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My product is of the horror thriller genre within the media institution of films which we have studied. I justify this because of the convections of a horror thriller in which my product possesses.  Horror Thriller movies are generally categorized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must thwart the plans of more-powerful and better-equipped villains.

ACTIVITY 1-What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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This definition of the basic convections of a media all reflect my product as my product consists of face pace editing cutting from shot to shot quickly as the editing compliments and remains in time with the changing of tempo, pace and feel created by the audio track used.

I chose to use Lionsgate, a distribution company that specifically works with horror thriller films of both block buster and budget first timers within the blockbuster industry. I justify my choice of Lionsgate through the various convections my product displays which enables it to be classified as horror thriller.

ACTIVITY 1Continued

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From my experience of horror thriller movies as being a member of their target audience I was able to establish my target audience without stress as my rage group is who they are. I ranged my target audience at 15 – 25, mostly of the male sex as typically girls would be more targeted for Romantic Comedies than psychological horror thrillers but I am aware that there is a significant amount of females who are, including myself who are fans of the horror thriller genre and would go out on a Saturday evening with a group of friends to see one, thus I made sure I account for them as well.

When establishing my audience in more detail, I made pie charts of the ratio’s of each sex and age group I’d expect to see in 100 seats in a cinema, I created a mood board in order highlight who they are, what they’re interested in, what they would own and wear. Here they are on the next slide.

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This is the mood board for my target audience. Here is it easy to identify the distinct factors of my male, female, younger and older members of my target audience. An example of this here would be the presence of a blackberry phone and iphone 4s.The blackberry is typically associated with my younger members of the audience as it is vastly used for social communication and is less complex to work with unlike the iphone 4s which is more associated with the older members of my audience as it is more expensive, therefore they might be working and can afford one and the iphone is more productively used for its more multipurpose abilities relating it to my older target audience members as they will be more active and busier than the younger members as they will only be dealing with year 10 of secondary school

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15 - 20

20 - 25

These are the pie chart graphs I created for my target audience. I grouped them first via sex and then again via age in order to distinguish the ratio’s I wished to focus on when it comes to the context and meaning behind the movie along with other factors of my product such as age rating. This is because of the genre and plot I had to make sure that what I had decided was appropriate.

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 To attract my audience I specifically gathered all the unique factors of a horror thriller genre and incorporated other key aspects that allow the audience to associate themselves with my actors as my product involves typical young adult older teen life of relationships and studying for higher and advanced education. My opening sequence and other moments that would occur within the scenes of my product if it were a full length feature film have non-dietetic audio of a gothic horror piece which would be a genre of music that a large significant factor of my audience would typically listen to.


- How did you attract/address your audience? 


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The genre itself is how I critically gather my whole target audience which means I had to be sure that my product has successfully conveyed and challenged the convections of horror thriller films without leaving the plot too predictable. This convection personally irritates me as a member of the horror target audience so in order to challenge this convection I established the presence of thriller which holds the convection which is the complete opposite, leaving the audience clueless and suspenseful. Filled with tension and anticipation.

ACTIVITY 3Continued

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ACTIVITY 4•What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

At first I was far too confident in myself as I have editing experience of complicated editing software’s and challenged myself to believe that my product would be completed with just 3 days of editing. However I learnt that it is nothing like that, the process is much longer as I had to render after every 10 seconds of editing to make sure my editing was in perfect timing with my music audio which is very upbeat and is a gothic metal piece meaning each piece of 15 seconds of footage would result in just a maximum of 3 seconds of it being used.

This implication of editing unfortunately resulted in running of footage to use so me and my partner had to quickly go out and film 3 more shots which luckily placed us with just the right amount of footage needed to fill the required time space of our sequence.Rendering was the most time consuming part of constructing my product as after I reached 1 minute of my product rendering had turned to a minimum of 3 hours which meant I would be losing valuable editing time due to rendering.

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I also learnt how to create and manage a blog. I for one had never used a blog before and it took my awhile to adjust to the layout and how to work the blog and setting out everything to how I wanted it. Now using my blog is like a second nature as I learnt my way around the blog quickly.

The most critical thing I have learnt is that this process is long and when creating a product like mine I need to remain patient and be fully aware of what is required from the software when it comes to editing, effects, rendering time and memory space each file takes up therefore I learnt above all things that time management is a vital and critical part of constructing a media product.

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ACTIVITY 5-Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

When looking back at my preliminary task I have learnt that it is crucial that if you are to work with other people make sure that it is with those who you are socially comfortable and as dedicated as you are as when making my preliminary task I encountered various difficulties with the people I worked with so when it came to the making of my coursework I am glad my partner was motivated, dedicated and always co-operated well with me and I her otherwise it would have been difficult to work.I also feel like I have learnt that I can expand on shot types and how important it is to make sure they all complement each other so editing can show its true effects and obey certain rules and shot types.

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My preliminary task has enabled me to understand the camera better than the small amount of knowledge I knew before becoming an A Level media student. I have learnt that different shot types can help display certain emotions from characters and the few shot types I learnt to do in my preliminary task like match on action were performed much better within my opening sequence.From the small problems that I encountered I also believe that my preliminary task has enabled me to solve problems when it comes to filming or editing more appropriately in order to reach deadlines.

ACTIVITY 5Continued

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