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Page 1: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle

Cosmological constraints on the Generalized Uncertainty Principle from modifiedFriedmann equations

Serena Giardino1, a and Vincenzo Salzano1, b

1Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland(Dated: June 22, 2020)

The Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) has emerged in numerous attempts to a theory ofquantum gravity and predicts the existence of a minimum length in Nature. In this work, we considertwo cosmological models arising from Friedmann equations modified by the GUP (in its linear andquadratic formulations) and compare them with observational data. Our aim is to derive constraintson the GUP parameter and discuss the viability and physical implications of such models. We findfor the parameter in the quadratic formulation the constraint α2

Q < 1059 (tighter than most of thoseobtained in an astrophysical context) while the linear formulation does not appear compatible withpresent cosmological data. Our analysis highlights the powerful role of high-precision cosmologicalprobes in the realm of quantum gravity phenomenology.


The presence of a Generalized Uncertainty Principle(GUP) appears to be an ubiquitous feature in differenttentative approaches to quantum gravity and thought ex-periments. This modification of the Heisenberg Uncer-tainty Principle (HUP) is required whenever the gravita-tional interaction is taken into account and results in theintroduction of a minimum length scale in Nature, of theorder of Planck length. The existence of such a minimumlength has powerful implications, since it entails the im-possibility to probe lengths shorter than Planck lengthin principle, regardless of the capabilities of any experi-mental apparatus, which seems to deeply affect the veryconcept of spacetime.

The idea of a minimum length in Nature has a longhistory [1], but only in the ’60s, the pioneering work ofMead [2] pointed out the crucial role of the gravitationalinteraction in the possibility of probing very short dis-tances. However, it is mostly after Hawking’s revolu-tionary insights into the thermodynamical properties ofblack holes (BHs) [3] that the “trans-Planckian problem”has emerged as a relevant issue for gravity (and, afterthat, also for inflationary cosmology [4]). In the followingyears, results in String Theory brought more attention tothe problem of resolving infinitely small lengths with ex-tended objects [5–7]. Since then, the GUP has played animportant role as a heuristic tool to understand quan-tum gravity effects, starting from Gedankenexperimenteand disparate theoretical frameworks, even if the GUPitself seems to nonetheless have model-independent fea-tures [8].

One of the contexts in which the GUP has been studiedmost extensively is that of BHs: as Bronstein had alreadyunderstood back in the 1930s [9], the problem of findinga theory of quantum gravity is tightly interwoven with

a [email protected] [email protected]

the existence of BHs. As gravity does not allow the con-centration of an infinite amount of energy into a confinedregion, because the process will end in gravitational col-lapse and the formation of a BH, there is an inescapablelimit to the precision to which the gravitational field canbe measured [10].

This insight is remarkably similar to the Gedankenex-periment involving the formation of micro black holescarried out in [11], which yields an intuitive explana-tion of the intrinsic limit to any measurement carriedout around the Planck scale.

The most common expression of the GUP is given by

∆x∆p ≥ ~2

(1 + β

`2p~2 ∆p2

), (I.1)

where `p = 1.61623·10−35 m is the Planck length and β isthe dimensionless GUP parameter, generically assumedto be O(1), because the minimum length arising from theGUP is ∆xmin ≈

√β`p [8]. Here, the correction to HUP

is proportional to a quadratic term in the momentumuncertainty, but several other formulations of the GUPalso contain a linear term [12].

GUP-induced quantum effects lead to corrections bothof the Hawking temperature and the Bekenstein entropy.Because of such modifications and their influence on theflux of Hawking radiation [13, 14], the GUP criticallyaffects BH evaporation [15, 16]. Especially in the finalstages of this process, the role of the GUP becomes im-portant as it could cause the black hole to leave a remnantof Planck size, thus providing hints towards the resolu-tion of the black hole information paradox.

An additional intriguing implication is that the cor-rection to the entropy, translated to a modified entropy-area law [17–21], can also be studied in a cosmologicalcontext because of the geometrical (and thus universal)nature of such a law, which does not only apply to blackhole horizons. Crucially, such results are general becauseany causal horizon is inevitably associated with entropy,since by definition it hides information from observers, asclarified in the seminal paper by Jacobson [22]. Showing











Page 2: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle


that the first law of thermodynamics can be recast as theEinstein equations, the author provided evidence of theclose relationship between thermodynamics and gravity,resulting in illuminating insights into the thermodynam-ical properties of space-time as a whole.

Building on this result, the authors of [23] showedthat the Friedmann equations can be recovered by ap-plying the first law of thermodynamics, dE = TdS, tothe apparent horizon of Friedmann-Lemaıtre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime, which is also endowed witha temperature T and an entropy S that read

T = 12πrA

S = A

4G , (I.2)

where A is the area and rA the radius of the apparenthorizon.

This procedure for obtaining the Friedmann equationsseems to have quite broad validity: it was shown that italso holds for alternative theories of gravity [23] and evenif the entropy-area law is generically modified [24].

More recently, the authors of [25] have shown that theFriedmann equations are still recovered (albeit in a mod-ified form) even if the entropy-area law is affected by theGUP, which means that GUP-induced quantum effectsat high energies can indeed influence the dynamics of theFLRW universe at early times, however slightly.

In addition to the plethora of theoretical investigationscarried out on the GUP, a research direction rooted inquantum gravity phenomenology is attempting to quan-tify the magnitude of GUP-induced quantum correctionsby constraining the GUP parameter. The relevance ofthese studies lies in the fact that they open a muchneeded low-energy window on quantum gravity, far fromthe presently inaccessible Planck scale, employing preci-sion experiments in many areas of physics. However, theinstances in which theoretical studies are complementedby comparison with experimental data, especially in acosmological setting, are, to the best of our knowledge,scarce (exceptions are e.g. [26, 27]).

The aim of the present work is precisely to bridge twocosmological models in which GUP-induced thermody-namical corrections are taken into account [25, 28] withthe wealth of precise cosmological data available today.Our aim is two-fold: on the one hand, we will checkwhether these models are compatible with data and thusstudy their cosmological viability; on the other hand, wewill derive cosmologically-motivated constraints on theGUP parameter. Generally speaking, as clarified in Sec-tion III, experimental bounds coming from the study ofgravitational effects are weak, while bounds coming fromquantum experiments are much more stringent. We willshow that cosmological data are capable of providingfairly strong constraints, comparable in magnitude withthe less stringent estimates of quantum experiments.

The paper is organized as follows: in Sections II andIII, we will review the salient steps for the derivation ofthe modified Friedmann equations and the experimentalbounds on the GUP parameter; in Section IV, we will

describe the statistical methods and cosmological dataemployed in our analysis; in section V we will presentand discuss our results.


The work of [23] characterises the apparent horizon ofFLRW universe in analogy with the event horizon of aBH. The apparent horizon is a marginally trapped surfacewith vanishing expansion that always exists in FLRWuniverse (differently from the event and particle horizons)which makes it the best suited cosmological horizon forthermodynamical considerations, also in view of its trap-ping character [29]. To set our notation, we write theFriedmann equations as

H2 = 8πG3 ρ− kc2

a2 (II.1)

H = −4πG(ρ+ p


)+ kc2

a2 .

The continuity equation reads

ρ+ 3H(ρ+ p


)= 0 (II.2)

and will not be affected by the GUP corrections.Since we are interested in recovering the GUP-modified

entropy-area law, we need to define the radius and thearea of the apparent horizon. The radius is

rA = c√H2 + kc2



and yields the area

A = 4πr2A = 4πc2

H2 + kc2


. (II.4)

The expressions for the entropy and the temperatureassociated to a BH horizon read

S = kBc3A

4G~ T = ~c3

8πGkBM, (II.5)

where A is the area of the event horizon, M themass of the black hole and kB the Boltzmann con-stant. In the well-studied case of a Schwarzschild BH,the Schwarzschild radius rS = 2GM/c2 is used to obtain

T = ~c4πkBrS

. (II.6)

In [30], this result has been generalized to the case of a deSitter universe, and in [23] it is only assumed as a workinghypothesis that the expressions above also work for theapparent horizon. However, since the authors do success-fully recover the Friedmann equations, their assumptionis justified a posteriori. Thus, for our purposes, we cansimply assume [31]

T = ~c4πkBrA

. (II.7)

Page 3: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle


A. Quadratic GUP

We will now briefly review the treatment of [25], inwhich it is shown in an arbitrary number of dimensionsthat a modified form of the Friedmann equations can berecovered when the GUP corrects the standard entropy-area law (I.2). In the following, we will also restore allphysical units which are generally omitted in theoreti-cal studies, since our goal is to find a numerical estimatefor the GUP parameter. The authors of [25] start fromthe following expression for the GUP, which includesa quadratic correction in momentum uncertainty (notethat the dimensionless GUP parameter β in (I.1) is hereα2

Q, where Q stands for “quadratic”)

∆x∆p ≥ ~2

(1 +



~2 ∆p2

). (II.8)

We can straightforwardly solve for the momentum uncer-tainty, obtaining

∆p ≥ ~∆xα2


~2 ∆x2


4p− ~2



, (II.9)

which can be recast as

∆p ≥ ~2∆x



2p− 2∆x2







. (II.10)

The expression inside square brackets is the functioncharacterizing the departure of the GUP from the HUP,which we define as

fG(∆x2) = 2∆x2


2p− 2∆x2






∆x2 . (II.11)

In order to study the GUP effects on the thermody-namics of FLRW universe, the authors of [25] (relying on[32]) consider the following picture: if the apparent hori-zon has absorbed or radiated a particle with energy dE,this energy can be identified with the uncertainty in mo-mentum, dE ' c∆p. Therefore, the HUP ∆p ≥ ~/(2∆x)yields the corresponding increase or decrease in the areaof the apparent horizon, due to (II.5):

dA = 4G~kBc3T

dE ' 2G~2

kBc2T∆x . (II.12)

However, in the case where the GUP is taken into ac-count, this relationship becomes

dAG '2G~2


fG(∆x2)∆x , (II.13)


dAG = fG(∆x2)dA. (II.14)

The uncertainty in position of the absorbed or radi-ated particle is reasonably considered of the order of itsCompton length λ, which is approximately the inverseof the Hawking temperature in natural units. In phys-ical units, as noted in [20], it is customary to consider∆x ' λ. For a Schwarzschild BH, the particle has a wave-length of the order of the inverse Hawking temperature(for an asymptotic observer) or, more generally, of theinverse of the surface gravity κ−1 = 2rS (since T = κ/2πin natural units). As previously noted, it seems sensi-ble to extend the argument from the context of BHs tothat of the apparent cosmological horizon, thus assuming∆x ' 2rA =


We can express the departure function (II.11) in termsof the area of the apparent horizon and subsequently interms of the entropy. If we expand fG(A) around αQ lp =0, we obtain

fG(A) = 1 +πα2





81A2 +O




up to second order, which is sufficient for the purposes ofthis work. Substituting (II.15) in (II.14) and integrating,we find the expression

AG = A+πα2


4 lnA−π2α4



, (II.16)

where in lnA we have included the integration constantA0.

For the entropy, due to (II.14) and (II.5), we obtaindSG = fG(A) dS. After integration, we find the modifiedentropy-area relation to be

SG = kBc3



πα2`2p4 lnA−



]. (II.17)

The apparent horizon approach to find the Friedmannequations devised in [23] consists in the application of thefirst law of thermodynamics to the apparent horizon ofa FLRW universe, with the additional assumption (II.5).This procedure involves the definition of a work densityand an energy supply vector, respectively regarded as thework done by a change of the apparent horizon and thetotal energy flow through it, which is associated to theentropy. Such definitions yield a specific form of the firstlaw of thermodynamics for cosmological horizons. Thefirst time derivative of (II.3) is

˙rA = − 1c2r3AH

(H − kc2


), (II.18)

which can be rewritten asdrA


= − 1c2H

(H − kc2


)dt. (II.19)

Taking into account (II.11) and (II.17), it is straight-forward to see that

S′G(A) = kBc3

4G~ fG(A), (II.20)

Page 4: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle


where S′G is a first derivative with respect to A.Following [24] and [33], we can use



= 4πGc2

(ρ+ p


)Hdt. (II.21)

as the starting point for finding the Friedmann equations.On the one hand, using (II.19), we can find the dy-

namical Friedmann equation

fG(A)(H − kc2


)= −4πG

(ρ+ p


). (II.22)

On the other hand, taking into account the continuityequation (II.2), (II.21) can be recast as

8πG3 dρ = −4πc2fG(A)dA

A2 . (II.23)

Integrating this equation yields the Friedmann con-straint, so that, in summary, the two GUP-modifiedFriedmann equations (up to second order in α2

Q) are givenby

8πGρ3 = 4πc2




81A2 +O




−4πG(ρ+ p


)=(H − kc2


)· (II.25)


[1 +






81A2 +O




B. Implementing the Friedmann equations

In order to compare the model arising from these mod-ified Friedmann equations with cosmological data, weneed an expression for H(z) in terms of the cosmolog-ical parameters. Our cosmological background will be astandard ΛCMD model [34], fully characterized by theHubble constant H0 = 100 · h, the dimensionless den-sity parameters for matter Ωm, for radiation Ωr and fora cosmological constant as dark energy component ΩΛ,where Ωi = 8πGρi/3H2

0 and the curvature k is expressedas Ωk = −kc2/H2

0 .As a first step, we solve equation (II.24) for A, choosing

the positive and real solution

A =3c2 +


3c4 + πc2α2Q`


4Gρ . (II.26)

Due to (II.4), we can invert to find

H2(z) = 16πGρ

3 +√


3 + πGρα2



+ Ωk(1 + z)2, (II.27)

where a = 1/(z + 1) and ρ is the total energy-matterdensity of the universe. Given the continuity equa-tion (II.2), each component of the energy density isρi = ρ0,ia

−3(1+wi), where the equation of state parame-ter is wi = pi/ρi, Ωi = ρ0,i/ρc,0 and ρc,0 = 3H2

0/(8πG).Therefore, it is possible to write the total energy den-sity ρ in (II.27) as ρ =

∑i Ωiρca

−3(1+wi) and express thedimensionless Hubble parameter E(z) = H(z)/H0 as

E(z) =√√√√√ 2X(z)

1 +√

1 +H2


8c2 X(z)+ Ωk(1 + z)2 ,


X(z) = ΩΛ + Ωm(1 + z)3 + Ωr(1 + z)4. (II.29)

Additionally, after ensuring the normalization conditionE(z = 0) = 1, we can define ΩΛ in terms of all otherparameters, inverting (II.28) at z = 0, which yields

ΩΛ = (1−Ωk −Ωm −Ωr) +H2

0α2`2p (1− Ωk)2

32 c2 . (II.30)

C. Linear GUP

Making use of an alternative formulation of the GUPproposed in [12], the author of [28] also performed thecomputation of the modified Friedmann equations withthe apparent horizon formalism. More specifically, thiswork deals with

∆x∆p ≥ ~2

(1 + αL`p




~2 ∆p2

), (II.31)

where, in addition to the quadratic term in the momen-tum, a linear term appears (the GUP parameter is namedαL here, where L stands for “linear”, to avoid any am-biguities with the quadratic case). Following the sameprocedure of Section II, the resulting modified Friedmannequations read

8πGρ3 = 4πc2




A3/2 +O(α2L)]


−4πG(ρ+ p


)=(H − kc2


)· (II.33)


[1 +√πα`p2

1A1/2 +






where terms containing higher orders of 1/A have beenneglected. Given the similarity of the Friedmann equa-tions (II.32) and (II.33) with (II.24) and (II.25) of [25],it should be straightforward to compare them with cos-mological data, adopting the method in Section (II B).

Page 5: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle


However, this task proved substantially more challeng-ing with the inclusion of a linear term in the GUP, due tothe fractional exponent of A involved in (II.32). If we as-sume spatial flatness, neglecting the curvature k, (II.32)can be recast as

8πGρ3 = H2 + αL`p

6c H3, (II.34)

i.e. a third order equation in H(z). It admits one singlereal solution, which reads (in terms of the dimensionlessHubble parameter E(z))

E(z) = 2 cαL`pH0

[F 2(z)− F (z) + 1

F (z)

], (II.35)


F (z) =[

2X(z) +

√−4 +X2(z)




X(z) = −2 +3α2



4c2 · (II.37)

·(Ωm(1 + z)3 + Ωr(1 + z)4 + ΩΛ


Expression (II.35) contains a square root, which has pro-found implications for our goal of finding an upper boundon the GUP parameter. Indeed, an additional condi-tion needs to be satisfied to guarantee that E(z) is real,namely

α2L >

16 c2

3 `2pH20 [Ωm(1 + z)3 + Ωr(1 + z)4 + ΩΛ] . (II.38)

If we restrict to positive values of the GUP parameteronly, this requirement imposes a lower bound on αL,which proves incompatible with the notion that GeneralRelativity and standard Quantum Mechanics are to berecovered in the limit αL → 0.

An upper bound would be theoretically possible if neg-ative values of the GUP parameter were allowed. How-ever, this would contrast with the idea of a minimumlength ∆xmin ≈

√β`p (for the GUP formulation (I.1))

which cannot be imaginary [35]. Nonetheless, a nega-tive GUP parameter has interesting implications, see e.g.[26, 36–39]. For the purposes of this work, we found thatallowing αL to be negative leads to the unphysical re-sult H(z) < 0. This is the reason why we only considerαL > 0 in order to test the model with cosmological data.


The diversity of approaches used to find experimentalbounds on the GUP parameter is even richer than thatof the theoretical frameworks they stem from [40, 41].Still, we can clearly identify at least a couple of broadcontexts in which the effects of GUP have been most

consistently studied [42]: that of gravitational tests andthat of quantum optics and atomic experiments.

In the first context, we find for example the study of aGUP-deformed Hawking temperature and Schwarzschildmetric connected to Solar System tests of GR [43] andthe recent constraints on both αQ and αL provided by thegravitational wave event GW150914, through the anal-ysis of modified dispersion relations for gravitons [44].These bounds are typically quite weak, even if they seemto be tighter in approaches that violate the EquivalencePrinciple [45, 46].

On the other hand, there are authors who consider thedeformed commutator corresponding to the GUP,

[X, P ] = i~

(1 + β

P 2



), (III.1)

where the operators X and P are believed to be validnear Planck scale. This commutator is then used to findcorrections to standard quantum mechanical effects, suchas the Lamb shift and the Landau levels. These worksmainly use the GUP formulation introduced in [12] andhave provided some amongst the most stringent boundson the GUP parameter so far [47–49]. Another develop-ment in this direction, which employs the quadratic GUPformulation, recently provided probably the tightest con-straint available [50].

Most of the known constraints are reported in Table I.The bounds on αQ in (II.8) and αL in (II.35) have beensquared, in order to compare them with β ∼ α2

Q,L in (I.1).Nonetheless, caution may be required when contrastingbounds from completely different experiments in whichthe GUP influences the systems in disparate ways.

To the best of our knowledge, there are very few stud-ies that aim to constrain the GUP parameter with cos-mological observations. One of them is [26], which makesuse of the apparent horizon formalism to inquire whetherthe GUP effects could account for dark energy. However,the author mostly deals with an alternative formulationof the GUP, the General Extended Uncertainty Princi-ple (GEUP), which predicts the existence of a maximumlength as well as a minimum one. The bound this studyfinds on the minimum length can be regarded as a boundon β (because ∆xmin ≈

√β`p) and is not very stringent,

as reported in Table I. Additionally, the results of an-other study that uses astrophysical data [44] show thatvery different estimates of the GUP parameter can befound, whether the linear or the quadratic formulation isemployed.


In order to test the viability of the models describedin Section (II), we use a combination of data com-ing from well-known geometrical probes. More specif-ically, we employ: Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) fromthe Pantheon sample; Early-Type Galaxies as Cosmic

Page 6: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle


Table I. Experimental upper bounds on α2Q and α2

L at 1σ confidence level.

Experiment α2Q α2

L Ref.

Harmonic oscillators 106 − [50]Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon − 1016 [51]Lamb shift 1036 1020 [47, 48]Scanning Tunneling Microscope 1021 − [48]Equivalence Principle violation 1021 − [45]Weak Equivalence Principle violation 1027 − [46]Gravitational bar detectors 1033 − [52]Charmonium levels − 1034 [47]Superconductivity − 1034 [51]87Rb cold-atom-recoil experiment 1039 1028 [53]Landau levels 1050 1046 [47, 49]Gravitational waves 1060 1040 [44]Perihelion precession (Solar system data) 1069 − [43]Perihelion precession (Pulsar data) 1071 − [43]Light deflection 1078 − [43]Cosmological observations 1081 − [26]Black hole shadow 1090 − [54]Full data cosmology 1059 − This workLate-time cosmology 1081 1083 This work

Chronometers (CC); the H0 Lenses in COSMOGRAIL’sWellspring (H0LiCOW) data [55]; the “Mayflower” sam-ple of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs); Baryon AcousticOscillations (BAO) from several surveys; and the lat-est Planck 2018 release for Cosmic Microwave Back-ground radiation. We consider two different scenarios:the “full” data set, joining both early- (CMB and BAOdata from SDSS) and late-time observations (SNeIa, CC,H0LiCOW, GRBs and BAO from WiggleZ); and the“late-time” data set, which includes only late-time data.In general, the total χ2 is the sum of all the consideredcontributions

χ2 = χ2SN +χ2

G +χ2H +χ2


BAO +χ2CMB . (IV.1)

In order to test the predictions of the GUP-modified cos-mological models given the observational data, we useour own implementation of a Monte Carlo Markov Chain(MCMC) [56–58] to minimise the total χ2. We test itsconvergence using the method developed in [59].

As means of comparison, we also analyse a standardΛCDM model using the same data set. This allows us toassess the reliability of the GUP-modified models withrespect to the standard case, through the computationof their Bayesian Evidence, using the algorithm in [60].Because of the stochastic nature of the evidence, we com-pute it ∼ 100 times and consider the median and the 1σconfidence level obtained from its statistical distribution,reporting them in Table II. We briefly remark that the

Bayesian Evidence E is defined as the probability of thedata D given the model M with a set of parameters p,i.e. E(M) =

∫dp L(D|p,M) π(p|M), where π(p|M) is

the prior on the set of parameters, normalised to unity,and L(D|p,M) ∝ exp−χ2/2 is the likelihood function.In order to minimise the dependence on the priors [61]used during the MCMC, we employ the same uninfor-mative flat priors for every parameter in each model andallow a sufficiently wide range for them.

Once the Bayesian Evidence is calculated, we definethe Bayes Factor as the ratio of evidences between twomodels Mi and Mj , namely Bi

j = Ei/Ej : if Bij > 1, Mi is

preferred over Mj , given the data (in this work, ΛCDM isthe reference model Mj). For the sake of assessing modelMi with respect to model Mj , we adopt Jeffreys’ Scale[62]: if lnBi

j < 1, the evidence in favour of model Mi

is not significant; if 1 < lnBij < 2.5, it is substantial; if

2.5 < lnBij < 5, it is strong; if Bi

j > 5, it is decisive. Neg-ative values of lnBi

j can be easily interpreted as evidenceagainst model Mi (or in favour of model Mj).

A. Type Ia Supernovae

The Pantheon compilation [63] contains 1048 objectswithin the redshift range 0.01 < z < 2.26. We define the

Page 7: arXiv:2006.01580v2 [gr-qc] 19 Jun 20201Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland (Dated: June 22, 2020) The Generalized Uncertainty Principle


related χ2SN as

χ2SN = ∆µSN · C−1

SN · ∆µSN , (IV.2)

where ∆µ = µtheo−µobs is the difference between the the-oretical and the observed value of the distance modulusfor each SNeIa and CSN represents the total covariancematrix. The theoretically predicted distance modulus isdefined as

µ(z,p) = 5 log10[dL(z,p)] + µ0 , (IV.3)


dL(z,p) = (1 + z)∫ z



E(z′,p) (IV.4)

is the dimensionless luminosity distance and p is thevector of cosmological parameters. We also need tomarginalize over the nuisance parameter µ0 (a combi-nation of the Hubble constant, the speed of light c andthe SNeIa absolute magnitude); following [64] we end upwith:

χ2SN = a+ log


)− b2

d, (IV.5)

where a ≡ (∆µSN )T · C−1SN · ∆µSN , b ≡


)T ·C−1

SN · 1, d ≡ 1 · C−1SN · 1 and 1 is the identity matrix.

B. Cosmic Chronometers

The definition of Cosmic Chronometers (CC) appliesto Early-Type Galaxies (ETGs) exhibiting a passive evo-lution, which provide measurements of the Hubble pa-rameter over extended redshift ranges. The sample weuse here covers the range 0 < z < 1.97 [65]. The χ2

H inthis case can be constructed as

χ2H =




, (IV.6)

where σH(zi) are the observational errors on the mea-sured values Hobs(zi).


The H0LiCOW collaboration [66] used the sensitivityof strong gravitational lensing events to constrain H0 andthe cosmological background. In particular, it focused on6 selected lensed quasars [55] for which multiple imageswere provided. It is well-known that the light travel timefrom the quasars (sources) to the observer depends on thepath length and the gravitational potential of the fore-ground mass (lens), so that multiple images can exhibita time delay at collection given by

t(θ,β) = 1 + zL




[12(θ − β)2 − Ψ(θ)

]. (IV.7)

As in a typical gravitational lensing configuration [67], zL

is the lens redshift, θ the angular position of the image,β the angular position of the source and Ψ the effectivelens potential, while DS , DL and DLS are, respectively,the angular diameter distances from the source to the ob-server, from the lens to the observer, and between sourceand lens. They are given by the following expression:

DA(z,p) = 11 + z

∫ z



H(z′,p) (IV.8)

with DS = DA(zS), DL = DA(zL), and DLS = 1/(1 +zS) [(1 + zS)DS − (1 + zL)DL] in the case of spatial flat-ness [68].

The quantity used in our analysis is generally calledtime-delay distance, and is defined as

D∆t ≡ (1 + zL)DLDS

DLS; (IV.9)

all data (Dobs∆t,i) and errors (σD∆t,i) on this quantity

for each quasar are provided in [55]. Thus, the χ2 forH0LiCOW data is

χ2HCOW =






, (IV.10)

D. Gamma Ray Bursts

The “Mayflower” sample is made of 79 GRBs withinthe redshift range 1.44 < z < 8.1 [69]. Given that GRBsobservable is again a distance modulus, the same pro-cedure used in the section above for SNeIa also applieshere; the final χ2

G estimator is given by (IV.5) as well,with a ≡


)T · C−1G · ∆µG, b ≡


)T · C−1G · 1

and d ≡ 1 · C−1G · 1.

E. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

The χ2 estimator for BAO data is the sum of differentcontributions

χ2BAO = ∆FBAO · C−1

BAO · ∆FBAO , (IV.11)

where the observables FBAO change according to thechosen survey. We employ data from the WiggleZ DarkEnergy Survey (at redshifts 0.44, 0.6 and 0.73) [70], forwhich the relevant physical quantities are the acousticparameter

A(z,p) = 100√

Ωm h2DV (z,p)c z

, (IV.12)

and the Alcock-Paczynski distortion parameter

F (z,p) = (1 + z)DA(z,p)H(z,p)c

, (IV.13)

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DA(z,p) = 11 + z

∫ z



H(z′,p) (IV.14)

is the angular diameter distance and

DV (z,p) =[(1 + z)2D2

A(z,p) cz



is the volume distance, the geometric mean of the radial(∝ H−1) and tangential (DA) BAO modes.

We consider multiple data from the SDSS-III BaryonOscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). From theDR12 analysis in [71], the following quantities are given

DM (z,p)rfids (zd, )rs(zd,p) , H(z)rs(zd,p)

rfids (zd)

. (IV.16)

where the comoving distance DM is

DM (z,p) =∫ z



H(z′,p) . (IV.17)

Here, rs(zd) denotes the sound horizon evaluated at thedragging redshift, while rfid

s (zd) is the sound horizon cal-culated at a given fiducial cosmological model (in thiscase, it is 147.78 Mpc). The dragging redshift is esti-mated using the approximation [72] as

zd = 1291(Ωm h2)0.251

1 + 0.659(Ωm h2)0.828

[1 + b1(Ωb h

2)b2] , (IV.18)

where the factors b1 and b2 are given by

b1 = 0.313(Ωm h2)−0.419 [1 + 0.607(Ωm h2)0.6748] ,b2 = 0.238(Ωm h2)0.223 , (IV.19)

respectively. The sound horizon is defined as:

rs(z,p) =∫ ∞


cs(z′)H(z′,p)dz′ , (IV.20)

where the sound speed is given by

cs(z) = c√3(1 +Rb (1 + z)−1)

, (IV.21)

and the baryon-to-photon density ratio parameters isRb = 31500Ωb h

2 (TCMB/2.7)−4, with TCMB = 2.726 K.From the DR12 we also include measurements derived

from the void-galaxy cross-correlation [73]

DA(z = 0.57)rs(zd) = 9.383± 0.077 , (IV.22)

H(z = 0.57)rs(zd) = (14.05± 0.14) 103km/s . (IV.23)

From the extended Baryon Oscillation SpectroscopicSurvey (eBOSS) we have used the point DV (z = 1.52) =

3843± 147 rs(zd)rfid

s (zd)Mpc [74].

Additional points taken into account from eBOSSDR14 are obtained from the combination of the quasarLyman-α autocorrelation function [75] with the cross-correlation measurement [76], namely

DA(z = 2.34)rs(zd) = 36.98+1.26

−1.18 (IV.24)


H(z = 2.34)rs(zd) = 9.00+0.22−0.22 . (IV.25)

F. Cosmic Microwave Background

Regarding CMB data, we use the shift parameters [77]derived from the latest Planck 2018 data release [78]. Inthis case the χ2

CMB is defined as

χ2CMB = ∆FCMB · C−1

CMB · ∆FCMB , (IV.26)

where the vector FCMB contains the quantities

R(p) ≡√



la(p) ≡ π r(z∗,p)rs(z∗,p) , (IV.27)

in addition to Ωb h2. Here, rs(z∗) is the comoving

sound horizon evaluated at the photon-decoupling red-shift given by [79] by the following fitting formula,

z∗ = 1048[1 + 0.00124(Ωbh

2)−0.738] ··(1 + g1(Ωmh


, (IV.28)

where the factors g1 and g2 are

g1 = 0.0783(Ωbh2)−0.238

1 + 39.5(Ωbh2)−0.763

g2 = 0.5601 + 21.1(Ωbh2)1.81 ,

while r is the comoving distance defined by

r(z,p) =∫ z



H(z′,p) . (IV.29)


The results of our analysis are summarised in TableII and complemented by the comparison with a referencemodel, namely the standard ΛCDM. In the upper part ofthe table, we show the primary cosmological parametersas constrained by our statistical analysis, i.e. Ωm, Ωb andh, with the addition of log (αQ`p/c), where the log isused for ease of numerical computation. In the lowerpart of the table, we show some secondary parameterswhich can be derived from the primary ones and includethe constraints on the GUP parameters that are centralto our study. More specifically, we report

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Table II. Results of our analysis at 1σ confidence level.

ΛCDM Quadratic GUP Linear GUP

late full late full late

Ωm 0.292+0.017−0.016 0.319+0.005

−0.005 0.296+0.018−0.017 0.320+0.005

−0.005 0.369+0.023−0.021

Ωb − 0.0494+0.0004−0.0004 − 0.0495+0.0004

−0.0004 −

h 0.712+0.013−0.013 0.673+0.003

−0.003 0.713+0.013−0.012 0.672+0.003

−0.004 0.732+0.014−0.013


)− − < −2.29 < −12.52 −1.841+0.020


ΩΛ 0.707+0.016−0.017 0.680+0.005

−0.005 0.708+0.017−0.016 0.680+0.005

−0.005 0.978+0.024−0.025

α2Q − − < 9.31 · 1081 < 5.16 · 1059 (


)· 1083


2p − − < 2.38 · 1012 < 1.34 · 10−10 (


)· 1013

χ2 1094.17 1124.23 1093.77 1124.25 1121.12

Bij 1 1 1.05+0.03

−0.03 0.92+0.03−0.03 (3.65+0.11

−0.09) · 10−6

logBij 0 0 0.05+0.02

−0.03 −0.09+0.03−0.03 −12.52+0.03


• ΩΛ, the cosmological constant (dark energy) con-tribution derived from the normalization conditionE(z = 0) = 1. It allows us to explore the possibil-ity that the GUP correction could play the role ofan effective dark energy fluid;

• α2Q or α2

L ∼ β (for the quadratic and linear formu-lations of the GUP, respectively). They representthe quantities constrained by experiments and re-ported in Table I;

• α2Q`

2p, the parameter we perturbatively expand

around to find fG(A) in (II.15), the departure func-tion from the HUP that underlies this entire study.Thus, a posteriori verifying the smallness of itsvalue represents an important consistency check forour analysis and a way to assess the reliability ofour conclusions;

• χ2min, Bi

j and logBij , which are the minimum value

of χ2, the Bayes Factor and its logarithm (for com-parison with Jeffreys’ scale), respectively.

A. Quadratic GUP

The most conclusive case in our analysis is that of thequadratic GUP with the full data set. As shown by theBayesian Factor in Table II, this model is essentially in-distinguishable from the standard ΛCDM case and theevidence in its favour is negligible. This means, as ex-pected, that the GUP correction on cosmological scales

plays a negligible role and therefore it cannot account fora dark energy fluid at all. This claim can be additionallysupported if we consider (II.28): eliminating the dark en-ergy parameter and solving the normalization conditionE(z = 0) = 1 for αQ`p/c yields



√32(Ωk + Ωm + Ωr − 1)

H20 (−1 + Ωk)2 , (V.1)

which entails

Ωk + Ωm + Ωr > 1 . (V.2)

Given the best present estimates of Ωm and Ωr, this con-dition would be satisfied by values Ωk & 0.68. However,such value appears to be incompatible not only with themost stringent available constraint on the spatial curva-ture of our universe (obtained from Planck, see e.g. [80]),but also with the recent claim, still supported by Planckdata, of a positively curved (i.e. Ωk < 0) universe [81, 82].

The impossibility of having the GUP corrections ac-count for dark energy is also in agreement with the dis-cussion provided in [26], where it was shown that theGUP effects would amount to a dark energy density∼ αH4. This scaling would cause them to decrease ex-tremely quickly, meaning that the GUP alone would notbe able to explain the current acceleration of the Uni-verse at all. Other authors note that, even if the energydensity were of the order ∼ H2, it would still not besufficient to account for the present acceleration [83]. Adifferent perspective is provided by [84].

The main goal of our analysis is to find an estimatefor the GUP parameter, compatibly with the accuracy

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of the cosmological probes we used. The result obtainedfor the quadratic GUP model with the full data set isapproximately α2

Q < 1059. This bound is clearly muchless stringent than most of those obtained with quantumexperiments, but, to the best of our knowledge, it repre-sents one of the tightest cosmological and astrophysicalconstraints achieved so far, as shown in Table I. More-over, it is easy to see from Table II that α2

Q`2p is suf-

ficiently small, being α2Q`

2p < 10−10, which ensures the

appropriateness of the Taylor expansion in (II.15).However, when considering late-time observations

only, the picture changes quite considerably. Once again,the GUP-influenced model is statistically equivalent tothe corresponding ΛCDM, which provides further sup-port for the claim that the GUP contributions cannotaccount for dark energy. Indeed, we have considered late-time observations precisely for this reason: on the onehand, it is well-known that, although the CMB geomet-rical data are very precise if compared to other probes,they are also intrinsically biased towards a cosmologicalconstant model for dark energy. On the other hand, ifany dynamical dark energy behaviour could appear, itwould be more manifest for z < 2, a range which is fullycovered by the late-time data we employed. In conclu-sion, the full equivalence of ΛCDM and the quadraticGUP model at late times clearly indicates a negligiblerole of the GUP on cosmological scales.

The bound on the GUP parameter obtained with late-time data is much more relaxed than that obtained withthe full data set: it is α2

Q < 1081, namely one of theleast stringent constraint in Table I (although it perfectlyagrees with that found in [26]). It is also worth notingthat α2

Q`2p < 1012, much larger than that obtained with

the full data set as well. This means, a posteriori, thatany conclusion drawn from the late-time case should behandled carefully: although we are only able to find anupper bound on αQ`p (meaning that part of the param-eter space explored by the MCMC would still involvesmall values of this quantity) it should also be noted thatall expressions containing the departure function (II.15)have been partly evaluated outside their region of valid-ity. This technically represents an extrapolation; there-fore, the results are not on a footing as strong as thosein the analysis employing the full data set.

B. Linear GUP

Testing the Friedmann equations modified by the lin-ear GUP has proved way more challenging than in thequadratic GUP case, which also affects the reliability ofthe conclusions we can draw. We remark that our anal-ysis has focused on the case αL > 0 only, as clarified inSection II C. First and foremost, it is important to pointout the impossibility of fitting early-time data (i.e. CMBand BAO data from BOSS/eBOSS) with a linear GUPmodel. Performing an extensive exploration of parame-ter space, we found that the χ2 could not be lower than

∼ 107, indicating a striking inconsistency between dataand model.

Consequently, we tried to check if such inconsistencycould be relaxed by including late-time data only, sincethese naturally allow for more freedom in the dark sector.We were able to obtain a much better fit, but also newproblems arose. To begin with, the value of the BayesianFactor is very small, leading to striking decisive evidenceagainst the linear GUP model.

Concerning the values of the cosmological parameters,we found Ωm ≈ 0.37, which is much larger than expectedin the standard lore. The associated errors were quitelarge as well, but still a ∼ 2σ tension was present withthe standard value. Additionally, also the cosmologicalconstant contribution is found to be large, namely ΩΛ ≈0.98, which would appear to suggest a strong deceleratingeffect of the linear GUP contribution.

The constraint on the GUP parameter is α2L . 1083.

The weakness of this bound is expected, especially giventhe lack of precision of late-time cosmological data. How-ever, we remark that all the previous results should betaken with care, because the value of the parameterα2`2p ≈ 1013 is also quite large and comparable to thecase of the quadratic GUP model with late-time data.

To summarize, the previous analysis shows that thelinear GUP model strongly disagrees with the presentlyavailable cosmological data, which greatly limits theamount of relevant information we can extract from com-parison between them.


An abundance of cosmological models often motivatedby advances in high-energy physics has been devised inthe past decades, including some endowed with a GUP.However, not all of these models have been put throughobservational tests (especially those dealing with a GUP)even now that the technology to make a wealth of high-precision observations is available. In this paper, we pro-vided an example of testing two such models, whose phys-ical predictions ended up being starkly different.

More specifically, we studied two models arising fromFriedmann equations influenced by the GUP, in two for-mulations involving, respectively, a linear and a quadraticterm in momentum uncertainty. We put their cosmolog-ical viability to the test by means of a statistical anal-ysis relying on well-known cosmological probes at earlyand late times. On the one hand, we found that themodel endowed with the quadratic GUP mimics ΛCDMvery closely when the full set of early and late probesis employed, which means that the GUP contributioncannot play the role of an alternative dark energy fluid.However, the main result of this work is the interestingconstraint on the GUP parameter, namely α2

Q < 1059,which, although not as stringent as those coming fromquantum experiments, is tighter than most of those ob-tained from gravitational measurements and is one of the

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few obtained with cosmological data. On the other hand,the model arising from the linear GUP does not appearto be compatible with the cosmological data we analysed.This shows that not all formulations are equally suitableto find constraints in a specific physical system, since, forexample, the linear formulation was found more suitablewhen using gravitational waves [44].

In the future, it would be compelling to study othercosmological models influenced by other formulations ofthe GUP. Although the low-energy window for quan-tum gravity phenomenology, far from Planck scale, isat present only able to constrain the GUP parameterand not measure it exactly, the ever-improving qualityof these constraints appears very promising. This work

also illustrates the potential held by high-precision cos-mological data to constrain the GUP parameter, thuscomplementing the bounds obtained from gravitationalmeasurements and quantum experiments.


The authors would like to thank Mariusz P. Dabrowski,Roberto Casadio and Hussain Gohar for useful commentsand discussions. S.G. was supported by the project “Uni-wersytet 2.0 - Strefa Kariery, “Miedzynarodowe StudiaDoktoranckie Nauk Scislych WMF”, nr POWR.03.05.00-00-Z064/17-00”.

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