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Page 1: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019

Pulses Today’s Developments:

• Tur traded weak with increasing arrivals in major markets amid slower pace of procurement by

various agencies. Total procurement by Nafed, has reached at 1.44 lakh tonne. Arrival pressure is

likely to continue amid restricted buying by private trades. There is a common view in the market

that tur price may go down by Rs100-150 more from current level as bulk users demand remains

sluggish at this point of time. However, any major dip is unlikely as crop size is lower this year.hana

• Recovery in chana market is unlikely to sustain after Holi. Demand from millers and lower arrivals in

mandis have helped market to recover. In Delhi market chana is being traded at Rs4200-4250. It may

move slightly up further.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• (08 Mar 2019) Nafed in Maharashtra has started selling chana. Around 31,500 MT has been offered.

Selling in various states is likely to continue as it has to procure new one. In north and Central India

market farmers may retain stock for better price and it might affect normal arrivals in mandis.

Besides, procurement in major states are expected from end March and it may support chana market

to some extent. Demand for besan is increasing and mills would continue to fulfill its immediate

demand. So, chana may get some support at current level. However, after Holi pressure might be

build up again.

• (06 Mar 2019) Despite decision to release imported pulses, lying on various ports, by Madras High

Court, Kolkatta custom has denied to clear 4000 containers of pulses at ports. Out of total containers

there is 2000 containers of Urad,500 is of tur and the rest is of peas. The hearing would continue.

• (04 Mar 2019) Burma is offering tur lemon at $585 per MT basis Indian ports. Old tur is being offered

at $520 per MT.Linkly at $540 per MT. Urad FAQ is being traded at$490 and SQ at $585 per MT basis

Indian ports. Chana kabuli is being offered at $630 per tonne and Hollan at $670 per MT. Moong

Pakaku is being offered at $680 and red rajma at $980 per MT.

• (28 Feb 2019) DGFT has has separated HS code for moong and urad now. Before this HS code for

urad and moong was 07133100. Now it is 07133110 for urad and 07133100 for moong. Actually, it

would make it easy to quantify import-export of both commodities now.

• (25 Feb 2019) Pressure continues on pulses market despite procurement drive in South Indian states.

Private buyers are almost inactive for bulk purchase as demand from retail market remains

restricted. Chana ,Tur, urad and moong are awaiting from demand. As procurement is on, any major

decrease is unlikely at this point of time. Recovery depends on demand improvement in coming

weeks. Market is well aware of the fact that there is plenty of stock in central pool and with new

arrival supply side will be at ease.

• (23 Feb 2019) Uncertainty over import quantity and govt’s move would be a price driving factor in

coming months.Rabi crop size is expected to be lower than normal expectation. However, huge stock

in central pool would continue to cap uptrend in the near term.

• (20 Feb 2019) Pressure continues on pulses market as 2nd adv. estimate for foodgrains, likely by the

end of this month, is believed to be higher than normal market expectation. Bulk buyers are cautious

amid weak demand and continued arrival from new crop. Weather is likely to be dry from next week

and harvesting activities would increase. Procurement drive in limited region too are pressurizing

market. Overall trend in pulses market seems bearish. Chana, tur and urad may trade Rs 100-150

lower from current level.

• (19 Feb 2019) As per market sources around 250 containers of pulses including Urad, tur, masur and

pea were cleared at Chennai port on Feb 16th.It is said that cleared pulses bill of landing was before

25th Jan-2019.Actually, pulses that have been cleared had already OCC and plant quarantine

Page 2: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019

certificate. Confirmation is awaited from authorized authority. As per market sources, more

import/release clearance at port is unlikely now.

• (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon

peas, mung beans and black matpe) in WTO. Both countries have presented their own calculation

for inspection of WTO members. India’s MSP for 5 pulses is about 26 times higher at Rs. 69,923 crore

in place of the notified Rs. 2,667 crore, according to a joint submission made by the countries to the

WTO on 12th February. It appears that India’s MSP for pulses is very much in excess of what it has

reported to the WTO.

Price & Arrival:

Black Gram

State/District Market

Modal Price

(Rs/Qtl) Chang



(Qtl) Chang

e Source

09 Mar


08 Mar











a Branded) 7350 7350 Unch NA NA - Agriwatch


Pradesh Vijaywada 5200 5200 Unch 800 800 Unch Agriwatch

Tamil Nadu Villupuram NA 4789 - NA 400 - Agmarkne


Tamil Nadu Chennai 4050 4050 Unch NA NA - Agriwatch


State/District Market

Modal Price

(Rs/Qtl) Chang



(Qtl) Chang

e Source

09 Mar


08 Mar











r NA NA - 2 NA - eNAM


Pradesh Kurnool 4489 NA - 6 NA - eNAM

Maharashtra Akola 5150 5150 Unch 55 85 -30 eNAM


Pradesh Vijayawada 4600 4600 Unch NA NA - Agriwatch

Page 3: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019


State/District Market

Modal Price

(Rs/Qtl) Chang



(Qtl) Chang

e Source

09 Mar


08 Mar








Rajasthan Jodhpur 5060 5050 10 24 21 3 eNAM

Karnataka Gulbarga NA 4826 - NA 90 - Agmarkne



Pradesh Harda NA 5196 - NA 177 -



Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada 5400 5400 Unch 300 300 Unch Agriwatch


State/District Market

Modal Price

(Rs/Qtl) Chang



(Qtl) Chang

e Source

09 Mar


08 Mar








Andhra Pradesh Kurnool 3740 3989 -249 20 16 4 eNAM

Andhra Pradesh Yemmiganu

r NA 4223 - NA 3 - eNAM


Pradesh Indore 4025 4025 Unch 1200 1000 200 Agriwatch

Rajasthan Bikaner NA NA - NA NA - eNAM

Chana at NCDEX

Contract Open High Low Close Change Volume O.Int

19-Mar 4130 4142 4110 4114 -20 16450 15350

19-Apr 4174 4186 4157 4163 -14 24660 52270

19-May 4217 4228 4201 4204 -13 2050 12640

As on 08 March- - 2019 at 5pm Rs/Quintal

Page 4: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019


Current Developments:

• (11.03.2019)Madhya Pradesh offers to sale total 3623.79 MTs of Groundnut kharif 18 PSS and

total 7329 MTs of Groundnut Rabi 18 PSS on 11th March 2019. While, Gujarat offers total 31658

MTs of groundnut pods PSS K-17 for disposal as on 11th March 2019.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets: • (07.03.2019) Stocks with farmers and private traders were about 1.0 lakh tons while NAFED has 3.6

lakh tons of groundnut stock. So, total stock in NAFED is 10.40 lakh tons apart from additional stocks

with trade and farmers. Farmers have around 2 lakh tons of groundnut stocks with factory is around

1 lakh tons. High stocks are weighing on prices of groundnut.

• (07.03.2019) In the second advanced estimates, ministry expects lower Indian groundnut crop

(Kharif and Rabi) at 69.70 lakh tonnes for 2018/19 season against 82.17 lakh tonnes in 2017/18.

Kharif groundnut crop size during 2018-19 is estimated at 54.41 lakh tonnes which is lower by

17.74% than the production of 66.15 million tonnes in 2nd Advance Estimates of 2017-18. Less

rainfall at initial stage of crop and lower acreage are the main reason to cut output of Groundnut.

• (22.02.2019) We expects AP groundnut crop size at 4.21 lakh metric tonnes for 2018/19 season

lower from previous year crop size i.e. 5.48 lakh metric tonnes as farmers are covering lower sowing

area so far.

• (19.02.2019) As per APEDA data, India’s groundnut kernel shipment declined at 3.57 Lakh tonnes

during April-December 2018 amounting total Rs. 2,394 crore. This was lower than the corresponding

figures of 3.88 LT and Rs 2,647 crore. The country exported total 5.04 lakh tonnes of groundnut

kernel in 2017-18 (April-March) valued Rs. 3,386.30 crore.

• (15.02.2019) As per recent ministry report, total groundnut area in India has been reported down

at 4.81 Lakh hac. in this year as compared to 6.27 lakh hac. in previous year. In AP, it is recorded at

0.58 lakh hac. for this year which is lower than 0.85 lakh hac. in the previous year.

• (13.02.2019) As per recent updates, GSCSL (Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited )

procured total 4.25 lakh tonnes of Groundnut from 2.10 lakh farmers of the state at the cost of Rs.

2127 crore. The operation of procurement of groundnut from farmers by the central government

under price support scheme (PSS) ended in Gujarat on 12th Feb 2019.

• (12.02.2019) As per recent ministry report, India covers lower Groundnut sowing area in AP to 0.58

lakh Ha. of the current season as compared to 0.85 lakh Ha in previous year. It is down by 0.27%.

• (7.02.2019)Nafed has announced to close the procurement of groundnut now due to less

availabilities of stocks in mandis. The agency procured around 668,486 tonnes of groundnut worth

Rs 3,269 crore for the current season and is carrying over an inventory of around 300,000 tonnes

worth around Rs 1,500 crore. Nafed officers stated that they will restart the sale of Kharif 2017 and

2018 groundnut in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh on February 11,2019.

Current price of Groundnut in India is quoting 10% higher than current International prices.

• (6.02.2019) As per recent updates from DGCIS, Gujarat shipped total 1.79 lakh tonnes groundnut

worth Rs. 1224 crore in April to November of the 2018/19 fiscal. The state may export lower size of

groundnut around 2.50 lakh tonnes during this end of this fiscal due to less competitive prices in

domestic & global market. In 2017/18, Gujarat's shipment was recorded at 3.22 lakh tonnes (value

Page 5: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019

at Rs. 2115 crore). Lowest volume of Gujarat's exports may reduce total groundnut exports volume

of India for the season 2018/19.

• (2.02.2019) As per recent ministry report, India covers lower Groundnut sowing area in AP to 0.55

lakh Ha. of the current season as compared to 0.85 lakh Ha in previous year.

• (18.01.2019)-In the second advanced estimates AP has downward revised the Kharif production

estimate of GN to 3.29 lakh tons as against 4.05 lakh tons in 1stAdvanced estimates. Rabi groundnut

production is estimated at 1.49 lakh tons.

• (02.01.2019)-The groundnut Rabi sowing has been lower y-o-y as the lower residual moisture hasn’t

helped farmers going for the rabi crop in states of Telangana and Karnataka. However in TN the

sowing is better as the rains has been good.

• The North East Monsoon as on 26th Dec closed with overall 41% deficit. Rabi groundnut area such

as Telangana was deficit by 65%, SI Karnataka by 41%, NI Karnataka by 65%, Rayalseema by 62% and

TN by 22%. Thus the NE monsoon rainfall also didn’t assist in rising groundnut acreages despite of

the prevailing higher groundnut prices as compared to last year.

• (19.12.2018)-With the groundnut modal prices at Adoni bottoming out for the season the downside

potential remains limited and the tone of bullishness depends on the quantum of rabi and summer

groundnut arrivals in AP and crop performance in nearby states. Gujarat summer crop is going to

be one of the lowest and hence fresh supplies from rabi and summer seems to be lower as of now.

• (18.12.2018)-The current cyclone Pethai has brought copious and widespread rains in many parts of

Karnataka, TN, AP and Telangana. Such rain is going to much benefit the prospects of rabi groundnut

sowing. However it is too early to say anything about the spring summer crop which usually happens

to be very negligible in these states.

• (30.11.2018)-The state government of Gujarat after delay of almost a week has decided to expedite

the payment of dues to the groundnut farmers. The first instalment of Rs.167 crore will be paid to

the farmers in the next two days. The government had purchased 40,000 tonnes groundnuts worth

Rs 198 crore from farmers but only Rs 1.22 crore has been paid since the date of purchase

(November 15).

• (22.11.2018)-Exporters of groundnut have urged the Union government to provide 10% incentive

under the Merchandise Exports from India scheme (MEIS) to increase exports to China and the

European Union. Though China and European Union are the major markets for oilseeds, India

exports minimal quantities to these countries. China imported about 290,000 tonnes of groundnut

in 2017-18 and India’s share was only 627 tonnes. Overall imports of groundnut by European Union

is about 8 lakh tonnes and India imports around 15,000 tonnes. India is facing competition from

African countries which has zero duty on exports to China.

• (20.11.2018)-The Gujarat government will conduct groundnut procurement in coordination with the

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (Nafed). Earlier, differences

had surfaced after Nafed refused to procure groundnut and other agriculture crops citing

inadequate infrastructure with the State agencies. Nafed's concerns came after last year’s reports

of irreg-ularities and malpractices at groundnut warehouses. As per the latest data, so far 8700

tonnes of groundnut worth Rs.43 crore has been procured from over 3700 farmers in the State.

Page 6: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019

Price & Arrival:



ct Market Variety

Modal Price

(Rs/Qtl) Chang


Arrivals (Qtl)


e Source












Adoni NA 4439 NA NA 96 NA NAM

Dharmavaram Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Gooti Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Guntakal Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Kadapa Local NA NA NA NA NA NA NAM

Kadiri Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Kalyandurg NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Kurnool 4607 4429 178 32 52 -20 NAM

Madakasira JL-24 NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Penukonda Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Piler Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Rayachoti Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Srikalahasti Other NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Tenakallu Local NA NA NA NA NA NA Agmarknet

Yemmiganur NA 4560 NA NA 35 NA NAM





Rajkot 4000 3750 250 30 47 -17 NAM


Nagarkurnool NA 4419 NA NA 258 NA NAM

Suryapeta 5119 4689 430 4 13 -9 NAM

Tandur 4511 4500 11 53 28 25 NAM


Town NA 4387 NA NA 60 NA NAM

Page 7: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11 March 2019


Today’s Developments

(No significant developments today)

Recent Developments that are still influencing the Market:

• (7 March 2019) - Onion prices are expected to trade on lower side only for next couple of weeks

because of continuous rabi arrivals from producing regions.

• (5 March 2019) - In Maharashtra, arrivals during the period 1st February to 28th February 2019 are

4.8% higher than last year during same period.

• (5 March 2019) - Across the country fresh crop is coming in market from Maharashtra, Rajasthan,

Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.

• (26 February 2019) - Across the country prices are trading on lower side because of continuous

supply from producing regions. Also last year kharif production was lesser and crop was damaged

in South Indian states due to cyclonic condition whereas this year Rabi stock was higher and

hoarded which lasted till January month.

• (21 February 2019) - Prices are trading steady in most of the markets because of continuous

arrivals from producing regions.

• (18 February 2019) - All India Rabi production is estimated to be approximately 134.71 lakh tons

which is 10.83% lesser than last year’s production of 151 lakh tons.

• (18 February 2019) - Across the country prices are trading on lower side because of continuous

supply from producing regions.

• (11 February 2019) - In Kurnool, onion arrivals reported higher on Friday because of which prices

dropped down to Rs 50-Rs 100/ quintal.

• (7 February 2019) - All India Rabi production is estimated to be approximately 10% lesser than

last year production of 151 lakh tons.

Price and Arrivals in Major Markets


State Market

Modal Wholesale Prices (Rs/Qtl) Arrivals in Tons

Source 09 Mar


08 Mar

2019 Change

09 Mar


08 Mar

2019 Change

Gujarat Ahmedabad 450 475 -25 680 628 52 Agmarknet

Rajkot 400 425 -25 150 100 50 Agmarknet

Karnataka Bangalore NA 600 - NA 2177 - Agmarknet

Belgaum 700 NA - 596 NA - Agmarknet

Madhya Pradesh Indore 450 NA - 1155 NA - Agmarknet

Maharashtra Lasalgaon NA 615 - NA 2475 - Agmarknet

Pune NA 350 - NA 1799 - Agmarknet

Andhra Pradesh Kurnool 580 600 -20 120 32 88 Agmarknet

Rajasthan Jaipur 550 650 -100 480 240 240 Agmarknet

Telangana Hyderabad 600 650 -50 650 700 -50 Agmarknet

Page 8: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Potato Today’s Development:

• In West Bengal, amid higher production state Government has declared minimum procurement

price of Rs 550/ quintal in order to assist the potato grower in major producing districts with effect

from 1st March 2019.

Developments that are still influencing the Markets:

• (7 March 2019) - According to trade sources loading in West Bengal has started and production is

estimated to be higher this year compared to last year production of 130 lakh tons amid

favourable weather conditions.

• (7 March 2019) - According to trade sources loading in cold storages of U.P is continuous and

traders are expecting capacity utilization of 90-95% this year compared to last year capacity

utilization of 78.14%. Last year total capacity was 142.18 lakh tons.

• (6 March 2019) - Potato crop loading in cold storages is continuous progress in major producing


• (5 March 2019) - In West Bengal, sowing is completed and traders are expecting acreage to be

similar to previous year’s 4.26 lakh hectares.

• (5 March 2019) - In U.P, potato acreage is estimated to be 5.80 lakh hectares compared to 6.10

lakh hectares.

• (5 March 2019) - In Bihar, Potato acreage is estimated to be 3.49 lakh hectares compared to last

year acreage of 3.18 lakh hectares.

• (5 March 2019) - In Gujarat, traders are expecting acreage to be similar to previous year which

was 1.16 lakh hectares.

• (1 March 2019) - According to trade sources in U.P, loading is disrupted as harvesting is delayed

because of recent rains. Traders are expecting loading to be regular in next 2-3 days.

• (25 February 2019) - Potato prices are trading on higher side this year compared to previous year

during same time because of lower acreage in Punjab and U.P this year followed by crop damage

in U.P to some extent due to recent rains and hailstorms.

Price and Arrivals at Major Markets


State Markets

Modal Wholesale Prices (Rs/Qtl) Arrivals in Tons

Source 09 Mar


08 Mar

2019 Change

09 Mar


08 Mar

2019 Change

Gujarat Surat NA NA - NA NA - Agmarknet

Andhra Pradesh Palamaner 500 500 Unch 1 0 0.80 NAM

Karnataka Bangalore NA 650 - 0 927 -927 Agmarknet

Belgaum 1200 NA - 222 NA - Agmarknet

Madhya Pradesh Indore 800 NA - 870 NA - Agmarknet

Maharashtra Pune NA 1100 - NA 721 - Agmarknet

Delhi Delhi NA 587 - NA 1576 - Agmarknet

Uttar Pradesh Agra NA 530 - NA 1195 - Agmarknet

Page 9: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Tomato Today’s Developments:

(No significant developments today)

Developments that are still influencing the Market:

• (6 March 2019) - Fresh crop from U.P (Kanpur, Etawah) regions has started coming in market and

crop from other districts like Amroha and Moradabad will start in a couple of weeks.

• (5 March 2019) - Across the country tomato crop is coming in market from M.P, Rajasthan,

Gujarat, Maharashtra and smaller quantity from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

• (1 March 2019) - IMD has forecasted rains and hailstorms in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan for next

few days which may damage the tomato crop and may push the prices upward.

• (26 February 2019) - Fresh crop from U.P (Kanpur, Etawah) regions has started coming in market

and crop from other districts will start in a couple of weeks.

• (25 February 2019) - Across the country tomato crop is coming in market from M.P, Rajasthan,

Gujarat, U.P and smaller quantity from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

• (21 February 2019) - IMD has forecasted rains and hailstorms in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya

Pradesh which may damage the tomato crop and may push the prices upward.

• (20 February 2019) - In Maharashtra, tomato prices are trading on higher side because local crop

is coming in market in smaller quantity and traders are importing tomato crop from other states

like Gujarat, Chhattisgarh etc. for consumption.

• (15 February 2019) - According to trade sources tomato crop in Pimpalgaon is lesser compared to

previous year and this period is lean period.

• (15 February 2019) - In Madhya Pradesh, arrivals during February month (1st Feb to 16th Feb 2019)

reported approximately 6% lesser than last year during same period. Tomato crop is coming in

market from Ratlam, Shivpuri and Indore. Crop is expected to come in market till 1st week of


Price and Arrivals in Major Markets


State Markets

Modal Wholesale Prices (Rs/Qtl.) Arrivals in Tons

Source 09 Mar


08 Mar

2019 Change

09 Mar


08 Mar

2019 Change



Mulakalacheruvu 400 500 -100 40 35 5 Agmarknet

Madanapalle 650 950 -300 37 36 0.6 NAM

Kalikiri 720 660 60 4 15 -10.7 NAM

Pattikonda 350 450 -100 3 2 0.8 NAM

Gurramkonda 800 640 160 3 5 -2 NAM

Karnataka Chintamani 553 586 -33 6 4 1.7 Agmarknet

Kolar 1000 933 67 76 79 -2.6 Agmarknet

Maharashtra Pune NA 1000 - NA 137 - Agmarknet

Delhi Delhi NA 1202 - NA 546 - Agmarknet

Telangana Bowenpally 600 NA - 168 NA - Agmarknet

Page 10: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Turmeric Today’s Developments:

• (No Significant Development Today)

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• In Andhra Pradesh, Kadapa market new turmeric supply entered slowly with small quantity,

however in Duggirala market new turmeric likely to enter last week of March or April first week.

Sources revealed that, farmer are preparing fresh turmeric for boiling after that it will sun dry for

next ten to fifteen days.

• As per Agriwatch’s estimate in Andhra Pradesh, acreage to rise by 8% from last year’s 15,941

hectares to 17,216 hectares due to increase in prices. Production is likely to rise from 57,335 MT

(basis dry crop) last year to 61,921 MT current year.

• As per Agriwatch’s Second advance production estimate, Turmeric production for 2019-20 is

estimated at 532,353 MT (basis dry crop) compared to previous year’s 476,771 MT. Turmeric

production may go down further as Maharashtra standing crop is at very crucial stage.

• In Nizamabad indicative market, for new crop as moisture percentage reported 10 – 12% current


• Farmers continually demand for Turmeric MSP (Rs.8,000/-qtl) on TRS Govt. in Telangana as they

were promised before state election. Buyers also hopeful for Turmeric MSP before Lok Sabha and

expected price around Rs.7,000/-qtl. Till now not finalize process is going on with state Govt.

• In some spot market, Turmeric prices traded at very low prices due to inferior quality arrival as a

result of off season supply.

• Deficit rainfall reported in Maharashtra Marathwada turmeric growing regions like Hingoli, Sangli,

Nanded, Basmat etc. affect Turmeric standing crop. As per local trade information, standing crop

likely to damage around 15 - 20%.

Prices & Arrivals


State Market Variety

Modal Price (Rs/Qtl)


Arrivals (Qtl)

Change Source 09-Mar-










Duggirala Finger NA 5500 -

NA 179 - NAM Bulb NA 5250 -

Kadapa Finger NA 5752 -

NA 67 - NAM Bulb NA 5300 -


Nizamabad Finger 5555 5555 Unch

696 148 548 NAM Bulb 4850 4750 100

Warangal Finger 6550 6550 Unch

NA NA - Agriwatch Round 6350 6350 Unch

Tamil Nadu Erode Finger NA 6344 -

NA 5858 - Agmarknet Bulb NA 5211 -

Page 11: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019


Turmeric at NCDEX

Contract Change Open High Low Close Volume O.Int

19 Apr +58.00 6328.00 6420.00 6328.00 6400 1485 10230

19 May +58.00 6420.00 6468.00 6420.00 6460 500 4230

19 Jun +70.00 6466.00 6500.00 6466.00 6500.00 20 50

As on 08th March 2019 at 5:00 pm Prices in Rs/quintal, Volumes and Open interest in MT

Page 12: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Chilli Today’s Developments:

• In Andhra Pradesh, Chilli sowing for the Rabi season as of 06th Mar reported at 14,361 hectare as

compared to 19,835 hectare in the corresponding period last year. Normal area reported 25,950

hectare. Chili is at flowering to picking stage.

• Overall, the average rainfall received in Andhra Pradesh from 1-6-2018 to 06-03-2019 is recorded

as 593.4 mm as against the Normal as on date of 869.2 mm showing by Deficit – 31.7 percent.

• As per trade information, chilli cold storage stocks as on date (including old and new crops) in

Guntur stood at 90,000 to 103,500 MT according to various trade estimates.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• Export demand reported well from Malaysia, Bangladesh and UAE etc.

• New supply continued in the spot market from Kurnool, Yemmiganur, Prasasam, Guntur etc.

• As per Agriwatch second advance estimate, Andhra Pradesh production likely to come 434,449 MT,

last year it was 341,671 MT. In Andhra Pradesh acreage to rise by 45% from last year’s 87,608

hectares to 127,032 hectares.

• As per Agriwatch’s second advance production estimate, Red Chilli production for 2019-20 is

estimated at 12.22 lakh MT. Previous year’s production was 10.50 lakh MT.

Prices & Arrivals

Red Chilli

State Market Variety

Modal Price (Rs/Qtl) Chang


Arrivals (Qtl) Chang

e Source 09-Mar-









Pradesh Guntur

Teja 8700 9000 -300 233 1372 -1139 NAM

334 7800 8200 -400 568 1001 -433 NAM

Telangana Khammam Red NA 8500 - NA 1687 - Agmarknet

Warangal Talu NA 2500 - NA 24700 - Agmarknet

Page 13: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Maize Today’s Developments:

• From the trade point of view, In Nizamabad, maize is moving to Hyderabad at Rs. 2150 per quintal.

Meanwhile, maize is moving towards Bengaluru and Namakkal at Rs. 2150 per quintal each,

Chitradurga at Rs. 1900 per quintal, Chennai at Rs. 2200 per quintal, Sangali at Rs. 2150 per quintal

and Ranebennur at Rs. 1950 per quintal (Delivered price); sourced from Davangere. In Bihar,

maize is moving towards Kolkata at Rs. 2080 per quintal.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• In Nizamabad region, new crop arrival has just started which are lower in quantity and contains

moisture up to 18%.

• As per USDA, U.S corn exports reached 26.27 MMT in the 2018-19 marketing year. At 0.74 MMT

(for the period 22nd Feb- 28th Feb, 2019) US corn exports were down 3.26% compared to

previous week; mainly for the destinations like Mexico (186,800 MT), Japan (154,100 MT), South

Korea (133,200 MT), Colombia (82,100 MT), and Honduras (48,000 MT).

• In Karnataka region, new crop from Haveri and Ranebennur region has started contains moisture

up to 20%.

• In India, Rabi maize has been sown in around 15.56 lakh hectares as of 22nd February, 2019 which

is lower than 17.28 lakh hectares during corresponding period last year. In Bihar, maize has been

sown in around 4.75 lakh hectare which is almost equal to 4.70 lakh hectares during

corresponding period last year. Crop conditions are favourable till the time. All India Rabi maize

production is estimated by Agriwatch at 5.67 MMT for the year 2018/19.

• In Telangana, Nizambad, Kamareddy, Warangal (U)/(R), Nirmal, Karimnagar and Mahabubabad

districts are affected by fall army worm. Trade sources revealed that in Nizamabad, around 10-

20% crop is affected by fall army worm.

• As per trade sources, India exported 30,033 MT of maize for the month of January’19 at an

average FoB of $263.86/ MT. Indian maize is exported mainly to Nepal followed by Yemen, Qatar

and Sri Lanka mainly through Raxaul followed by JNPT and Mundra port.

• MMTC intends to import corn to fulfill shortage and control prevailing maize prices in domestic

market and ease domestic supply for local consumers such as starch makers and poultry feed

makers. Government will give its nod only after assessing all requirements and knowing import

quantity. As per Indian import policy, India can import only non GMO maize so options to import

corn from other countries like (Europe, Ukraine and Russia) are limited.

Prices & Arrivals:



District Market Grade

Modal Price

(Rs./Qtl) Change

Arrivals (Qtl)

Change Source 09 Mar


08 Mar


09 Mar


08 Mar


Telangana Nizamabad Bilty Closed 2025 - Closed 500 - AGRIWATCH

Bihar Gulabbagh Bilty 1974 1974 Unch NA NA - AGRIWATCH

Karnataka Davangere Loose Closed 1950 - Closed 1000 - AGRIWATCH

Delhi Delhi Loose 2125 2125 Unch NA NA - AGRIWATCH


Pradesh Kurnool Loose 1750 1711 39 35 27 8 ENAM

*Difference between current and previous day’s prices.

Page 14: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Sugar Today’s Developments:

• May NY world sugar #11 on Friday closed up +0.04 (+0.33%) and May ICE London white sugar

(SWK19) closed up +1.30 (+0.39%). Sugar prices moved higher Friday on fund short-covering that

was sparked by strength in the Brazilian real against the dollar. Sugar prices had tumbled to 2-month

lows Thursday after the Brazilian real fell to a 2-month low against the dollar.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• The announcement of heavy quota for the current month has made the market experience flatness

nationwide amid hike in MSP. In near contract the London white sugar is trading at $340.00 whereas

US sugar trading at $12.16.Rupee appreciated by 30 paisa to 69.98 against the US dollar in opening

trade Thursday.

• Sugar mills in the country produced 247.68 lakh tonnes (lt) of sugar till end of last month, nearly 16

lt more than they produced in the corresponding period last year. The total sugar production in the

same period last year was 231.77 lt. As many as 266 mills are in operation as against 457 last year

and mills in Maharashtra and Karnataka are on the verge of completing crushing.

• (07 Mar 2019) The Centre on Tuesday issued a monthly stock holding limit order for sugar mills for

the current month under which a quota of 24.5 lakh tonnes of white/refined sugar has been

allocated for domestic sale by factories. Last month the government had prescribed a quota of 23.54

lakh tonnes to be sold by the nearly 534 mills during the month. The increase in the quota this month

is due to the ongoing festival season.

• (05 Mar 2019) The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved proposal to provide

soft loan of up to Rs 10,540 crore to the sugar industry to help mills clear mounting arrears to cane

growers. The CCEA approved the proposal to provide soft loans to the extent of about Rs 7900-

10540 crore to the sugar industry. Government will bear the interest subvention cost between 7 -

10 percent to the extent of Rs 553 crore to Rs 1054 crore for one year.

• (01 Mar 2019) According to data compiled by the Cane Commissioner’s Office in Lucknow as on

February 26, UP mills have bought sugarcane worth Rs 20,475.76 crore during the current 2018-19

crushing season (October-September) at the state government’s advised price or SAP of Rs 315 per

quintal for “general” and Rs 325 per quintal for “early-maturing” varieties. Sugar production in Uttar

Pradesh is likely to touch 12.40 mln tn in 2018-19 (Oct-Sep), a tad higher than 12.05 mln tn likely

produced in 2017-18.

• (28 Feb 2019) Indian traders will export raw sugar to Iran for March and April delivery. Under the

sanctions, Iran is blocked from the global financial system, including using US dollars to transact its

oil sales. Iran agreed to sell oil to India in exchange for rupees but it can only use those rupees to

buy Indian goods, mainly items it cannot produce enough of domestically. Trading houses have

contracted to export 1,50,000 tonnes of raw sugar for shipments arriving in March and April at $305

to $310 per tonne on a free-on-board basis, the trade sources told Reuters this week.


Sugar (M grade)

State/ District Market

Modal Price (Rs /Qtl)

Change Source 09-Mar-19 08-Mar-19

Maharashtra Kolhapur 3050 3100 -50 AW

Uttar Pradesh Khatauli 3190 3160 30 AW

Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada 3480 3480 Unch AW

Delhi Delhi 3200 3095 105 AW

Page 15: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Cotton Today’s Developments:

• Gujarat 29 mm Cotton sold between 42,600 to 43,000 Rs./Candy.

• All India Daily Arrivals remained between 1,10,000 to 1,25,000 bales.

• Domestic prices traded firm during this week, mainly due to lower daily arrivals and good demand

for Indian cotton from China. All India cotton supplies are reported to be about 135 thousand bale

per day. According to trade estimates, Indian traders have contracted for export 5 lakh bales to

China for shipments in the next two months.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Market

• (07 Mar 2019) Indian cotton exporters are upbeat due to a spurt in demand for cotton from China,

especially at a time when cotton exports to Pakistan have come to a halt due to the tensions

between the two neighbours. According to trade estimates, Indian traders have contracted for

export 5 lakh bales to China for shipments in the next two months.

• (07 Mar 2019) UK-based Cotton Outlook has pegged India's 2019-20 (Aug-Jul) cotton production

at 6.13 mln tn, up 3% on year, the agency said in its monthly report. India's 2018-19 production

estimate has been revised to 5.95 mln tn. Gujarat and Maharashtra are India's top cotton

producers, accounting for 55% of the total output. Global cotton production for the next season

is estimated at 27.18 mln tn, up 6.3% on year due to a slight improvement in the global average


• (05 Mar 2019) Indian major cotton markets were closed due to Mahashivaratri, with slow demand

limiting upside momentum. Gujarat Shankar 6 Price remained in small range but Maharashtra is

facing more selling pressure. The price in Indian market is higher than that internationally. This is

backed by higher MSP and purchases by CCI. The market may move up only through larger offtake

by exporters or by domestic industry. This may occur gradually over the next few months

• (05 Mar 2019) All India cotton arrivals registered around 155,000-170,000 bales (each bale 170

kg) lint equivalent on an average per day basis. Lint prices for Gujarat Shankar 6 cotton are quoted

around INR 41’700 per candy.

• (01 Mar 2019) Pulwama attack retaliation: India halts cotton exports to Pakistan amid tensions.

The unease between India and Pakistan, exporters see a temporary slump in flow of consignments

for a few days. Cotton exports to China from India, are on the upswing. About 4 lakh bales have

already been shipped to China in the last 10 days and another 10 lakh bales are expected to be

shipped from the country soon, traders said.

• (01 Mar 2019) According to Cotton Association, that some of 8 lakh bales had been contracted by

Pakistan and nearly 6.5 lakh bales have already been shipped which means barely 75,000 bales

are remaining. Pakistan is expected to import around 10 lakh bales of cotton from India in the

current financial year. Some exporters believe that the cotton export to Pakistan will continue

even in the event of increase in duty as the consignments would be routed via ports in Dubai and

Singapore. So far, some 32 lakh bales have been shipped out of the country and the total exports

are expected to touch 50-55 lakh bales.

• (01 Mar 2019) Till date, the total cotton stock in the country is 80 lakh bales, of which 44 lakh

bales is with spinning mills, 36 lakh bales with ginners and the remaining with CCI.CAI, in its

January 2019 estimate of the cotton crop for the season 2018-19 beginning from October 1, 2018,

has estimated cotton crop for 2018-19 season at 330 lakh bales of 170 kg each which is lower by

5 lakh bales than its previous estimate of 335 lakh bales made last month.

• (25 Feb 2019) Cotton procurement by the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has crossed 8.5 lakh

bales in the ongoing 2018-19 cotton season as prices remained below the minimum support prices

(MSP) due to weak global prices and low exports. The Corporation expects procurement to touch

Page 16: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

15 lakh bales by the end of the season. A majority of the stock had been procured from Telangana

and Maharashtra where farmers are now coming forward to sell to the CCI instead of approaching


Prices & Arrivals


State/ District Market

Modal Price (Rs /Qtl)


Arrivals (Qtl)

Change Source 09-Mar-19 08-Mar-19 09-Mar-19 08-Mar-19

Gujarat Rajkot 5620 5625 -5 2375 2300 75 APMC

Andhra Pradesh Adoni NA 5609 - NA 1380 - Agriwatch

Andhra Pradesh Guntur NA NA - NA NA - Agriwatch


Page 17: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Palm Oil Today’s Developments:

• No significant updates today.

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• (4 Mar 2019)-According to Indonesia Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), exports of palm oil (CPO and

PKO) from Indonesia rose 13.1 percent in Jan y-oy to 3.10 MMT from were 2.74 MMT in Jan 2018.

Exports of palm oil (CPO and PKO) were rose 5.1 m-o-m in Jan at 3.10 MMT compared to Dec 2018

at 2.95 MMT. Stocks of palm oil in Jan 2019 rose to 3.02 MMT, up 7 percert y-o-y.

• (4 Mar 2019)-According to Indonesia Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), Indonesia kept March export

duty unchanged at zero. Indonesia relaxed crude palm oil levy rules in which there will be no

threshold prices until further decision. In palce of monthly levy review, now levy review will take

place every three months. Indonesia has kept crude palm oil export duty at zero since May 2017.

• (26 Feb 2019)-Palm oil prices are underpinned by expectation of slow fall in end stocks of palm

oil, weak demand of palm oil from Malaysia and slow fall in production of palm oil in Malaysia.

Palm oil exports from Malaysia faltered in Feb due to weak demand from EU and China. Exports

of palm oil fell 5.5 percent in first 25 days of Feb. Demand of palm oil faltered from China as

demand of palm oil generally weakens from the country after Chinese New year and US-China

trade optimism which indicates that China will buy major amounts of soybean to replace palm oil

by soy oil. India is buying RBD palmolein from Malaysia in Feb in higher quantities due to lower

import duty offered to Malaysia by India. Further, low port stocks of RBD palmolein and

improvement in import parity will lead to higher imports in coming months. Production of palm

oil is expected to fall in Feb in Malaysia due to seasonal downtrend of production, but a lower

rate. Also, production in Jan was already at historically elevated levels. Both exports and

production of palm oil in Malaysia cut limited palm oil stocks in Malaysia. However, palm oil end

stocks are expected to fall in Malaysia below 3 MMT in Feb and below 3 MMT in Indonesia by


• (26 Feb 2019)-According to cargo surveyor Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS), Malaysia’s Feb

1-25 palm oil exports fell 7.1 percent to 1,121,928 tons compared to 1,207,619 tons in the

corresponding period last month. Top buyers were India at 337,101 tons (181,950 tons), European

Union 225,225 tons (315,962 tons), China at 98,635 tons (248,722 tons), United States at 61,335

tons (69,050 tons) and Pakistan at 48,250 tons (29,000 tons). Values in brackets are figures of

corresponding period last month.

• (21 Feb 2019)-According to Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Malaysia kept March crude palm oil

export duty unchanged at 0.0 percent. Export duty of palm oil is calculated at reference price of

2084.37 ringgit ($511.88) per ton. Tax is calculated above 2,250 ringgit starting from 4.5 percent

to a maximum of 8.5 percent.

• (18 Feb 2019)-Crude Palm oil import scenario- According to Solvent Extractors Association (SEA),

CPO Imports fell 4.17 percent y-o-y in Jan to 6.45 lakh tons from 6.73 lakh tons in Jan 2019.

Imports in oil year 2018-19 (November 2018-January 2019) were reported higher by 2.34 percent

y-o-y at 18.84 lakh tons compared to 18.41 lakh tons in last oil year.

• (18 Feb 2019)-RBD palmolein import scenario- RBD palmolein imports rose y-o-y in Jan by 11.13

percent to 1.68 lakh tons from 1.51 lakh tons in Jan 2018. Imports in oil year 2018-19 (November

2019-January 2019) were reported marginally higher y-o-y at 4.07 lakh tons compared to 4.05

lakh tons in corresponding period last oil year.

• (11 Feb 2019)-According to Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Malaysia’s January palm oil stocks

fell 6.69 percent to 30.12 lakh tons compared to 32.16 lakh tons in December 2018. Production

of palm oil in Jan fell 3.90 percent to 17.37 lakh tons compared to 18.08 lakh tons in Dec 2018.

Page 18: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Exports of palm oil in Jan rose 21.19 percent to 16.76 lakh tons compared to 13.83 lakh tons in

Dec 2018. Imports of palm oil in Jan fell 25.35 percent to 0.81 lakh tons compared to 1.09 lakh

tons in Dec 2018. End stocks of palm oil fell more than trade expectation on higher than expected

rise in exports.


Palm Oil Prices (In Rs./ 10 Kg)

State/District Market 7 Mar 2019 6 Mar 2019 Change Source

Crude Palm Oil (FFA 5%)

Gujarat Kandla 536 538 -2 Agriwatch

Andhra Pradesh Krishnapatnam 550 555 -5 Agriwatch

RBD Palmolein

Gujarat Kandla 611 615 -4 Agriwatch

Andhra Pradesh Kakinada 618 622 -4 Agriwatch

Andhra Pradesh Krishnapatnam 615 620 -5 Agriwatch

*Difference between current and previous day’s prices.

Palm Oil at MCX

Contract Open High Low Close Change Volume(Lots

) O.Int

31-Mar-19 543.50 544.50 537.20


0 -3.20 984 5212

30-Apr-19 548.00 551.50 545.00


0 -1.50 680 2057

31-May-19 554.00 554.20 548.20


0 -1.90 104 190

As on 8-Mar-2019 at 9 pm


Page 19: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Sunflower oil Today’s Developments:

• No Significant Development

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• (8 Mar 2019)-Sunflower oil premium over soy oil in CNF markets have increased to $11 per ton

from $-9 per ton last week and premium in domestic markets have reached to 5 per 10 kg

unchanged from last week. Also, premium of sunflower oil over RBD palmolein has decreased to

Rs 165 per 10 kg Rs 160 per 10 kg last week. Prices of sunflower oil are estimated to trade lower

on weak demand and disparity in imports. High premium over palm oil will underpin prices.

• (19 Feb 2019)-Sunflower oil prices are supported by low premium over soy oil at CNF and

domestic markets and falling premium over RBD palmolein at domestic and CNF markets. Imports

of sunflower oil surged in Jan after 4 months of weak imports. Despite rise in imports port stocks

fell indicating firm demand. Imports of sunflower oil are expected to remain firm in Feb due to

low premium over soy oil and palm oil.

• (18 Feb 2019)-Sunflower oil imports scenario- According to Solvent Extractors Association (SEA),

Sunflower oil imports rose 16.96 percent y-o-y in Jan to 2.00 lakh tons from 1.71 lakh tons in Jan

2018. Imports in oil year 2018-19 (November 2018-January 2019) were reported marginally higher

y-o-y at 6.014 lakh tons compared to 6.013 lakh tons in last oil year.

• (5 Feb 2019)-Sunflower oil premium over soy oil in CNF markets have increased to $-18 per ton

from $-9 per ton last week and premium in domestic markets have reached to 10 per 10 kg up Rs

0 per 10 kg from last week. Also, premium of sunflower oil over RBD palmolein has decreased to

Rs 150 per 10 kg Rs 160 per 10 kg last week. Prices of sunflower oil are estimated to trade higher

on low premium over soy oil and palm oil and firm demand.

• (22 Jan 2019)-Sunflower oil premium over soy oil in CNF markets have increased to $-9 per ton

from $18 per ton last week and premium in domestic markets have reached to 0 per 10 kg up Rs

5 per 10 kg from last week. Also, premium of sunflower oil over RBD palmolein has decreased to

Rs 160 per 10 kg Rs 155 per 10 kg last week. Prices of sunflower oil are estimated to trade higher

on low premium over soy oil and palm oil and firm demand.


Sunflower Oil Prices (In Rs./ 10 Kg)

State/District Market 7 Mar 2019 6 Mar 2019 Change Source

Tamil Nadu Chennai 775 775 Unch Agriwatch

Andhra Pradesh Krishnapatnam 785 785 Unch Agriwatch

Andhra Pradesh Kakinada 785 785 Unch Agriwatch

*Difference between current and previous day’s prices.

Page 20: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

Groundnut oil Today’s Developments

• No Significant Development

Recent Developments that are still Influencing Markets:

• (26 Feb 2019)-Groundnut oil prices are expected to be supported by demand at lower levels.

Retail demand is expected to strengthen due to stability of groundnut oil prices. There is demand

at these levels. However, groundnut oil prices will remain under pressure due to high stocks of

groundnut with NAFED. Also, exports of groundnut are weak and it is diverted towards crushing

thereby increasing supply of groundnut oil. In Andhra Pradesh groundnut oil prices are falling in

parity with Gujarat and weak demand. Stock position of groundnut oil is good and there is parity

inn crush of groundnut. Groundnut oil is supported by falling premium over sunflower oil.

• (30 Jan 2019)-Groundnut oil prices are underpinned by weak demand. Demand has weakened as

the peak demand season is over. Retail demand has weakened due to postponement of demand

due to regular fall in groundnut oil prices. There is demand at lower levels. Demand of groundnut

oil will increase around Rs 900-920 per 10 kg. There is no parity in crush of groundnut. Exports of

groundnut are weak which has lead to diversion towards crushing increasing supply of groundnut

oil. In Andhra Pradesh, groundnut oil prices have fallen in parity with Gujarat and weak demand

against good stock position. Higher premium of groundnut oil over sunflower oil and palm oil has

weakened demand.

• (7 Jan 2019)-Groundnut oil prices are expected to be supported by firm demand. Demand is firm

due to peak season demand. Demand is expected to firm if volatility in groundnut oil prices

stabilizes. Prices of groundnut oil will moderate in later part of January as peak season will be

over. Demand of groundnut oil will weaken in the range of Rs 1000-1050 per 10 kg. There is no

parity in crush of groundnut. Rise in palm oil prices will improve groundnut oil demand. In South

India, groundnut oil prices rose in parity with Gujarat and firm demand

• (7 Dec 2018)-Saurashtra Oil Mills Association (SOMA), has asked union commerce ministry to

announce incentives for groundnut exports. There are about 3,000 groundnut manufacturers in

Suarashtra. Of the 6 lakh ton of exports of groundnut, around 3 lakh tons of groundnut are

exported from Saurashtra. It is asking for six percent duty drawback on exports of groundnut.

There is tough competition in international markets of groundnut.


Groundnut Oil Prices (In Rs./ 10Kg)

State/District Market 7 Mar 2019 6 Mar 2019 Change Source

Gujarat Rajkot 930 930 Unch Agriwatch

Telangana Hyderabad 950 950 Unch Agriwatch

Tamil Nadu Chennai 930 930 Unch Agriwatch

*Difference between current and previous day’s prices.

Page 21: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019


Today’s Developments:

• As per latest WASDE report, in the beginning of this season in India, 22.6 million tons of rice was

available, this year rice production is estimated to be 116 million tons and consumption is 101.10

million tons. This year, after the export of 12.5 million tons of rice from India, the end of the

season will be 25 million ton of the ending stock of rice. The data clearly shows that the ending

stock of rice at the end of this season will be higher than last season.

Recent Developments that are still influencing the Markets:

• (04 Mar 2019)The country's leading rice production state- Uttar Pradesh official procurement of

this important grain has been quite dynamic this time and it appears that by the end of the kharif

marketing season, the total procurement of paddy would be more than 50 lakh tons. This will be

the first time that more than five million tons of paddy will be purchased in UP. The Government

has fixed minimum support price of paddy from Rs 1,550 per quintal to Rs 1750 per quintal and

Rs 1,770 per quintal from Rs 1,590 per quintal for A grade. Paddy is being procured at this price.

• (28 Feb 2019)The government had fixed 375 lakh tons of paddy procurement in the current

season, of which more than 350 lakh tons of paddy has been procured so far. Government

procurement of paddy this year may be more than 400 lakh tons. As on 25th February 2019, all

India rice /Paddy procurement is reached to 355.40 lakh tons which is more than last year

procurement of corresponding period. Highest procurement has been received from states of

Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

• (28 Feb 2019)The Maharashtra government announced a bonus of 500 rupees per quintal on

the purchase of paddy from farmers. Last year, the state government had given a bonus of Rs

200 per quintal on paddy in the kharif season. Due to drought in several districts of Maharashtra,

the paddy crop was reduced.

• (25 Feb 2019)In January, 5 lakh tons of basmati rice and 5 lakh tons of non-basmati rice were

exported from India. Exports of basmati rice from April to December were 28.6 million tons and

non-basmati 56 lakh tons, ie non-basmati rice export reached 61 lakh tons and export of basmati

rice reached 33.6 lakh tons from April to January.

• (22 Feb 2019)Haryana Agricultural Department has released the second advance estimation of

crop production for the entire marketing season (Kharif + Rabi) of 2018-19. Under this, the

possibility of production of rice, wheat, sugarcane and guar is less than the 2017-18 seasons and

the production of millet and cotton is expected more. As per the advance estimates, the

production of rice in Haryana can be reduced by 4.3 percent from 48.80 lakh tons in 2017-18

season and 46.69 lakh tons in 2018-19 and wheat production could fall by 7.8 percent from 122.63

lakh tons to 113.01 lakh tons.

• (19 Feb 2019)Rice exports from India are set to swing in the last quarter of this year on a spate in

orders after shipments slumped 14% in the last three quarters over high input costs and tepid

demand from Bangladesh. Consignments in January are better than the previous year and the

trade is likely to attain levels close to the previous year. Exporters have seen a surge in demand

from the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the US this quarter. The official said the

supply for exports has streamlined after being affected for the last few months of 2018 because

of assembly polls in some states. A bumper yield in Bangladesh also took toll on Indian

exports. The 5% subsidy on export value extended to non-basmati rice under the Merchandise

Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) in November helped in recovery of trade, but margins remained


Page 22: AP Daily Commodities-Outlook Report 2019-03-11 Agricultur… · • (15th Feb 2019) US and Canada have started objection over pulses MSP (lentils, chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans

Daily Price Monitoring Report

11th March, 2019

• (18 Feb 2019)Sri Lanka declared Minimum Support Price for Nadu and Samba variety rice which

will be effective from 1st April. MSP of Nadu Variety Rice is 80 Sq. Kg / kg (Indian Rupees 32 per

kg) and Samba Variety MSP 85 Sri Lankan rupee per kg (Indian Rupees 34 per kg).

Price & Arrival:

State/ District

Market Grade




Change Arrivals

(Qtl) Change Source













CHHATTISGARH BALOD PADDY 1001 1755 1725 30 10 11 -1 E-nam

CHHATTISGARH BHATAPARA Paddy HMT 1855 1850 5 9 13 -4 E-nam

CHHATTISGARH RAJIM Paddy-samba Masuri 1800 1825 -25 12 25 -13 E-nam

TELANGANA BADEPALLY PADDY-SONA 1920 1800 120 35 32 3 E-nam

TELANGANA MAHBUBNAGAR 1010 1730 1750 -20 22 20 2 E-nam


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