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Page 1: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation

e l e m e n t a l a n a l y s i s

Materials analysis without compromise

ARL QUANT’XEnergy-Dispersive XRF


Analyze • Detect • Measure • Control™

Aerosol Particulate Filters

RoHS and WEEE Applications

Forensics and Trace Analysis

Slags and Ores

Nutritional Supplements

Magnetic Media and Semiconductors

Page 2: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation

ARL QUANT’XThe peak of EDXRF performance

The ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive X-RayFluorescence Spectrometer from Thermo ElectronCorporation is a state-of-the-art elemental analyzerdesigned for the most challenging analytical tasksin laboratory and manufacturing environments. Itspower and flexibility are indispensable for manyelemental analysis applications. With the ARLQUANT’X, there is no reason to compromise onelemental range, analytical performance, sampletype, convenience or reliability.

Any analyst can finally take advantage of:

• Unparalleled sensitivity for trace analysis fromNa to U

• The highest measurement throughput forprocess control

• The most advanced analytical algorithms foratypical materials

• The greatest sample-handling flexibility

• Mechanical simplicity and reliability for alifetime of service

• Compact footprint and ease of transport for fieldmeasurements

• Rapid, easy installation and complete on-sitecustomization

And Thermo provides more than instrumentation:you get a complete laboratory package thatincludes proven hardware, all-inclusive software,on-site method development and technical supportall backed by a responsive world-wide serviceorganization armed with decades of expertise withhundreds of successful applications in X-rayfluorescence.




EDXRF Spectrom

eter30-second spectrum

ofprecious m

etal ore

Page 3: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation
Page 4: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation

Turn up the power Thanks to an on-board Pentium chip withexclusive Digital Pulse Processing (DPP)technology, the ARL QUANT’X can record X-rays many times faster than conventionalanalog circuitry still prevalent ininstrumentation. The best peak separationfor any analysis can be selected with onesimple software setting. Take fulladvantage of the close-coupled geometryand 50W air-cooled X-ray tube to completeeven the most complicated measurementsin a few minutes or less.

Robust and maintenance-freeAdvanced technology doesn’t have to becomplicated. In fact, with the Self-InstallationGuide, installing the ARL QUANT’X is as easyas setting up a personal computer. With onlyone moving part inside the sample chamberand no external hardware controls, thepossibility of mechanical problems is minimal.Careful attention to detail ensures that heatdissipation and air circulation are minimized,while replaceable filters on all vents protectthe instrument in dusty environments. A self-test and auto-tuning are some of the manydiagnostic tools intended to catch problemsbefore they affect the results.

High performance wherever it'sneededAdvanced technology doesn’t have to bebulky. The world’s only EDXRF system tobreak the 1 nanogram detection barrier can fiton any lab counter and is equally at home insteel plants, high-throughput environmentalmonitoring laboratories or demandingcleanroom environments where space andutilities are at a premium. The optionalintegrated laptop computer further reducesthe space requirements and makes theinstrument completely self-contained andtruly mobile.

Future-proof technologyWith ethernet technology on the inside and tothe outside, the ARL QUANT’X does notrequire proprietary and finicky interfaceboards or multiple serial cables. Ethernetcommunication ensures long-termcompatibility with ever-changing hardwareand software architecture.




EDXRF Spectrom


Exclusive Technology for the Digital Age

After 20+ years and 3 generations of technical innovation, the Peltier-cooled Si(Li) detector (PCD) at the heart ofthe ARL QUANT’X has yet to find its equal in performance or convenience. Only the Silicon Lithium-drifted [Si(Li)]crystal inside the PCD is sensitive to X-rays from every element across the periodic table, including high-energyphotons from elements such as Mo, Ag and Cd that slice through thinner crystals like a knife through butter. Theproven reliability of Peltier-cooling provides the energy resolution of conventional liquid nitrogen detectors withoutthe hassle of liquid nitrogen. With the ARL QUANT’X, you can keep your cool and focus on the analysis.

5-minute analysis of an

air filter from the U


Ti 5.6 ng/cm2Cr 6.1 ng/cm2Ni 1.9 ng/cm2Cu 15.0 ng/cm2Se 9.4 ng/cm2Br 24.0 ng/cm2Pb 37.6 ng/cm2

Page 5: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation

Sample-handlingAutomated 10- and 20-position sample traysare designed for industry standard powderand liquid cups, while the versatile single-sample stage is ideal for theoccasional sample that defies description.Specialized stages are also available for thehard disk and semiconductor industries.

Chamber extensionThe Chamber’X option extends the non-destructive benefits of EDXRF to even thelargest of samples. Blocks, boots or anysample up to 37 cm (14.6 in) high can beanalyzed whole.

Interchangeable LN detectorAlthough the PCD offers the optimal, no-compromises balance betweenperformance and convenience, the largerSi(Li) crystal in the optional liquid-nitrogencooled detector may provide highersensitivity for certain applications.

Sample spinnerRotating the sample during analysis mayhelp obtain a more representative result formaterials that are not perfectlyhomogeneous or uniform.

Beam collimatorsThe ability to control the X-ray spot sizefrom 15 mm down to 2 mm may facilitateanalysis of small samples or trace amounts.

Inert gas flush for liquid analysis(He, Ar, N2)The inert flush option is essential foranalysis of light elements in volatilesamples and simplifies the handling of air-sensitive materials.

Improve productivity with a wide range of performance and convenience options, which allow the ARLQUANT’X to analyze the most demanding or unusual samples. Modular instrument design allows any optionto be added easily at the customer's location.

Analyze without Compromise

Page 6: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation

IntuitiveSelect elements by clicking on a periodic table. Quickly buildcustomized methods using templates for many commonapplications. And let automatic current adjustment generate theoptimal excitation for any sample.

PowerfulThe comprehensive Fundamental Parameters algorithms for the ARLQUANT'X are the closest that practice ever came to theory. Theindustry's most powerful standardless and semi-standardlessanalysis, together with the ability to account for variablestoichiometry, unmeasured components and sample thickness, arejust some of the features that extend the analytical realm of EDXRF.

SecurePassword-protection in all critical areas of the software assures thesecurity of important data and methods. Operators are only allowedto specify sample names and positions.

FlexibleAccurate extraction of peak intensities from the spectra is a criticalstep for any quantitative analysis. Rely on automatic settings to get thejob done, or easily optimize them for the most difficult applications.

CustomizableSimplify and organize the operator desktop environment withshortcuts that take the user directly to key analytical tasks.




EDXRF Spectrom


Unlimited Performance and Ease of Use Combined

WinTrace software for the ARL QUANT’X opens the door to the limitless inherent flexibility of EDXRF,drawing on advanced algorithms and practices perfected through decades of research and fieldexperience. For applications from ambient air filters to complex geological materials, you can specifyany number of analytes, choose from seven analytical algorithms and use as many or as few calibrationstandards as necessary.

3-minute analysis of

plastic beads for RoHS


Cr 18 ppm Cu 22 ppm Zn 4 ppm Pb 23 ppm Br 200 ppm Cd 18 ppm Ba 400 ppm

Page 7: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation

The ARL QUANT’X is designed to analyze any material straight out of the box. However, manyapplications are best performed with optional components for maximum accuracy and productivity.In addition, any configuration can be further customized to match your exact needs.


Aerosol Particulate Filters 48+ elements 10-position sample tray Vacuum and Helium flush FP Thickness analysis module

with sample spinner

RoHS and WEEE Cr, Pb, Cd, Hg, Br 10-position sample tray Air Standard

Forensics Na-U Extended chamber with Vacuum and Helium flush Standard

single-sample holder

Steel Slags Mg-Fe 10-position sample tray Vacuum Standard

Magnetic Media Ti, Cr, Co, R-Theta stage for hard disks Air Magnetic Media Analyzer module

Ni, W, Ru

Semiconductors Ti, Ni, Cu, Ge, Y-Theta stage for wafers Air FP Thickness analysis module

Zr, Pd, Au, Pb

Nutritional Supplements Mg, Cr, Zn, Se 20-position sample tray Vacuum Standard

Coating Thickness Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Single-sample holder Air FP Thickness analysis module

Cu, Zn

Application-Specific Configurations

Page 8: ARL QUANT’X Energy-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer · 2021. 5. 4. · lifetime of service • Compact footprint and ease of transport for field measurements • Rapid, easy installation


ARL X'TRA powder diffractometer

ARL ADVANT'X sequential XRF series

ARL 9900 integrated XRF/XRD

BR41138_E 03/05C

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X-ray spectrometry is a common and very powerful technique for fast, non-destructive,quantitative analysis of major, minor and trace components in all types of materials,including solids, powders, aqueous or organic solutions, and layered structures. It hasnumerous applications in every industry: pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring,metals, cement, electronics, and mining, just to name a few.

Thermo Electron Corporation provides a full range of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction instrumentation(EDXRF, WDXRF, XRD, EDS, ESCA) that cover every aspect of X-ray spectrometry from routine to highly specializedresearch applications. From the versatile ARL QUANT’X to the ultra-precise ARL 9900, each instrument combinesleading-edge technology with a long history of quality, durability and exceptional analytical performance.

X-ray Elemental Analysis Capabilitiesfrom Thermo

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