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"I've always been that girl who wants a fairy tale romance, I mean

who doesn't? I know my Prince Charming the Lord has me for is out there, but when I see everyone else

around me getting engaged or married sometimes I wonder, when

will it be my turn?" -Latasha, MD Waiting for true love is the hardest thing in the world. Especially since technology has literally taken over the world. Everything we do, everything we buy, everything we see is quick, fast, and in a hurry. So, why hasn’t your knight in shining armor shown his face? Why haven’t you at least passed by him in a grocery store, or seen him on social media, or even better; why haven’t you met him at a church conference or convocation, or a gospel concert?

There is no easy answer for this question. I don’t have any nice scriptures or catch phrases to ease your pain. But, what I will say is this… Waiting is the best thing that you can do for your life. In fact, the very worst thing that you can do is to move too quickly. You just never know what God is doing. You don’t know where your spouse is in his process, and you don’t know what else God needs to align in order for the two of you to meet. Look around; see the brightness of the dawn in your life. See the sun peeping through the clouds, and smile. God is working. He is moving. He is molding. He is shaping…the very day that you two will meet. Just hold on. Soon enough, when you aren’t even thinking about it, the delay of your destiny will become a divine dream. GO AFTER YOUR PURPOSE WHILE YOU WAIT!

Arising News The Love Issue February 2015

WHY WAIT FOR LOVE? By Lady Eboni Bell Youth Highlight

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Drawn by Taylor Price, Age 11

From: “Adorned While You Wait” by Lady Eboni Bell - Book Coming June 2015

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Issue 2


Arising LOVE Family/Member Highlight By Akira Grenardo

In honor of the month dedicated to

LOVE, we are not highlighting one

family, but several of our Arise couples!

I wanted to know if and how LOVE

changes throughout the years, and if

marriage would give these questions

different meanings. Below are the

responses of five Arise Couples. I hope

you enjoy and can relate to their

answers. What do you think?

1. How long have you been


Chadeia & Deano: Together for 5 years,

got engaged on December 24th, 2014

Ta’Tra & Randy: Married for 1.5 years

LaWann & Darrell: Married for 6 years

Danielle & June: Married for 7 years

Elsa & Travis: Married for 10 years

Chadeia & Deano

2. What is one thing you have learned

about yourself during your


Chadeia: “I am a natural planner. I like

things organized and on schedule. My

significant other just flies by the seat of

his pants. At first, this drove me crazy,

but I learned that there are times when

that kind of spontaneous attitude is

necessary. He has taught me how to just

let go in certain situations and that has

opened me up to a more joyful and fun


Deano: “I have learned that I need to

work on my communication skills a lot.”

Ta'Tra & Randy

Ta’Tra: “That I am capable of making

decisions and choices that not only

impact me but the welfare of another

person. Getting married is instant

realization that I am not a kid


Randy: “I have learned that

communication is key and that it is so

important to communicate with your

spouse. It helps keep you one, and

keeps issues from occurring, helps with

planning and scheduling. I have also

learned not to assume because when

you do, you usually assume the worst

and eventually make a not so bad

situation into a really bad one.”

LaWann: “I don’t have to be right or be

in control.”

Darrell: “I have more patience than I


Danielle: “I didn’t realize that I was a

spoiled brat!”

June: “How selfless I can be.”

Elsa: “A successful marriage has to have

God as the primary person in your


Travis: “A marriage or relationship

requires you to be that carpenter,

builder, mechanic that knows that

you’re always on duty. Ensuring that

you take time in the beginning to build a

foundation that is firm in order to enjoy

but also endure all that your lives have

ahead. Otherwise you will miss out on

the celebration that your marriage

should behold.”

3. What advice would you give to the

single man/woman waiting on

their mate?

Chadeia: “I would tell a single person

who is waiting on love to stop waiting.

At its core, a successful romantic

relationship is just a strong friendship.

We don’t need to be in romantic

relationships in order to feel love. We

can work on the relationships already in

our lives: building our relationship with

God, building our relationships with our

families, building our relationships with

our friends and building our

relationships with ourselves. The ability

to feel love is already all around us, a

romantic relationship is a bonus, but it

shouldn’t be the only deciding factor.”

LaWann & Darrell

Deano: “I would say not to wait on

anyone to become your wife/spouse,

but rather to live your life and that

person will be sent to you.”

Ta’Tra: “What you prefer or demand is

completely different than what is for

you. Don’t go after what you [want] or

what you think you want, odds are what

you want is the farthest thing God has

for you.”

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Randy: “I would tell them to be honest,

know what you want, not to settle and

to be patient. When it is right, you will

undeniably know it.”

LaWann: “Accept your mate for who

they are and support them in all they


Darrell: “Make sure that you are the

man/woman that your mate needs and

vice versa.”

Danielle: “Prepare to find out who YOU

really are!”

June: “Enjoy it while it lasts!”

Elsa: “Do not rush into a marriage. Take

time to know self and God. Follow God's

plan and his process at all times.”

Travis: “Let it be God's choice for you

and not your choice for God. May sound

simple, but your weakness and quest for

the love of something can overpower

God's design for you. Don't be pushed!

Don't feel rushed! Only be patient! This

will be your mate not anyone else!”

Danielle & June

4. Lady Bell spoke on Forgiveness,

how does that word impact your


Chadeia: “Because no two people are

alike, there will always be people who

do things that you don’t like, even your

significant other. If we love someone

unconditionally, the way that God loves

us, then we can’t hold anything against

them. We have to forgive them and love

them anyway. Forgiving someone is

important, not because it makes that

other person feel better, but because

it’s important for your wellbeing.

Holding grudges builds hate in your

heart. We have to let that go and love

so that we can be our best possible


Deano: “Forgiveness is something that I

am [working on] and will continue to

work on. In relationships there are

plenty of things that can go wrong, but

we have to forgive each other to grow.

Ta’Tra: “Forgiveness in my relationship

is simply do or die. If I don’t forgive ‘we’

turns into ‘me’ and my marriage dies.

*drops mic*”

Randy: “Forgiveness in my marriage... I

can’t think of anything I have had to

seriously forgive, but in the simple

sense I’d think if you’re not forgiving in

your marriage you will just hold onto

stuff and it will eventually affect us

going forward.

Danielle: “Over and over again. I have

learned to forgive and accept


June: “Completely.”

Elsa: “Forgiveness, and every fruit of the

Holy Spirit is integral in the success of

our marriage.”

Travis: “Forgiveness is the rule to apply

to life. If you don't apply it to your life

before marriage, it makes it even a

greater task in your marriage or


5. What does the word LOVE mean to


Chadeia: “Love is a choice to care for,

respect, and treat a person with

kindness and affection despite their

flaws, what they can or cannot do for

you, or how they make you feel. Love is

unconditional. It is not dependent on

whether someone makes you happy or

sad, or can buy you nice things, or can

give you a certain lifestyle. At its core,

love is a choice, a decision someone

makes to care about another person for

no other reason than because they want

to and were made (by God) to love.

Deano: “Love can be the most simple

but difficult trait to understand. It’s a

feeling that will make you do things you

could not imagine. It’s something that

many people are neglected of and may

never find. It makes you both happy and

sad. Love is undeniable when you find


Elsa & Travis

Ta’Tra: “Love is when I have had a crazy

day and he makes bacon!”

Randy: “Unexplainable!”

LaWann: “Love is forgiving and

understanding. There is no ‘norm’ in

love. Only you and your spouse know

what works for you.”

Darrell: “Love is sacrifice and


Danielle: “Being whole!”

June: “Accepting Unconditionally.”

Elsa: “Ephesians 5: 22-33 and 1

Corinthians 13:4-8.”

Travis: … As I'm writing this Elsa shouts

out across the room, “Don't write a

story!!” What can I say!! 10 years of


It is amazing how through the years, our

views on LOVE and FORGIVNESS evolve.

The other interesting thing is that even

between couples the views are very

different, but the LOVE is prevalent. Try

asking your spouse/significant other

these questions and see how your

answers compare or differ! Oh, and

don’t forget to share your #LoveSelfies

this month!

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Issue 2


The Power of Love By Pastor Ron

As a single man, I knew I was one of those guys who needed a wife. I also knew, I had a lot of “me” work to do before I’d be fit to be a good husband. So, when I met Eboni I was so relieved after a few weeks of phone conversations to find out she was leaving for a three month trip to Europe. That space gave me time to fast, work on my finances, end unhealthy habits and relationships and get some priorities in order. I remember that season, I went into training mode as if I was preparing for a boxing fight.

The truth is, I probably could have gotten away without fasting, without working on my finances or even correcting poor habits or ending unhealthy relationships. It is also true that if I did that, that if I was lazy in preparation for finding a wife, than I would have no excuse for the mess of a relationship I’d be acquiring. Just like that boxer in ring, preparation dictates outcome. For those looking for a spouse, seeking to be married or those working at restoring existing marriages my statement to you is simple “it’s time to train.”

Clara’s Gift By Jamil White

Temeca White started Clara’s Gifts on Martin Luther King Day of Service, Jan. 21, 2013, because she wanted to do a community service project where her two nephews could assist in helping others who were in need. She wanted to show that one person could make a difference, even a small one, in their community. Temeca’s mom, Clara, had a heart for helping others. She was always giving and helping others who were in need the best way she could. In the winter, Clara would buy extra hats and gloves to give to any child at the bus stop she saw without them. Clara’s Gift now gives out bagged lunches, bottled water and coffee every 3rd Saturday of the month in Wilmington, starting at 1pm. They not only feed the homeless, but also the hungry that are not homeless because their philosophy is that hunger has different looks, causes, and stories. Clara’s Gift has two permanent locations, one in New Caslte County and one in Kent County and has various mobile sites throughout Wilmington. On Super Saturdays, they not only provide lunches but also clothing, coats, socks, footwear, blankets and care packages which are filled with toiletries. Clara’s Gift is not affiliated with any church or organization and gets donations from family and friends for outreach. For more information on Clara’s Gift or to get involved please see Jamil White.

For those 55 and Up By Ms. Valerie Waters

February is the month we celebrate our Valentine. We like to give them roses, chocolates, diamonds and most importantly our hearts. What better Valentine’s Day present to give to yourself this month than a healthy heart? You can keep your heart healthy no matter how old you are, but it does take effort.

According to the American Heart Association, all you need to do to start taking better care of your heart is:

1. Get enough exercise. This means at least 30 minutes of exercise almost every day of the week.

2. Quit smoking. There are programs available to help you quit, call 211 for more information.

3. Eat a heart healthy diet. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. Watch your numbers. Get regular checkups to monitor health conditions that affect the heart, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

5. Minimize stress in your life. Find healthy outlets to relieve stress.

6. Watch your weight. Too many pounds can add to an increased risk of heart disease.

Following just one of these habits can improve your chances significantly.

TIP For Good Heart Health: Walking is a good way exercise and spend time with your friends or get to know your neighbors. A shopping mall could make an excellent indoor track in the cooler months.

Lessons from 44 years of marriage By Terrian Alford-Redding Marriage has and remains a work in progress for all of us. For my husband and me, we keep God first and respect each other and our differences. This marriage has had some major trials. Without trying to stay humble and actively praying for each other we couldn’t have made it. We try to remember that each of us is human and is free to fail. Failure just means we have to rely on faith to stay strong. So when it comes to longevity in a marriage, the key is to keep working at loving each other and to keep God first. Again, always remember we are flesh and blood like everybody else. If God can forgive, so can we. Those keys can help your relationship go the distance.

A Letter to Our Seasoned Members

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Issue 2


"Inside every child is an 'emotional tank' waiting to be filled with love. When a child really feels loved, he will develop normally but when the love tank is empty, the child will misbehave. Much of the misbehavior of children is motivated by the cravings of an empty 'love tank," says Dr. Ross Campbell.

This is not exclusive to children. Love is a basic need that is essential to all human beings no matter their age. Children with empty love tanks grow into adults that still yearn for the same love. They still need their love tanks filled. Everyone needs and deserves to give and receive healthy love.

In the book of Mark, Chapter 12, Jesus is questioned as to which of the commandments is the greatest. In verse 29-31, we see the following,

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord

is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all

your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The

second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no

commandment greater than these.”

Nothing exists that is greater than God, but the second greatest commandment calls for us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Yet how can we love our neighbors if we don’t first love ourselves? It’s impossible.

Eye Look Love and Live is more than a blog. It’s a journey, a lifestyle, a movement towards rethinking life, living for you, and most importantly loving you so that you can effectively love others. Your life is your own. It’s

not about people’s opinions or keeping up with others. It’s about living and loving as God says according to His plan for your life. On my blog, you will find weekly motivations and challenges to get you thinking and

seeing through your own eyes. Forget what other have to say, what they are doing, and how they are living. All that matters is God, you and yours. It’s time to define life through your own “I’s”. The way you define your “I AM” is personal and that’s all that matters.

Like me on Facebook at:


And follow me on Twitter and

Instagram: @Eyelooklovelive

This Valentine’s Day Weekend, treat

yourself to some tender love and care

with this delicious Valentine’s Day

smoothie by PaleoLeap.com!

Valentine’s Day Smoothie Recipe

Serves: 2 Preparation time: 10 min.


1 ½ cup almond or coconut


1 ripe banana;

½ cup frozen pomegranate


1 cup frozen berries;

Preparation 1. Add the almond milk, frozen

fruits, and banana to your


2. Blend until the smoothie

reaches your desired


3. If it’s too thin, add more fruit; if

it’s too thick, add more almond

or coconut milk.

4. Enjoy!

Eye Look Love and Live Entrepreneur Highlight By LaWann Moses

Looking through your own eyes, Loving on your own terms, Living out your own experiences”

“Before you go to sleep, give yourself a

big hug. You did great today!” – Eye Look Love Live Facebook post.

Health Corner Recipe by the PaleoLeap.com

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The Bottom Line Report

Monthly Regular Expenses: 4,150.00

Decembers offering total: 2,633.20***

December Month Budget difference: neg -1,516.8*

Month of January offering:

Week 1: 1,179.37

Week 2: 514.60

Week 3: 789.38

Week 4: 342.15

Total for the month: 2,825.5***

January Budget difference: neg -1,324.5*

In the book of 2 Kings the 4th chapter we are introduced to

a woman who learns the power of sowing. In short,

because she sows into the ministry that’s feeding her, she

in turn is blessed by the prophet with a son she could not

naturally conceive. The story teaches us the power of

sowing and reaping. It teaches us that in order for

something to grow it must be fed. God says it this way

when talking to Abraham in Genesis 12 “I will bless those

who bless you.” When we are faithful in our giving, God

blesses us. If this ministry has blessed your life, if the

word worship and fellowship have impacted you, I

personally challenge you to commit to consistently

sowing. As we look to fulfill the call of God for this ministry,

your giving is a part of your blessing.

Love Yourself Paint Party

Join the Arise Women Ministry for a love yourself paint party, including a devotional, painting demonstration, and yummy snacks. For more information please see Lady Bell. Cost: $5 When: February 27 at 7:00 PM

Arise Cook-off Join the Arise family for a friendly cook-off competition. Participants will be judged on taste and presentation. For more information, and to enter into the competition, please see Gene Pritchett. When: February 21 from 12:00-2:00 PM More details to follow

Praise Dance Rehearsal Every Wednesday at 6:00 PM in house at the Arise.

Bible Study Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in house at the Arise. Worship Service Every Sunday at 10:45 at the Arise.

Artist Highlight Courage By Brandon Miller Courage Courage brother do not stumble though your path be dark as night There's a star to guide the humble trust in God and see the light Courage

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you can find pictures, a link to our video library,

copies of the Arise Newsletter and even Arise Radio!

Follow us on livestream to watch services live and

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