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Are Links Losing Value in Google's Algorithm?

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1. Introduction 2. What Google Thinks? 3. Importance of Links 4. Importance of Algorithms 5. Importance of Social Sharing 6. Editorial Links 7. SEO for Ranking 8. Ranking System of Google 9. Algorithmic Signals 10. Content Marketing 11. Importance of Focus on Links 12. Non Editorial Links 13. Guest Posting 14. Algorithmic Changes 15. New Marketing Strategies

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16. Back Links17. Page Rank18. Caffeine Update19. Penguin, Panda and Other Updates20. Search with Matching Words21. Hummingbird Update22. Importance of Google Ranking Systems23. Link Graph24. Social Sharing25. Google Algorithm Update26. Importance of High PR Back Links27. Biggest Factor in Ranking28. Why Google Trust Damages?29. Improvement of Google Page Rank30. Presented by Zebra Techies Solution.

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Great arguments are there on both sides of the question “Are Links

Losing Value in Google's Algorithm?” sometimes it seems to be true and sometimes they seem to be more valuable than ever. Let us look on

both sides of the argument.

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What Google Thinks?

Google recently came out and talked about the techniques of search engine testing,

ranking algorithms, search quality algorithms which are not involved links as ranking tool. Google said that the result is

not satisfactory for them. It was not a pleasant experience while they removed

links from the ranking elements. May SEOs are going. Obviously links are very powerful for the SEOs for rankings or indexation to

get traffic from search engines. We continue to see the links in the ranking systems of Google for next few years.

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Importance of Links

They are continuing because of their importance and strength. Smart SEOs and marketers have made on both sides of this. Some folks will disagree and they will say

that this is ridiculous. They links are important and they have growing value too. Some good comments are there on a recent blog post. Here some experts told to perform an experiment around what Google might do if the links lose the signals. Some good points are there and one of them was Google filters


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Importance of algorithms

I got this on Google and as I filter out the value that are passed from some links

through algorithms for example Penguin or through filtration method to remove web

spam or low quality links that we don’t think precious for the relevancy algorithms. This is the area where other links get importance.

Many other types of signals are wisely pointed out by Russ. Google may powerfully change the links with the things around the user and usage data, things throughout social signals. All the things are actually validated with link graph, and use the link graph to add more

context and information about other signals. So a point should be there to get stressed.

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Importance of Social Sharing

Some experts have also pointed out the matters that we come into this world without any follow-ups. Often Social

Sharing becomes very much common to share information than linking this.

Before having the popularity of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+

and other networks, Social Sharing would have bloggers and people use to like these resources on forums. Google

made a lot and Bing also has contribution to certain extent. Too many webmasters, site owners and editorial

specialists are on the web and they have a fear of linking out.

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Editorial Links

They worry to link with something bad because something occurs to that website that they made links. Something may be happened with

their website. It becomes a big challenge over time to get editorial

links for everyone. This is interesting because it gives

suggestions of more value from the editorial links. So I think it is very

realistic case.

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SEO for Ranking

On the other hand there are SEOs who are pointing out the links are definitely making a

reducing signal because elements are there in any

ranking system. Anytime you have elements in a ranking system. You may add new

signals for relevancy, requirement, importance, and

popularity. The pie chart hast to squish also. The part which is used in the links, stuffs is just

purely a link based so it becomes a smaller piece of pie


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Ranking System of Google

Let us explain with some easy example, Olympic ice skating where the judges who give rankings. The judges will give a score

of 7.5 or 8.5 like this. They follow some criteria to look after the matter. New

criteria are added and the others become less important. As par the ranking system

of Google it is not the same logic. A pie chart is not available to add the signals

and remove them.

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Algorithmic Signals

Everybody wants to give a score of 10. The ability of pages and sites are moved up in the rankings. This is affected by the elements that are available in similar type. What should SEOs do? We want to take this type of discussion. As per the testing process of Google the links are

removed from the algorithmic signals. A marketer should believe that he should think

about the process how to invest in the marketing.

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Content Marketing

Get values according to various ways or methods. Different methods mean giving value in terms of direct traffic. Get value from social network, e-mail network as

influence and leadership and many more to influence the ranking of a website. Get many ways to get links. Content Marketing is one of the preferred things that many SEOs and marketers are choosing because it has the power to do the different things. Content marketing means social shares and more

social followers. It means growing the people to get attention towards any brand and make

them aware about the brand. Content can earn links also to help me in search engine rankings. Many effective solutions are there for getting more links. Content marketing is

not the only one.

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Importance of Focus on Links

It is good but not satisfactory to refocus the energy. You may expend some time to

make different types of links and instead concentrating carefully on some links

which matters a lot. As par our guidelines this becomes less important. Those people

say that there are vast things getting filtered out and it is very much tough to earn the good links. It is also very much

precious to focus on them.

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Non Editorial Links

Getting every link and talking many times about the matter will be fruitful. SEOs are

aware of this especially with the non editorial type of links. If you make any website that you want to locate in the

search engines for a long period, months and years in future. You cannot afford

actively, proactively to get non editorial links. You should not ignore the value

which you get from activities to directly earn a link. Things are there to develop the brand, make the resource of the content,

make your social channels but they cannot earn links for you.

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Guest posting

A lot of people talk about the Guest Posting. Guest Posting or Guest Blogging are not good idea to get links for SEO. Brand awareness and

attention are needed to get direct traffic. A lot of folks can post on the forums, sites for the additional audience. This additional audience in the

future may be converted into the people who share and link to be the customers. Please do not ignore the value of this while making a Product,

Website or Communication. A simple user experience is the key to success. It is simple for you to make A to Z process. You will be able to

accomplish the plan while you spent time and making heaps of resources.

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Algorithmic Changes

SEO technology is changing in the last few years. Massive algorithmic changes are there from Google. It may be very much difficult for the small business

owners to maintain. Some small business owners are getting SEO

weakness. They desire such marketing techniques that is simple to understand and less risky. Others cannot trust the

rules which are really modified with old strategies of SEO. This can bring

catastrophic outcomes as Google does to make link networks.

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New Marketing Strategy

Demand for SEO becomes healthy for Marketing Strategies to get good results. Most of the companies say that this is very

much effective and they are applying SEO and Social Media

together. This is not a simple job like easy Link Building in the past

years. The integrated strategy needs a renewed stress on brand and audience. This does not show

that the ranking is no longer important. However this shows

that the priorities require changing to get competition in

modern era of SEO.

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Back Links

Backlinks are useful for the Google algorithm. Webmasters try to change the links for their advantage. Google

has a new search algorithm and it uses “hummingbird” system through all the information while you search

and return with answers. Search algorithm is a technical term that you

can think like any recipe. Google is using this to sort through billions of

web pages and information. The best answer is what it believes. Google uses new Hummingbird technology

and it is the name of the new search algorithm that the Google is applying. Google is saying to get better results.

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Page Rank

Page rank is more than 200 major ingredients that are suitable for the Hummingbird style. Hummingbird Technology is suitable for page

rank. Page rank is one of the major ingredients to make the recipe. It looks at the page rank and it is deemed to be with other things like Google trusts about the quality of any page. The words are used on this and many other things. Google begins to use this technology

some time ago. Google announced the change recently. While switching to Hummingbird

Google dropped the old engine out of car and put in a new one. It is happened very quickly

and nobody noticed about the switch.

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Caffeine Update

Google struggled while any changes like this happened.

Google brings Caffeine Update which was a vast change. That was also a

change mostly helps Google to gather information than

information wise sorting. Mr. Amit Singhal, search chief of Google informed that in 2001 while he joined the company,

the algorithm was written dramatically for the last time.

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Penguin, Panda and Other Updates

Panda, Penguin and other updates are the changes for the parts of the old algorithm. It

is not the whole change. Those things were as the engine with a new oil filter or with a

developed pump with this. Hummingbird is a branded new engine though it continues

using same parts as they were used in old updates like Penguin and Panda. Some parts

are good so there was not any reason to change. Other parts are changed. Google

says that it is a new engine made with existing and new parts. This is organized in a

way to serve the modern demands.

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Search with Matching Words

Google’s “Conversational search” is the biggest example. People, when speaking searches, may find it more useful to have

a conversation. If you put the phrase iPhone 5 a traditional search engine will stress on finding matches for words. You

will get a page that will show you the result of “buy” and “iPhone 5s”.

Hummingbird gives stress on the meaning of the words. It can get actual location of your home even if you shared this with

Google. It will give “iPhone 5s” which is a specific sort of electronic devices carried

by some stores. It helps Google to beyond just getting pages with matching words.

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Hummingbird Update

According to Google, Hummingbird update is paying more attention to every word in a query which ensures that the whole query, sentence, conversation or meaning is given more importance than particular words. The goal of the page

which matches with the meaning is obtained successfully. It is better than

matching just a few words. Google recently came out and talked how they tested the search quality algorithms,

version of search engine, ranking algorithms. This cannot affect ranking from the links. Google said that they

really do not like the results. They did not like the result while they eliminated links

from ranking factors.

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Importance of Google Ranking Systems

May be the SEOs are going. Links are extremely powerful for long time for the SEOs and folks to move the index, rankings or getting traffic from

search engines. Let us continue Google’s ranking systems for at least next five or ten

years. Some folks called this crazy and links are actually growing in value. Russ Jones from

Virante made some good comments on a blog post recently. Some experts asked to perform

some experiment of what Google may do if the links will lose their importance.

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Link Graph

Some good points are there and one of which is filtered out by

Google. I filter out the values that are coming from some links

through the updates like Penguin. Sometimes filtration systems can remove web spam or low quality links or irrelevant algorithms. It is the case that the importances of

these links are getting importance. Russ wisely pointed out many

types of signals that the Google may change the links with. Things around user and usage data, social

signals and all the things can be validated through the link graph.

You can use link graph to add additional context and information.

It is a worthy point to be considered.

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Social Sharing

People have also pointed out that we get into this world where no-follow is very

common. A lot of websites are putting no-follow over there. Social sharing becomes very common to share the information and

it is more common than linking. Before getting the popularity of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ all these networks

and social sharing may be the bloggers and people in the forums which are linked with these resources. Many webmasters, site

owners and editorial specialists on the web fear about the linking.

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Google Algorithm Update

It becomes a great challenge to get editorial links for everyone. This is

certainly very credible case. On the flip side the links are definitely a decreasing signal because there are elements which affect ranking system. If you have keen interest in digital marketing you should

know that Google introduced an algorithm update in 2012. Page rank of Google is the

assessment of the Google. It is the importance or popularity of a website. It is based on the number and quality inbound links from other websites on the internet.

Google PR is displayed as an option on the Google Toolbar. It can be downloaded and

installed free of charge.

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Importance of High PR Back Links

Sudden or unexpected loss of page rank happens where the

visible PR of any top level domain or internal web pages is suddenly lost from a previously

high PR value. It shows the Google penalty or a serious

reduction is happened in inbound link strength. When a

drop in Google Page is occurred you can start by checking your website back links with Yahoo

Site Explorer to identify whether any trusted, high PR one way

links are removed from your site or not. If important high PR back

links have been lost, you can contact with the webmasters to see if they are curable or not.

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Biggest Factor in Ranking

Google state that the page rank value is cosmetic. Plenty of PR2 and PR3 websites are there and they have recently lost page rank which still have better ranking than

page rank 5 sites. Sometimes due to the fact that they have better content which is

related to certain niche topics. These are more thematically relevant links with lower Page Rank. There is no doubt that Google

Trust becomes one of the biggest factors in Google ranking. It is much more important than visible Toolbar Page Rank in the latest

Google algorithm.

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Why Google trust damages?

Google trust can be damaged by weak SEO methods and spam methods. It can be

happened by the massive reciprocal link exchange with the web sites that are

below quality and with dissimilar theme. To improve Google trust you need more back links from authority hub sites with similar

theme. These will be sites with good ranking on Google and often they are

leaders in particular field. You cannot find out your Google Trust Rank but a certain

rank improvement takes place. You will see this in trusted status. Domains are not

advantageous and they certainly begins with zero trust and you should make this

within months and years.

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Improvement of Google Page Rank

You may require improving page rank particularly to encourage Google to make your site fully index or make your website crawl frequently. Page

rank improvement means concentrating on quality of the one

way back links from relevant websites. Putting great and original content into

a site attracts more natural links. These are known as link baiting. It is

recommended for you according to the best methodologies of SEO to improve

the ranking on Google.

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Presented by Zebra Techies Solution

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