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2. Antisocial personality disorder is a chronic mental disorder in which a persons ways of thinking, interpreting situations and feeling sympathy for others is disoriented. People with this disorder cannot tell between right and wrong actions and are usually unable to fulfill responsibilities for their friends and family, or school and work. Their behaviors can exploit or violate the health and safety of others. They are long-term actions that are often criminal-like. -I did not feel remorse for getting Kaitlyn arrested. DEFINITION 3. The causes of antisocial disorder are yet to be discovered. It is assumed that environmental and genetic factors contribute to the development of this mental disorder. Child abuse may also have an effect on the contribution to this condition. -The illness was triggered by the death of my father a week ago. CAUSES 4. People with antisocial personality disorder often show behaviors of cruelty to animals during childhood. This is linked to the disorders development. Antisocial personality disorder is most common among people in jail. -I am not in jail, but I do actions that could put me in jail. BEHAVIORS 5. If Nikki had been able to identify and confront the fact that she had a mental illness, she would have not killed herself from driving off the road and hitting a tree late Tuesday night Officer Garfield She was under the influence of alcohol and had been smoking drugs some time before she stole her moms car. These actions are illegal and if reported, they could have saved Nikkis life Officer Garfield BEHAVIORS 6. A person with antisocial personality disorder is able to act charming and persuasive towards others. They are good at manipulating other peoples emotions and feelings. They break the law repeatedly. -I smoke and drink alcohol constantly. I even steal my moms car. SYMPTOMS 7. People with this disorder are unable to show feelings of concern about others. They do not care about the safety of others. They also do not show sympathy or guilt towards others. They also have problems with substance abuse. People with this mental disorder are often angry and mad. They often steal, lie, and fight. -I fought with my mom and ended up stealing her car. SYMPTOMS 8. The diagnosis of this mental disorder is based off the history of symptoms and unusual behaviors during childhood or early adolescence. To have this mental disorder, the person must experience on of the symptoms expressed on the previous slide. -My father died a week ago which really hit it off for me. My mom is also mean and abusing. DIAGNOSIS 9. Treatment can only be given if the subject confronts and addresses the problem, which is the main reason why so few people are treated for this mental disorder. People may only go through therapy if they are required by law. -I did not address my issue because I was unaware of it happening. TREATMENT 10. One of the few treatment options for antisocial personality disorder are different types of therapy. Psychotherapy and cognitive therapy are some of the therapy options to help treat antisocial personality disorder. This illness is usually associated with another mental disorder, such as a substance or mood disorder. These disorders can cause extra problems that are not directly caused by antisocial personality disorder. -I did not go to therapy because I was unable to recognize the issue. TREATMENT 11. People fully develop this mental illness during their late teenage or early adolescent years. Symptoms are often shown during childhood even though the illness doesnt fully develop until their early 20s. Improvement can be shown by the age of 40 if they improve on their own. Better results can be shown if the illness is addressed and treated earlier on in their life. -There was no improvement of the subjects illness because she died Officer Garfield PROGNOSIS 12. -I feel angry all the time. Like the smallest thing will make me mad and I will go nuts. I do not mean to scream at people, I just cannot help it. There is always a last straw for everything: my boyfriend breaking up with me, my mom screaming at me, Kaitlyn accusing me to being the center of her issues. Rain check Kaitlyn: youre the center of MY issues. None of this would have happened if I hadnt met yousee even thinking about Kaitlyn makes me go on a rage against Kaitlyn. Oops. FEELINGS 13. -I also have serious addiction problems. It doesnt help with the whole anger issue I have heard rumored about me. Maybe I have problems, maybe I dont. Who cares? Right now I smoke whatever I get my hands on. And I drink pretty much anything I can sneak out of my moms liquor cabinet or steal out of a store. I am more likely to be noticed by my mom than the store, so Ill go with the store. It feels like this empty gap in my body when Im sober. My body always wants more. FEELINGS 14. -I feel like I have no one to talk to. My dad died, and my mom is abusive, so what am I supposed to do? She wont let me out of her sight. My school would go nuts over the issue. Do you know the first person they would call if I told on my mom? My mom. And who would get punished for that? Me. Hahahah no I aint telling no one about this. I can deal with it myself. FEELINGS 15. -I impress people soooo easily. Its actually kind of scary. Almost like I can wave my magic wand over their head and they will do whatever I say or want. I dont mind because it ends up benefiting me. Anything to make my life a little bit easier at the cost of someone elses good time or money or life or whatever is fine by me. My charming skills are great. FEELINGS 16. -Is it bad that I just do not care what happens to other people? Like what the consequences of my actions on other people will be? I wont have to deal with that. I have enough going on in my life. the last thing I need is to worry about how poor little Kaitlyn got arrested because she was smoking my stuff. She is the one who smoked it, and got caught by the way. I didnt get caught, or should I say dont. Im too sly. FEELINGS 17. FEELINGS -I dont even feel like I have something wrong with me. Yeah ok, maybe there are a few things about my personality that could be better or improved, but no ones perfect. Everyone has some faults. I got mine, they got theirs, you got yours. So what. 18. -I feel like all of my acts are kind of criminal. Almost like Im built out of corruptions that will never go away. And the thing is I do not even mind, or like care. I will lie and steal and cheat, yet I havent gotten caught so I keep doing them. It seems like the only things I do will eventually get me behind bars, but that is yet to happen. FEELINGS 19. -I steal a lot. And Im aware of it. Sometimes it is because I need to, but because I do it so often I am used to it and do it for no reason, or for the dumbest things. Like one time I stole a package of cigarettes because Kaitlyn dared me to. I also one time really wanted to read this magazine, so I snuck it into my jacket. Then there are other things that I desperately needed, like toothpaste and clothes. God help me if my mom doesnt provide for me. FEELINGS 20. -I feel like I cannot talk to anyone about what Im going through. I feel like Im trapped inside of this corner of the room with no one to talk to. I feel like no one cares. Sometimes I wake up scared that Im trapped inside a cage without a way out as a guard paces outside the cage. I think of that as my mom sometimes keeping me from living my life. I dont know maybe Im going crazy. Or are already crazy. Well never know. FEELINGS 21. This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher, Laura Astorian: [email protected] DISCLAIMER

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