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Page 1: Asma ul Husna  (99 names of Allah)

Asma ul Husna (99 names of Allah)

By Shahida Mohamedali

Page 2: Asma ul Husna  (99 names of Allah)

Why This Topic?

This is something we hear about all the time but how many of us know the meanings of the names and/or the benefits of reciting the names?

Page 3: Asma ul Husna  (99 names of Allah)

What I Would Like To LearnAsma ul Husna refers to the 99 names of Allah. This presentation highlights 4 of these names and through hadith and otherwise, shows the meaning and benefits of the names.

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The Names

الرحمن Ar-Rahmān The Compassionate, The Beneficent, The Gracious

الرحيم Ar-Rahim The Merciful

الملك Al-Malik The King, The Master, The Sovereign Lord

القدوس Al-Quddus The Holy, The Pure, The Perfect

السالم As-Salām The Peace and Blessing, The Source of Peace and Safety,

المهيمن Al-Muhaymin The Guardian, The Protector

المؤمن Al-Mu'min The Guarantor, The Affirming,

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The Names

العزيز Al-Aziz The Almighty, The Sufficient, The Honorable

الجبار Al-Jabbar The Irresistible, The Compeller, The Lofty,

المتكبر Al-Mutakabbir The Highest, The Greatest

الخالق Al-Khāliq The Creator

البارئ Al-Bāri' The Rightful; The Maker of Perfect Harmony

المصور Al-Musawwir The Evolver, The Fashioner of Forms

الغفار Al-Ghaffār The Forgiving

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The Names

القهار Al-Qahhār The Subduer

الوهاب Al-Wahhāb The Bestower

الرزاق Ar-Razzāq The Provider

الفتاح Al-Fattāh The Opener, The Victory Giver

العليم Al-'Alīm The All Knowing, The Omniscient

القابض Al-Qābid The Restrainer, The Straightener

الباسط Al-Bāsit The Extender / Expander

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The Names

الخافض Al-Khāfid The Abaser

الرافع Ar-Rāfi' The Exalter

المعز Al-Mu'izz The Giver of Honour

المذل Al-Mu'dhell The Giver of Dishonour

السميع As-Samī The All Hearing

البصير Al-Basīr The All Seeing

الحكم Al-Hakam The Judge, The Arbitrator

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The Names

العدل Al-`Adl The Utterly Just

اللطيف Al-Latīf The Gentle, The Subtly Kind

الخبير Al-Khabīr The All Aware

الحليم Al-Halīm The Forbearing, The Indulgent

العظيم Al-'Azīm The Magnificent

الغفور Al-Ghafūr The All Forgiving

الشكور Ash-Shakūr The Grateful

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The Names

العلي Al-'Aliyy The Sublime

الكبير Al-Kabīr The Great

الحفيظ Al-Hafīz The Preserver

المقيت Al-Muqīt The Nourisher

الحسيب Al-Hasīb The Bringer of Judgment

الجليل Al-Jalīl The Majestic

الكريم Al-Karīm The Bountiful, The Generous

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The Names

الرقيب Ar-Raqīb The Watchful

المجيب Al-Mujīb The Responsive, The Answer

الواسع Al-Wāsi' The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Omnipresent

الحكيم Al-Hakīm The Wise

الودود= Al-Wadūd The Loving

المجيد Al-Majīd The Glorious

الباعث Al-Bā'ith The Ressurecter

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The Names

الشهيد Ash-Shahīd The Witness

الحق Al-Haqq The Truth, The Real

الوكيل Al-Wakīl The Trustee, The Dependable

القوى Al-Qawwiyy The Strong

المتين Al-Matīn The Firm, The Steadfast

الولى Al-Waliyy The Friend, Patron and Helper

الحميد Al-Hamīd The All Praiseworthy

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The Names

المحصى Al-Muhsi The Accounter, The Numberer of All

المبدئ Al-Mubdi' The Originator, Producer and Initiator of All

المعيد Al-Mu'īd The Restorer, The Reinstater Who Brings Back All

المحيى Al-Muhyi The Giver of Life

المميت Al-Mumīt The Destroyer, The Bringer of Death

الحي Al-Hayy The Living

القيوم Al-Qayyūm The Subsisting

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The Names

الواجد Al-Wājid The Perceiver, The Finder, The Unfailing

الماجد Al-Mājid The Illustrious, The Magnificent

الواحد Al-Wāhid The Unity, The Indivisible

االحد Al-'Ahad The One, The Unique

الصمد As-Samad The Eternal, The Absolute, The Self-Sufficient

القادر Al-Qādir The Omnipotent, The All Able

المقتدر Al-Muqtadir The Determiner, The Dominant

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The Names

المقدم Al-Muqaddim The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward

المؤخر Al-Mu'akhkhir The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away

األول Al-'Awwal The First (Alpha)

األخر Al-'Akhir The Last (Omega)

الظاهر Az-Zāhir The Manifest, The Evident, The Outer

الباطن Al-Bātin The Hidden, The Unmanifest, The Inner

الوالي Al-Wāli The Patron

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The Names

المتعالي Al-Mutā'ali The Exalted

البر Al-Barr The Good

التواب At-Tawwāb The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting

المنتقم Al-Muntaqim The Avenger

العفو Al-Afuww The Pardoner, The Effacer

الرؤوف Ar-Ra'ūf The Kind, The Pitying

الملك مالك Mālik-ul-Mulk The Owner of all Sovereignty

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The Names

واإلكرام الجالل ذو Dhū-l-Jalāliwa-l-'ikrām The Lord of Majesty and Generosity

المقسط Al-Muqsiţ The Equitable, The Requiter

الجامع Al-Jāmi The Gatherer, The Unifier

الغني Al-Ghaniyy The Rich, The Independent

المغني Al-Mughni The Enricher, The Emancipator

المانع Al-Māni' The Withholder, The Shielder, the Defender

الضار Ad-Dārr The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor

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The Names

النافع An-Nāfi The Propitious, The Benefactor, The Source of Good

النور An-Nūr The Light

الهادي Al-Hādi The Guide, The Way

البديع Al-Badī The Incomparable, The Originator

الباقي Al-Bāqi The Immutable, The Infinite, The Everlasting

الوارث Al-Wārith The Heir, The Inheritor of All

الرشيد Ar-Rashīd The Teacher

الصبور As-Sabur The Timeless, The Patient

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4 Names For Discussion

• Al-Afuww - العفو • 'Ar-Rāfi - الرافع • 'Al-Bāri - البارئ • Al-Hādi - الهادي

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Al-Afuww - العفو

Meaning: The pardoner

Ayat: Whether you reveal a good act or keep it hidden, or pardon an evil act, Allah is Ever-Pardoning, All-Powerful. ( Surat an-Nisa', 4:149)

Recommended Dua: Repeat ya ‘Afw frequently for forgiveness

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Al-Afuww - العفو

Lesson(s) Learned:

People are fallible beings who may at any time think erroneously, make a wrong decision, or display a flawed attitude. But Allah, Who is fully aware of these mistakes, forgives them. If He were not so forgiving, no soul would ever attain Paradise .

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'Ar-Rāfi - الرافع

Meaning: The exalter

Ayat: Mention Idris in the Book. He was a true man and a Prophet. We raised him up to a high place. (Surah Maryam, 19:56-57)

Recommended Dua: Recite Ya Rafi’ 100x on Thursday and Sunday night to attain a higher sense of honour, richness and merit.

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'Ar-Rāfi - الرافع

Lesson(s) Learned: Throughout history, Allah has sent Messengers to all societies to convey His commands, prohibitions, and recommendations. In this way, He calls upon people who are far from religion to abandon their ignorance and lack of knowledge and then grants them another opportunity to follow the straight path. In return for their sincerity and trust, Allah made them distinguished both in this world and in the Hereafter.

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'Al-Bāri - البارئ

Meaning: The maker of harmony

Ayat: He is Allah—the Creator, the Maker , the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. ( Surat al-Hashr, 59:24).

Recommended Dua: Recite ya ‘Baari’ frequently and hard work should become easy. For conceiving fast for 7 days and break fast with ‘Ya Khaaliq, Ya Baari’, Ya Musawwiru’ 21 times.

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'Al-Bāri - البارئ

Lesson(s) Learned: The universe is based upon equilibrium and harmony. As scientific developments reveal more of its mysteries, we learn more about this equilibrium and harmony. The universe, and thus life on Earth, exists only because our Lord creates things in conformity with one another.

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Al-Hādi - الهادي

Meaning: The Guide

Ayat: And so that those who have been given knowledge will know it is the truth from their Lord and have faith in it, and their hearts will be humbled to Him. Allah guides those who believe to a straight path. (Surat al-Hajj, 22:54)

Recommended Dua: Repeat Ya Haadi frequently to gain spiritual knowledge.

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Al-Hādi - الهادي

Lesson(s) Learned: There are two kinds of people: those who know and so can appreciate Allah's power, and those who do not. The latter lead an ordinary life and die. Allah guides the members of the first group. Although they have always remained a minority, their way has always been the right one. (Inshallah we are guided to be amongst this group).

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Other benefits of Allah`s NamesIt is known that the recitation of Allah`s names brings shifa` to the believers. E.g`s include:

• Backbone - Al Jabbar (The Compeller)• Heart Muscle – Al Razaqq (The Sustainer)• Cancer – Al Jalil (The Mighty)• Migraine – Al Ghani (The Rich One)• Womb - Al Khaliq (The Creator)• Blood Pressure – Al Khafed (The Abaser)

Method of treatment: Lay your hands on the place of pain and praise Allah (SWT) names above according to your disease until the pain heals or cure away inshallah.

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What Have I Learned• There are lessons to be learned from the names of Allah• There are many physical benefits from the repetition of the names of Allah• There are many spiritual benefits from the repetition of the names of Allah• The names of Allah are related to us through the Quran in various verses• In any situation, we can always turn to Allah and his names for a solution

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Next Steps• Learn about the benefits of the other names of Allah• Teach my children and others of the benefits of the names

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My comments: • Shahida I loved the way you approach the Asmaa by defining

the whole picture and then focussing on the 4 qualities. I also enjoyed the lessons learnt from each area.

• Slide 27 expands your prospect to include other aspects of Allah’s names and puts in thoughts that it as an area one could further explore. That was a great idea!

• Do you mind including as slide 30 (excluding my comments, the references where you got your information. This information will be useful for people as when I finally post these projects on the website it would be useful for people it will become a point of reference for those who wish to further pursue this topic.

• Great work Shahida! I always knew you had the potential; however your work has gone beyond my expectations. Good job and keep up with it

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