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Page 1: APUSH Chapter 27 Power Point Section 1-8

Imperialist Stirrings

U.S. begins to expand worldwide in 1890s due to high exports, manufacturing capability, and wealth.

-“Yellow Journalism” of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst influence overseas expansion

-Missionaries (Reverend Josiah Strong) press the need to Christianize and civilize “savages”

U.S. citizens interpret Darwin’s theory of survival-of-the-fittest to mean that the U.S. was the fittest to take over other nations for improvement.

-Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan argues that a great navy is key to world domination (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History).

James G. Blaine’s “Big Sister” policy sought better relations with Latin America

-First Pan-American Conference held in 1889 in Washington, D.C.

Diplomatic affairs threaten war between Germany and U.S. over the Samoan Islands.

-Lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans.

-Deaths of 2 American sailors at Valparaiso in 1892 threaten war with Chile.

-Canadian argument over seal hunting near Pribilof Islands.

Monroe’s Doctrine and the Venezuelan Squall

Border disputes between British Guiana and Venezuela worsen after the discovery of gold.

-President Grover Cleveland warns Britain of trespassing the Monroe Doctrine.

-Britain ignores warning causing U.S. to set up a new boundary and threaten to fight for it.

-Britain stays out in fear of damage in trade and war from the growing Germany.

-Great Britain and U.S. improve relations in a period of Great Rapprochement.

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Spurning the Hawaiian Pear

Treaties signed in 1857 and 1887 with Hawaiian Islands and U.S. guaranteeing commercial trade in the Islands.

Due to McKinley Tariff in 1890, Americans felt the need to annex the Hawaiian Islands.

Opposed by Queen Liluokalani, but revolt breaks out in 1893.

-However, election of Grover Cleveland delayed annexation until he left office.

-Actions proved honorable, despite criticism for stopping “Manifest Destiny.”

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Cubans Rise in Revolt

1895, Cuba revolts against Spain by torching sugar cane fields in hopes of American intervention or Spain leaving.

Concentration camps and revolt crushes by General Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler kill many Cubans, but gets American support for the Cubans.

American public clamor for action, although Cleveland refuses action

The Mystery of the Maine Explosion

Yellow presses and fictional pictures stir up U.S. support against Spain.

Feb 15, 1988. U.S.S. Maine mysteriously explodes in Havana Harbor, killing 260 officers.

-Spain receives the blame despite accident.

April 11, 1898. War seemed inevitable and need to defend democracy was U.S.‘s main war message.

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^Yellow Journalism

McKinley Unleashes the Dogs of War

American Diplomats already had two agreements with Spain:

-An end to concentration camps

-Armistice with Cuban Rebels

But the American people still demand war.

-President McKinley sends out a war message on April 11, 1898.

-Teller Amendment is adopted to free the Cubans after overthrowing Spanish rule.

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Dewey’s May Day Victory at Manila

U.S. hugely outnumbered by the 200,000 Spanish officers in Cuba.

U.S. Navy Secretary John D. Long and Theodore Roosevelt modernize U.S. navy.

May 1, 2898. U.S. Commodore George Dewey commands 6 ships and destroys a 10-ship Spanish fleet at Manila.

Unexpected Imperialistic Plums

Foreign ships start gathering in the Manila Harbor.

-German navy defies America but doesn’t get involved due to Britain’s alliance with the U.S.

-August 13, 1898. American troops capture Manila to overthrow Spanish rulers.

July 7, 1898. U.S. annex Hawaii and becomes fully territorial in 1900.

The confused Invasion of Cuba

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Spanish warships enter Cuba and find refuge in Santiago harbor, Cuba

-Blockaded by superior U.S. navy.

-Volunteers, known as “Rough Riders” rush to Cuba and battle at El Caney up San Juan Hill.

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Curtains for Spain in America

Cervera’s fleet destroyed and surrenders on July 3, 1989.

General Nelson A. Miles easily takes over Puerto Rico.

Armistice signed on August 12, 1898.

-Typhoid, dysentery, and yellow fever kill many American soldiers until finally rallied out.

McKinley Heeds Duty, Destiny, and Dollars

Late 1898, Spain and U.S. negotiate terms in Paris.

-U.S. gets Guam and Puerto Rico, and frees Cuba.

-Philippines still a problem because it was forcefully taken from Spain despite Spanish misrule.

-Popular and business interests cause McKinley to keep the Philippines for $20 million.

America’s Course (Curse?) of Empire

Uproar arises because Philippines territory is not in the American continent (Very small white population).

People like Mark Twain in the Anti-Imperialist League opposed the new imperialism of America and Filipinos also wanted freedom.

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Expansionists fear another Hong Kong in the Philippines and feel that it is America’s duty to “civilize them.”

William J. Bryan uses Democratic influence to pass a treaty in February 6, 1899 to speed up the independence of Filipinos.

Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba

Foraker Act of 1900 gave Puerto Ricans a limited popular government. Congress grants full citizenship by 1917.

-U.S. helps Puerto Rico with sanitation, transportation, beauty, and education.

Insular Cases rule that the island residents do not share the same rights as Americans.

For Cuba, American could only get rid of yellow fever with Leonard Wood and Dr. Walter Reed.

-1902, U.S. leaves Cuba, but also encourages the passing of the Platt Amendment which became their constitution.

-Amendment stated that U.S. could intervene to restore order and could also freely trade freely with Cuba while having two bays for naval bases (Guantanamo Bay).

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New Horizons in Two Hemispheres

Spanish-American War lasted 113 days and affirmed America’s world power.

-America’s actions caused suspicion by Latin American neighbors and jealousy from Germany.

-Bloody chasm from the Civil War between North and South U.S. narrow, and General Joseph Wheeler was given command in Cuba

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