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Isaac Newton was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. He laid the foundation for differential and integral calculus. His work on optics and gravitation make him one of the greatest scientists the world has known.

Gottfried Leibniz was a German mathematician who developed the present day notation for the differential and integral calculus though he never thought of the derivative as a limit. His philosophy is also important and he invented an early calculating machine.Muslim Scientist Contribution

In the history of mathematics, mathematics in medieval Islam, is the mathematics developed in the Islamic world between 622 and 1600, during what is known as the Islamic Golden Age. Islamic science and mathematics flourished under the Islamic caliphate (also known as the Islamic Empireestablished across the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Sicily, the Iberian Peninsula, and in parts of France and the Indian subcontinent in the 8th century. The main centres of mathematical activity were in Iraq, Persia and Egypt, but at its greatest extent stretched from North Africa and Spain in the west to India in the east.

While most scientists in this period were Muslims and wrote in Arabic, many of the best known contributors were Persians as well as Arabs, Berbers, Moors, Turks, and sometimes non-Muslims (Christian, Jewish, Sabian, Zoroastrian and irreligious). Arabic was the dominant languagemuch like Latin in Medieval Europe, Arabic was the written lingua franca of most scholars throughout the Islamic world.

Ab Abdallh Muammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm (c. 780, Khwrizm c. 850) was a Persian mathematician, astronomer and geographer, a scholar in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.

His contributions had a great impact on language. "Algebra" is derived from al-jabr, one of the two operations he used to solve quadratic equations. Algorism and algorithm stem from Algoritmi, the Latin form of his name. His name is the origin of (Spanish) guarismo and of (Portuguese) algarismo, both meaning digit.

Its importance can be known by the following quotes

. J. O'Conner and E. F. Robertson wrote in the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive:

"Recent research paints a new picture of the debt that we owe to Islamic mathematics. Certainly many of the ideas which were previously thought to have been brilliant new conceptions due to European mathematicians of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries are now known to have been developed by Arabic/Islamic mathematicians around four centuries earlier. In many respects, the mathematics studied today is far closer in style to that of Islamic mathematics than to that of Greek mathematics."

R. Rashed wrote in The development of Arabic mathematics: between arithmetic and algebra:

"Al-Khwarizmi's successors undertook a systematic application of arithmetic to algebra, algebra to arithmetic, both to trigonometry, algebra to the Euclidean theory of numbers, algebra to geometry, and geometry to algebra. This was how the creation of polynomial algebra, combinatorial analysis, and numerical analysis, the numerical solution of equations, the new elementary theory of numbers, and the geometric construction of equations arose."

These extracts prove that Muslim contribution in the field of mathematics has brought revolutionary changes in its development and progress. Introduction

Calculus is concerned with comparing quantities which vary in a non-linear way. It is used extensively in science and engineering since many of the things we are studying (like velocity, acceleration, current in a circuit) do not behave in a simple, linear fashion. If quantities are continually changing, we need calculus to study what is going on.Calculus was developed independently by the Englishman, Sir Isaac Newton, and by the German, Gottfried Leibniz. They were both working on problems of motion towards the end of the 17th century. Calculus has two main branches Differentiation (or derivatives) and Integration (anti-derivatives).

Calculus is used to improve the efficiency of hard drives and other computer components.Integration (ant-derivative)

Differentiation is the rate of change of two variables but we may need to know the direct relationship between the two variables. For example, we may know the velocity of an object at a particular time, but we may want to know the position of the object at that time.To find this direct relationship, we need to use the process which is opposite to differentiation. This is called integration (or anti-differentiation).Road Safety ResearchIn the 1950s, cars were efficient killing machines. There were no such things as airbags, safety belts, anti-lock breaking, crumple zones or plastic knobs. Ralph Nader pressured car manufacturers in the 1960s and 1970s to produce safer cars - and it worked.This section is about how we analyze crash test data and how it relates to the average value of a function, using integration.

Normal braking in a street car: 10 ms-2 (or about 1 g).

Normal braking in a racing car: 50 ms-2 (or about 5 g). This is due to aerodynamic styling and large tyres with special rubber.

When we stop in a car, the deceleration can be either abrupt (as in a crash):

or more gentle, as in normal braking:

Either way, the area under the curve is the same, since the velocity we must lose is the same.

Our head is like a pendulum and thus is prone to injury. Cars which do not have airbags cause a lot of damage to the head if are faced by an accident. The Head Injury Criterion is very high for this scenario which means that the heads of the people will be injured severely.

Crash Test Data from Mercedes BenzThe A-3 ms value in these graphs refers to the maximum deceleration that lasts for 3 ms. (Any shorter duration has little effect on the brain.)

If an airbag is present, it will expand and reduce the deceleration forces. Notice that the peak forces (in g) are much lower for the airbag case.

The blue rectangles in these deceleration graphs indicate the most critical part of the deceleration, when the maximum force is exerted for a long duration.

With an airbag, you are far more likely to survive the crash. The airbag deploys in 25 ms.

INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.intmath.com/Applications-integration/HIC/BAGBELT.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET The Head Injury Criterion (HIC)We aim to describe the risk of head injury in a crash by a number.The first model used was the Severity Index (SI).It was calculated using

Where,T is the duration of the deceleration during the crash


a(t) is the deceleration at time t.

The index 2.5 was chosen for the head and other indices were used for other parts of the body. But this method was not much accurate in determining certain injuries in crashes.So,

The Head Injury Criterion (HIC) was developed and it is based on the average value of the acceleration over the most critical part of the deceleration.The average value of the acceleration a(t) over the time interval t1 to t2 is given by

For the HIC, this was modified (based on experimental data) as follows:

The formula means:

The HIC is the maximum value over the critical time period t1 to t2 for the expression in {}. The index 2.5 is chosen for the head, based on experiments.

Our approach is to model the deceleration curve with a function. We recognize that the shape of the crash data graph is basically like the curve:

(This similar to the 'bell-shaped curve' in statistics.)

Model for the Acceleration

By modifying the function above, we can get curves very close to the Mercedes experimental data.

[This model was obtained by observing 2 peaks in the deceleration graph, centred at 68 ms and 93 ms. By adding the 2 bell-like curves, we get a model very close to the required graph.]

The computer time to calculate the HIC expression is high, so we need to simplify things a bit...

We can simplify that part of the HIC formula in {} for different values of d = t2 t1. We define a family of curves:

We then vary the value of d. The value of the highest peak of the family of curves obtained gives us the HIC.

HIC without AirbagWe now use the model for a(t) from above and maximize the value of H for different values of d.

We see that the highest peak occurs when d = 50 and reading from the graph we see that the HIC is approximately 725. This is reasonably close to the Mercedes Benz data. (Other values for d are shown, but not all, of course. The value d = 50 did in fact give the highest curve.)

The model is simpler for the airbag case, as the deceleration is smoother and is almost bell-shaped. Some modeling achieves the following expression for the acceleration:

The graph is as follows (drawn with the same vertical scale as the non-airbag case):

Now, to apply the formula for H. We get a family of curves and once again, d = 50 gives us the maximum value, hence the HIC.

The HIC for the airbag case is around 310, close to the Mercedes Benz data.

Our main aim here is to reduce the effects of rapid deceleration. If the curve is low and flat, injury to the head is reduced.

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