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Page 1: Around Williamstown 6

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Clean up Australia DayOver 600 recyclable bottles and cans, 486 straws, 310 plastic drink bottle lids, 32 six pack holders and 60 large bags of litter and over 50 Hard working enthusiastic volunteers- thats what you get on Clean Up Australia Day with people giving up there Sunday morning (and well into the afternoon) to help clean up Wader Beach (alongside the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary) in Williamstown, Victoria!

AMCS volunteers joined local groups Beach patrol, Scab duty, Parks Victoria, and Friends of Jawbone marine Sanctuary to clean up a beach in need.

Of course that was not all that was collected… cigarette lights, thongs, single use plastic bags, tyres and nurdles

(tiny plastic balls that are used by industry to make plastics, - in other words plastics in their raw form) - and that’s not even half of it!

It is very unlikely that it all got there by beach goers as it is closed off to the public, instead brought there by currents from river systems fl owing out into port Phillip a more likely a more likely scenario.

It was great seeing so many passionate and enthusiastic faces, and so many brought friends, mums, dads and other family members. Some drove from afar and some locals. Some do it every week, and some when they can. Some fi rst timers, and some repeats. This day highlights the extent of the problems of litter, but also how groups

continue on page 22


Page 2: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 62

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper, ABN 54 145 436 804.Postal Address: P.O. BOX 389 Williamstown 3016, Stories: [email protected] Advertising: 0435 166 576 or [email protected], 0470 117 889 or [email protected]

Rambling with the EditorThis month we have several important themes in the paper:ANZAC Day - Commemorating the Centenary of Gallipoli, 25th April 1915Each of the 331,781 men serving abroad during World War I, was a volunteer. From Gallipoli onwards, the Australian troops were at the forefront of British armies in which they served. They paid a high price: At Gallipoli, the total number of Australian killed was 8,709, an estimated total of 664 offi cers and 17,260 men were wounded and 70 Australians were captured (Source: Australian War Memorial). In total, 59,258 were killed, 166,815 suffered wounds; 4,084 became prisoners of war. (Source: 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment Association Website) The total casualties suffered by the British Empire during the WWI amounted to 35.8 per cent of the forces mobilised for war service. Australian casualties reached 68.5 per cent of our armed forces, one of the highest percentages of any nation engaged in that war.

I wonder how many of you have been to the dawn service. I’ve only been to the dawn service once. A friend made the best Anzac biscuits and her partner was serving the in army. It was a moving service. In memory of all the courageous Australian troops, we paid respect to them and for the lost soldiers, we honoured and refl ected on the impact of wars and peacemaking operations. We had a one-minute silence and then a few songs were sung in remembrance of them. They laid down their lives for their brothers and for us. We went early: it was recommended that visitors assemble on the Shrine Forecourt between 4am - 5am. That morning the city was waking up in the midst of the morning dew. It was so pretty. Food stalls were already up selling hot food in the early of the morning. There was marching afterwards in the city by thousands of veterans, their descendants and

current serving personnel. Easter SundayEaster is not just about the Easter egg hunting or the chocolate bunnies. If you are looking for a deeper meaning of Easter, please take a look at what Fr Kyril has to say in his article on Page 18. Ever ponder what is so special about Easter, which is so important and meaningful for Christians around the world. Check the article out.Gossip corner We are going to start a new section and we would like you to take part! Submit your little piece in less than 50 words about someone that you know, that you think has done something good in the community, or someone who deserves a mention. It could be a friend, your boss, someone that you are grateful to, a teacher that you like, the best pizza in town, a great book that you fi nished reading this month, the oldest resident in town, a new cafe, or even a funny little story in Williamstown that you would like to share. The best few pieces of writings will be published. I look forward to hearing some gossip this month. Please free to email me at [email protected] but not the least, I would like to thank all of you who have been so supportive to the paper, from our sponsors, advertisers, our volunteer writers and proof readers, graphic designers, fi nance, sales team, the printer, delivery people, to our faithful readers, businesses and community organisations, and particularly Hobsons Bay City Council for all the support.Have a great month everyone!

CheersJasmine Hill

Page 3: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 3

If you are walking past Williamstown Library you can see a portrait in the window of one of the twelve participants of ‘Behind This Smile’, a Community Art Project developed by Hobson’s Bay City Council. Launched as part of ‘Cultural Diversity Week’ on Saturday March 14, the project includes portraits and stories from local residents from diverse backgrounds.As part of a larger campaign, ‘Racism. It Stops With Me’, the project starts a kind of collective conversation and ‘aims to challenge cultural stereotypes and promote positive attitudes towards cultural diversity’.

I spoke with the artist Wendy Murray who collaborated with the participants in a series of workshops, developing the theme ‘Behind the Smile’, in response to their stories.

How did the title ‘Behind This Smile’ evolve?

‘I established that after the fi rst workshop that it had to have a really positive aspect and the concept, ‘Behind This Smile’ came from one of the participants. ‘George’ shared an incredible story about how he responded to a situation of racism, that he responded with a smile which I thought was just incredibly powerful because it represents strength and dignity and...that formed the premise

of the project and that then that allowed me to then explore through the conversations and it gave up a real anchor point. So, what’s behind your smile? You smile but how are you really feeling? ‘Behind This Smile’ has a really positive connotation, so that’s the genesis of that idea.

I got the impression at the launch that this project empowered the participants involved

Sure, look it was an amazing process to go through that with them and the highs and lows. From the feedback in the workshops it was a real journey and there were moments when some participants felt...how could it make a difference? What are we doing this for? But I certainly believe that even one person can make a difference, if that just changes one person’s attitude then it’s great, it’s a good start.’

To start your own conversation you can pick up a postcard featuring one of the ‘Behind This Smile’ participants stories and write your own response to the project or go on instagram at #behindthissmile. The artwork will be on display until June at libraries in Hobson’s Bay and at the Laverton Community Hub.

Sally O’Donnell

‘Behind This Smile’-a Community Art Project at Williamstown Library

Page 4: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 64

The Williamstown Writers’ group formed in the 1980s and some founding members are still active participants. We have member of all ages; some are experienced writers and some beginners. We publish an anthology of members’ work approximately every two years and these anthologies have won the annual FAW Community Writers Award several times.

The meetings generally begin with a short period when members tell the group about any of their work that has been published or accepted for publication in the past month, and information on upcoming events and opportunities is shared. However, the meetings mainly focus on workshopping: members read out a current item of work or a piece developed from our optional ‘homework’ topics and are critiqued in a friendly environment.

If there is time after these readings, a short writing exercise will be set and completed, then each member reads out his or her piece to the group. As usually

happens with groups, some members are more willing than others to give constructive criticism, but nevertheless we learn a lot from listening to and discussing each other’s work.

There is no restriction on the type of writing (fi ction, non-fi ction, short stories, novels, poetry) or on genre (crime, science fi ction, romance, etc.).

Meetings take place on the fi rst Tuesday of every month (except January) at 8 p.m. at 16 Bruce Street, Newport, and attendees are asked to pay $2 per person per meeting. The meetings are quite relaxed and there is no stigma applied to members who do not submit work at meetings. Their attendance, as well as their comments,

analysis and constructive criticism of other members’ work, are appreciated.

Email [email protected] if you are interested in joining the group.

The Williamstown Writers

Some of the books published by the Williamstown Writers

Page 5: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 5

Musical duo the Pierce Brothers have just announced their Winter is Coming Tour and will begin touring in April and May before leaving for Europe this year.

The brothers will be playing at various venues throughout Australia including Traralgon and Melbourne CBD.

After recently signing a recording contract with Warner, they have developed quite a following throughout Europe and Australia.

Starting their musical journey busking in Melbourne Streets, they are well known for their energetic performances and unique Australian folk sound.

The brothers who are also twins, performed recently at the Sounds of Summer Festival in Williamstown. Their

music is interesting and catchy and as musicians they are clearly very talented, playing a variety of instruments at any one time, such as the didgeridoo, drums, harmonica and guitars.

Although the Pierce Brothers may now fi nd that their career goes from strength to strength , they have described busking as being close to their hearts. As they explained in a recent interview for Beat Magazine: “We are just doing our own thing, for enjoyment and never push to sell cd’s or make money.”

For more information and tour dates visit www.piercebrothers.com.au

Colette Rhodes

Did your Granny and Grandpa play tennis in the 1930s at Liston Club in Nelson Place?

We are trying to put names to faces in this photo. Please contact the Williamstown Historical Society on 9397

1534 if you recognize anyone or call at the Museum at 5 Electra Street to view the full-size photo.

The Museum opening hours are 2-5pm on 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month.

National Tour for the Pierce Brothers

Liston Tennis Club, Williamstown in the 1930s

Page 6: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 66

Although it was a bit overcast and cool, quite a few people turned up for the monthly Newport Fruit and Vegie Swap held on Sunday 15 March. There was produce, snap-fresh from the garden, displayed on the tables: fragrant herbs, crispy celery and rhubarb, heritage tomatoes. But I was surprised to see other things – like an assortment of empty jam jars, seeds, gardening mags, pot plants and recipes. I even noticed a jar of smooth river pebbles.

The swap meet has been going for four years and is an initiative of Transition Hobsons Bay (THB), a community group ‘working to inspire a strong and healthy future for our neighbourhoods in the face of climate change and the end of cheap oil’.

Wendy Clarke, a member of TBA, insists that the swap meet basically runs itself. “People come along and bring their excess. This is what happens when you are growing edibles – there is often a surplus as things frequently ripen at the same time,” she says. “No money changes hands, people just take what they need and leave some for others.”

Although I hadn’t taken anything to swap, I was generously given some silver beet seeds that had been grown locally for 30 years and some lovely fresh rhubarb.

If you are a keen gardener, and have a surplus of fruit or vegies (c’mon: just how many lemons do you need for your gin and tonics?) then this is the place to go to swap them for food, seedlings or even compost material. But not only will you be coming away with an armful of glorious locally grown fruit and veg, you will also take part in an exchange of information with your fellow gardeners and most importantly, according to Wendy, “you will be helping to build the community and make new friends.”

Newport Fruit & Vegie Swap is held on the third Sunday of every month, 10.30 am to 11.30 am at Newport Lakes, Mason Street entrance.

For more information go to “Newport fruit and vegie swap” Facebook page.

Ann Banham

Swapping Fruit and Vegies Helps Builds A Healthy Neighbourhood

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 7

Ever wondered what it would be like to see your work on the big screen? Or if you were on the big screen? For the third year in a row, The Newport Youth Film Festival will feature in the annual Newport Folk and Fiddle Festival.

This event beckons the involvement of all youth aged 12-24 passionate about fi lm. Those budding directors, funny home-video compilations, actors in the making, this is your chance to shine.

We want it all. We want your best. We want you.

Whatever your fi lm reel holds, we want to see it!

As a group of young media enthusiasts ourselves, we want to open the door to a world of opportunity, to expose and appreciate the talents of youth in the community. There is no better way to showcase your amazing fi lm skills than at a community supported event.

Exposure is everything in the media realm, do not let this opportunity slip through your fi ngers. Our primary aim is to engage youth and support their dreams, let us help you and you may just become the next Alfred Hitchcock.

There will be special guest judges, an audience of course, and prizes to entice those creative fi lm reels of yours, into submitting your masterpieces.

The event will be held in early July, giving all entrants a good two months to prepare a piece for submission. Spread the word, tell your children, grandchildren, friends, colleagues and especially those fi lm fanatics; and be sure to stop by our Facebook (Newport Youth Film Festival Australia) page and join us for this years fi lm roller-coaster.

What are you waiting for, get rolling.

Jade Peace

The Return of The Newport Youth Filim Festival (NYFF)

Page 8: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 68

In a world absolutely obsessed with self-image, the health and beauty industry is thriving, but with so many options and so much confl icting information about what we need, to look and feel good, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. Altona locals, Joanna Glazebrook and Gilda Incigneri are keen to simplify things, with their 100% natural skin care range, The Raw Philosophy.

With Joanna’s vast experience in the beauty industry and Gilda’s natural aptitude for business and marketing, their partnership is thriving. A strong work ethic and a willingness to invest in their dreams, has seen these young women take their products far and wide, with one

humble goal in mind, “to help people feel good about themselves!”

Joanna, having dealt with skin issues as a teen, had always been fascinated by skin; “Being in the beauty industry for my whole working career . . . I have used so many different brands and often been disappointed. Making my own skin care range has always been a dream of mine, so I fi nally put it into practice!” After a year of experiments with recipes and formulas, the Coconut & Lime Sugar Scrub was born, and with it, The Raw Philosophy.

The company’s mission statement is a basic one: 100% Pure, Safe and Honest. The women know exactly what goes into most of the products in the marketplace today and it frightens them, “Our philosophy is simple... why would we apply chemicals to our skin that we wouldn’t feel right about ingesting?”

Their range of products has expanded considerably, with body whips, lip butters and the fabulous Miracle Oil all made, free from synthetic preservatives and chemicals that cause harm & toxicity in the body.

Hoping to share the knowledge they have, and to create an easy and affordable way for people to employ a quality skin care regime, Joanna and Gilda are working towards one day opening up their own store. Until then their full range is available through their website, http://www.therawphilosophy.com. Melissa Longo

Keeping It RealTeens Corner

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 9

April 2015 is a signifi cant month in Australia’s history. It marks 100 years since the ANZACs landed at Gallipoli. Of the 1800 Williamstown men who enlisted during the First World War, 265 bravely gave their lives. One of the very special events going on in Hobsons Bay to mark this anniversary is the commencement of an interpretive project called Sons of Williamstown – A Labour of Love.

Behind the honour board that hangs in the foyer of the Williamstown Town Hall lies a compelling story of one man’s quest to collect photographs of the 265 men who served their country, never to return.

For former Williamstown Councillor Bill Henderson, knocking on doors and interviewing the families at the time, was, in his own words, ‘a labour of love’. Not that it was easy. He saw around him the parents of many who had been lost, and he found it no pleasant task to fi nd out the details of their son’s sacrifi ces.

The photos he collected were put behind glass at the Williamstown Town Hall in a cabinet beautifully crafted from Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon). It formed an important memorial.

You will be able to fi nd out more about this project at Sons of Williamstown – Behind the Faces, a work in progress at the Williamstown Town Hall on Sunday 19 April between 1.30pm to 2.30pm. On display are includes the photos, as well as some of the stories behind the faces – stories of service, mateship, sacrifi ce and humanity. We are working with the Department of Veterans Affairs on this conservation and interpretation project for the Anzac Centenary.

Why not combine this trip back into our history with a trip into people’s houses? Open House Williamstown, raising money for the Cancer Council Victoria, takes place on the same day and allows you to visit houses in walking distance of the Williamstown Town Hall. Tickets for Open House Williamstown are $35 or $40 on the day. More details can be found at www.ticketebo.com.au/openhousewilliamstown

Both events are part of the annual Art in Public Places event in Hobsons Bay this April. Other highlights include The Crossing, a night of experimental fi lm

projects created in collaboration with Williamstown High School kids, plus, Busk a Move is back this year with musicians from all ages, all styles and all backgrounds taking to the streets of Williamstown on 18 and 19 April. More information on the more than 40 events and 150 artists can be found here: www.artinpublicplaces.com.au

In other news, the fi nal design has been developed for Jack Madigan Reserve in Newport. We received some great feedback from the consultation period that concluded in February. A number of comments have been taken on board and you can view the fi nal concept plan on our website.

A truck ban along Station Road, Williamstown will come into effect in May 2015. Council will be fi nalising the road works during April in preparation for the ban. Signs advising of alternative routes along with electronic information boards will be placed at the Station Road and Melbourne Road intersection in the weeks leading up to the truck ban.

Some vehicles are exempted from the ban, such as garbage trucks, school delivery trucks and construction vehicles for the Bristol Hotel development (due to start in April). For any enquiries about the upcoming truck ban please contact Council on 9932 1000.

Drainage works are underway down Laurie Street in Newport and should fi nish around mid-April. We’re providing new drainage along approximately 100 metres of road north of the Wood Street intersection to alleviate fl ooding in this area.

We’re also working in partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to construct a 145 metre rock revetment wall along the Hatt Reserve foreshore, Williamstown (from Giffard Street towards Cole Street). The project is expected to begin around June and it should take 12 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Lastly, as we said last month you should have received the fi rst edition of the Hobsons Bay Community News. If you live in Hobsons Bay and haven’t received a copy, give us a call on 9932 1000.

Message from the Strand Ward Councillors

Cr Angela Altair - 0419 762 267 [email protected]

Deputy Mayor Cr Paul Morgan - 0488 828 880 or [email protected]

Cr Peter Hemphill - 0419 762 266 or [email protected]

Page 10: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 610

As a self-confessed foodie, I tend to make it my business to eat in as many restaurants as possible. Williamstown is a real hot spot when it comes to dining out, and my mission to eat my way through town is resulting in some very lovely meals indeed.

My most recent culinary adventure was at a brilliant little Tapas place called El Burro. Tapas has always been one of my favourite things to eat, because I tend to have diffi culty committing to just one choice on the menu. Tapas allows me to choose pretty much everything, without the guilt of over-indulgence.

With an instantly warm and inviting feel, the décor in El Burro was authentically Spanish, without the need for kitsch. The friendly waiters were attentive and accommodating, coordinating with the chef to design a veggie-friendly banquet for the large party of vegetarians I was dining with. My meat-eating ways were going to have to take a back seat for the evening, but I may have snuck in some chicken, when no one was watching.

With plate upon plate of delectable morsels being trotted out intermittently, my appetite was more than satisfi ed with the variety of options. Arancini, quesadillas and the patatas bravas were all bursting

with fl avour. The corn on the cob demanded to be enjoyed and the paella was no worse off for its lack of chorizo. I very much look forward to heading back with some carnivores!

El Burro is located at 209 Little Nelson Place. Book before going, because this clearly popular eatery fi lls up fast. Check out the menu at http://www.elburrotapas.com.au. Melissa Longo

El Burro

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 11

Passionate people who realize their dreams turn their communities into very special places, one such couple, Mark and Laura Deunk, due to their passion of swimming, turned an old factory in Roberts Street into a swim centre, in 2007. The Yarraville Swim Centre is so much more than its name implies, the only privately owned pool open to the public, it is also the only pool to offer surfi ng and marine biology lessons, and water polo is also in the mix. The pool is home to one of the smallest swim clubs in Victoria, (12 members – all under 11), yet there are two state champions and a Junior Lifesaver of the Year amongst them. This swim club is “David” from the David and Goliath story. At the recent Junior Titles in Melbourne, Yarraville Swim Club fi elded 10 swimmers, with a haul of 20 medals (nine of them gold), compared to “Goliath”, one of the largest swim clubs who fi elded 23 swimmers, with a result two bronze and one silver medal.

It was only recently that Mark and Laura bought the pool, and as they try to do with many aspects of the business, Mark asked a local graffi ti artist to paint the building. The result is an eye-catching, colourful display of sea creatures that form the words Swim Centre.

Mark has said “We don’t just want kids to learn swim, we want them to learn to love to swim”. He believes kids learn quicker and become stronger swimmers by spending recreational time in the pool, therefore, the swim centre gives free entry to all its kids enrolled in swim classes, including mothers and babies. These free times (before 4 on weekdays and after 12 on weekends), have vindicated Marks belief - kids that did well at the Junior titles are those that take advantage of the free recreational time. It could be that future Olympic champions will hail from Yarraville, and it could be in any stroke, as the kids at Yarraville are taught all four strokes from the very beginning.

Dawn Fraser was a kid from the western suburbs of Sydney; our next “Dawn Fraser” may just well be a kid from the western suburbs of Melbourne.

Jenny Bates

It’s More Than a Pool

Page 12: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 612

In mid January, my wife and I embarked on an adventure to the Antarctic Peninsula. After quite a deal of research, we decided that the best trip for us was one that started at Ushuaia, at the bottom of Argentina, and took us to our destination via the Falkland Islands and South Georgia Islands. It is not the most direct route, but it does take in some spectacular scenery, wildlife - and plenty of water!Our ship was the M.V. Hanseatic, a passenger ship with the highest ice class, and one that could accommodate about 180 passengers. A “small” ship has the advantages of being able to get closer to land and enable all of the passengers to go ashore on remote locations via Zodiacs.

After a day at sea our fi rst port of call was the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas); an archipelago of two main islands with 338 smaller islands, located 483km from the coast of Argentina. The Falkland Islands has about 3000 permanent residents, 500,000 sheep and an average annual temperature of 5.6c - so it can get a bit chilly at times! Sheep farming and tourism are the major industries.

Our fi rst landing was at New Island where we observed a colony of nesting Rock Hopper Penguins and Black Browed Albatross. It was a truly spectacular sight, thousands of penguins “hopping” up and down steep, windswept cliff faces. Wisely the penguin chicks did not move far from their nests and waited patiently for mum or dad to bring

them some food. The albatross, with their chicks, nested calmly amongst the penguins. In fl ight, these birds with 2-3 metre wingspans were a truly spectacular sight.

In the afternoon the Hanseatic sailed on to Carcass Island. Many of us disembarked for a hike across the island to McGill’s Settlement. The hike was not too demanding and we were able to walk across the paddocks and hills of this very remote settlement - not so easy once winter sets in.

Six people live at McGill’s settlement and only three on New Island. It is a long boat ride to visit your neighbours and an even longer trip to the bright lights of Stanley.

Overnight the Hanseatic sailed on to Stanley, the capital town of the Falkland Islands. It is a somewhat unusual feeling that you have on arrival – an English village in the middle of the

South Atlantic Ocean! And an English village it is, with quaint little streets and houses, pubs with warm beer, fi sh and chips, an old English Post Offi ce, a Government House – and English accents everywhere!

The Falkland Islands do not belong to the sub Antarctic region, but form a spectacular start point for the trip ahead. Our next port of call was the South Georgia Islands, two days sailing away.

John Dickenson


The Falklands pier at Stanley

Rock Hopper Penguins and Black Browed Albatross at New Island

Ushuaia – our departure point for the journey

Page 13: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 13

The dogs of Williamstown are a lucky bunch. They have the best playground with acres of grass to run on, plenty of trees to sniff and, even better, a beach and a shallow rock pool to splash around in.

The playground is actually the Cyril Curtain reserve. This is an area of foreshore, between Williamstown football ground and the main beach, and which is a designated off-leash area for dogs.

According to uni student Matt, the area is a “hidden gem”. He takes his two-and-a-half year old labrador, Tilly, there every day so she can run and swim and use up some of her puppy energy. “A busy time is between 6.45 and 7.30 am when people bring there dogs here for a walk before they leave for work – and then there are people like me who come down a bit later.

“I was worried when I fi rst brought Tilly down here that she was too rough and boisterous,” said Matt. “But the other dog owners said don’t worry – let her

jump up and play”.

Another dog owner, Sue, was enjoying the early Autumn sunshine with her two adorable small dogs, Bonny and Buddy.

“Some people come here every day,” she said. “The dogs make friends and their owners also make friends with each other. “

So, who is Cyril Curtain? A Google search revealed that Cyril is a son of Williamstown, being born here in 1928 and has been involved in community activities for over 67 years. “His concerns for foreshore planning and conservation were recognised by the naming of the section of the foreshore park opposite his residence as The Cyril Curtain Reserve.”

I say three cheers and three barks and three wags of the tail for Cyril Curtain; the dogs of Williamstown certainly love you.

Ann Banham

The Cyril Curtain Reserve: a hidden gem for dogs

Page 14: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 614

“After many years of my kids nagging me to get a computer, I fi nally succumbed to buying one. Now I don’t know what to do with it, so I called you”. These are the words I heard from a client. They had fi nally bought one because a friend overseas wanted to stay in touch via email. At 82 this was no mean feat, but I have visited many clients that were in their 40s and 50s who didn’t know why they needed a computer. As this is a rather large topic I will cover it over a few articles.

One of the most popular uses for computers these days is internet and email. Once you start communicating electronically, you wonder how you managed before. Then once you have mastered email, there is skype, instant messaging, blogging or Facebooking (more on those next week).

The information age is upon us. For those without a computer, I would suggest this is the most pertinent reason to own a computer.

Of course most things you can do without a computer. Say you needed a recipe for Pavlova. You could get a

recipe book. This could mean a trip to the book store and paying money, or, you could go online and type in “pavlova recipe” and get 710,000 different options for recipes at no charge and in a matter of seconds. The problem then becomes which recipe is going to be best for you? Of course you could then search for “which pavlova recipe is best”. This, however, returns 890,000 results. You need to fi nd favourite sites for the things you like. Personally I am a fan of the BBC recipe pages. http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/crown_layered_pavlova_80809 gives you a great pavlova!If you have time the internet can also save you a lot. Recently I was quoted $1200 to fi x my car. Thanks to trusty google it cost me $9.95 for a can of carbon remover and two hours of my time with step-by-step instructions to fi x my trusted Fiat. In this information age you can fi nd almost anything.

So instead of asking why do I need a computer, ask how will my computer save me money or time to do what I do already?

Stephen Bell

In 1937 the All Aboard Club was established by television identity Doug Elliot and his mother, there were many branches around Melbourne but we a sure we are the only one still going.

It was “All Aboard the ship of Good will” so we are a social club raising money for charities. Williamstown Hospital, Hobsons Bay SES, Camp Quality, RC Hospital, Vision Aust. Salvation Army to name a few ,Over the years we have donated just on $ 100.000 to the hospital.We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm in The Chambers at the Williamstown Town Hall, we have been meeting at the town hall since 1968. We have guest speakers and demonstrators. On the last Tuesday of the month we have a bus trip, to somewhere

of interest and a lovely lunch, trips are usually around the $40-$50. We also have trips to the theatre for musicals.Membership is $10 a year and $1 raffl es at the door as you come in for a cuppa and a chat.

Our longest serving member of 52 years is Melba Maloney, we also have members of 30 and 40 years.

At the clubs 78th birthday in July we will have a lovely afternoon tea and entertainment.

We are always looking for new members, and you would be welcome to come along and join us.

Wendy Taylor, President 0421 747 040Marni Brunt, Secretary 0405 338 483.

The Age of Information - Why I need a computer!

IT Corner

All Aboard Club

Page 15: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 15

Lions Club of Williamstown

Williamstown Lions are currently preparing for their annual ANZAC Commemoration. This year the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign will be highlighted during the evening in late April at the Williamstown RSL.Local Sea Cadets and Air Cadets who assist in the Flag Bearing will this year be supported by Army Cadets. Many local returned service men and women from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, together with returned Peacekeeping Force members in places such as Somalia, East Timor, Fiji and Solomon Islands, are honoured at this annual commemoration. Guest speakers over recent years have included Lions Youth of the Year and Howard Whittaker Scholarship entrants who have provided an ANZAC perspective through the eyes of the youth of Williamstown.

What needs of the local Williamstown community could be supported by Lions???????Please let us know by writing to us at P.O. Box 9, Williamstown.

Page 16: Around Williamstown 6

Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 616

500 Cans: Whittaker Lane

Throughout AprilA street art workshop.

A leading artist working with local young people to

develop the work on display.Whittaker Lane,


Art in Public Places

Co-ordinated by Hobson’s Bay City Council, ‘Art in Public Places’ has artists from the inner

west exhibiting in local businesses such as cafes, pubs and shops. Art takes

place in the street in the form of buskers and

temporary art installations. The program runs

throughout April with 150 artists and 40 events in

over 80 venues throughout Hobson’s Bay. Some local

events include:

For full details of the events program see


Busk-a-Move Williamstown

Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 April

Pop up entertainment in the streets of Williamstown by local performers, including local school kids. Various

times and locations.

These Places are Marked for Past and Future

HandstandsFrom Monday 6 April

Artwork presented by Larissa MacFarlane based on her

woodcuts exploring the ritual of performing handstands.Corner of Ferguson Street

and Wellington Parade, Williamstown

Loom Room Open Day

Wednesday 15 April, 11-2.30pm

Join local weavers for a demonstration of weaving

and try your hand on one of the looms.

Loom Room, ‘The Corner’, Corner of Melbourne Rd and

Ferguson St

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 17

How well do you know your local area? This is a photo taken in a secret location. Write to the Editor and tell us if you know the location of this place. Email your answer to [email protected] or write to

P.O. Box 389 Williamstown 3016 VIC. The winner’s name will be published in the next edition. Please note only the fi rst winner’s name will be published.

Congratulations to last month’s fi rst winner of Where In Williamstown, Amanda Peckham from Hobsons Bay City Council. Perfect answer: The MY Steve Irwin, the 59-meter fl agship of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and used in direct action campaigns against whaling and other activities the group opposes. It is berthed at the workshop jetty, Seaworks.

Thanks also go to all of you who have participated in the competitions.

Where Near Williamstown?

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 618

The Risen Christ revealed Himself to His apostles in the Divine Glory of the Resurrection. When they witnessed that glory, a new awareness of life was born within them along with the power of Faith which moved them to new deeds in their apostolic service. It led them into an hostile world in which they were to endure suffering and which met their preaching of the Crucifi xion and Resurrection of Christ with bad feeling and contempt. They preached about Christ, how He had come into the world to save humanity. They preached that Christ was God Himself, who had taken human fl esh and lived as a man among us, and how as a man, He had achieved incomprehensible perfection.

At the present time, many people around the world are especially suffering because of terrorism and economic misfortune. May God, who is the Lover of Mankind, and who arose on the third day, help all who continue to experience the terrible consequences of the disasters that have befallen them! May the joy of Easter fortify and renew the inner strength of all who are trying, according to their own strength, to follow Christ and to carry their cross.

The Resurrection of Christ ends the enslavement of humanity to Satan and corruption. The power of sin is destroyed and Death itself is abolished. The Resurrection of Christ grants everyone the right to call themselves a child of God. It is the return of Paradise lost, and of immortal life and communion with God. St Paul tells us that if there had been no Resurrection then our Christian faith would have been deprived of any foundation or value: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is all for nothing and your faith is all for nothing... if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins (1 Corinthians 15: 14, 17).”

While Western Christendom holds Christmas (the coming of Christ into the world) as a great feast, in the Orthodox Church, Easter (the Resurrection of Christ) is considered

the feast of feasts. Easter is a divine pre-fi guration of the general resurrection of all those who have died from the beginning of time. And this is so because, as the Paschal Hymn so triumphantly proclaims:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

Fr KyrilHoly Ascension Orthodox Christian Church

Spiritual CornerEaster Refl ections

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 19

Situated in the heart of the Seaworks precinct is a small tavern that is best described as a hidden gem. The Pirates Tavern, a unique pirate themed venue was built by volunteers and provide huge support to the Williamstown Maritime Association. ‘Most of the profi ts we raise go to supporting the precinct,’ says chairman Maurice Boyd.On walking in to the tavern you are immediately struck by how unique the place is. There really is nothing else quite like it. Even the staff agree. ‘This is an amazing place. I just love working here,’ says senior staff member, Veronica. As Maurice says, people often walk into the Tavern and the fi rst thing they say is; ‘Wow!’The tavern is home to a variety of maritime and pirate themed artworks including a large skull and crossbones from the set of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.‘We are happy for anyone to come and visit. We get people here who travel from hours away just because they love

the place. It’s a great atmosphere to relax and unwind after work. We are open Friday night and Saturday and Sunday afternoons and we never have any trouble because the crowd is always very friendly. Our aim is to be the best live music venue in Williamstown.’ says Maurice. The Pirates Tavern attracts bands such as Salty Dog, Hey Gringo, The Long and the Short of It and Nashville’s very own Tom Mason and the Blues Buccaneers.The tavern is also a popular venue to hire for special occasions like weddings, 50th birthday parties or even kids parties. But this place is not easy to fi nd. The best way to enter is via Ann Street. There is plenty of parking but not a lot of advertising on the street, so most people know about it via word of mouth. That’s part of its charm. When you visit, I’m sure you will agree. The Pirates tavern is truly a hidden gem.

Colette Rhodes

A varied and exciting Sustainability Expo is due to be held at Altona’s Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre (28 April -10 May). The event aims to raise awareness of sustainability and environmental issues among the wider population within Hobsons Bay and beyond. To this end, a number of diverse activities will be on offer for adults and children alike throughout the expo. Come and listen to two free presentations by organisations and experts specialising in sustainability and the environment. Positive Footprints, designer and builder of sustainable homes, will give a presentation on cost-effective sustainability for new and established homes (Saturday 2 May, 1.00pm). Altona resident and RMIT’s Professor Mark Osborn, who leads research on the impact of microorganisms in rivers, seas, agricultural soil and drinking water pipes, will talk about plastic pollution in our rivers and seas and its current and longer-term impact (Saturday 2 May, 2.00pm). Readers are invited to attend these presentations, ask questions and engage in

discussions with the speakers about these very current and relevant issues. Also come and see, on Saturday 2 May, a demonstration on how to make recycled jewellery from everyday items (11.00am) and a demonstration and discussion of food preserving (3.30pm) as well as an Open House by Positive Footprints (Sunday 3 May, 11.00am and 12.30pm), a water tank information seminar (My Smart Garden, Tuesday 5 May, 6.30pm) and a workshop for children of all ages on recycling old into new to make Mothers’ Day gifts (Saturday 9 May, 1.00pm). Also come and see the plastic bottle wall, edible garden displays and much more throughout the event. All activities are free and everyone is welcome. Bookings are essential. To book, phone 93982511, email [email protected] or visit www.joelgallery.com.au. For more information on plastic pollution, email Prof Osborn at [email protected] or tweet @MicrobialLife.

Fabienne Chevalier

Hidden Gem

Sustainability Expo in Hobsons Bay

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 620

Get Arty with Hobsons Bay Arts Society

Saturday 11th April, 10am - 4pm, Truganina Explosives Reserve Homestead,

276 Queen St, Altona 3018.

A free day of art activities for all ages: art demonstrations, displays,

children’s activities, watch and do art activities.



The Williamstown Historical Society will be participating in the 2015 Cancer Fund-

raising event “Open House Williamstown”.

The Museum at the Mechanics Institute, 5 Electra Street will be open on that day from Noon

to 5pm.

There will be FREE entry for anyone with pre-purchased tickets from The Victorian

Cancer Council.

Enquiries: Dale Ryan - 93972903

5X7 Art Prize

18th - 26th April, The Gallery, Williamstown Library, Ferguson St


Featuring 5” x 7” artworks by artists from Melbourne’s Western Region

and Hobsons Bay schools. This is the inaugural year of this new

community art competition, which is proudly supported by Qenos, Hobsons

Bay City Council and presented by Hobsons Bay Arts Society.


If you’re 50 plus and enjoy Dining Out, Movies,BBQ’s, Coffee Morning etc

then we are just what you are looking for.Meet new people, make new friends,

and join like minded people in a varietyof activities, both week days and weekends.

Try us out by attending a couple offunctions of your choice,

before you decide.For further information and a copy of our

Club Newsletter please contact:[email protected] or Liz 9397 1043

FREE WORKSHOPS Empowering Women

Moving Forward After SeparationIncluding guest sessions: Yoga, Meditation, Tai

Chi and NaturopathySaturday 4 April 12pm – 1pm

Saturday 11th April 11:30am – 1pmSaturday 2nd May 11:30am – 1pmSaturday 16th May 11:30am – 1pm

Saturday 30th May 12pm – 1pmSaturday 13th June 12pm – 1pm

109 Douglas Parade Williamstown 3016Further information/bookings:

LILY Success and Confi dence 0427987236

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 21

MUSIC ON THE DECKLive performances by some of Melbourne’s hottest young artists, at Williamstown


Friday 17 April3.30pm to 4.00pm - Duke of Paris

4.05pm to 4.45pm - Tommy Castles4.50pm to 5.30pm - Amistat

Acoustic duo Amistat, twin brothers, Josef and Jan Prasil, are known for their unique harmonies and moving live performances. Originally from Germany, the brothers recently

released their second EP ‘Somewhere, Sometime’ and have been featured on Triple J unearthed. Duke of Paris, an up and coming acoustic duo from Altona Meadows

Tommy Castles, one of Melbourne’s most innovative acoustic folk surf/roots and blues multi-instrumentalist. Tommy is a Williamstown local and plays regularly at venues around

Melbourne. Triple J recently enthused: “Sounds like this dude’s got plenty of energy and he’d need it to handle the plethora of instruments around him.”

Movie passes and other great prizes will be up for grabs on the day, plus free food and drinks provided.

Music on the Deck is presented by Hobsons Bay Youth Services FReeZA committee, the Kaos crew, in conjunction with Hobsons Bay libraries.

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,England mourns for her dead across the sea.Flesh of her fl esh they were, spirit of her spirit,Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal,Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.There is music in the midst of desolation,And a glory that shines upon her tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning,We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;They sit no more at familiar tables at home;They have no lot in our labour of the daytime;They sleep beyond England’s foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,To the innermost heart of their own land they are known,As the stars are known to the night.

As the stars will be bright when we are dust,Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,To the end, to the end, they remain.

Ode of Remembrance

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 622

and individuals can work together to achieve positive outcomes.

Attending clean up events such as this, brings people together socially as seen by the many families that attended, and the opportunities to meet new people and have fun - all whilst doing something good for the planet.

Sunday’s clean up wasn’t about whose job it is, but rather about the collective effort we can put in as human beings (that have a large impact on this planet) – and what we can achieve together! We can’t stress enough that helping to clean up Australia isn’t something that we should only do once a year. It’s not just an act of picking up some rubbish. We hope that the condition of Wader Beach managed to conjure up the motive to begin to make change in each of our daily lives - to begin to reduce our waste at home and in our businesses. Whether its using reusable shopping bags, bulk buying

foods, getting more creative with making food instead of buying prepackaged goods, refusing to use plastic bottles (San Francisco has recently banned all sales of plastic water bottles!), or even taking on something as simple as saying no to straws (check out this kid in Colorado who started it! http://www.ecocycle.org/bestrawfree).

Our success lies in the conversations that we hold with our friends, our family, our neighbours, our work colleagues, and even that guy next to us on the train – those conversations about these issues, and what needs to and can be done. More people need to be aware of the extent of plastic pollution in our environment – this problem is not unique to the Victorian coast, rather a problem shared by the entire world.

The solution lies with unity - when individuals make a change, together.

continued from Page 1

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 6 23

Last year, Melbourne won the title of having the best coffee in the world, beating even Vienna and Rome in the honour. Of course we agree, as our culture is heavily inundated with caffeine and cafes that it’s almost offensive if you encounter a place that serves mediocre coffee.

Carter Smith Devlin & Co is a new development in Williamstown that has only just opened three weeks ago. Despite being new comers in town, their philosophy and strive for excellence is certainly not refl ective of their recent opening. They are currently working on a menu to offer, but for now they have coffee and snacks which are available for takeaway or have in.

CSD & Co pride themselves on their specialty espresso, using the Sensory Lab’s ‘Steadfast’ blend. The main focal point of its taste is to ensure cleanness, balance and sweetness.

However, their appeal and emphasis on quality does not end with just coffee. The hot chocolates are not your usual powdered recipe, it’s a blend of dark chocolate ganache ensuring rich and thorough fl avour. CSD & Co also offer tea, juices and iced drinks.

In every carefully poured cup, careful consideration and attention to superior taste is incredibly evident. Each drink has been specifi cally designed to compliment the notes and components in the taste, which is why CSD & Co uses separate roasts for black coffee and milk coffee.Another striking element of CSD & Co is their trendy, minimalistic and chic interior. You will instantly feel welcomed and well received by the lovely staff. So head in next time you need a caffeine refresher for your day.

Special mention to Eoin and Russell for being incredibly friendly and welcoming.

CSD & Co are open six days a week, closed on Tuesdays. Opening hours are from 6:30am – 4pm on weekdays and from 7:30am – 4pm on weekends. Address: 213-215 Nelson Place

Gina Le

Local Eats

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Around Williamstown Community Newspaper Issue 624

And the winners are...

Prep – Grade 1Short StoriesFirst prize: Mukundi Chavora for Mukundi and the RainbowHighly commended: Grace Harris for The Tales of Lily LovestoneEncouragement: Esther Nelson for Osiris gets lost in the Pharaoh’s PalacePoetryFirst prize: Amelia Wright for Trouble Grows as Fast As YouHighly commended: Erin Simoni for Sparkles JourneyEncouragement: Jasper Nielsen for The Steam Express Train

Grade 2 - 3Short StoriesFirst prize: Caitlyn Marshall for Ant DestroyerHighly commended: Ruby Dunn for The Five AntsEncouragement: Eva Bugeja for Woody the DuckPoetryFirst prize: Meimi Taumata for Cake by the LakeHighly commended: Eva Bugeja for Fly by Butterfl yEncouragement: Tarquin Nielsen for What it, what if, what if!

Grade 4 - 6Short storiesFirst Prize: Lucinda Rourke for The Diary of Hung Moy Leung

Highly commended: Kate Medved for The Ruby SceptreEncouragement: Patrick McNerney for The House of HorrorsPoetryFirst prize: Edward Wright for Fishing in the WavesHighly commended: Melissa Krstevska for RefugeeEncouragement: Kate Medved for Old Books

Year 7 - 9Short storiesFirst Prize: Isabella Lonergan for Criminal RetirementHighly commended: Amelia Pagram for Letters for a Blessed CurseEncouragement: Benjamin Provan-Koch for The Leaves of AutumnPoetryFirst prize: Safi yah Khan for Secrets of the NightHighly commended: Mackenzie Pyke for HiroshimaEncouragement: Isabella Longergan for The World

Year 10 - 12Short storiesFirst Prize: Alysha Yacono for A Sweet SillageHighly commended: Sarah Olsson for Cracked CourageEncouragement: Genevieve Fryer for Not This TimePoetryFirst prize: Shona Louis for L’appel du videHighly commended: Lucinda Keating for NothingnessEncouragement: Rudy Rigg for Sunset / Sunrise

Congratulations to all the entrants of the 2014-15 Friends of Williamstown and Newport Libraries’ Summer Writing Competition.Over 160 entries were received from budding writers across Hobsons Bay and a wealth of local writing talent was discovered.The awards ceremony was held on Thursday 19 March with special guests, including local and internationally acclaimed children’s author Andy Griffi ths.The competition, now in its 13th year is sponsored by the Friends of the Williamstown and Newport Libraries and Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand in conjunction with Hobsons Bay Libraries.To view the winning entries please visit the library website http://libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/

Summer Writing Competition Winners

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