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Page 1: ARRA Update & Energy Sector Training Grant Opportunity

ARRA Update&

Energy Sector Training GrantOpportunity

Roberta GassmanSecretary

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development

Governor’s Council on Workforce Governor’s Council on Workforce InvestmentInvestment

September 11, 2009September 11, 2009

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• USDOL Energy Grant Opportunity

– DWD proposal

– CWI Executive Committee support & sponsorship

– Steps ahead

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US DOL Competitive Grants• High growth & emerging industries ($750M)

– Energy efficiency & renewable energy ($500M)

– High Wage Sectors with emphasis on Health Care ($250M)• Supports trng of targeted populations & employers HC – states not eligible

5 energy opportunities announced

$2M - $6M10/20/2009State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) & Training Grants  

$2M - $8M09/29/2009Pathways Out of Poverty  

$2M - $5M09/04/2009Energy Training Partnership Grants  

$2M - $4MSubmittedState Labor Market Information Improvement Grants  

$50K - $100K08/05/2009Green Capacity Building Grants  


Application Due


= DWD eligible to apply

= CWI eligible to apply w/DWD as Fiscal Agent

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State Energy Sector PartnershipGrant Requirements

• Create a statewide leadership team– State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP)– Led by the CWI, with CWI membership– Other high-level members as prescribed by DOL– Staffed by DWD

• Develop a statewide strategic plan, building on state’s existing energy policy

• Create implementation plan for new and existing training structures to meet green requirements

• Limit request to $6M over three years

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Wisconsin’s State Energy SectorPartnership Proposal

Three primary areas of focus:

Energy Efficiency

• “Green up” Wisconsin’s apprenticeship programs

• Develop career pathway in energy efficiency– begin with weatherization…lead to skilled trades: carpentry; HVAC technician;

plumbing; electrical; etc.

Renewable Energy

• Focus on manufacturing, align activities with Governor’s State Energy Program (SEP)

– Grant program to support green energy business development

• Identify and fill gaps in other areas

Smart Grid (Utilities)

• Align workforce training with DOE’s grants to utilities– To reduce emissions, lower costs, increase reliability, increase security and

flexibility of Smart Grid

• Identify and fill gaps in other areas

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• Our plan will– Analyze where industry investments will be– Analyze where populations will be served– Create career path training

Wisconsin’s State Energy SectorPartnership Proposal

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State Energy SectorPartnership Leadership Team Membership

• Required membership– Representatives from CWI– State workforce agency– State cabinet officials– Energy efficiency & renewable energy businesses & industries– Labor organizations– Local WDBs or regional consortia of WDBs & job centers

• Suggested members– DWD’s Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards– Nonprofit organizations– Ed & training providers; tech colleges– State & local veterans’ agencies– Economic development organizations

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State Energy SectorPartnership Leadership Team Responsibilities

Grant Development Responsibilities

• Develop a strategic plan, which will leverage existing strategic energy efforts

– Gov Doyle’s Clean Energy Wisconsin plan• Promotes affordable, diverse energy supply

• Targets investments in job creation & new business

• Improves our environment

– Office of Energy Independence plan• Advances Gov’s energy policy vision & promotes bio-industry

• Inventory ARRA energy-related funding already at work in Wisconsin

• Address “green” training gaps in existing workforce development & industry sectors

• Refine & develop “green” apprenticeship models

• Identify regional project teams (WDBs or consortia) to assist with service delivery

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Post-Award Responsibilities

• Build partnerships & industry collaboration to achieve grant objectives

• Monitor grant objectives & performance

• Provide guidance to regional project teams on deliverables

• DWD will:– provide staffing for grant management

– function as fiscal agent

– conduct formal monitoring

Wisconsin’s State Energy SectorPartnership Proposal

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State Energy Sector PartnershipDesired Grant Outcomes

• Apprentices & workers develop skills for Wisconsin’s green jobs– existing & emerging energy efficiency– renewable energy industries

• “Green” training strategies aligned with state recovery & growth strategies

• A defined process for apprenticeship to keep pace with emerging technologies

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Next Steps• Prepare the proposal

– Have secured CWI Executive Committee support to apply for up to $6M in ARRA funds

– Align State Energy Sector Partnership leadership team with the Governor’s Energy Independence Cabinet Team

• Secretaries Gassman & Leinenkugel members of both• Chris Ruud, Phil Neuenfeldt & Joel Rogers to represent CWI

– Complete strategic plan & write proposal– Secure final CWI Executive Committee approval

• Submit proposal by October 20, 2009

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Thank you!


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