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I ~1~1111111111111111111111~11111111111111 LDA - 1504

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - I) Examination, April 2015


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks:.

1. Critically enumerate salient features of the Indian Constitution . (1 Ox1 0=1 00)

2. What is judicial review ? Explain the doctrine of Eclipse.

3. Explain the new concept of equality with the help of decided case law.

4. Explain the concept of reservation for the advancement of backward classes.

5. Examine various grounds on which freedom of speech and expression of citizens can be curtailed.

6. Critically evaluate the safeguards available to an accuS"ed of offence under Indian Constitution.

7. Explain the concept of right to life under Indian Constitu~ion.

8. What are the constitutional safeguards that are available ro the minorities ?

9. Explain the following :

a) Right to clean environment

b) Right to Privacy.

10. Examine the scope of right to education.

11. Explain various Constitutional safeguards available to a detenue.

12. Right to profess, practice and propagate religion is a fundamental right- Explain.

13. Explain the writ jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India.

14. Explain the need and necessity for maintaining harmonious re 1'ation between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.

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LL.B. Degree (Semester - I) Examination, October 2014 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - I

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks.


1. What is Preamble? Explain the importance of Preamble of the Indian Constitution.

2. Explain the concept of Judicial Review under Indian Constitution with the help of relevant case law.

3. What is Equality? Explain how arbitrariness is antithetic to Equality.

4. Explain the freedom of Press under the Indian Constitution.

5. Critically analyze the judicial interpretation of Procedure Established by Law under Article 21.

6. Critically analyze various provisions of the Constitution providing special provisions for advancement of backward classes.

7. Explain the following:

a) Right to die

b) Freedom to form association.

8. Explain various safeguards ~vailable to an arrested person.

9. Explain the circumstances in which state could restrict right to practice religion.

10. What is Public Interest Litigation? When a person can approach the court to file a Public Interest Litigation ?

11. Explain the significance of IX Schedule.

12. Examine the impact of national emergency on fundamental rights.

13. Explain the following :

a) Ex-post Facto Law

b) Right to Privacy.

14. Examine the power of the Parliament to amend the Constitution. Can Parliament amend Fundamental Rights.


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LL.B. Degree (Semester- I) Examination, April 2014 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - I

Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 1 00

Instructions : 1) Answer any ten of the following.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

(1 Ox1 0=1 00)

1. Explain various salient features of Indian Constitution.

2. Law abridging fundamental rights in generally void - examine the concept of

judicial review of constitutionality of laws.

3. Critically analyze various provisions of the Constitution providing special

provisions for advancement of backward classes.

4. Critically evaluate the scope of freedom of speech and expression under the

Indian Constitution.

5. Art. 14 prohibits class legislation but permits reasonable classification­


6. Critically evaluate the development of right to education with the help of recent

Supreme Court decisions.

7. Briefly explain:

a) Expost facto law

b) Double Jeopardy.

8. Enumerate various Constitutional safeguards available to a detune under

preventive detention laws.

9. Examine the power of Parliament to amend fundamental rights with the help of

judicial pronouncements.


LDA-1404 111111111111111111 ~1111111111111111111111111

10. Explain the concept of Secularism under Indian Constitution. Is right to conversion

a fundamental right.

11. What is Public Interest Litigation and how far it is useful in protecting the rights

of downtrodden ?

12. Discuss the special protection guaranteed to women by the Indian Constitution.

Examine the concept of sexual harassment at work place.

13. Discuss the interrelation between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles

of State Policy.

14. ·Write short notes on : ·

a) Right to pollution free environment

b) Right to die.

11111111111111111111111111111111111 TNY-90

LL.B. {Degree) (Semester ..... I) Exami11ation, Oct~ 201. ~ .. __ _ CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ..... I

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : Answer any ten of the following.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the relevancy of concept of State in enforcing fundamental rights. Examine

how Supreme Court interpreted the term "other authorities" with the help of

important case law.

2. Explain the concept of reservation for the advancement of backward classes.

Do you think they achieved the desired results.

3. Freedom of speech and expression under Indian Constitution is not absolute -

Explain with the help of grounds on which such freedom could be restricted. ·

4. Examine the rights of minorities to establish and manage educational institutions

in light of recent judicial pronouncements.

5. Explain the circumstances in which State could restrict right to profess, practice

and propagatn one's own religion.

6. Discuss the new concept of equality with the help of important case laws.

7. Briefly explain:

a) Untouchability

b) Right to strike.


8. Explain various constitutional safeguards available to the accused.

· 9 . ...C.r:ijfcaily analyse the judicial interpretation on "procedure established by law" under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.



10. Explain the judicial trends in promoting clean and pollution free environment as a

fundamental right.

11. Examine various constitutional rights that are available to a person detained

under preventive detention laws.

12. Examine the need and necessity for maintaining harmonious relation between

Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.

13. Explain the circumstances in which fundamental rights could be suspended.

14. Write short notes on:

a} Right to Health

b) Freedom of Association.

llllllllllllllllllllllltillllllllll TNV-90

LL.B. Degree (Semester - I) Examination, April 2013 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW- I

Durati0n: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten questions. 2) Each question carries 10 marks. 3) Support your answers with relevant case laws.

1. Explain the salient features of the Indian Constitution.

2. What is preamble ? What purpose it serves and can it be amended ?

3. Discuss the scope of special provisions for women and children under Art. 15(3).

4. "Supreme Court has given widest interpretation to the term 'state' under Art. 12 of the Constitution". Explain.

5. "Art. 14 permits classification but prohibits class legislation"- Explain. ·

6. Explain equality of opportunity in public employments with special reference to 'Mandai case'.

7. Write a note on:

a) Right against double jeopardy b) Right against self incrimination.

8. 'Freedom of speech and expression confers a variety of rights including freedom of press'- Elucidate.

9. "The terms 'life' and 'procedure established by law' under Art. 21 are widely interpreted by the Supreme Court"- Explain.

10. Explain the Right to Freedom of Religion as conferred by Art. 25 of the Constitution.

11. Discuss the Rights of Minorities under Art. 29 and 30 of the Constitution.

12. Critically analyse the positive and negative aspects of Public Interest Litigation.

13. Explain the procedure for amendment of the Constitution.

14. Write a note on :

a) Basic structure theory b) Doctrine of Eclipse.

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