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Page 1: Arizona Homeowner | Debbie Frazelle

Top ChefBe Your Best Baker!

Butterfly WonderlandA Rainforest Experience

Hearty & SoothingStockyards Buffalo Meatloaf

Local Art & CultureTHE OPERA BOOM


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Lisa: 602.320.8415 Matt: 480.390.0445 Laura: 480.390.5044

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Synonymous with fine properties

If your home is currently listed, this is not a solicitation for that listing. Produced by Desert Lifestyle Publishing • 480.460.0996 • www.DesertLifestyle.net

Interested in a private one-on-one meeting to understand our current real estate market even more? Let us treat you to lunch and we’ll update you on today’s market, current home values, and what to expect for the remainder of 2014. Contact us to schedule our lunch - we look forward to hearing from you!

Any Realtor can LIST your home - count on The Luckys to SELL your home!Vol. 1 Issue 10

2014 North Scottsdale Map

Contact The Luckys today to receive our new 2014

MAP OF NORTH SCOTTSDALE. Includes a detailed Troon Village

map plus area hiking trails.













Desert Summit Troon VillagePinnacle Peak Country Club Troon Village

Troon Village DC RanchPinnacle Peak Country Club Estancia

The Rocks Troon NorthTroon North Troon Village

Page 2: Arizona Homeowner | Debbie Frazelle


LOCAL VENUEButterfly Wonderland - A Rainforest ExperienceScottsdale480.800.3000 | ButterflyWonderland.com

The Stockyards StockyardSteakhouse.com | 602.273.7378






With the weather cooling off and the feel of fall in the air now is the perfect time to bake up some homemade treats for you and your family. Think pumpkin pie, ginger spice cookies, and chocolate torte! Whether you’re in the market for a new high-end oven to complete your dream kitchen or you’re house hunting for a new abode that boasts the ideal appliances, here’s what to look for in today’s top ovens. In no time, you’ll be the best baker in your neighborhood. Thefirstdecisionisusuallywhethertochoosegasorelectric.Whilemanytopchefs prefer gas for a cooktop stove, allowing for better and instant heat control, this distinction is not as critical when choosing ovens. However, serious bakers should consider a convection oven, which uses fans to circulate hot air through-outthebakingspace.Thiscreatesthecrusty,caramelizedbreads,muffins,andpiesfoundinthefinestofbakeries.Notonlywillyourfoodshavethatfull-flavoredbrownedtaste,buttheywillalsobakefasterandmoreevenly.Nolongerwillyouhave to rotate your cookie sheets so each tray browns evenly. In a convection oven, cookies and other sweet treats will cook consistently no matter where they are placed within the oven. Onefinalbonus:Yousavealotoftimewithaconvectionoven.Asageneralrule, you can reduce the cooking time by 25 percent and lower the oven temperature by 25 degrees in a convection oven. Just remember to stay close by when getting accustomed to your particular oven, as you will need to gauge how long and how high your oven should be set. Many of today’s top ovens offer an automatic conversion option. Just input the temperature and cooking time of your recipe and the oven will automatically set to the appropriate convection settings. How’s that for foolproof baking?

If you’re looking for a professional look to complete your kitchen, Viking is the brand that most gourmets demand. Other high-end options include Wolf, Thermador, Bosch,Jenn-Air,andKitchenAid.Sowhynotwhip up an apple pie, berry crumble, or Halloween baked treat for the kids and get your house smelling likefall.Yourfamilywillthank you!

Stockyards Buffalo MeatloafIngredients:

1/4 c white onion (small dice)

1/4 c celery (small dice)

1/4 c carrot (small dice)

1 tbsp butter

1 lb ground buffalo

1/2 lb ground beef

1/2 c BBQ sauce

1 large egg (beaten)

3/4 c Panko

1 large clove garlic (minced)

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 dash Tabasco

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

3 strips bacon (raw)

The fall air ushers in a new season of the arts and world of opera is no exception. But if you’re thinking that opera is an old world relic favored by a few timeworn fanatics, think again. Some 125 opera companies currently perform in 43 states, in cities as var-ied as Phoenix, Houston, Los AngelesandSantaFe,ac-cordingtoOPERAAmerica.

Even more impressive is that more than half of these companies were established after 1970, and more than 40 percent were founded since 1980, suggesting a growing rather than waning interest. It may surprise you to know that some 2.3 million people went to the op-erain2013alone(source:statista.com).TheInternet is chock full of web sites catering to

operaloversbothyoungandold.Facebookpages and Twitter feeds abound. So if you haven’t given opera a chance, you may want to lend this 400-year-old art form and cultural experience an ear. Turns out, opera is alive andwellinAmerica. What is it about opera that people still love? Perhaps it’s the classics, such as La Boheme, TheMarriageofFigaro,Carmen,andMa-dameButterfly,whichseemtoenthrallandmystify audiences after so many centuries. They are still the most popular and most frequently performed operas, reaching new audiences with every production. But original operas are also being produced with some regularity. In fact, some 359 new operatic works have been produced since 2000. Some current themes of new operas include telling the stories of Jackie Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Harvey Milk. But most likely what makes

opera such a fascinating and unique art form is the ability of the performer to both sing and act to portray their character like no other wayimaginable.Nottomentiontheincred-ible set designs and costumes. The current opera trend? Live simulcast of opera performances from the Metropoli-tanOpera,NewYork’smostreveredoperahouse. The live performances are transmitted via satellite to select venues such as movie theaters throughout the country. While some expect this accessibility to gain new follow-ers, others fear even seasoned opera fans may skip heading out to the opera house altogether for this easier and far less costly experience. Perhaps only time will tell. Either way, fall is the perfect time to discover your local opera house (or look for listings from the Met’s simulcast) and enjoy this incredible art form. Bravo to you for trying something new!


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Set aside

1/4 cup of BBQ sauce. Sauté onion, celery,

and carrot in butter over medium heat until


bles to all of the other ingredients except


into a loaf and put into a loaf pan that has

been sprayed with non-stick spray. Make


the BBQ sauce on top of the loaf and

sprinkle with black pepper. Lay the bacon

strips lengthwise on top of the meatloaf.

Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven

for approximately 1 hour. Let rest for

5 to 10 minutes before removing from

the pan, then serve.


ButterflyWonderlandtakesflightasoneofthenewestattractions in the Valley with a highly innovative, indoor rainforestenvironmentfeaturingthelargestbutterfly pavilioninAmerica.You’llbewelcomedintoamagnificent,lush,rainforestenvironmentwherethousandsofbutterfliesfromaroundtheworldflyfreely,alighting onfragrantfloweringplantsand,quitepossibly,onafriendlyvisitor’sshoulderorfinger. Fluttering, flittering, flying Stroll inside this 10,000 square foot atrium and stand in wonderasthousandsofbutterfliesfromaroundtheworldenchant with their grace and beauty. This dramatic, glass-enclosed atrium shelters a breathtaking rainforest environment with lush tropical plants, trees, waterfalls andalargeKoipond.Amongthefavoritebutterfliesto seearetheiridescentbeautifulBlueMorphobutterflies fromtherainforestsofSouthAmericaandthedelicatelookingPaperKitebutterfly!

Fun fact: Thereareabout28,000speciesofbutterfliesintheworld.InNorthAmerica,thereareabout800differentkindsofbutterflies.Arizonaishometo334speciesofbutterflies,secondnexttoTexaswiththemostspecies.

Page 3: Arizona Homeowner | Debbie Frazelle


LOCAL VENUEButterfly Wonderland - A Rainforest ExperienceScottsdale480.800.3000 | ButterflyWonderland.com

The Stockyards StockyardSteakhouse.com | 602.273.7378






With the weather cooling off and the feel of fall in the air now is the perfect time to bake up some homemade treats for you and your family. Think pumpkin pie, ginger spice cookies, and chocolate torte! Whether you’re in the market for a new high-end oven to complete your dream kitchen or you’re house hunting for a new abode that boasts the ideal appliances, here’s what to look for in today’s top ovens. In no time, you’ll be the best baker in your neighborhood. Thefirstdecisionisusuallywhethertochoosegasorelectric.Whilemanytopchefs prefer gas for a cooktop stove, allowing for better and instant heat control, this distinction is not as critical when choosing ovens. However, serious bakers should consider a convection oven, which uses fans to circulate hot air through-outthebakingspace.Thiscreatesthecrusty,caramelizedbreads,muffins,andpiesfoundinthefinestofbakeries.Notonlywillyourfoodshavethatfull-flavoredbrownedtaste,buttheywillalsobakefasterandmoreevenly.Nolongerwillyouhave to rotate your cookie sheets so each tray browns evenly. In a convection oven, cookies and other sweet treats will cook consistently no matter where they are placed within the oven. Onefinalbonus:Yousavealotoftimewithaconvectionoven.Asageneralrule, you can reduce the cooking time by 25 percent and lower the oven temperature by 25 degrees in a convection oven. Just remember to stay close by when getting accustomed to your particular oven, as you will need to gauge how long and how high your oven should be set. Many of today’s top ovens offer an automatic conversion option. Just input the temperature and cooking time of your recipe and the oven will automatically set to the appropriate convection settings. How’s that for foolproof baking?

If you’re looking for a professional look to complete your kitchen, Viking is the brand that most gourmets demand. Other high-end options include Wolf, Thermador, Bosch,Jenn-Air,andKitchenAid.Sowhynotwhip up an apple pie, berry crumble, or Halloween baked treat for the kids and get your house smelling likefall.Yourfamilywillthank you!

Stockyards Buffalo MeatloafIngredients:

1/4 c white onion (small dice)

1/4 c celery (small dice)

1/4 c carrot (small dice)

1 tbsp butter

1 lb ground buffalo

1/2 lb ground beef

1/2 c BBQ sauce

1 large egg (beaten)

3/4 c Panko

1 large clove garlic (minced)

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 dash Tabasco

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

3 strips bacon (raw)

The fall air ushers in a new season of the arts and world of opera is no exception. But if you’re thinking that opera is an old world relic favored by a few timeworn fanatics, think again. Some 125 opera companies currently perform in 43 states, in cities as var-ied as Phoenix, Houston, Los AngelesandSantaFe,ac-cordingtoOPERAAmerica.

Even more impressive is that more than half of these companies were established after 1970, and more than 40 percent were founded since 1980, suggesting a growing rather than waning interest. It may surprise you to know that some 2.3 million people went to the op-erain2013alone(source:statista.com).TheInternet is chock full of web sites catering to

operaloversbothyoungandold.Facebookpages and Twitter feeds abound. So if you haven’t given opera a chance, you may want to lend this 400-year-old art form and cultural experience an ear. Turns out, opera is alive andwellinAmerica. What is it about opera that people still love? Perhaps it’s the classics, such as La Boheme, TheMarriageofFigaro,Carmen,andMa-dameButterfly,whichseemtoenthrallandmystify audiences after so many centuries. They are still the most popular and most frequently performed operas, reaching new audiences with every production. But original operas are also being produced with some regularity. In fact, some 359 new operatic works have been produced since 2000. Some current themes of new operas include telling the stories of Jackie Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Harvey Milk. But most likely what makes

opera such a fascinating and unique art form is the ability of the performer to both sing and act to portray their character like no other wayimaginable.Nottomentiontheincred-ible set designs and costumes. The current opera trend? Live simulcast of opera performances from the Metropoli-tanOpera,NewYork’smostreveredoperahouse. The live performances are transmitted via satellite to select venues such as movie theaters throughout the country. While some expect this accessibility to gain new follow-ers, others fear even seasoned opera fans may skip heading out to the opera house altogether for this easier and far less costly experience. Perhaps only time will tell. Either way, fall is the perfect time to discover your local opera house (or look for listings from the Met’s simulcast) and enjoy this incredible art form. Bravo to you for trying something new!


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Set aside

1/4 cup of BBQ sauce. Sauté onion, celery,

and carrot in butter over medium heat until


bles to all of the other ingredients except


into a loaf and put into a loaf pan that has

been sprayed with non-stick spray. Make


the BBQ sauce on top of the loaf and

sprinkle with black pepper. Lay the bacon

strips lengthwise on top of the meatloaf.

Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven

for approximately 1 hour. Let rest for

5 to 10 minutes before removing from

the pan, then serve.


ButterflyWonderlandtakesflightasoneofthenewestattractions in the Valley with a highly innovative, indoor rainforestenvironmentfeaturingthelargestbutterfly pavilioninAmerica.You’llbewelcomedintoamagnificent,lush,rainforestenvironmentwherethousandsofbutterfliesfromaroundtheworldflyfreely,alighting onfragrantfloweringplantsand,quitepossibly,onafriendlyvisitor’sshoulderorfinger. Fluttering, flittering, flying Stroll inside this 10,000 square foot atrium and stand in wonderasthousandsofbutterfliesfromaroundtheworldenchant with their grace and beauty. This dramatic, glass-enclosed atrium shelters a breathtaking rainforest environment with lush tropical plants, trees, waterfalls andalargeKoipond.Amongthefavoritebutterfliesto seearetheiridescentbeautifulBlueMorphobutterflies fromtherainforestsofSouthAmericaandthedelicatelookingPaperKitebutterfly!

Fun fact: Thereareabout28,000speciesofbutterfliesintheworld.InNorthAmerica,thereareabout800differentkindsofbutterflies.Arizonaishometo334speciesofbutterflies,secondnexttoTexaswiththemostspecies.

Page 4: Arizona Homeowner | Debbie Frazelle

If your home is currently listed, this is not a solicitation for that listing. Produced by Desert Lifestyle Publishing • 480.460.0996 • www.DesertLifestyle.net

Contact Debbie for the most effective marketing plan to sell your property.

With great experience in Arcadia, Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Scottsdale,

Cave Creek, and Carefree real estate as well as intimate local area

knowledge, I work extensively to help buyers and sellers meet their real

estate goals.

As a listing agent in Maricopa county, my extensive marketing plan gives a homeowner the opportunity to get

the maximum value for their property. For buyers, I help negotiate the best possible deal and search until I find

the perfect property. Nothing satisfies me more than seeing the smiles that come with a successful sale or the

purchase of a lifetime.

Debbie Frazelle | [email protected]

Coldwell Banker Residential BrokeragePreviews International Luxury Homes

Debbie Frazelle 602.399.8540 [email protected]


Your On-line Valley Real Estate Source


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