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Page 1: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

A novel solution for universal electricity access


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We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied to one of the world’s greatest challenges – that of universal electricity access
Page 2: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied


1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity

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This is a photo of the world at night. As you can see, many parts of the world are dark and without electricity – Africa is particularly unlit. 1.3 B still lack access to electricity; nearly 97% of those live in SSA and developing Asia http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/resources/energydevelopment/energyaccessdatabase/
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Electricity is not affordable

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Energy-poor households rely on traditional fuels such as kerosene for their lighting and basic electricity needs. In this photo, they’ve even resorted to using woods. These traditional fuels are not only poor sources of light, but they create harmful indoor pollution that results in over 85,000 premature deaths every year. Each year, 4.3 million premature deaths can be attributed to household air pollution resulting from the traditional use of solid fuels. IFC estimates (conservatively) that avoided deaths from kerosene lamps would be about 85K http://www.worldenergyoutlook.org/resources/energydevelopment/modernenergyforallwhyitmatters/
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Electricity is not reliable

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This means that in India, electricity comes and goes unexpectedly. Even when there are wires overhead, power doesn’t necessarily run through them.
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Electricity is not scalable

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This means that people around the world do not have enough electricity to support revenue-generating activities. Adverse economic impacts. http://thebreakthrough.org/index.php/programs/energy-and-climate/solar-lamps-are-no-substitute-for-access-to-modern-energy
Page 6: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied


For 1 in 5 people worldwide, electricity is not




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Electricity access is a significant challenge



Presentation Notes
1.3 billion people off grid want electricity if they can afford it and access it. Now business models and technology allow financing of clean energy to shift the payment stream from dirty fuels to clean fuels. Off-grid households currently spend 6x as much as US households do for an equivalent amount of energy. \Electricity access for the world’s poor represents at least $37 billion market
Page 8: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Electricity access is a significant challenge



Solar Lanterns

Solar Home Systems Grid Extension

# Eligible Consumers 561M



Est. Market Size $4B $8B $2B

Page 9: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

What is a microgrid?


Microgrids have the potential to electrify 145M to 410M people

Page 10: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Existing solutions do not meet all three needs



Reliable Scalable

DC Microgrids

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Scalable: Microgrids enable higher tiers of electricity use

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100


Macrogrid (developing world)


Solar home system

Solar lantern

Per capita electricity use (kWh/day/person) 11

Presentation Notes
Microgrids can provide >2X what solar home systems can provide, but we can’t stop there
Page 12: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

AC microgrids can be improved

Not affordable • Larger solar arrays

Not reliable • Central storage

Not scalable • Inverters


Page 13: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

How is our system different?


AC DC + -

Power Generation: Solar PV


Battery Bank

Page 14: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

CHARGEBOX™ enables benefits of the DC system


• Steps Down Voltage • Payment System


• Charge Meter • Wireless Communication • Lithium-based Storage

48V DC

12V DC


Page 15: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

DC microgrids succeed where others fail

Device / Solar Kit

Solar Home System

AC Microgrid

DC Microgrid + CHARGEBOX





Page 16: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Higher distribution efficiency in DC microgrids


AC Microgrid DC Microgrid

73% 79%

81% 98%

AC microgrid efficiency excludes AC/DC rectifier losses

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A more efficient system is more affordable







0 5 10 15 20 25


gy C




h / y


Capacity (cubic ft)

AC Refrigerators

DC Refrigerators

Presentation Notes
In addition, DC air conditioners offer inherent efficiency advantages. Variable-speed compressors use far less energy than their typical single-speed counterparts (with documented savings of 30% and more) and offer higher performance, because, rather than switching between full-on and full-off to maintain thermal comfort, they match output to need, avoiding energy intensive on-off cycling of the motor and overcooling during on-cycles. Variablespeed compressors are generally powered by variable frequency drives. The typical variable frequency drive first rectifies the AC input (converts it to DC), then uses pulse width modulation to create the desired output frequency.[10] Because the power passes through a DC phase, it is amenable to operation by direct-DC LED Lighting - 73% more efficient than incandescent bulbs Electronics – Native 20% (AC/DC Loss) Refrigeration & Cooling - 53%
Page 18: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Microgrids are the most affordable option for the desired level of service


Phone charging, lighting

Entertainment Comfort and productivity


E ($

/ kW


Level of Service

Solar Home Systems


Solar Devices

Page 19: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

DC microgrids will be cost competitive


Technology Levelized Cost of Electricity ($/kWh)

Solar Lantern ~ $10.00

Solar Home System ~ $1.00

AC Microgrid ~ $0.50 - $1.00

Grid Extension ~ $0.10

DC Microgrid ~ $0.50

Presentation Notes
Grid extension is low cost, but often not reliable and not available.
Page 20: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

How can we make microgrids more affordable?



ber o

f Rur

al H




Income Level

Solar Home Systems

$80-120/year Microgrids


Solar Lamps and Kits


Page 21: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

A reliable system prevents brownouts


Presentation Notes
Reliability/Flexibility Molly Reliability:  Bhutan Rice Cooker Case – why distributed storage is so important DC microgrid > AC microgrid. Distributed storage is our unique idea which hasn’t been tried, which we think will XYZ benefits Source: Humboldt State & Department of Energy of Bhutan
Page 22: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

A scalable system supports projected growth in energy demand










1980 1990 2000 2010Annu

al P



e C



Real GDP Growth

Emerging market and developing economies Advanced economies World

Presentation Notes
Accommodates economic growth Easy to add generation in addition to PV Easy to add more household storage No swapping to larger inverters Now what do we mean by scalability? The modularity of our microgrid facilitates the addition of houses to the grid as households acquire the necessary income to join the microgrid. It also facilitates addition of generation to match increases in energy demand. This is easier on our system than a normal AC system because
Page 23: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

A scalable system can be tailored


Presentation Notes
Now what do we mean by scalability? The modularity of our microgrid facilitates the addition of houses to the grid as households acquire the necessary income to join the microgrid. It also facilitates addition of generation to match increases in energy demand. This is easier on our system than a normal AC system because
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Why is the market ready now?


Decreasing PV costs

Decreasing storage costs

Rise of pay-as-you-go

Presentation Notes
Mobile phone penetration and rise of PAYG platforms Expected decreasing battery costs Expected decreasing storage costs
Page 25: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Initial markets were evaluated using 3 criteria


Strong Partners

Value Energy Efficiency

High WTP

Presentation Notes
WTP: Based on the price paid for the best alternate source of electricity EE: Large proportion of income spent on electricity Partners: Institutional and organizational support needed, especially in preliminary phases
Page 26: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Islands are an attractive premium market


World Bank Islands Sustainable Energy Finance Project

10-30% of GDP spent on imported fuel (diesel)

70% Pacific Islands lack electricity access

Presentation Notes
After much discussion and feedback from experts in the field, we settled on islands as an ideal initial beachhead market Over 30,000 islands, over 12M people. 70% no access to energy and located far from resources. 10%-30% of island countries GDP is spent on fuel. World bank has Pacific Islands - Sustainable Energy Finance Project (English) to encourage adoption of renewable energy in Pacific Islands
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Path to market



ket S


1 years 3 years 5 years






Rural electrification

Presentation Notes
It’s going to be more expensive at first, so we should target islands first (higher WTP). Market: Pacific Island GDP est. at about $8B, and they spend 10- Battery costs expected to be lower over time SHS are expected to break = higher lifetime costs DC appliance saturation expected to grow. More demand for higher tiers of electricity More institutional investors drive down financing costs and risks
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For 1 in 5 people worldwide, electricity is not





Presentation Notes
The market is right Our technology addresses a few pain points
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One step closer to universal electricity access

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Sherry MBA 2015


John GSPP /

ERG 2016

Sara MBA 2015

Tia MBA 2015

Nick MBA 2015

Molly MDP 2015

Achintya Madduri


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Microgrids let customers move up the energy ladder


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Solar home

systems $8

Grid extension


Microgrids $4

Solar lanterns


# of People (M) Market Size ($M)

Market size estimates (lower bound)

Solar home

systems 478

Grid extension

95 Microgrids


Solar lanterns


Presentation Notes
IFC 2012
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Addressable market, by technology


Presentation Notes
http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/ca9c22004b5d0f098d82cfbbd578891b/EnergyAccessReport.pdf?MOD=AJPERES, p. 32
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$0.24 $0.51

$0.08 $0.06 $0.09 $0.11






DC Microgrid AC Microgrid


E ($



Generation and Storage Distribution Labor and Transportation

Better service at the same LCOE


$0.41 $0.45

Presentation Notes
We have better service than AC microgrids, at the same price.
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DC is more efficient, especially at night


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Battery costs expected to decrease


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Market Segment Service Offering Financing Method Payment Collection

Pay per use

Rental/ Pure Lease

Rent-to-own/ Lease financing

Tier 2: Basic Household Needs

Tier 3: Small Productive Power

Tier 4: Large Productive Power




Scratch Card

Mobile Money

Business model choices


Page 39: rsal electricity access - Haas School of BusinessA novel solution for universal electricity access DC MICROGRIDS We’re here to introduce you to a novel technology that can be applied

Competitive Landscape


Company Country Technology Payment Collection

Business Model

DESI Power India Micro/mini-grid Manual/cash Lease time/energy

Devergy Tanzania Micro/mini-grid Scratch card Pay per use

Energa Senegal Micro/mini-grid Scratch card Pay per use

Fenix International Uganda Device/solar kit Mobile money Pay per use

Husk Power India, Uganda

Micro/mini-grid Mobile money Lease time/energy

Mera Gao Power India Micro/mini-grid Manual/cash Lease time/energy

d.light design SSA, Asia Device/solar kit Mobile money Lease time/energy

Off:Grid Electric Tanzania Solar home system

Mobile money Lease time/energy

BBOXX SSA Solar home system

Mobile money Lease time/energy

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Value Chain of a Microgrid


Presentation Notes
http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/ca9c22004b5d0f098d82cfbbd578891b/EnergyAccessReport.pdf?MOD=AJPERES, p. 32

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