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    PAPER 1


    Mark scheme

    Additional specimen V1.0



    Mark schemes are prepared by the Lead Assessment Writer and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation events which all associates participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the students’ responses to questions and that every associate understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for standardisation each associate analyses a number of students’ scripts. Alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the standardisation process, associates encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are required to refer these to the Lead Assessment Writer. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper. Further copies of this mark scheme are available from aqa.org.uk



    Level of response marking instructions Level of response mark schemes are broken down into levels, each of which has a descriptor. The descriptor for the level shows the average performance for the level. There are marks in each level. Before you apply the mark scheme to a student’s answer read through the answer and annotate it (as instructed) to show the qualities that are being looked for. You can then apply the mark scheme. Step 1 Determine a level Start at the lowest level of the mark scheme and use it as a ladder to see whether the answer meets the descriptor for that level. The descriptor for the level indicates the different qualities that might be seen in the student’s answer for that level. If it meets the lowest level then go to the next one and decide if it meets this level and so on, until you have a match between the level descriptor and the answer. With practice and familiarity you will find that for better answers you will be able to quickly skip through the lower levels of the mark scheme. When assigning a level you should look at the overall quality of the answer and not look to pick holes in small and specific parts of the answer where the student has not performed quite as well as the rest. If the answer covers different aspects of different levels of the mark scheme you should use a best fit approach for defining the level and then use the variability of the response to help decide the mark within the level, ie if the response is predominantly level 3 with a small amount of level 4 material it would be placed in level 3 but be awarded a mark near the top of the level because of the level 4 content. Step 2 Determine a mark Once you have assigned a level you need to decide on the mark. The descriptors on how to allocate marks can help with this. The exemplar materials used during standardisation will help. There will be an answer in the standardising materials which will correspond with each level of the mark scheme. This answer will have been awarded a mark by the Lead Examiner. You can compare the student’s answer with the example to determine if it is the same standard, better or worse than the example. You can then use this to allocate a mark for the answer based on the Lead Examiner’s mark on the example. You may well need to read back through the answer as you apply the mark scheme to clarify points and assure yourself that the level and the mark are appropriate. Indicative content in the mark scheme is provided as a guide for examiners. It is not intended to be exhaustive and you must credit other valid points. Students do not have to cover all of the points mentioned in the indicative content to reach the highest level of the mark scheme. An answer which contains nothing of relevance to the question must be awarded no marks.



    Qu Part Marking guidance Assessment Objectives


    Total marks

    Section A

    01 1 B AO1 1

    01 2 D AO1 1

    01 3 Point marked Allow 1 mark for each valid point with additional marks for developed points. Notes for answers Weathering involves the breaking down or decay of rocks in

    situ, at or close to the surface (1). Atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by rainwater forming

    weak carbonic acid (1) CO2 + H2O H2CO3 (1). This weak acid reacts with certain minerals in unstable rocks

    and through the processes of chemical weathering releases their component ions (1).

    Dissolved ions of elements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium are transported to the oceans (1). Here calcium ions combine with bicarbonate ions in the sea water forming calcium bicarbonate (1). The calcium bicarbonate is then returned to other stores in coral, plankton and the shells of ocean creatures (1).

    These organisms die returning solid calcium carbonate to the ocean floor. Layers of sediment build up and compress over millions of years forming rocks such as limestone and dolomite (1).

    Expect responses to refer to carbonation as above, however if students accurately outline other chemical weathering processes leading to the breakdown of rocks and the release of carbon within the carbon cycle then credit as appropriate.

    AO1 = 3 3



    01 4 Clear use of Figure 1 and Figure 2 in interpreting and supporting analysis of the nature of the stores of fresh water shown. Level 2 (4–6 marks) Clear interpretation and analysis of the quantitative evidence provided which makes appropriate use of data in support. Clear connections between different aspects of the data. Response must refer to both figures to enter this level. Level 1 (1–3 marks) Basic interpretation and analysis of the quantitative evidence provided, which makes limited use of the data in support. Basic connection(s) between different aspects of the data and evidence. Level 1 if only one figure is referred to. Notes for answers The figures indicate that ice caps and all groundwater are the largest stores of fresh water (both with well over 20 million km3), each holding between 170 and 200 times that stored in the 4 other stores combined. Responses should note the dominant size of older groundwater over 100 years old compared to other stores. With over 60 times older groundwater than modern groundwater. Responses will note the significance of the surface water store compared to the other smaller non-groundwater stores, with over 6 times the next biggest store, soil water. Responses will note that, as groundwater stores below 100 years old become younger, the size of the store increases slightly. Others may compare the size of the stores above the groundwater; for example, that very limited amounts of fresh water are stored in vegetation, with 100 times more stored in other surface stores. Others may combine both figures and note that the largest stores (groundwater and ice caps) also store water for the longest periods of time – millennia compared to days, to a few years in other stores. Ice caps, the single largest store, can store water for up to 15 times longer than even the oldest groundwater. Some will give comparative statements about the length of residence in different stores. Responses should note the general trend that, as the size of store increases so does the length of residence in that store, supported with evidence from the figures. Responses should manipulate the data and engage with

    AO3 = 6 6



    differences in volumetric and temporal scales of different stores.

    01 5 AO1 – Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a range of natural factors driving change in the magnitude of carbon stores over time and space. Knowledge and understanding of natural variations affecting the dynamic equilibrium of stores in the carbon cycle. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate how a range of different natural factors affect the major stores of carbon over time and space. Level 3 (7–9 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These underpin the response throughout. AO2 – Applies knowledge and understanding appropriately with detail. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are fully developed with complete relevance. Evaluation is detailed and well-supported with appropriate evidence. Level 2 (4–6 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates clear knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These are mostly relevant, though there may be some minor inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies clear knowledge and understanding appropriately. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are evident with some relevance. Evaluation is evident and supported with clear and appropriate evidence. Level 1 (1–3 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. This offers limited relevance with inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies limited knowledge and understanding. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are basic with limited relevance. Evaluation is basic and supported with limited appropriate evidence. Notes for answers AO1 Global distribution, and size of major stores of carbon –

    Including in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, atmosphere.

    Factors driving change in the magnitude of global stores of carbon, over time and in space, including flows and transfers at plant, sere and continental scales. Photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, combustion, carbon sequestration in oceans and sediments, weathering.

    AO1 = 4 AO2 = 5




    Systems in physical geography: systems concepts and their applications to the carbon cycle – inputs, outputs, energy, stores/components, flows/transfers, positive/negative feedback, dynamic equilibrium.

    Changes in the carbon cycle over time, to include natural variation (including wildfires, volcanic activity).

    The carbon budget and the impact of the carbon cycle upon land, ocean and atmosphere.

    Named case study of a tropical rainforest setting to illustrate and analyse key themes in the carbon cycle may support responses.

    AO2 Assessment: Current scale of major stores of carbon: inorganic and organic

    forms of carbon in the lithosphere in marine sediments and sedimentary rocks, soil organic matter, fossil fuel deposits and peat; hydrosphere store in the surface, intermediate and deep layers of the ocean, and the living organic matter in the water; carbon stored in the Earth’s living matter as the biosphere including – living vegetation, plant litter, soil humus, peat and animals; the limited total amount in the atmosphere, but its significance as the greenhouse gas CO2. Responses may give evidence of the relative amounts of carbon in each store.

    The continuous movement of carbon from between stores via a range of transfers or fluxes. If more carbon enters a store than leaves, it becomes a net carbon sink and if more carbon leaves than enters, it is a net carbon source.

    Natural factors contributing to changes in carbon stores interacting with the rock cycle over geological temporal and spatial scales, including weathering, burial, subduction and volcanic eruptions that control atmospheric and lithospheric stores. The transfer of atmospheric carbon as CO2 to the surface dissolved in precipitation forming weak carbonic acid which weathers surface rocks as it transfers as overland flow to the ocean store. The transfer of carbon in the ocean from the surface layers to the depths by marine organisms whose carbon-based skeletons accumulate as sediments on the bed. The process of burial by further layers the carbon rich sediments eventually stores carbon away as limestone. The build-up of layers of coral also store carbon as limestone. Over time tectonic uplift can bring buried stores of carbon to the surface. Subduction at plate boundaries transfers carbon rich sea-floor sediments deep into the Earth. Tectonic processes then transfer CO2 back to the atmospheric store.

    Photosynthesis takes CO2 from the atmosphere storing carbon in the biosphere as organic matter. This operates at all scales from tiny photosynthetic organisms in the oceans to continental scale forests. Carbon is held in these stores for a range of timescales up to thousands of years.

    Respiration as essentially the opposite of photosynthesis as vegetation releases CO2 back to the atmospheric store.

    Decomposition as the process where decomposers consume



    organic material which transfers CO2 to the atmosphere store. Not all the carbon from the organic material is consumed and some carbon passes to the soil to be stored.

    Combustion transfers CO2 to the atmosphere as a by-product when organic material is burned in the presence of oxygen, natural occurrences of this include wildfires.

    Overall assessment may come to a view as to which factors may be more or less important in controlling the size of major stores of carbon.

    01 6 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of human and physical factors affecting river discharge. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate the relative importance of these human and natural factors in their effects on river discharge over different timescales. Notes for answers AO1 Drainage basins as open systems – inputs and outputs, to

    include precipitation, evapo-transpiration and runoff; stores and flows, to include: interception, surface, soil water, groundwater and channel storage; stem flow, infiltration, overland flow and channel flow. Concept of water balance.

    Processes driving change in the magnitude of water stores over time and space, including flows and transfers: evaporation, condensation, cloud formation, causes of precipitation and cryospheric processes at drainage basin scale over varying timescales.

    Runoff variation and the flood hydrograph. Changes in the water cycle over time to include natural

    variation including storm events, seasonal changes and human impact including farm practices, land use change and water abstraction.

    Systems in physical geography: systems concepts and their application to the water cycle – inputs, outputs, energy, stores/components, flows/transfers, positive/negative feedback, dynamic equilibrium.

    Case study of a river catchment at a local scale to illustrate and analyse the key themes in the water cycle and consider the impact of precipitation upon drainage basin stores and transfer and implications for sustainable water supply and/or flooding.

    AO2 Assess the impact of different natural factors affecting river

    discharge. These factors may include weather and climate, geology, soil type and depth, amount and type of vegetation and relief. There should be assessment of the importance of these natural factors.

    Explore the human factors affecting river discharge. These

    AO1 = 10 AO2 = 10




    factors may include land use, human interference with vegetation cover (eg deforestation) and water abstraction. There should be assessment of the importance of these human factors.

    Expect reference to changes to river regime over time. Responses may analyse annual changes in regime and how these may relate mainly to natural features of the drainage basin. Others may analyse longer term change and assess the change to river regime prior to and following a significant human intervention, such as those listed above. Others may analyse change to discharge over shorter time scales, and assess change following a storm event and refer to the nature of the resulting storm hydrograph.

    Whichever scale of change is analysed, responses should assess the importance of factors responsible for the changes.

    Whatever timescale of change is addressed there must be assessment of the relative importance of different factors responsible for the changes in discharge. Expect some to attempt to come to an overall evaluation as to which factors, human or physical, are most important overall. However, others will simply assess the relative importance and not come to an overall view; whilst others may conclude that combinations of factors are more important at different times.



    Marking grid for Question 1.6

    Level/ Mark range


    Level 4 (16–20 marks)

    Detailed evaluative conclusion that is rational and firmly based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Detailed, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding throughout (AO2).

    Full evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Detailed, highly relevant and appropriate knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments used throughout (AO1).

    Full and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes throughout (AO1).

    Detailed awareness of scale and temporal change which is well-integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 3 (11–15 marks)

    Clear evaluative conclusion that is based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Generally clear, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Generally clear evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Generally clear and relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1).

    Generally clear and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes (AO1).

    Generally clear awareness of scale and temporal change which is integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 2 (6–10 marks)

    Some sense of an evaluative conclusion partially based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Some partially relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Some evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Some relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments which is partially relevant (AO1).

    Some knowledge and understanding of key concepts, processes and interactions and change (AO1).

    Some awareness of scale and temporal change which is sometimes integrated where appropriate. There may be a few inaccuracies (AO1).

    Level 1 (1–5 marks)

    Very limited and/or unsupported evaluative conclusion that is loosely based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Very limited analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding. This lacks clarity and coherence (AO2).

    Very limited and rarely logical evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Very limited relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1).

    Isolated knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes. Very limited awareness of scale and temporal change which is rarely integrated where

    appropriate. There may be a number of inaccuracies (AO1). Level 0

    (0 marks) Nothing worthy of credit.



    02 1 B AO1 = 1 1

    02 2 A AO1 = 1 1

    02 3 Point marked Allow 1 mark for each valid point with additional marks for developed points. Notes for answers The coast can be described as an open system (1). Inputs originate from outside the system (1) for example

    energy from waves, wind, sediment from rivers (+1 max for 1 example).

    Outputs move to the outside, for example sediment accumulates above the tidal limit, sediment eroded from the coast is transported beyond the local sediment cell (1+1).

    As an open system the coast is linked to other natural systems – including the atmosphere with wind energy as an input of energy (1), sediments eroded from the coast transported into deep oceans become part of geological systems (1), with dissolved carbon from chalk and limestone cliffs moving through the carbon cycle (1). 

    AO1 = 3 3

    02 4 AO3 – Clear use of Figure 3 and Figure 4 in interpreting and evaluating the nature of the coastal management strategies described.

    Level 2 (4–6 marks) Clear interpretation and analysis of the quantitative and qualitative evidence provided which makes appropriate use of information in support. Clear connections between different aspects of the information. Response must refer to both figures to enter this level.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks) Basic interpretation and analysis of the quantitative and qualitative evidence provided, which makes limited use of the information in support. Basic connection(s) between different aspects of the information.

    Level 1 if only one figure is referred to.

    Notes for answers Responses may note that ‘Hold the Line’ is the favoured

    strategy for the majority of the coastline. With only small sections proposed for ‘Combination of Hold the Line and Do Nothing’. From the map some may identify proportions of the coastline selected for each strategy. Some may identify that

    AO3 = 6 6



    the majority of the sections identified for ‘Combination of Hold the Line and Do Nothing’ are found to the north around the two estuaries in areas 6-9. With the majority of the westerly facing coast having ‘Hold the Line’, with only two smaller areas of ‘Combination of Hold the Line and Do Nothing’ to the south, in areas 1 and 3.

    Reference to the table will support this as it is proposed that Areas 7, 8 and 9 to the north will have no additional new defences, whilst all the areas to the south, Areas 1-6 all have new defences proposed.

    With reference to the map some may express surprise that the two largest settlements, Workington and Whitehaven have areas of ‘Combination of Hold the Line and Do Nothing’ proposed for stretches of their coast or nearby.

    Reference to the map and table may note that the most heavily populated areas are associated with Areas 2, 3 and 4 and account for over 80% of proposed new spending and around 60% of annual maintenance costs. Assessment will note that even without the costs associated with potential damage to the railway infrastructure, these 3 areas would account for around 2/3 of costs and losses should the proposals not be adopted.

    Some may make reference to the map and table and note that despite sections of Areas 7, 8 and 9 proposed not to receive new defences and some sections identified as ‘Combination of Hold the Line and Do Nothing’ that it may be because they already have existing sea defences that are adequate as they account for around a third of the annual maintenance budget.

    There is a significant amount of data that responses can analyse and whatever the approach there must be clear use of both resources in supporting the analysis. 

    02 5 AO1 – Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of major changes in sea level in the last 10,000 years. Awareness of eustatic, isostatic and tectonic sea level change. Knowledge and understanding of the development of coastal landforms and resultant coastal landscapes. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the processes associated with eustatic and isostatic sea level change and the resulting landforms which contribute to the development of coastal landscapes. Level 3 (7–9 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These underpin the response throughout. AO2 – Applies knowledge and understanding appropriately with detail. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are fully developed with complete relevance. Evaluation is

    AO1 = 4 AO2 = 5




    detailed and well-supported with appropriate evidence. Level 2 (4–6 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates clear knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These are mostly relevant though there may be some minor inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies clear knowledge and understanding appropriately. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are evident with some relevance. Evaluation is evident and supported with clear and appropriate evidence.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. This offers limited relevance with inaccuracy.

    AO2 – Applies limited knowledge and understanding. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are basic with limited relevance. Evaluation is basic and supported with limited appropriate evidence.

    Notes for answers AO1 Eustatic, isostatic and tectonic sea level change: major

    changes in sea level in the last 10,000 years. Coastlines of emergence and submergence. Origin and

    development of associated landforms: raised beaches, marine platforms; rias, fjords, Dalmatian coasts.

    The relationship between process, time, landforms and landscapes in coastal settings.

    Systems in physical geography: systems concepts and their application to the development of coastal landscapes – inputs, outputs, energy, stores/components, flows/transfers, positive/negative feedback, dynamic equilibrium. The concepts of landform and landscape and how related landforms combine to form characteristic landscapes.

    Distinctively coastal processes: marine: erosion – hydraulic action, wave quarrying, corrosion/abrasion, cavitation, solution, attrition; transportation: traction, suspension and deposition.

    AO2 There should be recognition that the last 10,000 years is a

    period of global sea level rise following the end of the last glacial period.

    Responses may note that during this period some coastlines have experienced a relative rise in sea level whilst others have experienced a relative fall.

    Responses will recognise that eustatic sea level change has led to global rises in sea level resulting in coastlines of submergence with landforms such as rias, fjords and Dalmatian coasts. Expect illustrative examples.

    Others will note that in formerly glacial coastal regions,



    isostatic uplift may have occurred locally as the land rebounded following the loss of surface ice, resulting in emergent coastlines including raised beaches and marine platforms. Expect illustrative examples.

    Expect responses to evaluate the scale and rate of sea level change in different coastal settings.

    The key is that there are clear links between sea level change and landforms producing coastal landscapes.

    02 6 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of the extent and nature of the coastal consequences of predicted climate change. Knowledge and understanding of issues facing the sustainable development of a local coastal environment resulting from predicted climate change.

    AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding of the extent and nature of the consequences of predicted climate change. Application evaluates the extent to which predicted change presents challenges for sustainable management. Should come to a judgement in relation to the question. Notes for answers AO1 Predicted climate change and potential impact on coasts. Human intervention in coastal landscapes. Traditional

    approaches to coastal flood and erosion risk: hard and soft engineering. Sustainable approaches to coastal flood risk and coastal erosion management: shoreline management/integrated coastal zone management.

    The relationship between process, time, landforms and landscape in coastal settings.

    Eustatic and isostatic sea level change. Changes in sea level should be considered in the context of the question so the focus of the answer should likely be associated with eustatic change; isostatic changes are unlikely to be included.

    Case study of a coastal environment at a local scale to illustrate and analyse fundamental coastal processes including marine erosion, transport, deposition and mass movement and weathering, and subsequent landscape outcomes and the challenges represented in their sustainable management. This may include alternative possible futures.

    AO2 Responses should evaluate the nature of predicted climate

    change, ie increased global temperatures, changes to precipitation patterns and increased storm activity.

    Some responses will assess the nature and impacts of changes in physical processes on coastal landforms and landscapes. This may include the impacts of increased frequency, intensity and magnitude of coastal flooding, and implications of increased rates of coastal erosion. Judgements should be made about the challenges such changes will pose

    AO1 = 10 AO2 = 10




    for the sustainable management of the coastal environment. This may include an assessment of the sustainability of different coastal erosion and flood protection methods.

    Responses may assess the implications of predicted climate change on the human population of the chosen coastal environment and the extent to which challenges posed to them can be managed sustainably. This will include social, economic and political factors. Expect assessment of the sustainability of possible responses that could be used to mitigate against the impacts of future challenges. There could be judgements on the sustainability of, and cost benefit analysis of land use planning and integrated coastal zone management in alternative possible futures.

    Overall assessment – assessment should make clear judgements about the nature and extent of possible future challenges facing the named local coastal environment and come to a view on how likely these are to be managed sustainably.



    Marking grid for Question 2.6 Level/

    Mark range Criteria/Descriptor

    Level 4 (16–20 marks)

    Detailed evaluative conclusion that is rational and firmly based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Detailed, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding throughout (AO2).

    Full evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Detailed, highly relevant and appropriate knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments used throughout (AO1).

    Full and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes throughout (AO1).

    Detailed awareness of scale and temporal change which is well-integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 3 (11–15 marks)

    Clear evaluative conclusion that is based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Generally clear, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Generally clear evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Generally clear and relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1).

    Generally clear and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes (AO1).

    Generally clear awareness of scale and temporal change which is integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 2 (6–10 marks)

    Some sense of an evaluative conclusion partially based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Some partially relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Some evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Some relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments which is partially relevant (AO1).

    Some knowledge and understanding of key concepts, processes and interactions and change (AO1).

    Some awareness of scale and temporal change which is sometimes integrated where appropriate. There may be a few inaccuracies (AO1).

    Level 1 (1–5 marks)

    Very limited and/or unsupported evaluative conclusion that is loosely based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Very limited analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding. This lacks clarity and coherence (AO2).

    Very limited and rarely logical evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Very limited relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1). Isolated knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes. Very limited awareness of scale and temporal change which is rarely integrated where

    appropriate. There may be a number of inaccuracies (AO1). Level 0

    (0 marks) Nothing worthy of credit.



    03 1 B AO1 1

    03 2 A AO1 1

    03 3 Point marked Allow 1 mark for each valid point with additional marks for developed points. Notes for answers Warm based glaciers are found in locations with high levels of

    winter snowfall and high enough temperatures in spring and summer for rapid summer melting (1).

    Large amounts of meltwater act as a lubricant between the ice and valley bed and sides allowing relatively rapid movement downslope (1).

    Rapid flow allows warm based glaciers to erode, transport and deposit significant amounts of material (1).

    High annual temperature fluctuations allow the surface layers of the most recent snow and ice to melt as summer temperatures rise above 0oC (1).

    The upper most layers of snow and ice in a warm based glacier insulate the layers of ice below (1).

    As the depth of a warm based glacier increases the ice is under increasing pressure due to the increasing amounts of surrounding ice. This lowers the melting point temperature below 0oC (1) this is known as the pressure melting point (1).

    All ice in a warm based glacier is close to the pressure melting point (1) due to the relatively warm atmospheric temperatures, and due to their relative thinness a large proportion of the ice could be affected by geothermal heat from the earth below (1).

    AO1 = 3 3

    03 4 AO3 – Clear use of Figure 5 and Figure 6 which through interpretation and evaluation gives clear comparison of the changing extent of ice coverage in both hemispheres over the last 18 000 years.

    Level 2 (4–6 marks) Clear interpretation and evaluation of the quantitative evidence provided which makes appropriate use of data in support. Clear connections between different aspects of the data and evidence.

    Response must refer to both figures to enter this level.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks) Basic interpretation and evaluation of the quantitative evidence provided, which makes limited use of the data in support. Basic connection(s) between different aspects of the data and evidence. Level 1 if only one figure is referred to.

    AO3 = 6 6



    Notes for answers The evidence illustrates the changing extent of ice coverage

    from the last glacial maximum to the present day. Responses should note the considerable difference between

    the level of change in the Northern Hemisphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere.

    Some will note the different pattern of ice distribution in both hemispheres. With one large continental mass of ice centred on the South Pole, that maintains its shape over the time period shrinking only slightly. The land ice at the South Pole is surrounded by a significant area of circumpolar sea ice 18,000 YBP, which has shrunk to two isolated areas of sea ice by the present day.

    In comparison the continental ice of the Northern Hemisphere 18,000 YBP is split into two large sections – the largest continuous area extending from the pole southwards into North America. A section of sea ice separates this larger area of continental ice from an almost continuous belt across the northern reaches of Eurasia, with smaller isolated areas between 30 and 60oN in mainland Europe and Asia. By the present day almost all the continental ice of the North has shrunk considerably, with only a small area remaining over Greenland. The extent of sea ice has reduced, but to a lesser degree, with an almost circular area of sea ice centred on the North Pole.

    Others may note that in both hemispheres there were smaller isolated areas of continental ice further distance from the poles on the earlier map which have disappeared in the later map – an almost linear pattern extending (from what would be modern day western Alaska) in a belt westwards through Asia and the single linear area of continental ice extending northwards away from the ‘hook’ of the polar ice sheet, corresponding to the present day Andes Mountains.

    Some may use the scale bars or latitude to assess and compare the extent of ice coverage and make judgements about the scale of the change in the extent of ice coverage.

    It is possible that some will note that there are other glacial areas in the present day that are not shown on the map, but the question asks about the ice shown on the maps only.



    03 5 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of a range factors that affect the glacier budget over time. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding that analyses the links and interconnections between factors that control the glacier budget at a range of different time scales. Level 3 (7–9 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These underpin the response throughout. AO2 – Applies knowledge and understanding appropriately with detail. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are fully developed with complete relevance. Evaluation is detailed and well-supported with appropriate evidence. Level 2 (4–6 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates clear knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These are mostly relevant though there may be some minor inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies clear knowledge and understanding appropriately. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are evident with some relevance. Evaluation is evident and supported with clear and appropriate evidence.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. This offers limited relevance with inaccuracy.

    AO2 – Applies limited knowledge and understanding. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are basic with limited relevance. Evaluation is basic and supported with limited appropriate evidence.

    Notes for answers AO1 Glacial systems including glacial budgets. Systems in physical geography: systems concepts – inputs,

    outputs, energy, stores/components, flows/transfers, positive/negative feedback, dynamic equilibrium.

    Glaciers are open systems. Snow and ice are the most important inputs into the glacier

    system adding mass via direct snowfall, blown snow and avalanches from slopes above the glacier.

    Mass is lost from the glacier system through the following outputs – meltwater, evaporation and calving of ice blocks and icebergs.

    The glacial budget considers the balance between the inputs and outputs in the glacier system and how this determines the mass balance of the glacier.

    AO1 = 4 AO2 = 5




    Ablation and accumulation – historical patterns of ice advance and retreat.

    A glacier can be divided into two zones, the accumulation zone and ablation zone, and the point where inputs and outputs from the glacier are balanced is called the equilibrium line.

    AO2 There should be clear understanding of glaciers as systems.

    Analysis of the relationship between inputs, stores, transfers and outputs will show how glaciers are open systems.

    Analysis of the relationship between accumulation and ablation – where inputs exceed outputs in the zone of accumulation, and where outputs exceed inputs in the zone of ablation, and where rates of accumulation and ablation are equal there is equilibrium.

    Analysis will show that as glaciers are open systems their mass and size is dependent on the balance between inputs and outputs.

    Glacial budgets change over a range of time scales. Including the cycles of glacial and interglacial periods of the Quaternary with extensive glacial advance and retreat. Most glaciers are subject to annual variations in inputs and outputs, with the difference between total accumulation and ablation known as the net balance. Responses may note that warm based glaciers in alpine situations have a negative balance in the summer and a positive balance in winter.

    The relationship between inputs and outputs and glacial advance and retreat. If accumulation exceeds ablation rates there is a positive glacial budget and the snout may move downslope. If ablation rates exceed accumulation giving a negative glacial budget the glacier will begin to reduce in size and the snout may move upslope. If rates of accumulation and ablation cancel each other out then the glacier will appear to remain stationary. Whether the snout is advancing or retreating the ice continues to move downslope due to gravity.

    Analysis to be supported with illustrations from historical patterns of advance and retreat. Including the extent of glacial advance during the last glacial of the Quaternary and the extent of ice coverage over Europe during the last glacial maximum and the extent to which this has changed since. Others may note that the pattern of glacial advance and retreat of individual glaciers results from longer term climate change, and net-balance changes in response to localised, or short-term changes in climate, ie where recent climate change has led to increased precipitation, accumulation rates have increased leading to positive budgets with snouts advancing, whilst globally most glaciers are experiencing retreat due to increased global temperatures.

    Some may address other local factors affecting glacial budgets, including the role of aspect in affecting annual patterns of accumulation on north and south facing slopes.

    The key is that there is a clear link between the factors affecting glacial budgets and time in applying knowledge.



    03 6 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of the roles of processes of erosion and deposition operating over different timescales in shaping characteristic fluvioglacial landscapes. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to analyse the links between different processes of erosion and deposition which contribute to the development of characteristic fluvioglacial landscapes over time. Notes for answers AO1 The physical characteristics of cold environments. The global distribution of past and present cold environments.

    This depends on the thrust of the response. Response should see the link between the processes and geographical location.

    Characteristic fluvioglacial landscapes are composed of fluvioglacial landforms of erosion and deposition: meltwater channels, kames, eskers, outwash plains.

    Fluvioglacial processes: meltwater erosion, transportation and deposition.

    The relationship between process, time, landforms and landscapes in fluvioglacial landscapes. Timescales will depend on the illustrative examples used, but short term may relate to landscape changes resulting from one off events (such as sudden flooding on the outwash plain linked to flooding from rapid increases in meltwater), or how annual landscape changes following annual patterns in the amount of meltwater. Longer term landscape change may relate to patterns of glacial advance or retreat due to longer term changes in climate.

    The concepts of fluvioglacial landforms and landscapes and how related landforms combine to form characteristics fluvioglacial landscapes.

    Geomorphological processes – weathering: frost action, nivation; ice movement: internal deformation, rotational, compressional, extensional and basal sliding; erosion: plucking, abrasion; transportation and deposition. This may be used to support analysis around the sources of materials for transport and deposition by meltwater.

    Fluvioglacial environments are generally associated with regions ‘downstream’ of glacial or formerly glaciated areas and are dominated by landforms resulting from fluvial erosion and deposition by glacial meltwater.

    AO2 Responses should address the nature of fluvioglacial deposits

    as distinct, but linked to glacial deposits due to the role of meltwater in their formation.

    Meltwater is supraglacial, subglacial and englacial, so transports debris from on top, below and within a glacier. As fluvioglacial landforms of deposition result from material carried by water the material will differ to that deposited

    AO1 = 10 AO2 = 10




    directly by ice, being smoother, more rounded, sorted and stratified.

    Meltwater channels are often the main features of fluvioglacial erosion – some may note the complex nature, and limited understanding of, their formation. Key features of meltwater channels include: sub-glacial streams are able to flow uphill due to hydrostatic pressure; sub-glacial streams can erode and transport significant amounts of material, leading to significant amounts of deposited material when the velocity and energy of streams decreases; only meltwater in channels flowing in contact with the valley floor and sides leaves any trace of erosion in the rock surface; sub-glacial streams either erode a channel in the bedrock, or cut upwards eroding channels in the overlying ice, only the former leaving any trace in the postglacial landscape, unless the latter become choked with sediment leading to the formation of eskers; the energy, high discharge and turbulent flow of large sub-glacial streams can create deep sub-glacial valleys.

    Fluvioglacial erosion forms pro-glacial lakes and overflow channels. As glaciers begin to melt at the end of glacial periods lakes can develop at the edges of the ice. Water overflowing from lakes exploits low points in watersheds creating new valleys. When any remaining ice damming these lakes finally melts new valleys are left high and dry as pre-glacial drainage patterns return, alternatively new drainage patterns are formed that differ to those prior to glaciation.

    Landscapes of fluvioglacial deposition are mainly composed of eskers, kames and outwash plains. Eskers are long, sinuous ridges of deposited material running in the direction of ice advance, believed to form in subglacial streams. They are composed of sorted coarse material, usually sands and gravels, often stratified due to seasonal variations in the flow of meltwater. Kames are mounds of fluvioglacial material that is often sorted and stratified. Where meltwater flows from glaciers into proglacial lakes kames develop as delta-like deposits. As the glacier snout retreats further the kames collapse. Kame terraces form along the sides of glacial valleys where streams flowing between the ice and valley side deposit their load. Outwash plains form in front of a glacier’s snout as meltwater streams flow out from the ice and deposit their load. They are composed of the material once transported by the glacier but which has been picked up, sorted and deposited by meltwater in front of the snout. As meltwater loses energy and slows the largest material is deposited closest to the snout with the finest material carried some distance across the plain. These deposits are layered vertically due to seasonal variations in the flow of meltwater streams. Seasonal variations in flow cause fluvial erosion and deposition to create networks of braided channels across the outwash plain. Kettle holes and varves may also feature.

    Fluvioglacial landscapes are composed of a range of features, often the outwash plain is the most dominant. Characteristics of these landscapes constantly change due to seasonal



    variations in meltwater flows that both erode and rework existing features, and transport new material for fresh depositional features. Many fluvioglacial landscapes are in areas that were recently glaciated, or/and are cold environments so have limited vegetation cover.

    Overall assessment should acknowledge the range of processes operating over a range of timescales creating the features of characteristic fluvioglacial landscapes. Specific processes, timescales and resulting landscape features will depend on the illustrative examples used in support.

    Marking grid for Question 3.6

    Level/ Mark range


    Level 4 (16–20 marks)

    Detailed evaluative conclusion that is rational and firmly based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Detailed, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding throughout (AO2).

    Full evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Detailed, highly relevant and appropriate knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments used throughout (AO1).

    Full and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes throughout (AO1).

    Detailed awareness of scale and temporal change which is well-integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 3 (11–15 marks)

    Clear evaluative conclusion that is based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Generally clear, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Generally clear evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Generally clear and relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1).

    Generally clear and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes (AO1).

    Generally clear awareness of scale and temporal change which is integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 2 (6–10 marks)

    Some sense of an evaluative conclusion partially based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Some partially relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Some evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Some relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments which is partially relevant (AO1).

    Some knowledge and understanding of key concepts, processes and interactions and change (AO1).

    Some awareness of scale and temporal change which is sometimes integrated where appropriate. There may be a few inaccuracies (AO1).



    Level 1 (1–5 marks)

    Very limited and/or unsupported evaluative conclusion that is loosely based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Very limited analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding. This lacks clarity and coherence (AO2).

    Very limited and rarely logical evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Very limited relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1).

    Isolated knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes. Very limited awareness of scale and temporal change which is rarely integrated where

    appropriate. There may be a number of inaccuracies (AO1). Level 0

    (0 marks) Nothing worthy of credit.



    Section B Qu Part Marking guidance Assessment

    Objectives (AOs)

    Total marks

    04 1 B AO1 = 1 1

    04 2 B AO1 = 1 1

    04 3 Point marked

    Allow 1 mark for each valid point with additional marks for developed points. Notes for answers Deep sea trenches are associated with convergent/destructive

    plate margins (1). The subducting plate is ‘dragged’ down into the mantle by the

    process of slab pull (1). The downwarping of the oceanic plate creates a very deep v-

    shaped depression in the ocean floor (1). The trench will form parallel to, but some distance offshore from, the coastline (1)(d).

    Where denser oceanic crust meets less dense continental crust it is the denser oceanic crust that is subducted (1). For example where the Nazca Plate meets the South American plate forming the Peru Chile Trench (1)(d).

    Deep sea trenches are also found where one oceanic plate is subducted beneath another oceanic plate, like the Marianas trench formed as the Pacific plate is subducted beneath the Philippine plate (1).

    AO1 = 3 3

    04 4 AO3 – Clear use of Figure 5 and Figure 6 in interpreting and

    assessing the impacts of wildfires in the USA between the dates shown.

    Level 2 (4–6 marks) Clear interpretation and assessment of the quantitative evidence provided which makes appropriate use of data in support. Clear connections between different aspects of the data and evidence.

    Response must refer to both figures to enter this level.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks) Basic interpretation and assessment of the quantitative evidence provided, which makes limited use of the data in support. Basic connection(s) between different aspects of the data and evidence.

    AO3 = 6 6



    Level 1 if only one figure is referred to.

    Notes for answers There is some significant fluctuation in both the overall and

    insured losses. The period starts in 2006 with overall losses amounting to just under US$1 bn, losses quadruple in 2007 to almost US$4 bn (the most costly year) before dropping by about a third to around US$2.5 bn in 2008 (the second most costly year). 2009 and 2010 are then two of the least costly years both with less than US$½ bn, before losses increase dramatically again in 2011 to around US$2 bn, before steadily dropping again over the next 3 years to the least costly year in 2014 with less than US$¼ bn. 2015 then sees rates of economic losses not seen since 2008, as costs increase 10 fold on 2014 to almost US$2.5 bn.

    Some may suggest that from a peak in 2007 there was a general downward trend in economic losses, before a sudden increase again in 2015, although this pattern is quite weak.

    Like overall losses, there is little pattern to insured losses. Other than in years with higher overall economic losses the total insured losses are also higher. In most years the value of insured losses accounts for over a half of the total economic losses – 2008 stands out as insured losses only accounted for about a quarter of all economic losses. In 2006, 2007 2009 and 2015 the insured losses accounted for significantly more than half of the overall losses.

    There is little pattern or trend to the number of wildfire deaths. About half the deaths occur in the first 5 years (81) and about half the deaths (83) occur in the second 5 years, so there is little/no upward or downward trend over the period. The highest year by far is 2013 with 34 deaths, around 10 higher than the next most deadly years 2006 and 2008, with 24 and 25 respectively. 2007 and 2010 have the lowest number of deaths, with around a quarter of the deaths in 2013. The mean number of deaths for the period is about 16, however only 2009 and 2012 have a number of deaths close to this, both with 15, so there is a wide variation in the number of deaths.

    The years with the highest economic losses are 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2015, but there is little correlation between economic losses and deaths as the highest economic costs in 2007 had the second lowest number of deaths, and 2006 and 2013 had the 3rd and 1st highest numbers of deaths but economic losses of only around US$1 bn. There is also little/no relationship between the number of deaths and the level of insured losses as a proportion of the overall losses – the lowest numbers of deaths occurred in 2007, 2010 and 2014 – 2007 had the highest economic losses, about ¾ of which were insured but only 9 deaths, 2010 had the lowest number of deaths and 3rd lowest economic losses around 2/3 of which were insured, whilst 2014 had 10 deaths but the lowest economic losses, just over half of which were insured.

    Overall assessment – the relationships between the resources is



    mixed. There is some evidence to suggest some of the impacts follow weak patterns, but there are a number of anomalies, which may limit any correlations. Some may try to draw out relationships as above, but others may seek to show that it is hard to identify any overall patterns between the resources Whatever the approach there must be clear use of all resources in supporting the assessment.

    04 5 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of the economic and social

    characteristics of a place in a multi-hazardous environment. Knowledge and understanding of the principles associated with understanding how the characteristics of a place affect people’s resilience to natural hazards. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate how the economic and social characteristics of a place affect the level of resilience of people living in multi-hazardous environments to hazard events. Level 3 (7–9 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These underpin the response throughout. AO2 – Applies knowledge and understanding appropriately with detail. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are fully developed with complete relevance. Evaluation is detailed and well supported with appropriate evidence. Level 2 (4–6 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates clear knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These are mostly relevant though there may be some minor inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies clear knowledge and understanding appropriately. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are evident with some relevance. Evaluation is evident and supported with clear and appropriate evidence.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks)

    AO1 – Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. This offers limited relevance with inaccuracy.

    AO2 – Applies limited knowledge and understanding. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are basic with limited relevance. Evaluation is basic and supported with limited appropriate evidence.

    Notes for answers

    AO1 = 4 AO2 = 5




    AO1 Nature, forms and potential impacts of natural hazards

    (geophysical, atmospheric and hydrological). Hazard perception and its economic and cultural determinants. Characteristic human responses – fatalism, prediction, adjustment/adaptation, mitigation, management, risk sharing – and their relationship to hazard incidence, intensity, magnitude, distribution and level of development.

    Forms of natural hazards may include: Volcanic hazards, seismic hazards, storm hazards or wild fire hazards.

    Impacts of multiple hazards: primary/secondary; environmental, social, economic, political.

    Social, economic and environmental risks presented by natural hazards.

    The concept of place and the importance of place in human life and experience in a multi-hazardous environment.

    Factors contributing to the character of places: Endogenous: location, topography, physical geography, land use, built environment and infrastructure, demographic and economic characteristics.

    The social and economic characteristics of the local population in a multi-hazard environment.

    The nature of the hazards and the social, economic and environmental risks as evidenced in a multi-hazardous environment beyond the UK.

    How human qualities and responses such as resilience contribute to its continuing human occupation as evidenced in a multi-hazard environment beyond the UK.

    AO2 Responses are expected to show an understanding of how the

    resilience of people living in a place in a multi-hazardous environment is directly related to the social and economic characteristics of that place. There should be clear recognition of the learning from the Changing places unit in assessing the relationship between the economic and social characteristics of people in a multi-hazardous environment and their resilience to hazards. Reciting learned case study material of the hazards of a multi-hazardous environment does not constitute AO2. It is the assessment of resilience in relation to the social and economic characteristics the people in the place which allows access to AO2.

    The specific content of responses will depend on the named multi-hazardous environment chosen.

    Resilience will depend on the population’s ability to predict, plan for and protect against, or prevent, any potential natural hazards. There should be an assessment of how social and economic characteristics of the people in the place influences their ability to do this.

    Resilience will depend on the nature of the risk posed by the specific hazards in the chosen area. Response may suggest that the social and economic characteristics of the people may have little impact on the risk of hazardous events occurring,



    although they may affect the level of exposure of different groups to the hazards. Resilience will depend on the vulnerability of the people, which responses will argue are probably directly related to the social and economic characteristics the people, as this will directly affect their level of exposure to the risks from hazards in that place.

    Resilience will directly relate to the social and economic characteristics of the people as this affects the availability of hazard-resistant structures and hazard protection schemes, level of education about the hazards, availability of hazard warning services, availability and quality of emergency services, land use planning, availability of insurance and aid in that place.

    Resilience will directly relate to the social and economic characteristics of the local population as this will determine their ability to respond to the hazards in that place. This will affect both the short-term emergency response and long-term response such as ability to rebuild and recover after any hazard events.

    Overall evaluation will relate to the specific social and economic characteristics of the people in the chosen place in a multi-hazardous environment and the nature of the specific hazards. Response may also acknowledge that resilience is also dependent on other factors.

    04 6 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of the nature and form of

    volcanic hazards. Knowledge and understanding of the cause of volcanic hazards. Knowledge and understanding of factors affecting the nature of impacts of volcanic hazards. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to analyse and assess the extent to which human and physical factors affect the nature of the impacts of volcanic hazards. Notes for answers AO1 Nature, forms and potential impacts of volcanic hazards. Volcanic hazard perception and its economic and cultural

    determinants. The nature of vulcanicity and its relation to plate tectonics:

    forms of volcanic hazard: nuées ardentes, lava flows, mudflows, pyroclastic and ash fallout, gases/acid rain, tephra.

    Spatial distribution, randomness, magnitude, frequency, regularity, predictability of volcanic hazard events.

    Impacts of volcanic hazards: primary/secondary, environmental, social, economic, political. Short and long-term responses: risk management designed to reduce impacts of the hazard through preparedness, mitigation, prevention and adaptation.

    Characteristic human responses – fatalism, prediction, adjustment/adaptation, mitigation, management, risk sharing – and their relationship to hazard incidence, intensity,

    AO1 = 10 AO2 = 10




    magnitude, distribution and level of development. Impacts and human responses as evidence by a recent

    volcanic event.

    AO2 Responses are expected to show awareness of the impact of

    both human and physical factors have on the nature of volcanic hazards.

    Expect responses to analyse how a range of physical factors affect the hazards posed by a volcanic event. These will include an evaluation of the geographical and tectonic setting of the volcanic event, that events associated with destructive plate boundaries and subduction may pose more of a hazard than those at constructive boundaries or intraplate settings. Responses will assess the level of hazard posed by the nature of the magma associated with the volcanic event and how this will determine the nature of any eruption in terms of explosivity, predictability, magnitude and nature of material erupted. Some may assess the affect the frequency of events in the particular setting may have on the nature of the hazards posed, and how this will also affect human factors as this will determine the local population’s familiarity of such events.

    Expect responses to assess how human factors affect the nature of volcanic hazards posed. These will include an evaluation of how the economic and cultural characteristics of the local population affect their perception of the risk posed by volcanic hazards and their vulnerability to them. Responses will assess the nature of the local human response to volcanic hazards, including the level of fatalism and ability to predict volcanic hazards, alongside their ability to prepare for, prevent or protect against such hazards. Some will discuss how human factors affect a population’s level of exposure to volcanic hazards. There will be assessment of how the local population’s ability adapt and adjust to the risks posed and to mitigate the impacts of a volcanic event. Analysis will show how factors such as level of economic development will undoubtedly affect manage and recover following the volcanic event.

    Overall assessment may conclude that it is a combination of the physical and human factors that determine the nature of the hazards posed by volcanic hazards; however this will depend on the recent volcanic event chosen. It is perfectly acceptable that a response may conclude that one set of factors is more important than the other, but the assessment should be supported with suitable evidence.



    Marking grid for Question 4.6

    Level/ Mark range


    Level 4 (16–20 marks)

    Detailed evaluative conclusion that is rational and firmly based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Detailed, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding throughout (AO2).

    Full evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Detailed, highly relevant and appropriate knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments used throughout (AO1).

    Full and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes throughout (AO1).

    Detailed awareness of scale and temporal change which is well-integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 3 (11–15 marks)

    Clear evaluative conclusion that is based on knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Generally clear, coherent and relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Generally clear evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Generally clear and relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1).

    Generally clear and accurate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes (AO1).

    Generally clear awareness of scale and temporal change which is integrated where appropriate (AO1).

    Level 2 (6–10 marks)

    Some sense of an evaluative conclusion partially based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Some partially relevant analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding (AO2).

    Some evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Some relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments which is partially relevant (AO1).

    Some knowledge and understanding of key concepts, processes and interactions and change (AO1).

    Some awareness of scale and temporal change which is sometimes integrated where appropriate. There may be a few inaccuracies (AO1).

    Level 1 (1–5 marks)

    Very limited and/or unsupported evaluative conclusion that is loosely based upon knowledge and understanding which is applied to the context of the question (AO2).

    Very limited analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding. This lacks clarity and coherence (AO2).

    Very limited and rarely logical evidence of links between knowledge and understanding to the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts (AO2).

    Very limited relevant knowledge and understanding of place(s) and environments (AO1). Isolated knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes. Very limited awareness of scale and temporal change which is rarely integrated where

    appropriate. There may be a number of inaccuracies (AO1). Level 0

    (0 marks) Nothing worthy of credit.



    05 1 B AO1 1

    05 2 C AO1 1

    05 3 Point marked

    Allow 1 mark for each valid point with additional marks for developed points. Notes for answers Incineration of waste involves the burning of waste, this

    reduces the volume of waste by up to 90% which otherwise may have gone to landfill (1).

    Incineration can also involve energy recovery – ‘energy from waste’ where if waste is burnt safely under controlled conditions electricity and heat can be generated reducing the amount of non-renewable fuel needed to generate energy (1).

    Incineration of hazardous materials, such as medical waste, does prevent potentially harmful or polluting substances going to landfill (1).

    In richer countries most incineration is reasonably well controlled and regulated, but open-burning is common in many poorer countries which is highly problematic in terms of air pollution and safety (1). Pollutants contributing to greenhouse gases such as CO2 (d), or particulate pollutants contributing to urban smog, or poor air quality leading to respiratory diseases (d).

    Incineration has a number of disadvantages and possible advantages over other waste management techniques but it is often difficult to see the disadvantages which are often related to invisible gases, whilst the advantage of large quantities of waste being quickly removed and potentially providing heat and power could be quite appealing (1)(d).

    AO1 = 3 3

    05 4 AO3 – Clear use of Figure 7 and Figure 8 in interpreting and

    analysing the changing number of people living in urban areas in different regions of the world between the dates shown.

    Level 2 (4–6 marks) Clear interpretation and evaluation of the quantitative evidence provided which makes appropriate use of data in support. Clear connections between different aspects of the data and evidence. Response must refer to both figures to enter this level.

    Level 1 (1–3 marks) Basic interpretation and evaluation of the quantitative evidence provided, which makes limited use of the data in support. Basic connection(s) between different aspects of the data and evidence.

    AO3 = 6 6



    Level 1 if only one figure is referred to.

    Notes for answers The evidence shows that the number of urban dwellers has

    increased, and will continue to increase in all areas – globally, at all income levels and in all continents.

    Responses will note the large scale and speed of increase in urban dwellers globally – globally numbers quadrupled between 1950 and the present day, from about ¾ million to just under 4 billion, with a further increase of just over 2 billion predicted by 2050.

    Some may note that the greatest number of urban dwellers added by 2015 was in Asia, with an almost 10-fold increase from just under 250 million to over 2 billion, with a further billion urban dwellers predicted for Asia by 2050. Between 1950 and 2015 Latin America also experienced a rapid rate of growth and some responses may correlate both these points to the growth in the urban population of MICs.

    The evidence shows that the growth in the number of urban dwellers in MICs mirrors that of the global urban population, and accounts for most of the overall growth in urban dwellers. Just under 300 000 people lived in urban areas in MICs in 1950, about 2/3 of the global total, this increased about 9-fold to just over 2.6 billion by the present day, with a predicted further 25% increase to around 4 ¼ billion by 2050.

    In 1950 HICs accounted for over half the global urban dwellers. The number of urban dwellers in HICs more than doubles to just over 1 billion, but is only predicted to increase by a further 200 000 by 2050, giving them the lowest rate of predicted growth.

    Some may note that the European countries had the greatest number of urban dwellers in 2050, but only increase about 2 ½ times by 2050, this alongside the relatively low predicted rates of growth in urban dwellers in North America will account for the decreasing contribution of HICs to the overall number of urban dwellers globally.

    Very few people live in urban areas in LICs for the first 20 years shown, but numbers begin to grow at an increasing rate from 1970 onwards. By 2015 there are just over ¼ million urban dwellers in LICs, with this predicted to increase to around 900 million by 2050. Although urban dwellers in MICs are predicted to grow the most between 2015 and 2050, the rate of increase begins to slow by 2050, whilst the rate of growth in LICs accelerates throughout the 2015-2050 period.

    Some responses will note the rapidly increasing urban population in Africa shown in the second graph and suggest that this will account for the accelerating rate of growth in LICs.

    Some may take the opportunity to manipulate the data in a range of ways to support analytical points.

    Others may make judgements relating to the scale of change in different continents that may not be immediately evident due to the use of the logarithmic scale on the second graph.

    Whatever the approach there must be clear use of all



    resources in supporting the assessment.

    05 5 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of the impact of urban

    forms and processes on local climate and weather. Knowledge and understanding of the principals associated with understanding people’s lived experience of place. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the impact of the local weather and climate of a place and people’s lived experienced of that place. Level 3 (7–9 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These underpin the response throughout. AO2 – Applies knowledge and understanding appropriately with detail. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are fully developed with complete relevance. Evaluation is detailed and well-supported with appropriate evidence. Level 2 (4–6 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates clear knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. These are mostly relevant though there may be some minor inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies clear knowledge and understanding appropriately. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are evident with some relevance. Evaluation is evident and supported with clear and appropriate evidence. Level 1 (1–3 marks) AO1 – Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of concepts, processes, interactions and change. This offers limited relevance with inaccuracy. AO2 – Applies limited knowledge and understanding. Connections and relationships between different aspects of study are basic with limited relevance. Evaluation is basic and supported with limited appropriate evidence. Notes for answers AO1 The impact of urban forms and processes on local climate and

    weather. Urban characteristics. Physical and human factors in urban

    forms. Spatial patterns of land use and the factors that influence it.

    Urban temperatures: the urban heat island effect. Urban precipitation: frequency and intensity. Fogs and thunderstorms in urban environments. Wind: the effects of urban structures and layout on wind

    AO1 = 4 AO2 = 5




    speed, direction and frequency. Air quality: particulate and photo-chemical pollution. Impact of urban areas on local environments. How the demographic, socio-economic and cultural

    characteristics of places are shaped by the local climate and weather resulting from the impact of local urban forms.

    Case study of an urban area to illustrate and analyse patterns of economic, and social well-being and the nature and impact of physical environmental conditions, with particular reference to the character of the place and the experience and attitudes of their populations.

    AO2 Responses are expected to show an understanding of the

    impact of urban form on local weather and climate. There should be clear recognition of the learning from the Changing places unit in assessing the impact of local urban weather and climate conditions and how this affects people’s lived experience and the character of the place. Reciting learned case study material does not constitute AO2. It is the integration of the place study ideas and concepts which allow access to AO2.

    Assessment of how local urban form creates its own weather and climate, and an assessment of this local microclimate. There may be an assessment of the extent of ‘climatic dome’ created, including the two levels within the urban dome: below the roof level (urban canopy) where the lives of people are affected by processes acting in the spaces between buildings (canyons), or areas downwind of the city where people are affected by the plume of impacts associated with the boundary layer.

    Expect analysis of the impact of an urban heat island effect. Responses may explore the specific nature of this in the named location. Assessment of the impact of the urban heat island effect on people’s lived experience of the place may include: uncomfortably high temperatures in summer; intense anticyclonic conditions are often responsible for higher air pollution levels; excessive summer temperatures can lead to increased demand for energy for cooling and air conditioning; where increased temperatures increase demand for water, drought conditions can lead to water shortages and restrictions on use; people suffering from allergies such as hay fever are negatively affected by earlier flowering and extended growing seasons of plants; some suggest that human induced climate change is already increasing temperatures even further in some urban areas; recent media reports of negative impacts of sunlight reflecting off the extensive amounts of glass used in many modern buildings, even causing fires.

    Precipitation levels are often higher in urban areas than in surrounding rural locations due to the localised low pressure, convection and increased thunder and lightning. Analysis of impact on people’s lives may relate to increased flood risk caused by urban drainage systems and impermeable surfaces.



    Traditionally in industrial cities fog levels increased significantly due to smoke and increased condensation nuclei. Deindustrialisation and clean air acts have reduced the incidence of this in countries like the UK, but may still be an issue in some locations.

    Responses may explore factors leading to increased thunder and lightning in urban areas. Intense downpours associated with these may affect people’s lives through localised flooding.

    Expect responses to analyse local urban variations in winds – including channelling and Venturi effect. There are well documented studies of the specific local effects of these and how they impact on people, especially at street level.

    Air quality of many urban areas is usually poorer than in surrounding rural areas. Responses will explore reasons for this including industry, motor vehicles and energy production. Responses may explore the impacts on people’s lives from smog, photochemical smog and address recent discussions of the negative health impacts of the pollutants emitted by diesel vehicles.

    Overall evaluation – There must be clear linkage between the impacts of the urban form of a named place and specific impacts on the lives of the people that live there.

    05 6 AO1 – Knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting

    issues of environmental sustainability. Knowledge and understanding of the principals associated with understanding the character of the urban areas and nature and impact of physical environmental conditions on the environmental sustainability. AO2 – Application of knowledge and understanding to assess a range of issues of environmental sustainability in contrasting urban areas and to judge how the nature of the physical environmental conditions of each area impact on that sustainability. Notes for answers AO1 The nature and impact of physical environmental conditions

    with particular reference to the implications for environmental sustainability.

    Urban characteristics in contrasting settings. Physical environmental factors in urban forms – including the shape, size, density and make-up or configuration of settlements. Spatial patterns of land use.

    Impacts of urban forms on local climate and weather – urban micro-climates: the urban heat island, urban precipitation, wind and urban air quality.

    Urban drainage - Issues associated with catchment management in urban areas. The development of sustainable urban drainage systems. River restoration and conservation in damaged urban catchments.

    AO1 = 10 AO2 = 10




    Environmental problems in contrasting urban areas: atmospheric pollution, water pollution and dereliction.

    Impact of urban areas on local environments. Environmental sustainability. Nature and features of sustainable cities. Concept of liveability.

    Contemporary opportunities and challenges in developing more sustainable cities.

    Strategies for developing more sustainable cities. Case studies of two contrasting urban areas illustrating the

    nature and impact of physical environmental conditions, with particular reference to the implications for environmental sustainability.

    AO2 Responses are expected to show an understanding of the impact of the physical environmental conditions on issues of environmental sustainability in contrasting urban areas. There should be clear recognition of the learning from the case studies of two contrasting urban areas from the Contemporary urban environments unit, however reciting learned case study material does not constitute AO2. It is the integration of the two aspects of the question that allows access to AO2. Responses will assess the nature of the physical urban

    environment of the named case studies – this will include an assessment of the physical characteristics that make up their urban form

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