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Page 1: APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

TordesillasBering StraitsHopewell/ IroquoisPuritans/ PilgrimsAnglicansArmada

Chapters 01: The New Global World

A. Discovery of the New World1. Discovery theories

3. SFI

B. Christopher Columbus1. 1492 – new national power

3. SFI

C. The Earliest Americans1. Native American ancestors

3. SFI

D. The Spanish• Discovery opened

exploration • Gold, slaves, souls

3. SFI2. Treaty of Tordesillas

14943. SFI

2. Conquistadores3. SFI

2. Black Legend3. SFI

E. England’s Imperial Stirrings1. 1500's – England

2. Henry VIII3. SFI

2. Elizabeth I3. SFI

1. English colonization2. Newfoundland 1583

3. SFI2. Roanoke 1585

3. SFI

F. England’s Empire1. Social conditions

2. Relig persec + war3. SFI

2. Taxes + debtors3. SFI

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

Page 3: APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

Page 6: APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

JamestownIndentured ServantJoint-stock colonyProprietary colonyPredestinationVisible SaintsSeparatistsMyles Standish William BradfordMassachusetts Bay John WinthropAntinomianism Fundamental Orders MetacomPeter StuyvesantChesapeakeGovernor BerkeleyTidewater farmersPiedmont farmersHouse of BurgessesHalf-way covenantJeremaidThe ElectSalem witchhunt

02: The Settlement of North America

A. New Spain1. Pueblo Revolt 1680

3. SFI

B. New France1. Iroquois

2. Jesuit Missions3. SFI

C. The Netherlands1. Indep from SP

3. SFI1. Henry Hudson

3. SFI

D. Jamestown• 1607 = Virginia Company

•Starving Time3. SFI


E. Virginia 1.Tobacco

2. Headright system3. SFI

2. Self-government 3. SFI

F. Maryland1.Catholic Haven

2. Act of Toleration3. SFI

G. Bacon’s Rebellion•Piedmont farmers

3. SFI

H. Pilgrims at Plymouth•The Mayflower

2. Strict controls3. SFI

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

Page 8: APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

JamestownIndentured ServantJoint-stock colonyProprietary colonyPredestinationVisible SaintsSeparatistsMyles Standish William BradfordMassachusetts Bay John WinthropAntinomianism Fundamental Orders MetacomPeter StuyvesantChesapeakeGovernor BerkeleyTidewater farmersPiedmont farmersHouse of BurgessesHalf-way covenantJeremaidThe ElectSalem witchhunt

I. Bay Colonies1. Massachusetts Bay Colony

2. Relig Freedom?3. SFI

2. Governance/taxes3. SFI

2. Social Struc3. SFI

2. City on A Hill3. SFI

J. Trouble in The Commonwealth1. Dissension

2. Hutchinson/Williams3. SFI

K. Salem Witch Trials• The Great Awakening

2. Jeremiad3. SFI

• Salem Witch Trials2. Salem, 1690’s

3. SFI

L. Rhode Island1. Suffrage

3. SFI

M. New England Spreads Out1. Land + dissension = expan

2. Thomas Hooker3. SFI

N. Seeds of Colonial Unity1. 1640's - colonists divided

3. SFI1. New England Confederation

2. RI/ Maine excluded3. SFI

• King Philip’s War 1675-1676

3. SFI1. England - 1640’s

1. Salutary Neglect3. SFI

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

Page 10: APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

Middle passageSlave codesJames OglethorpeEdmund AndrosDominion of New EnglandSalutary NeglectStono Rebellion

03: Creating A British Empire A.Mercantilism1. Bal of trade

3. SFI1. Navigation Laws

2. Sir Edmund Andros3. SFI

B. Dominion of New England1. End of Sal Neg

3. SFI

C. Colonizing the Carolinas• Catholic refuge

3. SFI1. Southern cash crops

3. SFI• Slavery

• Stono Rebellion – 1713

D. Georgia• Purpose

3. SFI

E. Colonial Slavery1. Changes in Labor

2. 1698, slaves profitable

3. SFI

E. Africans in America1. Slave life

2. Hard3. SFI

2. Unique cult3. SFI

 F. Southern Society1. Social Inequality

2. Class Strat3. SFI

2. Few cities3. SFI

  G. Colonial Economy1. Triangular Trade

3. SFI1. Salutary Neglect

3. SFI

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

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APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

SpeculationPaxton Boys RegulatorsJonathon EdwardsGeorge WhitefieldOld v. New Lights Poor Richard’sJohn Peter Zenger Phyllis WheatleyLa Salle/Cartier/Joliet/Marquette Huron IndiansIroquois Huguenots“Salutary Neglect”LouisbourgFort DuquesneGeneral BraddockChief PontiacAppalachian Mts.Proclamation of 1763

04: Crisis In Colonial Society A. Life in New England1. Families

3. SFI1. Town development

2. Charters, land, militia3. SFI

2. Pub ed3. SFI

2. Church gov3. SFI

•Poor soil3. SFI

1. Little ethnic diversity 2. Few attracted to relig.

3. SFI•Weather

2. No staple crop3. SFI

2. No slavery3. SFI

2. Maritime economy3. SFI

2. Yankee character3. SFI

2. Paxton Boys 17643. SFI

2. Regulator Movement

3. SFI

B. Pennsylvania1. Quakers

2. Resistant to authority

3. SFI2. Pacifists

3. SFI

C. Penn Relations w/ neighbors1. Indians

3. SFI 1. Different type of colony

2. No state church taxes

2. Public assemblies 2. No death penalty2. No militia2. No slavery2. No limits on immig

Page 14: APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

SpeculationPaxton Boys RegulatorsJonathon EdwardsGeorge WhitefieldOld v. New Lights Poor Richard’sJohn Peter Zenger Phyllis WheatleyLa Salle/Cartier/Joliet/Marquette Huron IndiansIroquois Huguenots“Salutary Neglect”LouisbourgFort DuquesneGeneral BraddockChief PontiacAppalachian Mts.Proclamation of 1763

D. Conquest by the Cradle1. New Identity

3. SFI

E. Commonalities1. Pop increase

2. Diminishing Brits to col3. SFI

2. Pop = rural3. SFI

 F. Mingling of Races1. Amer was melting pot from start

2. Europeans3. SFI

2. Africans3. SFI

G. Horsepower and Sail power1. Dangers of travel

2. Rivers3. SFI

2. Taverns and inns 3. SFI

H. Dominant Denominations 1. Anglicans

3. SFI1. Congregationists

3. SFI1. Few other relig,

2. Toleration3. SFI

2. Effects of GA3. SFI

I. Schools and Colleges1. New England

3. SFI1. The south

3. SFI J. Culture in the Backwoods• Art

3. SFI1. Architecture

2. Neo-classical (Federal)

3. SFI1. Literature

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APUSH UNIT 01; Ch 01-04: Colonial America

SpeculationPaxton Boys RegulatorsJonathon EdwardsGeorge WhitefieldOld v. New Lights Poor Richard’sJohn Peter Zenger Phyllis WheatleyLa Salle/Cartier/Joliet/Marquette Huron IndiansIroquois Huguenots“Salutary Neglect”LouisbourgFort DuquesneGeneral BraddockChief PontiacAppalachian Mts.Proclamation of 1763

K. Pioneer Presses1.Newspapers

3. SFI1. John Peter Zenger Case 1734-1735

3. SFI

L. Clash of Empires1. 1688-1763 - 4 Euro wars

3. SFI M. F/I War1. Fr forts

2. Ft. Duquesne3. SFI

 N. Global War/Colonial Disunity•Col division

• Iroquois3. SFI

2. Albany Congress3. SFI


O. Pitt’s Palms of Victory1.Pitt’s policy’s

2. Canada3. SFI

2. Promote generals3. SFI

2. 1758 – Louisbourg3. SFI

1. Treaty of Paris of 17632. FR ceded to Sp

3. SFI2. Sp ceded to Eng.

3. SFI

P. Restless Colonials• Colonial gains

3. SFI1. Colonial drawbacks

3. SFI• Spanish and Indian threat

3. SFI1. Proclamation of 1763

3. SFI

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APUSH UNIT 01: Colonial America

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