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Page 1: April 23, 2019 - Hilton Baptist Church · A True Friend! for Good Health “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” —

www.hiltonbaptistchurch.org Under the giving tab

Pray for our Missionaries BS, DS American People– PD Central Asian People– DS, JD European People– Larissa Silva, CB Northern African and Middle Eastern People– DJ, TC, Ashley Gruber South Asian People– LG Southeast Asian People– SK, SM Sub Saharan African People- Teesa Baker, James Schilt Alberta– Melville Cruikshank, Brenda Hale California– Jeremy Ventresca Illinois– Vickie McWethy Indiana– David Ralston Kansas– Franciose Karayi Maryland– Josean Nater Nebraska– Andrew Springer New Jersey– Pedro Hernandez Wisconsin– Caleb Grotelushcen

“Serving our local community with the love of Jesus”

Wednesday Night Supper Meatloaf

$5.00 Adult $3.00 Children

Kitchen Helpers Robert and Dreama

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Church Goal $4500.00 Collected to date: $3825.00

April Southeast Correctional Ministry Money

Church Pantry

Our May Meeting Tuesday, May 14th . We will be leaving the church

at 10am to go to the Newport News Recycling Center. Dan Baxter the Asst. Coordinator will be

our guide. Please sign up on the bulletin board and put a check beside your name if you can drive and

take others with you. We need to drivers :-) to help with getting everyone there.

A stop for lunch will conclude our field trip! If you need any

information contact Pat Painter 757-504-7219

It will be a great time! Come out for an informative and fun time.

Community Dinner This Friday Night

We can use your help! See Denise

Dinner 5:30pm– 6:45pm Everyone is invited to come and be a part. Visit with our

community and share the love of Jesus.

8-102 Wednesday Night Dinner………………………………….$59.00 8-104 Annie Armstrong Easter…………………………………..$55.00 8-145 Cash in Cash out Anniversary Dinner…………………….$12.00 8-145 Cash in Cash out 100th Anniversary Repairs…………..$7200.00 8-145 Cash in Cash out– Kitchen Repair………………………..$20.00 8-145 Cash in Cash out– Roof Repair……………………………$20.00 8-145 Cash in Cash out– Bazaar……………………………….$185.00 8-503 Easter Lilies…………………………………………….$130.00 8-520 Hilton School of Music………………………………….$663.00 Budget Offering……………………………………..…….…..$1519.20 Total Deposit………………………………………..……..….$9863.20

The Hilton Baptist Church Record Lynwood Wells, Pastor

April 23, 2019

Page 2: April 23, 2019 - Hilton Baptist Church · A True Friend! for Good Health “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” —

Weekly Assignments

This week at HBC

Greeters April 28– Joe Wircenske

Stan Langdon May 5– Robert Overman

Debra Jones Usher– monitor halls and

parking lot April 28– Robbie Ayscue– FPL

Ray Moody– BPL May 5– Pam Cooke– FPL

Roger Cooke– BPL

Lock Up April 28/ May 1– Joe Wircenske

May 5/May 8– Pam Cooke

Food Distribution this week April 23– Vince & Diane

Figuenick April 25– Kathy Caskie

Cheryl Moore April 30– Karen Simpson

Gloria Ammons May 2– Pat Painter

Betty Powell

Nursery Helpers April 28– New Visions

May 5– Joy Class

Sonshine Kids Church April 28– Jessica Moore

Kids Church– Donna Kahn May 5– Tracy Venable

There will be no Kids Church

Van Schedule April 28– Stan Langdon

May 5– Pam Cooke

Hilton Baptist Church Phone 757-595-3300


Tuesday– April 22nd 1– 3 pm Food Distribution

Wednesday -April 23rd 5:15pm Dinner 6:00pm Adult Bible Study 6:00pm Kids Class

Thursday, April 24th 1-3pm Food Distribution Friday, April 26th 5:30-6:45pm Community Dinner

Sunday, April 28th 9am Sunday School 10am Worship Service Food Collection Sunday

Happy Birthday this Week

4/22 Dot Cook 4/25 Betty Kramer 4/26 Lillian Clopton

Do you know someone that needs a ride….

We can pick them up...Just contact the church

office .

If you have any pictures that may be of interest for the 100th Anniversary,

please bring them to Dreama. We will make sure you get them back.

I am also looking for any addresses to staff members to send them a letter about the celebration on Sunday,

May 5th. If you have any addresses, please let me know.

Thank you for your help! Dreama

Come and Celebrate 100 years of Ministry at Hilton Baptist Church

Sunday, May 5th As we look forward to celebrating these special 100 years of the Lord’s

faithfulness, we would like to extend an invitation to our special celebration worship service to be held on Sunday, May 5th, at 10:00 am. Also, to a

coffee & tea fellowship reception immediately following the morning worship service.

During our Sunday service, we will be blessed to welcome both old friends and new faces to our HBC family. Our time together will be spent looking back at the favor that the Lord has shown to us over the past 100 years, as well as looking ahead and anticipating a bright future and the continued

work that the Lord still has for us to do.

Please let your friends know about this special day in the Lords house as we celebrate together the

goodness of God.

Food Collection

This Sunday is our monthly food collection. Please bring your non-perishable items and overflow the basket. Thanks to everyone who

supports the Food Pantry. We have been able to bless so many people because of your sacrifice. Coming


Page 3: April 23, 2019 - Hilton Baptist Church · A True Friend! for Good Health “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” —

In Honor of

Carolyn and Doug Miller Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Ed Henderson Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Sylvia Brandt Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Lloyd and Bea Ware Given By: Dave and Tommie Peake

The Church Staff Given By: Betty Powell

In Memory of

Lynn Faulkner

Given by: Tommie Faulkner-Peake

Lou, Herb and Tom Henderson Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Lin and Helen Stancil Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Betty Peake Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Rev. Raymond L. Howell, Sr.

Given by: Tommie Faulkner-Peake

The Lilies in the sanctuary were placed there by the following families

and individuals

Grady Hatchett

Given By: Tracy Venable and family

Parents, Donald and Irma Fuehrer

Given by: Jan Harvey

Kristie Fitzsimmons Given by: Dave and Tommie Peake

Sylvia Williamson Given by: Tammy Ortery and Scott Williamson

Phyllis Henley Given by: William Henley

Parents, Donald and Jean Caskie Henry and Dorothy Lewis

Given By: Joe and Kathy Caskie

Loving memory of our friend, Tim Ewell Given by: Jim and Brenda Egnot

Page 4: April 23, 2019 - Hilton Baptist Church · A True Friend! for Good Health “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” —

A True Friend!

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” —

Proverbs 18:24

Friends come and go with the passing of time. Some friends are lifelong; others are friends only for a season. Some friends will always hold a special place in our hearts even though their love for us may have changed or diminished. Each of us has experienced friendships

that fall into at least one, or perhaps all, of these categories.

When we consider our relationships with others, we would do well to ask, “What kind of friend am I?” Am I a fair weather friend who will be there for someone else only when it is convenient for me, or am I a true friend who is sincerely interested in the well being of another individual, regardless of the time and effort it costs me to invest in and nurture that friendship?

If we are honest, most of us would admit to being disappointed by friends at one time or another. At times, we ourselves have been guilty of the same offense.

Earthly friendships are complicated because human beings are complicated, imperfect creatures. Nonetheless, beyond the best of our earthly temporal friendships, there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and his name is Jesus.

Imagine how powerful this great truth really is. The Creator and Lord of the entire universe calls Himself our friend and call us to be friends with Him!

Jesus is a faithful, kind, and loving friend. He sees us just as we are and loves us, warts and all. When I can’t call on anyone else, I know that I can call on him. I know that he will never, ever stop being my friend and that he will always be with me. His Word assures me of that. Jesus has loved me with an everlasting love that is not dependent on my employment, my financial status, my outer beauty, my sense of humor, or my availability to provide a service or favor.

If my circumstances change, Jesus remains faithful, true, and constant. Never too busy for one of his own, he talks to me and is always glad to hear my voice.

What a friend we have in Jesus! Oh, that we would be more like him in our own friendships!

On the grace journey together with you, Lynwood

God's Prescription for Good Health

"Keep my commands in your heart, for they will

prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity." Proverbs 3:1-2

If I had a pill that promised to add years to your life, you'd probably pay a lot of money for it. But what if I told you that, as a Christian, you already have the key to a long life and that it's free?

God has given all of the principles for health management in his Word, the Bible. The Bible is the owner's manual for your body. As David says, "You made my body, Lord; now give me sense to heed your laws" (Psalm 119:73 LB). And in Deuteronomy, it says, "These instructions are not mere words – they are your life! By obeying them you will enjoy a long life in the land..." (Deuteronomy 32:47 NLT). God says, "If you do what I tell you to do with your health, you will enjoy a long life." Proverbs 3:1 says, "Keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life." What are some of those commands?

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your

barns will be filled to overflowing..." (Proverbs 3:5-10 NIV). These verses highlight some factors that you probably don't think about but that will keep you healthy: tranquility, trust in God, integrity, humility, and generosity. These things will cause your health to be better, because your physical health is influenced by your spiritual health. The secret is to take note of them on a daily basis! Take some time to meditate on Proverbs 3:1-10 and ask God to show you ways you can grow in tranquility, trust, integrity, humility, and generosity.

Remember… “The power of life and death are in the tongue” Proverbs 18:21!

Page 5: April 23, 2019 - Hilton Baptist Church · A True Friend! for Good Health “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” —

Are You Ready For Bigger Things?

“You... enlarged me when I was in distress.” – Psalms 4:1 (Amplified Bible)

Did you know that the hermit crab looks for a shell that fits him, and then lives in it until he outgrows it? At that point he has to scurry along the ocean floor and find a bigger one; it’s a process that repeats itself throughout his entire life. Are you clinging to something that no longer fits you, just because it’s easy and familiar? David said, “You... freed me

when I was hemmed in and enlarged me when I was in distress.” To develop and grow spiritually you must be willing to move out of your comfort zone and deal with a little ‘distress.’ What worked for you yesterday may not work today. Maybe it’s a job you’ve outgrown, a relationship you need to re-examine or a behavior you need to change. Regardless of what it is, never become so ‘settled’ that you can’t let go and move on when you need to. Patience and persistence are admirable, but they won’t work in situations you’ve outgrown. Instead of hanging in and trying harder, at certain points you have to stop and ask yourself, “Is this situation good for me?” When God says it’s time to move on, it’s because there’s another shell out there that will fit you even better. But you can’t take occupancy until you vacate the old one. So how about it - are you ready for bigger things?

Shipwreck From Within Victor Hugo, who is famous for his novel the Hunch-back of Notre Dame, also wrote a story called “Ninety-Three.” It tells of a ship caught in a dangerous storm on the high seas. At the height of the storm, the frightened sailors heard a terrible crashing noise below the deck. They knew at once that this new noise came from a cannon, part of the ship’s cargo, that had broken loose. It was moving back and forth with the swaying of the ship, crashing into the side of the ship with terrible im-pact. Knowing that it could cause the ship to sink, two brave sailors volunteered to make the dangerous attempt to retie the loose cannon. They knew the danger of a shipwreck from the [loose] cannon was greater than the fury of the storm. Life’s certainly like that. Not always, but more often than not, it isn’t the storms without that cause us the most problems, but the storms that rage within us, such as a spirit of bitterness, jealousy, pride, and greed. Other “loose cannons” are unresolved hurt, anger, a lack of forgiveness, guilt, lust, and so on. These, if not confronted and resolved, can readily cause shipwreck of our relations, our faith, or even our life.

Our Exciting New 4 Week Sermon Series!

In many ways, hymns are the oral history of our faith. Like the Psalms in Scripture, they are passed from generation to generation and sung

in cathedrals, chapels, or around a family piano. “How Sweet the Sound,” our new four-week series, delves into

some classic hymns to explore their meaning, breathing new life into their melodies to illuminate the hope they have for us today.

God is doing some exciting things

through the people of God at


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part of the


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