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Page 1: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

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Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and tick (✓) the correct answer (a or b).

1 I always … a tracksuit when I play football.

✓ a wear b am wearing

2 What … at the moment, Tom?

a do you wear b are you wearing

3 Kim … any tights today.

a doesn’t buy b isn’t buying

4 Suri often … patterned or flowery leggings.

a buys b is buying

5 Matt and Christos … every winter.

a ski b are skiing

6 … at the moment?

a Does Sara ski b Is Sara skiing

2 Complete the text. Use the present simple or the present continuous.

Alex: Hi Sven. Why (1) are you wearing (wear) a tracksuit today?

Sven: I always (2) (wear) a tracksuit on Saturdays because

I (3) (play) basketball with my team at the sports centre.

Alex: Oh, I often (4) (go) to the sports centre on Saturdays, too.

Sven: (5) (you / go) there now? We can walk together.

Alex: No, I’m not. I (6) (not / go) today because I (7) (look for)

a present for my mum. It’s her birthday tomorrow! I always (8) (buy) her new

clothes for her birthday because she’s very fashionable.

3 Complete the text with too or enough and the word in brackets.

My brother went shopping yesterday. He tried on a

shirt, but the sleeves were (1) too long

(long). He put a jacket over the shirt, but the jacket

sleeves weren’t (2) (long) and

you could see the shirt underneath! The jacket was very

tight because it wasn’t (3) (big)

for him. He also tried on some trousers, but they were

(4) (small) as well. The legs of the

trousers were (5) (short) and you

could see his legs! He didn’t buy any clothes in the end!

Page 2: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and complete the conversation. Use the past simple.

Saira: (1) Did you go (you / go) hiking yesterday?

Alice: Yes, we did. It (2) (be) fantastic! We

(3) (walk) for five hours in the mountains! We

(4) (leave) the house early in the morning

and we (5) (take) a compass and map with

us. We (6) (not / get) lost!

Saira: (7) (you / take) a picnic, too?

Alice: Yes, we did. We (8) (stop) to eat our

sandwiches at the top of the mountain. It (9)

(be) nearly dark when we got home.

Saira: Wow! (10) (be / you) tired by the end of the


Alice: Yes, we (11) (be)! But we were happy too

because we (12) (have) such a great day!

2 me Order and write questions. Then answer.

1 do / did / What / yesterday? / you

What did you do yesterday? 2 did / go / summer? / last / Where / you

3 night? / Who / you / did / see / last

4 for / you / today? / eat / breakfast / What / did

5 school / to / did / get / you / morning? / this / How

Page 3: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and circle the correct words.

1 At 3pm yesterday, Clara and Afia (was / were) waiting for a bus.

2 I (was / were) having a snack at 1pm yesterday.

3 He (wasn’t / weren’t) reading his book at 8pm yesterday.

4 She wasn’t (watch / watching) a film at 2pm last Saturday.

5 (Were / Was) you crossing the road at 3pm yesterday? No, I (wasn’t / weren’t).

6 (Did / Was) he getting off the bus at 4pm yesterday? Yes, he (did / was).

2 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple and the past continuous.

find go ring get off have start meet wash

1 2

3 4

1 Mark and Pierre were going for a walk when it started to rain.

2 Jon his hair when the phone .

3 Sam and Rob the bus when they a mobile phone.

4 Marie and Sara a coffee when they Gina.

Page 4: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Order and write sentences.

1 get up / tomorrow. / have / early / We / to / don’t

We don’t have to get up early tomorrow.2 school / every / Mari / to / walk / has / day. / to

3 for / exams. / They / their / have / study / to

4 didn’t / to / video call / make / I / have / yesterday. / a

5 karaoke / My / last / brother / had / do / weekend! / to

6 tablet. / have / a / use / Harriet / doesn’t / to

2 Read and match.

To start the game, swipe up.To go more quickly, swipe down.To go left, tilt the screen left.

To begin, press the button.To go left, swipe left.To jump, tap the screen twice.

1 The car game starts when

2 Swipe down in the car game

3 If you want to go left in the car game,

4 The running game starts

5 If you swipe left in the running game,

6 You jump in the running game

a if you tap the screen twice.

b tilt the screen left.

c if you want to go more quickly.

d when you press the button.

e you go left.

f you swipe up.

3 me Read and answer the questions.

1 What do you have to do every morning?

2 What do you have to do every evening?

Page 5: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

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Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Write the modal verbs in bold in the correct place below.

Whose legs are these?It can’t be a silkworm. It might be a grasshopper, or it may be a bee, or it could be a fly. No, it isn’t any of those. It must be a praying mantis.

0% 50% 100% impossible possible true1 can’t 2 , , 3

2 Complete the sentences. Use can’t, may, might, could or must + be.

1 It’s possible that this is an eagle.

It might be an eagle.

2 It’s impossible that this is a Tasmanian devil.

It a Tasmanian devil.

3 I’m sure that this is a mole.

It a mole.

4 It’s possible that this is a bull.

It a bull.

5 It’s impossible that this is a crocodile.

It a crocodile.

3 Order and write the questions. Then match to the answers.

1 it / What / does / like? / look

What does it look like?2 sound / like? / What / it / does

3 like? / smell / it / does / What

4 taste / it / What / like? / does

5 What / like? / it / does / feel

a You use your ears for this.

b You use your mouth and tongue for this.

c You use your fingers for this.

d You use your nose for this.

e You use your eyes for this.

Page 6: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and tick (✓) the correct answer (a or b).

1 He … to a classical music concert.

✓ a hasn’t been b haven’t been

2 We … to an art exhibition.

a hasn’t been b haven’t been

3 … you ever been to a pop concert?

a Have b Has

4 … they ever played in an orchestra?

a Have b Has

5 Has your sister ever … in a choir?

a sang b sung

6 Have you ever made a film? No, I …

a haven’t. b hasn’t.

2 Write the past simple and the past participle of the verbs.

infinitive past simple past participle

Regular verbs walk 1 walked 2 paint 3 4 listen 5 6 practise 7 8

Irregular verbs make 9 10 go 11 12 give 13 14 take 15 16

3 me Read and answer the questions.

1 Have you ever been to a circus? 2 Have you ever made a film? 3 Have you ever played in an orchestra? 4 Have you ever juggled with three balls? 5 Have you ever been to a pop concert?

Page 7: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and circle the correct words.

1 I haven’t made any posters (yet / already).

2 Fran has (yet / already) made a cake.

3 My sister has (yet / already) swept the floor.

4 The children haven’t sent invitations (yet / already).

5 Sam has put the food out (yet / already).

6 We haven’t decorated the room (yet / already).

2 Complete the text. Use the present perfect and just.

We’re nearly ready for the party! Mrs Jones

(1) has just made (just / make) a cake and

Mr Harding (2) (just / go shopping) for

food. Matt (3) (just / blow up)

the balloons and Ayesha (4)

(just / decorate) the room. Kim and Tess

(5) (just / choose) the music and

I (6) (just / clean) the furniture.

3 me Read and answer the questions.

1 What have you already done today?

2 What haven’t you done yet today?

Page 8: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and complete the text. Use the present passive.

First the paper (1) is collected (collect), then it (2) (transport) to a recycling plant. The paper (3) (wash) and the ink (4) (remove). Water (5) (add), so that the paper gets wet and soft. Then this material (6) (roll) to make paper. The rolled paper (7) (cut) into pieces and then it (8) (use) to make books, newspapers and magazines.

2 Order and write the questions. Then match to the answers.

1 robots / Where / the / produced? / are

Where are the robots produced?2 is / grown? / Where / rice

3 in / produced / is / factory? / What / this

4 those / T-shirts / Where / made? / are

5 grown / here? / coffee / Is

6 phones / Are / here? / produced /

a No, it isn’t.

b They’re made in India.

c Cars are produced here.

d They’re produced in China.

e Yes, they are.

f It’s grown in Japan.

Page 9: are you wearing · Ne igh ie 5 acmilla Pblishes imied 2018 OCOPIABLE Name:e Class: 5 G r a m m a r Page 1 Standard level P r a c t i c 1 1 Read and tick ( ) the correct answer (a

New High Five! 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018



Class: 5


Page 1

Standard level


1 Read and tick (✓) the correct answer (a, b or c).

1 Hassan and his sister … to Spain tomorrow.

a goes b is going c are going ✓

2 Are you … with your cousin next week?

a stay b are staying c staying

3 My friends … camping this weekend.

a isn’t b aren’t c does

4 Sophia … playing tennis tomorrow morning.

a is b does c was

5 Rafa isn’t … me outside the cinema tonight.

a meet b meeting c met

2 Complete the text. Use the first conditional.

Sofia: Let’s plan our next holiday. If we (1) go (go) to a lovely island, we (2) ’ll swim (swim) in the ocean every day.

Zahara: Yes, and if we (3) (stay) in a hotel near the coast, we (4) (see) the sea from our room! But if we (5) (do) that, we (6) (not / have) any holiday adventures!

Sofia: Yes, that’s true. If we (7) (visit) a canyon, we (8) (go) whitewater rafting and if we (9) (go) to the desert, we (10) (ride) on a camel!

Zahara: But I do love swimming. Well, if we (11) (not / go) to the sea this year, we (12) (go) next year.

3 me Read and answer the questions.

1 What will you do if you go to the ocean?

2 What will you do if you climb a volcano?

3 What will you do if you see a waterfall?

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