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Personal and Social Education (5800)Unit 5: Emotional WellbeingEntry Level: Entry 1

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Unit 5 Entry Level: Entry 1


Learning Outcomes

The Learner will:

Assessment Criteria

The Learner can:


1. Be able to identify emotions and know where to obtain emotional support

1.1 Communicate (a) two happy experiences (b) two sad experiences

1.2 Recognise who might help deal with two given emotional experiences e.g. break-up of parents, bereavement

2.Know about bullying 2.1 Recognise one action that can be seen as bullying

2.2 Identify, through participation in or observation of role play, an assertive attitude to bullying

2.3 Identify a person to tell if bullying is taking place

3. Know how to be a good friend

3.1 Communicate one way to help a friend

Student name: Date:

1.1 Communicate two happy experiences

I have been happy when …



Communicate two sad experiences

I have been sad when …



Entry Level: Entry 1/Unit 5: Emotional Wellbeing

Student name: Date:

1.2 Recognise who might help deal with two given emotional experiences e.g. break-up of parents, bereavement

Emotional experience Who might help with this?

2.1 Recognise one action that can be seen as bullying

Entry Level: Entry 1/Unit 5: Emotional Wellbeing

Student name: Date:

One action that can be seen as bullying is …

2.2 Identify, through participation in or observation of role play, an assertive attitude to bullying

Entry Level: Entry 1/Unit 5: Emotional Wellbeing

Student name: Date:

Teacher Written Record for 2.2

Please address all aspects of these assessment criteria.

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2.3 Identify a person to tell if bullying is taking place

Entry Level: Entry 1/Unit 5: Emotional Wellbeing

Student name: Date:

Who would you tell about bullying?

3.1 Communicate one way to help a friend

Entry Level: Entry 1/Unit 5: Emotional Wellbeing

Student name: Date:

How would you help a friend?

Teacher comments

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Entry Level: Entry 1/Unit 5: Emotional Wellbeing

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