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Asian Institute of Management

Executive Education& Lifelong Learning Center

http://excel.aim.eduprogram guide 2013

Think exceptionally, Lead real-time, Seize opportunities.

what's inside

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning CenterAbout us.Accreditation and Rankings.Assurance of Learning (AOL).Vision and Mission.Open Enrollment Programs.Custom Programs.Massage from the Dean.

Executive Education Programs

Entrepreneurship Development Programs


About us

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management

Mission Statement:

Discover how an AIM education can help realize your potential as a leader.

Pursuant to this Mission:

Accreditation and Rankings:

We are committed towards making a di!erence in promoting the sustainable development of Asian societies by developing professional, entrepreneurial, and socially responsible leaders and managers.

AIM is the Asian pioneer in international management education. Established in 1968 with the Harvard Business School, Asian academicians, and prominent business leaders, the institute designs its masters and executive programs to develop practicing managers in Asia’s emerging markets. With 40,000 alumni, AIM has clientele and alumni worldwide and meets the global accreditation standards of the US-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). AIM o!ers three degree programs – the Master in Business Administration (both full time and executive), a Master in Management and a Master in Development Management. The institute is also well known for open enrollment and custom executive programs for business and non-business organizations.

• We o!er leading-edge practitioner-oriented management programs and use learning technologies that are responsive to our diverse markets;

• We promote research that elevates these programs to higher levels of excellence;

• We attract and develop an international faculty of distinctive competence and highly skilled and trained sta! who ensure the delivery of quality services;

• We nurture and sustain a culture that rewards professionalism, creativity, and excellence.

“AIM has developed since its genesis in 1968 a very rich and prolific set of interactions with the:

(a) business practitioner/owner, (b) government o"cer, and (c) civil association decision-maker worlds.

AIM´s relationship with these three constituencies is at the core of its operation. Examples of this area of excellence are the wide variety of in-company degree and non-degree programs that constitute up to 60% of the school revenue, the rich and relevant participation of people from these sectors as guest speakers in class, and the great convocation power AIM has when it organizes events for policymaking and/or corporate social responsibility conferences in the ASEAN region.”

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]



Assurance of Learning Center (AoL)

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management

The AOL Process:


Introducing AIM's Assurance of Learning Center:At AIM, we strive to achieve and maintain an environment of excellence in all our business education programs and assess the success through Assurance of Learning activities.

What are the Criteria of Execellence in Business Education?

The AOL assessment process implemented by the programs should include the following steps:

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

Defining Program Mission - to ensure clarity and alignment of the program's target market and value proposition with AIM's mission.


Formulating Learning Goals and Objectives - to ensure alignment of learning goals with program's mission. Faculty involvement and approval is required to make these explicit and accepted by all.


Reviewing and Aligning Curriculum - checking to ensure that learning goals and objectives are adequaltely covered in various courses and program activities. If the learning goals are adopted but not addressed in the curricula, AOL process does not hold credence.


Drafting the Assessment Plan - the degree programs must have an assessment plan which carries over into the following school year(s). In these plans, the faculty has to specify where, how, and when the program's learning goals and objectives will be assessed. The results of the assessments should be looked into and necessary improvements should be made to the curriculum or learning methodology.


Constructing Assessment Rubrics - these are used to score the level of skill demonstrated by the students in each of the learning objectives and corresponding "primary traits". Individual faculty members are selected to draft rubrics for review by the program faculty. The rubrics indicate levels of skill demonstrated by students that would "meet expectations" or be "above or below expectations". Each degree program should have its own set of rubrics.


Clarity and alignment of the program's target market and value proposition with AIM's mission.

Alignment of learning goals and objectives with the program goals. The program goals highlight the institution's vision and mission.

Promote continuous improvement through the development and implementat ion of outcomes assessment process specifying where, how, and when the program's learning goals objectives will be assessed.

Develop and enhance students in the business programs to develop attributes such as skill building, accountability, and networking.



Assurance of Learning Center (AoL)

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management

Assurance of Learning (AoL):

What is in it for the student?

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

Collecting Data - data for assessing program learning outcomes should include course exams, written analysis of cases (WAC) and project papers, real-life application reports, oral exams, management research reports, strategic management project reports, presentation of walkabouts (i.e., field-based, real-world leadership experiences), etc. The programs will collect data on a representative sample of students for assessment purposes.


Assessing Learning Outcomes - most commonly used methods for assessing learning outcomes are selection, course-embedded measures, and demonstration through stand-alone testing or performance which are usually done at the end of the course, semester or program. The task of assessing student outcomes from sample data can be performanced by program faculty and third parties (e.g. alumni and researchers).


Presenting the Results - Bar graphs are commonly used to present the results of assessments. The results are presented to the faculty for comments and discussion of alternative changes in the program's curriculum or pedagogy. To close the gap between expected and actual learning outcomes, if any.


Taking Action to Improve the Curriculum - in the initial cycle, the faculty of each program decide to assess and "close the loop" on the learning goals and objectives that are defined by the institution.


Monitoring Curriculum Improvements and Planning Future Cycles of AOL - one of the principal functions of the AIM AOL board and AOL committees at the program level is to monitor the e!ect of the curriculum changes made by each program on student learning outcomes and report this to the faculty, the Dean, President and Board of Trustees/Board of Governors. Another important function of these units is to ensure that the programs undertake an assessment of all program goals and objectives at least twice over the next five years.


As part of our commitment to quality, we have adopted specific learning goals for all degree programs. We engage in a formal assessment process by assessing each of the learning goals on a periodic basis. From the assessment results, we identify and implement improvements in our curriculum and pedagogy. In addition to the assessment of all degree programs, AIM has started to do an assessment plan for some of its non-degree programs.

With the accreditation of our programs, our students will:

• Receive maximum value for their education.

• Fulfill the employer’s requirements for skill, knowledge, and ability

• Provide a broader career choice because of the breadth and scope of instruction.

• Enhances employability as students achieve specific learning goals that meet market standards.



Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management


Mission :



Vision :

Objectives :

The Executive Education for Lifelong Learning Center (EXCELL) exists as the executive development arm of AIM. By the very nature of its existence, EXCELL is and will remain connected to the corporate world. Living up to its desire to fulfill the vision of developing ‘Asian’ leaders and to be recognized as the leading Asian center for excellent education and lifelong learning, EXCELL continues to widen its reach within the region through its various world-class programs and keen sensitivity to the needs of the corporate world.

AIM executive education first launched its general management programs in the 1970s and these signaled the birth of a host of other programs categorized as: Degree Programs, Open Enrollment Programs, and Custom Programs.

To establish a strong presence in chosen strategic markets

To delight customers with world-class quality programs on a sustained and continuing basis.

To become a preferred partner of corporate universities.

To become a center for innovation in teaching and learning methodologies in executive education and lifelong learning.

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

To be recognized as the leading Asian center for excellent executive education and lifelong learning.

To provide leading-edge, di!erentiated and results-oriented executive education programs that build managerial and leadership capabilities and enable participants in such programs to become lifelong learners in learning organizations and communities.



Open Enrollment Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management

While others may see obstacles in a world of constant change, we help you see opportunities.

Business Executive Education

Custom Programs:

Development Executive Education

AIM Open Enrollment Programs o!er high-impact learning in 3 days to 6 weeks. Latest industry developments, results-oriented coursework, acquisition of new career skills, professional networking and cultural exchanges are all part of the caseroom experience. Participants are able to immediately translate what they have learned back to the workplace. Programs cover key management issues in business and development.







AIM EXCELL works closely with companies to develop and deliver results oriented solutions critical to business growth, strategies and objectives. Our custom programs have a proven reputation for expanding knowledge and leadership capacities that meet the specific corporate needs and challenges.

Custom programs can be delivered to your company’s location or at the o!site training facility of your choice.

Our custom course process includes• Exploratory meetings

• Program design and development

• Program delivery and evaluation

• Follow-up

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

• GENERAL DEVELOPMENT• Project and Procurement Management Course

(PPMC)• Project Planning, Development and Management

(PPDM)• Program for Development Managers (PDM)

• LEADERSHIP• Leading and Managing Change (LMC)



Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management

Message from the Dean

Prof. Gracia S. Ugut, PhDDean, Executive Education and Lifelong Learning

In a world of constant change, while others may see obstacles, you see opportunities. But you don't want to leave too much to chance. You would rather make your own choices than have them made for you. You want nothing but the best and you like to be informed. To enhance your business management experience, you are looking for solid business education and you are now ready to invest - for yourself, for your company, and for the future.

Join us and experience executive education yourself.

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENTEugenio L#pez Foundation BuildingJoseph R. McMicking Campus123 Paseo DeRoxas Makati City 1260 Philippines

Please contact: Ms. Anika Paciente (EMBA) or Ms. Yola GenuinoTel: (632) 8924011 ext. 2813/2806Direct Line: (632) 465-2813/2806Email: [email protected] / [email protected] : http://excell.aim.edu




Executive Education Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management



Basic Management ProgramThree-week Program

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

The Basic Management Program (BMP) is an interactive training program designed for organizations that need to equip their first level managers with a broader management perspective through an understanding of the basic management principles and skills. It will teach the participants to understand the overall functional organization of the company as well as the cross-functional relationship among its units for an integrated approach to management.

First-line managers, Unit supervisor, Entrepreneurs

Management DevelopmentProgram

Six-week Program

The Management Development Program primes the participating executive for personal transformation in the strategy and leadership of the business, industry, country and Asia in the global context. The progression oh themes, modules, topics and learning activities deliberately become more complex, as the participant engages co-participants, faculty, resource persons and alumni as learning partners. The design of the six-week program challenges vigor, rigor and humor of individuals and encourages collaborative thinking and action.

Middle-to-upper level managers, Functional specialists, Sta! o"cers, Entrepreneurs,

Executives of family-owned firms

Top Management ProgramOne-week Program

The 2011 Top Management Program of the Asian Institute of Management is not the usual executive training course that espouses management buzzwords and fads like Blue Ocean, 7-S, SWOT, Porter, CSR. Rather, this is a workshop cum work-out laboratory for executives who would like to address their existing problems with fresh ideas and innovative approaches. It is an intense, interactive 5-day program designed to develop organizational culture that innovates and executes.

CEOs, COOs, Managing Directors, General Managers, Vice President and Directors

Human Capital ManagementEight-day Program

Human Capital Management : Making HR and Business Partnership Work is an eight-day program that examines in depth the HR Value Proposition. It will provide HR professionals with a clear line of sight to the marketplace by linking HR activities to what the stakeholders value-and not what HR is prepared to deliver. Indeed, value is defined by the receiver, not by the giver. To enable HR professionals to deliver value to its stakeholders, the program will explore the perspectives of the customers who buy the product or service; the shareholders who provide capital; the functional executives in marketing, operations and finance who create wealth for the enterprise; and the employees who produce the product and deliver the service.

HR Practitioners and Consultants, Senior Sta!, and Line Leaders who wish to

maximize the performance and potential of their human capital.

NEGOTIATIONS : Changing the Rules of the Game…

Winning the GameOne-week Program

In today’s collaborative environment of mergers, strategic alliances, and corporate change, it is essential to build negotiation skills to attain corporate goals. This 5-day course will provide negotiation skills as a critical framework for corporate capability at all levels of the organization. The course on Negotiation will benefit companies and individuals in various fields of operations, as well as those involved in strategic business planning of joint ventures, alliances and other strategic partnerships.

Companies and individuals in sales, Human resource development, Law, Banking,

Franchise operations, Strategic business planning units.

Leadership Coaching Course Skillsfor Strategic & E!ective Coaching

Three day Program

The Leadership Coaching course is highly experiential, e!ectively combining mini-lectures with extensive group work and structured learning exercises. Participants will discover ways to identify coaching opportunities, give and receive feedback, and develop actions plans for improvement. They will learn how to strengthen their listening skills, use appreciative inquiry, and other methods to get to the core of an issue, and to measure success. Participants will gain the necessary insight to harness their own self-awareness and deal with emotions, enabling them to improve their interactions and successfully manage their employees and teams. They will return to the workplace with knowledge and a new set of skills than can be applied and shared with colleagues.

Business leaders, Managers, and professionals working with and in a team.



Executive Education Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management


Executives ProgramOne-week Program

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

Finance for Senior Executives (FSE) addresses the needs of Non Finance Senior Executives from various fields of specialization who want to gain a more integrated perspective of the inter-related functions of a firm. The course provides an understanding of the underpinning financial concepts in strategic decisions. The program’s tiered structure is appropriate for executives with varying levels of familiarity with financial concepts.

Senior Executives from non-finance functions.

Enterprise-Wide Risk Management Program

One-week Program

A course is designed to help the participant develop an integrated, firm-wide, and risk-aware view of firm strategy and implementation. At the end of the course, the participant will be able to use the tools of risk management to identify major uncertainties facing his organization, assess opportunities and potential losses, develop alternatives for risk handling and assess these alternatives in light of his organization’s business goals.

Senior Executives of major functional areas or business units.

Strategic Finance ProgramOne-week Program

A course designed to help the Senior Finance Executive play a key role in measuring, creating and protecting firm value through the Finance function. The participant will come to understand the role of the available tools for measuring performance, assessing risk, increasing firm value, and creating strategic alignment.

Senior Finance Executives.

Measuring and Managing Corporate Performance Program

One-week Program

The course o!ers the participants a deeper understanding of the company’s integrated strategy involving markets, competitors, employees, and customers. The participants leave the program prepared to create value by leveraging their organizations, financial, physical, and human capital. It also presents the framework and models for integrating systems across all business functions and initiatives. The course provides tools and techniques that are used by organizations to implement strategy and sustain competitive advantage.

Senior Finance and Planning Executives, as well as other leaders-managers.

Strategic Investment Management Program

One-week Program

A highly rewarding course leading to a broad range of various opportunities within the financial sector. It covers the syllabus of general investment management and develops an extensive understanding in a range of specialized areas such as the management of equity and bond portfolios, company and project valuation, commodities and foreign exchange products, alternative investments including derivatives and structured products, and hedge funds.

Fund Managers, Investors, Relationship O"cers, Compliance and Internal Audit specialists and Executives in the area of private banking/wealth management.

Strategic Financial Analysis for Business EvaluationFour-day Program

Under current economic climate many companies are reevaluating their business models. Executives are required to apply vigorous financial analysis as they evaluate business performance, weigh potential acquisitions, and assess global competition. This program focuses on the frameworks required to monitor performance, forecast capital utilization, value strategic assets, and review restructuring opportunities. You will return to your company better prepared to make the key financial decisions that drive organizational performance.

Strategists interested in industry and competitor analysis, Financial

professionals or financially oriented general managers undertaking

merger-and-acquisition transactions, and analysts or other professionals

researching investment opportunities.

Fixed Income InvestmentTwo-day Program

The fixed income markets have witnessed significant changes and innovations, resulting from factors such as the rapidly maturing swaps market and demand for structured products. The increasing commoditization of the swaps market, along with recent innovations in the credit derivatives market, has led to fundamental shifts in core relationships. This course o!ers a comprehensive and compact coverage on bond investment and risk management. Real-life cases of sovereign bonds (including ROP bonds) will be used throughout the course.

Professionals in the following areas : Corporate Finance, Corporate Treasury, Capital Markets, Audit, Product Control,

Risk Management, Research and analysis, Sales and trading,

Investment management.



Executive Education Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management




Finance for Technical Executives ProgramThree-day Program

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

Beyond technical knowledge, today’s executive be able to use finance to persuade corporate financial o"cers to fund projects, and use financial tools to address senior management’s concern about risk. Applying basic principles of finance and accounting to day-to-day and longer-term management activities will transform a technical manager’s ability to achieve goals.

CIOs, head Scientist, R&D and Product Development Directors, Engineering and Manufacturing Vice Presidents, Corporate

Strategists, Project Managers, System Information Managers.

Strategic Brand Management

Three-day Program

A course that is designed to improve participant’s marketing skills and understanding of customer based brand equity, building brand equity, brand equity research and measurement, leveraging on primary and secondary brand associations to build brand equity, branding strategies across the Brand-Product matrix, managing brands over time and managing brands across geographical barriers.

Business owners and Executives with primary knowledge

of marketing concepts and practice.

Marketing Management for Business GrowthOne-week Program

The AIM Marketing Management for Business Growth brings the marketing practitioner or aficionado to a new level of marketing thinking. It expands their current understanding of new marketing concepts such as viral marketing, marketing analytics and neuromarketing while at the same time uncovering new dimensions in marketing mix optimization, international marketing and brand management.

Marketing Executives/ Senior Executives

Strategic Marketing Management

One-week Program

The course is designed to enable non-marketing o"cers and sta! to understand the basic principles of marketing as applied in marketing mix optimization, market segmentation, product di!erentiation, consumer behavior control processes and the measurement of marketing e"ciency. Topics covered also include executing advertising and promotions programs and leveraging customer and product life cycles.

Marketing Executives/Senior Executives.

Analytics for Market LeadershipOne-week Program

The course is designed to enable business managers and senior marketing executives to understand the importance of business intelligence and analytics (BIA) in day-to-day market decision making. The focus of BIA is to investigate the causal factors behind organized business data. BIA applications in CRM, scoring and predictive modeling will be introduced to participants as well as tools to measure and assess market performance.

Middle to Upper Level Managers.

Business AnalyticsTwo-day Program

Today organizations have massive amounts of data at their disposal, not only internally within the organization, but also from many other sources including suppliers, customers, government and regulatory agencies and publicly searchable databases. The challenge is to utilize this data in a meaningful way to assist in making key decisions and driving organizational improvement. The Business Analytics Program will not only demonstrate how organizations can exploit business analytics to remain agile, but also suggest tools and techniques that can be used across organization.

CFOs/General Managers, Finance Professionals, Business Analysts, Business

Planning Managers, Customer Profitability Analysis, Business Unit Managers,

Management Accountants, Finance Managers, Sales and Marketing.



Executive Education Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management


Strategy ProgramThree-day Program

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

The program aims to train corporate teams to apply innovative approaches in identifying and organizing business opportunities to unlock their commercial potential through organic growth. Participants will learn how innovation is aligned with strategy, how it is operationalized through structures and processes and how external innovation can be e!ectively tapped. They be challenged to develop insights on their respective company culture, practices and strategies, to identify areas for improvement in innovation practice, and to apply what they’ve learned toward their companies innovation needs and concerns.

Middle to Upper Level Managers.

Strategic Innovation ProgramThree-day Program

Strategic Innovation should be the result of a creative but organized process that arrives at breakthroughs which are implementable and sustainable. It is driven by a holistic corporate strategy and is aligned to a unifying vision, thereby possessing the strategic fit required for its successful implementation. A culture of innovation needs to be developed and nurtured, the innovative organization has to be crafted, and top management must conduct this process.

Middle to Upper Level Managers.

Achieving BusinessExcellence Program Three-day Program

The program will o!er insight to those companies in search of sustainable prosperity and dedicated to providing the highest levels of service quality to customers and clients. The course program will provide a roadmap and essential tools for the challenging but rewarding journey while o!ering a wonderful opportunity for participants to network and benchmark with colleagues in their respective business.

Young high potentials, Middle to Senior Level Managers, HR Directors, CFO’s, VP’s,

Plant Directors.

Project Management ProgramOne-week Program

Managing projects is critical skill which all managers need as more business use projects to implement change in their organizations in order to stay ahead of the competition, or at the least, stay in the game. Project management competency, no longer optional, is essential for all managers. The program is designed to help managers learn how a project management life cycle methodology and best practices, that can be used for large and small projects, can help them cover critical components of initiating, planning, executing and closing a project; learn general management and leadership skills that can help them lead a project more successfully and learn about adaptive project management, a new approach beyond the traditional project management approach for implementing strategic and more complex projects.

Mid-level and Senior-level Managers who are assigned to manage projects.

Business Management Program : Preparatory Management

Course for College Students and Fresh GraduatesThree-week Program

The Business Management Program for College Students aims to introduce its participants to basic management skills and principles. The program is designed to help students acquire the habit of critical thinking and to hone their problem solving skills through case discussions. The program will also deepen the students’ appreciation for and understanding of accounting and finance, marketing, economics, and project management.

College students and graduates of business and non-business disciplines

such as science and engineering, arts and humanities, social science,

public administration, education and healthcare.

Strategic Positioning for Education Leaders

One-week Program

The program will expose educational decision-makers to best practices in educational leadership and management leading to e!ective and e"cient school systems in a global environment. It aims to facilitate the transformation of education into one that gives premium to excellence, ethics and sustainability. At the end of the program, each participant will bring home a workable strategic plan for one’s area of leadership accountability (the school or a department/unit) guided by the processes of VMO-KRAPI-SPATRES.

Top Executives, Managers and Administrators of both public

and private educational institutions.



Executive Education Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management


Why Executive Education at AIM?

Executives come to AIM because of the Institutes four decades of experience in imparting and enhancing knowledge and skills on how to operate effectively in Asia, what business opportunities are presented by Asian regional economic integration, and how to develop sensitivity to the diverse cultures/belief systems, business structures, as well as governance and regulatory environment in Asia. AIM employs highly participative, interactive methods of management training rather than one-way lectures. AIM makes rigorous use of the case method and group projects. These effectively simulate real world versus merely theoretical situations.

AIM faculty have had extensive teaching, consulting and management experience in Asia;

AIM offers a multicultural, international experience. While many other regional Asian programs are homogeneous within the country, AIM student population is multinational.

An appreciation of the distinct cultural heritage of Asia is strongly encouraged at AIM.

Executive Master in Business Administration

Eighteen-month Program

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

The EMBA degree program transforms into change agents through a tripartite relationship; managers/student, company’s top management, and AIM Faculty. The program enhances the manager ’s skills and competencies in four fronts : environmental scanning for competitive advantage, critical thinking for best results, creating customer and shareholder value, and organizational leadership.

Executives or promising managers nominated by organizations to become

strategic change agents.



Entrepreneurship Development Programs

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management


Development ProgramTwo-week Program

For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

The Entrepreneurship Development Program seeks to provide owner-managers of new ventures, family corporations as well as corporate entrepreneurs with the strategic management expertise, cross-functional business know-how, and leadership skills to ensure the growth and financial stability of their businesses, especially in tough economic times. Participants will learn how to manage their new or existing venture so it has, both, the innovativeness and speed of entrepreneurial firms as well as the managerial expertise and financial soundness of big companies.

Owner-managers to become strategic change entrepreneurs.

Financing Growth for Entrepreneurial Companies

Three-day Program

The program addresses the challenges of entrepreneurial finance, especially in start-up ventures and growing companies. It aims to enable entrepreneurs, business owners, and venture capitalists to make key financing decisions. e.g., what and how much funds can and should be raised, when and from whom, in what form and at what cost, how the capital should be structured, and what realistic business valuation is. The course will help participants assess the financial health and creditworthiness of their business, the risks that are financial and inherent to the venture, and how to manage these risks.

Companies and individuals in Sales, Banking, Franchise operators,


Creating Winning Business Plans

Three-day Program

The course seeks to enable participants from start-up and growing companies to develop business plans that will convincingly sell the concept for the new venture to investors, creditors, partners, customers, managers, and employees. Such business plans include analysis of the business opportunity and competition, a compelling business model and strategy, as well as clear marketing, operations, and financial initiatives with projected profitability and cash flow outcomes. An analysis of enterprise risks as well as organizational and management plans to address such risks make the business plan more convincing. Creating Winning Business Plans also help management track, measure, and evaluate progress during implementation.

Companies and individuals in Sales, Banking, Franchise operators,


For inquiry, please contact:Yola Genuino, Apple Ani or Ria GonzalesTel. nos : +632 8932050; 8924011

ext. 526, 228, 347, 345, or 365

EASY WAYS TO REGISTER:Fax : +632 8932031 / 8923260Email : [email protected] : http://excell.aim.edu




List of Corporate Clients

Executive Education & Lifelong Learning Center - Asian Institute of Management



For Indonesia area, contact us: +6221 2965588, +6221 30050688 | [email protected]

Globe TelecomsLa Farge SementoLopez GroupMirant PhilippinesMetro Bank PhilippinesPfizer PhilippinesJollibee Foods CorporationGlaxosmith KlineSt Luke’s Medical CenterSMART TelecomsSGVShopping Center Management CorporationStarcom Media Vest

Ayala Land, IncAVONBangko Sentral ng PhilippinesDepartment of EducationCEMEX PhilippinesChevron PhilippinesIntel PhilippinesJG Summit, IncPhilippine AirlinesWyeth PhilippinesSanofi Aventis PhilippinesSun Life of Canada (Philippines)Solvay Pharma Philippines

ASTRA International, IndonesiaPT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk - IndonesiaPT. Bank Niaga, IndonesiaPT. Bogasari, IndonesiaPT. Sinar Mas, IndonesiaPT. Telkom, IndonesiaPT. Excelcomindo Pratama, IndonesiaPT. Austindo Nusantara Jaya, IndonesiaPT. London Sumatra Plantation, IndonesiaChina National Offshore Oil Corporation, IndonesiaCT Corpora (PARA Group), IndonesiaCiputra Group of Companies, IndonesiaNational Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN)Ordo Sanctae Ursula (OSU), IndonesiaPT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper TbkPT PP London Sumatra Indonesia TbkPT Telkom, Indonesia

Axis Bank of IndiaGovernment of IndiaJP Morgan IndiaSyndicate Bank of IndiaRaisoni Group of Institutions, IndiaDow Chemical, JapanDRB Hicom, MalaysiaOil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), IndiaFELDA, MalaysiaKoram Bank, KoreaEmerson Electric Asia Pasific, HongkongPadiberas Nasional Berhad, MalaysiaCitibank AsiaPfizer AsiaAssociation of Authorized Land Surveyors of MalaysiaAsia Pulp and Paper, IndonesiaPT Bakrie and Brothers Services, IndonesiaPT. Pfizer, Indonesia


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