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Notes for this week:
Extra Auslan: Auslan story time
P.E Extra: Tuesday is also the start of STEPtember. We are challenging you to take 10,000 steps every day of September. You don’t need to raise money, it is just a great way to make sure you are being active every day! Get your whole family involved! Super Mario Fitness Challenge – Click me!
ART AUSLAN PERFORMING ARTS P.E. Learning intention Learning intention Learning intention Learning intention We are learning about Father’s Day.
We are learning Auslan signs for clothes. We are learning about the music words for getting louder and getting softer.
We are learning how to strike a ball with our feet.
Success Criteria Success Criteria Success Criteria Success Criteria
I can show appreciation. I can create a card/gift.
I can describe clothes in Auslan. I can recognise some music words for loudness and softness. I can clap and tap to show loudness and softness. I can clap a crescendo. I can clap a decrescendo.
I can aim by looking where I want the ball to go. I can step next to the ball with my non-kicking foot. I can kick the ball using the top of my foot (where my shoelaces are).
Task Task Task Task
Introduction Father’s Day is a day dedicated to all dads and carers, so that we can show our appreciation and say thank you for the wonderful job they do. There are so many ways you can do this, and the best by far is making something special.
Happy Father’s Day!
Explore Below are some card and gift ideas you can choose to make for dad or someone special like a brother, uncle or grandpa. Please also check other planners (grade 1 or 2 and grade 5 or 6) to see if another card or gift is more appropriate for you or your special person!
Introduction Warm-up Auslan Alphabet
‘My name is’ example video
This week we are learning how to label clothes in Auslan.
Introduction Body percussion your full name. Remember to leave a space between your first and last name. Make a pattern by doing your name three times without stopping. Focus The word for loudness and softness in music is dynamics. The video clip about dynamics will be used more than once in this lesson, so please keep it open.
Watch the video clip about dynamics
You will need the password that you use to get into Teams for this video. It is called your
edupass credentials.
Introduction Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about striking! This week we are going to use our legs and feet as our object that we are swinging to strike a ball! Firstly, we will warm up our bodies to get us ready for action! Click me to start a fun warm up online!
AND/OR Play some music and follow these actions below:
Option 1:
Steps: 1. Place paper on flat surface length
ways – landscape/horizontal. 2. Cut paper in half, length ways. 3. Then, fold to make a Z fold -
thirds, 3 equal boxes:
4. Lay flat and with texta, draw a
line over the crease, so you can clearly see the 3 boxes.
5. Write letters for DAD inside each square.
6. Add lines and patterns using texta and colour background using coloured pencils or crayons - what are your special person’s favourite colours?
Too Easy? Write DAD in bubble or block letters. Write a message on the back – Thank you for…
Watch my video Auslan clothing signs. You might need to download the file to watch it. Main Activity: Complete this Dress up doll’s activity. You will need to print, cut and paste for this activity! If you do not have a printer, draw a person with some different clothes on them e.g beanie, t-shirt, scarf and then sign for me what your person is wearing. See how you are going - what’s your level? Level One = I can sign 5 items of clothing
Level Two = I can sign 10 items of clothing
If you need help, look at the bottom of this planner!
Identify the words for loudness and softness: Pianissimo (pp) = very soft Piano (p) = soft Forte (f) = loud Fortissimo = very loud
Watch the part about clapping the different levels of loudness again. Try to follow along with the students on the video. Game: Call out one of the above volume words. Clap that way. Continue until your child has learnt the words.
Crescendo and Decrescendo
Watch the part of the video about crescendo and decrescendo. Play the game again with the students rising to a crescendo or softening to a decrescendo.
Stand up and stamp a crescendo or a decrescendo.
Main Activity: Around the world soccer This week we are learning to strike a ball with our feet! Watch Miss Morgan’s video below to learn the correct technique and to see what challenges you need to complete! Watch Miss Morgan’s demonstration video here
OR Read the task below! Key teaching points: LOOK, STEP, KICK Step 1: For this activity we will need a ball (medium size soccer ball preferable, however any medium ball will work fine)
1. Write the word DAD nice and big in the middle of a piece of paper using bubble or block letters.
2. Colour letters in using textas, pencils, watercolour paints or crayons.
3. Decorate background with shapes and patterns.
Too Easy? Write dad’s name or a special message. Or you could collage the background using coloured paper, newspaper or magazines.
Too Hard? Have someone write DAD or draw a special picture for dad.
Level Three = I can sign the clothes I am wearing and their colour in Auslan.
Optional Let me know what level you got up in the AUSLAN THREAD and/or upload a video signing all the clothes you know
to Microsoft Teams > Specialists > Auslan > Week 8. Save as your name to
show Ms Stewart.
Crescendo – start by stamping softly and then get louder and louder until you can’t stamp any louder. Decrescendo – start off loud and get softer. Can you use any other body percussion moves to show a crescendo or a decrescendo? See how you are going - what’s your level? Level One = I can clap a crescendo.
Level 2 = I can clap a crescendo and a decrescendo.
and some goals. Be creative – your goals could be between 2 trees, between 2 garbage bins, between two baskets! Step 2: Set up 5 different lines to kick from around your goal. Start with the lines 2 BIG steps away! You can use anything to mark the lines – if inside use a tea towel and if outside use a stick! Step 3: Starting at a line closest to a corner – place the ball on the line and try to kick the ball between the goals (if you have a backyard this space would be preferable!). Remember the steps to be successful when kicking: Look, Step, Kick! Step 4: If you kick the goal or not, you must move to the next line and try and kick from there. Step 5: Once you have reached the end – How many goals did you kick? Try to beat your score! Once you have scored 5/5 move your lines back to make it trickier! Variation: Have someone in your house being the goalkeeper! How many can you score now? Let them have a try – can they beat your score?
Optional Upload a video of you practicing your kicking skills! Submit it on Microsoft Teams > Specialist > P.E > Week 8.
Save as your name to show Mr Henshaw and Ms Morgan.
Health Always take some time to relax and be grateful for what you have– remember if you are feeling upset or angry tell someone you love and trust.
Think about something you like to do together, how dad helps you or your favourite memory (holiday). GIFT (MEDAL) Demonstration video – watch me! Option 1: Cardboard medal
You will need:
Cardboard from a cereal or biscuit box or any thick card like a paper plate
White or coloured paper
Hole puncher (optional)
Decorations (optional) Steps:
1. Draw or trace a circle onto cardboard – use a mug or small bowl.
2. Cut out your circle. 3. Make a hole toward the top for
the ribbon to go through. You can use a hole puncher or push through a sharp pencil or scissors.
4. Decorate medal – cut and paste a coloured piece of paper, colour,
Level 3 = I can body percussion a crescendo or decrescendo.
Let me know what level you get up to in the PERFORMING ARTS THREAD and/or upload a video of you doing a
crescendo. Submit it on Microsoft Teams > Specialist > Performing Arts
> Week 8. Save as your name to show Mrs Hofmann.
Clips used Dynamics https://online.clickview.com.au/SignIn?mvid =6409440&returnUrl=https%3a%2f%2fonline .clickview.com.au%2flibraries%2fvideos%2f6 409440%2felements-of-music-dynamics
Try Cosmic Kids yoga – it helps relax your mind and is very fun!! This yoga adventure is all about Sonic the Hedgehog! Click me to start!
Fun active game at home! Try some kicking mini golf! Find a small ball to kick, set up a cup or large bowl for the hole and arrange some furniture to make a mini golf course (see below). Count how many kicks it takes you to get it inside the cup/bowl! Can you beat your score? Remember you can only kick the ball!
Want to do some extra P.E? Try this fun game called ‘Waddle Races’ you can play with your whole family! Who can get the highest score? Click me to start the fun!
paint, use patterned paper, collage.
5. Write or cut out letters from magazines ‘Best Dad’, ‘No. 1 Dad’, ‘#1 Dad’. You could write pop, pa, papa, brother, uncle, depending on who you are making it for.
6. Finally, thread ribbon through hole and tie a knot.
Option 2: Salt dough Medal
You will need:
1 cup of salt
Skewer or pencil
Food Colouring (optional)
Cookie cutters (optional) **This recipe makes enough dough for multiple medals**
1. In a large bowl mix flour and salt. 2. Add oil. 3. Then slowly add water and stir
until it’s soft, light and malleable, not sticky at all. Add food colouring to the water if you’re adding it. The food colouring may stain your hands.
4. Once completely mixed, shape and mould into your desired shape using hands or cookie cutter - a circle, star, heart or the first letter of your dad's name. You can use a pencil/skewer to engrave medal or use clay to mould letters and stick on medal - ‘Best Dad’, ‘No. 1 Dad’, ‘#1 Dad’.
5. Next, we need to make a hole toward the top for the ribbon to go through. You can use a pencil or skewer to push through clay.
6. Pop it in the oven at 120 degrees for about an hour, depending on the size. Bake until hard and remember to keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn.
7. Decorate/colour using texta if you didn’t use food colouring.

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