hifz.

You as a parent wanted the best for your child when you

admitted him here. After approximately 3 years of slogging,

sweating and stressing, a day will come when Insha Allah

your child will recite the ENTIRE QUR’AAN SHARIEF IN

FIFTEEN HOURS in one day.


Once a student thoroughly completes his 28 Paarahs Dor,

parents will be contacted to discuss as to which of the

following methods they would prefer for their child’s

completion of the Holy Quraan Shareef:

1. Recitation of the final sabaq to the class Ustaad in

the presence of only the parents if they wish to


2. The last sabaq can be recited during the annual

“Jalsah” on the last Sunday at 11.00 a.m. of the


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3. At times the student may complete during the

course of the year. Insha Allah parents will be

consulted in this event.

No student is permitted to have his name printed, engraved

etc. on any cards, invitation letters etc. The completion of

Hifz is a very, very low key event which takes place at a time

when the normal weekly Sunday Bayaan takes place.

The Bayaan commences at 11.00 a.m. and concludes at Zohr

time (12.30)


Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam made a the following

heartfelt and profound Duáa:

“O my Sustainer! O my Sustainer! O my Sustainer!

O Allah! O Greatest! O the All-hearing! O the All-seeing!

O The One who has no partner and the One who has no


O The Creator of the Sun and the Splendid Moon!

O The Refuge of the one who is afflicted, who is in fear, who

is in search of refuge!

O The Provider of Sustenance to a little child!

O The Joiner of Broken bones!

I beg of You like the begging of one who is afflicted, who is in


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I beg of You like one who is in a disastrous situation.

I beg of You through the medium of the Knots of Honour of

Your throne, through the Keys of Mercy of Your book,

through the Eight Names that are written on the horn of the


O Allah, I ask you through Your grandeur and Your Greatness,

and through the illumination of Your Countenance –

that you bestow upon me the Glorious Qur’an

that you completely infuse it in my flesh, in my blood,

in my hearing, in my seeing

that you make my body act on it through your power

and control

that you make the Qur’an the spring of my heart and

the remover of all my sorrows”

Suhanallah… If possible read this Duáa again! Which

Muslim would not want his child to dedicate his

entire life to the Holy Quráan?

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Many are the parents who, Masha-Allah, want only

the best for their children. Alhamdulillah, for

students who complete Hifz, we do have a system

in place to recite the ENTIRE QUR’AAN SHARIEF IN

FIFTEEN HOURS in one day.

In the light of the above heart rendering hadeeth which Nabi

Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has displayed for the Holy Quran

Shareef, the Madrasah has undertaken the initiative to

introduce a special Hifz class which will consist of students

which have comleted their Hifz and who wish to further

intensify and consolidate the Holy Quran over a period o a

year. In addition to making a weekly khatam they will Insha-

Allah doing as well:

1. 400 Questions concerning the Quran Kareem and

Mutashaabihaatsas well as the amount of Manzils,

Rukus, Surats, Paras, details. Etc

2. Learning how to to write the Quran Kareem (Minimum

1 Paarah Insha-Allah)

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3. History of the Quran Kareem

4. Imaamat

5. Masaail

6. Khutbah


Reports are not based only upon knowing one’s work, but

also upon how much a student practices upon the Holy


A sample of the report is hereby reproduced below:

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WUDHU “O you who believe! When you

intend to offer As-Salat (the prayer), wash…”

SUNNATS Say: "If you love Allah, then follow me, (in return) ALLAH will Love You and forgive

your sins…

Wastage of water 95 Daily Sunnats Amount

Total Student

Miswaak Awakening Sunnats 6 x 2 12

Wudhu Practical Imtihaan

Bathroom Sunnats 11 x

5 55

SALAAH “Guard strictly the Salah, especially the middle Salah. And stand before

Allah with obedience.”

Dressing Sunnats 8 8

Wudhu Sunnats 16 x

4 64

Salaah First Saff Takbeer

Ulaa Athaan Sunnats 3 x 5 15

Fajr Masjied Sunnats 7 x 5 35

Zuhr Morning Masnoon Duaas for protection

8 8

Asr Entering/Leaving Home or boarding

4 x 4 16

Maghrib Eating Sunnats 14 x

3 42

Esha After Maghrieb Duaas for protection

8 8

Ishraaq Sleeping Sunnats 10 x

2 20

Chaasht (Duhaa) Total 283

Awaabeen Sunnats Imtihaan Theory

Tahajjud Masnoon Duaas Test (105)


LOVED BY ALLAH TAA’LA! Practical Salaah Test

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Success is not wealth…success is not status. The Holy Quráan says that:

“Verily those who cleanses their souls, are indeed successful. Andverily those who soil their souls are doomed” (Surah


TARBIYAT “Indeed he succeeds who purifies his


CLEANLINESS “And purify your garments! And keep

away from uncleanliness!”

Punctuality in returning after long weekends

Personal Hygiene

Masjied behaviour Room cleanliness

Roll call attendance Cupboard Neatness

Meals attendance Quraan Neatness

Sleeping time behaviour TASBEEH “O you who believe! Remember Allah with

MUCH remembrance.”! Bayaan attentiveness

CONDUCT “and to parents do good and to relatives,

orphans, and the needy. And speak to people good [words] …

3rd Kalima

Durood Sharief

Respect for Ustaad Istighfaar

Respect for Students 99 Names of Allah Ta’ala

Kind Speech “Remember Allah and Allah will

remember you…” (Surah Baqarah)

Symbols A – Excellent C – Fair B – Very Good D –Needs to improve

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Name: __________________________ Class: ___________________

Imtihaan preparation chart



Quota: Year

Test Passed/ Repeat



Second Repeat

Imtihaan Date

1. Naazarah

5 Oct

2. Miftahut Tajweed (Rules) Complete

12 Oct

3. Miftuhud Tajweed (Test) Complete

12 Oct

4. Common Words Complete

12 Oct

5. Qiraat Surah Fajr- Surah Naas

23 Nov

6. Quráanic Words

7 Nov

7. Aadaab of the Quráan Sharief and the Ustaad


6 Nov

8. Hifz

2 Dec – 13 Dec

9. Spot checking Complete

2 Dec – 13 Dec

10. Questions on Paarah Complete

2 Dec – 13 Dec

11. Wudhu Duáas Complete

16 Nov

12. Practical Wudhu (Chart)


19 Oct

13. Meaning of Salaah (Chart)


12 Nov

14. Practical Salaah (Chart)


26 Oct

15. Du’aa after Salaah (Chart)


16 Nov

16. 99 Names of Allah Taáala Complete

2 Nov

17. Masnoon Duáas

23 Nov

18. 95 Daily Sunnats Complete

19 Nov

19. Durusul Fiqh

30 Oct

20. Aadaab Complete

21 Nov

21. English

4 Nov

22. Maths 5 Nov

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The above rules and regulations are

subject to change without prior notice as

per the needs and requirements of the

Madrasah and in the best interest of the



Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has stated:

“When a person dies his deeds come to

an end except from three sources:

Sadaqa-e-Jaariyah (perpetually

recurring Sadaqah),

Knowledge (passed on) from which

benefit is derived, or a pious child who

makes Dua.”

The Qabr awaits us all! It is at the crucial time of Maut when we will truly appreciate the effort and the sacrifices we made to impart Deen to our children, Insha Allah. May Allah Ta’aala make all our children pious. Ameen

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