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Announcing an Official Paradigm Shift

A 180 Degree Revolution from One New Moon to Another

his article is the official announcement of a paradigm shift at the Creator’s Calendar website. By divine providence, we have changed our position from keeping the first visible crescent as the New Moon to accepting the full moon as

New Moon. This has been a pilgrimage journey in truth and humility to arrive at this interchange. The reasons for this adjustment are many, and will be systematically discussed throughout this article. It is my prayer that each of you will consider the facts and seek divine guidance before dismissing this untraditional view as of little consequence. This is a most incredible revelation as it exposes a 1,700 year-old lie that has remained obscured and status quo until now. Fourteen short Scripture studies supporting this article reveal:

1. The night of the Abrahamic Covenant was DARK. This recorded dark night occurred 430 years prior to the Exodus (15th of the month), to the very day.

2. Amos prophesied that both an occulted sun and moon would occur on the day of the death of the Son of Yahuah.

3. Luke reveals that the prophetic solar eclipse did occur at noon on the day of the Crucifixion (14th of the month).

4. The full moon is first in order among the lunar phases.


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5. All ruling luminaries shine from east to west, across the whole sky for approximately 12 hours.

6. He apportions the face of the full moon for set time.

7. The moon in the New Jerusalem and in the new earth regulates the fruit on the tree of life and the twelve gates, illustrating that time on earth is synchronized to the moon of the qodesh (sacred) city.

8. The twelve whole pearl gates of the New Jerusalem link to the rhythm of the twelve full New Moons.

9. The stone rejected, the pearl gates, and the full New Moon as one and the same, symbolize the Messiah.

10. The woman clothed with the sun, with the full moon (#4582 selene – brilliant moon) under her feet and stars above her head, is the announcement of New Year’s Day.

11. Blow the New Moon shofar on the FULL MOON, because it is the New Moon.

12. It is shown that the Hebrew word chag includes all feast days and not simply the pilgrim feasts that occur on the 15th of their respective months.

13. The FATHER OF LIGHTS is represented only by luminaries with no shadow of a turning orbit.

14. The full moon is discovered to be metaphorically both the start and the finish line for the obedient followers of Yahuah.

As you know, it is a very humbling experience to spend one’s whole life believing what we were all preconditioned to believe, only to discover that we were dead wrong as to whatever day we kept as sacred on the Roman Gregorian calendar. We had all believed that the Roman paper wall calendar was in harmony with Scripture and therefore Saturday was the sacred seventh-day Sabbath. To discover that Saturday does not meet the Scriptural Sabbath criteria as it was preordained to be beaconed by the New Moon was stunning (Ezekiel 46:1-3, Isaiah 66:23). However, Sunday as the Lord’s Day, continues to remain pure fiction, as it was never the consistent seventh-day on any calendar. Our Father continues to lead His trusting seekers of truth ever upward one step at a time, and on occasion in great leaps as a process of fine-tuning our understanding for the purpose of leaving the false teachings of Rome, Egypt, and Babylon, behind. Truth is progressive, and we are only able to accept new light as we are willing to release our grip on long beloved theories and views that cannot be supported by Scripture alone. The

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twelve whole pearl gates of the New Jerusalem (Yahushalom) link to the rhythm of the twelve full New Moons. Oracles of Truth Lost For a Time

Under the leadership of the Pharisees and Sadducees the majority of Israel

rejected Yahusha as the promised Messiah. Little did they realize that their evil plotting

and scheming of His death was to culminate as the prophetic pure lamb (ׂשה sha), the

Savior of the world slain upon a cross for sinners. Little did they know that He alone held

the key to their salvation as He took upon Himself the penalty of sin and death. It was

only through His three part ministry that they too could have been fully restored back to

the Father, if only they humbly confessed. But, their hearts were cold and untouched by

the truth in His word. They were overcome by their jealousy of this man from Galilee,

who spoke as never a man had spoken before. Ultimately declaring, "Let His blood be

upon us and our children." Matthew 27:25.

With the destruction of the Temple (A.D. 70) the Sadducees disappeared

altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the

Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the

whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of

view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new

chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition (Abot 1:1).

Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the

Jew for all the future. “Pharisees,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol 9, [1901-1906

ed.], p. 666.

As a result, it is impossible to use the Talmud (compilation of Pharisaism’s oral

traditions) to prove that the principles of the astro-lunar-solar calendar (with its full New

Moon and lunar Sabbaths) are false. For the modern Jewish calendar has been corrupted,

and is today an altered version of its once pure and undefiled original. On the fourth day

of creation, the Eternal Master Designer created earth’s sun to rule alone by day to

measure hours as its shadow is cast upon a sundial. But He created the full moon to

measure the passage of all units of time in the shamayim for years, months, weeks, and

calendar dates, via its brilliant (selene #4582) light display against the backdrop of the

starry constellations of the Mazzeroth, by night.

Just as the Tree of Life was placed in the garden, fully endowed with fruit

on the third day, all of creation was created in their complete form with

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apparent age. Nothing was created as seeds, eggs, or babies. Likewise, on

the fourth day the celestial bodies were created and placed in their precise

positions in the shamayim, reflecting, by their positions, the passage of the

first three recorded days of creation. Therefore, earth’s first year, month,

week, and day were set, as a clock would be, according to Yahuah’s very

seat of power and its full New Moon. Earth was never intended to operate

on an independent time-system from that of the entire universe. This was

the missing puzzle piece in the Genesis account of the week. It was

Yahuah’s New Moon that set the count for years, months, weeks, and days

upon the earth. Now Genesis can be harmonized with the remainder of the

Scriptures. A Case for the Lunar Sabbath, Kerrie French, 2011.

As in any wide spread covert operation or lie there is never an end to the cover-up, as the

end result is believed to validate the means. What began with the Pharisees two thousand

years ago has continued on to this very day. Perhaps it is because the lies and cover-ups

have continued so long and so consistently, it has come to appear they bare the truth. For

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the purpose of this article, I only want to focus on the current elements of time-keeping

that have been held as historical fact and truth by the

modern Jews/Semites, and those who adhere to some of

their principles. The foundation, upon which all time-

keeping is judged, must be Scripture. All points must be

weighed in the balances in order to reveal truth and

expose the false theories and customs for what they are.

Historically, when Israel was disobedient to Yahuah, He

sent them into captivity. This was their punishment and the curse was their losing sight of

their oracles of truth and time-keeping system. They lost their New Moons and were not

able to locate the true Sabbaths nor all the annual set-apart Feast Days.

In coming out of Egypt and later Babylon, it was only under divine guidance that all things were divinely restored to Israel. But no record of a divine restoration has ever been uncovered in the aftermath of the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. During this period of time Rome aggressively sought to stamp out all things Jewish from her laws to her calendar. Might this last recorded captivity of Israel mark the fulfillment of Hosea 2:11 and Lamentations 2:5-7?

I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her New Moons, her Sabbaths: All her appointed feasts. Hosea 2:11 Yahuah was like an enemy. He has swallowed up Israel, He has swallowed up all her palaces; He has destroyed her strongholds, and has increased mourning and lamentation in the daughter of Judah. He has done violence to His tabernacle, as if it were a garden; He has destroyed His place of assembly; Yahuah has caused the appointed feasts and Sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion. In His burning indignation He has spurned the king and the priest. Lamentations 2:5-7

Beginning in the 2nd century the Great Easter Controversy commenced and lasted nearly

200 years. At that time, both the Jews and the followers of the Messiah were coerced

under pressure to give up their unique calendar that located all sacred feast days and

Sabbaths by counting from the New Moon. But it was the early followers of Messiah

(Nazarenes) that were dubbed the Quartodecimen (Fourteeners) who continued to reckon

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Passover because of the Crucifixion upon the 14th day of the New Moon in harmony

with the Jews.

The rub came when Rome required all in her extensive realm, both east and west, to

celebrate Easter, Resurrection day, upon the same day throughout the kingdom. Thus, an

edict by Victor, Bishop of Rome, proclaimed that Easter must be celebrated on the first

Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox of their Roman calendar model.

This was to ensure that Easter would never occur upon the true Passover and its "Jewish"

astro-luni-solar calendar, although this calendar was ordained by the Creator to be

utilized by all the obedient followers of earth, and not merely the Israelites.

While the Jews, themselves refused to give up their ancient Torah, and the followers of

Messiah (Quartodecimen, also known as Nazarenes) refused to change their method of

calendation, as their Messiah was the embodiment and prophetic fulfillment of the

ancient Torah and its unique system of time-keeping. Strikingly, it was the consistency of

the astro-luni-solar calendar that confirmed Yahusha as the true Lamb, prophesied from

the foundation of the world, the Savior and restorer of mankind.

Thus the Nazarenes (Quartodecimen) from the Roman east refused to comply. But by the

4th century A.D., at the Council of Nicaea, Constantine the Great set forth a decree that

all must comply or die. Many under pressure complied, but numerous died for the truth as

they knew their Messiah was both the promise and the fulfillment of the Passover

typology defined in the Torah, the Old Testament Scripture. Thus, it was by this method

that the ancient calendar, astro-luni-solar time-keeping, was stricken from the minds of

the people as they were forced to comply to Rome's artificial planetary wall calendar

along with its weeks that cycled without end.

But notwithstanding the decision of the council [of Nicaea] there were some Quartodecimens, as they were termed, who remained pertinaciously attached to the celebration of Easter [Passover] on the fourteenth of the moon, and among others the Audeans, schismatics of Mesopotamia. They found fault with the council, reproachfully remarking, that this was the first time that the ancient tradition [of properly locating Passover by the moon], through complaisance for Constantine, had been departed from. Ecclesiastical History, Eusebius, Chapter 22 Council of Nicaea. [Emphasis Mine]

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The issue of those early days will be repeated in the end times as Roman powers seek once again to stamp out and destroy from the face of the earth all the modern Quartodecimen (Fourteener) schismatic. These are they who calculate Passover from the New Moon, along with all other feast days and Sabbaths. Who then shall stand in that day and be obedient to the divine laws of our Creator and Savior? We have all been led to believe that whatever the Jews believe today with regards to time-keeping and worship must be accurate by reason of their once having held the oracles of truth. But is this actually the case? Can we trust that what the Jews believe now is the same as what they believed and lived by during the time our Savior lived and ministered? I’d like to suggest that Israel (as a people/nation) remain in captivity today along with most of the civilized world, for the very reason that they remain under the umbrella of Roman/Babylonian calendation. In addition to this, it seems that they continue to go wrong with locating all of the divine units of time measurement as they were ordained at creation to be beaconed by the ruling sun, moon, and stars, as they shine from the eastern to the western horizon. (Genesis 1:16). Let’s examine the evidence. � New Year’s Day - The Jews/Israelites place New Year’s Day on Feast of Trumpets,

the first day of the seventh month. Yet, Yahuah told Moses that it was to be on Abib 1, a full seven months earlier, in the spring. The following verse identifies New Year’s Day as 14 days prior to Passover. Exodus 12:1-3, Years are to be Divided by Lunar Months

“And declared Yahuah unto Moses and unto Aaron, while in the land of Egypt, commanding that: “The New Moon, ‘this one’ is the beginning of the lunar months. It is first in order according to the lunar months for the revolution of a year.” You shall keep and teach this to all the congregation of Israel saying, “in the tenth of the lunar month, do the following: And you shall reserve and keep every man a lamb for each household of the father, a lamb for each house.” . . . And you shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month, and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. Exodus 12:1-3, 6 Years are to be Divided by Lunar Months.

� Sunrise or Sunset, When Does the Day Begin? - While the Romans begin their day

at midnight, the Jews/Israelites commence their "day" (which means "light") at

sunset. How is it they overlook the statements in Genesis 1:1-5, where Alahim

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separated the darkness from the light, calling the "light" "day" and the "darkness" he

called "night." There is a bit of confusion with regard to the word "day" as it is used

interchangeably in Genesis to refer to the 12 hours of daylight as well as the 24 hour

calendar date.

� Length of a Day- The length of the "day" is resolved in John 11:9 as 12 hours from

sunrise to sunset, as declared by Yahusha the Messiah in harmony with Genesis 1:1-


� Length of a Civil Calendar Date - The 24 hour civil calendar date begins also

begins with sunrise, and is from sunrise to sunset. This website supports the view that

each "civil calendar date' commences at sunrise rather than as the Jews keep it, from

sunset to sunset. While we recognize it is the moon and stars ruling together that

announce a new civil calendar date. The new date always commences the following


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� The Qodesh Feast Days and the Menorah - It appears that the Menorah is the

GOLD STANDARD of TIME'S cosmic themes as it relates to the Temple and the

qodesh Feast Day layout from east to west. The Menorah, The Aleph and Tav of

Fixed Time

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� Sacred Hours of the New Moon and Sabbath - But we also believe that the sacred

hours of the New Moon and Sabbath commence at sunrise and terminate at sunset.

However, the Jews, because they reject the Renewed Covenant (N.T.), they are not

able to utilize what the Messiah said about the "day," being only a period of twelve

hours of "daylight" (John 11:9) and thus, not any part of the "night." Refer to

Scripture study in Genesis 1:1-5, When the Day Begins. Also, refer to the

article, Sunrise or Sunset, When Does the Day Begin?

� The True Seventh-Day Sabbath - In A.D. 358, Sanhedrin Patriarch Hillel II,

motivated by the onslaught of continued Jewish persecution, sold out the Jews when

he determined to provide an authorized mathematically-based calendar for all time to

come that would be in harmony with Rome and yet appear to link them with their

astro-luni-solar roots. . . Thus the Jews swapped the Scriptural lunar Sabbaths for the

popularized Roman unbroken-cycle-of seven day weeks, causing her Sabbaths (as

given to them by Yahuah through Moses) to no longer be in sync with the New

Moons and all of the other sacred appointed Feast Days. Their Sabbaths can no longer

be found as beaconed "from one New Moon to another," but are fixed upon artificial

Roman paper wall calendars (Isaiah 66:23). Does this not present a continued tie

between the Jewish leaders and Rome, not dissimilar to the cover-up and lies after the

crucifixion of the Messiah?

"Julius Caesar's conquest of Egypt in the 1st century BC introduced this

planetary week to the Roman Empire, which still used the Etruscan eight-

day week. Since the astrological and Jewish weeks were both seven days

long, by the 1st century AD the day of Saturn had become identified with

the Jewish Sabbath. After Christianity became the state religion, the

Church integrated both cycles to produce our present week, used also

by Jews and Moslems." (Sarah Belle Dougherty in her book review of The Seven

Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week by Eviatar Zerubavel, University of

Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1989. As published in Sunrise magazine,

August/September 2003; Copyright © 2003 Theosophical University Press)

Ezekiel 46:1 together with Leviticus 23 hold the key to Yahuah's true calendar, as

together, these cannot be manipulated to harmonize with the fixed Roman calendar and

its continuous weekly seven day cycle. The distinguishing factor of Yahuah's true

Sabbath is that it can only be found by counting from the New Moon.

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� The True New Moon - The modern Jews/Israelites have kept a crescent New Moon

tradition for nearly 1700 years, which evidently took root when Hillel II changed their

method of calendation forever. Along with the addition of the Karaites and many

crescent New Moon believers today, the primary foundation for a crescent New

Moon is founded upon a single verse in Psalms 81:3. However, the desired meaning

of this verse cannot be substantiated within itself nor can it be supported by the

required two or three Scripture witnesses. In order to make it appear the New Moon

and the full moon are separate lunar events, the order of the English words have been


Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls Supporting this view is a recent article by William Doehring written for the Examiner.com entitled, Christianity Shrouded by a Solar Eclipse. The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal the ancient Hebrew New Moon was the “full moon.”

The author quoting from James Vanderkam suggests that the Qumran community proactively sought to protect the original full New Moon as it was condemned to change. More will be presented on this in the Scripture study on Luke, the first of the fourteen studies below.

Because they continue with the cover-up, they are not interested in the truth and do not recognize Yahusha as the promised Messiah. As a result, they cannot utilize the Renewed Covenant verses that show that He is the fulfillment of the law and the time-centric requirements of the astro-luni-solar Sanctuary system, with its true and original full moon beacon. They are also not able to employ any of the New Moon identifiers mentioned in the Renewed Covenant, and so they are doomed to continue on the pathway of darkness. They and their followers, persist in keeping all the feast days according to a false crescent New Moon tradition and thus, on the wrong days. Simply because the Jews have based their crescent New Moon beliefs upon a rearrangement of words in Psalms 81:3 for 1700 years, does not mean they are in harmony with Scripture/Torah. A lie cannot become true simply because it is well covered-up or traditionalized, or by repeating it over and over again for nearly 2000 years. Depending upon which translation you utilize you will find that Judges 8:21, 26 refers either to round gold ornaments worn around the necks of camels or that they were in the

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shape of a crescent. My personal belief is that this verse referred to the crescent shape representing the deity moon god Sin, worshiped by the pagan nations. You will find these same results in a Hebrew lexicon or concordance. The Almighty Father has never called for blind trust, yet there are those who would have us believe the most important lunar phase, which beacons the New Year, New Month and all the sacred feast days and Sabbaths, is itself not described even once in all of Scripture. As obedient seekers of truth, ever gaining knowledge, we must be certain that we do not walk out the front door of the proverbial errors of the house of Babylon, only to return again via the back door. Yet, this is what so many of us have done. We walked out and closed the door on a Saturday Sabbath, but opened the back door and re-entered by accepting a crescent New Moon as the correct way to determine when Yahuah’s true Sabbath is to be observed.

Calendar Conflict in Synchronizing Shamayim with Earth It became apparent while making calendars for the web site over a two year period (2010-2012) that there was an inherent flaw in the first visible crescent (FVC) New Moon theory. While some believe the FVC New Moon must be announced each month from Jerusalem, others believe that it comes to us, wherever we are, on a round world. Each of these views comes with unique problems. If the FVC New Moon is to be proclaimed only in Jerusalem, those who witness it in South Africa, of the Southern Hemisphere, 23 hours previously, must disregard it completely until they receive the announcement from their Jewish brothers. However, just as recently as 150 years ago, Jerusalem would not have been able to declare the commencement of the lunar month to the whole world in an accurate or timely manner. So, one must recognize the inconsistency between what might be accomplished today via the internet and telephone with the announcement of the New Moon from Jerusalem. This was in actuality not possible in antiquity. Using logic, it must be the moon itself that makes its announcement with its visible appearance in the shamayim, where all may see. The moon is a time reckoning instrument that can only function accurately when it is present and visible in any of the 24 basic time zones on earth. A stationary dateline can no more be established in Jerusalem, than a permanent, yet arbitrary dateline can be placed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is because the instrument our Creator has ordained to signal His new months and demarcate each calendar date from the next, is His perpetually revolving New Moon in the sky. Each

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month the Creator’s Lunar International Dateline (CLID) comes to us in an entirely new location. In other words, the CLID is mobile, because the earth, the sun, the stars and the moon are all mobile. The CLID remains in one marked location for a full lunar month, after which time a refreshed New Moon is witnessed in an altogether different location.

Those of us who have believed the FVC New Moon comes to us on a round world, have an altogether different problem. This problem is that the FVC, being so slim a band of light, cannot be seen in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere in summer and winter on the same day. During the winter of the Northern Hemisphere, South Africa and Australia will lag behind a visual sighting of the FVC by a full 24 hour rotation of earth, and this is reversed in the winter. While this has been recognized by those of us who display calendars on our websites, we have opted to handle this problem in different ways:

� At www.TheCreatorsCalendar.com, we defined in detail the location

where the FVC would occur on earth visibly so that folks could know, via the Internet, when to expect it, and whether or not it would be visible in their hemisphere or not. This has always been a problem for the sheer fact that people expect to see the first visible crescent themselves, which they should be able to do in order to verify which day is New Moon Day. As a result of this very problem, some have even opted to use the second visible crescent of the month as their New Moon, simply because it is visible to all. Yet, it is still the first visible crescent to some and second visible crescent to others, remaining inconsistent. Also, one must question, what authority designates either the first visible crescent or the second day crescent as the New Moon?

� Other websites that post calendars have opted to allow a separate FVC for both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere for summer and winter, as spring and fall are not a problem. As a result, there are consistently in summer and winter two days of FVC New Moon days back to back, this means that there are consistently two full rotations of the earth to accommodate both hemispheres. Likewise, there are two 24 hour periods allotted for Sabbaths back to back each week. Most people will never recognize this calendar flaw unless they compare the dates given for the FVC New Moon in the Northern Hemisphere with those of the Southern Hemisphere.

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Reality Check At the time of creation, our loving Father synchronized earth with the time-keeping of the New Jerusalem, via His eternal astro-luni-solar timepiece. From this system He bestowed

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upon earth His New Moon and His Sabbath as a sign that we worship the true Creator (Ezekiel 20:12, Ezekiel 46:1). There has always been a moon in the New Jerusalem, to regulate time (Revelation 22:2). The earth was designed to make only one rotation per work day and only one rotation per Sabbath, because there is only one day each week upon which our Creator receives formal worship from all His created beings collectively. His Sabbath above is precisely the length of time it takes to give everyone on earth a 12 hour Sabbath, no shorter and no longer. The designation by some lunar calendars of two days for each New Moon day and each Sabbath should be a red flag that there is a problem with time reckoning. When utilizing the full moon as New Moon, these problems simply vanish, because the full moon, when it arises in the east, is seen by everyone whether in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere as the earth makes its complete rotation. The only exception for this involves the folks living in Alaska or Siberia, who by default must make astronomical allowances. The reason these are such outrageous problems, is because they compromise the truth at the very time our loving Father is revealing it. The entire purpose of His preordained celestial timepiece is to synchronize earth with the worship rhythms of His own dwelling place. So, it appears that inadvertently man has created, or at the minimum, responded to another road block and detour. However, there is hope for those who diligently seek for truth, and a bright light at the end of the dark tunnel of confusion and error.

We must contend for the truth as Yahuah continues to shed light on His sacred time system truths. The apparent conflict has served to keep us humble as we continued to seek answers by looking to the FATHER OF LIGHTS (James 1:17).

New Moon and Pure Light While under the Roman Gregorian delusion for 50 years, I was ever seeking to be obedient to the concept of a seventh-day Sabbath as it fit my known criteria. Likewise, I can do no less with the true New Moon. It must fit all the known criteria including its relation to LIGHT, as it is a significant sign of His chosen lunar beacon, the trustworthy witness in the sky that locates the true and sacred lunar Sabbath and all the set-apart feast days. It was overtly apparent from the beginning that the occulted dark moon could not qualify for a true new moon, for the physical and spiritual facts that there was NO LIGHT in it.

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It was clear to me by the sheer volume of Scripture verses that whatever lunar phase was New Moon, of necessity, it must contain LIGHT. The verses below declare LIGHT as key for each ordained and ruling luminary. This would be pure LIGHT, with no portion of darkness in them when they rule from east to west. The New Moon is no exception. When ruling one night only each New Year in spring, it announces the true New Year’s Day. On one night only each month, it is Rosh Chodesh, the chief or head of the lunar month. As a symbol of the Messiah, reflecting the marvelous LIGHT AND TRUTH of His Father in this dark world, the full moon stands alone without a rival. The Jews/Israelites can’t utilize this fact as they do not recognize the Messiah has come.

And Alahim said, Let there be LIGHTS in the firmament of the shamayim to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, for days, and years: And let them be for LIGHTS in the firmament of the shamayim to give LIGHT upon the earth: and it was so. And Alahim made two great LIGHTS; the greater LIGHT to rule the day, and the lesser LIGHT to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:14-17

Yahusha (the Messiah) said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. John 14:9-11 NKJV But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the LIGHT, for whatever makes manifest, is light. Ephesians 5:13

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER OF LIGHTS, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17 NKJV For every one that doeth evil hates the LIGHT, neither cometh to the LIGHT, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth, cometh to the LIGHT, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. John 3:20 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a qodesh nation, a peculiar people . . . called you out of darkness into His marvelous LIGHT. 1Peter 2:9

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The moon and stars to rule the night, for His compassion endures forever. Psalms 136:9 NKJV But the path of the just is as the shining LIGHT, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. They way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. Proverbs 4:18

The loud cry is going forth; our Savior is calling His humble obedient full circle from creation, out of the darkness of this world, with its false theories and beliefs, back into His marvelous pure LIGHT OF TRUTH.

Northern and Southern Hemispheres Opposing Lunar Phases In the same way that a child can be caught in a lie when they return from the market with a candy bar in their right hand and the same dollar bill in their pocket; so too, the lie of the popular New Moon can be exposed from the extenuating circumstances exhibited in the opposing lunar phases displayed between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The shamayim do not lie. In fact we are told that the moon is the trustworthy witness in the sky (Psalms 89:37). A logical question to ask— “Was the moon only to be a trusty witness to the Northern Hemisphere where the Jews were living in the 4th century?” For the crescent (the designated New Moon) by the modern Jews is reversed, and completely opposite in appearance in the Southern Hemisphere, and this opposite appearance is likewise true of nearly all the other lunar phases. So is this evidence that the Jews and others have lied and covered up the facts surrounding the true New Moon lunar phase that was placed in the shamayim to bring harmony upon earth?

Do not give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth. To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. They profess to know Yahuah, but in works they deny Him being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work. Titus 1:14-16

There are only two lunar phases that consistently and harmoniously occur for both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. These are the full moon and the conjunction lunar phase. Each of the other phases are exactly opposite of each other, as in a mirrored image, as they occur night for night and day for day.

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Remarkable as this is, while there are two that occur, there is only one, singular shaped, solitary, lunar phase that is VISIBLE from both hemispheres at the same time, and ironically it is the only lunar phase saturated in the full marvelous light of the sun. Because it is imperative to the Most High that His trustworthy followers worship Him in unity according to the LIGHTS that He set forth in the in the shamayim, He would naturally and unquestionably set His New Moon signal to be both CONSISTENT AND VISIBLE in all localities around the world, as well as north and south. Time itself, can be categorized in two ways: Legitimate and illegitimate. Legitimate time according to Scripture is defined by the pure and perfect visible LIGHTS, bearing no shadow of a turning orbit (Genesis 1:14, James 1:17). Illegitimate time can be defined by any method deemed suitable and agreed upon by rebellious hearted mankind. These include commencing the year in winter; months signaled by a Scripturally erroneous dark lunar phase or crescent after the vernal equinox; weeks that cycle without end, wholly disconnected from the rhythm of the sun, moon, and stars; and days that begin at sunset. Might there be a recognizable pattern of rebellion, or a need to fit in to popular traditions?

For every one that doeth evil hates the LIGHT, neither cometh to the LIGHT, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth, cometh to the LIGHT, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in Yahuah. John 3:20

Why then would we think it safe to follow any single unit of time as set forth by the either the Romans or Jews from the 4th century A.D. until now?

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The Trustworthy Witness— New Moon Story The Sabbath holds a prophetic place among the feasts and a story line of remembrance that sin on earth will not surpass 6,000 years, with a 1,000 year Sabbath rest awaiting the trusting followers of Yahuah, as a time of healing. Every Sabbath day of rest is a perpetual reminder of this sacred anticipated future beyond the grave. In like manner, the true New Moon delivers a powerful story line of both remembrance and of expectant assurance every lunation cycle. But there is only one lunar phase that can tell the whole story from the beginning when all things were pure and righteous, as the head or chief lunar phase, Rosh Chodesh, and then come full circle to a complete restoration of the same full perfect LIGHT OF TRUTH.

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Only one lunar phase can symbolically make the circuit from perfection in light at Creation and traverse through the downward spiral into sin and darkness as mankind turned their back on their Creator. Only one lunar cycle will illustrate in its middle section the full and complete darkness present in the hearts of the antediluvian people at

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the time of the flood, and then the assured expectation through the seed of Noah and then Abraham. This promise of restoration was to be fulfilled in the life and sacrificial death of Yahusha, the Messiah, bringing light and an eternal bright future to a sin darkened world. A pathway through humble confession, forgiveness and obedience was laid that Yahuah’s trusting truth seekers could find their way back into a full and complete restoration through the atoning work of the Messiah. The purpose of the second coming is to reward the trusting and obedient by bringing them physically back face to face with their forgiving Father, that they may walk in the fullness of light for all eternity. Thus the moon is the trustworthy witness in the sky, declaring both the history of mankind and the story of redemption unto righteousness, pure and undefiled.

And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the morally righteous. Rev 19:8-9 NKJV

This is the story of the trustworthy witness in the sky, commencing and terminating with the pure and marvelous full New Moon.

Ellen White and the First Visible Crescent New Moon For myself, as well as many other folks who have come out of the Adventist Church and out of keeping a Roman Saturday as Sabbath, I had also believed that Ellen White's writings were inspired. This I no longer believe. I have discovered that what she has written, although beautiful, is no more inspired than when you or I study something diligently, and then sincerely believe it to be true, as it was based upon the best evidence available. No matter how beautifully written her hired writers have made her published materials, it cannot be taken as divine revelation. To her credit, she acknowledges in the quote below that her ideas are not infallible. If she were a prophet, they would be.

There is no excuse for doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. Age will not make error into truth, and truth can afford to be fair. No true doctrine will lose anything by close investigation. Councils to Writers and Editors, p. 35.

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Ellen White believed the New Moon was the first visible crescent lunar phase. It is because I had believed Ellen White so thoroughly that I was not able to see the light of truth regarding the full moon being the true Rosh Chodesh, the chief cornerstone of the month and year, as it is defined in many ways and places throughout Scripture.

The first point held by Ellen White is in reference to the Millerites and October 22, 1844 as being the anti-typical fulfillment of the Day of Atonement. They had adopted the Karaite method of reckoning astro-luni-solar time, which was according to the FVC New Moon. They were correct to recognize the Hebrew calendar model that commences in the spring to locate all Yahuah's ordained and appointed Feast assemblies to the end of time. There is no reference to the crescent lunar phase confirming Scripture validating the Karaite view as the true New Moon, or that the anti-typical fulfillment of Day of Atonement indeed commenced on October 22, 1844.

1. To the contrary, Daniel 8:14 defines Day of Atonement as a day for a day and not a day for a year prophecy, as it specifically states in detail, "evenings and mornings." All other day for a year prophecies do not contain these descriptive boundary identifiers.

2. If the anti-typical Day of Atonement was indeed launched in 1844, the way into the Qodesh Place (Holy Place) would today, be forever barred, and the work there ended, with no forgiveness available from that moment on. Why? Because this is how the Renewed Covenant portrays the Day of Atonement, as a single day event. All the Feast Days are time prophecies of the work of one person, our Savior, as He moves from one ministration to another. NEVER does He do two ministry works simultaneously, as represented by each appointed Feast. When each ministry is completed, He states, "It is finished." Then He moves on to the next step in the process of restoring mankind back to the Father.

3. When Day of Atonement commences the earthly High Kohen (representing the Messiah) removes his outer garments, wearing only the white linen under garments, illustrating that He cannot do two ministries at the same time. For his garments identify the work he is doing. When one ends the next one begins until all is finished.

4. When the yearly Day of Atonement commenced, the High Kohen (Priest) sacrificed a bull and a ram for a sin offering, and for himself a goat. Then he took the goat's blood into the Most Qodesh (Holy) Place and sprinkled it upon the seat of compassion of the Ark of the Covenant. On all other days the blood of lambs is

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sprinkled upon the altar of incense and upon the curtain that separates the Sacred Place from the Most Qodesh Sacred Place.

On this day he does not carry the smoking censor representing the prayers of the righteous who humbly come for forgiveness. This is because on the Day of Atonement all sins must have been previously forgiven, as this day symbolizes the day that all who are righteous will remain righteous and all those who are unrighteous will remain so. There is no more forgiveness of sin on this, yet future, day. Rather, there is a cleansing of all previously forgiven sin from its containment upon the seat of the sacred Ark of the Almighty Father's seat of power. It is removed by our Savior, who takes it out and places it upon Satan, once and for all, symbolized on earth by the live goat, as led to die in the deserted place in the wilderness.

5. The mere fact that you and I are still in need of forgiveness today, with a need to regularly come before Yahuah's seat of clemency and compassion to receive it, is ample evidence that the anti-typical Day of Atonement did NOT commence in 1844, and is yet future, destined to be prophetically fulfilled according to a day for a day principle.

6. There remains conflict between the Hebrew rendition of the number of evenings and mornings stated as 2,300 in comparison to the Septuagint's 2,400. We must continue to contend with the truth of this verse as it was originally ordained to carry much weight.

7. There is no evidence in Scripture connected to the time-centric Feast Days that also support the view of an investigative judgment. This is simply a belief that developed by a sincere group of people to explain away their Great Disappointment that the Savior did not come on October 22, 1844. While there are many of us who have long believed this to be true, Scripture does not supply the necessary two or three witnesses. Scripture alone must be our guide, for out of it alone, shall all the world be judged. When we cling to beloved beliefs that do not meet the test of Scripture, we are unable to move forward when the Ruach (Spirit) of truth beckons us to arise and walk.

8. Throughout Scripture there are at the minimum fourteen references (cited below) depicting the full moon as New Moon in marked contrast to the absence of a first visible crescent or dark conjunction lunar phases. Consequently, the designation of the Millerites for the Day of Atonement being October 22, 1844 as counted from the FVC, was at a minimum off by 15 days, had that year been the fulfillment of a

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prophecy. Remember, William Miller was also not a prophet, but a sincere man earnestly longing for the second coming of His Savior during his lifetime. This is a man who had been a 33rd degree Mason, and years later declared that there were "two holy books," the "Bible and the Book of Muhammad."

The second point Ellen White makes that illustrates her belief that the first visible crescent moon is the New Moon in harmony with the Jewish position, is with regards to the night before our Savior's crucifixion, she states:

In company with His disciples, the Savior slowly made His way to the garden of Gethsemane. The Passover moon, broad and full, shone from a cloudless sky. The city of pilgrims' tents was hushed into silence. Desire

of Ages, p. 685.

While this statement creates a lovely picture of what might have been, it is not supported by a "thus says Yahuah" in Scripture. Rather, a solar eclipse, the conjunction of the dark lunar phase blocked the sun on that epic crucifixion day, as was testified by four eye witnesses, three of which are recorded in Scripture. By declaring the moon to be "broad and full" on the night of the 13th, by extension suggests that the New Moon was the dark conjunction or first visible crescent lunar phase. Might this belief have been born out of Ellen White's own youthful and sincere experience with the Millerite movement that saw fit to follow the Karaite Jews in keeping the first sliver lunar phase as the New Moon? Most likely it was, as it demonstrates consistency with her own experience as she continued to remain in harmony with the Millerite view, which by at least 20 years pre-empted the statement of the Passover moon, above. If she were alive this day, might she see the light in the full moon as New Moon?

Ellen White and the Great Easter Controversy Cover-up In 1888, the first printed edition of Ellen White’s book, The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan was published. There were 12 pages dedicated to the Appendix. Yet, in 1911, a new edition was typeset and printed with additional images and 22 additional pages of Appendix. Folks at the time were up in arms about why there was a need to create a new edition of the book, which alluded to there being a flaw in the 1888 version written by their beloved prophet, Ellen White. Surely, it was without error. The claim was then made by the Adventist Church leaders and publishing house that no significant changes had been made, but declared that the only changes cited were actually additions made to the Appendix, which increased it from 12 to 22 pages.

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Recently it has been discovered what may be the only portion removed from the 1888 edition of the (GC) were two pages of quotes from the historians Mosheim, Bower, and Hevlyn. From these quotes one can trace the events of the 2nd and 3rd century Great Easter Controversy. If only a surface reading of these quotes had been rendered it may not have raised any questions or red flags regarding the original calendar or true Sabbath of Scripture. However, in researching any of these quotes to their source as originally recorded by Eusebius in his book Eccliastical History (A.D. 335), it becomes conspicuously clear there were more issues at stake than first met the eye. For it is in those early pages of antiquity that one comes face to face with the comprehensive meaning of the term Quartodecimens (Fourteeners) as it specifically related to the obedient followers of Messiah (Natsarim) who refused to celebrate Passover on any day other than the 14th day as counted from the New Moon of Scripture’s astro-luni-solar calendar. Leviticus 23 further illustrates that this unique calendar model consistently locates all the set-apart feast days as well as the true seventh-day Sabbath as counted from the New Moon. As a result, this identifies that the true and sacred seventh-day Sabbath of Scripture is lunar, and will consistently occur with precision upon the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each astro-luni-solar month. Evidently, this conflict of interest regarding the true seventh-day Sabbath of Scripture was discovered after the 1888 Great Controversy version was published. If this had been recognized by the masses it would have had foundationally disastrous consequences for the building up of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For after all, their most prominent belief contained within that very book identified the modern Roman Saturday of the ever cycling planetary week as the seventh-day Sabbath in direct contradiction to Scripture and the historical record of the Easter Controversy. Secondarily, a discovery of this magnitude would have cast a great shadow of doubt upon its author Ellen White, identifying her as a false prophet, for which she would have never recovered. Thus it is, that a cover-up scheme was initiated primarily by Ellen White and her son Willie White, and none the less in her very own home, to remove the damning trail of evidence leading to Eusebius and his eye witness record of the Great Easter Controversy and Constantine’s decree at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. Refer to The Great Easter Controversy Cover-up.

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Saturday had never been the ancient Sabbath of the Creator, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, or our Messiah and Savior. Bottom line, I was not able to consider the full moon as a serious option for the original New Moon, while I remained a believer in Ellen White’s views, which in this case and others are not supported by Scripture. This is a humbling experience to see how I and so many others have unwittingly clung to error. Scripture alone must be our guide at all times.

And the times of this ignorance, Alahim winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent: Acts 17:30

Recommended reading for testing the prophetic gift of Ellen White, Life of Ellen White.

Scripture Studies— Testify to a Full New Moon The prophet Daniel revealed that the Creator’s times and laws were to be the target of destruction by the enemy of souls (Daniel 7:25). As a result, it should come as no surprise to me or others that this has indeed occurred. But what is truly shocking, is the layers and layers of changes that have been made to the calendar, and the cover-up that has been undertaken to conceal the truth. Under the direction of the Almighty Father, my burden for getting to the bottom of this has exposed some cover-up within the pages of Scripture itself, by the “lying pen of scribes” (Jeremiah 8:8). As a result, each of the following word studies is supported by two or more Lexicons, Scripture Dictionaries, and Concordances as I am not a Hebrew or Greek scholar. However, these studies have been prepared with great care and prayer, but no doubt they are also not error free. Yet, the purpose of these presentations is to reveal things long hidden since the great and marvelous day of Pentecost, in preparation for the Messiah’s soon return.

I believe that all those who seek to be obedient will find they must repent of errors as they are discovered. Yes, many of us have come out of the error of Gregorian calendation, but not yet into the full knowledge of Yahuah's true New Moon and all His units of time. It is not for us to tell Yahuah’s Ruach of Truth “we have come far enough.” This process I believe will occur many times on different subjects over the coming years. All things must be supported in Scripture, by two or three witnesses. There were never two or three witnesses supporting either a first visible crescent nor for the dark conjunction New Moon. I was tied into the FVC for the most part based upon

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Ellen White's statements. Now that I see my error, the Ruach of truth is revealing volumes with regard to the full New Moon. With this said, each person must take this before Yahusha, our Savior and Redeemer, in prayer. Each person must be fully persuaded, as each person will stand alone before the judgment seat of Yahuah. How might I stand before the Great Judge on the Day of Atonement? My answer will be simple as to why I have kept the full moon as the true New Moon.

1. According to the Abrahamic Covenant, the NIGHT WAS DARK 430 years to the day prior to Israel’s Exodus from Egypt, which occurred on the 15th of the lunar month.

2. For the reason there are five names identified in Scripture who testified of a SOLAR ECLIPSE on the day of the crucifixion, which implies the lunar phase on the 14th of Abib was the dark conjunction. The witnesses that testified to this are Amos 8:9-10, Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44-45, and Dionysius the Areopagite of Acts 17:34, who was a Greek Astronomer and a gentile.

3. Because Revelation 12:1 identifies for all Yahuah’s end-time followers that the constellation Bethula (Virgo) together with the (#4582 selene - brilliant) full moon, mark the first day of the year in the spring. Bethula arises with the full moon at her feet at sunset and shines the whole night through from east to west, announcing the following morning at sunrise the New Year and New Month will begin.

My prayer is that we may all behold our Savior one day soon, as the true LIGHT OF THE WORLD for which the true New Moon is a reflective symbol, for in Him there is no darkness.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER OF LIGHTS, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning [fully visible sun, fully visible stars, and fully visible moon]. James 1:17

For additional studies that illustrate the full moon as the original New Moon in Scripture, click on this link: http://www.thecreatorscalendar.com/studies/wordStudyCategories.html#.U9lfmWOAmnl

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Kerrie L. French [email protected]


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