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Page 1: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

SAGE: Percipient Storage for Exascale Data Centric Computing

Sai Narasimhamurthy, Nikita Danilov, Sining Wu, Ganesan Umanesan

Seagate Systems UK, UK

Stefano Markidis, Sergio Rivas-Gomez, Ivy Bo Peng, Erwin Laure

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Dirk Pleiter

Julich Supercomputing Center, Germany

Shaun de Witt

Culham Center for Fusion Energy, UK


We aim to implement a Big Data/Extreme Computing (BDEC) capable system infrastructure as we head towards theera of Exascale computing - termed SAGE (Percipient StorAGe for Exascale Data Centric Computing). The SAGEsystem will be capable of storing and processing immense volumes of data at the Exascale regime, and provide thecapability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure.

SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between Big Data Analysis and HPC in an era of next-generation datacentric computing that has developed due to the proliferation of massive data sources, such as large, dispersed scientificinstruments and sensors, whose data needs to be processed, analyzed and integrated into simulations to derive scientificand innovative insights. Indeed, Exascale I/O, as a problem that has not been sufficiently dealt with for simulationcodes, is appropriately addressed by the SAGE platform.

The objective of this paper is to discuss the software architecture of the SAGE system and look at early results wehave obtained employing some of its key methodologies, as the system continues to evolve.

Keywords: SAGE Architecture, Object storage, Mero, Clovis, PGAS I/O, MPI I/O, MPI Streams

1. Introduction

Exascale computing is typically characterized by theavailability of infrastructure to support computational ca-pability in the order of an ExaFLOP. This definition isnow more broadly understood to include the storage andprocessing of an order of an Exabyte of data as part ofa scientific workflow or a simulation. Based on variousinternational Exascale roadmaps [1], we envision Exascalecomputing capable infrastructures, capable of exploitationby applications and workflows for science and technologi-cal innovation, to be available to the community sometimein the 2021-2023 timeframe.

Computing infrastructure innovation has been drivenby Moore’s law and the development of even more paral-lelism with multi-core and many-core processing to accom-modate the increasing performance requirements of Exas-cale class problems. As an example, compute core concur-rencies (billion-way concurrency on some machines!) atExascale will have increased about 4,000 times comparedto early PetaFLOP machines. However I/O and storage

have lagged far behind computing. Storage performancein the same time period is predicted to improve only 100times, according to early estimates provided by Vetter etal. [2]. In fact, from the time of publication of this work,the performance of disk drives per unit capacity is actu-ally decreasing with new very high capacity disk drives onthe horizon. Simultaneously, the landscape for storage ischanging with the emergence of new storage device tech-nologies, such as flash (available today) and the promiseof non-volatile memory technologies available in the nearfuture. The optimal use of these devices (starting withflash) in the I/O hierarchy, combined with existing disktechnology, is just beginning to be explored in HPC [3]with burst buffers[4].

The SAGE system (”SAGE”) proposes hardware, tosupport a multi-tiered I/O hierarchy and associated in-telligent management software, to provide a demonstrablepath towards Exascale. Further, SAGE proposes a radi-cal approach in extreme scale HPC, by moving traditionalcomputations, typically done in the compute cluster, tothe storage system, which provides the potential of sig-

Preprint submitted to Parallel Computing May 3, 2018








] 1




Page 2: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

nificantly reducing the energy footprint of the overall sys-tem [5]. This design helps to move towards the Perfor-mance/Watt goals of Exascale class systems [6].

The primary objective of this paper is to present thearchitecture of the SAGE software stack (”SAGE stack”)providing more detail on our introductory work [7]. Wealso present early results from two of the components ofthe SAGE stack specifically in the area of programmingmodels, which are part of High Level HPC APIs in Fig-ure 2 clearly recognizing that results for the various otherstack components is something we are planning to presentin upcoming works as a follow-up to this work. The paperis organized as follows. Section 2 describes the challengesthat storage systems need to address to support scalableand high performance I/O on an Exascale supercomputer,and it also introduces how the SAGE project meets thesechallenges. Section 3 describes the SAGE platform archi-tecture and software stack. Section 4 presents the selectedresults of the components of the SAGE stack. Section 5describes the related work. Finally, Section 6 summarizesthe paper and outlines the future work.

2. Exascale Challenges for Storage Systems

Our goal was to design and develop an I/O system withan associated software stack to meet the challenges Exas-cale computing poses. We identified five exascale chal-lenges together with possible approaches to meet thesechallenges as part of building the SAGE system.

1. Heterogenous Storage Systems. The abilityto store extreme volumes of data and manage exceptionaldata rates requires storage device technologies that arecapable of meeting a wide spectrum of performance andcapacity points. This capability is only made possible byhaving an architecture that can reasonably incorporate awide variety of storage device technologies to meet variousperformance and capacity objectives at reasonable costs,as there is clearly no single storage device type that worksoptimally for all workloads. Further, most workloads re-quire a variety of storage types to deliver good performanceat an acceptable cost [8]. Indeed, this requirement is wellrecognized by the European as well as the Internationalcommunity. Storage systems at Exascale need to incor-porate a deep I/O hierarchy consisting of various devicetypes [9, 10]. In the SAGE platform, the top tiers consistof NVRAM pools that have higher performance but lowercapacity, which hosts pre-fetched data, absorb I/O bursts,and then drain to lower tier devices, such as disks andarchive, which are optimized for capacity. To address thedifficulty of optimized data placement on different tiersof the SAGE system [11], we further developed a seriesof tools which includes Hierarchical Storage Management(’HSM’), ARM Forge for characterizing I/O workloads andthe RTMHS tool to recommend data placement on het-erogenous systems [12].

2. Performance at Scale. Existing POSIX I/O se-mantics cause severe performance and scalability bottle-

necks that were recognized and became very well under-stood following many efforts to scale out HPC [13]. Thisbehavior is a result of POSIX’s very strict transactionaland consistency semantics - which makes it unsuitablefor highly shared environments, such as those in scale-out HPC. Further, much of the POSIX metadata neededto meet its semantic requirements are not interesting formany applications. There is a clear need to move beyondPOSIX semantics and adopt new I/O models.

Object storage technology, which has been successfulin meeting the extreme volume constraints in the cloudcommunity, is already being investigated within HPC andwe aim to utilize this approach as a software frameworkfor the platform [14]. Within SAGE, we use object stor-age technology and in particular Mero which is Seagate’sobject storage platform is utilized as a base, with an APIthat is called Clovis. An Object Storage API is requiredthat can ingest data from external data sets as well as han-dle data from simulations. The Object Storage API willneed to provide a seamless view of data, independent of itslocation in the I/O hierarchy. Most importantly, it allowsto scale the performance avoiding POSIX I/O limitations.

3. Minimize Data Movement. We need a systemthat can provide compute capability within storage to runvarious data analytics and pre/post processing pieces ofthe workflow in parallel with running simulations. Theability to run in-storage compute is crucial to avoid theenergy costs incurred by constantly moving data betweenthe compute and the storage system [15]. Within SAGE,we use the function-shipping capability of the Mero ob-ject storage platform to compute in-storage and use MPIstreams for offloading computations to processes runningon I/O servers [16].

4. Availability and Data Integrity. Failures ininfrastructure and applications are not an exception, butrather the norm at Exascale [17]. The sheer number ofsoftware and hardware components present in Exascalesystems makes the likelihood of failure extremely high dur-ing a short interval of time. A highly available infras-tructure is needed that is always-on from an applicationperspective. The sheer volume of data in Exascale storagesystems make the probabilities of data corruptions exceed-ingly high. Within SAGE, we provide data integrity andavailability via the Mero object storage platform.

5. Legacy and Emerging HPC Applications.The platform should support appropriate use case dataformats and legacy application interfaces (parallel file sys-tems, POSIX) to enable their smooth transition to Exas-cale. SAGE also needs to interface with emerging big dataanalytics applications (on top of the API) to access therich features of these tools, and the Volumes, Velocity andVariety (potentially) of data coming from sensors, instru-ments and simulations. We studied a portfolio of scientificdata-centric applications that have been used to providerequirements to the development of the SAGE system andto validate the developments in the projects. Th applica-tions (”SAGE applications”) we chose included:


Page 3: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

• iPIC3D is a massively parallel Particle-in-Cell Codefor space-weather [18, 19].

• NEST is simulator for spiking neural network modelsin brain science [20].

• Ray is a massively parallel meta-genome assembler[21].

• JURASSIC is a fast radiative transfer model simu-lation code for the mid-infrared spectral region [22].

• EFIT++ is a plasma equilibrium fitting code withapplication to nuclear fusion [23].

• The ALF code performs analytics on data consump-tion log files

• Spectre is a visualization tool providing near realtime feedback on plasma and other operational con-ditions in fusion devices.

• Savu provides a tomography reconstruction and pro-cessing pipeline [24].

In order to support legacy and emerging data-analyticsapplications, we further develop widely used legacy HPCinterfaces, such as MPI and HDF5, to exploit the SAGEplatform.

3. SAGE Platform Architecture

We next describe the high-level design of the SAGEsystem and then provide details on the SAGE platform ar-chitecture, based on the challenges and solutions outlinedin the previous section. The fundamental requirementsof the SAGE system justifies our top level architecturewith an I/O hierarchy with in-storage compute capabili-ties, driven by an Object Storage infrastructure. We willfocus on the software stack in this paper.

3.1. SAGE Hardware

To drive discussion on the software stack, we brieflydiscuss the SAGE hardware. Figure 1 shows the concep-tual architecture of the SAGE platform.

The SAGE platform consists of multiple tiers of storagedevice technologies at the bottom of the stack, the Uni-fied Object-Based Storage Infrastructure. The system doesnot require any specific storage device technology type andaccommodates upcoming NVRAM, existing flash and disktiers. For the NVRAM tier, we are using Intel 3D XPointtechnology [25] in our Tier 1. We will also use emulatedNVDIMMs (Non-Volatile DIMMs) in Tier-1 because of thelack of NVDIMM availability in vendor roadmaps. Weare using Flash based solid state drives in Tier 2. Se-rial Attached SCSI high performance drives are containedin Tier-3 and archival grade, high capacity, slow disks( based on Serial ATA and Shingled Magnetic Record-ing) are contained in Tier-4. These tiers are all housed

TIER 1 New NVRAM Techs, e.g. 3D XPoint, STT-



TIER 3 High Performance Rotating Disks





ty C




Unified Object-Based Storage Infrastructure

Data-Centric Applications

SAGE APIs for Object Storage

TIER 4 Slow Archival-grade Disks

Figure 1: SAGE conceptual architecture.

High-Level HPC APIs

Clovis API


Unified Object-Based Storage Infrastructure



HDF5 ARM Forge


MPI Streams


Management Interface Access Interface

Distributed Transactions

Containers Layouts

Function Shipping


HA Advanced views

Figure 2: SAGE System Stack.

in standard form factor enclosures that provide their owncompute capability, enabled by standard x86 embeddedprocessing components, which are connected through anFDR infiniband network. Moving up the system stack,compute capability increases for faster and lower latencydevice tiers.

The base hardware platform which has been installedat the Julich Supercomputing Center in 2017 and it willbe described in a different report/paper.

3.2. SAGE Software Stack

We have designed and developed a software stack capa-ble of exploiting the SAGE Unified Object-Based StorageInfrastructure. A diagram of the SAGE software stack isshown in Figure 2. The SAGE software consists of threemain layers: first, Mero is at the base of the software stackthat provides the distributed object storage platform; sec-ond, the Clovis provides the higher-level layer with an in-terface to Mero; third, applications’ APIs (MPI, HDF5,...) and tools link applications with Clovis.

3.2.1. Mero

Mero is at the base of the SAGE software stack. Meroprovides the Exascale-capable object storage infrastruc-ture that drives the storage hardware [26]. Mero pro-vides the Exascale-capable object storage infrastructurethat drives the storage hardware. Mero consists of a core


Page 4: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

that provides the basic object storage features that aretypically available in many object stores. This consists ofthe ability to read/write objects with metadata for objectsthat can be defined in a Key Value store. The core alsoprovides resource management of caches, locks, extents,etc on top of basic hardware and provides the basic infras-tructure needed for hardware reliability such as distributedRAID enabled through Server Network Striping.

Containers. Containers are the basic way of group-ing objects as per user definitions. Containers provide la-belling of objects so as to provide a form of virtualisationof object name space. Containers can be based on perfor-mance(Eg: high performance containers for objects to bestored in higher tiers) and data format descriptions(HDF5containers, NetCDF containers, etc). There is in fact nolimitation to the ways in which objects can be groupedinto containers. Containers are also useful for performingone shot operations on objects such as shipping a functionto a container.

High Availability (HA) System. Component reli-ability is not expected to increase in the coming years. Yetdata has shown that the number of failures scales propor-tionally with respect to certain units, such as the amountof RAM, the number of cores, the number of NICs, etc.Making projections from existing systems [27] also in-dicates that we can expect several hardware failures persecond at Exascale, in addition to software failures result-ing in crashed nodes. To maintain service availability inthe face of expected failures, the global state (or configu-ration) of the cluster may need to be modified, by meansof a repair procedure.The HA subsystem for SAGE willperform automated repair activities within storage devicetiers in response to failures. The subsystem monitors fail-ure events (inputs) throughout the storage tiers. Then,on the basis of the collected events, the HA system de-cides whether to take action. The HA subsystem does notconsider events in isolation but quantifies, over the recenthistory of the cluster, a quasi-ordered sets of events to de-termine which repair procedure (output) to engage, if any.

Distributed Transaction Management. Distributedtransactions are groups of updates to the storage systemthat are guaranteed to be atomic with respect to fail-ures. Transactions have now been recognized as a neces-sary component of a generic storage solution at scale [3].On the other hand, traditional RDMS-style transactionsare known not to scale. To address this problem, Mero sep-arates transaction control proper from other issues, usuallylinked with it, such as concurrency control and isolation.The resulting transaction mechanism is scalable and effi-cient.

Layouts. A layout determines how a storage entity(an object, a key-value index, a container, etc.) is mappedto the available storage hardware and tiers. Layouts deter-mine performance and fault-tolerant properties of storageentities. Each object has its own layout as described by theuser of Mero. They determine how an object is distributedacross multiple tiers of a deep storage hierarchy. Different

types of layouts are possible. For example RAID layoutswith different combinations of data and parity, compressedlayouts, mirrored layouts, etc. Different portions of objectsmapped to different tiers can have their own layout basedon the property of the tier onto which they are mapped.

Function Shipping. A system features horizontalscalability if its performance increases linearly (or quasi-linearly) with the number of components. An ideal stor-age cluster should scale horizontally: capacity and band-width should increase linearly with the number of nodes.However, the network may not scale proportionally, as ispredicted for Exascale systems. Many computations canprocess data locally. That is, processing a portion of sys-tem input can be done independently of processing therest of the input. In this case, it is not optimal to fetchraw data from a storage cluster into a compute cluster andprocess it there. In an Exascale situation, a large trans-fer overhead is predicted. Thus, computations should bedistributed throughout the storage cluster and performedin place. Instead of moving the data to the computation,the computation moves to the data. The function-shippingcomponent will provide the ability to run data-centric, dis-tributed computations directly on the storage nodes wherethe data resides. Additionally, the computations offloadedto the storage cluster are designed to be resilient to errors.Well defined functions are offloaded from the use cases tostorage through the API and invoked through simple Re-mote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanisms.

Advanced Views. Considering the volume of objectsin a distributed storage system at Exascale, it is quitewasteful to have different copies of objects to map to dif-ferent types of data formats needed by different compo-nents of the application workflow, in case the same data isread. It is indeed quite desirable to have different windowsinto the same raw objects based on the applications usingit. This is possible by manipulation of metadata associ-ated with objects without copying the raw objects. This istermed as Advanced Views and Schemas which we overlayon top of the Mero core. This will make it possible to havevarious views such as S3 view, HDF5 View, POSIX viewetc on top of the same set of objects.

3.2.2. Clovis

Clovis is the second SAGE software stack layer, sittingon top of Mero. Clovis is a rich, transactional storage APIthat can be used directly by user applications and can alsobe layered with traditional interfaces such as POSIX andRESTful APIs, much as libRados [28] is the interface uponwhich the CephFS (POSIX), RadosGW (S3), and RBD(block device) [29] interfaces are built. The Clovis I/Ointerface provides functions related to objects and indicesfor storing and retrieving data. Objects store traditionaldata. Indices store special data such as key-value pairs.Clovis object is an array of blocks. Blocks are of a powerof two size bytes. This keeps the interface simpler andallows for efficient checks and translations between byte


Page 5: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

offsets and block indices 1. They are of the same size fora particular object. The block size is selected when anobject is created for the first time. Objects can be readfrom and written to at block level granularity. Objects canbe deleted at the end of their lifetime.

In the SAGE platform, Clovis consists of an access in-terface that provides access to objects (including throughvarious gateway stacks), to specify containers and layoutsfor objects, shipped functions, and, transactional seman-tics. Clovis contains a management interface that accessestelemetry records called Analysis and Diagnostics DataBase (ADDB) records on system performance that can befed into external system data analysis tools. The Clovismanagement interface also contains an extension interfacethat will be used to extend the features and functionalitiesof Mero.

Clovis Access Interface. Clovis consists of an accessinterface that provides access to objects (including throughvarious gateway stacks), to specify containers and layoutsfor objects, and, transactional semantics.

A Clovis index is a key-value store. An index storesrecords in some order. Records are key-value pairs withthe constraint that keys are unique within an index. Clo-vis provides GET, PUT, DEL and NEXT operations on in-dices. The GET operation returns matching records froman index for a given set of keys. The PUT operationwrites/rewrites a given set of records. The DEL operationdeletes all matching records of an index for a given set ofkeys. The NEXT operation returns records correspondingto the set of next keys for a given set of keys.

Clovis Management Interface. Clovis contains amanagement interface that ADBB telemetry records onsystem performance that can be fed into external systemdata analysis tools. Clovis also contains an extension inter-face, as part of the management interface, that will be usedto extend the features and functionalities of Mero. Thisinterface is known as FDMI. Additional data managementplug-ins can easily be built on top of the core throughFDMI. Hierarchical storage management and informationlifecycle management, file system integrity checking, dataindexing, data compression are some examples of third-party plug-ins utilizing the API.

3.2.3. Tools

A following are a set of tools for I/O profiling and op-timized data movement across different SAGE platformtiers at the top of the SAGE software stack.

Data Analytics Tools. Apache Flink, the data ana-lytics tool employed in the SAGE project, will work on topof Clovis access interface through Flink connectors for Clo-vis. Using Flink enables the deployment of data analyticsjobs on top of Mero.

Parallel File System Access. Parallel file systemaccess is the traditional method of accessing storage in

1All block sizes occurring in practice (byte addressable storage,processor cachelines, block devices block sizes, etc.) are powers of 2

HPC. Many of the SAGE use cases will need the supportof POSIX compliant storage access. This access is pro-vided through the pNFS gateway built on top of Clovis.However, pNFS will need some POSIX semantics (to ab-stract namespaces on top of Mero objects) to be developedby leveraging Mero’s KVS. This abstraction is provided inSAGE.

HSM and Data Integrity. HSM is used to controlthe movement of data in the SAGE hierarchies based ondata usage. Advanced integrity checking overcomes someof the drawbacks of well known and widely used file systemconsistency checking schemes.

ARM Forge. ADDB telemetry records from the Clo-vis management interface are directly fed to ARM Forgeperformance report tools that reports overall system per-formance for SAGE.

RTHMS. We designed and developed a tool, calledRTHMS [12], that analyzes parallel applications and pro-vides recommendations to the programmer about the dataplacement of memory objects on heterogeneous memorysystems. Our tool only requires the application binaryand the characteristics of each memory technology (e.g.,memory latency and bandwidth) available in the system.

3.2.4. High-Level HPC Interfaces

At the top of the software stack, we further developwidely-used HPC legacy APIs, such as MPI and HDF5, toexploit the SAGE architecture.

PGAS I/O. The goal of the Partitioned Global Ad-dress Space (PGAS) programming model is to provide pro-cesses with a global view of the memory and storage spaceduring the execution of a parallel application. This is sim-ilar to what a Shared Memory model provides in a mul-tithreaded local environment. In the PGAS approach, re-mote processes from different nodes can easily collaborateaccessing memory addresses through load / store opera-tions that do not necessarily belong to their own physicalmemory space. In SAGE, we propose an extension to theMPI one-sided communication model to support windowallocations in storage: MPI storage windows [30]. Our ob-jective is to define a seamless extension to MPI to supportcurrent and future storage technologies without changingthe MPI standard, allowing to target either files (i.e., forlocal and remote storage through a parallel file system)or alternatively address block devices directly (i.e., as inDRAM). We propose a novel use of MPI windows, a part ofthe MPI process memory that is exposed to other MPI re-mote processes, to simplify the programming interface andto support high-performance parallel I/O without requir-ing the use of MPI I/O. Files on storage devices appear tousers as MPI windows (MPI storage windows) and seam-lessly accessed through familiar PUT and GET operations.Details about the semantics of operations on MPI storagewindows and the implementation are provided in Ref. [30].

In Section 4, we present the initial performance resultsof using MPI storage windows.


Page 6: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

MPI Streams for Post-Processing and ParallelI/O. While PGAS I/O library addresses the challenge ofheterogenous storage and memory, streams can be used tosupport function-shipping for post-processing and highlyscalable parallel I/O. Streams are a continuous sequence offine-grained data structures that move from a set of pro-cesses, called data producers, to another set of processes,called data consumers. These fine-grained data structuresare often small in size and in a uniform format, calleda stream element. A set of computations, such as post-processing and I/O operations, can be attached to a datastream. Stream elements in a stream are processed onlinesuch that they are discarded as soon as they are consumedby the attached computation.

In particular, our work in SAGE focuses on parallelstreams, where data producers and consumers are distributedamong processes that require communication to move data.To achieve this, we have developed a stream library, calledMPIStream, to support post-processing and parallel I/Ooperations on MPI consumer processes [31, 16]. Moredetails about MPI streams operation semantics and MP-IStream implementation are provided in Ref. [32]. In Sec-tion 4 we present the results of using MPI streams forpost-processing and parallel I/O operations.

HDF5. Typically, data formats in HPC provide theirown libraries to describe data structures and their relations(including I/O semantics). The HDF5 data format needsto be supported in SAGE, and is layered directly on topof Clovis. The HDF5 will use the Virtual Object LayerInfrastructure within HDF5 (used to interface HDF5 withvarious object formats), to interface with Clovis.

4. Results

We are starting to quantify the benefits of the individ-ual features sets of the SAGE stack in the ongoing processof providing a holistic picture of the benefits of the SAGEarchitecture for Exascale. On that front, we present theperformance results of two components of the high-levelHPC interfaces for the SAGE platform: the PGAS I/O us-ing MPI storage windows [30] and MPI streams [32, 31, 16]for post-processing and efficient parallelI/O operations, ex-ploiting the SAGE architecture. This aims to provide in-troductory results for SAGE stack components with re-sults for other components targeted for future works.

4.1. PGAS I/O

In order to understand the potential performance con-straints that the storage allocations introduce into the MPIone-sided communication model, we have carried out ex-periments with three benchmarks and applications [30]:

• STREAM is a popular micro-benchmark to mea-sure the sustainable memory bandwidth of a sys-tem [33]. As files are mapped into the MPI window,STREAM is a convenient benchmark to measure theaccess bandwidth to the MPI storage window and

compare it with the bandwidth achieved when usingMPI windows in memory. For this reason, we extendthe MPI version of STREAM to support memorywindows for each array allocation and instruct MPIto allocate the MPI windows on storage.

• Distributed Hash Table (DHT) mimics SAGEdata-analytics applications that have random accessin distributed data structures. The source code isbased on the implementation of a DHT presented inRef. [34].

• HACC is a physics particle-based code, simulatingthe trajectories of trillions of particles. For our tests,we use the HACC I/O kernel to mimic the check-pointing and restart functionalities in the SAGE iPIC3Dapplication [18]. We extend the kernel to performcheck-pointing and restart using MPI storage win-dows to compare with the existing MPI I/O imple-mentation.

As the SAGE system has been only recently installed,we tested the SAGE software components on other work-stations and supercomputers available within the SAGEconsortium. To carry out different experiments and ob-tain preliminary results about the SAGE software stack,we use two testbeds, specified as follows:

• Blackdog is a workstation with eight-core Xeon E5-2609v2 processor running at 2.5GHz. The worksta-tion is equipped with a total of 72GB DRAM. Thestorage consists of two 4TB HDD (WDC WD4000F9YZ/ non-RAID) and a 250GB SSD (Samsung 850 EVO).The OS is Ubuntu Server 16.04 with Kernel 4.4.0-62-generic. Compilation uses gcc v5.4.0 and MPICHv3.2.

• Tegner is a supercomputer at KTH. We use up tosix compute nodes that are equipped with HaswellE5-2690v3 processor running at 2.6GHz. Each nodehas two sockets with 12 cores and a total of 512GBDRAM. The storage employs a Lustre parallel filesystem. The OS is CentOS v7.3.1611 with Ker-nel 3.10.0- 514.6.1.el7.x86 64. Compilation uses gccv6.2.0 and Intel MPI v5.1.3.

Figures 3(a) and 3(c) present the bandwidth of themodified STREAM benchmark on Blackdog and Tegnerrespectively with MPI windows and MPI storage windows.The x-axis shows the problem size in millions of elementsper array, while the y-axis presents the measured band-width. Figure 3(b) shows the asymmetric bandwidth forread / write on Tegner, using Lustre as the underlyingparallel file system and the copy kernel of STREAM.

Figure 3(a) shows that only approximately a 10% degra-dation is observed on Blackdog for the largest case of 1000million elements per array. Analyzing Figure 3(c), we ob-serve that the MPI storage window performance on Tegner


Page 7: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

SAGE D4.6v1.0 Percipient StorAGe for Exascale Data Centric Computing Created on 02/21/2017 D4.6 Global Address Space Concepts for Percipient Storage

© KTH and other partners of the SAGE consortium 2015-2018 page 40/48

In order to understand the reason for these performance results, we conducted an analysis of the file mapping performance on Tegner. Figure 15 (b) demonstrates the asymmetric bandwidth for read and write operations on this cluster. We measure the bandwidth of read operations with the STREAM copy kernel, reading from an MPI storage window to a memory-based, while the write operations are measured by reading from an MPI window to MPI storage window. In this figure, we can clearly observe that read operations can reach as high as 12,308MB/s and write operations only reach 1,374MB/s. This means that the write operations in the Lustre file system used on Tegner are by default meant to bypass the page cache of the operating system with the purpose of storing the information as soon as relatively possible. This also explains why the STREAM benchmark, which constantly enforces write operations between the three arrays, performed considerably worse and did not take advantage of the read bandwidth. Note that we expect in those situations that a fine-tune of some of the Lustre file system settings (e.g., on the client side) should theoretically improve the performance. We leave this task for future work.



100M 200M 400M 600M 800M 1000M



th (M


Problem Size (million elements)Blackdog - RAM Blackdog - Storage (HDD)




100M 400M 800M 1000M



th (M


Problem Size (million elements)Tegner - RAM


Read Write

Tegner(Lustre) 12308 MB/s 1374 MB/s





th (M

B/s) (c)

Figure 15 Panels (a) and (c) present the bandwidth of the modified STREAM benchmark on Blackdog and Tegner respectively with MPI windows and MPI storage windows. The x-axis shows the problem size in millions of elements per array, while the y-axis depicts the measured bandwidth. Panel (b) presents the asymmetric bandwidth for read / write on Tegner, using Lustre as the underlying parallel file system and the copy kernel of STREAM.

Figure 3: STREAM benchmark performance using MPI windows onstorage and DRAM on two different systems.

degrades the bandwidth by 90% compared to the MPI win-dow allocation on memory. In Figure 3(b) we can observethat read operations can reach as high as 12,308MB/s andwrite operations only reach 1,374MB/s. This explains whythe STREAM benchmark, which constantly enforces writeoperations between the three arrays, performed consider-ably worse and did not take advantage of the read band-width.

The second application we test the MPI storage win-dows is the Distributed Hash Table (DHT). In the DHTapplication, each MPI process handles a part of the DHT,named Local Volume. These volumes have multiple buck-ets to store elements individually. The processes also main-tain an overflow heap to store elements in case of collisions.For instance, for 8 processes and a conflict overflow of 4per element, 100 million elements per local volume meansa capacity of 500 million elements per MPI process anda global DHT size of 4000 million elements (800 millionexcluding the overflow heap). The local volume and theoverflow heap are allocated as MPI windows on each pro-cess, so that updates to the DHT are handled using MPIone-sided operations. In this way, each MPI process canput or get values and resolve conflicts asynchronously onany of the exposed local volumes.

Figures 4(a) and 4(b) present the execution time ofthe DHT on Blackdog and Tegner, respectively, using MPIwindows and MPI storage windows. The x-axis representsthe Local Volume per process in millions of elements, whilethe y-axis shows the average execution time. The execu-tion on Blackdog is using eight MPI processes, while theexecution on Tegner is using 96 MPI processes (4 nodes).

The DHT results on Blackdog in Figure 4(a) demon-strate that the overall overhead of using MPI storage win-dows with conventional hard disks is 34% compared to thememory-based approach. However, one of the advantagesthat the SAGE system will feature is its multi-tier stor-age capabilities, containing Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM)together with other storage technologies. Consequently,we evaluated the performance once again by using a fasterstorage device, such as a solid-state drive (SSD). The per-

SAGE D4.6v1.0

Percipient StorAGe for Exascale Data Centric Computing Created on 02/21/2017

D4.6 Global Address Space Concepts for Percipient Storage

© KTH and other partners of the SAGE consortium 2015-2018 page 42/48

four compute nodes and each process inserts 80% of the local volume capacity to the table.

The local volume size varies from 1 to 5 million elements, meaning that the largest test

case has a global capacity of 480 million elements (2,400 million elements in total with the

overflow heap). In this case, the using MPI storage windows barely affects the performance

with only 2% degradation on average when compared to MPI windows.

This positive result demonstrates that the unusual degradation observed with STREAM was

due to the asymmetric bandwidth of the I/O operations, especially when mainly writes are

performed. With the DHT, the overhead of the communications and the internal

computations hide the bandwidth differences observed when using storage windows.








10M 20M 40M 60M 80M 100M




e (s)

Local Volume (per process)

Blackdog - RAM Blackdog - Storage (SSD) Blackdog - Storage (HDD)








1M 2M 3M 4M 5M




e (s)

Local Volume (per process)

Tegner - RAM Tegner - Storage (Lustre)



Figure 16 Panels (a) and (b) present the execution time of the DHT on Blackdog and Tegner,

respectively, using MPI windows and MPI storage windows. The x-axis represents the Local Volume per

process in millions of elements, while the y-axis shows the average execution time. The execution on

Blackdog is using 8 MPI processes, while the execution on Tegner is using 96 MPI processes (4 nodes).

Figure 4: DHT application performance using MPI windows on stor-age and DRAM on two different systems shows that performancepenalty of using storage instead of memory is relatively small.

SAGE D4.6v1.0 Percipient StorAGe for Exascale Data Centric Computing Created on 02/21/2017 D4.6 Global Address Space Concepts for Percipient Storage

© KTH and other partners of the SAGE consortium 2015-2018 page 43/48

4.2.3. Testing Real-World HPC Applications: HACC I/O Kernel HACC (Hardware / Hybrid Accelerated Cosmology Code) [23] is a physics particle-based code to simulate the evolution of the Universe after the Big Bang. The HACC code simulates the trajectories of trillions of particles and offers a comprehensive support for check-pointing and restart, making it interesting from an I/O workload perspective. We use the HACC I/O kernel [22] for our tests, a mini-application of the CORAL benchmark codes9 that mimics the check-pointing and restart functionalities of the original code. We extend the kernel to perform check-pointing and restart using MPI storage windows with the purpose of comparing the approach with the existing MPI I/O implementation. The particle data is stored in a global file shared among all the processes. Within our implementation, each process maps the same file through the allocation call of the MPI window, providing a common filename hint. We have evaluated the MPI storage window performance with HACC I/O kernel by conducting a strong scaling test. We use 100 million particles in all the runs and only increase the number of processes in use. Additionally, we ensure synchronization both during check-pointing and also during restart, just for fair comparison with MPI I/O. This will enforce changes to storage and avoid any caching in main memory. Figure 17 shows the average execution time on Blackdog and Tegner when varying the number of processes. The results show that MPI storage windows provide about 32%

9 The HACC I/O kernel is available at: https://asc.llnl.gov/CORAL-benchmarks

(b) (a)






2 4 8 16



n Ti



# ProcessesBlackdog - MPI IO (HDD)Blackdog - Storage Win. (HDD)



16 32 64 128



n Ti



# ProcessesTegner - MPI IO (Lustre)Tegner - Storage Win. (Lustre)

Figure 17 Panels (a) and (b) present the execution time of the HACC I/O kernel running on Blackdog and Tegner respectively using MPI I/O and MPI storage windows. The x-axis represents the number of processes used for each test, while the y-axis shows the average execution time measured (in seconds). The number of particles is fixed to 100 million in all the tests conducted. Figure 5: Execution time of the HACC I/O kernel, mimicking

iPIC3D checkpointing / restart, running on Blackdog and Tegnerusing MPI I/O and MPI storage windows. MPI storage windowsprovide better scalability when compared to MPI I/O on a largernumber of processes.

formance clearly improves in comparison by decreasing theoverhead to approximately 20% on average. In the case ofTegner, Figure 4(b), using MPI storage windows barelyaffects the performance with only 2% degradation on av-erage when compared to MPI memory windows.

Finally, we evaluate the MPI storage window perfor-mance with HACC I/O kernel (strong scaling). We use100 million particles in all the tests, while increasing thenumber of processes in use. We ensure synchronizationboth during check-pointing and restart for fair compari-son with MPI I/O.

Figure 5 shows the average execution time on Black-dog and Tegner when varying the number of processes.The results show that MPI storage windows provide about32% improvement on average on Tegner when comparedto the MPI I/O implementation when the process countincreases. On the other hand, the performance of the twoapproaches are similar on Blackdog, with MPI I/O per-forming slightly better (4% on average). While the perfor-mance difference between the two approaches is relativelysmall, this result indicates that the MPI storage windowsprovide better scalability compared to MPI I/O on a largernumber of processes.

In SAGE, we showed that MPI storage windows pro-vide a high-performance I/O mechanism. The bandwidthto MPI storage windows is only a fraction smaller than


Page 8: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

Figure 3. Tracking high energy particles by coupling a plasma simulation code with a visualization programwith the MPIStream library. The particle trajectories are depicted in different colors for different particles,overlaying a contour plot of the z-component of the magnetic field Bz.

Due to the decoupling, there are four additional possibilities for the performance opti-mization. First, the simulation continues without waiting for the completion of any I/Ooperation. This provides overlapping between simulation and I/O operations. We notethat MPI-3 provides non-blocking I/O operations but at the cost of additional memorybuffer holding the data till the completion of such operations. This additional memorybuffer might consume to much resources if the number of particles is large. Second, asthe visualization program does not carry out simulation, it can stretch out most of itsmemory for buffering the received particles to reduce the interaction with the file system.Third, decoupling irregular I/O operations from the large number of simulation processesdrastically reduces the number of processes interacting the file system, mitigating con-gestion and serialization for collective I/O operations. Fourth, due to the unpredictablepattern of interesting particles, it is necessary to use global reduction operations to cal-culate the offset of each process in a shared file. However, the communication time forsuch collective operations scale logarithmically with the number of calling processes.Decoupling these operations to a smaller number of I/O processes can reduce the com-munication time.

Figure 6: MPI streams allows iPIC3D to offload particle visualizationand parallel I/O to a smaller number of MPI processes and continuewith the simulation. As next step in SAGE, Clovis function-shippingcapabilities can be used for post-processing on storage.

the bandwidth to MPI windows in memory. Parallel I/Owith MPI storage windows is also faster than traditionalparallel I/O solutions, such as MPI I/O, when the num-ber of processes is large. High-Performance parallel I/Ois achieved by the use of memory-mapped file I/O withinthe MPI storage windows. In fact, the OS page cache andbuffering of the parallel file system act as automatic cachesfor read and write operations on storage: in the same waythat programmers do not necessarily handle explicit datamovement in the processor caches, here programmers donot need to handle virtual memory management or buffer-ing on the file system, i.e., the OS and underlying filesystems provide this functionality.

4.2. MPI Streams for Post-processing and Optimized I/O

In SAGE, we developed MPI streams to support of-floading of post-processing and parallel I/O to a smallnumber of processes to enable high-performance I/O. Asfuture tasks, we plan to use Clovis function shipping capa-bilities to perform operations on streams directly on stor-age.

To test the performance of MPI Streams for I/O, weuse one of the SAGE applications, iPIC3D [18]. The cur-rent production version of the iPIC3D code uses the MPIcollective I/O for saving snapshots of relevant quantities,such particle positions and velocities, to disk. In this usecase, we use MPI Streams to offload post-processing toseparate a program that performs I/O and visualizationat runtime. In this way, MPI processes that carry out thesimulation are isolated from the frequent and expensiveI/O operations [31]. We use the MPI Streams library todecouple the processes from I/O operations by streamingout the particle data to the I/O program so that simu-lations can proceed without carrying out I/O operation.Concurrently, the I/O and visualization program contin-ues processing the received particle data. A visualizationof high energy particles trajectories with Paraview appli-cation is presented in Figure 6.

In this case, particle data is streamed out to the I/Oand Paraview program at a frequency as high as each timestep. Thus, no data is lost for these particles of interestand their motion can be tracked accurately. In this case,the iPIC3D code is the data producer and the I/O andpost-processing code is the data consumer. The stream ele-ment is the basic unit of the communication between thesetwo programs. It is defined as the structure of a singleparticle that consist of eight scalar values: particle posi-tion (x,y,z), particle velocity (u,v,w), particle charge q andan identifier ID. For tracking high energy particles, onlythose particles with energy exceeding certain thresholdsare streamed out. It is unpredictable when and which par-ticles will reach high energies. Thus, a particle is streamedout during particle mover, where the location and velocityof each particle is calculated. Once a particle reaches highenergies, it is continuously tracked in the remaining of thesimulation. The I/O and visualization program continuesreceiving particle streams from the simulation at runtimeand processing them to prepare data in file formats, suchas VTK, that can be visualized on-the-fly by the Paraviewapplication. The I/O and visualization program can flushdata to the file system at a user-defined frequency. Withsufficiently high frequency, the user can visualize the real-time motion of particles during simulation.

We perform the performance tests of MPI streams forI/O on the KTH Beskow supercomputer. Beskow is a CrayXC40 supercomputer with Intel Haswell processors andCray Aries interconnect network with Dragonfly topology.The supercomputer has a total of 1,676 compute nodesof 32 cores divided between two sockets. The operatingsystem is Cray Linux, and the applications are compiledwith the Cray C compiler version 5.2.40 with optimizationflag -O3 and the Cray MPICH2 library version 7.0.4.

Offloading I/O operations to a smaller number of I/Oprocesses can reduce the communication time. The per-formance gain from the streaming model increases as thescale of the system increases. This is visible from Figure 7that presents the scaling test results comparing the particlevisualization using MPI collective I/O (in grey bars) andthe streaming model for decoupling I/O from simulation(in white bars). The streaming I/O uses one visualizationprocess for every 15 simulation process.

The simulation runs for 100 time steps and the totalexecution time is shown in y-axis. The improvement is cal-culated by dividing the execution time in MPI collectiveI/O over the execution time in the streaming model. Theimprovement results are shown in the solid line against thesecondary y-axis. On small number of processes, the twoapproaches show comparable performance. Starting from256 processes, the streaming model demonstrates a steadyimprovement that continues increasing to 3.6X speedupon 8,192 processes. The observed results are in line withthe fact that I/O operations on supercomputers are oftena major performance bottleneck and shows that perfor-mance gain by using MPIStream, developed in SAGE, forI/O can be considerable. Additional details about MPI


Page 9: arXiv:1805.00556v1 [cs.DC] 1 May 2018 · 2018. 5. 3. · capability for Exascale class applications to use such a storage infrastructure. SAGE addresses the increasing overlaps between

Number of MPI Processes











Streaming I/OMPI Collective I/O

32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 81920














Figure 4. Weak scaling test of the particle visualization using MPI collective I/O and the streaming model.Each compute node is assigned with a fixed problem size. The streaming I/O uses one visualization process forevery 15 simulation process.

The performance gain from the streaming model increases as the scale of the systemincreases. This is visible from Figure 4 that presents the scaling test results comparingthe particle visualization using MPI collective I/O (in grey bars) and the streaming modelfor decoupling I/O from simulation (in white bars). The simulation runs for 100 timesteps and the total execution time is shown in Y axis. The improvement is calculated bydividing the execution time in MPI collective I/O over the execution time in the stream-ing model. The improvement results are shown in the solid line against the secondary Yaxis. On small number of processes, the two approaches show comparable performance.Starting from 256 processes, the streaming model demonstrates a steady improvementthat continues increasing to 3.6X speedup on 8,192 processes. The observed results arein line with the fact that I/O operations are often the performance bottleneck becauseof hardware limitations. On supercomputers, the massive parallel programs could sufferfrom network contention when a large number of processes concurrently access the filesystem. MPI collective I/O uses a collective buffering scheme that aggregates data fromall processes in one communicator and then reduces the interaction with the file systemsto those aggregator processes. While this approach can effectively reduce contention andsupport non-contiguous data access, it is still a collective operation involving all pro-cesses. In addition, it introduces synchronization points in the the application. Processeson large parallel systems are imbalanced either because of different workload or becauseof system noise [33]. The cost for synchronizing the imbalanced processes could be pro-hibitively expensive [34] so that the applications have to reduce the frequency of I/Ooperations. On the other hand, the streaming model decouples the I/O operations to aseparate group of processes that do not carry simulation. In this way, I/O operations andsimulation are pipelined and can progress in parallel.

Figure 7: MPI streams allows iPIC3D to offload parallel I/O to asmall number of MPI processes achieving considerable performancegain. Data can be streamed to Clovis clients to perform I/O on theobject storage.

stream performance for optimizing parallel I/O and post-processing are reported in Refs. [31, 16].

As future tasks, we plan to stream data to Clovis clientsand perform I/O on the object storage.

5. Related Work

To the best of our knowledge SAGE is the first HPC-enabled storage system to implement new NVRAM tiers,Flash and disk drive tiers as part of a single unified storagesystem. The SAGE Architecture progress the state of theart from Blue Gene Active Storage [35] and Dash [36],which use flash for data staging. SAGE also progress thestate of the art from Burst Buffer technologies as discussedearlier.

We note that Data Elevator [37] addresses some specificaspects of SAGE (primarily HSM) of moving data trans-parently between multiple tiers in a hierarchical storagesystem.

SAGE highly simplifies storage compared to what wasdeveloped in the FastForward Project [3] and develops asolution for deep I/O hierarchies, including NVRAM tech-nologies. Further, the FastForward solution is evolution-ary as it tries to make use of an existing storage solution,namely, Lustre [38] used for the last 20 years or so, thatwas really designed for the previous era, when use casesand architectural assumptions were different. SAGE andMero are the product of a complete redesign in consider-ation of the new requirements arising out of the Extremescale computing community.

Mero, the object store in SAGE, extends the stateof the art in existing object storage software, Ceph [39]and Open Stack Swift [40] by building Exascale compo-nents required for extreme scale computing. Fundamen-tally Ceph and Openstack swift are designed for cloudstorage, whereas Mero is built to meet the needs of theextreme scale computing community.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

We aimed at designing and implementing an I/O sys-tem capable of supporting I/O workloads of Exascale su-

percomputers. The SAGE platform, recently installed atJulich Computing center, supports a multi-tiered I/O hi-erarchy and associated intelligent management software,to provide a demonstrable path towards Exascale. TheSAGE software stack consists of three main software lay-ers: the Seagate Mero object-storage, the Clovis API withtools and high-level interfaces, such as MPI, on the top ofthe software stack. We presented the performance resultsof the first implementation of high level HPC interfacesfor SAGE. The current work focuses on porting the higherlevel interfaces and tools to the SAGE system.

Part of ongoing work is the focus on the performancecharacterization of various new NVRAM device technolo-gies appearing in the time frame of the SAGE project.This is also looking at lower level software and OperatingSystem(OS) infrastructure requirements to exploit thesenew devices types, below Mero in the SAGE stack. Weclearly recognize that various NVRAM technologies havetheir own performance characteristics and limitations. NewNVRAM technologies can be part of the SAGE hardwaretiers based on where they ultimately are on the perfor-mance and capacity curve. The SAGE stack and Meroindeed is designed to be agnostic of storage device typesas long as adaptations are in place within the OS.

The next steps will be to quantify the benefits of thevarious features of the SAGE stack on the SAGE proto-type system currently installed at Juelich SupercomputingCenter, with focus on providing results for the remain-ing SAGE components and the SAGE architecture as awhole. As a part of this external organisations outside ofthe SAGE consortium ( eg: from Climate and Weather,Astronomy, etc) will soon be granted access to study howtheir codes and worlflows can exploit the features of theSAGE platform. We will then look at extrapolation stud-ies of the benefits of the various SAGE features at Exascalethrough analytical and simulation models. These will bediscussed separately. Porting of the SAGE stack acrossother sites and extensions of the SAGE prototype is alsoplanned. We are targeting SAGE work to be a part of Eu-ropean Extreme Scale Demonstrators [41] which will bepre-exascale prototypes.


The authors acknowledge that the SAGE work is beingperformed by a consortium of members consisting of Sea-gate(UK), Bull ATOS(France), ARM(UK), KTH(Sweden),STFC(UK), CCFE(UK), Diamond(UK), DFKI(Germany),Forchungszentrum Juelich(Germany) and CEA(France) -which is being represented by the authors in this paper.

Funding for the work is received from the EuropeanCommission H2020 program, Grant Agreement No. 671500(SAGE).


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