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Page 1: April 26th 3rd Sunday Easter Yr A 2020SICK Judy Galarza, Cirino Quagliata, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Cathy Mamata, Val Tancred, Isla Duns, Tandina Gabriel, Beth


*HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: 9am Mondays & Fridays, *ST IGNATIUS Toowong: 5.30pm Tuesdays & Wednesdays and 9.15am Thursdays.

SUNDAY MASS TIMES:- *ST IGNATIUS Toowong 6.00pm (Vigil); 7.00am & 5.00pm. from 5.15pm, or by appointment.

*HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: 8.30am.

We respectfully acknowledge the

Turrbal people, as the traditional owners

and caretakers of the land which is the

Toowong Catholic Parish.

We acknowledge the Elders, past and

present. May we, too, be good stewards of

this land.

The Anzac on the Wall

(Jim Brown)

Loitering in a country town ‘cos I had time to spare; I went into an antique shop to see what was in there.

Bikes and pumps and kero lamps, the old shop had it all, Then I was taken prisoner by the Anzac on the wall.

Such an honest open face, a young man in his prime, When I looked at that photograph your eyes locked onto mine.

A face so proud and confident inside a wooden frame, I felt myself drawn to you in a way I can’t explain.

“That Anzac have a name?” I asked. The old man didn’t know. He said, “Those who could have told me passed on long ago.”

The old man kept on talking and, according to his tale, The photo was unwanted junk bought at a clearance sale.

“I asked around,” the old man said, “but no one knew his face, He’s been up on that wall for years, deserves a better place. Someone must have loved him, it seems a shame somehow.”

I nodded and said quietly, “Oh well, I’ll take him now.”

So you came home with me - too long you’d been alone

I do not even know your name, but you’re welcome in my home. Did you fight at Flanders, or perhaps Gallipoli?

I’ll never know the answer, but I know you fought for me.

I wonder where they sent you, mate, when you heard the call. Were you killed in action? Did you come home at all?

You must have had a family - will you be claimed one day?

To be honest, I hope not, mate - ‘cos I’m proud to have you stay.

Sometimes visitors look at you and then they question me, And I tell a little white lie and I claim you’re family.

They say, “you must be proud of him.” I tell them, one and all, That that’s why you’ve got pride of place - the Anzac on the wall.

Holy Spirit Church Harriett Street, Auchenflower

St Ignatius Church Kensington Terrace, Toowong

3rd Sunday Easter 26th April 2020

Year A

All Masses, including Reconciliation, are suspended until further notice.

Parish WEBSITE: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au

Facebook: St-Ignatius-Parish-Toowong

Instagram: st.iggysyouth

Page 2: April 26th 3rd Sunday Easter Yr A 2020SICK Judy Galarza, Cirino Quagliata, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Cathy Mamata, Val Tancred, Isla Duns, Tandina Gabriel, Beth

Readings: Third Sunday of Easter: Acts 2:14, 22-33. 1 Peter 1:17-21. Luke 24:13-35.

Next Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Easter: Acts 2:14, 36-41. 1 Peter 2:20-25. John 10:1-10.

Entrance Antiphon:

Spoken Response: Lord, you will show us the path of live.

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, alleluia! Lord Jesus, make your word plain to usl; make our hearts burn with love when you speak. Alleluia!

Cry out with joy to God, all the earth; O sing to the glory of his name. O render him glorious praise, alleluia.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL, TOOWONG CONFERENCE will continue to provide support to those in need during these most difficult times. If any parishioners are in urgent need of support please phone 1800 846 643, or please pass on this phone number to anyone in need.

How You Can Help. To make a monetary donation to the Toowong Conference you can—

i) Make a ‘Direct Deposit’: BSB: 064-417, ACC: 00925306, Agent Number: 5308 (St Ignatius Toowong).

Please note it is important to enter the agent number if making a transfer so we know that donation belongs to Toowong Conference).

ii) Post a Cheque: Payable to “St Vincent de Paul Toowong”, c/- St Ignatius Parish Office, 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066.

Donations are tax deductible. Receipts provided if name and address details are supplied.

PARISH TASK FORCE REPORT This week the wonderful parish liturgy team have taken the step of engaging a cinematographer. This will allow the parish to bring you a recording of the liturgy each week.

We begin this new chapter with the Anzac Mass. We are grateful to the servicemen and women who have given their time to participate in the liturgy. The music has been arranged by Anthony Young to suit the occasion. Over the coming weeks, the liturgy will include St Laurence’s College boys.

The recording will be available each week in the parish website.

You will be able to play it on any of your devices connected to the


You will also notice changes to the parish website over the coming

weeks. Plans are underway to update the site to enable greater


- Louise Wellington (Parish Pastoral Council Chair)

Sacrament of First Eucharist

Enrolments are currently being accepted for children in Year 4 and above, who have

completed the ‘Sacrament of Confirmation’.

~ The Enrolment form is available from the parish website, on ‘Sacraments’ page.

Enrolments close this Wednesday 29 April.

*Please note, the Parent Info. Meeting and Preparation Sessions will be conducted online.

All enquiries to Allison King, Parish Pastoral Associate &

Sacramental Co-ordinator on [email protected]



This weekend we are excited to share with our community our first recorded Mass with Fr Wrex at St Ignatius Church.

As we separate physically we must find new ways of maintaining contact and strengthening communion. We have committed to sharing the Word of God and the celebration of the Eucharist with our parish communities. As we are living in a world of change, chaos and complexity we invite you to utilise this resource in your own homes.

A separate publication of the eNews will hit your inbox with a link to same + on parish website homepage at ‘Our eNews Bulletins’.

BWD Clergy Movement:

Holy Family Parish Indooroopilly have farewell Fr Nev Yun who has departed to take up his new Appointment as Parish Priest of Mother of Mercy Parish, Hendra-Northgate-Hamilton. We wish him all the best in his new post. Welcome to Fr Michael Grace, as Administrator of the Holy Family Parish.

St Mark’s Parish Inala. Fr Bang has a new appointment to work at the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parish in Alice Springs. Fr Bang’s replacement is Fr Anthony Ho, SVD, associate pastor in St Mark’s. Thanks to Fr Bang for his work at Inala and presence in the Deanery.

- Fr Mark Franklin, Dean of BWD Deanery

Brisbane West Deanery Info.

Page 3: April 26th 3rd Sunday Easter Yr A 2020SICK Judy Galarza, Cirino Quagliata, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Cathy Mamata, Val Tancred, Isla Duns, Tandina Gabriel, Beth

PARISH COLLECTIONS: (update post-suspension of weekend Masses) - *12/4 $1,940 (DD/CC givers & some TG envelopes), Other: nil.

OUR PARISH HISTORY …. SO FAR ... Our current isolation perhaps gives us time to reflect on the part our parish plays in the lives of each of us. Over coming weeks parishioners will be invited to share anecdotal aspects of their experiences and memories as members of St Ignatius Church and Holy Spirit Church. So, start thinking about any little story 'treasures' you might have to share. If you would like more information or to ask any questions please feel free to call Charles Costello 0431 709 269.

PARISH PLANNED GIVING. Thank you to the parishioners who have contacted the parish office over the past few weeks to amend their TG envelope giving to electronic options (credit card / direct debit) or arranged to deliver their envelope contributions to the parish office. If you wish to discuss your options, change your regular giving or make a one-off contribution, please email [email protected], Attention: Monica Florence, Parish Secretary. We thank you for your continued support of our parish during these unprecedented times.

HELP! ST VINCENT DE PAUL, TOOWONG CONFERENCE is looking for a small fridge for a young couple. If anyone has one spare to donate please contact the Parish Office.

EASTER WATER. Fr Wrex has provided small bottles of Easter water which can be collected from front entrance to St Ignatius Church (and from the Parish Office).

ST IGNATIUS CHURCH BELL will continue to be rung daily at midday for the duration of the restrictions on church services.

PALMS FROM PALM SUNDAY. Fr Wrex has placed boxes at both churches and parish office to collect your Easter palms. Please bring your palms and place them in the boxes provided (these palms will be burnt for Ash Wednesday 2021). Thank you.

CARITAS PROJECT COMPASSION 2020. Lenten Offerings. Please contact the Parish Office if you have envelopes or coin boxes you wish to drop off. Alternatively, please refer to back page of this newsletter for a message from Caritas re this year’s appeal.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS. During these current times please call the office before visiting to confirm it is attended. Thank you.

Please note: Any inclusions for the Parish newsletter should be marked to the attention of Parish Secretary & received, by email or note, at Parish Office no later than 12noon Thursdays. Thank you.


Your Prayers Are Requested For

SICK Judy Galarza, Cirino Quagliata, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Cathy Mamata, Val Tancred, Isla Duns, Tandina Gabriel, Beth Albury, Margaret Twomey, Fr Guy Carlson sj, John McKenzie, Oscar Louie, Michael O’Brien, Rieka O’Sullivan, Maddie Bateman Duffy, Yvonne and Frank Cassidy, Jocelyn Rabaa, Carmen Luisa Maria, Mark Knight, Joanne Edwards, Thomas Agoni, Yvonne Rademaker, Betty Andrews, Sebastian Agoni, Carolyn Doyle, Maria Duque, Marianne Andrews, Susi Rieder, Damien McMeniman, Pat Clohessy, Peter Lawson, Louis & Joan Nunan, Ricardo Pacheco, Noreen Rawlings, Elvira Pertudo, Fr Ted Houlihan, Trevor Gleeson, Mia O’Donnell, Raymond de Jong, Maureen Florence.


ANNIVERSARIES: Dorothy Gough, Charles Harper, Sallyanne Shannon, Lila Cridland, Paddy Meaney.


26 3rd Sunday Easter

28 St Peter Chanel

29 St Catherine of Siena


*YOUNG AT HEART (MOVIES), *COFFEE AND CHAT, *CWL TOOWONG and *ST IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP will not meet in person until further notice. *‘HOLY HOUR’ EUCHARIST ADORATION & *‘EXPECT-A-CUPPA’ (St Ignatius Church) & *CHILDREN’S LITURGY (Holy Spirit) will not be held until weekend Masses resume.


1st Reading Gospel

Mon. Acts 6:8-15. John 6:22-29. Tues: Acts 7:51 –8:1. John 6:30-35. Wed: Acts 8:1-8. John 6:35-40. Thu: Acts 8:26-40. John 6:44-51. Fri: Acts 9:1-20. John 6:52-59. Sat: Acts 9:31-42. John 6:60-69.

ANZAC DAY ~ Saturday 25 April

‘The Ode’

They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Lest We Forget.

PARISH WEBSITE - “STAY CONNECTED” is a new addition to the website homepage, click on the image to be taken to another page with links to online resources to help during isolation:- *WATCH MASS live from St Stephen’s Cathedral (8am Weekdays, 8am & 10am Sundays), go to http://archbne.org/bzw ; *View ‘TWO MINUTE HOMILIES’ for Sunday’s Gospel (featuring priests from parishes around Archdiocese of Brisbane); *Read ‘CATHOLIC LEADER’ online, free-of-charge; plus much more. NB. Please keep checking back to the page from time to time as new resources will be added regularly.

Page 4: April 26th 3rd Sunday Easter Yr A 2020SICK Judy Galarza, Cirino Quagliata, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Cathy Mamata, Val Tancred, Isla Duns, Tandina Gabriel, Beth

www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Current Newsletter now on our website!

Queensland’s Privacy Scheme and the Commonwealth Government’s legislation deals with the manner in which private sector organisations may record, use, store and disclose information, including health information, collected from individuals. The Parish of Toowong is committed to upholding and implementing the Privacy Principles set out in both the legislations and Privacy Scheme and by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. A copy of the Parish's Privacy Policy is available to any parishioner by contacting the Parish Office on 3870 7818 during office hours.

Mobile: 0402 049 017

Parish Office Staff

Monica Florence (Tues-Fri) - (including Newsletter)

Allison King (Mon-Thurs.)

- . Mobile: 0425 832 711.

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Kaylene Perissinotto -

Mobile: 0401 101 186. Email: lsr.toowong@bne. catholic.net.au or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Liturgical Ministry:-

Holy Spirit Church

*Rosters: Pat Lye 3300 1432 *Children’s Liturgy Roster: Amanda Lim

St Ignatius Church: * Ministry Roster: Liz Alvey & James Donaldson E: [email protected]

*Altar Server Convenor: Tony Castel 0438 192 298

Parish Pastoral Council

Louise Wellington—Chair Mobile: 0423 162 079. Finance & Development

David Slater—Chair Musical Director

Anthony Young


Principal— Duncan Maitland

APRE— Rachelle Gibson

46 Grove Street, Toowong Qld 4066 .

Phone: 3371 1094 www.stignatiustoowong.


* OSHC— 3870 3270

PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Phone: 3870 7818. Fax: 3870 7857. Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10am—3pm.

Email: [email protected] Postal Address: 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong Qld 4066.

Website: www.stignatiustoowong.org.au Facebook: St-Ignatius-Parish-Toowong Instagram: st.iggysyouth We are part of the Brisbane West Deanery ~ website: www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au ~ email: [email protected]

Emergency Contact If you require a priest in an emergency, please phone the parish priest on 0402 049 017.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children, young people and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity

of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.

They are to treasured, nurtured and safeguarded by all.

Archdiocese of Brisbane’s Office for Safeguarding - https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/support/safeguard/

Privacy Policy - https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/privacy-policy

STOPline Service. STOPline is an external service provided for the Archdiocese to receive confidential disclosures. Disclosures can be made anonymously. Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: [email protected]

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Normally, around this time we would be gathering up our Project Compassion Lenten donations (Project

Compassion boxes and envelopes) to put them on the collection plate. As our churches are closed there is no

opportunities for parishioners to do this. This will be an issue for Caritas Australia who depend a great deal on

the Australia-wide Lenten donation collection to do their important work.

A process that aligns with present Covid 19 health recommendation for this issue has had to be


Therefore, the suggestion is you go directly to the

Caritas Australia website to donate these funds. You will find a Donate button on the Caritas home page.

To reflect upon and pray for those in need at this time, we also invite you to say the Caritas Prayer. You may also like to view some Caritas Videos from the Caritas Australia website.

Update on Plenary Council 2020.

On March 23, we announced more than 250 delegates for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, including delegates nominated by

dioceses, eparchies, ordinariates and a personal prelature. The delegates will represent those local churches at the celebration of

the Council over two assemblies – originally planned for Adelaide in October 2020 and in Sydney in mid-2021.

As on April 6, 2020, Assembly 1 has been postponed due to the

COVID-19 pandemic preventing the desired process of discernment and formation for the delegates. It was originally planned to be held in Adelaide, starting October 4, 2019. The

bishops will consider proposals for an alternative timeline for the Council’s two assemblies at their biannual meeting in May.

Access the delegates list along with updated homepage and FAQ on our website -


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