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Page 1: Around CMTI 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / … · 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / TRAINING / PRESENTATION/ PARTICIPATION A Technical presentation was organized on ‘Development

Around CMTI

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c1 /


A Technical presentation wasorganizedon‘DevelopmentofMicroProductsfor Planetary Exploration’ by Dr. TC Ng, aHongkong Dentist along with Dr. PrabhatRanjan, Executive Director, TechnologyInformation, Forecasting and AssessmentCouncil (TIFAC),NewDelhi on 5thDecember2014 for Scientists and technical officers ofCMTI.

The presentation focused on thedesign and development aspects of ‘MicroProductsandMicroTools’usefulforPlanetaryExploration. He shared his experience indesignanddevelopmentofsuchtoolsandanintegrated system toexplore ‘LunarSurface’aspartof‘Chandrayaan-IIproject. Technical Presentation by Dr. T C Ng

“Development of Micro Products for Planetary Exploration” by Dr. T C Ng

ICEE-2014, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics, Bangalore

The2nd InternationalConferenceonEmergingElectronics(ICEE),heldattheNationalScienceSeminarComplex, JNTataAuditorium, Indian InstituteofScienceduringDecember4-6, 2014. CMTIwas the “Gold Sponsor” for the event. CMTI Scientists participated in theconferenceandshowcasedtheactivities.

Thethemeoftheconferencewas"FromMaterialsto Devices". The focus areas included: Advanced Logic& Memory devices; Flexible Electronics; Photovoltaic’sand Energy Systems; Nano-Biosensors; Photonics andPlasmonics;Nano-Electro-MechanicalDevicesandSystems;LowDimensional Semiconductors: Growth& Applications;CompoundSemiconductorDevices;SemiconductorProcessTechnologies; 3-D Systems and Packaging Technologies;ComputationalModelingattheNanoscale.

Page 2: Around CMTI 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / … · 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / TRAINING / PRESENTATION/ PARTICIPATION A Technical presentation was organized on ‘Development

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c2 /

Around CMTI

2nd“HandsonTrainingprogrammeonMetrology”wasorganisedduring17th –19thDecember,2014atCMTIjointlybyCMTIandMetrologySocietyofIndia-SouthernRegion(MSI-SR) along with NPL, NABL, STQC. Theprogrammewas sponsored byM/s. SushmaIndustries,Bangalore,M/s.WIKA,Bangalore,M/s.MitutoyoSouthAsiaPvt.Ltd.,Bangalore,M/s. Wensar Weighing Scales Limited,Bangalore,andM/s.FrancisKlein&CompanyPrivateLimited,Bangalore.

Themainobjectiveof theprogram is“ToImpartSkillandKnowledgeinCalibration/Testing for Creating Globally AcceptableQualityProduct&Services”.Theprogramme

Mr. Anil Relia, Director, NABL, Delhi and other guests Lighting Lamp

2nd “Hands on Training Programme on Metrology”, MSI-SR, Bangalore at CMTI

covered various arenas such asDimensionalCalibration,Mass, Volume, Torque; PressureCalibration, Force, Hardness, ElectroTechnical,andThermalCalibration.

The program covered Key notelectures,theoryandhandsontrainingontheaboveareas.

Thehandsontrainingprogrammewasinauguratedby lighting the lampbyMr.AnilRelia,Director,NABL,Delhiandotherguests

Mr. R Sadananda Murthy, GeneralSecretary,MSI-SRwelcomed the guests andtheparticipants.Headdressedthegatheringwithanoteonimportanceofmetrologyindaytodayactivityofthesociety.Headministeredthe pledge “Awake and Arise” for theparticipantsofthetrainingprogramme.

Mr.PVShashiKumar,VicePresident,MSI-SR, Former Director In-charge, CMTI,in his opening remarks informed about theMSI-SR role and its efforts in bringing theawarenessofmetrology.

Dr.KPChaudhary,GeneralSecretary,MSI-HQ,ChiefScientist&HeadDimensionalStandardNPLI,explainedabouttheroleofNMI(NPLI) and MSI-HQ in imparting knowledgeto theMetrologyCommunity,Disseminationof SI Units measurement, measurementtraceability & calibration facilities availableatNPLI.Mrs.VeenaSKamath,Director,ETDC,Bangalore,gaveatalkontheroleofSTQCin

Guest and participants in the Inauguration Function

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Around CMTI

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c3 /


2. Quality aspects in Industries by B.S.Kotresh,BEL,Bangalore&JohneyThomas,HAL,Bangalore.

About 250 participants from variousTesting/calibration laboratories andindustriesacross the countryparticipated inthe program. The panel members includedMr. K. P. Choudhary, Mr. P V Shashi Kumar,Mr. R Sadananda Murthy, Mr. S. R.Vijaya Kumar, Mr. S. Satish Kumar andMr. Balashanmugam. The program had apanel discussion and the panel membersaddressed the questions raised by theparticipants.

The 125th Governing Council meeting of the CMTI was held on 23rd January 2015 at BangaloreInternationalExhibitionCentre,TumkurRoad,Bangalore,UndertheChairmanshipofShri.JNGodrej,President,CMTIGoverningCouncil.Theprogressesofthevariouson-goingPlan/R&DProjectsoftheInstituteandpolicymattersoftheInstitutewerediscussed.


developmentofMetrology in IndiaandalsothecalibrationfacilitiesatETDC.

Mr. S Satish Kumar, DirectorIn-charge,CMTI,briefedtheroleofCMTIfordevelopment ofMetrology in India and thecalibrationfacilitiesatCMTI.

Mr. Anil Relia, Director, NABLaddressed the gathering & stated theimportance of technical personal of thelaboratoryinproducingvalidcalibration/testresultsandalsoaboutmisuseofcertification.


1. Importance of Legal Metrology Act –2009 by A. K. Roy, Deputy Director,

A. K. Roy, Deputy Director, Legal Metrology, Bangalore

B.S. Kotresh, BEL Bangalore


Key Note Lectures by Experts

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Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c4 /

Around CMTI

Professor P Radhakrishnan, interacting with Smt. S Usha, Joint Director & others at CMTI Stall


CMTIparticipatedinIMTEX2015,the17thIndianMetalCuttingMachineToolExhibitionand the concurrent Tooltech 2015 held at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC),Bangalore,during22-28Jan2015. CMTIshowcasedhightechnologyproducts such as Parallel KinematicsMachine (PKM), Nano Precision Aero-static Spindle, Magnetic AbrasiveFinishingTool;Micro-Stereolithography(MSL), Nano Positioning System,Automated Vision based InspectionSystem,HydraulicForceexciter,SpindleTest Rig along with relevant anddetailed technical posters, brochures& catalogues on CMTI activities andservices,whichistheoutcomeofyearsofR&Defforts.

• Visitors, Dignitaries, GC members at CMTI Stall

CMTIGoverningCouncil(GC)members,industrypartners,seniorofficialsfromindustriesand academia have visited the stall and appreciated the R&D works carried out by CMTI.

Shri. J N Godrej, President, CMTI Governing Council at CMTI Stall with Shri. S Satish Kumar Director In-chargeShri. N Balashanmugam & Smt. S Usha, Joint Directors, CMTI

CMTI stall at IMTEX - 2015

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Around CMTI

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c5 /

Shri. S G Shirgurkar, Member, GC, CMTI, interacting with Smt. S Usha and Shri. N Balashanmugam, Joint Directors, CMTI

Dr. B Ravi , Vice President CMTI Governing Council with Shri. S Satish Kumar, Director In-charge

& Shri. PrakashVinod, In-Charge-NMTC

Shri. P J Mohanram, Senior Advisor-IMTMA with Smt. S Usha, Joint Director

Shri. Koteshwar Rao, Member, GC, CMTI with Shri. S Satish Kumar, Director In-charge &

Shri. N Balashanmugam, Joint Director, CMTI

Shri. V Sumantran, Member, CMTI GC interacting with Smt. S Usha, Joint Director, CMTI

There was overwhelming response for CMTI products and services from industries.More than200enquirieswere receivedonCMTIproducts and servicesandefforts areon torealizethesametoorders.

Page 6: Around CMTI 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / … · 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / TRAINING / PRESENTATION/ PARTICIPATION A Technical presentation was organized on ‘Development

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c6 /

Around CMTI


This test rig is used for studying hemachine tool spindle behaviour under staticanddynamicloadconditionswithautomatedrun in procedure & logging of critical datacapable of capturing & maintaining testhistoryofspindle

Spindle Test Rig


Sūkshm 3D is a revolutionary microfabricationsystemforbuilding3Dultrafinesolidsbymeansofspatiallightmodulationtechniqueinashorttime.ThisprovidesawonderfulopportunitytoProductDesigners,Scientists,IndustrialistsandStudentstodesignanddeveloptheirmicrodevices,make new material combination, prototypes forjewelrydesignandMEMSdevicesetc.

Micro-Stereo Lithography (MSL)

• CMTI Products Displayed at IMTEX-2015


Parallel KinematicsMachine is developedby CMTI under research license agreementwith M/s Exechon, Sweden finds application inautomobile&aerospacesectors..Thistechnologyoffersflexibilityofarobotandrigidityofamachinetool. Flexibility in manufacturing a complexcomponent is achieved by spherical reach of thetool. Set up time is reduced as the requirementfor fixturing and jobhandling is reduced therebyincreasingtheproductivity.

Parallel Kinematics Machine


The exciter is used for ExperimentalModal analysis of Machine tools and structuresby simulating the actual Machining / loadingconditions. The main advantages includeSimulation of cutting forces, Relative excitationbetween tool andwork piece, Compact and lessweight, Combination of variable frequency andload, Good coherence, required for frequencyresponsefunctionandmodalanalysis&Radialandaxialexcitation.

Hydraulic Force Exciter

Mounted on Vertical Milling Machine for

Modal Analysis

Page 7: Around CMTI 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / … · 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / TRAINING / PRESENTATION/ PARTICIPATION A Technical presentation was organized on ‘Development

Around CMTI

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c7 /


AAKAAR3D–isafringeprojectionbased3Dscanner system for industrial applications witha scanning speed of about 5 seconds comparedto contact measurements. The deformationsin shape of the projected patterns are capturedas 3D point cloud data and analyzed. This datais compared with its CAD data to report thedeviations or a 2D section can be extracted toperformmeasurements.



AnAerostaticBearingSpindlewithnanometricaccuracythat findsapplication inUltraprecisionmachines like single point diamond turning(SPDT), ultra precision turning, ultra precisionmilling & micro-milling, ultra precision grindingandmetrology(formtesters).



This is a multi-axis nanopositioning systemwith nanometric resolution for nanometrologyandnanofabricationapplications.NPS-100iswellsuited to applicationswhere precise positioningis required like Scanning probe microscope,optical Microscopes nanolithography, ElectronMicroscopesandNanoindenter.

Nano Positioning System


MagnosurfusesMAFtechnologyusingdifferentmagnetic abrasives for nano-finishing of complex3Dshapecomponentsandcanbecustomizedforintegrationwithmachinetoolsandrobots.

Magnosurf B 100

Page 8: Around CMTI 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / … · 1. TECHNICAL SEMINAR / CONFERENCE / TRAINING / PRESENTATION/ PARTICIPATION A Technical presentation was organized on ‘Development

Manufacturing Technology Today, February 2015 / c8 /

Around CMTI


Shri. Gangaiah, Sr. Driver Gr. II, Superannuated from the services of CMTI in November 2014, after 35 years of service from Transport division of Administration department.

Smt. Sunanda, Office Superintendent Gr. III, Superannuated from the services of CMTI in December 2014, after 35 years of service from Product Assembly and Testing (PAT) department. She has served in various departments in different capacities such as Administration, Accounts, TIS and PMD.

Smt. Ramanidevi B, Office Superintendent Gr. III, Superannuated from the services of CMTI in January 2015, after 36 years of service from Administration department. She has served in various departments in different capacities such as Administration, TIS.

Shri. Nalvade MS, Sr. Chargeman, Superannuated from the services of CMTI in January 2015, after 39 years of service from Product Assembly and Testing (PAT) department. He has served in various capacities in RTE department.

Shri. Rajkumar PV, Office Superintendent Gr. III, Superannuated from the services of CMTI in January 2015, after 33 years of service from Purchase and Stores department. He has served in various departments in different capacities such as workshop.

Shri. Venkatesh YS, Assistant Administrative Officer (SG), Superannuated from the services of CMTI in January 2015, after 33 years of service from Accounts department.

Shri. Jagannath BS, Assistant Administrative Officer (SG), Superannuated from the services of CMTI in January 2015, after 32 years of service from Administration department. He has served in various departments in different capacities such as Accounts, CPC department.

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