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Page 1: Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, …...1 Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, Cambridge, 2009, 2010 & 2011 Catherine Collins 2019 2009 – ECB3887 & ECB3888


Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, Cambridge, 2009, 2010 & 2011

Catherine Collins


2009 – ECB3887 & ECB3888 2010 – ECB3433 2011 – ECB3649

Access Cambridge Archaeology Department of Archaeology

University of Cambridge Downing Street

Cambridge CB2 3ER

01223 761518

[email protected]


Page 2: Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, …...1 Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, Cambridge, 2009, 2010 & 2011 Catherine Collins 2019 2009 – ECB3887 & ECB3888


Page 3: Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, …...1 Archaeological test pit excavations in Cottenham, Cambridge, 2009, 2010 & 2011 Catherine Collins 2019 2009 – ECB3887 & ECB3888


Introduction A total of 34 1m2 archaeological test pits were excavated over a three-year period between 2009 and 2011 in the village of Cottenham in south Cambridgeshire and were excavated as part of both the Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) and run by Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA) out of the University of Cambridge and local community organised events run in conjunction with the Fen Edge Archaeology Group. Cottenham today is a large village nearly 1.75km long lying at c.10m OD on a low greensand ridge surrounded by fenland, c.8km north of Cambridge. The church of All Saints contains 12th century masonry and is set apart from the core of the present village, whose main centre, containing a range of local shops and both primary and secondary schools, lies nearly 1km to its south. It has been suggested that a second church may have existed closer to the centre of the present village at Church Hill near the moated site of Crowland Manor House (Cambs HER 01118), although no archaeological evidence for this has been found to date. The present church lies immediately east of a road which kinks around its churchyard as it makes its way to Wilburton, some 10km to the north. Properties either side of the road south of the church are notable for their long narrow gardens, which may preserve earlier, possibly medieval, boundaries whose form may be determined by having been laid out over strip fields. To the south, the main part of the present village within the area defined by High Street, Rooks Street and Denmark Road has a marked rectilinear plan and it has been suggested that the medieval village grew from a nucleus in this area, a suggestion supported by excavations off Denmark Road and High Street. Excavations in 1996-7 on Lordship Lane (immediately south-east of Lambs Row) revealed evidence of settlement from the seventh century, abandoned in the 12th to 15th centuries.

Access Cambridge Archaeology

Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA) (http://www.access.arch.cam.ac.uk/) is an archaeological outreach organisation based in the Department of Archaeology in the University of Cambridge, which aims to enhance economic, social and personal well-being through active engagement with archaeology. It was set up in 2004 and specialises in providing opportunities for members of the public to take part in purposeful, research-orientated archaeological investigations including excavation. Educational events and courses range in length from a few hours to a week or more and involve members of the public of all ages.

Since 2015, ACA has been managed by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) and thus have been able to work more closely with the unit to deliver outreach programmes such as the community excavations at Peterborough Cathedral in 2016, community test pitting activities in Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. The ACA and CAU collaboration has also enabled the continuation of the education outreach projects that involve work with both primary and secondary school pupils.

The High Education Field Academy (HEFA)

The Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) programme aims to raise the aspirations, enthusiasm and attainment of 14-17 year-olds with regard to higher education by making a valuable contribution to current academic research at the

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University of Cambridge. The three-day learning-extension course has been run by Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA) since 2005, aimed at UK students in state schools years 9, 10 and 12.

On HEFA, participants spend two days running their own small (1m2) archaeological excavation within living villages, with the aim of applying and developing a wide range of learning skills, boosting their academic confidence and giving them a taste of life and learning at university level. They make new discoveries for and about themselves, and, in the process, contribute to the university's currently occupied rural settlement (CORS) research into the development of rural communities and settlements in the past. The third day is spent in the University of Cambridge analysing the excavation results in discursive learning sessions which aim to engage and challenge participants, prepare them to produce a written analysis for assessment as well as provide an inspirational and positive experience of higher education. After the field academy, learners receive detailed individual feedback on their data collection, personal, learning and thinking skills developed during the fieldwork as well as their reporting and research skills exhibited in the written assignment, which will support applications to further and higher education.

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Methodology The three years of test pitting in Cottenham was organised by ACA in conjunction with the Fen Edge Archaeology Group and local residents in Cottenham. The excavation and records followed the standard Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA), instruction handbook and recording booklet. The test pit digging takes place over two days, which begins with an initial talk explaining the aims of the excavation, the procedures used in digging and recording the test pit and the correct and safe use of equipment. Participants are then divided into teams of three or four individuals, and each team is provided with a complete set of test pit excavation equipment, copies of the instruction handbook and a record booklet to enter excavation data into. The test pits were all 1m2 and the turf, if present, was removed in neat squares by hand. Each test pit was excavated in a series of 10cm spits or contexts, to a maximum depth of 1.2m. The horizontal surface of each context/spit was then drawn at 1:10 scale before excavation, a photograph taken and the colour of the soil recorded with reference to a standardised colour chart. A pro-forma recording system was used by participants to record their test pit excavation. This comprised a 16-page Test Pit Record booklet which was developed by ACA for use by people with no previous archaeological experience. Each pit and context is described and noted using the site code COT/year, so COT/09 for 2009, COT/10 for 2010 and COT/11 for 2011. During the excavation, 100% of the spoil is sieved through a 10mm mesh (with the occasional exception of very heavy clay soils which have to be hand-searched). All artefacts are retained, cleaned and bagged by context. Cut and built features are planned at 1:10 and excavated sequentially with latest deposits removed first. Pottery and most other finds are identified promptly by archaeological experts on site who visit the test pits regularly providing advice and checking that the excavation is being carried out and recorded to the required standard. Test pits are excavated down to natural or the maximum safe depth of 1.2m, whichever is encountered first. A minority of test pits will stop on encountering a feature, (ancient or modern) which archaeological staff deem inadvisable or impossible to remove, and occasionally excavation may cease at a level above natural due to time constraints. On completion of each test pit excavation, all four sections are drawn at 1:10 along with the unexcavated base of the test pit prior to backfilling by hand and the turf replaced neatly to restore the site. After the two days of excavation are completed, the archaeological records and finds (all of which are kept and cleaned on site) are retained by ACA at the University of Cambridge for analysis, reporting, archiving and submission to HER’s, publication and ongoing research into the origins and development of rural settlement. Ownership of objects rests in the first instance with the landowner, except where other law overrides this (e.g. Treasure Act 1996, 2006, Burials Act 1857). ACA retain all finds in the short term for analysis and ideally also in the longer term in order that the excavation archives will be as complete as possible, but any requests to return finds to owners will be agreed.

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Results of the test pit excavations in Cottenham The approximate locations of the 34 test pits excavated in Cottenham between March 2009 and July 2011 can be seen in figure 1 below (please note that the test pits are not to scale). By year this breaks down to 18 pits excavated in 2009, eight in 2010 and nine excavated in 2011, all part of the University of Cambridge’s HEFA programme. The data from each test pit is discussed in this section and set out in numerical order and by year. Most excavation was in spits measuring 10cm in depth, but in cases when a change in the character of deposits indicated a change in context, a new spit was started before 10cm.

Figure 1: The locations of the three years of test pitting in Cottenham. Yellow for 2009, purple for 2010 and orange for 2011 (NB test pits not to scale) © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service, 1: 10,000

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2009 Test Pit (site code COT/09) ECB3887 and ECB3888 The test pitting in 2009 was excavated over two separate events. The first of these was on the 18th and 19th of March, when nine 1m2 archaeological test pits were excavated by 29 Years 9 and Year 10 school students from Soham Village College, Ely Community College, Chesterton Community College, Cromwell Community College, Neale Wade Community College and Cottenham Village College (school names correct at the time of participation). The test pits were excavated as part of the Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA), run by ACA and funded by Aim Higher Cambridgeshire and the Higher Education Council for England (HEFCE). The second test pitting event was a community led excavation over the weekend of the 16th and 17th of May when a further nine test pits were opened. It was funded by the University of Cambridge as part of a wide-ranging programme celebrating the 800th anniversary of the founding of the University in 1209. The aim was to give local residents and other members of the public the chance to look for archaeological evidence in their own locality which could reconstruct the development of the village during the centuries of the university's earliest origins. Both excavations were directed by Carenza Lewis with onsite supervision provided by Catherine Collins, Jessica Rippengal, Natalie White and Paul Blinkhorn, who also analysed the pottery. Most of the test pits were sited in the centre of the present village, with also a few sited in both the north and south of the settlement. The test pit locations were found by members of the Fen Edge Archaeology Group and local residents, with special thanks to John Stanford, Alex Saunders and Glynis Pilbeam.

Figure 2: Cottenham 2009 test pit location map (NB test pits not to scale) © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Test Pit one (COT/09/1)

Test pit one was excavated in the far north west of the village, in the enclosed flat rear garden of a modern house. The test pit was sited close to the back of the house, between the conservatory and the garden pond (21 Crowlands, Cottenham. TL 544804 267753). Test pit one was excavated to a depth of 0.6m, at which natural was recorded. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A small range of pottery types were excavated from COT/09/1 through the upper four contexts, although all had been disturbed by later 19th and 20th century digging. Three sherds of medieval pottery were recovered that include Early Medieval Sandy Ware and Medieval Shelly Ware. Post medieval and later wares are more abundant, with Bourne ‘D’ Ware, Glazed Red Earthenware, White Salt-glazed Stoneware and Creamware all identified with five sherds of Victorian pottery. EMW SHW BD GRE SWSG CRM VIC

TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

1 1 1 2 3 3 1100-1900

1 2 2 23 1 1 1 1 1550-1900

1 3 1 2 1550-1700

1 4 1 6 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1100-1900

Table 1: The pottery excavated from COT/09/1

The general small amount of both pottery and finds that were excavated from COT/09/1 suggest that the site was most probably open fields until the current house was built in the 20th century. There are however peak periods of activity on site, including during the medieval, until the end of the 16th century and then again during the 18th and 19th centuries, when also a lot of disturbance is evident. The finds consist of glass, slate, coal, CBM, iron nails, modern tile, shell and scrap iron that were mixed through the test pit with two potential waste flint flakes that may suggest prehistoric activity on site.

Figure 3: Location map of COT/09/1

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Test Pit two (COT/09/2) Test pit two was excavated along the northern part of the High Street, in a slightly wooded area just to the north-west of the house in an area that is between the former and present driveway. The house was built in 1847 (185 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545061 267827). Test pit two was excavated to a depth of c.0.9m, at which natural was recorded. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/2 dates to the 19th century and was found mixed through the upper five contexts of the test pit with a single sherd of Manganese Ware. The two sherds of Glazed Red Earthenware excavated also suggest disturbance on site during the early post medieval period that had mixed the earlier evidence of Early Anglo Saxon and Early Medieval Sandy Ware pottery, all of which were excavated from context six.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

2 1 1 31 12 67 1680-1900

2 2 1 83 1800-1900

2 5 1 14 3 27 1550-1900

2 6 1 5 2 8 1 3 450-1700

Table 2: The pottery excavated from COT/09/2

The pottery excavated from COT/09/2 suggests periods of short term occupation on site but as part of larger spreads of activity, although the Early Saxon occupation is generally focused centrally in the village, on the High Street and Margett Street. These periods of occupation are evident during the Early Saxon, early medieval and early post medieval, but the small amounts of pottery recovered suggests minimal activity, until the current house was built in the 18th or 19th century. A great deal of disturbance is also evident on site, due to rubbish being dumped, but may also be due to the large amount of tree roots present across site. The finds consist of iron nails, bakelite, asbestos, breeze block, concrete and white marble tile fragments that were found with a tiny metal thimble, CBM, a clear glass marble, tile, glass, mortar and animal bone. A probable worked flint was also excavated that may indicate prehistoric activity on site.

Figure 4: Location map of COT/09/2

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Test Pit three (COT/09/3) Test pit three was excavated in the flat enclosed rear garden of a former ale-house on a road set back from the High Street (11 Margett Street, Cottenham. TL 545161 267858). Test pit three was excavated to a depth of c.0.6m, at which natural was recorded. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/3 dates to the Victorian period and was found mixed through the test pit. A single sherd of English Stoneware was also identified from context one, with a single sherd of Early Medieval Sandy Ware also recovered from context two.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

3 1 1 14 5 12 1680-1900

3 2 1 6 13 51 1100-1900

3 3 4 21 1800-1900

3 6 28 69 1800-1900

3 7 1 29 1800-1900

Table 3: The pottery excavated from COT/09/3

A thin crushed brick and mortar floor set on clay was excavated from COT/09/3 that may have been part of an earlier structure prior to the ale house, given its depth, although further excavations are needed to confirm this. A great deal of disturbance is also evident on site, with large amounts of Victorian pottery with 19th and 20th century finds recovered, consisting of glass, CBM, slate, tile, coal, iron nails, concrete, modern screws and plastic with silver foil, animal bone, iron bolts and pieces of scrap iron with five fragments of slag from context two indicating metal working on or near site. The single sherds of both medieval and post medieval pottery also found at test pit three suggest there was minimal activity on site prior to the current house most likely built in the 19th century.

Figure 5: Location map of COT/09/3

Table 4: Brick and mortar floor surface identified in COT/09/3 © ACA

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Test Pit four (COT/09/4) Test pit four was excavated in the small enclosed front garden of a modern house, quite close to the road in the north-east of the village (30 Margett Street, Cottenham. TL 545228 267779). Test pit four was excavated to a depth of c.0.8m, at which natural was recorded. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A wide range of pottery was excavated from COT/09/4 (below), with the majority dating to the Saxon and medieval periods. The earliest evidence for occupation dates to the Roman period with three sherds of Roman Greyware excavated from contexts two and four. Occupation was evident through the Saxon period with sherds of Early Anglo-Saxon, Ipswich Ware, St Neots Ware, Thetford Ware and Stamford Ware all recovered from the lower half of the test pit. Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Medieval Shelly Ware with Hedingham and Grimston Wares were also identified in quite large numbers. In comparison, few sherds dating to the post medieval and Victorian periods were excavated from COT/09/4, but consist of Cambridgeshire Sgraffito Ware, Bourne ‘D’ Ware, Glazed Red Earthenware, Manganese Ware and two sherds of Victorian pottery. COT/09/4 appears to be the northern extent of Roman activity so far identified through test pitting in Cottenham, as part of a spread of occupation over a wide area around the Post Office. The pottery also suggests continual occupation on site throughout the Saxon period, with the centre of this occupation on Margett Street, although given the small amount of pottery recovered; the area may have been used as open fields, until expansion in the later Saxon. More intense occupation is evident on site during the medieval period that appears to have been abandoned after the Black Death and was only utilised again as open fields, until the current house was built in the later 20th century. There appears to be remarkably little disturbance from the construction of the house with only small amounts of iron nails, concrete, glass, CBM, breeze block, scrap iron, slate and mortar found with a small round stone ball (a possible musket shot?).

Figure 6: Location map of COT/09/4

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TP Cntx No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

4 1 1 1 1 23 1400-1750

4 2 1 4 1 7 1 2 100-1400

4 3 1 4 3 9 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 2 100-1900

4 4 2 9 1 3 2 4 1 1 14 72 1 25 5 15 4 26 100-1500

4 5 3 13 1 8 11 42 6 61 2 6 450-1500

4 6 1 6 1 1 20 104 1 15 3 26 720-1400

Table 5: The pottery excavated from COT/09/4

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Test Pit five (COT/09/5) Test pit five was excavated in an enclosed flat rear garden of a detached house fronting the road in the north-east of the village (see also test pit 11) (45 Margett Street, Cottenham. TL 545254 267782). Test pit five was excavated to a depth of 0.6m. Natural was not found, but due to the presence of a sewer pipe in the south of the test pit, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded, whilst an extension was added to the north (see COT/09/11). The vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/5 dates to the Victorian period and was also recovered through the upper five contexts of the test pit. Small amounts of Early Anglo-Saxon, Thetford Ware and Medieval Shelley Ware were also excavated with similar small numbers of Cambridgeshire Sgraffito Ware, Bourne ‘D’ Ware, Glazed Red Earthenware, Delft Ware and Creamwares.


TP Cntx No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

5 1 20 98 1800-1900

5 2 1 64 1 14 2 17 3 3 17 103 1100-1900

5 3 1 2 3 8 1750-1900

5 5 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 15 61 450-1900

Table 6: The pottery excavated from COT/09/5

A great deal of later disturbance was identified at COT/09/5 including a lot of 19th and 20th century pottery and rubbish that may be related when the pipe was laid down and was found at 0.5m. The small amounts of earlier pottery mixed in with the later Victorian pot, suggest that the site was open fields until the current house was built in the late 19th/ early 20th century (CHECK). Test pit five was part of the area of concentrated occupation during the Early Saxon and again into the Late Saxon period around Margett Street that continued through the medieval and into the post medieval. A mix of finds were also recovered and consist of plastic, glass, clay pipe, concrete, modern nails, the letter R, possibly from a car, coal, CBM and tile with mortar, iron nails, milk bottle lids and a potential waste flint flake that may indicate prehistoric activity on site.

Figure 7: Location map of COT/09/5

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Test Pit six (COT/09/6) Test pit six was excavated in an enclosed flat rear garden of a modern house fronting the road in the north-east of the village. The test pit was set away from the house and closer to the back shed (51 Margett Street, Cottenham. TL 545284 267731). Test pit six was excavated to a depth of 0.7m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Two sherds of middle and late Saxon pottery were excavated from context five, which consist of Ipswich and Thetford Wares. The rest of the pottery dates to the post medieval and later with a range of pottery types identified, including Staffordshire Slipware, Manganese Ware, English Stoneware, White Salt-glazed Stoneware and Creamware. The vast majority of the pottery however dates to the Victorian period with large numbers excavated from the upper five contexts of COT/09/6.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

6 1 9 38 1800-1900

6 2 12 47 1800-1900

6 3 1 58 6 14 1680-1900

6 4 3 21 1800-1900

6 5 1 13 1 3 1 2 1 45 1 2 2 5 17 163 720-1900

6 7 1 33 1680-1750

Table 7: The pottery excavated from COT/09/6

Remnants of a bonfire were deposited over the garden at COT/09/6 that was also identified in the upper contexts of the test pit. A great deal of disturbance is evident with more intense occupation on site from the 19th century onwards further incited by the presence of a water pipe running across the middle of the test pit. A mix of finds were also excavated and include glass, CBM, coal, mortar, tile and drain with concrete, slate, iron bolts and nails, plastic, clay pipe and animal bone. A large number of pieces of slag were also recovered most likely suggesting metal working on site. Also, the small amount of earlier pottery identified, potentially suggests that the site was open fields until the current house was built in the late 19th or early 20th century (CHECK) but activity was evident on site during the Middle and Late Saxon period, but then not again until the civil war during the 17th century. A possible flint core was also found that may suggest prehistoric activity on site, although analysis of the lithics is needed to confirm this.

Figure 8: Location map of COT/09/6

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Test Pit seven (COT/09/7) Test pit seven was excavated in an enclosed flat rear garden, close to the back of a detached thatched cottage fronting the road in the east of the village (56 Denmark Road, Cottenham. TL 545312 267458). Test pit seven was excavated to a depth of 0.6m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A single small sherd of Bronze Age pottery was excavated from COT/09/7 with a single sherd of Roman Greyware, both of which were mixed with later pottery in the lower half of the test pit. Small amounts of medieval pottery were also identified in the form of Early Medieval Sandy Ware and Grimston Wares, but there is an increase in pottery dating to the post medieval period, with the majority dating to the 19th century. These include Midland Purple ware, Glazed Red Earthenware, Creamware and Victorian pottery, which was also found, mixed through the test pit.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

7 1 1 10 1 9 2 29 7 26 1100-1900

7 2 2 3 1800-1900

7 3 1 5 1 5 1 3 2 3 1200BC-1900

7 4 1 31 2 11 5 36 1100-1900

7 5 1 3 1 8 1 7 5 15 6 16 100-1900

Table 8: The pottery excavated from COT/09/7

COT/09/7 yielded the only Bronze Age pottery so far identified through the test pitting strategy in Cottenham, but at this stage it is unsure as to whether this is related to occupation or part of a burial. The small amount of Roman activity also identified, although most likely fields, is part of a wider spread of occupation in Cottenham around the Post Office. Occupation is also evident into the medieval period, until about 1600 and again in the late 18th or early 19th century, which with the peak in occupation there also appears to be a great deal of disturbance that may be related to the presence of a pipe also identified in the base of the test pit. A small amount of finds were also recovered from test pit seven and consist of modern nails, concrete, coal, glass, iron nails, metal wire with clay pipe and a number of pieces of slag, suggesting metal working on or near site. A single piece of burnt stone was also recovered that may indicate prehistoric activity.

Figure 9: Location map of COT/09/7

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Test Pit eight (COT/09/8) Test pit eight was excavated in an enclosed rear garden of a modern detached house in the east of the village. The test pit was sited away from the house in the bottom of the garden next to the vegetable patch (40 Denmark Road, Cottenham. TL 5452453 267384). Test pit eight was excavated to a depth of 0.6m, at which sand and clay were found that may be natural. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A single sherd of Roman Greyware was excavated from context five of COT/09/8, but the majority of the pottery dates to the Victorian period with 13 sherds found mixed through the test pit.


TP Context No Wt No Wt Date

8 3 1 2 1800-1900

8 4 3 5 1800-1900

8 5 1 14 9 29 100-1900

Table 9: The pottery excavated from COT/09/8

A large amount of brick rubble was excavated from COT/09/8, most likely dumped when the current house was built in the late 20th century, although there is also evidence for a lot of disturbance from the 19th century, given the large amount of Victorian pottery also recovered. A mix of more recent finds were generally excavated from test pit eight and include slate, glass, scrap metal, CBM, mortar, concrete, wood, plastic, part of a rubber glove, coal, iron nails, plastic wrappers, metal washers and asbestos. A single probable waste flint was also excavated that may suggest prehistoric activity on site (CHECK). Evidence for Roman activity was also present on site, although given the small amount recovered it was most likely used as open fields as part of a wider spread of Roman activity in Cottenham around the Post Office.

Figure 10: Location map of COT/09/8

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Test Pit nine (COT/09/9) Test Pit nine was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a modern house set in the far southwest of the village (20 Pelham Close, Cottenham. TL544781 267318). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.6m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/9 dates as Victorian. Single sherds of both later medieval Bourne ‘D’ Ware and post medieval Delft Ware were also recorded.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

9 2 3 36 1800-1900

9 6 1 11 1 6 6 17 1450-1900

Table 10: The pottery excavation from COT/09/9

The few sherds of pottery that were recorded from COT/09/9 suggest that the site may have always been marginal to both the Saxon and medieval core of activity as recorded through the test pitting strategy in the village and is sited further north. Generally the site would have likely been left as open fields until the modern housing estate was built during the 20th century. No finds were retained by ACA after the excavation so their analysis cannot be included here.

Figure 11: Location map of COT/09/9

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Test Pit 10 (COT/09/10) Test Pit 10 was excavated to the rear of a probable 19th century property fronting the main road in the north of the village. The test pit was excavated in the ‘orchard area’ to the south-eastern edge of the land (43 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545464 268316). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.4m, at which natural iron pan was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. All the pottery excavated from COT/09/10 dates to the 12th century as Early Medieval Sandy Ware.


TP Context No Wt Date

10 1 1 6 1100-1200

10 2 1 1 1100-1200

10 3 4 7 1100-1200

10 4 2 3 1100-1200

Table 11: The pottery excavated from COT/09/10

The location of COT/09/10 in the far north of the village and close to the church suggests that there was occupation at that time closer to the church, despite the fact that the focus of medieval activity appears to be further south around the High Street, as identified through the test pitting strategy. Very few finds were also recorded and suggests that this ground has largely remained untouched since the 12th century. A single piece of coal and a small fragment of CBM were both recorded from context one.

Figure 12: Location map of COT/09/10

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Test Pit 11 (COT/09/11) Test pit 11 was excavated in an enclosed flat rear garden of a detached house fronting the road in the north-east of the village. It was also an extension of COT/09/5 (45 Margett Street, Cottenham. TL 545254 267783). Test pit 11 was excavated to a depth of 0.4m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Much the same as COT/09/5, the vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/11 dates to the Victorian period and was recovered through the upper four contexts of the test pit. Single sherds of Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Glazed Red Earthenware, Staffordshire Slipware and English Stoneware were all recovered from the lower contexts of the test pit with an additional three sherds of Creamware.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

11 1 9 54 1800-1900

11 3 1 32 26 144 1680-1900

11 4 1 3 1 9 1 3 3 11 40 796 1100-1900

Table 12: The pottery excavated from COT/09/11

Much like COT/09/5 there is evidence for a great deal of disturbance on site with a large amount of 19th century pottery and 20th century finds. These consist of modern tile, plastic wrappers, plastic, glass, iron nails and bolts, slate, coal, CBM and scrap iron with part of a horse shoe, clay pipe and animal bone also recovered. The earlier pottery supports the evidence from test pit five for activity on site in the early medieval period and again through the post medieval, most likely as open fields, until the current house was built.

Figure 13: Location map of COT/09/11

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Test Pit 12 (COT/09/12) Test Pit 12 was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a probable 19th century house fronting the road in the southeast of the village (28 Denmark Road, Cottenham. TL 545464 268316). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.7m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A wide range of pottery wares were excavated from COT/09/12, although the vast majority of which dates to the mid-16th century and later as Glazed Red Earthenware, Harlow Slipware, Delft Ware, Staffordshire Slipware and as Victorian. A number of earlier wares were also recorded as Late Saxon Stamford Ware, Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Grimston Ware and German Stoneware.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

12 1 2 14 5 38 1550-1900

12 2 1 3 5 37 1 5 11 58 1000-1900

12 3 1 5 1 15 16 135 2 5 1 1 1100-1900

12 4 4 15 1 10 29 167 1 4 1100-1900

12 5 1 1 16 60 1 4 9 67 1 3 1 1 1000-1900

12 6 1 3 8 63 1 6 1100-1700

12 7 1 73 1 1 1200-1700

Table 13: The pottery excavated from COT/09/12

The location of COT/09/12 is the furthest south of the test pits so far excavated in Cottenham to yield Late Saxon pottery that suggests this may have been the southern extent of the original settlement, although of course additional test pits would need to be excavated even further south of test pit 12 to prove this. Activity on site continued through to the 13th century after which it was likely abandoned before being re-settled into the 16th century, likely also when the land was greatly disturbed. Then it may have been left as open fields with low levels of activity until the current house was built, probably during the 19th century. A wide range of finds were also recorded through the test pit again pointing to the large amount of disturbance on site and consist of tile, CBM, glass, coal, iron nails, slate, clay pipe, slate, mortar, pieces of concrete, metal can fragments, pieces of modern drain, metal fixings and pieces of scrap metal, slag and a possible worked flint, likely indicative of prehistoric activity.

Figure 14: Location map of COT/09/12

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Test Pit 13 (COT/09/13) Test Pit 13 was excavated in the open front garden of a likely 20th century house set back from the main road in the north of the village (44 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545393 268479). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.5m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A single sherd of Early Anglo-Saxon pottery was recorded from COT/09/13 that was also mixed in with a small number of medieval pots identified as Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Medieval Shelly Ware and Grimston Ware. The majority of the pottery found however dates to the mid-16th century and later as Glazed Red Earthenware, Staffordshire Slipware, English Stoneware and as Victorian.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

13 1 3 21 1 9 1 6 1200-1750

13 2 3 8 1 1 5 13 1550-1900

13 3 3 18 1 1 1550-1900

13 4 2 22 1800-1900

13 5 5 96 1550-1700

13 6 1 10 1 13 3 39 600-1700

Table 14: The pottery excavated from COT/09/13

The single sherd of Early Anglo Saxon pottery that was found from COT/09/13 is part of a cremation urn dating to the 6th century AD. Additional Early Saxon pottery has also been recorded from the test pitting further south in the village which may have been the focus of the original settlement, whereas this site, closer to the current church was utilised either as a burial site or an isolated settlement. No further activity was recorded on site until the medieval period, although even then it was sparsely utilised and again through the medieval until the 19th century. A small mix of finds were also recorded through the test pit, consisting of breeze block fragments, clay pipe, a three pence coin dated 1952, glass, modern drain and tile fragments, plastic wire covering, oyster shell, pieces of plastic, CBM, iron nails and bolts, foil, concrete, animal bone and a single piece of burnt stone.

Figure 15: Location map of COT/09/13

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Test Pit 14 (COT/09/14) Test Pit 14 was excavated in the open front garden of a modern house set in the far south of the village (18 Pelham Way, Cottenham. TL 544640 267318). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.7m, with a sondage in one corner to 0.8m at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Single sherds of Roman Greyware, Early Medieval Sandy Ware and Grimston Ware were all found mixed through COT/09/14 with a number of post medieval wares recorded from the upper half of the pit only. These have been identified as Glazed Red Earthenware, Staffordshire White Salt-Glazed Stoneware and as Victorian.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

14 1 1 2 1 1 1550-1900

14 2 1 1 1 4 1100-1700

14 3 4 13 2 2 1550-1900

14 4 3 15 1 5 2 4 1550-1900

14 5 1 18 1200-1300

14 6 1 6 100-400

Table 15: The pottery excavated from COT/09/14

Given the low levels of Romano-British pottery that were excavated from the test pits in Cottenham it seems likely that the landscape was only sparsely utilised at this time. These low levels of activity were also noted by the small amounts of later pottery that was also recorded from the test pits but does show that there was activity on site during the high medieval period, the early post medieval and again during the 19th century, although likely as open fields, given the location of the site in the far south of the present village. A small number of finds were also recorded from the test pit, consisting of CBM, tile, glass, coal, clay pipe and pieces of scrap metal with two possible worked flints that may be prehistoric in date.

Figure 16: Location map of COT/09/14

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Test Pit 15 (COT/09/15) Test Pit 15 was excavated in the open grass land to the front of the main modern school building in the southwest of the village (Cottenham Primary School, Lambs Way, Cottenham. TL 544644 267506). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.6m, with a sondage in one corner to 0.8m at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. All the pottery excavated from COT/09/15 dates to the mid-16th century and later as German Stoneware, Glazed Red Earthenware, Manganese Ware and as Victorian.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

15 2 5 6 1800-1900

15 3 4 19 1800-1900

15 4 2 8 1 4 11 21 1550-1900

15 5 1 3 1 2 5 9 1550-1900

15 6 1 3 1550-1700

Table 16: The pottery excavated from COT/09/15

The small amounts of both pottery and finds that were excavated from COT/09/15 suggested that the site of the primary school has likely always been utilised as open fields that was in use from the mid-16th century onwards with a particular peak of activity into the 19th century until the modern school was built during the 20th century. The finds consist of a glass marble, CBM, a metal ring, coal, clay pipe, oyster shell, iron nails and pieces of scrap iron with a small possible worked flint flake.

Figure 17: Location map of COT/09/16

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Test Pit 16 (COT/09/16) Test Pit 16 was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a possible later 19th century house fronting the main road in the centre of the village (239 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545102 267590). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.5m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/16 dates as Victorian, although a number of post medieval sherds were also recorded as Glazed Red Earthenware and Staffordshire Slipware. A smaller amount of earlier wares were also identified as Late Saxon St Neots Ware, Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Hedingham Ware and Grimston Ware.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

16 1 1 3 1 1 6 19 1550-1900

16 2 1 2 1 6 16 39 1100-1900

16 3 1 3 1 2 1 14 12 47 1100-1900

16 4 1 2 7 60 14 31 1200-1900

16 5 2 42 7 43 6 7 900-1900

Table 17: The pottery excavated from COT/09/16

The location of COT/09/16 is sited in the middle of an area of Late Saxon activity as identified through the test pitting strategy in the village so shows that there was occupation at that time. Activity continued on site into the medieval period until the 13th-14th century, but was probably abandoned until the 16th century although at this time the site may have been utilised as open fields until the current house was likely built during the 19th century. A mix of finds were also recorded through the test pit with the Victorian pottery, consisting of a tube of rubber solution, CBM, glass, slag, a plastic wrapper, coal, iron nails, a foil lid, tiny metal ring, plate of metal, the end of a pin, tile, metal wire and washers with pieces of bakelite.

Figure 18: Location map of COT/09/16

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Test Pit 17 (COT/09/17) Test Pit 17 was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a probable late 19th century house fronting the main road in the north of the village (85 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545301 268214). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.5m where a brick floor was encountered and then half the test pit was then excavated to a depth of 0.8m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. All the pottery excavated from COT/09/17 dates as mid-16th century and later in date and has been identified as Glazed Red Earthenware, English Stoneware and as Victorian.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

17 1 1 12 12 92 1550-1900

17 2 4 22 1800-1900

17 3 1 8 88 455 1550-1900

17 4 6 13 1800-1900

17 5 1 15 9 58 1550-1900

17 6 1 4 1680-1750

17 8 1 6 1550-1700

Table 18: The pottery excavated from COT/09/17

The location of the test pit along the High Street towards the north of the village may be why there was little in the way of activity on site until the 16th century and later, although the land was initially likely sparsely used as open fields until the current house was built during the 19th century. It seems that the site has been greatly disturbed particularly after the house was built and a range of finds were also recorded through the test pit, consisting of shell, a metal spoon, slate, coal, a glass marble, tile, CBM, metal buckle, glass, pieces of concrete, modern tile, iron nails, a decorative wall fixing, pieces of scrap metal, slag, possible vitrified material, animal bone, burnt stone and a possible worked flint flake. Fragments of amethyst and white quartz were also recorded from context one.

Figure 19: Location map of COT/09/17

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Test Pit 18 (COT/09/18) Test Pit 18 was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a relatively modern house set in the far east of the village (90 Rooks Street, Cottenham. TL 545354 267616). The test pit was excavated to a depth of 0.5m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/09/18 dates as Victorian. Small amounts of Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Cambridge Sgraffito Ware and Glazed Red Earthenware were also recorded.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

18 1 1 5 4 11 1400-1900

18 2 1 3 1 10 13 44 1100-1900

18 3 1 2 5 19 1100-1900

18 4 1 13 2 8 1100-1900

18 5 1 3 1800-1900

Table 19: The pottery excavated from COT/09/18

The medieval pottery identified from COT/09/8 is likely part of the wider area of medieval activity as recorded from the test pitting so was occupied at this time. Low levels of activity were recorded through to the early 16th century, after which it was likely abandoned until the 19th century. A few finds were also recorded through upper four contexts of the test pit, consisting of clay pipe, coal, CBM, glass, iron nails, a metal button, plastic, pieces of concrete, snail shell and a complete glass jar.

Figure 20: Location map of COT/09/18

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2010 Test Pit (site code COT/10) ECB3433 Seven more 1m2 archaeological test pits were excavated in Cottenham over the 28th and 29th April 2010 bringing the total so far excavated to 25 and were excavated by 30 Year 9 and Year 10 students from Chesterton Community College, Soham Village College, St Peter’s School and Ken Stimpson Community School (school names correct at time of participation). The test pits were excavated as part of the Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA), run by ACA and funded by Aim Higher Cambridgeshire and the Higher Education Council for England (HEFCE). The excavations were directed by Carenza Lewis, with onsite supervision provided by Catherine Collins, Clemency Cooper, Gary Mariner and Carole Fletcher. Paul Blinkhorn analysed the pottery. Most of the test pits were sited to fill in gaps in previous work, including several in the south of the village and two in the northern part of the settlement in the area of long narrow plots, possibly laid out over ridge and furrow. The test pit locations were found by members of the Fen Edge Archaeology Group and local residents, with special thanks to John Stanford, Alex Saunders and Glynis Pilbeam.

Figure 21: Cottenham 2010 test pit location map (NB test pits not to scale) © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Test Pit one (COT/10/1) Test pit one was excavated centrally in the long enclosed rear garden of a modern house, set back from the road in the far north of the village, opposite the church. (The Rectory, 6 High Street Cottenham. TL 545433 268675). Test pit one was excavated to a depth of 0.5m, with the southern half of the pit excavated to 0.6m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/10/1 dates to the 16th century and later. These include German Stoneware, Glazed Red Earthenware and Harlow Slipware that were found mixed in with a number of Victorian sherds. A single sherd of medieval Hedingham Ware was however also identified from context seven.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

1 1 1 3 1 8 3 29 1550-1900

1 2 6 21 1800-1900

1 3 2 16 5 98 1550-1900

1 4 1 32 2 15 4 21 1550-1900

1 5 1 9 1 1 1550-1900

1 7 1 2 1200-1300

Table 20: The pottery excavated from COT/10/1

Despite the location of the COT/10/1 opposite the church, there is limited evidence for activity on site during the medieval period; the main focus of activity at that time is further south in the core of the village. The site was most likely utilised as open fields until the 16th century when due to expansion and growth of the village the area around the church was populated. A large amount of both 19th and 20th century finds and pottery were excavated through the upper half of the test pit, due to quite extensive disturbances on site, particularly when the current house was built in the 20th century. The finds consist of glass, coal, CBM, concrete, tile, centre part of a battery, slate, scrap metal, oyster shell, clay pipe, iron nails and mortar with a number of pieces of slag, indicative of metal working on or close to site.

Figure 22: Location map of COT/10/1

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Test Pit two (COT/10/2) Test pit two was excavated along the north eastern edge of an orchard, set back from the road and the mid-19th century cottage. (Brickle Cottage, 11 Ivatt Street Cottenham. TL 545219 268357). Test pit two was excavated to a depth of 0.4m. Natural was not found, but due to the presence of heavy clays and time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The majority of the pottery excavated from COT/10/2 dates to the Victorian period but a small number of earlier sherds were also recovered, including Bourne ‘D’ Ware, Glazed Red Earthenware and Staffordshire Slipware. A single sherd of Early Medieval Sandy Ware was also identified from context four.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

2 1 3 3 1800-1900

2 2 1 3 1 3 17 22 1450-1900

2 3 5 26 1 7 17 29 1550-1900

2 4 1 1 3 6 1100-1900

Table 21: The pottery excavated from COT/10/2

The heavy clays present at COT/10/2 may suggest why there is limited early activity on site; the land would have been difficult to farm by hand during both the medieval and post medieval periods. Activity only increases on site into the 19th century with the construction of the current house for the brick workers who worked in the clay pits just to the north west. The rest of the finds consist of glass, coal, slate, iron nails, scrap iron, clay pipe, CBM, mortar, concrete and possible vitrified material from the kilns. The presence of both burnt stone and waste flint may indicate prehistoric activity also on site.

Figure 23: Location map of COT/10/2

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Test Pit three (COT/10/3) Test pit three was excavated in the small enclosed rear garden of a mid-20th century house set in the north east of the village (44 Victory Way, Cottenham. TL 544683 267821). Test pit three was excavated to a depth of 0.6m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. All the pottery excavated from COT/10/3 dates to the 16th century and later with a number of Glazed Red Earthenware sherds were recovered from the upper half of the pit with a single sherd of English Stoneware and nine sherds of Victorian pottery.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

3 1 1 3 2 7 1550-1900

3 2 1 14 2 2 1550-1900

3 3 4 30 1 4 5 11 1550-1900

Table 22: The pottery excavated from COT/10/3

Most likely due to the heavy clay soils and the location of COT/10/3 away from the core of the village there is no evidence for activity on site until the 16th century, when due to growth and expansion of the village, more farmland was most likely needed. Agricultural land use was most likely until the current house was built after the Second World War. The majority of the finds excavated relate to the construction and the subsequent occupation of the current property and consist of string, plastic wrappers, tile, a metal rod, a one penny coin dated to 1971, a glass marble, lollypop sticks, plastic, foil milk bottle tops, scrap metal, CBM, coal, clay pipe, part of a metal toy car, glass, a fifty pence coin dated to 1973, iron nails and mortar with a possible piece of slag, indicative of metal working on or close to site. A single possible waste flint flake was also recovered suggestive of prehistoric activity also on site.

Figure 24: Location map of COT/10/3

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Test Pit four (COT/10/4) Test pit four was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a modern detached house, quite central in the village (14 Telegraph Street, Cottenham. TL 545141 267592). Test pit four was excavated to a depth of 0.7m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A wide range of pottery types were excavated from COT/10/4 (below) including small number of Bronze Age, Roman and Late Saxon St Neots Ware and Thetford Ware pottery all found from the upper three contexts of the test pit. A number of sherds of medieval pottery were also identified, with Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Medieval Shelly Ware, Hedingham Ware and Grimston Ware all found with three sherds of Glazed Red Earthenware and a single sherd of Manganese Ware. An additional 15 sherds of Victorian pottery were also recovered from the upper three contexts of test pit four. A number of Bronze Age pottery sherds were excavated from the middle contexts of COT/10/4 suggesting occupation on site at that time, which is also less than 0.5km North West of COT/09/7 where further evidence for Bronze Age occupation has also been identified through test pitting. There also seems to be a spread of occupation over the centre of the village during the Roman period, but the most likely use was for agriculture, until further expansion during the late Saxon period to incorporate the land around test pit four for settlement that also continued into the medieval. After the 14th century the site appears to have been generally abandoned with limited land use either for agriculture or pasture until activity increased again into the 19th century. A small amount of finds were also excavated from the test pit and consist of glass, iron nails, CBM, clay pipe, coal, a plastic button, slate, concrete, a strip of aluminium, a thick metal ring and scrap iron, the majority of which generally relate to the later 19th and 20th century disturbances on site.

Figure 25: Location map of COT/10/4

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TP Cntxt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

4 1 1 8 1 1 1 18 2 3 850-1900

4 2 1 5 3 8 1 6 1 2 1 2 3 15 11 26 1200BC-1900

4 3 2 12 2 8 1 2 2 28 2 13 1200BC-1900

4 5 2 9 1100-1200

Table 23: The pottery excavated from COT/10/4

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Test Pit five (COT/10/5) Test pit five was excavated centrally in the open front garden of a modern bungalow, set quite central in the village (39 Franklin Gardens, Cottenham. TL 544997 267537). Test pit five was excavated to a depth of 0.55m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. All the pottery excavated from COT/10/5 dates to the 16th century and later, the majority of which was identified as Glazed Red Earthenware. A single sherd of Manganese Ware was also recovered with five sherds of Victorian pottery from the upper contexts of the test pit.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

5 1 4 30 1550-1700

5 2 1 4 1800-1900

5 4 4 31 1 1 4 13 1550-1900

5 6 1 6 1550-1700

Table 24: The pottery excavated from COT/10/5

Despite the location of COT/10/5 in the centre of the village there is no evidence for activity on site until the 16th century, when the land use was probably for agriculture until possibly being included into gardens during the 19th century. The finds consist of CBM, tile, concrete, slate, metal lid or base of a can, plastic, a square horseshoe, partially melted black rubber, scrap metal, iron nails and oyster shell; the majority of these relate to the construction of the modern house during the 20th century, but the two possible waste flint flakes were also recovered that may be prehistoric in date.

Figure 26: Location map of COT/10/5

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Test Pit six (COT/10/6) Test pit six was excavated in a small grassed area of garden immediately south west of the house parallel to the road (43 Harlestones Road, Cottenham. TL 544895 267352). Test pit six was excavated to a depth of 0.4m, at which a pipe was found running diagonally across the pit. Excavations continued in the northern half of the pit only to a depth of 0.93m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Three sherds of Roman Greyware pottery were excavated from COT/10/6 that was also mixed in with single sherds of both Early Medieval Sandy Ware and Glazed Red Earthenware. An additional six sherds of Victorian pottery were also identified in the upper half of test pit six.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

6 1 1 7 1800-1900

6 2 1 2 1 3 100-1700

6 3 4 17 1800-1900

6 4 1 4 1 1 1100-1900

6 5 1 2 100-200

6 8 1 16 100-200

Table 25: The pottery excavated from COT/10/6

The Roman pottery excavated from COT/10/6 appears to be part of a spread of Roman activity across Cottenham, most likely as part of rural farmsteads. After the Roman period the land lies largely abandoned, with very limited use during both the medieval and post medieval periods suggesting it was left as open fields and not intensively farmed. There is an increase in activity into the 19th century, potentially when the land was incorporated into gardens at that time, before major redevelopment and disturbance during the 20th century. The mix of finds also excavated consist of modern tile and CBM, iron nails, scrap metal, plastic wrappers, CBM, tile, glass, iron bolts and a thick plate of iron seem to also date to the later disturbances on site.

Figure 27: Location map of COT/10/6

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Test Pit seven (COT/10/7) Test pit seven was excavated towards the far rear boundary of a long enclosed rear garden to a modern house, set in the far south of the village (14 New Town, Cottenham. TL 544645 267235). Test pit seven was excavated to a depth of 0.4m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A single sherd of Victorian pottery was excavated from context two of COT/10/7.


TP Context No Wt Date

7 2 1 1 1800-1900

Table 26: The pottery excavated from COT/10/7

The natural at COT/10/7 was encountered at quite a shallow depth, which suggests that either there has been very little activity on site for a natural build up or soils or that soils were taken away for some reason. The single sherd of 19th century pottery indicates very little land usage prior to more recent times, when there also seems to be a great deal of disturbance related to the construction and occupation of the current house, built in the 20th century. The finds were all excavated from context two and consist of a Tesco cauliflower bag, black bin liner fragments, partially melted plastic, glass, a white plastic bird, slate, cockle and snail shells, string, nut shells, plastic wrappers, scrap metal, CBM, a clothes label of “KOYUK”, foil, plastic and a modern plastic milk bottle seal.

Figure 28: Location map of COT/10/7

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Test Pit eight (COT/10/8) Test pit eight was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a modern house, set in the far south of the village (13 New Town, Cottenham. TL 544569 267308). Test pit eight was excavated to a depth of 0.9m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A single sherd of Delft Ware was excavated from context four, but the majority of pottery recovered from COT/10/8 dates to the Victorian period and was found from the upper three contexts only.


TP Context No Wt No Wt Date

8 1 5 54 1800-1900

8 2 7 25 1800-1900

8 3 7 33 1800-1900

8 4 1 1 1600-1700

Table 27: The pottery excavated from COT/10/8

Unlike COT/10/7 just to the south east, all of the excavations in COT/10/8 were through top soil, indicating quite a difference in soil build up about 200m apart. The extra soils is also probably why there is evidence for post medieval activity here compared to the lack of any earlier activity at test pit seven, although the site was most likely fields at that time. There is an increase of activity into the 19th century, when possibly the land was incorporated into gardens before modern redevelopment into the 20th century. A mix of finds were excavated mainly from the upper half of the pit, related to later disturbances on site and consist of asbestos, half a wooden clothes peg, coal, concrete, CBM, tile, modern white glazed kitchen/bathroom tile, scrap metal, slate, glass, iron nails, mortar, half a metal ring, tarmac, silver foil and clay pipe.

Figure 29: Location map of COT/10/8

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2011 Test Pit (site code COT/11) ECB3649 Over the 18th and 19th of July 2011 a further nine 1m2 archaeological test pits were excavated in Cottenham, bringing the total to 34. The test pits were excavated by 36 Year 8 to Year 12 students from Hitchin Boy’s School, Bottisham Village College, Brockenhurst College, Ormiston Victory Academy, Impington Village College, Stratford Upon Avon Grammar School for Girls, Soham Village College, City of Ely College, Chesterton Community College, Coleridge community College, Parkside Community College, Cromwell Community College and Thomas Clarkson Community College (school names correct at time of participation). The test pits were excavated as part of the Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA), run by ACA and funded by Aim Higher Cambridgeshire and the Cambridge Admissions Office in the University of Cambridge. The excavations were directed by Carenza Lewis, with onsite supervision provided by Catherine Collins, Clemency Cooper, Gary Mariner and Paul Blinkhorn, who also analysed the pottery. Most of the test pits were again sited to fill in gaps in previous years and were found by members of the Fen Edge Archaeology Group and local residents, with special thanks to John Stanford, Alex Saunders and Glynis Pilbeam.

Figure 30: Cottenham 2011 test pit location map (NB test pits not to scale) © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Test Pit one (COT/11/1)

Test pit one was excavated in the open front garden of a modern house, set in the far north of the village and opposite the church (The Rectory, 6 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545454 268636). Test pit one was excavated to a depth of 0.6m. Natural was not reached but due to time constraints and the presence of a high water table, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The vast majority of the pottery excavated from COT/11/1 dates to the Victorian period, although a single sherd of 16th century Glazed Red Earthenware was also recovered.


TP Context No Wt No Wt Date

1 2 8 22 1800-1900

1 3 1 5 5 15 1550-1900

1 4 11 41 1800-1900

1 5 17 64 1800-1900

1 6 6 17 1800-1900

Table 28: The pottery excavated from COT/11/1

Previous test pit excavations within the property (COT/10/1) yielded evidence for high medieval activity on site, but despite the location of this test pit being both closer to the main road and the church there is very little evidence for pre 19th century occupation. A mix of later finds were also identified through the test pit, consisting of modern drain fragments, tile, CBM, mortar, coal, slate, iron nails, glass, clay pipe, pieces of both concrete and tarmac, pieces of scrap metal, metal wire, silver foil, plastic, modern mortar, part of a curved metal blade/saw, a black bottle stopper and a number of pieces of slag, suggestive of metal working on site. The presence of a possible flint blade and worked flint may also indicate prehistoric activity on site.

Figure 31: Location map of COT/11/1

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Test Pit two (COT/11/2)

Test pit two was excavated in the enclosed front garden of a modern house, set a little back from the main road in the north of the village (44 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545394 268479). Test pit two was excavated to a depth of 0.4m, at which a pipe was encountered running north-south through the pit. The eastern half was then only excavated to 0.7m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A small amount of both Late Saxon and medieval wares were excavated from the lower contexts of COT/11/2, consisting of Thetford Ware, Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Hertfordshire Greyware, Hertfordshire Greyware and Ely Ware. These were mixed in with a number of 16th century and later sherds of Glazed Red Earthenware, Cologne Stoneware, Staffordshire Slipware and Victorian. THT EMW HG ELY GRE WCS SS VIC

TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

2 1 1 1 1800-1900

2 2 5 28 1 10 3 10 1550-1900

2 3 7 63 4 12 1550-1900

2 4 3 25 3 35 1550-1900

2 5 1 22 1 13 4 62 1 6 900-1650

2 6 1 5 1100-1200

2 7 2 18 2 21 2 2 1100-1900

Table 29: The pottery excavated from COT/11/2

COT/11/2 was the second test pit to be excavated within the front garden of this property – see also COT/09/13, which yielded an isolated find of Early Saxon pottery. Late Saxon pottery was only identified here, which is again isolated from the main focus of settlement further south, but does suggest there was a continuity of activity for this site over the Saxon period. Limited medieval activity was also identified, perhaps following on from the focus of Late Saxon activity, until the late 13th century. Site re-use is evident again into the 16th century, after which there has been continual activity until the current house was built in the 20th century. The finds consist of tile, plastic, slate, CBM, concrete, coal, fragments of floor lining, glass, pieces of tarmac, a small plastic screw cap, plastic wrappers, fragment of copper piping, modern glazed tile, modern nails, melted glass, oyster shell and fragments of breeze block.

Figure 32: Location map of COT/11/2

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Test Pit three (COT/11/3)

Test pit three was excavated in the long enclosed rear garden of a Grade II listed mid-19th century house fronting the main road in the north of the village (Marlborough House, 60 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545296 268437). Test pit three was excavated to a depth of 0.4m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Six sherd of Victorian pottery were only excavated from COT/11/3.


TP Context No Wt Date

3 1 5 11 1800-1900

3 3 1 15 1800-1900

Table 30: The pottery excavated from COT/11/3

The few finds and pottery that were excavated from COT/11/3 suggest there was little activity this far back from the main road until the 19th century, perhaps dating to the construction of the house. The finds consist of slate, CBM, glass, modern nails and screws, a U shaped metal tack, coal, tarmac, plastic, iron nails and bolts, concrete and a single piece of slag, suggestive of metal working on or close to site.

Figure 33: Location map of COT/11/3

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Test Pit four (COT/11/4)

Test pit four was excavated in the south eastern corner of the garden of a Grade II listed late 18th century farmhouse fronting the main road on the northern road out of the village. (87 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545309 268437). Test pit four was excavated to a depth of 0.54m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. The majority of the pottery excavated from COT/11/4 dates to the Victorian period, but two sherds of post medieval Glazed Red Earthenware and Staffordshire Manganese Ware were both also identified.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

4 1 1 7 8 12 1700-1900

4 2 6 10 1800-1900

4 3 1 1 4 40 1550-1900

Table 31: The pottery excavated from COT/11/4

The finds and pottery excavated from COT/11/4 suggest there was quite limited activity on site during the post medieval especially; the site was likely open fields, prior to the construction of the current house, perhaps during the 19th century. Later disturbances are quite extent and relate to the occupation of the property. The finds consist of coal, plastic sheeting, glass, concrete, coal, a button, clay pipe stem, CBM, tile, modern nails, tarmac, small metal grates, a white plastic cap and iron nails. A single piece of burnt stone may also be prehistoric in date.

Figure 34: Location map of COT/11/4

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Test Pit five (COT/11/5)

Test pit five was excavated in the small enclosed rear garden of a house fronting the main road north out of the village (102 High Street, Cottenham. TL 545230 268162). Test pit five was excavated to a depth of 0.55m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. All the pottery excavated from COT/11/5 dates to after the 16th century with a number of Glazed Red Earthenware sherds excavated with English Stoneware and Staffordshire White Salt-Glazed Stoneware. The majority of the pottery however dates to the Victorian period.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

5 2 1 5 2 9 42 96 1550-1900

5 3 78 394 1800-1900

5 4 4 35 2 12 1 2 45 156 1550-1900

5 5 10 63 1 1 5 16 1550-1900

5 6 6 26 1550-1600

Table 32: The pottery excavated from COT/11/5

The lack of pottery dating to before the 16th century suggests that the site was not used until that time, perhaps given its location away from the main focus of medieval activity to the south. A mix of finds were also recovered from through the test pit, consisting of part of a blue rope/clothes pull, a metal spring from a clothes peg, a modern metal rod and screw, slate, coal, iron nails, a metal belt buckle, fragments of modern drain, tile, a metal hoop, glass, a metal bracket, oyster shell, shell and clay pipe.

Figure 35: Location map of COT/11/5

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Test Pit six (COT/11/6)

Test pit six was excavated in the small enclosed rear garden of a modern house close to the centre of the village (32 Rooks Street, Cottenham. TL 545257 267807). Test pit six was excavated to a depth of 0.6m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Three sherds of Iron Age pottery were all mixed in with a large number of Roman Greyware sherds that were identified through the test pit, with two sherds of Early Anglo-Saxon pottery. Single sherds of both Medieval Shelly Ware and Grimston Ware were both also recovered from the upper half of the test pit with post medieval Glazed Red Earthenware. The majority of the pottery from the test pit however, dates to the Victorian period.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

6 1 1 5 3 94 33 103 1100-1900

6 2 1 7 33 137 100-1900

6 3 1 2 1 1 11 25 100-1900

6 4 2 95 13 164 1 5 2 58 200BC-1600

6 6 3 75 100-400

6 F20 1 1 3 8 100-1900

6 F21 12 113 1 4 1 6 100-1900

6 F23 1 9 200-50BC

Table 33: The pottery excavated from COT/11/6

Part of a mortar floor, stones and a possible post hole were all identified in the southern half of COT/11/6, although both Roman and Victorian pottery were recovered, suggesting a lot of disturbance. It seems likely that part of a robbed out stone wall was excavated with remnants of a possible mortar floor also remaining. A small post hole was also excavated, although no finds were recorded from that. It is possible that this was part of a Roman structure, particularly given the large amount of Roman pottery excavated on site, which suggests that these relate to occupation on site, also potentially following on from previous Iron Age activity, perhaps as a farmstead. Limited Early Anglo Saxon activity has been identified in Cottenham, but a cluster of activity has been recorded through the test pitting strategy around Rooks Street and Margett Street, suggesting that there was a small settlement here at that time. Both medieval and post medieval finds were also recorded but again in a limited capacity, suggesting that the focus of the village at that time was elsewhere and the site was likely kept as open fields until the current house was built. The finds excavated consist of a black button, glass, tile, CBM, part of a belt buckle, clay pipe, iron nails, a metal screw, mortar, coal and slate.

Figure 36: Location map of COT/11/6

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Test Pit seven (COT/11/7)

Test pit seven was excavated in the enclosed rear garden of a modern house close to the centre of the village (20 Margett Street, Cottenham. TL 545181 267800) Test pit seven was excavated to a depth of 0.8m. Natural was not found, but due to time constraints, excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. A single sherd of Early Medieval Sandy Ware was mixed in with a small amount of post medieval wares, consisting of Glazed Red Earthenware and Staffordshire Slipware. The majority of the pottery excavated however, dates to the Victorian period.


TP Context No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

7 4 5 12 1800-1900

7 5 1 5 1 5 14 65 1100-1900

7 6 1 25 1 8 1550-1900

7 7 8 51 3 9 1650-1900

Table 34: The pottery excavated from COT/11/7

The limited pre 19th century pottery excavated from COT/11/7 suggests that the site was likely peripheral to more intense settlement nearby in both the medieval and post medieval periods and was perhaps utilised as open fields until the modern house was built in the later 20th century. The finds excavated consist of concrete, CBM, coal, slate, pieces of tarmac, clay pipe, tile, a slate pencil and possible pieces of slag, indicative of metal working on or close to site. Two possible worked flint flakes were also recovered that may be prehistoric in date.

Figure 37: Location map of COT/11/7

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Test Pit eight (COT/11/8)

Test pit eight was excavated in the large rear garden of a modern house set in the far south east of the village (The Willows, 50 Denmark Road, Cottenham. TL 542289 267424) Test pit eight was excavated to a depth of 0.65m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Late Saxon Thetford Ware and Stamford Ware were both excavated from COT/11/8, which were also mixed in with medieval wares of Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Grimston Ware and Late Medieval Ware. The majority of the pottery identified however dates to the Victorian period.


TP Cntxt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

8 1 1 4 1 7 3 5 1100-1900

8 2 1 1 3 10 1400-1900

8 3 2 15 1800-1900

8 4 1 9 10 22 1100-1900

8 5 1 9 1 2 6 30 1 6 900-1300

8 6 1 1 1800-1900

8 7 2 3 1 5 8 8 1100-1900

Table 35: The pottery excavated from COT/11/8

The pottery excavated from COT/11/8 suggests that there was occupation on site from the 10th century and continuing through the medieval period, perhaps as a farmstead on the south eastern fringe of the settlement. The site was then abandoned into the 16th century and was likely kept as open fields, only utilised again in the Victorian period and prior to the construction of the current house in the 20th century. The finds consist of pieces of plastic, tile, a U shaped metal bracket, slate, yellow caution tape, a metal spring from a clothes peg, , modern bolts and screws, coal, glass, CBM, iron nails, pieces of scrap metal, oyster shell, metal circular washers, mortar and a silver milk bottle lid.

Figure 38: Location map of COT/11/8

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Test Pit nine (COT/11/9)

Test pit nine was excavated in the large enclosed rear garden of a modern house, set down a trackway in the south of the village (43 Lambs Lane, Cottenham. TL 544865 267568) Test pit nine was excavated to a depth of 0.6m, at which natural was found. Excavations were halted at this level and the test pit was recorded and backfilled. Single sherds of both Hertfordshire Greyware and Medieval Shelly Ware were both excavated from the upper contexts of COT/11/9. The rest of the pottery dates to the 16th century and later, consisting of Glazed Red Earthenware, Delft Ware, Staffordshire Slipware and five sherds of Victorian pottery.


TP Cntxt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt Date

9 1 1 4 2 6 1100-1600

9 2 1 3 1 6 1 7 1 1 4 6 1150-1900

9 3 1 1 1800-1900

9 4 1 4 1550-1600

9 5 1 1 1550-1600

Table 36: The pottery excavated from COT/11/9

The site had limited use during the medieval period and was perhaps peripheral to more intense occupation elsewhere in the village and was also abandoned by the 14th century. Activity was again evident into the post medieval although it was still quite limited, perhaps utilised as open fields until the current house was built. The sherd of Delft Ware pottery recovered is quite a rare find in rural villages and suggests that the people on site at that time were above average wealth. The finds consist of coal, CBM, glass, slate, clay pipe, shell, iron nails, silver foil, tile, mortar, possible pieces of vitrified material and slag, suggestive of metal working. Burnt stone was also identified that may be prehistoric in date.

Figure 39: Location map of COT/11/9

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Conclusions The 34 archaeological test pits that were excavated in Cottenham between 2009 and 2011 have yielded archaeological evidence for settlement in the parish dating from the Bronze Age through to the modern day. All the test pit results have also added to the ‘bigger picture’ of the development of Cottenham, as well as providing new insight into the level of archaeological remains that are still present under the village. Most of the test pits were either sited in the south of the village or along the main road up to the church in the north. The prehistoric and Romano-British activity was all recorded from the southern cluster of test pits, with one site in particular along Rooks Street (COT/11/6) that found evidence for a mortar floor and small post hole with part of a likely robbed-out stone wall that appear to have been part of a Roman building. It also showed a likely continuation of activity from the Iron Age, as this test pit was the only one to produce pottery of this date. The rest of the Roman pottery identified seems to represent a low-intensity activity in the Roman period to the south of Rooks Street. It was in this same area, along Rooks Street and Margett Street that the majority of the Early Anglo-Saxon pottery was discovered. In their close setting it likely represents a small area of settlement here from the 5th century and likely as a continuation from the Romano-British settlement also identified. A single sherd of Early Anglo-Saxon pottery was also recorded from the south of the church to the north of the village that may hint at an expansion or separate area of low-level activity, a trend that was seen again during the Late Anglo-Saxon. Middle Anglo-Saxon pottery was also found in the same area in the south of the village as the Early Saxon settlement evidence, although fewer sherds of this date were found. The activity was seen to increase and expand from Rooks Street/Margett Street into the Late Anglo-Saxon period, particularly along the High Street and Denmark Road, all thought to be the early core of the village. The core of the medieval village was much the same as during the Late Anglo-Saxon, although evidence was found of a significant expansion at this time, particularly to the southwest and for the first time there was also evidence for settlement activity in the north of the village, closer to the church. It is plausible to suggest that the rectilinear street plan visible today in the original core area may therefore be of 12th or 13th century date. A large decrease was noted into the amount of pottery found dating to the later medieval, compared to the high medieval. Although the amount of pottery found from the test pits cannot be equated to population figures at that time, it seems likely that the turbulent 14th century, including the Black Death may have led to a severe contraction of the settlement. The northern end of the village (near the present site of the church) may even have been abandoned, while settlement in the centre was much reduced in size and intensity. However, all parts of the existing settlement seem to have experienced considerable post-medieval regeneration.

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Pottery Distribution Maps Much of the value of the test pit data from currently occupied rural settlements are derived from a holistic consideration across the entire settlement. Maps showing a range of the data from the test pit excavations in Cottenham between 2009 and 2011 are included below.

Figure 40: The Bronze Age pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 41: The Iron Age pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 42: The Romano-British pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 43: The Early Anglo Saxon pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 44: The Middle Anglo Saxon pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 45: The Late Anglo Saxon pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 46: The high medieval pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 47: The late medieval pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 48: The post medieval pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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Figure 49: The 19th century and later pottery excavated from the Cottenham test pits (NB: test pits are not to scale). © Crown Copyright/database right 2019. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service 1: 10,000

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