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TIM" \vr\Tfif'n

'I1i<- iiiili<'MlU>ii> Hi«- f<>i- (liirt-

Ijr rl<>uil>- tonljthl willi Htighllr

wanner Utiit.»n«>niua«. Frtdajr



$185,000 the Price, and $165,000 Will Be

SpMt fOT Impr«TMiiMte.

S' ore ;itiiitlii r idr Padurah'R

Krowtb and jirugreDS. It is, at Ihhi

to have • koul l« k««|>lac with tht-

At • mMllBi thia momtnc of the

dlraetora of thf Hotel Comtmny or

raducah, the roriiorotlon thai owintill' l';iliii<'i .111(1 lh< KcnlurkN th<'.i

trf, .1 |it o|iimltloii rroiil hoiii** ChUaK '

intiM'i'htH that huve be«n flgurLnc with

tiM locsl |t«opl« (or aome Una. waaiia>Hi , *•* Mr. ioa. L. PritdnaB.

oaa of the director* of the bot«l cnm-

tmny. will ro to ChiraKo tonlKht o.-

toiiioiiiiA III cunMitiiiiiali' till' (IimI

Tlu' iirli-v iMid for the |iii>i.itI;

wax tlN>>.0*^'. and by lUt Hale, It Unndaratood. tha atockboldcra or ih«f

(onpaar naka a food iml ol money


Thajr wilt be intaraatcd to a Rren:

extent In the now corporation, how-rvi'i . mill Ml Churlfx l<< <-il vklio hu-i

li'jHfil till' liiilrl sllirc il waH flrst

i>|i«iif(l. Mill III' Mtili till' lU-w ron-|iany la tb« capacity of hoat.

Tkla^lc aMana the blggoat tklM*(or Pmttteak, «ltk tko oaraptloB of

the RtrMt car and Raa lliht conpany>,ili's (hat hnt irnnhjiln-d

-iiiil Mr Jon I. I'liPdniaB

li'^iM' fill clilrn^ii Ml iiiice to oluae upthe deal, uiul work will alart at one*oa th« roaodaUac oT tko proaoat

kotal. Tko oew company propoawt<. oipoad about fCt.oOO oa It. aadnork will atart at oaeo, prokakly ,u

la jraaro."



;.o (Jnys. for we want to get ready•icfori' HiiiniiDT. The old hotel will

li« <'arrl<'d another atory higber, ro-

Aiodelad tbrouckout in cvarjr detail,

new fnraitnre and the eokvaa-l<>nrea of a ftrat-claaa hotel. PUnawill alHo be drawn at once for the

I'altiii"! Aiiiii'X. wliii h will lie i rciicil

I. VIM- ilic K«iitii('ky theatre, and workon II will Mart aa aoon as the pinnx

have been acreod apoB and work or

that aat^ra eaaewatad.The Annas will aoat 91«0,MM) and

will be pretty a hot^ aa'you will

find ,in>»tini'. Thf lu'oiili- wlm are

KoinK Inio thiN thing a|<i>r»>-. lute llie

r<>niarkulil« poHHi'billtieit of Padiicah

and wlU give it a hotel tkorougbly

In kaapiac with the >»«n."The aanie of the l»>tel will not bo

changed. Tt will be the palmer, andthe uniii'X 111!' I'almer Aiviux.

nil' Paliiiii W is Miailid l>> S. KBuliitl in ls^^ lit- aUo liiiilt the

»ater works s.vaieni. H« (ailed, bow-r ver. and waa nnaMa to compieto the

hotel, aad In 189S It waa ttaiahed b»

» coBi|>any uritanlced by iMr. Charles

Reed, the inanaKer, and has liirn a

hiR niiine.\ making |>rii|iiisil inn eve.'


tton. CharlcA Keed, the gonial pro-

prietor of the hotel, aild today In

racard to ike deal that ha wouM oon-

tiaaa to be at tka kot«l a(ter the eon-

aaBMaatioa o( the «eftl.





By Jniupiiitr in Front of a Train

in lllinoiM.

An Kdilor Xiiy li<- IViMiecuied lie.

ae of the siiiiniona Bwlckie

at i*<-<>ri«.


Waukagan, III., Feb. 8.—Rev.Juatta C. Wade, paator of tke rirai

Congregatioaal chnrch, who waa ar-

re»ted Wedneaday charged with the

same offi n^i' wtiUli remilied in iln

suicide of Hev ."iinimoiiH, of I'eoria.

allenipted in luiiinili iuilcl(l>> thin

morning iby Jumylng In (ront o( a

HwKtIr moTlng paaaeater train, andwhile badly iajared. aiaf recover.

Wade waa under a tl.'VOO bond tor

hearlBff today.

Wa8 Keceiveii This MorniDv at

the liocal Fostoffice.



Joha Jbiwkina Will neceire the Ap*polnliiK-nl, I'llli'iilti' Kelt*

runry l.ttli.






filolK' flank and Trust roin

i> III n iliHe IlK rapltal teoi k

|i <<> I to tioo.ono. Ihe

iry papera haviae already

It ta tke aeorttarr at alato.

aeoa as they are retaraed

tke deUir •( tke chance wilt be per-


It la propoaed in Uxue two rharen

of Nioi'k to the iiii'Keii! Klockholders

(or each three, and the reatdue will

he carried to the aurphM fluid. It

la aald all doui>t(ul paper aad aajr

bad debta will be charged off andthai after this U done llie inNlilii-

tlon will 4iave a mirpluH of between|2o and t2&.0()0.

Mr. K. P. Nobto U prealdent o( the

taatltatlaa aad MPUUi W. Vaa Culln

la eaafeler.

I'adueahnn Wiaat'«imiMitie«- ilrport.

Praaklort, Ky.. Fek. S.—Tke eom-mlltee in charge of the Beraheiai-

Mattery eonteni froin UiiiUvltle by aVote of 4 ti) L'. div ided in favor of

IMr. If riihi'lTti, the rotlteatee Th(»e

\olliiK for Ki i nhelm Were Represent-

ctlvea Qatea, Wilt aad flopper. re-

publlcaaa, and RepraaaataUTa Carle,


A minority report will he preseni-

ed. to be nlgned by Re|ire?«<ntaliv<'

Miller, nf .Mndisnli i-iiiiiiu. niid H"! •

teseniaii^e aorniuu, uf Fayette comi-

ty. Ropreeeatative Clarke of l.lv-

iagatoa eoaaty. the aeveath membert< the ebnmlttee, waa Abeeat. bat Uexpected to be with the majority.

The committee waK nnmnlmotis aa

to allowing i-\iii'ii.s.'.-, KiviiiK Mr.

fUiraheim f i !M* and Mr. Slattery

|l«ri, while the attornara for aaeh

were allowed flitO.


VlHiiii.i': i'«>M<;ii i,

WaahiMctoa, U. Ch Feb. H.—Blipaeaf Ih

wHI be vMble la all

Worth AnM-rIca, Hnathnull •'.'l>'t<'rll piil't inn- nf i :illi>|M'.

lie l arlli's «liiiiln\\ »ill llr'>t

-Hike the miimhi alHiiil l'.I:.Vt.

'liM- inooM will Itrsia to rmrrBi*

aad be oat of Ike akadaw abO««4t«T IWtfap Binrali^. ThephuBowwiBaa ki

VVaakfort, Ky., V^b. •.—


the coaaillee report decided Ihe

BernhelBhClatler.N miUi-.i in favnr

of Berahclm. the Kepubllcan, the

houae today by a vote of 60 to SO.

adopted tke mlaorltjr r«ort, aeatlap

lattery, the Oeaoerat. from Loala-







Ih teitite Max Not Vet Pro-

diiced Ibe .Murderrr.

Nashville. Tenn.Mangrum nniidi'i iii-c

still. II .si'i'lll.s ih.il III

bave been su bard at

Keh s Thi-

- ai a .slaiiil-

iillli i r-~ whowork un tho

«kae kare aome very important clue

la kaad aad are maklag pa iBTaatt-

ration of It.

Uilallvi-s of Mis .M.tiiKriim. Ihe

mil I'di-M'i'd wniiiaii. Ii.no lallicd »ith

1. B. YearKin, wlin has staled thai

he la la a poaitlon tu turn ui> the

'muck-nraatad murderer, and they ap-

pareatly <ktak that he can to* ot no

avail to them, though they are ready

P! any titne. they aay, to hand up the

reward in the rlRht person.

ToBlifht Rev. T. J. Owaa, of the

Padiicah City Miaalons (or the Meth-

illHt rhilli'h, will enini'lr'te tile o

i,aiil/.ailnii i>f the "West Kiul Ti iiiii'

-I I- .Mission," The Siinda.\ -m lio.-.i

traa organiaed iaat 6anday and

Pro(. Tanar «««olph, o( tka Waah-

laston bniunac «( tke eltjr adMiola.

waa elected superintendent. Arrange-

lueni.s will he made inniK'ht for Ihi

lireai'hiuK on Sunda.\ afternoons ami

the prayer services nn ThiirKdav eve-

cinca. Sunday'^chooi will be held

at S:to aad praa«hl«c at t:»0 each


The meetings (or tke time wlU be

held ill the home of .Mr. Sutherland,

nil W.'sl Teiilii's.see HtrtH-t iinlil a

liiiildiim ran lie secured. Several

hundred .MelhodlsU realde in tbia

section, and a floariaklBg Aurek oaa

aooa be ballt ap.11 I

lOdMnr'n Part in SiniinonM MnirMe.

Peoria, ill.. Fob. 8.—CrlmtaalproaecatloB threaUaa H. M. PlndeU.editor of the Peoria Journal, in con-

sequence o( the (atal advice givenli.v him lo |)r neorKe H. Simmoaa,whose siiii ide in I'eoria yesterday• aiiHPtl sn iiim h of a wnsatlon.

Kdilor Plndell'a now (amoua al-

teraatlve la eoaatrued <>y State'n At-

lomey Robert Seholea as a techni-

ral violation of the statnteR relating

to lionili iili' and siiii id'-, makinghim practically an acie«H<>r.v l>erore

'III- fact.

"There are two thiasa led (or yonto do—either leave the city Imme-diately or commit aulclde"—waaPindcll's ultimatum detivered to

Simmons in the private offlie of Ed-Ki-iii' K llaldw'in, publl8h.er o( the

Star, and in Ihe latter*! praBBBce oa.Monday afternoon.

fltate'a Attoraey flefcoleo refnaed

lo (orecaat kle probable actloa la the

matter todar»' bat declared that tfHIn


Frankfort, Kv . Feb. H.- -Mr. Kn-

,ne. nt the religion and morals com•iiitteo. inilay reported (kTovaMy bilN

us follows:

f>rohlbltiac peraoBa from acting

aa U«Bor asaat la loeal optkm dla-


I'revi'nf presenlatlou nfi

i.i' 'ii

this cniiimnnwt'allli whirl) aic lia-ed

I n I are anla^lnnism fnrmerly exIatlDR

hetween master and slave.

ProkiMt baaakail plajrtas aa 8uniay.

Raialap atate lleeaaa for eoaduct-

•.ng tavern and aelllnclianor to $500.

, . . . »

7he authority to add a mountedcarrier to the loekl free poetofltoe de-

livery aer^ice waa received today a:

the local poatoflee. and aervlce be-

;,ins Feb. ISih. flabetltute Carrier.'.ihn Hawkins Is the new mounted<ariifi'. anil as a n-siill of liis ad-

xaiH'emetil Hairvey Sbelton becomesiirst, and 8am Flalda hacomea aeooad


The aervlce. 1>y lightening up tke

other routoa. will Rreatly (aellltata

the delivery of mall In the city. Tlio

new rniile will laki' in much o( the

v.estein part of the city, Including

Kowiaiidtown, Weal Trimlble street

and Fountain avenue. The roato

wHl be No. It, and the carrier will

make hla two daily tripe in one of

the re.culatlon mail wagona aimllar

in thai U.S. it l>> Ml Charles Holllday,

Ihe nlliei iiinu iil id i-iirner.

Supt. of Carriers Fri-d H. .\shloii

dealrea that the public understand

that the raaaoa Om carrien aome-ttmea have to atop with nndelHrered

mall, and bring tt to the postofflce.

Is rhat the Knverilliii'li! dues nnl per-

mit them In work nvi'i .'i^;!!! Ii ni^

I day, and when iln ii- i .^in homare up they have to return with whui

mail they kkva left.

iHereto(oro a aabatitnte oould ooo-

tinne and llnhdi carrying tke mail,

working as man.v hours as he desired,

but an nrdi r has iinw Iiitu rei eivi-il

th.it -ii i-iiiiitis may not work Inim

er than the regular carriers, eiRht


ic.\ii.i(«» \i> i: \ 1 1 1111,1.

Paducahans Play Important Part in the

Conlereoce Htid Yestenby.

Frankfort, k'v, F.-b. 7,—The JolBt

rnmniiitees on the Child labor bUImet yesterday afternoon aad beard£ three hour diacuaalon of the pro-*

poaad bill. About fl(ty 8wau(aetnr-era ware preeentsaa well aa manylabor peoiple

.\moiiK til. manufacturers were W.F. Hummel and F. P. Toof. of Pad


cab, who arrived too late to take

l«rt In the diacuaalon.

Ooorga W. Waltera, of Padueah,was present to reiiresent the laborinterests there .After a lengthy dis-

I'llssioii. il was ilri iili'il tn M'IitI ;.

sill) enmmllli'e rnliiiiosi il nf three

maniifacliirers. tlm.' labor men,and two aenators and two repreeenta-

tlvea, to confer upon the propoaed

meaaure know* aa Mouao ' Bill Pt,

with tho hope ot reaching aa agree-

ment betweea tka eoaflictlag Id-

tereata. ,'

Thla avb-commlttee waa compoaedo( flenators Cox and Maxwell, aadRepreaentatives Head, o( 'Padvcah,

Drewry, nf l,niilsville and Messrs.

C. H. Sldener, Cteo. W. Wiritera, andBdward Gordon, (or th labor com-mittee, and A. R. Quarlea. C. P.Sishlamp and James F. Rankin, forthe manufacturea.

This siilwommlttee met at 8 p.

III. anil .nlji.iii 11. il at 2 a. m., after

agreeing on the varioua aectlona ofthe propoaed bill.

No chlM under 14 may he em-ployed at all, as under the preHontlaw, and in addllinn many new pro-

\islons affordlnu iirnleiiinii to ihlld

. nd adiill lalior. wi ri' agn i-d ii|Hin.

The laws governing factory inspec-tion were also broadened. QKr. Wal-tera, Mr. Head and Mr. Quarleawere the principal advooatee for andagainst the bill propose*]. .Mr. OwnIt. l/ovejny. secretary of the iiaiion.ii

< lii!i| l.ilioi 1 mil mil I. .•. nl' .\. w Yorkpresided over the dub-cuuimittee witl'

great credft and did a great deal to-

warda arriving at a coaolualon otdilterencea.


In Iteported Inipruvinit—Oambei^Hiver IniproveawNlB.

c. c.

loay af tko

Pelves the Mya-

mm wooDoooK dbad now.

Jaffc dUnii Wauls lo

< '<illKI'<°!<'».

Death at MayfleM.

Mayfleld, Ky.. Fob. 8.—iMra. TomDockery la dead here. She la sur-

vived by a husband and aeveral chll-


Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 8.—it need

Burprlaa ao oaa If Ceaator Jack

Chlnn annonaeea himself a candi-

date from the Klghth district.

Col. Chiiiii said last iii(;lii; "I

hav^ uutburiaed no one to anuounce

me aa a caadldata tor congraaa at

thla time. I have been naked byaome of my friends to make the race.

Il di pi lids on i ntiditinns whether I

gel In the race or not. If 1 get a

primary 1 ahall become a candidate."

I.exiiiKlon, Feib. •.—Charles Clul-

lon Moore, editor of the liliieKiass

Blaae, of thla city, and widely knownaa aa agnoatlc who preferred to call

hlnaelf tke "Heatkea Mtter.'' died

this afternoon at t o'clock at his

home, Quaker Acre, near this city,

iftii an iiliirss from heart disease

which had contlued bim to bis homefor about aU moatka.

ia Use l|< »aae Uy » Vuto <>f


Washiagloa. Feb. 8.—The house

today aftir iraiis.ietinK business of

u minor i haracier, voted on the

Hepbiini railroad rate bill. The

passage of the bill waa announced

by a vote of S40 to 7. Those voting

ia the negative ware: MoCall,

Maaaachusetia: Uttleield, Maine;

Weeks, .Massarhusetts: Perkins,

New York; Sibley, Pennsylvania;

Treeland, Soiiihwlck. New York.

All are Republlcana. Sullivan, a

Democrat, of Maaaacbaattta, voted


A Waahlngton dispatch says:

"Repreaeatatlve Jamee la recover-

inK from llhieoa wkick baa kept him' on lined to hla room for severallays. He attended the house twa-

sinti indav. but lias aliandinied kla

iiiienlinn nf spc.iKnii; nn the rate


"A bill Fntroduced today by Hep-rexenlatlve Mwarda appropriates$«>oo,t)00 for conatrucllon of ti»o

lu< ks and daioa (Noa. 10 and 20)Ml till' itpper CiUBberland. la Ken-

t in k.N."


Mornlnp la


Waa HeldPolk* Cd«K.



neconien Treasucer of t'oiuiiiliia

KInanei- and TrUKi Co.

LK)ul«ville, Ky.. Feb. 8. .\ Y

Ford, former managing editor nf ih '

Coarier-Joaraal aad widely kjbwn,waa elected traaanrer of tke Ckilnirm-

I'.a Finance and Trust company yea-

terda.v Mr. Ford aucceeds '>laj. il

V s:iiiders, wko retiree oa account

of ill health.

AUMuuuui imm.

The Light 4'oiiiniilii' May !!«> Readyto Maki- a ltn|H>rt.

The llKhl rnnimitiHe will probably

have a report on the street lightinft

propooitloa to make tka board ot al-

dermen tonight. The eoannlttee

met agala thla afternoon to go over

aome additioaal data it haa in hand.

Fatal ll«>x of Snnlines,

Hi'iiderson, Ky., Fob. ».—A. C.

llrlRtrs. a prnminent and weattb.v

grain dealer of Waverly, ITnion coun-

ty, died aaddoaly. it ia believed from

ptomaine poisoning whdeh reaulted

from eating a box of aardlnest. Hewas fifl.v .<l«li' .. ir. nf ai;i ,iiid s

Mirwived by a widow, live sons and

three daughters.

ymmm or ooMNmrrioK.

#. y.'Lwanii DM at Hla HomeHere Today.

Jlokn W. Leaaure, age 39, of 1145

Sooth Third atreet. died tbia morn-

ing at 11:30 o'clock of conaumptlon

after an i-'igUt weeks" Illness. He

was niarrii-d and leaves a wifr and

three children lli- wa~ a membero( the Jersey camp, W. O. W., and

haa baea a reaidaat aC Padueah

aboat eigbt yaara. The body will be

shipped to CarnH, 111., his old home,

tomorrow for internieni. The de-

ceased was an employe of the Freid-

awa'4Celler whiaky honee.

Mci'racken Vast' Aninneil,

Frankfort. Ky.. Feb. ti.—The ap-

pellate court, by Judge Settle, af-

firmed the McCracken circuit court

In the case of the MerRenlhaler-

Horion Haskei i ntup.iti.v Vs. \V. A

Taylor. Thi' apiiellee. a saw mill

Employe, was awarded $350 for In-

Jnriea to flngera on kia right hand.


May .

July ..

Open.85 %.84H

May 44%.luly


.M rt y




. .41«-4

. .30

. .28%



, I II ^ I

May 10, »»

July ll.Oi

Morki»—I. C 1.77 '/«

LAN I .'.0'.

T. C. 1 1.6SV4

Rdg l.Sfi

• • -


.8?. "Si


14 '-k

.:!" '»




10. 7S





Clarence Powell, alias Powera.(oloreA. who slini and killed Oeorge.Miller In thtf Smiley aalooai oa lowerKentacky aveane yeaterday Mming,waa keld over without ball this

morning In police court to the actionof llie Krand Jury.

The iiexro is short, lieavy set alid

has a Iliad shaiied unlike any headever been on a human being.

The evidence ahowed the killing

to kave been done without provocation—the aame as In the coroner's



I by iIm> lllbMUVeatml.

Till' I c rnad haa dedded to In-stall ihi' i iaiin cht>ck feature In con-i.eriinii with Its baggage bualneaa In

Padueah, and the feature will go latoeffect on the liSth of next month.

Ail large cjtiea on the ayatem havethis feature and It la not rfhly a ssfn-

tuani In the railroad, but In th.-

trayelint; public aa well. C^lalm•. he. ks are kept by the expr<»aa driv-ers and expreae companlea and whena patron aenda out baggage to th«t

depot the expressman * or tranafer(?rlver bar two che<'k8 of the sameiiunilier One is invin Hic nwiler

and the other placed on the trunk.

When th,' owner goes to chwk hi


baggage at the depot, he identlllei

It by the claim check. In thla wa/the coafaslon of baggage having thekame appearance, is iirecluded.

Every iiation nf ih,. rnad Is vx-

J.wti'd In liaM' a i laiiii ^lll•ci^ nn Ills

ti'iink with a dii|<lii ate in his pnrke!.

otherwise his trunk cannot leave the

baggage room. Tbia will mean that

the traaafer company and all oxfreaadrlvera wiH have to get claim cbecka:r they latead to keep la tke bnal-


Urte Atreata Today.Rufua Boaa, colored, was arrested

today for aaaaultlng wltk a brick and

biting the thumb of 'Ouy Bennett, at

whoae place on Clay street he had

ijeen employed.

Frank Mason, colored, was ariesl-

id for Kolng to Pullen'a grocery at

.Ninth and Tenneaaee atreata aad get-

ting pooda on the repriaaatatlon of

owning a Maakamitk akap.

I'AIH I ti<)VKK.\.MK.N'T KM-i


Ponner 1>a<lu< Hli Bditor^ Mew 4ob.

NaabviUe dispatchea aaaouace that

Mr. T. Buford OoodwIa, natfl recent-

ly of the Newa-OeoMicrat hare, has

noceptcd a position on a new paper

tin- 'Il iMi. ssi 1 l.anii'l. wliii h is to be

iuu-iuhed at .\aaih\ille today in the

interest of Pattaraaa'a gabaraatorlal


D. C, Feb. M.

Becaaae of a (lireateiu ii iii tli •i

lenc,v in the fuiiil fm- iiiiiiiiiniii-

iiiU I'l'th rul liiiHilinuH, ilm m as.

ury (lepHTtuient today UioiiUueU

eighty empiayai tknili^nt tke|


AmoMp thoae dropped are HIram I>HVi<«. elevator i nii<lu<'toe.

anil itu|M-rt \V. W. WllliiunH, a;

Inborei^ at tbeiiii:.


B(aee Plaat Bwraa.

Portsmouth. O.. Feb. 8.—The|ilanl nf ihe Portsmouth Sinve com-

l>.ta.\. employing lot) men, was de-

stroyed by Sra thla mornlaf, loaa


Heath at flolfoarta

Mr. T.oa McCoy, of GMeooda, died

Tuesday of acute iBdlgeatiOB. aadwas bill K'd today.

DeprfH Was till- l.»west-^NNl>

tiaaiHl ( old Tomorrow.

When a man has a pair of band-

cuffa on hla wrists be knowa what it

ineana to be within the clutehea of

the law.

Thia morning marked another gen-

uine winter day, making tkrea daya

la aueeaaaion where tbe OMreary hov-

ered about the sero mark.Rarly thta morning the thermome-

ler reKistered 5 dcKrees above zero,

the .>»uiiii' 1 1 :;isti'rril Tiii'sday niorn-

inK. Ui diii'sday it was 4 degreea

abote and this mnrniiiK a ret)etltlon

of Tuesday. The indicationa are for

continued cold.

This momfng one of the heavlaft

frosts of the Hcasnii aiipiaied. It

( iini; In trres. win - .ind liousi-s like

a thin snow. The aliunsphcre wasvery foggy in the early morning, but

after aanrlae it lifted and ahowed %

clear day.

S. Oe Foster, Veteran From Padueah,

Hat Novelty Keadini His ObUnary

I.nuisNllI.'. Ky., Fob. 8.- .Samuel

O. Foster, formerly of Padueah, nowof tbe Confederate home in Poweo

a newspaper at Haducah

Mr. Foster ia in ill heallh from In-

juries sustained In a (all last Oeceai-

Valley, has had the nnuauai experi-{ber. but has been Invpruvlng for some

cnee of reading hla own obituary and I Um«. aad expects to aoon be about

an account of hla death, published la 1 acala wltk his comrades at the home

Page 2: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i


HalTt^rliiK )<»' ^ •'ni'N, iiml li<'il-l(iil<len

From l'U«^, n <'«>iiCrin-t<ir at

Marina, lad., tm C«tvd kf

Trial it«t rrc* to AU Who

"I was tuouMed with yilcs for

Kevrral years before I would let It

ho kriDWii. Uiii ai his; ihey l)i( aiin'

<io M>viMe that 1 cuuld noi walk andI had to take niy bed. I tried erery-

thine MMl aaythlac tht doctora pra-

crlM^ tat took tlla<r trmtneatsfor a low tiBO. But nothing ever

41d •# anv Rood. I had iu-fii youra^. Itt diffricut lllW>|Mi» ,-. Ml I ncii

a'£0-«eut bux and began usinK'them.

From the very first I got quick re-

lief and hy the ttmt I waa starting

on mjr third* box I svw I was cured.

I hava not bnen tinuliliil with themsince. Now yon i an use this as youjileasc b(-caiisr ii is K<'iiiiine. Yoiii^.

T. A. Sutton,' Stone and Cement Con-traetor. Marion, Ind."

iMtaat rtilaf can be gotten tyusint tilt ttarvelons Pyramid Pile

Cure, it lnun<'(iiate]y reduces all

congestion and Hweliliig, heals all

ores, iiliors and Irritated parts.

The moment yoo start to usa it

yonr nCariac aada and the curt of

yovr dread disease is In sight.

The Pyramid Pile Cure renders ano|)pratlon unnP( cssai > . Dou'i sub-

mit to the cruel, excruciating paincaused by the surgeon's knife. Be-sides, it la expensive and hamillatiBCand rarely a permanent snoceaLThe P}-ramid Pile Cure la put up

In the form of "easy-to-use," ope-

(ially made. .•^iii>posit<>ri<'s. Theyarc soothing, painless, Instant andcertain.

A trial treatment will be aeat jrou

at once by mall/ In plain, sealedwrapper, without a oent of expenseto you. if you send your name atid

address to I'ji.iinid niiinCiv. IL'H.'i

Pyramid BuildinK, Marshall, .Mich.

After you recelre the sample, youcan cet a reguiar-slse package ofPyiaaM mie Cure at your druggist's

for 50 cents, or If he hasn't it. sendus the money and we will vend It to



IS lUi^fi(il»fiTB


\<'\l TliiiiK ill Oftk-r \'<>n Ih tt

tkh<-d«l«> l>>f>ni .May .1 to

DAHViLur M on mat movk

9 • 4 o •

t'aM. imnois.

Miiii\ill<', lllii|i>i».

Itii knont ilh', llliiiois,

MiiliiH.ii. Illiiiots.

I'adttc^ Knslackjr.

ViMCWM. HkiMw.


•^^ .-' •!!• '>•'

. , „

"VflMh'^ou'pay fS ISeftd^f J'ii^ftK^nt cigars, you p«y just 5 cents

for the 3 cigars and 10 cents for the three useless heads


The Kitiv league has been flnallv

completed. Mattnon, 111., came in

yesterday and the KiUena are ready

for a frolic as soon as the weather

is permissible.

C. C. Qosnell, president-secretary

of the league, wired fioiu .Mattuon

yesterday that the uiauaKeiuenl

there had pnt up |4i)0 guarantee

and 165 aj a memberahlp fee with

him and was awarded a franchise In

the league. This completes the or-

K'lnization of the Kitty leaKue an')

when the schedule Is prepared ilf

league will be ready to start the


ammbm lUpMtr aad WiUtm MoTP Membcfa.


The Broth, ih I of Railway Car-

men wlil meet Monday night la regu-lar sesiloa and there will be evforai

ppUeaate initiated.

Tkla la one of the biggest labor

orgaaliatlons in this end of ih<> state

and laoertainly growinK. The meni-bership will be greu'ly increased this

Bumnier when the shops take onnore men. The late addition oftwenty men to the car repairing de-partment will bring forth at least

Ifteen new members, It is thought.

TOCURE A COLD IN ONC DAYTake LAXATIVK BK3MO Qalain« TibletsDrugglMs refund monrv if it falli to cur* K.W. GROVK S fignklure « on each box JJC.

T»(> .\|i|>llr«tiaiM to Kulikt.

Sergeant J. B. Noyes, who haschares df the loeal recrnitiat oBcefor tke armr at the Richmond house,had two apllcatloiis for enliitmenttoday, H. C. Ctley and U O. Downey,Ol Hough, Mo.

The competition In arranging a

schedule Is open to all and the con-

ditions aie as folh)\vs:

Any inuu. woumn o: child tuay

submit as niaii> il.ffi < ni schedule:)

as they please. The ti-easoa mustopen May 3 with the northern club«

playiac Im tke three southern cities

and close not earHer than September\') and not hfT iliaii Septetnber \li>.

Kach uf the six clubs must play auequal number of games with the

other clubs at home and abroad.The queatioa of milea traveled hyeach club darlBS the season and nil

road connections will be the import-

ant factors in awardinK 'h'- J-"'

All contestants must a<conipan.\

their "time cards" with detailed

mileage for each trip. The schedulesmustehe sent to M. J. PVirabaker,

care of the. Cairo Bulletin, chairmanof the schedule rnmrnlttee, who will

call a nict-iinK "f '.' • ii- i. conima-ipe at C«'ntralia on March 1 or 11

when the envelopes contalninK th;'

schedules will be opened and theaward made.

Preparations for biiM n:r :hc

irrand stand In Danville < oin

pletinK other at raii»j( nicif- n< i

sary%io make in order to start the

seasoa an aadar way la tliitt town.


And it s just like dropping that extra dime in the street

For it's that little head you clip oif and throw away which takesthe time and skill and costs the money in the making of a cigar.


Package of 3 for 6 Cents(A ehmroot is a cigar muut9 wUkomt lAeMuU

is an extra-good.The Old Virginia Cherootdean, satisfying smoke:

But it s more : It s a bargain.Simply because you don t have that useless

head to pay fbr.

The filler is the same tobacco used in gOOd5-cent cigars, but the small leaves and

feet clmpings — a uniform blend of five differ

ent selected grades of fine domestic tobacco,ccin-ibining the rich, definite strent^th of tmc gradewith the sweet, mellow mildness of another toproduce the qtiality which characterizes every oneof the 1,000,000 Old Vkiinia


every di^.

WILL aoi l> \

vv.w D.AYM.Ill

"One eaa't be too poHte." "Yea,theycaa. avor iava aomeoaa try' tobold your overcoat whan the Nalmrwas ri*»«d in tha ataarar"—India-napolis war.



Telephone 048.

Friday Night and

SaturdayMATINE.E and NIGHT

.And Itrarh Nome iiind of

ResarAac •

A meeting of the promoters of the

Fair and Race Track association winhold a meeting next wek to take ii!>

the question of a nie. t thin fall. It

has ncit heeu (iccadedly deflnltely tli^i'

e fair will be held tjkls yaar. but tli*

asaoclaUoB hopes to have thegrounds ready, and tiia orsanitatlon( ompletad in time to do ao.

This comimti.v owns th.' tia(t nr

land on tho IllnklfVillt' road juw;

Siniih (if Uowiandtown and pioposi's

< > till! Id a first class race track and''iiii|> a inodtra craod atand andtuir plant. A proposition will be

made the atreet car company to ex-

lend the tracks over to thp site, andthis will be taken up in a fuw weeks.

"The .Maid aud tltx .Maauny."

i>elia atacy aad Ploraara Cham-ber», two of the prima donnas la

"Th<i Maid and the Mummy." whirb"oiiif-s to TUe Kentucky n<'Xt .Mon-

A\\\ niKlit. were asked by Iliilia.d

Ciiie i<> create the two principal fe-

male roles in his "Mayor of Toklo"last snnuaer at the Studebakcrtheatf-r. chlrnuo Both Women madel>r:liiiiii' In Mr. Carle's

w ill II I ill- sea-olll<-i|\,


Tb« $1 O:; t> tt - - • - f j' oif' » S -*i ,f for 50 eaoti.

I Uf \ : -A , /



LIFEORAMAFor Klt'wn \ciBn

\n I'libittkcii

(VowiiiiiK Trluiiiph.

Tim Hew Program is K«>plrto With

iBctadtaw Abeohitoiy the OnlyAntheiitic Moving Pic-



And many oIIkt rxrluHive, tlni<-ly

aad iiU|M>ri) M-<'n<>fi »f Modern i^ifi-

aad Histwry at Home «.nd Ahmad.


Prices: Matinee, Children 15c,

Adults tU. Night pvieei. M«. SSe

and 59e.

6eat« on sale Thursday f a. m.

«ia7,(NM> l<laz<- at l>-xiKgton.

L<eslngton, Ky., Feb. 8.—The mosidisastrous fire that h«s vlslttjed tbiz

city In yeara broke out In the whole-sale Rrocery hoiisf of Ciinv. Tunintc Norwood, and »l IT. ' wiirtli of

property was I'oiisiiiiifd. Tin-

of the LeylUKton brewing cuuipaiiy,

adjoining and the Cheeeveake A Ohiofreight depot (a tlm rear were hear-ily damaged.

apieara for one sight at The K< ii


"Muek: Is the food of nations. Ih<

HHv; then raitilnio niuxt be the fre^-

lunch." That la u simple of the

palter talk that r pplf?* iln>Mi»:h

"The Maid and the .Mummy ' fiom

beicinnlnc to end. There Is not a

dull moment In this merry musicalmelange hy Richard Carle and Rob-rrt Hood Bowera, which cones to

The Kentacky.

A LoAy Triamph.The woaderful reauHs obtained

fiom Qonag pictures by Lyman il

i:i>»c. whose famou«i pxhll)ltlon8

SI A' Thi- Kfntiirl:\ .in Ki iil;i .

I ll daiiirday with niatinii' S.itni it.i\


1^ a monument to the trhimp': <•'

Htcadfast persererace, and symbol Ic

at once of the Amenlcan spirit of In-

^<ntlon and progression. If tt wertucrely another movln;; picture 'aI ' t'un. It (erlainiv wiiiild nevc i

' •\c aii.'iiiii'ii the rank it ha*. H>;i

Mr, Howe's a< liifvimeats In the d"'< lin of moving pictures hear a iofi

r ^amt; ao lofty that a muitituda of Imitators strain (or ttit

same unique exhibition. AlmoMt"•\i iy Kplierc i>f hiininn a<(lvll> .uid

iMTV ciiiintry that r:ink-. in livi: /.i-

I ioii can imuit » ii li • \ i :

•. i i

. 'line inventor, and In the duniaiii <.<{

I oving pioture art, America hasK vcn the world an eahlbltton of mov-


We booM by ttlktng with LIGHT.Let at do loinc of vol K talking for

Yol Our LIGHT talks wbUtyou ilecp.

L TIN Pliinh Light Md Piiir Ci.INcbncORATED


ratal Rrsttft.

Maaeheatei . K> .Fi b fi a H'lc-

phone meesaKe from Sturgeon, Uwa-U-y county, tela of the death of .Miss

Kdna Allison, a popular yoyng soliooi

teacher, at the hoaia at her father.

Theodore Wilson, of that place. Shedid from the effecta o( a vial of car-iniiii' a<i(l v'hich ska awallowedrliiiiii};li nii.->tak(!.

.Miea Mafgarrt"The MaM aa4 theKeiitui'ky

oil na\f.



son of 'The Maid and the Mummy"opened they were glad to go hack to

their original' part'. They will be

Heen in the latter company when it

Ing pictures that

If the l.ynian &Were to Midtii iily

l.mie a.-. (Cii-

iiupoalnK andhibitlons ever

Is unapproached.Howe rxhlbltlor

diwonllniie, it ;

of I he mox!

successful ex

offered tli<

|)ubUc would surrire tt fbr nuny)ears. For ita dtatiactloB cannot heilenieil.

There is probably nothing moreaanoyiai than to have to eyaad a I6t

of time preparing for an emergenrvthat failed to

EngravingHaving la oar tmpioy Mr. M,A. Shene, an expert hand en

graver, we are prepared tc doall klods of as|raviag ea Mtol.

wood, pearl and jewelry.


421 BrNdaijf 0pp. PalMr Hnm

Lokl nil Kye, lint U |te()er.

Willlain Kowier, of South Thirdstreet, who was injured by a flying

iilece of timber at oaa of the loath'ide wood woriUac ptaata two weeksngo, kaa haaa removad from the city i

hoepitah to hts home. The timhe.-


i struck his eye and it had to 4m|

: taken out.

I. C. Hot to Uaild.

President Pish, of the Illlnoiv

Central denies the rapart. that ili<-

road win build wcRt of the Missouri

r.\'-\ Sri. il ,1 iii n;; \v.\A not been

considered for a moment.

If you have not read

AMother'sRemorseSubscribe at once and re-

ceive a handsome

PICTURE FREESee premiumt^at >

QRONER'S120 3roadvveiy

Page 3: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i



Tbejr art fait tht thlsf for Ibt

bath room din inn loora or bed

room. They do not smoke, are

•uy to operate: ooBtnat vtryliMlc oil: qtjJck to heat,


Sptclal Price onE>l«otric 01ob«»I' Ci.iidle Pow«r ^2'Cj2 C« ndle Foirer.„ 26C




wnClaaa" lt<'IH-llriilt mill

P Itt-UtUiHl



"•I 111 1!. lo furnlsli ilic « > iivct llKbU by contract

Ix.iii'.i;:. (iiiH OIK' Id nil iiniiiasad olMDirTCr. Figuresll|l|H'.lt-. !•( .1

herciufuiv tippcariUK In (be local pa iicra hav« bMB n vacua aad ladafl

nite that the folloirtBg t«bl« bat b* ra prwparcd for the benaflt of thep«bllc.

In this table the nKureit used by ih^ acJvoiaieB of iiiunUipal owner-tli<i< <>• lo ih« value o( the preaent plant, and the coat per llfcht. harebrcn uKed. although many regard them eh pxtrtiiip and inarcuratp.

Cost lo ilty operatlKK lis own plant, 2oo liBhis. at $•;! | 12. cooValue iif pKMiit iiliiiii ;;ii.()(H»

New Qiatlilntry to pioduuo 2U() llg Uta |40,OUO

S per oaat iaiereat on . .


10 per cent maintenance.•0,000

Coat per annum lo the





I.kIiJh al |i; J .'I

(fnt of 1 10,000, vutue of pre* ent plait

Amount paid to the diy (or lease of plant




Total cost to city f

Thua aavlBc the city each year%»r %4kp of- city a^mtMl ttro in frM'nt'for ffea?.


Coat to (he city per lamp uaiar Tnt^eHoa Co. 'a ofte. .


Difference lu favor of Traction com pany'a offerBetluatinK in-hour Rervlce for Traction company,

aerlrce for Mh . :; . « ii.,v


Coat per nuiuiaii huur, Thk ihui t'oiiiimnv

Coat par running hour, city oiuiai mk




. 71.R7H

. 16. IL",

a «-huur


. . ..04IS


Mr. H, a. Jiphwtaii Waa


Mr. llnrry O. JoIiiimIud. the trelii

(Ilet>atcher, will niurn today fromMomphls. where hi- stopiied on hNway home from Btrmlngham, Ala., (uattend the dedication of fheiMamplilaElks' Home.

At Hlruiiii' li.iiii \!' riiiii^iiiii a'

ti-ndrd an a dcliKatt- tJio nationaliiici-iiiik! •}{ (ho Kiwvcrs. which hasa dam recouily organlfod In Padn-rah.

Tho offlcoPH I'liM led iiU':

I'liic proiil i;t. Ki .ink V Ciiii

\ a-,

>iip! . iiic \ II-. pi .^i'.li iil

.\ (V Maim, Kmixvtlii'. Kiipri'iiif

iliai llM. r.oorjjo H. ()<-n< i. l iiioiv 8,

C; Kuiiroiue guide, W. V. Uunn, Beaa-

.Bwr, Ala.; fupreme aentlnel, W. M.Chapman, Tampa, Pla.; trusto«>. C.

T.. T«r1)«»rt. roIimibuH, Oa.; Hupienifmarrtian. H. ('. J piinston. I'adiirah.

\\\ . Mlpli-ITll' 1 I ' ! 'I' ,1

IlliKI. Ml. \\

BngUah, supromo B«cret«r>-: iHnrryHayaea, aupremc treamirer; W. H.Prulttcer, aupreme oritanizer. and W.r. Craaain. mipi I 'm- i (nini iilnr. .-Iim i-

fd la-jt >tai. huliN Im a piiiml of

llVf yr. !!.<.

Mr. EiiBllsb, was I'lccti'ii »i>c-

rrtnry. ia a hroth«f4o Mr. James B.KuRlUb. and la one of ttioae whulecentiy organlaod tho (Paducabditni.

"Were you ever at an aftoraooctea?" ".No; but 1 was in a plao*once whT.i thirteen phoiiographa«i :<' iiW Ki.,i>t; at (lie aam* tUpO."

.Milwaiiki ! WIs' iiii>iin.

>lli-a('iilfiu)> Karapp.Kvuiiuill.', Ind., Feb. 8.—Q. W.

('••uokaey, of Hondoraoa county. Ky.,was utrurk by a Ixjifhivllle and Nash-V




! ! I ! 'i :ll w .!> III: Ml the

ia:< ' I m i, s an b'>ur. lie wasthriiwn iiiMiii a bugo aaov hauh and

life h.ivi'd.

Mr». Austin's PanoBke flour la In

town— freHh and tdellcioiis a.s ever.



Thii is the event which economical buyers

wait for etch leaion. You have no idea

how an extra pair of trousers will brightenup that suit which you have been wearing.

And at this price you limply can't atiord

to mill thii lale.

When youarf! in ask to see Ihe $2.00. $2.50 and $3

shirts reduced l» $1.50; the $1.50 and II ahirls at 73c

TUa twelfth grade will be the

graduation class this year and prepa-ratlona for the commencement nre

being made. There win b« 'twantygraduates this year.

The ( ailc; i la.-?, » liii li w,i- siarifd

oiu an an fxperliiiiut, lias pii>v<'ii

more succet'sfiil than anticipated.

There are nine regular membera andthry meet onca eviry waak. Mondayafternoons. Tha purpoae of this

clasa is to prepare those who really

want to become tcailiiis for ttieir

life work. In this way the inanage-

roent of the school ia able to see Just

what kind of material be haa to

draw from. It alao promotea inter-

out In teaching In Padurah."Heretofore we liave had persons

eoiii iiK In lo 'eneli wlio went out

and after faiLng in other callings,

adopted thai of teaching," an offi-

cial atated this aoralng. "Wa donot want tbta kind, but want paraonawho are Interested In tiie work ba-fore they leaxe school and who are

wlllinj? to worit to perfect tbein-

RelvcH. The class this year is small,

but I expect it to he larger next year.

There will undonbtadly be n addi-tional teacher granted in the bigbschool (lepM r t iiieiil next \ear .mil the

work «aii lie no arranged that thetadet < iass lie madu » raffttlar claaa

in the whoolK."

The Padurah public schools haveentered well into tha work of theaecond term, and are in a batter con-

dltlon than ever before. Mora sui-

ressfiil Work In teaching and moreimeres' I- iM ing manifested by botil

teacher and pupil than ever before,

and the assertion of an oBelal this

morning that taking It aH In all, the

Padocah teaching force could be fa-

vorably compared with any city In

the Ptnte. u well taken.

The iiddlMon of a twelfth gradeand the creation of the "Cade(

CJaM" which waa taken an jex-

perlment at flrat, haa proved a greatben«flt. The tweKth grade win re-

iiiaiii ,-> n\"J xrade and uIho will the

fudet elaiiH, It !s understood. Thisla one very stronK point in favor of

tho teachera who have struggled for

two yaara for a gaaaral battarmentof the acboola.

"Taktnff Lexington, with one-third

more teachers and w Mi (>;M 'hinl

more r<\enii" ii> run ihe .setiools. an I

>e' wi ll Inn i.iie-iilnih more pupils

than Faducah, and the schools here

will equal In reaulta the work donein liCxIngton," an official d« . lareii

this momlD«r. The tearbltiK force

In the ^ehools here is excellent andwill (onipare wiih any force In anyoilier city in the state, in sonve will

show a deeidod Improrament."


Huperhileiiih-iils of tlie Wli<d<' l iiUcd

HtMen Will UmIIkt Mt Luula-

Sup(. C. M. Lleb, of the public

acboois, will aak the Board of Bdu-eation to grant him a leara aC ab-

sence on February 27, 28 and March1, In order that he may attend the

annual ineetlnK of sujieriiiiendenis

and colioKe men at Louisville on

those three days.

This will' he probably the mostimportant tdneational meeting of

the year <becauae It is a meet In k of

superintendents of the Nntionul Kdu-i.iiional .\s;-(M iat ion itie im ii whoshape (be methods and futures ot

the acboola in tha counttry.

The procre<is made \,\ tha acboola,

new method.-, ami in fact everyphase of school wml,, will 1>« dis-

cussed. In this way ex,perimenta

made during the year and their auo-

cesB or failure will be raportad anda Reneral rule arrived at. Supt.

l-i( I) Joined the national association

<H(i \ears aKo and desires to attendii" iiieeiinK as be ia graatly iatar-

ested in the work.

To Be Kiiieii iiy tfie


Haa a Ckaare to i WNh Waabem

Mr. Joe Wooldrldge, the Padueahpitcher-fielder, has received an offer

from a KunKHH t'il> baselmll • am to

work in (he box this suaimer andIlls signature to a ooatraat haa been


Tha yonns man playad aa extra

utility man with several Kitty lenL-ue

teama and piidied a came for I'a-

ducah. He has done good work in

the 8emi-profe8;<lonal teams and is

con8ld<>red a good pitcher for a

youngster. He is considering the

offer and may sign mi. It ii under-

stood the teans ia to play Independ-

ent ball thia aprlaff. Ha la offered

a liberal aalarjr urltk asvanas all


The I'niled States civil service

commiHslon has announced that ex-

amlnatlona will take place in Padu-eah for applieaata from Kentucky,to fill vacaneia^ aa they may occur:n Ihe position of assistant examinerin (he patent office at an entrancesalary of |1.:;ih) per .xear. I'er.sous

are urged to enter (his examination.

Should they fail to pass, they canre-enter tha examlnattoa that will

be held April 18 and 1*. The age' '

' \\ ' r\ ,11.-

1-x.uii.iui; lull--- aie announced to

take place on March l( and la in

the aame places for Kentucky appU-canta, to fill two Tacanclaa In the

position of aid la the ooaat aad geo-

detic aurrey, nt |7S0 per year, andLo nil -iniilar Tacaaclets as they mayoccur in that iurvajr. Vacancies in

the pofition of duek oflcer as they^

may occur will also ho IMIed as the

result of this examination. The age

limit Is aightaaa to twanty-tT* yaars

on tha data of the examination.


South .McAlester. 1 T . Feb. I.

A car of SI. Ixxiis lus r consigned to

Waco, 'lex . was wrecked at Mi'Ales-

ter laat night. AlUiough McAlesterIs In a prohtbftlon country, tha iMjorportion of tba contents of the car

was carried away, aad consumed be-

fore oillcera coufd b* BuaviBonad t"

take charge

A Family lU-uiiIou.

On Pabmary 3 a birthday' dinner

and famUy reunion was held at the

home of W. N. Hines. 1032 Broad-

way. The affair was in honor of Ihe

7 1i>i birthday of his mother, Mrs. L.

.\ Caldwell. Sons and daughters,

grandchildren and (raat-graadi6hll-

drea gathered tron thia an4 adiolB-

Ing counties aad stataa.

Th>re were present five sons andil iiinhiers, thil l' ell prHiidi hlltlreu,

liiree ereat-grandehildren, Ave sons

and daughters-in-law, three grand^

sons and daughters-in-law and anumber of Invited guasta othar than

;he family, niakrnff a total ut tfclrty-

slx persons present.

The sons and dauphters present

were: Messrs. W. N'. and C'la>

Mines, of the city and aounty; Mes-

daroes Ida Overstreet and Kay Bum-pdua, of this city and county, andMrs. Gila Tisdale. of Ballard county,

t.randchlldren were; MlHses Hortie,

.Mail''! and Ida Lee Hlnes, Master

Allen Hiueii, Mrs. Ruby Rudolphand Mra. Montaona Oreratreat. all of

thta city; Claude Ovarstraat. of tha

county, and James Overstreet, of

Newark. O. : Miss Bessie Ola Bum-poiis, of the county, and Miss .l<

T.. (lU) and .\nvie Tiscl.il and .Mrs.

Leila Uarris, of Ballard county.

Oraat-graadeblldran: J. B. andOkMble Overstreet, of the county, andLittte Mabel Lanier Rudolph, of the

city. The sonii and daughters-in-

law were; .Messrs. Baker S. Over-

street, lien llunipous and .Mlio Tls-

dal: Mesdames Qertle and DukeHlnes. Oimadsoaa aad daughtara-In-law: O. T. Harria aad LoaaleRudotph,

Mrs. Cali!«e!l is a resident ot thi^

citor, ts an exceedingly hearty andhaaltlbr vonaa for har

.Not l et llruuKht Back.

Sel Cochran, who waa arraatsd In

l,,oulsiana for kljlinc two men in

Calloway county two years ago, has

not Net been brousht bark to Mur-

ray for trial. Crowd* nieei ihe

iralna every day to get a look at the

alleged murderer, but they are al i

waya diaaMolatad.

Are Tow BcuOsaa at HlgbtAad harrhMed by a bad cough? UseBallard's Rorehound Syrup, It will

secure miu sound sleep and effect a

prompt and radical cure. For sale

by Alvey & List and G. C. C. Kolb.

Patieaoa—Old the cook give you

any notlea Ofhen she w as leaving;'

I'atrice—No. abe harOiy noiic«d us

at all.—Tongers Stateaaiaa, -

BetOMtto•I TtMit iMlltoa


Are the peer of hot dllllka. Weserve only the best.


If you contimie

to suffer from Dyspepsia or Indigestion blameyourselt only, a sure cure is within yoiir reach.




has cured thousands; it will cure you, but not

unleia you take it.~"

Oo to any druggist and get a bottle of Chaae'sDyspepsia Cure. Take it according to direc-

tions for three days, and if. you are not

aatiafied that it is doing you good, go to the

4n^(Siat and get your money b.^cl. uithout


50c. and $1.00 P«r Bottia



Modem. Higfhest Grade.

Firepfoof Throughowt.

BUROraANPLAN.Rates not csesasive though TheLcnoK Is noted for the ocellencc

of its cuisine and general awvicc.

'^r^r^iass^ ~tt GEORGE pUCtlSCHERER

A«*i raorataToa

w. a. aMRira cabb.

May Jfot Ba la FeOeralOoait.

to aNow contorotohMa to ataot tba

proaoeutloa of eaaaa. Tha eaaa is

Mt for tho (Marfh term of tha ooan.'

noTi tiUT HtirrTha LoulavIHa Harald ot yaator*

day aays:

In spKa of the fa«t that W. B,Smttlh former president of the \V<-i

em National bank, has agre. <! to

make reparation and salisjUii tile

directors of the bank, ,it is not lie-

lieved lliat the |ii osecutioli of .Mr.

SmlUi will be droitped by the Unitedj

Sutee Court, Steuben D. Rill, dis-

trict attorney, and M. H. Thatcher,his assistant, are out of the city, butone ( lose t,i 111,, office s.iid yesterdayaf tt-riiooii tliiii il is pKihulile that the

pro^^eeiiiion will he continued, andthat a coniproiuibe with the Injured

I'arties cannot be taken aa ita ex>

luattoa of Mm offenae.

'The whole case, of course," thespeaker concluded •ii>ts with the

court, and it would be unwise for (ho

!'ttorne>s fo, the govaf|uaant to aa-tlclpate the case."

The jirecedent of the oourt la not •

la FIgbt Betwoea Maaafler

Loadlag Maa la Mary

T W" C.iiiot. leading tiiaii of ilie

"Will O' (he Wisp" show company,

and Sam Lewis, manager of (he com-pany, were arraatod at Vlacannes

Saturday night for flghttag. Theshow. " 'Il Mary Emerson aO atar,

was 111 I . \\ I iliiesday a week ago.

The Iroiilile >iarii'd over the re-

fusal of (he buHlness manager to payIhe cast for a forced day off bacauae

of non-arrival ot aeaaary.

The manager was tadly beaten upand the Icadiii'.; niaii riM i ived a haidii.uk on the head while heiiiK ar-


Bulb were lined |1 and coslB, the

total aaMuatlag to Its.

WaU Paper, WaU Paper

Largest selection ever shown In Padueah, ^Oalf wall paper More on Broadway.

Oar 3c tenant houae paoer kacpa lUMMaa nala^and makes them sell. (So 3c {laptia afUr Itatll I.)

Alt these papers are loc patterns.

Oar see, 750 aad $t.oo per roll hall, parlor aaddining rorm papers ara rlffht op t3 date Our decorator

knowa how to maka It look the aame as any tij.oo perroll paper. Our paper aaves 70a ''asoBey, tavta time,

saves your eyes and matches in every way.

PoB't te too lata. CaU at


Walt P«9w Dapanaaat i« a«a»

Page 4: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i

tt)e Pobocal) Ban.




IMMCM tt* posioaM M PidaMb, Kit WMond elM* nklMr.)


I mHMVi per — •

ymgl^pgr BoBita, IB tAnat*.— M

rum wuMKUtUM


Ilia tLAOM:



S 3 7 Ti 3

% 3736

4 S7S0s mt

• « »7M8 8720

9 3704

10 :!7"0

11 ;!<;:•«

It ;'>'"s

la 3712

It S70B

1« S«MToUl

Arvrftge for Jmi. 1

Average for Jan.,

8TATBMKNT.17 3707

IS 3702

19 3G»5

!• 36S(>

S| ^682




2 7




.... 3684


.... ;i 7 1


.... 3t',99




.V. .3713906. . .



Increase .831

ParaMUlly appeared before me,

J. PaxtoB, gmeral manager oT The

Sun. who affirms tknt tlis Abote

siairniont of the circulation of Th»

Slit) for I he Mumth of January,

1906, iB IriH' Ki llie best of Ills kiiowl-

e4s* and iiciii'f.

PKTER PUUYK.Ml.• Notary I'ublir.

Mr eommiSBlon wpire* Januarjr

S. !»••.


\v.' .11. • shap«<l ami fashioned by

» lull » !• li^ 1 C.iK tllo.


Thi- Sun take* th«4ibeftr oCi«M-

KCKiitiK lo rou once acaln. thAt yon

w'iM'i' i !i(i<'il by the people of ibis

<iiy u!< H protest against the kind of

rity Rovcrnmeat tk* late adminls

tratloB has bMB iArlM tha .pulillc

Ton were sleeted i««n th«.Uea that

you were men of JadffB«At> And with

the courage of yonr convlcllnns;

thst you WdiiM »h.iV\rr |i<)--.il)l«'.

curtail exi>eiiM>M thai would iu no

way impair the efflrlonry ot^wnrices

the city has a rtglt'lo exp««t. ,,

The mayor has diligaBtly Mfim^ed to mislead yon from th« lasnti

upon which you were elected. Helias iikkIi I vci.v clforl iiliil la COn-

llniiinK U) do HO. lo \ninv, to the

Idea that municipal ownershii> is of

greater Importame than the savinK

of the peopla's moAsy. As ha patK

it. In speaking of th« question of

furnixhing the city with light, he

docs nut < aro if it aocs ( osl more,

he wants the cily lo funii»h its «)wn


This may be Democratic «loctrinQ,

bat It Is not RepAMIcM. aad tf you

find that by prlvste contract for

llRhting you ran Have the city several

thousand dollars ;>• > ', ;n . j; is >oiii

duty as public odlciul.^ in make tlic


If you can save several thouaand

dollars per annum oa -the ooat af

furnlahlng lights, the nione.v can

well be used for other purposes thsl

lia(ll> iH-cil il. and .^ou will sls<)

have available the large aura of

money asked for ta rthabllitAta the

city's plant. ^

To let the mayar domiaAte Uwactions of your body now, will meanthat after a few weeks of Incum-

bciii y of ofllcc you li ivi 1 1 iiiU i n!

your original ideas and are »ubMir-

Tieat to those a( tha mayor... -

WHBRB turn V0» WtJOtm.A coopla of wall maaniag bu*.

timid friends of ours, coming ti>

Kitlicr, liav«' whispered in cm;- car

that tlio "Sun is losniK out with ibc

pul)lic on act iiiini of its |><»s.itloii

un the city lighUng proposition.

Great Cbc-pultaiWG Charnbawa! Tothink that wa hava been alienating

the alTeotlons of the iieople by a

course that far aa We are able at

I're.sL'iii to judKc, leads either to the

city doing its own liKlitinK, <».

Hiads to the city giving ibo

bastaasa out by eoatraet. If va havaup to this tlrna taken ayy poaltloa

about the matter. H has baea «« the

fence. .The situatioa la merely this:

As good a bunch of 4>UH!ne.sH mm'as il is piissllile lo L'i'i lo run toi mh Ii

offices aa Aldermen and Coiineilnien,

have been put up by the repuiiliran

party for tha poaittoaa. -Aided by

about ten or Mtaaa par oaat of In-

dependent voters, tbasa maa wero


S\'li('tlioi or not the\- were elorfej

as republicans, la of no importance,

but the fart is iindenlsble, that they

were olccled ns a protest BRRlnst the

kind of Aldermen and ('oiincllnien

the city baa bc^ having the last

decadai -Waar this Oeneral Council

entera office with the declared in-

teation of ^Tlak tha dty tha 4>eet

administration it Is capable of. In

othor words, the members start out

III Kive ibe people the moat posalbl';

tor ihcir money.

tlia ' question of appropriations

comes up, and tha oustodiaoa of the

rIty lighting plaat aagseat that they

want an appropriation of $12,000 t.->

run tho IC; lights the city has. Tliey

slso want an api" "I'l i^' ' ion of ahoin

|20,«IO0 to put Ibe (ilalit in order.,

that it may furnish proiiei liiliis

Tha stalAmapt becomes curreni

that the city's tighte have baaa qosi-

ing a great deal pt moaajr; Muchmore than thoy should.

'I'lie general liuht commllli" re-

( cUed 11 Ibe action ("oniiiany a

bid to fnriiisb ilie i Ity's iiRhts. and il

Is said that the price approsimatok

frosB f<1. to $«• par llpht per annumfor all-»l«ht llshts. A lltUa flfuring

on what It las been coatittg tha atty

10 furnisb Its own liKlits developed

llic apparant tact that she Traction

t'ompaiiy's offer would save the cii;

several thousand doMars per ycir, .t

11 Is aoceptad.

. The Sun haa said that tha Light

Committee would make aa lavaatlga-

lion of the city's books and If should

lie foiiiid lo be true that it is costlns

itie (ily niiirb more lo make lljrbls

than it will lo buy tlicin, then the

Uenaral CoaiKil undoubtedly mu.-.'.

make a roatract that will save the

iicople aN that is poaatbla.

One of the most ratlable snd pslns

lakiiiK business men In the city and

oue' l'iiail> iiiudiiiKM tfd with lli<

Iracilon company, has turuiabad the

Surf with a statement of what It is

costing the city to make IU own'hglHB<^ These nguras ara gt^a lo

ufotfeier column and the Bun is free

I I confess, that If the investigatior

tears out an.> such flgurcs. then w"

are unhetltatimrlv in favor of the

1 '.ly abanduiiiii;; iii. linhtliiR of Its

' wn streeU and giving the business

lit by contract. If it 'shall toe foaad

that the city has baaa ahia to makeiiBht.s cheaper than they are now

offered llieni, flKuri-d in a tiusiness

way, then llic .Siiii is In favor of Ihc

« Ity runninK the plant and savini:

the money. The people have l»ivn

lax-ridden long aaoagh aad have re-

ceived loo i I ttia for their taxaa. Ai>u8lneiM adm'tnlstratlon of Its affairs

dircits that Ibe taxpa>cr- shall have

cvcr> cent saved from them that is

po.ssiiile and consistent with an eu-

I'jrprising city government

Our friends first referred to iu

Ibis artlclu can from this itrtiOle sen

V liat our position is with rfforcnre

III savins the people money and to

this light proposition, aithoiitih we

have not heretofara azpresacd an

opinion based oa daAalta informa-


We renret llial the ' Public" is de-

serting our banner and that it RoinK

to stray off after fal.-e cimIs. It has

done this so often in the past thouKb

and -we have suffarad la mind and

l-uraa so faarfulljr as a raaalt, that

we have to an extent baeooM ande-

c idiHl as to whether or not the "Pub-" very often knows its own mind

The puliil* is assured, bowev.'r.

that the Sun will endtsavor to knowIts own mind and ihat when it forms

» conclusion aa to the bast intercsi

of the city on a propoalttoa. It will

riate It, oven thoagh it asaume mm h

the same poaltloa as that of admln-

ir,eriac a dose of medieiaa to a sick



The niiiiiiei I I'VMiersliip i<|ea is

not Raiiiiiii: imic li mdund Cairo bas

<ust awarded a private cun-

traat tor Mraat lighting, and the

propoaitloB mada tka etty of Cairo bj

the Light and Oan company, and

whl«h is c<m!«l(lered Rood ciimul;!!

there to lie recommended ll^ llie

light coninklttee, Is notbiiiii to , oui-

paro with ti>e proposition made in

Padaaal^HaadaraoB, Ky... aekaowledgeo

thst Its ownership of the gaa plant

ha-, been a niisi'rable failure JUSt as

I'aducati .s was wilh Ibe liKhf, plant,

and is prepaiiliK lo le.is I the

gas plant to men who know bow to

run .IU

Yoatarday'a Hendaraon Olaaaar In

its council reiKMt aays:

".\ ronrmunicaitlon from one

11 W BerKen. who wanted to

li ase the gas plant for a lei ni of

Iwenly-Bve years under a con-

tract to give city Ave per cent,

of the groas aaralaga. make all

neces^y repairs, glva tha pao-

pie gaa cheaply as they arc ro-

( clvlnx it now frorm the city, andto forfeit a 1 1 n imo Imnd if he

failed to mske good his obliga-

t^B, .iiras read by the clerk. Hepropoasd to keap the plant 4n

good rapaAr aad tara It ovar to

the city in as good condition

us it is now In and If he failed

to comply with thi (.mirait. he

would surrender llie lease at


'Kockricta favored a uutdon

to uke tha mattar up and laarn

just whst terms could be madewith Bergen, as the pisnt has

been run al a loss for about

twenty yeara, the leakage being

cob LIVER OI-L.^',

It almost makes you

.;ick to think of it, but il

isn't nearly as bad as it

'.iscil to be. The improved

method of ret'iniiig it

makes it much easier tu

take, and when made into

5cott's Emulsion almost

ivery one can take it.

Most children like it and

dl children that arc not

robust arc bciH-fiteii by it.

When the doctor says

•Take cod liver oil," he

^rencrally means .Scott's

Emulsion; a$k him if he

Joesn't. They know it is

more easily ^ted and

better than the plain oil.

SCOTT a BOWNg, «i»

Haa Mew riaaMlnit, Mra. P.

about iwenty-(lvc per cent .\

member moved that the hmm.


be referred to the gas committee

which shonid raport baek to tha

coaacH lU work. Baraatt apoka

at length on the great question

of mulilelpal ownership, bill the

matter In (iiieslion oiil> included

the ieasiiiB of ili< plant. The

motion tu refer the matter to

tka gaa ooaiaatttaa was adoptad."

Tha propoaltloA to faratsh atraa:

lights froa the light and gas comam . lo the rii\ of Cairo. and

promptly accepted by the city coun-

cil, will 1)0 Of iBtarast hara, aad la as


(Are llgiit sfTvlcr aatll uiMkrigMi

TU arc Uflita, SOM caadle power per,

yrar, 9MJMI..\ll iii(fl>l MTvice: 7fl area, S^MS

taiHlle iMitver, glM>,

This Cairo propo.-.il ion is for a

tlve pear contract, too, and it will

te obaervcd Vhat the midnight sched-

ule atoaa 4g at a Mghar rpta par

light thaa tha praponttlaa to Ma-1 ah for all-Bight llgku tAa miwkind—$63 per light oB a aaa yaar

1 1)111 rai t


K\ansville has bad little troubli

mth the miniiclp.il ownership fallacy,

and the Jvurnal-News, after ahow-

Ing that tha propbaad araalelpal ear

lines In Chicago will cost tha people

$fl2,OKio,noo, observes:

•'Tbe.-e are sinu'a' i iiic (Iguras

but tbey have all sorts of stag-

gering things In ChicaKo. Kui

tha point at issue in these Ak-

nrm to are- the p^)a..o(,,c1)I-..

csgo ready to turn this great

'inlorest over to the pnlltlcans of

<'lil<aKo- Thaf. wb." ihev will

be called upon to vole upon. If

a 8cot<*h expert. V. 'lo oiil> bad

a aHparAeial view of cundltiona

ia OMcago, should hold up his

bands la horror at the proapoct

of turning these properties over

to the iKililical cabal of the cll> .

what will llie s<iber Ihliikinu

element of I'bicaKo <lo when

they are confronted with a

quaatlea wltk which they ara In-

tlmataly ae«ualatad?"

"nwt'u the Mea exactly. No mat-

ter what benefits •mitfbi" accrue to

the city, iliey do not accrue In most

cases. The i>t\\\ question the iieo

pie have tti decide uibout municipal

ewaarsMp Is wlieth^r or not they

waat to turn the light plant, the ga.4

plant, the water plaat. or wliatever

It may be, over tO the politicians,

or whether or not they want to ku

1(1 the trouble aiul expense of pro-

viding the city with such plants, for

thaMaaM af tha volltlciaas.

At the Charity club meeting b^eld

t the Palmer House yesterday, Mrs

William MInnich oflared bar raatgaa-

lioB as praaldaBt of tha aiuto. Mrs.

.Minnleh has been tha president for

the past two years and has been

.leally iateresti-d in llie work bu'

an no loiiner «ive her time so freely

0 the cause. Mrs. Bdmund P. Nolie waa elected to the vacancy ant;

icpptad the offlca temporarily until

,11 the members of tha club could b»

Mesent and act upon the election

.Mrs .\oble hud been iiresideiit o.'

:lie rliib previous lo Mrs Minnicb.

nd w.is most ailive in the roou

vork of the club throughout the city.

ler election maaU with gaaaral ap-

proval. * '

Committees wero not chosen yas-

;erUay to solicit coin i ibii lions oi

;iit>ne> ami other don.stioiis fiuiii lb,

public, but Ibis may be done .it ih>

e\t meeting, as the club is belnii

.ver-rua with cslls this wehther, snd

the |>1(M per moBlk allowed by tht

aty is now provias lAadaquata. Mies

Qrundy. tha secratiry, had about 3.1

calls on yesterdsy, and the ned is

( r> UK al

It is a mistake about the Charitv

club ghrlag aa Afternoon Tea at the

Palmer House aext Tuesday. No

dale or place haa %aaa aat. hat the

1 lull hopes t b give a aariaa aaaM Umc111 till fv.tiire.

Do PleaseDon't have a lulling out with your hsir.

!t niiftht lesve you! Then whst? Belter

please it by giving it a good hslr-(ood—Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair stops coming

f t • out, becomes "soft and smooth, aad alt

Wf^ttt* MM /T/l* the deep, rich color of youth cones hsck^ ' ^ **• * jagsyhajrJWdjtor^^


WillI'aducMli FnmMare Csaspaay<-<Hiliuue .ManafaolMev

F. W. Kstterjohn. one of the ex-

ecutora ot.iha ^atale of Ueorge Koek,

who waa oaa Af the laVgeat stock-

hoMers 1a the -rompaay, la aathortty

for Ihe atatemeni that the plilat of

,lhc I'aducah Furni uie .ompany on

%>uth Third street, would be en

larged to probably double its pres-

ent capacity this year, and that the

rompaay voald dispose of lls'reUll

depsrtmoBt aad devole all Its stten

lion to the msnufarluring depart-


This plant is already one of the

larHest in Ihe city aad the anounre-

uifnt a( aa lacraaaa la Its capacity

and force Is but farther erldeace of

the Krowili and pro.-perily of Padn-

cah's nianufacturiiKt oiabliobnients.


A coBtemporary lavitas attention

to a li^t of towns It has published,

KivinK the tax rate and percenlaKP

of a.ssessiiK nl. Taking the table..,

published And by a simple calcula-

tion arrlTlBS at the exact value

of' the property assssssd. aad taklag

the twenty-one towns of lasa than

inO.liOO |H>piilat Ion. we And the fol-

lowing lax rale average:

Six towns owning both whtar BBO

light, 02 per cent.

Plva tawaa osraiag watar oaly.

84 t-10 par'ceat.

Ten towns without any public

ownership. <'.2 l.'.-lno per lenl.

These tlKiires speak volume- and

are based upon fact, not llieoiv

Theoretically the city Is able to ac-

conplMi aa cheaply #hat corpora-

tions caa da, bat from tha govam-ment at Washington down to country

districts in .\le<*racken count>. do

they? We know they do not and

the above llgurss are la proof.

Il< Wait ApMTiHly Hrtirr XrMetOmji

WIhHi nr. Mglila I/-fl liim.

r»r 11/ IV Sttfhis iliis morninn rc-

i«>iveii ««>WK of the death of his

brother. ' Mr. T. I.. Siahts. of near

HbadarsHa, Ky. I(e left bis brother's

bedside veaterday and the patient

wss much ln>pro\i d. the news of his

death rraihinic !> Siulus In the na

tnre Of'O very aad suiimse.

The deceased was vtars old

and waa horn Bear Henderson. He

r.as a farmer aait married, leavlag

,1 wif- and OBO flaughter. He was

taken ill of appendlrltla some time

aipi liii: uas Itioiiuli: n ]• on the

road to recovery yesterday.

Dr. Sights aad wife left this nioni

ikf' tot HaadtrsoB to attend the


(M>.M.MI».SI(>.\l-:il hi IilKKI..\.M>


Wr«r« That H^fVNIMarch 1,

police ComuiixS'OiiHi K It. Suiher

land, wha is In ,Callfornia with his

dauxhier. Miss Ctauate Butheriand.

for her heaitb. ban written back to

relatives sayiuK he will reiiirn .March

iBl. Ills dauKbter continues to im-

prove anil is In better health now

thaa aha haa been in maay months

$2.00 SHOESMANY people believe that a good

shoe can be aecnred for Is QO,

and we kuow they are light, for our Him

of shoes at that pi ice is vci y popular

Wc have all sty lea and all ItAthcra And

every pair is warranted. Yon irt w«know the shoe proposition tnm tUot to

finiidi. and »nr yean of cxptrienct en*

Mm na to chooae shoes which sre de-

pendable—which we can afford lu k*'"^*

AaMt. B-tter come in And look at then

todnr. Yoar heatlh denaada good

shoes this weather.

LE.NDLER 6 LYDON309 Broadway. Paducah, Ky.

Corn Coba Beinj Used by Many People

of Paducah For Fuel This Cold Weather

The Hurth Drtm., (Irala coiB^y.

at Klghtb and Norton streata,. Is

•iperatlag a arill to shell com, aad

ihe colis are thrown out onto a lot

adjoining the plant and kIvci: to any

one who will haul them away. l>ur-

ing thia cold waathar tha cob pile

has baea aa aacaHaat aourca of fuel

iiiM'iy to tha darklaa of Hiat part of

the city, aad they throag fha lot all


T%a pUat taras oat about twoIsrgh wagoa loads of eoAa every hoaranil ihrre Is a scramble for Ihem.

l'e(>l>le come for it and ri>movc It by

all sorts of ni«'th<M|s of iricispioM

lion baskets. lo\ w.iKons, bonie

made liox wHKons. N|irinK wagiins.

clothes baskets and buckets aadwhaa Bight cornea thare ia not a eoh

to ba found anywhere around, aa-

liacially In such weather aa Mils of

tha last weak.

JtHTAII. i.l .MHI-ai

Met .%t Louiovllk- aw

C. il. gherrlll. of The Aerlll-Ras-

seli Lumber Co., sttended s mcvtlnR

iif the Kelail l.uiiiber Dealers of iln'

St. lie held al l.oillsVillv IllV Wc«'|.

to perfect a slalu orKunlsallon.

There were about IHO N«B la attead-

aaca at tha meatlag aad 'they ware

i Btertalned by tha laaihar bmb of

I onlsvllle.

The name of the association I*

The Kcnl'itky Ucl.iil l.iinibe; di-ali i-

1 asoclation

Oaa of tbc flrat labors of tht* neworganisatioa will be to secure logls-

latlon agalast eartaia phases of the

r«»w Urn IrtV now pondlnc ;n the lec

ealaturc, which tlu' Innibci nunclaim would be harmful to their In

terosia. The oWccrs are; |. .N.

Combs, Lesiagtoa. president: C. W.Roork, Orveavllle.. vies praaldaat;

ileury Kovhier. l.iMilsvllle. treasurer

the secretary will be ack>cted by thu

(Accutlvo boird.

Taai h .liMpifwswiiV. I.. Thompson,


vRaadawatar V. I.. Thompson, ol

the Loalsvtlla divlsloa of the I. C.

returned to Louisville this mornlagif'i r a 'iii-!ness Tip to ihe elly Hi-

has been MiperinlendlnK Ihe installa-

tion of ^ivei.ii spurs snd termlnsi

Improvshienis In Paduacb. A greal

deal of improvemcals ia the track

will ba. made ia and about Padaeahthix "prinir ' f

JAM Ohaa May Be Opetmted.

Tha Jail eaga will ba worUag hynight. It Is thought. Machinists are

working on it today and making all

hasio possilile. The prisoners are

n.ade loiiiiortabie lA otk«r depart

menta ol the Jail.


aa ih»


As a man's brilliant future growsshorter his unbrlillaat PM^ growlonger.

t l-'ullon.

PHiltoB, Ky.. Keb. 8.—.Mrs. Mlia

Rhodes died at tha home of her

daughter. Mrs. W. C. OammonsMrs. Rhodes was la her Vtd year

and was llip mother of .Mrs W. .!

NaiincN and Miss .lane Klioiles. of

Fulton, and praiiduiother of Mrs.

W. Feeples, living near here, and

Messrs. Albert and Lon Carter, of


Mra. Henderson, wife of Bsq. J.

H Henderson. livinK live miles esst

of Kiillon on the state line, died of

cancer. She was an aunt of W. TTerrell, fit this city, snd a sister of

Mrs. J. H. •tuataoB, of MayMld.

TO LETSeveral superior otiices on sccoiui atui

third floon of our building, provided with

heat, water, light, electric elevator and modernsanitary arrangements.

Prices lowest in city for similar offices

double ofiicet especially adapted lor dentists*

American-German National Bank227 Broadway

Invitations and veddlag anaoBBca-

ments are a specialty of The Sun's

Job department with prices lowsr

than elsewhere.

Fiir cb«pped handa, feet

snd Hpi try onr

LETTUC LOTIONIt cures in one night. Put



Pkone 1M ' 412-414 BroxJwiy

8. P. POOL L. o. nRramrsoN

Paducah Undertaking Co.Undertakers and Embdmera


aoj 1 5 Tlllkl) sr.i'AliUOAH. KY.

W. p. PaztOH, a. anv, p. PVKVKAB,AtslstaatCaahlar

C«pUal Si 00.000Surplus 50.000Stock boldeig liabllitj . : 1 0OiOOO

T«lsl ttevrity f Atforikcf... ..^260 OOOAccounts of Individuals nnd fiiins scliclted. We appreciate

sniAll Aa well as large depositors and aoGord to All Um gAOMcoortfpw tRAtmat

lntw«»t Pattd on Time DepdjltA*'^ ^^^^MH^^^MHaH^a^^HMMsa^HH^BaBnaMH^HsaaMMHHM&MMaMaM^

Open Saturday nig:hts froni seven to eight o'clock

Third and Broadway

Page 5: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i

i \

First Choice of Any Suit in

Oar Store $10.00—Anotlier

Lot, or Second Choice, $5.00

This sale Is (or tomorrow niorninK and lasts until

every suit U told fiulis that will be sold l.>r ^lo.ou

an mHb that mM ttrlkr for tss.oo, tjaoo, I35 00,

•37.50, $40 00, 50 and fjS"o. Suits tbat we

art going to mU Vriday ior $5 00 fotmerly sold ior

•it.se, lis oe, 118.00, tso 00 uidtaa jo.

Your choice of any suit • • .

Tli« Gh«lo« for ii«zt grad« . .

Priiay Noroing. Febraary 9, at


LOCAL LIXES.1—For Dr. PendUjr ring 4K.—Dr. J. V. VorU. <Mtl«t,JM Fr*-

—Dr. Olllwrt, OMMpath. 409 HBroadw«r. PhoM Iff.

— All kinda cut flowers and floral

deslKO" ilniiiwiirs

—Sign and rarrlsRe painting. G

B. ieiton, both plionoi. 401.

—r. U. Kudoiph WAS appotitad

admlnlatrator o( Allu WItoM, wl-

errd.— (Url>iiii pii|nT. tvpflwrlter papei

BikI t>i>«'*rlirr ilMidiis llie very

bMt nt I ho lowf.^t prlifn Hi 11. DCIgllii nil k ( «

—Ur. Q. L. 8b«Uon Md two toB*.

Brandim. «g« t. rad Orrlll*. sis I.

of the l.on<-'<)"k n«'lalv1)orhood. who

h.ivf lirrii ill of ploiDHliir iMilHonlOg,

are i'i>nvnl<>HiiiiK

—W* dMire to inrorm all or har-

lac kMgkt the kmlSMS of Mr. Aah-

Wo»k tad hoas far a eMtiauaac* of

the liberal patroaaga accorded bin,

KuarantcrinK al' tatlsfarlton gbd ap-

preciation. Abrani I.. Wall ft Co.

CoriMipr ri.iiiK K.iKi I K'.iiid

Ibli morning that be had thoroughly

laveallgaied the aaate oT the aegro

frosea to death at rioreaoa Otatloa.

It Is Kuiher Caldwell, aad his rela-

llv<-» who uruich.''! tftit atiM''fcwad

hlui N \ 1 1 h M 1 H- nil 1 rk«

HIM. <•<> 14* M I IK^n.

of CallMiUr* U-avc This

Rwatag at •*. 10.

A dclrkMlii'U "f t'alholica, luelutl-

lii:; iii.iin ni< inlpi i iif Ihi- KiiIkIiIh iii

Coluinliiiit, It-avo at h'i Im. U Ihi-

rvealag over the I. C. In ii k|h < ini i ni

for MayAald t? attend thomlatiloii

halag eoadaetad br ratBTr^Am-liert. a Paullst prlMt. A half rate

fare of 76 rents has be«n arranxeil

and It la llkeir fully -•mi will so Tin

Cathollra lnvlli> an.x uf ilu lr fi ii-iuls

who desiti' III t:o <lown to laki' hiI

«aataaa'of the reduced rale and ac

roaipaay pMBk

CaiNc .%rt>>r nndr.

\i ilnii llniilrli kK. nilorrd. i>( May-

tlrhl. . r.iiiK- til llif rilv M f.liT-

flay Hfli'iiiiiii .illir Ihf niii.i.ir- ol

hlH relative, Uulnirt fulcUm. wlm

was found daad aaar KlorMMi' Sta-

tion. He said Us brath^ right

nsm« wss liUthcf lOldwrtl. ' The|H)Wii' 111. •Ill If N llu' IiimIv as Unit nf a

ni'xro u III) Malurday lliii»l<t--d Hi-rving

a $:'.-> nna la tha taakap aaao" dai


rn«it. John Webb waat to Headerson at nooa today o» hashiess.

THEKentuckyTKLKI'HO.Mi 54a.

Mndi) Night, Fsb. 12

Tim - t lnu>;li nulil now

HitAard Carlc't Misfitli Mtlin|t


THE MUMMYImIi ui Ijrict k| SiUard Carls

MilrMMIinnwith tha orlgiaal Nw Yoiktheatre prodiictlnn and coinpanjr

musical comedy celebrities and

The dcaiare appre lice

The d«shlag anteai bi'e

The Tlvacl ns PollyTh* rollicklag JalUThe cau nll^ eat ap GirlsPrkca flOc. aoe, Sic fSr. ft. *l.flO

Sells on gala Saiarday at 9 a. m

Five Nightstuesday night

and balance o( week with

auttloeca Wednecdayaad Satartev


Mr. Frank Dudleyand coopaay of ao aoperla-

tive artists, iircscnting

aatira wm llna oi playa.

Nl{k Class ViiiiTllli SpwIalHis

Mniratetf Soigs and Motion Pictures

SilM Cifltrt SpMiil SMUfy

Ladies Free Tuesday Nightt'suni coni^iliiiii't

HraU UB sale Montlajr U a. ui.

Maiiaaaleaat CbiMmi 10c

AOalta, aor.

Nigkt, loe, aee, joe. B x aaat 50.-




Was AjTslgard

This Moratag.


Fa Li«tr Malari«

We have ohtained from Mrs.

Bettie Scale tlte piivUcge

to make and aell theaa well

known and excellent prepa-

rations and oow offer them

in their original form, as

introduced and .sold .'ar

} cars by the lata Dr, Nel-

son Sou'e.

25c each

L W.WALKER CO.IncoiporilM

DSUOOISTSrmhaairwag. iaikPiaaaain

(Umuki.' I)<ii!lir. lolorctl. who was

iharKed with criminal asMiiilt on a

HixtMB-ywtr-old aegro girl oa Weat

.Madison street Oaaday algkt. wasd.ymlMsod this noraiag.

TIh' Kil l and her mother were wll-

i.csM-s ill ( i)iirt and 111* mother .

il. Imri'l.v iil'U' III K<t 111 <-<iiiit. Tlic

l ildcncp wan not cinisidci od hiifltr-

x nt to hold the man. Dosier had

! t ea roomlag at rhe honaa aad (ke

affair seemed to have growa out of

a mlnuniler.suiiulii.i; on the part of

Mil' iiniitiiM ;iiiil llnzii 1

The cam; iiBainsl U<Mi H'imI. i .ilor-

id. for running a dUordi rly lUiue,

was left opaa agala until 8atul-day.

Ottaar eases la court ware: Hal lie

Nichols, white, ibreach of ordlnaace,

J.', and coats; John Darla, colored,

(iriiiii.i-iiiii'--- $1 iiiiil riwts; Joe Mt-

Malioii «liiii'. dniiilu iiiitws, left oiien;

Clarence Clarkscni. while, drunken-

ness, |1 and costs; Arthur W«de,

uosa Skalloa, eolored. braaek of the

peace, ftled away.

JUn DuBlap. colored. w<io is al-

iened to have borrowfd HPofher"?

h.)r.->' and wagon and nioitnaaed

III. 'Ill III K .1. Bowmaa, agciit for

the Hadiicah Advancing company, for

ys, was held 6Tar for obtalalag aoa-

ey by fairs pretenses.,

Vkk Afters

The marriage of Miss Laaa Harris

and Mr. Bageae Kaba will be sol-

c^mnlsed this afteraooa at the homeof Ihf lirlde's i),iri>nt8. Mr. and Mrs.

I... Harris, on .North Fifth street.

Rabbi l.oviuh. of Ten»ple Isrsel,

will perform the ceremony, which

will be witaeasad oaly by the rela-

tives aad tatlawta friaads.. Thecouple will leaTC at 6 p. m. oa an

extended soiiltii'rn lirldal tour.

A reipplion fioiii I to l> o'clock

will follow the cert'iimny. This will

be quite aa elaborate affair, to which

a larss aumbar oC^'laTttatlaaa have

baaa isaaad.'

Among the ont-of-towa guests

pre.^ent for the ii remnnv are: Mr.

and .Mrs. Alex K.ilin, Wichita Kails,

Tex.: Mrs. lien .facoiiK. Minneapolia,

Minn.: Mias Madeline Kahn, Dallai,

Tea.: «ffc rrad Hellbron. Atlanta.

Oa.; Massrg. Mareaa Harris. Clncin-

naU; Lee Haymaa, Coluartkas, O.;

William Roaeatald. 'Atlaata. Cta.

The Womaa'a Aailllary of Urare

episcopal chureh will give the Mis-

aioaary Tea for February la tka par-

lor of the Partfeb Hpusa tomorrow

aftornnon Mrs. William Bralnerd

IH the hostess. The "Beginning of

the Church in America ' will lie dis-

cussed by Miss Alice Cotirpton, MIhs

Minnie Rstcllffe, Mrs. WlUiam Gil

iiert. Miss Jaaala Nash and Misx

Kmlly Morrow.

KiilerlainiiiK at Canl".

Mrs. Edwin A Itivers is ^ivinK

the second snd last of her .^ei ies of

card parties this afternoon »i her

home oa aoath filxtb atreet. It is a

vety eharmlag atalr. Tha prises

for Wednesday's party ware won by

Mra. L. 6. 01eave« and Mrs. Henry


' t'lul».

Mrs. Bit O. Boons, of South Sixth

street. Is hostess to tha tfasatine

• lilt) this afternoon. Harper's, Out-

look. North Amerlrpa Retrlew, At-

l:rnilc Monihl>. Huliliard s Jouraeys,

McClure s snd Literary Digest sre

dowa |or diacaaaloa.

Uaaer to W<

Mr. aad Mrs. Louis Harria eaUr

lalned at dinner last eToalag-lb

1 i.iiiplimeni to the oBt-of-town

Kuents for the Harrla-Kahn wedding.

Covera were laid for iwmi.v eight,

and It was a »ery delightful occa-



The rotniis club nut Tuesday

eveninK with MU* Audri'> Tavlor.

The Ki iii l< !ii«n"H prise was won iiy

Mr. C. B. Blackburn and the ladies

by MIsa Mabal Uwry. The next

meetlnK will ba with Mr. C. B.

Blackiiiirn, on South Blereath street.

I'irenit Conrt.

The cases df Hughes agalast Tem-:le, Bradley agalaat M^amara aad

Yates against Wllsoa ware Strieker.

from the docket. .

The case of Vina acainst Tiios.

Allard was stricken from the docke:.

The following caaea were con-

tinued: Terrell agalast Lampmaaa,Kieker agalast Rlako, Haltoraa

against Joaoa Orlef agalaat Mteheal,

Robertson, executor, against Noel.

I'lriil asalnst Paul, Simpson aRalnst

Simpson. HuRhcs BKainsl lliiRhcs.

Watson against Watson. Tolvcr

against Tolver. Oreen against Green,

Wen agalast Joaes. Tolbart against

roibert. J. Harper agalast Harper.

I'atemliy Warrant.

A paternity warrant was issued

yesterday afternoon liy County

Clerk Hiram Bmedley against Joe

Wright, a Ulephone llaemaa. Bllsa

Chandler, who Is aow la BiTeralda

hospital, charges^ him with belag

father of her child.

To KaH-rUln Next Week.

Mrs. Habbard S. Wella will

invilatloaa to a eard party on Fri-

day, the 16th. at her aaartmeaU In

tha Mmplre Flats, oa Broadway.

I.Mr. JOO o(tt. I'f 'lie 1II. il I f

Hhops, Is III aad unable to he on duty

Miss Tarlaa Willelt who has tieen

\lalting friaads aad ralaUvas at

Ksncy Farm haa retaroad to hoi

home in Patdueah.—^UySaid Maa-


Miss Hortense 1 hum. mi of I'adu

cah, Ky., Is vMUng Mrs. Atcbto

Blanchard of 3S4 Fouith atraot^—

Cairo Bulletin.

T B. Compton of Ooleoada. who

has been at 'Riverside hospital fo

a few day». where he had an opera

tron performed nn his eM In reunn.

H cataract will Itjuvu for home ucxi


Dr. H. BighU has returaed from

Headaraoa. Ity.. •whore ha was eafled

by tha lllaeas of hhi brother. T. U8lKbts.

.Mrs E K BynK Is Impiovlng al

the city hospital where she was

operated <in yesterday li\ Dr liel::i

Caldwell, and Dr. P. H. Stewart.

Miss Luey Hill, of HaahOthtowa.

lb visiting Mra. Sam Ooodmaa.

Miss Flora Pamonla Nail, of Lonla-

villc. will arrive Monday to visit her

alster. .Mrs I) Lindsay Van Cuiin. of

•oath Sixth

Dr. J. Hermaaa Boswell, of May

fleld. waa la Padneah laia alght.

Mr Gus O. Blnglotoa weat to

Cedar Bluff this moralag with Odb

tractor F. W. Katterjoha. who Is

superintending work at the quarries


CouBcllman Race Dippie went to

OllbarUTine thla asoralag oa bust


Miss Ethel Morrow left tor New

York last nlKhi She will visit her

aunt, .Mrs Diikson Watts, and

foumn. Mis Kihel Watta Mumford

Mrs. Robert B. Phillips and chil-

draa left today tor NaahTllle, Tenn

to visit Mra. Hamilton Parks, kt

1718 West End svenue.

Miss I.aiira Jobe. of Jackson,

Tenn . will arrive In the city thin

afternoon and will stop over (oaighi

with Mrg. 8. H. WlBsiead.

Took it Areiilenlnlly.

Hylon Morrison, of South Sixth

htreet, took aa overdoaa of morphiae

last night aboat I* o'clock. City

I'hyslclsB Bass was summoaed aad

Rave relief. The young maO OlalBM

he took il a< cideni ally.

tlait tor Ulvon-4'.

Alice Nblaaa thla sflernoon filed

Mill for divorce agalast Fred Nelson

alleging sbaadonment. They amr-

ried In September. 1903. and he left

her, the petition alleges, la the

month of November, the saaM year.



R. T. TsrreH and othera deed to

John Doherty, for tMO, proforty la

ihe Fountain vark sddltlOB.

Kd Woolfolk deeds to the Psdu-

cah Maiiufactiiring <-onipany. for

$1,0U0 and other consideration,

property aaar Third aad flPaaaaaato



F. T. Klealbroai» deeds to aallle

n. Kimhroiigh. for $1 aad other eoa-

sider;ii nil property In the county.


Wallace Gawaer Ar>«stcd Here by

iWullace Canaee, eolored, an al-

leged UtMitlvgger wanted in Milan.

Tenn.. was arrested here this morn-

ing by Detectives .Moore and Haker

near Eighth and Huabands street.*,

whara ka.waa reaUHag with his

daughtqiu '

Canner la past middle age and

Kconis t<i lie of more than ordinsr^'

ntellig»«c(,'. He hlated that he was

tried for selling whisky without a

license In a "dry" town, and that ho

waa Aaally toad 9100. He had baeu

out on l>ond. two in-omlBoat maa go-

ing hin bond in the sum of ITOO, aad

lifter bvJng fined was permitted to

^11 nut alone to make the tiond for

111 aiMnal He never showed up

iKiilu sod he had been sought for

r..ree moaths or more.

An officer from MUaa aame to Pa

ducah todsy aad begaa a sooreh. H'

llaeeil fthc matter In the hands of

the del.M lives who made the arres'

A reward of llT. was offered ami

goes to tlie plain cluthea men.

<;aoner agreed to ratara without

a reqB|al^oa.

'Oood morning." aal# tha ofBce-

-» ekcr. "I sirppose you—er—remeir.

l.er IIK' 1 saw >iiu hefore elcftini

.ind you—or— " ••Well .'" 'Interruptod

the ,pollttCal boss, curtly • Well,

>ou or promised to keep me In

mtad—" "Wall, I'm heeplag you

there, air; I'm keeping yoa there."

—Phnadoliyhla Press.

The twent>-four lierman mission-

ary societies have about 1,000 mis-

sionaries la llfteea statioaa: S.600

Hchoola with ISO.oaa aahalara, aad

sbout 460,000 profsssed ehrlsUans

of whom sbout tO,000 wen baptised

la lt«4.

F. Wbthcrington, 1719 Harrison St,

holdsthe lucky number and selects the


Are all good, and something

for nothing comes in nicely

every four months to the

customer that holds the

lucky number. Try Hartfor bargains and good ser

vice. :•• •

• I.


—Doa'l forget the masque ball

given by the brieklayera Febmary14th at Bruaswteh hall.

MITCHELL'S for hieh-grado bicy-

cles. 326 South Tliird.

FOR iRBKT—3 rooms, furniabed

or aafuralahad. SM North Wghth sa

fH>R BBNT—l-room bouas on N.

ISth. Apply F. M. Fiaher.

FdU S.\lyE tine bed, one dress-

ing tabic, Mrs. Dicke, I'liunc 17:4.

lUBATINO and atovawood, FrankLena, hath pheaaa. 41T.

HAVE Puryear, of Abetraet Oo..

eaamlae title to year property be-

fore bayiag or loaalBC oa property.

Oace 5SSH Broadway.

\ KKW Villi We will pay « lib-

eral reward for any basket beartgC

our name, "Bioderman." Jaka Bi4^

darmae, Oro. * BaUBg Co.

FOR RBINT—One large furniabed

room, with gratW. Apply to Mrs.

Chas. Vandervoort. 719 Madison^Phone 2138.

WAOTBD—Experienced lady cash-

ier for grocery huslaeaa. No other

need a^ply. iLaae Tea * CoKao Co.

113 South Second street.

UMBBBLLA repairing aad cover-

lac aaa^y done, 108 i. Third St.

FOR RENT—B-room house. 626

North Sixth St. Apply Sl» NorUSlath tar iafaraaatloa.

iWANTDD—Olrl for geaeral house

work in faadly ac twa Addreas G.,

care Sun.

Operatii Wi-n. r h;id just finish-

ed "OoetterdaIllml'rlln^ ' •'Wondei

fill!" we exclaimed, ecsUiUcaliv

"PratJty fair," he said, "but have you

beard what Harrlman haa to asy

•boat Ryaa?"-^44ew York World.

• Sav. father, what la * nobody?"

"A nobody, mr "on. Is a prominent

womaa'a husu n. i - K un's Horn.

Mr. O. A. Roberta, of Ohio street,

la raaorarlBS from an stuck of neu-

• aigta.-

Mr V H. Thomaa weat to Frlaco-

Ion at Boon on buslaeea,

•MVs. T c. Finii y weat lo Central

City today al noon.

Maater Mechanic R. J. TumbuHwent to BvaamrUle at aooa taday on


Oal. Evan ProBser, the general B.

A O. passenger agent, waa In the

cUy today.

Mrs. Ous Tate haa returned from

a visit to Chicago, St. Laalt aad MtVMraoa. lad.


Mr. B. B. Reld. of CUatoa, Ky.,

was in the city today.

.Mtorne> Charles K. Wheeler re-

in nni from Oyatobarg. Taaa., this


LOST—Child's brown muff. Ke

ward for ratura to C O. Warner ur

telephoaa 111.

W ANTEIO—Sltaatloa as house-

keeper by atlMte-afei lady. Old

phoae tI61.

f6b BillT-;0«ea aaltable for

doctor. Third aad Tbaaeaaaa atreeU.

Phone tl3.

WANTBD— Experienced maa da-

sires a position ss bookkeeper or ss-

sisUBt. tUrlctly sober aad ladaa-

trlous. A 1 rafereaeee turaiahea.

Jh thla oBce. "

FOR SAI.IS —Sprtag wagons and

buggies comparatively new, st bar-

gain price. Sexton's Sign Works, tOth

aad MadiaoB. Old phoae 401.

FOR SALB—At a good bargala.

one heavy express wagon Call at

Wootan's Qarrlase shop, or phone


FOR RALE -A2 H. 1>. (Buffalo)

gasoline launch, cheap. J- L. Har-

vey, 146 Clements atreet. city.

FOR RBNT— NIeely faratahed

rooms, eaoollent hatha. No. 616

Kentaeky Ave.

8TOVB WOOD- Telephone K. V.

Bell a Sobs for tWo-horse load wood.

|l.as dettvered. Talaphoaa 441.

LOST—Red aad brown' wooleB

Kiove, between Star UuBdry aad

Smith Sl .Si«er» on Fourth street.

Pieaaa ratara to star Uaadry.

srpRATBO— Oa the 1st, fear

branded horsea, two hays two yeara

old, two dark graya three yeara old.

Aay latormaUoa telephoaa lifS old.


TOR RBNT- .My hoii.se al llj:!

Broadway; 4 rooms. Ail modern

convenieaoes and furnished. Old

phone. 131. Mra. Walter Shepherd.

FOR RB.NT—New S>room house

with or without 3 acrea Of groaad at

2 3d and Waahlnstoa. Apply 686 N.


WONBY to loaa on furniture,

household goods, ate., wlthoat re-

moval. Easy paymeats aad raason-

able rstea. Moea A Co.. 8. 4th

St., opposite city hsll.

I. . MOBOAN. ulscksmlth, 40»

a. Third. Old phoae 417. Superior

work gnaraataed. |Maalfa a^aat

for flore atone side Wira tlreik thS

best rubber lire made.

I-H)R SALB—My farm oa Cairo

road. 6 milea from towa; 116 aerea,

will sell a part or all, to ault buyer.

Apply to me at my farm or to T. I.

Atkins at the Oermaa Natloaal Baak.

Gee J. Jones.

FOR RENT—The Inn, oa North

SeveBth street, wHh all modera eaa*

venlcnces. A Snt-clsss hoardlag

house or rooms will be reatad, one or

more, to suit the raotor. A|fl|y

J. G. Brooks.

FOR SALE—Beautiful new cot-

taga aear IMh atraet car line ia

NOrthetaw: past eaah. balaaee

monthly: or very theap Car aaa haMcash, balance six, tw«lTe. aifhtaaa

months. Northvtew Realty aad Ua-provement Co. By W. D. OraoT. Ooa*

eral Mgr.

WANTBD FOR V. S. ARMY—AMabodied unmarried ntea betweea agea

of 21 and 35; cltliena of Paired

States, of good character and tem-

perate habits, who ran speak, read

ahd wriu Baglish. For latormatloa

apply to Racrultlag OAear, Hair

Khmoad hoaaa. Padaaah. Ky.

WHY uniiv aliniif Killing rar-

riageaand baggage wagons wh'-n \oii

can ring up Palmer Tiansfd mm-pany any hour day or night and get

prompt servles at a priee as low si

ths lowsat. 'Thay ara aot oaly ra-

sposlhle aad rallahle but eaa mahe It

to your Interest in mgay ways to dO

business with thsm. They keep oa

hand special ane carriages for thoa-

tera, balls, weddings and funeral ser-

vices. Give them your order.

Uapleaaaat Thoaght—'*They have

a cow out la Oregoa that wisslea her

hornii." "Oee! I'd hata to have a

CO* like that hook me."—ClrralaadKlaia Dealer.

laTlUtloaa aad waddlag aaaounce-

meata ara a apeetalty aC Tha Ma'aJob dersrtment arlth prices lower

i»iaa alaewhera. . , ^


f r '.•

Page 6: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i



LOANS # « # #

TOR RlHT-^tlwf imdmtfim.

Two 4 roona. miAr e#aiH<oa% M112.50 and ItB; »B« » A«4one 7 rooms, both these sewer con-

nected, at 1 20 and I-"' month.

FOR SALE— Six room rottage, on

S. B. oontr 7tti and Harrison: tot

IT n. t IbAm br !<• fMt. aUbl*.

.•NTTanU' tiouaa, on long oaay paf-

ntnts. Only 1500 caMi. Soo fdt

details and icet home la MM #Mi*

dance part of Nor;h Side.

Nice 9 room N. 5th b.in.ie la 4

bifcka ot postoflce on easy pnyments

at tl.ftoo.

Okaaca'tor color«4 people. Have

hM dOMB hovMS for aale at prleet

$500 fo $l.<i"i> on vrry easjr pay-

ments. SniaM catili aiiJ afterTards

bjr the moil I h.

Have 50 foot, Ft. Park lot with

•bade treea at 9200. part on time.

Come and^see it. 7«a kaow 'Us bar;

ala at that prteo aarwbere la park.

Clay ft Harrison St. loti at l>BO,

MB caah and 15 mon!h.

14tb St. lot8, near Trimble at

fSBO on small monthly paymenta.

Best offer In Fountain Park la 64

ft lot oa North Side Madlsoa St., be-

tvUa 16tb aa« rt Ava at IBM. half



Froai Wait End to the Uiioii

Depot. ' .

Ordrn • CtUHMB ! Workic^ Pris-

Bargaia In Fam.150 arr»s. five miles troM Padu-

cah on Hinklovllle road at $3200 on

easy payments. Can b« divided and

rsflold t5i)00 to $«.••#. Piaa

akAaea \am hM UtAt SN imabeatMow Is ths the tlBM to get small

ylaess for country homes. Can self

•lea tots from B acres ap n very de-

•Irabla loeatioa. near electric cars.

FIvs aeraa aaar La Balls park at

MM m easy yayaaata. Better look

late tkis it yon want large place for

koaa where 60-foot lots sell at $200aad mora.

•>raaM koasa. B blocks froa post-

•Am. North Ude. aever eoaaicted.

la best part of city, at fS.niO, of ihi<

only tSOO cash, balance $30 month.

Nice home on Fountain park, 6

roona. froat kaU aa4 back parefc

haia aai «e>toat tot. taU t^/k to•Itor. at OBly 11.660. Bargain.

411 North Fifth street. 7-roam,1-atory house, in good fix, at tS.OOO.

Bargain In Clay street Fonatala•ark Taeaat tot

No. 1CS7 Broadway, modem eon-

vtatoecas, two story eight room rea-

i^siig, 9%Hlh raato to good taaantt 99T.ie Math. Obo of tka aiost

•abotaattal aad desirable homes to•tty. Prtoo 94600, ot this 91000aad bataaea to 1. t aaC 9 fsanf par eoBt taterast.

Three hoaasa on N. . eonrar Othaad Ohio stresto which raat at 916• mmJOL Fitos MM*. Ftae femst-

New, nice. 4HWoa house on 50 ttlot with shade treea, on south sideof }Tarri '^ou St.. between 16th andFountain avptine. in Fountain Park.Low prii e :ind inon'hly •SJIBISBtSSee me to get home ca.sy.

No. 1141 Clay St., new. l-roombrick cottage, water iaaide, oaa atossteotUges to b* fonnd Friea 91.100.wlr 9BM «ash bata«at iwwii 1.

9aM9FNn.'otoliC 1141 hBT* tf It vesaat

wklsk wm sail alone - or vltk thekflck cottage. Bas} terma

lOtI North 12th St., 5-room frameOOttaga with stable, water Insidehouse. Priea 11,200 on easy pay-Bents.

N. B .corner Srd * Tt-nnosseo Sts.,

68 tt. front on 3rd and full depthlot to alU y, sior< hoiisp iirick, frame6-rooiii house H\i(i v;i.:iri! space fortwo moip hoiispp, all for t3,000.

Fountain I'ark 7-rocm. now resi-

dence, bath and wnter with kink in

klti'ben, r.u fi lot. plenty ahadetre<'8, rholrc lioiiip piare. Price 11,-Sho only )9r<o rasih and aM timewanted on balance. Bargain.Two bouses on one !ot, northwest

comer Ntoth aad Ohto streets. Goodalter at 9I.1M oa ?sir OMT WV-


lasMOBca to MaJoialas tha Biadarmaa

•roeaiy tUn, iwtaa 9Me» haK cashand as BMfc Um» M WBBtad SB bal-


Oon't forgot that 1 bare at all

tiBMB pleatr momv to 1^ am Um

The board of works will reduce

expenses. At lis nuptinK \estprday

af 11 noon it diM idod to spiid a com-

niunicatiun to .Mayor Yelsei askdng

bim to arranee for the asslataat city

Jailer alone to take prlaoaers out of

(he lockup for strset work whenilii i i' .irr only a few of them Insipnd

ol an ovfiseer, who is paid extra

Tlu' pl.in Ilia; has In i n In voRUp was

to send the atislstanl Jailer out with

some of the prisoners it tkors are a

great aaar of thom aad the over-

seer #tth the others. If there are

onh a fpw prlSOBers the assistant

jii.ler rpMiaina at the city hall and

the ovprs<t r lakrs out ilie pT-is;)npr.-i

and the city haa to pay him by the

day. when the asslataat city Jailer

could be dolag R Juat as weM. with-

out extra charge to the city.

rii board alao nsked thp mayorlo have the city Jailer instructed

that tha lockup prisoBera are at al!

tines satoicct to m» ortm oC 4ksstreet Inspector. Mr. Alohte Blllott.

Tho biiaiif cl.sius-fd ilu' advisa-

bility of opening West Tennessee

street acroaa to tha aaloa dspot. Atpreaeat the cxtressa wastora •ortion

of the city, south of Broadway, are

almost sPRrpgated from the eastern

part of lown by immense hollows,

and there are fpw str»ets v>ppni'd all

the way ytrougb. it la desired to

hare soni^ bmbbs ot raachlag Llttle-

vllle, tha aaiOB statioa, and otherp.iris of that section, from the vlcln-

:;> (if Hidailwa.v. and ihf Ixiaid nf 1

works decided lo go on' a'- -oon as

the weather moderatet^. makt an In-

pcctloa ot the ground, and later

'decide what to dd. It Is propossJ,

If t|e new street is agreed on. to

begin it at about the poor farm, andbuild dlsapaaHy aerosa to the de-

pot. *

The street iaapactor was iastruct-

ed to make repairs on Myera street,

and to ln>proTe the drainage onGoebel avenue.

City Engineer Waabiagtoa report-

ed that he thoaght It would cost

about 6600 to put the Sixth street

bridge orer Island Creek In Rood re-

pair. ThP board ordprcd a inrnnin-

nUaiion addressed to the generalcouncil aSklBg what dull ho doaa•bout it.

City Solicitor Campbell was askedto iniiiip<liaifl> fiiinish an op.nion i&

I'^ard lo thp claiiii of the I'almer-

F«T>:nson <onip;.nv ihat It Is not

liable iir' kirset reoMntractloa to

front of its mill pro)>erly on South

Third street, the properly was madeforpvpr pxpnipl from the cost of sucb

Improvements, when part of it was

disposed of to the city a n.mibor of

years ago by the late Elbridge

Palmer t&t a public wharf.

street Insppitor .\loiizo Klliott

made a report showinR what hadbeen done with the $2S.". worth of

alleged gravel the city bought In

January. nUL



It Will 0|Mni I p a Wdi Oowatry-

a* OIMO.


Aaredotca of the Worid'a

Have WeMw Aisat

Mow plat ot Madison St. loU Jaol

west of and ad ; - oup'.aln park,

all level and hinii. m.'l street gradedand graveled. Survey just made aadput tarced over to as. Coao wfelto

saa gst Irst choice. Frtass MM at«kl* 9SB aaak aU Maaas aa Maeatkly payasato. Losatioa. prtoa

and termi ronsidr r»i, these are BBOOt

desirable loo In Paduiah.

First rlaM Lujines* property on

both Second and Third streets naaz

Broadaray. Beat shsaes to ha had to

tkta UM if liilMil ASk toff da-




at IsMt

In iKi>:>. whvn tlio aso oC gaa for

lighting waa flrst dtawovarcd. peoplelarugbed at the Idea. The ptfbHrihed

opinion was "Tfa plain that a lampiMii't burn unless it li:is a »;r|< •

.\i Hrst poopli' foMitht stpatn rall-

r i.ids It was thoiiRht that throuKti

u.tithing the trains rush by every

one would be overcome with verUgoTo avoid thia n waa propoaed to

bulM a high 4M«rd foOBs oa bothsides of tl:i' Irark.

Wt' .ill kno* Ikjw tile Atlantii

< I'll-' was rldifuli-d and how Ful-

ton s Steamboat was laughed at as

being an atteflspt to aix tra with

water. Will the vorld avor reachthe a«e of reasoa—»ver loam to ex-

t icisp common M nse""

ThP Idi'a ihiit consii mjii ion and>tlio» fi'ver wero caused by living

(.errns and that all other chronic

diseases were caused by uric acid

was laaghad at a few yaars ago. To-day amy fliyalelaB Immmts iMit thla

li> true.

To much uiir ai id in the syntem(auses ihiMiinaiism. calarrli. .sioinarh

and kidney trouble and heart dls-

ease. Remove the cause—uric acid

—aad thasa disoaasa ars oared. LUFBPLA!«T reaMnres Cha arte acid. It

cures by ertvlag oat tbo osase—It

prevents disease by drlvlOR the cause


LIFE PlyA.NT is not a patent medicine but a vimple, natural, vegetable

remody that diasolvea uric acid, it

cleaos tbo blood, atroogthaas the

stomach, heart and kMBBfa, aadM>akeR rhe bodv ht-aKhy.

I.IFK P1-.^.^T appeals to peojile of

good judgment. If you think it is

< ommon aense to cure diaaase by re-

movlag la eauso—iaka LIPEPI*\NT. or yott eaa wrMa to aha

LIFE PIjAlNT CO., Canton, Ohio, for

rr<« medical advice aad couunon

aeaae booltlev on good hoatth.

Plans aip b< n*; made by ron-

siructors (ur (he coustructlun of u

road from Bowling Qreen to Central

City. These eoastructora, headed

by Liebler * Co.. a flaaaetal Arm of

Jtew York, praiilcally have com-

!)Ieted their plans and pnicineers have

'ii'i n cnKaKPil ; i to i)\pr the pro-

lioscd route from Uuwling Qreen to

reniral City and the investigation

vlU bo BMds la the aaar tatare. As«Ma aa dataito dsasriptloaa ot the

route can bo seoared the taaaotal

agents will attempt to float a com|);in>- lo consiruct Ihp road. Thepropoaed route lies along the Roughand OraoB rivors aad la a rough ter-

ritory, iwhlch aboBBda la coat, as-

phalt aad othor mlaerals ot value to

chetnlcal construi tionisis

Preliminary InvestiRai loii^ of ihi'

land throiiRh which It ha'~ bt-m pro-

poaed to run the electric road wasmade several yaaa ago, aad againa few BMBtbs aga. At the tiaio the

asphalt mines were opened nearHowIlnR Green, a s-cain railroad lo

C'cniral City was pl.innid. but thin

was abandoned. The road will run

along the Rough river from BowlingOreen to ttet poiat fbora tt aa»tlesnto Oreen river. It will pass

through Morgantown a<id oa downOreen r: ' • r i i <

n• r.il ('



ExlPns;\c iiiai mines ha\e been

opened in Oniral fity. HowlingOreen and Morgantown. It la fromthese that the promoters of tha aswline are plaa'Blag lo secure tM aa-Jorlly of their business.

Danderine«|EW THIS HAIR


PROVE IT.iMilksailltMsara QUICK and

rR.\N< KS M.\MK i. .u'aaa OarOald lloulriuril, ( i.liuca. UL,*

Age 4 Tea**.Miaa M'f V MAT.

•OSS r«r«M«>lll« A*e>«t Ull AUO.

LITTLE FRAN0E8 MARiE KMOWLTOMahofe pbotoKrapl' appciipi hcn uitti has a III '

' iipiutKul iiP.id of ifulileti hnir, thicker UiaB thecrown of glorv of rooe^m.-mire wuMii'ii. l'r;i'ii'<.':. is niii} i iiu m h . ; .md her hair iMUfTs within V2 iin-hev of tliOlttMir, The exlraordiaai y h.iir

itn-iictheniiii; <|u:iliiii-s of Danderine <.to ;;iowii fur this liuli.> t-.r! i.n- m - 1 ' 'luicable bead of liuir < vt r )miss< sc .1 ity

a child of tit r :i;.'e ill the World. 'I'be othi-r two ladies wh <sf iiln'' .i;i:iii' . . ii l:cr<i an- rcrtaiiilv li lii'liii' l Willi tlia

result.s thvy ail' Kettiiiir. N'l-itbcrnf thim l.avjtiK li;iir ih \.-o'i!«l ri- .. ;i t.' \ ..i ',s U I<>r< U-jfiniiiiig the utp ol U*Bd»rin«.

IT SS POSITIVE Aim PCmilAHEMT IH ITB ttC»UlT9»\\ h. p ii<\<lie<i to the sr.ilp on eltht-r old . r yoiiii(r, it m;ikefi itu- I I'l i

;•• 'v ;' i'-:,. '..nu' mid Ix^aiitifnl, and theraiH> .K.iitiairaroiiiui for weeks and iiiitii;li:i to ^ie re.siklts, eittii \ ..i iif, |.< , if u iiics not aas

' i>iiii> .-ii every result we claim. MOW at all drag^ista la th.t • i,, .23<<ii , 60 "h! and 91.00 per bottle.Tstliow InWTOtrtK BaadtofcaliiW ^!i!gHLg''* * ''t'fSI** ^ r«(i.r«aa«iloamr«Mi whospiids lblsa4vsi(ISia«iaMK—wH«f aaaa» rta« «}{;


Wsaaa, asir saawaadliMrsM and wcuattlssMi-Jter suaipa to yuy y sitigii.———fa———in both caaes?

Wa rathsr think, however, thai

Delegate Cialnes' bill will t)P Ixalpn.

Siate leglslaturea are iu migbi.v poorI'lisiness when ttaey undertake to

suppress oae industry for the ag-grandlioiMBt ot aaothor.—Waabiag-toa Poat.


I.aw» .\KaiiiMt I'jiu-nt Mttliiln***.

We are BOt at all surprised to hearthat a biU tetrodttoed la the Vifkinla

leglstotttrs tha othor dar by Dele-

gate IB. W. Oslaes, of .Norfolk, la

deatlned to encounter "vlgoron* op-

position, both In the (omml'tpp andon the floor of the house." Theobject of this measure Is to require

tbo aaaufaetursrs of ao^llad pat-

oat aadloiaes M gtva apaa eaeW bot-

tls or package a formula of the ron-

coctton contained therein, and the

ilitPlit is <'Vi(l>-n'ly In Injnre tl.p n-

dustry In the Interest of the regular


Of coarse, we shall hear tha argu-

meat that boaost BMaafSetarerscannot reasonably object to makingpublic 'he inrredlents of. their

wares; but the relorl to this ;^ ot)-

vious, and In rational controversy

shoald be flnal. The retort la, sim-

ply, that tha axhlbitioa ot the for-

rnnta will not ealtghtea 'BK>re than

one person nut of flvo httBdred,

whereas It will operaic a species of

warning; and dPinim iai ion. Thea\'erage consumer will. In fact, be in-

vited by the law to suspect and to

avoM raodiclnes la ths case of whichsuch elaborate prtvauttens sre ner-

pssar>. and ilip IoK'< nl offr< ! of liiis

will h" to drive them, panic-stricken,

into the hsnda of the "regular prac-

litionera,''' wbose plfit, potions, andphilters, aa It bappeas, sre qalte as

mysterious and psrhapa quite as

(lueatlonabte as any of tb« various

specifics and <nre all.s ;iRnln.''t whiih

thl« prop i'it !iL slaiior la ev;deni;.\


Public at>iu!ou, which as a rule is

informed by Justice, or at toaat by a

leaning In that direction, will readily

respond, we think, to the proposfton

Ilia' ilii' displav of ihp foniiula. If

ordfliiipd at all. should l>e required

in the case of the compoundingapothecary aa well as In that of th*

manufacturing chsaist. Why stig-

matise one class and eaempt an-

oiher? By what token are we to

recoKnize the snpirioriiv of the oneover ihe oihor? For leuiurles the

practice of niediclDe has been con-

ducted by a aort ol priesthood, und*r

a cloud of seml-rellgieas secrecy.

Vobody know, w lui the physician

Rives him I he prescripttona are

In Lalln. iinlnielliRililc lo ihp ordi-

nary pateat, and the material there-

of Is aa iasoluble coaaadrum to

every oae outside ths holy dpcls of

the tmrtborhood. The oalf differ-

ence we can s* p lielw een tbO BWatt-

fad iirinK ( lo inlst and the plMli!llb-

.UK plivs.ii.m thai the former rec-

ommends bis wares for certain speci-

Sed allBMBU, white ika tottmr pro-

posea to treat every aitaseat knownto man. Really, aow, dobiia'c It

seem fair to deatood aa sxposUion

Htfwrk 11.1 an I I i i liii ,111)1 Killed

nt ('•nil,. I t'iM.

glao approachtag. Id trying to es-

cape thia he atepped direnly in

front of the paaaengrr trnln il«

was fearfullv mangled, but lived foribout an hour. Mllller waS forasr-

Central City. Ky.. Feb. S. J, A.jly a JHethodlM preacbei but had en-

Miller. Of MNmIs. was atrack by aa| gaged In farming for a number of

east-1>ound I. C. pasnrntr- r iralh Beat\

years He leaves a Widow aad sav-Cenlral City and fmaily Injured. '

pi , i , h : i : -ii

Miller was walkinK along a sidr'


M'.ii.iw.iv rimso.) •

Mrs. Kufe Veal, of Paduoah, Is the

euest of relatives sad frieada here.

Joba M. MeloBB, the aewapaperman. hss goB« to Now York to take

• posittoa la the Buttertck FaMI*Ing company.

The city . (iiini i-- !

qucrstlon of n cow orduiaucc andcurfew law. Now M the tiae to talk

about thea.

A. T. Wells, a Callowaylaa well

known to our people, was bm- ' '

on Jun. :i 1 io Mlaa Xola ilolb

Jones .\l:ll r. II

i£s(|r Ni' liiiiim has resiKllcd Illc

ulRc« <>' II i.;Nirate In this district,

and liov. Ueckham baa appoiiAod CulHolland to fill the position.


<'!i-; MS \ rill 11 . H' I I

; i.\ , .-n

. .(b i.;l -liot I,,:;!.. M .1 : ,. Im lb.

d SI harm- of i .il .to! in h . po< kc:

T.ic ball cnlcri'd Lac thl;:h ami pass«'d

down about seven inches. The hurt

in BOt aeceoaarily fatal, but qalte


The iiKiL'Istratos of iMarshall (

ty ha\c ( 11 1 led I,. O Peck r.i.id iiid

brIdKc < oniiiii.- ioiii I al a - liiirv ol|

fltiu per >e;ir. Th<.«re were alMiiil !

ir 1 hp As

Payne'sfimwDiscovery M

For Stoma( h, BoweU, Liver and Kidneyt.•ti.DO ]>tr bo.t'e. throe in f? s'x (or ?s

Payne's Quick Relief Oil. 25 c(s.

Payne's Medicated Soap, 10c. .-Ml sold by


neea, irrsnUrlty ando'iils.sionn. It jraane vitr*or .nnil banish "paint

li. y a-c ••l.ll i: .S.\Vr;US»» to girls alof mvojitruaUun i y a-c •• l.ll IJ i:u.>i'' to gi

WOaailbaadt aid'^^^^ iii'V.'..,:irnciit ot ui. irs and boo^'knowa laflMjdy for uur. n i >[it ils thr>n. (aiiiiivtdo'

No- . . life

becomca a pleaaurew fl.«N» ft*lfil» UOX UK MAUU «ol4^droCTtato. pa MorrB CMiMlcAl* oa. OtoealmCOiUa

out nr ALvn a un am» o. ol a

twenty applicants, ficaled bids will

Iw received for men to rua the grad-


Kcv. J T. Rnoch sends in the foi*

lowinR notices of deaths and tan-

eials, Mrs. .sial'p Klliolt died of

d:opsy, aged I'.' Iluri.ii at U^ishen,

Jun. 24. l^lrtle Garl. son of .lohn

Chrlstenburg, died of Jaundice, JBn.

Burial »t West Fork. He als)

returned three marriage license.

Till' last couple being ti. W. Jackxon,

age Ti;. .Mrs Sarah Wallace, a^-'' ";s

Tiie u|;ilest un the liat of Hev.

Saoch's twelve years' list.

MOVEDTo our ncvv quarters— 121-123 North

Fourth street.

Foreman RroSs Novelty Co.imaMMMaavs*Mh Phoa«a 757

The New Coogn 8yrap—the one

iIih; ai's Bs a mild c.iiliartlc on ih"]

bowels -Is Kennedy's I^aaative 11.


ly and' Tar. It^ezpela all cold r i

ths system, cuts the phlegm out or

the throat, strengthens ths aaconsmembranes ot the bronchial tubes,

and relieves croup, whooplBg cough,

etc. ChlMfaa love tt. floM by LaagBros.

X«w livafeBe to Prohttect.

Evansvllle, lud.. feb. 8.—A meet-

fng of baseball men has boea called

at 'PrlDcetoa. lad., Friday, V^braary

9, for tha porposs ot orgaBlslag a

baseball league coAiposed ot soath-

ein.Indiana town ^ The caH wa ^

ivsued by Pretiidenl H. A. Toager of

tha old PrfBcotoo K. I. T. loagac


Nature needs oaly s Uttlo Barly

Riser now and then to keep the bow-

els cipaii. Ihc llvpr aciivp. and ths

system free from bile, headaches,

constipation Rarly Kiser Pills never

gripe. 8f!d b. l.;i!i.- It'....

lysaa WoadosOBf«gBnkMMf.htoddoraa« rBaaaal

ie troahlaa; aold by 3. H. Oohlseklaoi

gsr. Broadvajr. Or. W. VUO,

uHjmm St. WL LoBHk

Sftve your Gas Billsbut Bora iaportaot,

6at« Yoar Ey««e

All the latest patterns in improved

Lamps—Welsbach, Lindsay, Peerless.

Yoo will save the coat ol titber in a short linu in• dcoreaaad gaa bilL ta shew yon.

Try Porcelm for cleansing •ttamelwar*

ED D. HANNAN* at«am Pitting PlumbingBoth PhooM MI 139 a 4th 81. jss Ktntneky Ave.

CITY TRANSFER CONow located at

Glauber's Stable.We are ready for all kinds of hauling.


Page 7: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i






(CobUomA j-tmii


FOH a luiift tltni' the Rllenre rp-

malncd iinhrnkeii (-xt-piit nowiiiij tbeti when the girl lioiit

'ivcr ttai> Hitpiit UtCUrc to iirsk.

• nil I ilo uu.vtblUK for yon?" KurdI Hit" «liH liHteuotl « lih nddt-tl fi'ur. li'ip

liu' r:ii;iTl.v for bl* vok-e. "Oto, I wi«hvi' I 'liiici do Roiii<>thinK," b* wbtepemiliow Mild iii;iilri to l.oul8.

Till' \h>\ . w.ii ii oul with IiIh do.V H exI'iii-tni iit. ^1 rintuli'il III Mifii'lv 111 ki'«'p

inviiKc. Imt a-i flli- iir-lii li. i'i i"icil sUiiil-

ni"!' ;ilnm! Iiliii iiKc a u ivalli of lir-

iiiiiiiliiiiK liii i Ills Hi'ii-^e of wlint

li.iil ImKi'Ii |iImi'i- iIiiIIimI. Inviil iknI

<li'il .'iiiil ili'iM.|.i'd. iiipI :iI Ann I'hn

< liliii to llio II (oi wlii-r.' lu'ili'pl, Ills

ftifek pl'lowcd iii'oii lici licl.

Afalii till'. KiiiK'.ilaril \ of iln- cliaini'.

till' iiImui iI liiiri'iility of llio Kiiii:ii ioii.

iMii' li;>"1i llii- self I'oliliiliiiil i;irl. in-

1 Mint: lii'i to II Hiirt of lij xliTlcnl laii;rti

iir llffi' now ^lll• Kai Ann i:ii|ii>rl.

inoxt i-'nivi-iitliiiinl of |>('r<«iiiix In ii nid*I nu ll lioii")'. '(iloiii- with 11 Mlraui{«,

rouKli nuiii ftlffptaC ia • dMttUIIWlIMii' i' lu'fciri' tii'f.

111.' luiiiofi-j i l iiiirati-d liko ImiiiN of

nil'lMT. attnliilna tlir U ii:.'tli .if .hmtI't

lio'ir*. and tlic lilirllt slntiiiii! :::\.\\

mill liolTiryltig illy'lliif ii- «lio sat

li'l.<«-ly waltltiK. Iiopliii; i iii ll iiioinriit

for dt'liM'tarn I' t'\|ii'< lim: ai li iiisiaiit

to hear itio »« if I U'liii': ui li.>.>!>i. iln-

lioar-ii' luilKlittT of the lut-u: hut only

I 111' H iiitl iMpMita blMMl «ad Uw wolf

li itvli-*!.

At Inst liiiuioliility Imiiiiir Ititulcrn-

Ml, iilid. lov.vrlliK l-oillH' ilr.id tu thtt

llxir. shi' Kciitly (ilui-wl hlx doubledroat ti -iii aili it .luil V. lib 11 inltfhty vf-

li.i'l of lhi> will Im iiI aK.illi allow tbf

|i.iMlil man. «•> ir ii;i<' l» Ihn huiiIik'Hchh,

•ltd \.lil-|ii i'"l:

"Arc you KiifriTiiiKV I iiii I doI'.iiylbln^ f ir > o'l


Ho lllii .il Ills load -l iwly a. id Willi

II kI--ii>' ^ 'i o 1. :!• h' I sill MI' all

•ui'tiM: ' No I 1 .vi II-.: I'll to likatl.

1 Mill L- li.iu I"I

I il ll i iii^ii If my (iillsc

I. i-i'|i , li i.vil, \S .111 I .\i.:| l.lko ll


1.1.1a: \ (.l.inn lii-i l.r..\\ii v •; In

lii-r sill r.iu'ir iii.s slio iiloil i.> i nii.t

1 11' <iin{ of III-; ii' i I.!

Ill- naiicd II liitic tlnic lu »ll(-ULf,

ili.'ii .<i|.<: ti n tbPR>. Inn It's WMlk.

l>.iu I \"n fitfl IIT"

' v< i II 14 mof wgwiar mw,* kIh'

i u«« i-rod •

i 1.1 lilt K '^itii > • di>'.' i-iiiiiiuucil

l;i a I, i.im.', ' uif. "l . >ulcl i i.ji

J l^i 1.1. ..ml a ll I. -.\rl(,.il i\ 'V.


IiUimI II I did II s liai.l I i Uii |> 1,111.!

Imt I'm ifoliiK I >ilo II I iiiii't alt i<.

lllc lijw \ in . i' lou-iisl i.n" Till I'


KOmetblu;; m ilio u tIiI f n- .ai' 1. 1 il l."

"Voa UiU«t iiJl taik,' Rlif willKiMTi'd.

•"rU-aso II Wiil '1.1 .-l II 1: U I.^.

flb«» |illt luT ll rl l iii.iil r. .-I.i on li. -

fun-bPitd ui< It III' iii'i'o ! I iiiid. I'll ! ll.-

I llMt4><l hlx I'.M s ..II. I Ia\ 111 :|i 11. I f.il

• .-.i-r.il u.. 11 »V Ii. u '! ^ lli.ir.'

lltT |>alii. Ill- : uili-ii .: "l.i'liM- a lain

It- 11 . .. I r.l f.ifl'

••\\oiil.| \oQ 111. I- It wi't i-lotli on your


'.\o 'iiily joor ti.iiid .( yon don't

in. lid"

lliT li-i''.iiii; tow. ill! hiio nt tin- imv

iiifiil «as lil.i' 1I14I -ll.' iu.iiiif<'>li d to-

n-ur.i lii-r Im.il.or. I duu'l luitul. If It

Ii*l|ii« yon." sii.- iiiuwerad, b«t a fH«l>

row t'l lii-r fa.-i'

I'lit' I. i.v n will I'oinr ill s . .11. iiuii

th«-n you I nil «o t i li<t| uud r«-stl. 1 tii

i.orry to tr.iiiMo yon. VM can I* nowI'm mi riglii." be miUI.

I Hiiall nut taSTQ yoo," iba ttmtf re-


You'n* miglitjr aaod." b* aald aim


llii- U'lilii won' on inii-ira.iiaiil;. AI

a litllf |iasl ;i. fiiiiil and far. iiro.so tliu

cbwrfnl i-ro«;ui;«>f u <im-'k llt-r lii>arl

liuriird wlih Jo.* ila- iiinriiiiik' ".1-1

near' ^ll<• "aiiol iln- li.'lii amoand uil.-oK. fniut and fur iiwii.v. toui hi-d

brr ciir. and tln-n hIowI.s. inowng in a

tllDordi-riy Hiiniid. iln- wi>ai-y dgbterH of

tlHoim ruiiK- ridinK down tka alope aud

arroM the Uirad iw.

Tlie hiTiliTs did not rldi> up to the

house, ns kIu- i'X|ii'i'Ii><I ilu'in i.> d.i Imt

turned iixtdc toward ilio NlaMi's. aud

xbp could bt-ur tlii'tn iliov droiiind

Ibo'.r middU-s an I tiirin-d llu-ir lir»il

ptiiiteM liMisi-. "Sui-ol.v tin y will 1- mn-

now." 'I lii'ii nil w as wlill him o ill-- rn.w

iiili of ilii' nn-ks an. I lliiil "Ml ll awlinK

of llio woir on tin- hill

I'm'.Mi' 111 (-ii liirc Iln- sii.-.|ii'ii^o. sin-

li'il.u-d 11. iiiK-; tin- Hour iiii.l liii: . '<-l out

towani 111.' i-iirraN. In r In.irl In lii'i'

tluoat Willi foai- of ilii- liiHly on ihr

filial. Sln' r.ili as silciiily us possilil.'

a i if to iH.'ld roU: iliK solllO llriii' aai

Uial, and ua^ rlo^i- upon tlio ni.-ii I-.'

fOf<' thi'V >:aw lu-r.

••Vi'liai'i tliaf; ' -III- licard ..a. .pi li

l>i'i'n viiii I- cry oul.

'l lii'ii l ai-li muu roii' from thi- lu-ap 01

hiaiikeiH wheKla be lay c«rM like on

nii'tii- doff.

Ann aii-^wpri-d tlii-in liri-atliU- -sly.

"('(line It) till- li-inst-. ipiick. .Mr l«:iy-

II, aud Is shot:"

Tliolr r<«>|ioii-<'s wir-' llki- Imlli-is

"Pbot! W)\o fhot hliii'"

'-S' li .' <.'. .' I'ri-d out of Iho darkness


he \M.< I. .iCiii; in the doorway. I'tn

all a! ' I' III- I lUst have helpr*

••W llc I' -; ",', .-Msoll?"

"Cnni- for tlic doctor."

s'laUlnu l.>osp from bis bed. BakerK-,aru>U ou tUi> niu for tbc bonw. hut

Anu cried eut •karpljr: -Vfm\i'. U.i

quietly. Voti mtwt not oxHt«» hitn."

Aud. walkiiii: I.ealde him. nho rpturni-d

to tho ll m o. and In a snrt of daae tlio

other b-'rUein Hilently followetl. TheJauRlo of naker'a Mr aptim, familiar

and prnrtriitlni;, ealled It.iymoiMl to n

kiiewledfu of b'.a aurrouudiiup.

ily 1k> put.N.i. I Will

, He litraeA hin bead an* looked at i$»men In a way iiiat made them ahrtnknnd nskmi - iiow'x the Ore? Did youKl.ip ii V

liiiki-i- r.'plied, "Ye*, wp Rot ber nn-

di r"

Knyinond half . |i*i-d tilw prpn. "I'ml.'lad you're lierc 'lliis Imly ne*-*!* a

ii'st. S lUielioily dill for mi- Itaker.

y .11 and .I nies and ."^kiillle slay hi n-.

I'l rr.i . on smiIiIIo a horse ami u'i'l Alie

iiiil l.!s wife Miss Itupi'it. .villi iT'i l l

l.i-.l: the hoya will kNik, after ui« njw.I • iin't let 70a wear fomnM cot fornil-."

It'll .\lill •..III. I liol so

a -.i.ji' ! Ti'iii la I- 1.1,-1 ai duty

s| a \ till 111.' ll. H I ir 1-. lines."

\l l.l^l mIh-II lllr \MiOlli.-.l la, III WHSII iiiL' I ..inf 'rl.il.ly mi a tha U |.i|i- of' :'il.i-l.s and llie wliite li:;l.l of lli"

a .rniiiit (lllotl Ilie (ill. in. .\nii yii'I.l.il

| i lii^ I iilri'Mtli-s wi'iil iij her ri. .Ill

. I ihri'W tipr^i-ll' down upon Inr lull

« 111 a M I'.se of li.ivini; put all her ease-

ful, eari'li'sti i;irihiMNl lieliln.l her. It

wiia aa if wbe bad auddvulj bpen tluui;

into a gnr wmI bMter aon ftir fromuliore.

l..ii:s. \vb0 had been rmsi-.i i.y ihe

|i liirii of tho herders an. I w!i 1 saf

n ati-liiiii; llii-lr ' i a ii.L p I'lif 'lily > ill

f .us lialidiill).' iif 111.' siitTi i.-'- Willi liip

I- nil , iiiii iaiiliiii.al va.'i' of a -lis-py

. lli ii. foil iwed Ills Kisler Into llie |u-

III r l-.i'.lll mill sIikhI in silenre till III*

liewil.U-rinont left bint and blit |>er-

plexlty eryataUteed Into worto. Ilien

fep Hfllil:

".IilpltPr! I didn't know y ui i- r-td

lo Htleb tblUKK. Wliat do you Itiilik?

Iw be iMtnit to die';"

"I don't know, laddie. I liii|ii- not.

I've doln- all I i-an"

.\Iiii iiiilHt h-ive dropped asleep there-j

ii.'li T. f.ir «lieii Hhe w.ike tin- horlzontui 1

rii.\s of llie thiinint: sun tllliil llie riMUi I

nnd the loitd aud hearty voire of a wo-|

mail rnnld b<- heard oul In ll'. Kit. lieu.|

Her \Mi|-ils eaUK- d: .t iiii-i l> I1 .Vim's;

para. ".Now. Itoh. >ou'\i' «.ii me to i

deal w ith, i'll enff y-mr ••11- if .\ oii|

don't do as I Mi> Voii'm' k il I • eal lo1

kis-p _\ .11 1- -.1 ri-ii;,'! h ifp."

,\iiii rose lii.siily. lull |.aii -.l In f ne 1

i!ie < I. ISO. I ll lor Willi a a.. I miij;.;- '

lar limalllj. 'Mil- I'liininn ..I aa -Uirrj

\ .I'-.-.ii ina.li' lor own p'.-ii.i.h .-a.ii.-.r I

1. -. Ill:; W ,lli a ri'inrii ..T ir- .;.:i a


II'l..'!! Ilie door and iin t ttn' liii:

(iriiy i-yea of a lull. I.r.iad sli nildered.

rlallpriil.r woman, uli 1 si ...I i.M-r Itay

iiioii l Willi a ll i« I of sl.';ii:iiiii.' I.n.'li .11

li.-r liaii.l. .Mil- M.is iiiiiiiir .l'-fi ii.'i-

.aiinn Imt .\iiii pi ri i-iv.-l lli ii u.- vv .is

< I' .i'.le and uooil ti'inperisl. a natur.il

..iiisi'. I". perli iiritl 111 till- wa.\- of till'


"iloinl mornlne." ^hp eiilhsl. .ind her

ii:lli-rl ions aud niiiny of her phrases.M'le iiiaseiiliiu'. You UllWl 'a' lUMl •r iiiit ii.ird ii!::iii of it. rrlend of thelial lii'lls. Kiili lelU lUP."

Ili-i f.iiaili.rily and the essentia!

(-uiiiiiiouiieM of bar UMM re|>ellod Ann,.\ ho aMk.-d. witb cool dignltr, "Cna I

<lo anythlagV'

".Not a ttUniC. I'm Mrs. SMbbina,Hull's iilKbcNt UPlgbbor. We eome:i ninniu' the moment we beerd of tbia

tidii;,'. for Rub'a a uiiclity k<hmI manand nelKhbtir."

Auu reponted aud held out her hand."I'm glad tu aop you, Mra. Heribblua.

1 in Miss l(u|H-rt. and Ibis in my broth-er." Hhe turupd tu Lonlii, who badi-rppt tu her bide, pale aud Hlleut.

ytr*. Hvrlhliliui Hhook bauds, earefull}

guanliuc ber broth. "1 don't bo«you ke^ Bob down. I'vn luui tu JiMl

iihotit throttle lilm onc-o or twiep aiuec

I (-amo. Uo'm a beadstrouK i-UKa audhates Ik-Iuk iHissptI or liiissud."

"Hail the doctor eoiue'/"

"(tuod IxNTd, no! But I've iieut Aboii|i iIk> road. That fooi Wataon la

iniire'ii likely to get loat and nevrr K<'t

in. llvpu if be dill ho couldn't get a

diH-tor here before noon, aud Uiat A\ al-

lace doctor ain't wortb the powder t.i

blow him up aiiyway. Wo need a bouo

AacKache, >

Pain In theHipa and Oroiaa

In Btoat oaaaa are dtawl leaelll fli

WEAK KIDNEYS and TSttAM-M.\TIOV tJF THK BIAIinKR.The itrain on the Kidneya and in

fluiiicil membrsne* lining the neck

of the BUMu pnivtiag



Two doeae giTo relief, and one bonj

win core any ordinary caae of Kid-

ney or Bladder troul.Ie. HemoveaGravel, riirea Dialietei, Seminal

EmiBsioni, Weaic ainl Lame Back,

Bheumatiaat and all irragnkrltiaa

of the Kldnofi nnd Bbddir In bothM and women. 8oM at M ewtaa box on the No Cure No Pay baala

by Ml riii-rvon's drujr atore, Fourth

and Broadway, sole agent* for I'a-

ducah, or lent by mail upon re-eipl

of prioe to Lark liodidae Oo, Lon-

iaTiUa, Kj.



»H«m \S AUVAXCK 0\ KU THATor hkn

The Hun Ai lot • W«aMy Re.

I i tur frooi Vnlioy 8prlug». Aa soonas Don toaruett hears of iliia he'll comeII ruania' with the beet thetw li In the


Ua.MUoiid lay ou hi : pile of hlaiiketa,

!.l- fare eiill'>'S.si mil-, l :IH tliat of niii'.iil iiiaa. bat UIn eyes ealled t i tlic

i-.rl. iiud abe bi'iil t i ask. ".Vre yo;i

i.elier .

His lips inovt'-l n little. Site bowi-il

ioM f. aud be whtapercd, "Yea-briugI :on "--

" riiey hav e i; in- for h!:u."

••|'.i;y iiiii-i Irary" 'riieii he ndded,li,,.l I I. .,\r 11.. .

W illi a I .iii\ .1-: , 111 Ilial lie knew bpn a . iina-.il I .lie T p..!..-. and hCT

t jiie was leuse with a lU-.sin- tu bolp

iiiiii. -I Will not leere you. Do not



He elosi .1 liis i-y.'s iiKaili uiid lay H3

.-!iil. si l.rratlili--s. ii srenii'd Ihul beII I i'ii:i'i-.>,i >i,...ii Hie la-.i I'oiua, be-

v.iuil llii- 11 :-i-n of any inedii-ini-.

i.ouis. a VI i-il .,iiili' oill ..r his ^pl',l:Ully

-i-lf. ilii-\\ .\iiii a^nle an. I wlilspi-reil,

ll IW is 111-.-'

"III' IS wor-ii- (111. I wish tin- iloetor

w.ini.l eamr;

"'Ihe lioys i-:iy that l.ig. sjiei kle<l

faced follow did li. lie ha. I It in fur

.Mr. Ulyiii and. I*i you know. l\-rry.

ll:i- M -vi an Isiy. Lmli :i liii~.' an. I iv.is

H.iinJ < i i-hiise them iip. Imt Hie hoys

w.ji!ldn'l |Pt hiin. 'Ilny vi- sent wordI ) Ihe railway, aiui lln-y II have Spei.-

Ule before uiglit. I'lii'le lion auUl that

I lies.' fv-llov.-a wcroouly hirod mcu, butI :.i : I I aie tlioy're a 1004 deal like

ilio old 1 .vs."

(Tu bo l\>ntinncid.)

In order that onr reader* mayh:ive the henefit of a rcliatile marketreport, we have made arrangementa

with Mesars. Evana-8nider-Buel Co.

whereby they are to fumiab ua fromtheir 8t. Loal* oMee, at National

Btock Yards. 111., n weekly report of

the market at that plaoe.

Kvant^-.Snider-Bnel Co. nr* nmons^the larKtsi live etock commissiondealers in Ihe I'nited Stales with

ofllcea at Chicago, St. Lgula, KansasCity, Onuba and Tu Worth and it ia

wUth pleasure wo are able to fn>uounre to onr re£dora that we havesecured their services as correspond-

tnta lo thla paper.

(Bpecinl Oomovoadenoe.)National Storit Tnrds. 111.. Pob. 7.

—Comparing the market with one

week a#e today, beef stpei-s sold a*

15 to 25 cents higher at the doseliiRi week, but 10 to 15 cents of this

advance was lost the forepart of this

week. BuHt of the yretty good to

rhoice eteera sold to $6.15,

however, we topped ihe market withone load of choice i:!"o pound Mis-

Koiiri lilucks. .\ good grade of de-

cent iiKhter weiKlii stcers la aelling

from $4.uU to fu.UU.

Butchtr cradee aho'wed even moreadvance than ibeeC ataora and eameiKarer holding it. We made somes.iles ahowiiiK m Ki rents advance

from Ihe e:irl> p;ir! of la.-i weiK,

I n. I. ) 1 L:lit H I i.- .1 ... l,,-r»

and feeders tradiu;; wus iiuiited but

:he demand ie good with prices

ranainc from 14.00 to $4.60 for

rhoirp feeders down to 13.50 for de-

I n; lithf weights.

.\ii ex-renii> top of $5.92 H has

been renchcd on hogs, indicating the

correct neas of our prediction last

I week when the top waa |S.«0. With


14.000 on aale yeaterday the top was: ta.85 with lots of good hogs selling

. I .0111.1 l.'i.so and the general mn oflin 1 1 hers f.'i.T 5.

it' .Mr. GrouDd- Hog continued to

"make good" condUlona will favor

a strong market for nil kinds of live




I trli-d III koHlt oflliwia ri-B«41«a «fel-h ri.tril

t.i .1.. Ill* ttiif ir"U.t l.ut 1 li«v« r..nn.1 til* rIKt.t lliiiin

Rt Ift.l. Myfn.s(>»M fnll nt lilm|.i-a ftDil bU'-k\f AFMl tkkiiic ('UF»r«ta llo-> all li rt 1 aiii

r'.iiiinaliii 111* *« »l tlw« will rrcoani^n I

ii.i-m (.1 mT frUadi. I f*«l 0n« wStn I rl^i. n ll.-*

n. .rn:n« llop.) i., li*v« a chMif* to rweumaiauil

^"""'''\r'-i r witne. gisi ai.. Kimwm. »• *•

Ce&t For

r ^^^^ Thie Bowels

PI«H>nl. UtkhtK. l-nUlit. Tuir Good ttnOaed.N«««r Hli-li«n. W»»»rii i.r Urlpf. !•<•. Ui- "<''-"r

•.lid In bulk. Thi. iroii-ilnH tuiilut iii»ini»..l L' c cUur«tll««il lo L'nru or jr»ur ni.iiicf t>ark

atwUoa R«a*dy Co.. Chkcaso or N.Y. Mt


HenNhMeans the ability to do a good day's

work, wi.hout undue faiitriie and lo

Und life worth living. You cannot

have indigetition or ronstipation

without ita npsellng the liver andpollnting the blood. Inch a condi-

tion may bo boat and qulckeat re-

lieved by Herblne, the heat liver reg-

ulator that the world has ever knownMrs. D. W. Smith writes, April 3.

'01: "I iihe liirblrte and llnd jt the

best medicine fur cuDHilpaiion and

regulating the liver I ever used."

'>0c at Alvey 4 List and O. C. C.



Ily a Train That W'ns iMng Ninety

Mll<-K nil Hour.

Upiier Saniluaky. O.. Fob. 7.—Thf.New York-phicago Pennsylvania lim-

ited train weirt through bore this

morn-lng nhiety mile* an hour. Chas.

.Vah nnd i..ewiis Yo»t saw the head-

light a nlle awa.^ and thought thi'y

V. ouid have time ui cross the tr:u-k

The train hore down on them ati.i

.\ah was torn lu pieces and Yoal uar-

I uwly oaeaped. The same train kill-

ed aaothor man six mtloa west o'.


Itch—Uliigw umi.K. T. Lucas, Wingo, Ky., writes

April 26, 190S: "For 10 to 11 years

I had been afllcted with a maladyUr.own as the 'Itch.' The itching

was most unbearable: I had tried for

yctir, to find rilii-f. liavinK tried all

rciuedies I could bear of, hevides a

number of doctors. I wish to state

lhat one single application of Bal-

lard'a 8aow Unlment cured me com-pletely and permanently. Since thenT have used the liniment on two sep-

arate occasions for ring worm and it

fured completely. ISc, 50c and $1

at Alvey A List s and G. C. C. Kt^lb's.


KiiginoorifiM •louriinl S«j-m Uno W ill

in BMflt Hem

CronpBegins with the aymptoma of a com-mon cold: there fai obllltaeia, sneez-

ing, sore throat, hot akta. «nlck

puisp, hosrseness and Imniid rea-

plraiion. Give freiinent amail doses

of Halli'.rd's Hureliound S.\ nip (the

child will cry for it I und .it the first

sign of a croupy cou>;h apply fre-

quently Ballard's Snow Liniment lo

the, throat.

Mra. A. VMat. Now Caatle, Co-writes, Sfareb 19. 190S: "I think

Mallard's Horehoiind S.\Tup won-

derful remedy, and so pleasant to

lake. " For sale by Alvoy 4k Ust andO. C. C. Kelb.

Henderson, Ky., Feb. 8.—Thereare contiiHied di'Vi-iopnienta in the

matter of the <-onstructlon of a newrailroad ibridge across the Ohio river

at the Illiaol* Central taeltne abovethla dtr.The "Contractor," a publication

Issued in ChicaKo on Vehruary-tales tli;i: i)ii- Cli.raKO, 81. LiOUiS

und New Orleans railroad companywill build a now railroad bridge

aoroa the Ohloi at Tonrbead laland

between Hendetaon and BTaneville,

and that the work win b«tfa la the

near future.

Nothing will relieve indigestion

lut is not a thorough digestant.

Kodol Oyapepala Cure dl«*sta whatyou eat. and aUowa the stomach to

rost—recuperate—grow strong againA few doses of Kodol after meals will

soon restore the stoiiuii-li an i il:j;esi-

ive organs lo a full performance of

their fiuttdMi aMaraUp. mu byLang >yos.


MEi AND WOMEN.I'm Bis W for unnalursl

dLi b»iif Hi, 111 ftaiiiiu AnnuairrltalluDt or ulc«r*lloii«

of in II <- u a a Bivmbrftstt,PiiiilMt. nnd aM Miria-r—it ..r r«.i-"ii ''!•-

Sutj hT III iicauis.1 I . ,1 •. .111 ' .|-p«r.

I |.r«f niij. lotc . " uiaS.*.

Pnte IM mmSparta. III., Feb. I.—The Salva

i.| \t-ni.\ Ikis 1e:i.sed the flproul

i. i;i house and will hold services

31M1I liw«etr. M4 HASNKIUE26Ci.|I«trsm 16 POSITIONS •«•1 o r.l 9t trill rv kCHt NUHI) t»o tucb pVMAIL C'ltala^.i- will touvince yuu IbttUr.uiiSon » 1.- Till- iiK-T CaU or •ead trr II,

there. This pins the

theatrical business in


a plajrhov^t.

id' on the

Spnrta and



ujScfd a.i\cl relipvr'. . t'-.r-,-

..-vorcoiwo wottli -..•;. lr\-

cr**Ar vi^:oi. bAtiish pAJna.No lomisilv eciuikls t>^.

MOTI S Pi:NNY«OVAL PILlJ*:....t.i a, 1^1 -...^Kiiitsiiuil V>r. Muti«CUaiicaJ Cu., Clwataad, OUo.

Do not he dereiv'Ml h> coun : i^rfe: i

u lien >oii liuy Witch lla/el Salve

rill- n.iine of 1-:. (.'. DeWiit & Co. is

on every box of the genuine. Best

for Cuts, Burns. Bolls. Tetter, PUea,

Uie. aald by bang Broa. «

Winter or summer. Hra. Auitia's

Paacafce flour. Alwaya good, groetra.


**" Dr. King's

Nflw Discovery. .OMSUMPTiON

FORI oSjHs-Price

Btireat alTd auukoat Cure for ailTHBOAT nnd LUKa IBOUB.1.ES, orSIONEY BAOK.


SirfMlions From tTit

Ncweat Cookbook.

CnAnroAL rr FFS.-Onrbnlf cupof po-.Mlered i liiireoal. two ti-a-

••[iiiolifuls of BWiil ml Strain

tniou^'li Willie pcHii lie soil- uud add.... pill 'll of MuiiT 1 17 In silver gempans set with rubies and serve hot

s^l'inkllsl with powdered bonx. Qar-iil.^<li with pea coal.

I'litty 10 1 ro<)u«ttoa.—Take one quart

of {luiverizi-d baked potato, one tea-

NpDonfui of'clder. putty tbc slzp of an

('Kg uud mix thoroughly. Hoason with

Uie jiiic-e of aix mangoee and a plhcfa

of orriM root. MU thprougfaiy and moldin pli>e bowla. Boll la aawdoat andfr|^ deep fat

ajlMha a ia Creme.-Take aix ripe

baidlifia. Knock the stulBng oat of

ilieni and remove the s<-<-d8, which

-liiuld be saved for i>oultlcce. Stis

witb tbp pulp a Jar of cold crcaiu

swecteui-d to taate. Add slowly one

quart of cold moiasaea. lit on atove

and sthr conatantly. MTken done place

lu banana aklaa, tie with purple cbe-

nllto (for color effect) and aerro botD^ty Dcseert.—One qnart of wknn

Ice- wa|er mixed with Ave potnda of

red mortar. Add a pinch oC brick duatStii' In Toor cope of dog berries.

I reecc in a donUe boiler and aerre in

9>-t tube.

Delicatear- 1 Paaih.»Take the Jnico

of one cncr er. Mix with one pint

of ftiln crean:. 8hred the leaves of ten

bmaaela apronts. aante In cod iirer oil.

mix with above and aet in the oven to

cool. When ready atlr Into It rigfr

oualy with the left hand a quart o^

bousdiohl ammonin. Add a daah of


For a Light Lunch.—Take the brim-

stone from a box of Portinnd matches.

Grate amall and dissolve in a can of

luminous paint. Add a teaspoonfui of

sulphur. Btbr In one quart of electric

cnrrenta. Serve in gas t;1<>he<i lu a

tlarkcned room witb a border of can-

dle Btnba arranged about the baae of

each globe.—Jndge.

TRY MEI Aaia QaaAOaa.


Senior Cigar

SidtoAll i


I. C. lii'ts Contract fur \pw Line.

Ofllcial aunounc^'ment waa made.vcsterday that the Illinois Central

bad let a oontract for Ao coAMnic-tlon of a line from Corinth, iMIaa., to

Haleyvlile, Ala., a (Mrtance of eighty

miles. The wcrk will cost |5,00«.-


A confldence man ia one who tells

.vou his private affairs under a pledge

of serrpey.

A DIOereaoe.

After the cook bad aunouiued her in

tentlon to leave and Mrs. B. bud vainly

striven to obtain a rconll of the girl s

resignation. Mr. B. hlniaeif weut to the

idtcben to aoe what he coukl do.

"I think yon might atay with us.'' hu

saM. "^liBt's the reason for your leav


"Well, sorr," replied the cook. "I

can't stand Mrs. B. any longer."

"Bat, I've atood bar eight yoara. and

I think yon might stand her at least

one year."

"Wdl, Mr. B.." ahc reiilied, •then's

Jist one dUferenco bechaae yoti and me.

You have to stand bar, biit I doa*tr'-

New York Times. St. Louis and Tennessee

River Packet Compaaf


''rinU's rici ', [•in: Voii stick

there a-stariiiR. li'.n t you boSer to

give nobody ni^ help."- Sketch. .

9ha«»e<l Him How lo I mr- B.'aia.

.V head luaii in one of liie hiiirt fac-

t 1:1-- ..;i I'.iyelte siris l was watchinga ilr.i.Miiun t'iKKiutf ut u heavy case of

Kliirts the othor day. His face was red

aud the muscles of his neck were bulg-


"WaK a minnto there," aald the on-

looker. "IM mo ahow yon bow easy

it ia when you vaf a Uttle brain with

yoqr moacbr." lie grabbed a hook andstuck It Into the case, gave a yank andsprawled Into the gutter under the

dray. He got vp, h>oked at the hooknnd said. "Blama It, the handle comesoff."

"Tea. sir." rapttod the drayman. "Mybrain tokl me that and I didn't oaa It"

—Baltimore Bun.

SIEAMkTaYDElaavw tUtmk te Tim Mna

Ivary WsHnniay at 4 p. m.WM T MTTNTBR, Master.gi;GrNl JfOBIKSOH, Cisrk

fhia comytay la net laapoaMia Igi

Mvatee ehargsa

At a Olaadvantaa*."We've ROt t» have some

said one Itussiau otHeial.

"Yes." aiiawcrcd the other. "That'athe trouble of runniuR a governmentwirtioiit a systeui of popular voting.

When tho ppi.iile make up tbplr mindsthey wniit ri'f.inns we'i-e got to pro-

duce tht'm Instead of merely promfci-

lag."—Washington Star.

Bvapokrn."No. thunk yuu," said Miss De Mure,

"I don't esM to asot aaj asir poongmen."

•".My!" exrli: itei^il Miss (.addie;

".vou're S'vlci-l all of a sudden."

"No." n pHiil Miss l>e Mure, cluncinu

drenni.ly nt her new rlug, "I've merelyi.,..-n M-i-.'ctiii all o( a aaddaa."—Balti-uioru .News.

NEW STATE HOTELD. A. Ballff, Prop.


Newest and best hotel in the dtyRataa |a.oe. Two larfa «uuplcrooms Rnth rortns Flectrlc

lights. The onl}- centrally located

bote! In the city.

Ciaaercial ratrutiafc Solicitil'

Henry IHafflmen, Jr.

tmtfoi f Tkiri ui Keitickj.

Book Binding, Bank Work, Legal

and Library Work a apecialty.


Tolaphonet. Ol&cc, 3(9; Residence, ftd,



A* B*r«n*lM."Did you hear MaM

hist night r'

"Yee. She baa a remarkatito eantnlever her voica, haan't dkef"Mm baa,«i^t when abacatta down

lhat weak ayeil IMUe bnabaad af bM"-CleTehm« Plate DaaM.

ci«Mia*a.He's publishiiwi a paper. I

nrea; ft** the oflctal organ of tha

lental prafoaaloa In this"—"Ah, a aoet era aMBth orgaa, air**

"Are yon one .of the expert wtt-

nesui - ' ' iniinin d Ihe ro'ii t • lliier.

'1 iiiii. " iiii.^weied Ihe high fluancier

I vi' In -u on Ihe iiand two hours

sud haven't told 'em a thing."

WaskingtoB auir.

.3?-' I »V

List of n«w sulyscribers added hy'At Baat Tenneuta Taltphona'^oapaay today:

2210—wella, Xatia, ^caa.. tO»('anipliiiil.

2:: I-- iii.^li. Frank, raa., 623

.North Kourleenlh.

:i::4-:: Tabaeot.il. B., raa. Bla»d>

vllle rottd.

8-r-~<;entral Bnainesa College.

300 V4 Broadway.2218—Fulrell. Arthur C. Resl-

dencp. 17C2 Harrison

3258—Wilkins. K. W ,Residence,

.Vshcraft avenne.1745—Larganf. Bd. Resideace.

126^ ionth Vowrtb.

aia*—Roulett, Rer. C. O., Seal-

dence, 1118 North Tenth.

StSS-^tephenson, L. O., Beal-

^e^ IK Mailion.

Uka atbar

serrier ahonld be paMto Ita worth and value.

Call 800 for fiirther Icformatloc.



Page 8: Archive · 2015. 3. 5. · TIM"\vr\Tfif'n 'I1i




Or prindng of any lort telephone Thb

Sun, No. 358, and a rcpreaentative will be)

teat yoa wiA Mmplei, pricci, etc. Weart weU eq«i|^4 lo do firit*claM work.

jt trial drdsr

im WMNt TTTUf.

So you can't m<I your pialurt, Tmml What 4* yau eall itf"

"Good Adviaa."

•Ahl Naaa

Rn'KK ST.K.KK.Cairo, 2C.r.— 1.9 fall,

ChJitunoogs, C. 1—0.4 fall.

OiMiaaaU, 14.7—l.S UXL•vsmrlUa, 13.S—».« tell.

Plorence, 6.3, falL

.lohnsonyilte, 9.C- 0.1 (alL

Louisville, 6.2—0.5 fall.

.Nashvtll*, 10.9^0. 4 (all.

rittaburt. 1.7—0.3 tell.

Davte Islaad Daa. 4.«-.«.l teU.

dt. Umli, 10.1—0.» tell.

«it. 'vaniM, 3.4—0.6 tall.

Padueab, 18.3—l.f tell.

A hBKvy fof hulls' OT«r tha r\r%r

this nioniiii); and dela)ed the boais

for some tim«. the Dick Kowler not

(eiiiiif; away (rom Cairo iwtll SMrtyI o'cloc4c. '

Bualaan vaa dull aa tk« vhart la

•N»tk pMaangar and fralght traOc.

Tha Clyde left for the Tenneaaaeriver lasi niKlii.

The J. II. Kii hardhiin clld not get

iMtck from Wolfe iHland. where she

want (or a load of eora yeaterday,

bfit will gat away tor NaabTllla to-

day. '

The Joe Fowler was the Evani-

vHIt packet UKluy.

TItera la no ic-e in the river herejrtt, and none U expected unlesa the

«0l4 aaap laata a for dfira loogar.

ff the anow ahonM' fo aff with a

llaavv rain, the Hrer will rise <on--

•Idfrably again. The gatige regis-

tered ISut Uia BoraiBg, » fall o(1.9.

\V U Arark«l, of M. IauU, <lio..

has piircbnaod the laUrcata at U. O.•wallow and A. U. Chaoln In theboats of the Swwilaw & M.irk. l Moat,ing Thenter compun.v and will .>{ifi-

ate the (iiii'incss aloiif Uie ((Hiilni;

i-Mbou. Thajurgnrty courtau of th«

tfiwbo.it^ Cominest and Antclnt-tte

.md tin- fjiand I'loallii.; Palace.

ThiM'c is liKlit :t*' m the aide

Btreamii of the upper Ohio, ^but it

Wont last long. On account o( the

Iww atago of water and Hia eold apell

wbleh has swept over the countrydnriiiK last forl.i-clnht houi-s iinn-li

Ice lias forii'fd al tlu' lica Jwaiern of

the Oiiio rivt r. Thlu ice la so h«av..

that Lhe 1>ou/ts o( the P4ttabiirg andCloiFlnnatl Packet company have beenwithdrawn aatU IHrtkar aottaa.

Tha rivarmon it Cairo hare eatab-

liabad a eMk. The.v have their hinut!

nicety furnished and It U kept Ir.

tint' order by a Ktpanibuat chambar-mald uf ek.tepiencc who well undar-

ftands he.- buainass aM tha claaa or

tea febe provid«M for. Thaaa arc

anally watting (or a iMOt or taking

a reat., and they llva io aalt their

own convenience, uaublly not„^rlyto retirf" nor early lo arise.


SevmU of Interest in

a—tliweat Kfvtaekjr.

News wan received hero yesterday

r.r the Diarrtaga ygatecd«v. at Helena.Vrk., of Mr. JoKn O. FaaNiaar andMiss Jennie Ariglatead, the tatter oi

tbat place. Mr. Faulkner Is wel!

known in I'udiiiah. hrvlng iiiitii ;;

few iiiDinhM a»?o bien oiiorui(«- for

Ihi' I'ostal Ti-lograiih toini)Huy hero.

Mtsa Ethel Bliswbeth Brannod:and Mr. Omar 1,. Jewell were marrlad yeaterday at Lexington, Tenn.

Tha 1>ride formerly llttMl in CallowayI ounty.

Mi.s^ KranccMi Lonp^dfi i Htiearei


of SlarkKVilie, MUm.. :iiid .Mr. l.i-

{fhekbou-rn. of fiaxdwell, Ky., wervmarried yeaterday »t Siarkavtlle.



About the City Kfpctrical In-

spector Jagt Appointed.

It In Nut a rily « Htlr4*, and .tnyone

la iaica>l.- fi i uomm far IWinace.


Flra Cktaf James Wood, who byvirtue of the dty ordlnanre, la really

'he city ele< t riclan. di'siies to put

the public rigbt In regard to the elec-

tion of a Trlrn" laainrtnr for Fadv-rah.

"I am really the «Ity eleetriciaa,

and the Inayaetor is Tlrtaally my aa>

sistant," Chief Wood declared, "andI hav»\ or am supposed to have, au-

Ihorlty over him. The piiMir seemsto be confusiHl over ihe matter of

electing an inspector and 1 denira to

put it right In the matter.

"I tevor a competitire examina-tion to show tha ellglblHty of the

appIUants. If H were a regular city

oflli e, or nere advlaable, but it woulddo no good unless the svccesaftti ai»>

plicant be satlafaetory to tha autaboard of aadarwrltera at whoaa ra-

quest, or coamaad. it might be said,

the offlce was crai^ed. I have/ let-

ter from the lioard of nmlcrvirUers

of the state recommending K. O.

Kveriz. and he saems to be tha oaly

maa who haa ao far bao« .racMB-

meadaA or wkoa the board has


K iven a atamp of approval for the

luislilon. It Is a kitnwn fa. t that

lif <;.niiol ele<l or kwi p ,n olfirc


nny man who is not desired by the

I state board of uadcrwritera ualeaa

Ithe suta board aaaa nstiaiary ie a«-


thorlae saeh a competitive exuilaa-Itlon, It I* useless to hold one.

"Again. It might be possible that

the city go ahead and pat la an In-

spector aot raeogiaendod ky thestate board, but if it does, then thehoard's insii-i lor rn onlfr all Mie

wirinB he superintended, done overThe office wa.s created lar the beM-flt of the uierciiaats and insurancemen to Insure safe wiring and to

eventually effect a reduction la AreInsurance rates. ' When the ctty in-

spector, and the start' Imspcctor, andthe underwriters' board ,ire I. in kingssainst one another and no harmonyesjsts, you may rest assured that the

Inspector will ha of kesallt to thacitlaeaa. aad might aa well ba dto-

pensed with."

There are sev«ra> men after tti>'

poHltionof wire Inspector. Somesay that they are confident they can

bold the position after saccessfuily

passing euminatioB, but froM theview of Chief Wood and DMoy 1^suranca men la radacah. if the auteboard doe.4 not' aotborise the exami-nation, it is usalaaa to hold it.

There haa bean a great deal of Ulkabout this poaition and about a"rank outsider" being chosen for

the plai c. Ipiii it has all been througha misunderiilandlnK Wire inspector,

or city electrician, is no city offlre

In the strict sense of the word, re-

qnMac tha peraoa aiUM K to ke abona Ada raaldaat lor a rear. HeIs ibcrely hired by tke city, and hemum t>e satisfactory to <hf iinder-

wriiHTH or th« city might as well nothave him. The underwriters mayovariook a great asaay coMpatentmea la daeldiag oa wkoas tkay wantfor aurh places, but the public can

a^waya rest assured that they winpick out a good man, whoever heor wherever he Is from, and these

are the kind of man tha alty waatsto work (or it





JS^Lk SJcYard Friday9 O'clock


Friday morning at 9 o'clock we place on sale andsell for one hour only 25 bolts of DR£SS Ging-ham--our regular 8 l-3c value—all new patterns;

for this period»;at


ANNOUNCEMENTS{Tlie Bapliit BeTiral Hay Cioae Next

Sunday, as the Rev. Cates is Not WeU

Died of MeaiMfflUa.

The four-year-old son of Mr. MossCouncil, a taJaphoaa Maaaiaa. diedyeaterday near 8t. Joka'8, la thecounty, o( ^Insl menlngttis. Thefuneral wa.H held ihisi afternoon at 2

o'clock, hiir .i) n' \If Kin'on

Mrs. Aastin's Pancakes will helpregain lost appetite. At grocer's.

Engruved caids aad plata ll.SS at

rka Sua ofllce. I

A SAFEGUARDTo gasrd agaiast

all possible errorg,

every prescription

that leavca our gtorc



DKUOOISTSA written fttaraV'-

tee that it is abso-

lately correct i nevery detaUiattaM.on attachad,



The tlllnois C'litral malntiUna

Double Dally ServUc. and operataa

the best of tralux. with UlnlnK Cara.

Buffet-Library Cars. Clialr Cars. ana.

Bleaylag Oara, from Oktcaao. St. \m-ft. CtaalkaatI aai Laatavine aoath tc V.

New Orleans. Tha beat road for

reaching the Winter Tourist resorts

' pf 1 h>' Smith. I 'II I ml i iiK



Mardi Oras at New Orieaaa, Feb.

27, 'Od. Onlfport is a Ifexlca* Oulf

tbiiat'rdMit havlas thk aa«r. ana•*Orkt StMdiini'* Hotel. Ragalarocean ffeaniRhip salllnRs from Newt)rleans for Mexli n, Tentral .\niierica,

Panama, West Indle>« anil Europe.

.Send or call for descriptive matter In

ragard to tha above.

RATAHA VIA HKW ORLBANa.Havaaa. Onba. ta kaat roaakad via

tha nilnola Central through aarrlce

to New Orleans and tht> new ocean

liacr, twin !i< rt w, nini'li-cn K n it

H. H. i'UINt'l': .%KTHI It

leaving New Orleans evtrv Wcdnoa

day at 4.00 p. m. anu arriving at Havaaa at aaartaa Fridar nMiralBg.

HOT SPRIKaa. aiUl rUNUDA.Dally aiaaping Oar without change

Chicago to Hot Springs, with ron-

nectiona at Memphis from Cinila-

natl and l.oiiiHvllli-

ThrouKh "f>Uie Flyer" Sleeping

Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville rla

NaahTlila, Chattaaooga and AilaaU.

mxioo, oAUfmufiAipealal Toors of Mexico and CaU-

fOrala via the Illinois Central and

Kav Orlaaas under the ausplcen ot

Raymond A W'hitcomb, will leatt,

(^hlcaRO Kridayn, Fob. Xnd and Feb.

2 3rd, for Mexico and California, tha

luHt to laeluda a ntop-ov«r at Maw Or.

laaaa tat tha MardI Oraa. SaUratrlpo made la apaclal private veati

bale tralna of finest rullmanf with

dining car Hcrvicf- Ka^ilnal Ing

tripa. com|iI- te in cvi'ry detail.

liilnolB Central Weekly Excursions

to California. Bxcuraion cara throughto boa Aacalaa aad Baa rraaelaeo as

follows: tl« Haw Ortaaaa ag4 tha

Southern Rpute every Mdajr fromChicago: every Tuendsy from Cincin-

nati and I.oiiiKVlllc via Omaha andthe Srenic Kniite every Wednesdayfrom ChlraRo

Full rarticiilara coaoaralaff all of

the above eaa ba had of aaaata a( tha

nilaoia Caatral aad aoaaoetlac Uaesor by addreaalag either of tha nnder-.slKnod

JOS HlOCrS, D. P, A.. Cincinnati.

F. W ilARIXm. O. P. A.,


J^'0. A. SCOTT. A. O. p. A..


A. H. HANSON. P T. U., OMeaco8. O. HATCH. O. P. A.. OUeaao.

Bvangellat George T < r. . or

Louisville, who ban been mn t .<

a meeting at the First Baptikt chuit !.

for over two nioiitba with vary large

• eanlta. aaaeuaeed ladt aveafag tbattho aarvleaa woald probably ba dla>

contiaaed Saaday. with the ratara ofDr. J. c. Chaak. the paator. from Hot'SjirlnKs. .VI l.a.'.t Mr. Catea U be-

Klnniiii; fe. l ih,' icn-at >t'niii ,if hit

tincea-.. 11^- w^.il, li.i.

time, to such an extent that he prol»-

nbly will kava Ik leave at that tinid.

There ware Ava additioaa to theI'iMirch at tlia service laat night. '

The revival has been In progreaanagriy three monthn, and over to«t' i)n\< rs:c.n» h.is i . suited, ftilly TflO

haviDK Joined the Baptist churehalone. ,

(tabacriha far 11m I

Onal Men Have a Rush.

The coal dealers have been unaMaall weak to SH tketr orders (or coal,

and most o( them had their nfflien

open ovary night until late. Thereia pleaty o( coal on hand.

' You niiisi have tiione; lo al)l»*

to offef uie so hiaiitiful an engage-

ment ring." ".Mii.<^t have had money.you meaa."—Houston Poat.


aabacribe ferne i



Wc offer theic garinenti at exactly thewliolciale price. There arc more different

Itylet of underwear in thii lot than can be

found in all the itorei of Paducah, withI.ouiiville thrown in for good oieaturc.

Thii it a sample lale and you will find in the

entire lot only one or two garmests ali|(e.

Hvn4r«d« 9t %mmp\m OArm^nt* In This#«!• C«&«l«liAa •tHhm rellowiag Lines

I<adies' Gowna at _Lidlas' hoag ^Irte at.„

Ladies' Shott Skirts at

Ladiea' Sonet Covera at.

Ltdian' DrswOT at.

Ladles' Chemise at

Cbild'd Ooarna at

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