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Page 1: ASP.net Questions


1) Which of the following languages can be used to write server side scripting in ASP.NET?A) C#B) CC) Visual BasicD)both a & cAns – both a & c

2) The Following are the minimum requirement to run Asp.net pagesA) Java Virtual MachineB) Common Language RuntimeC) Windows explorerANS – common language runtime

3) When a .aspx page is requested from the web server, the out put will be rendered to browser in following format. A) HTMLB) XMLC) WMLAns - html

4) What executable unit gets created when we build an ASP.Net application?A) . EXEB) . DLLC) . COMAns- .DLL

5) The best way to delimit ASP.Net code from HTML code in your pages is using --------------- tagsA) < Body >B) < Head >C) < Script >Ans – <script>

6) The code will be processed on web server when the runat attribute of the < Script > tag has the following value.A) DesktopB) Client

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C) ServerAns – server

7) The Asp.net server control, which provides an alternative way of displaying text on web page, isA) < asp:label >B) < asp:listitem >C) < asp:button >Ans - <asp:label>

8)asp:dropdownlist> tag replaces which of the HTML tagsA) < Option >B) < Select >C) < List >ans-<select>

9) The first event to be triggered in an aspx page isA) Page_Load()B) Page_Init()C) Page_click()

Ans – Page_Init()

10) Postback occurs in which of the following formsA) WinformsB) HTMLFormsC) Webforms

ans – webforms

11) what namespace does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?A) System.web.UI.PageB) System.Windows.PageC) System.Web.page

ans- system.web.ui.page

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12)How many configuration files can an ASP.NET projects have?A) OneB) More Than OneC) NoneAns – more than one

13) How do you register a user control?A) Add Tag prefix, Tag nameB) Add Source, Tag prefixC) Add Src, Tagprefix, TagnameAns- add src, tagprefix,tagname

14) How do you post the current page to a different aspx page ?A) FORM ACTION="actiopage.aspx" RUNAT="server" method="post"B) FORM ACTION="actiopage.aspx" method="post"C) FORM id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"Ans - FORM ACTION="actiopage.aspx" RUNAT="server" method="post"

15) Which of these namespaces used for FileAccessA) System.IOB) System.IO.IsolatedStorageC) System.DirectoryServicesD) All of theseAns- system.io

16) Which of the following is true ?A) User controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET DesignerB) Custom controls are displayed correctly in VS.Net DesignerC) User and Custom controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer.

Ans - Custom controls are displayed correctly in VS.Net Designer

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17) Can a dll run as stand alone application ?Skill/Topic:A) NoB) YesC) Sometimes we can make it by introducing some codeAns- No

18)To add a custom control to a Web form we have to register with A) TagPrefixB) Name space of the dll that is referencedC) AssemblynameD) All of the aboveAns- all of the above

19) Custom Controls are derived from which of the classesA) System.Web.UI.WebcontrolB) System.Web.UI.CustomcontrolC) System.Web.UI.Customcontrols.WebcontrolAns – System.Web.UI.Webcontrol

20) A web application running on multiple servers is called as A) WebFormB) WebfarmC) WebsiteAns- webfarm

21) What is the transport protocol used to call a webserviceA) HTTPB) SOAPC) TCPD) SMTP

Ans – soap

22) How ASP.Net Different from ASPA) Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is interpreted seperatelyB) Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled as a DLL, the DLLs can be executed on server

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C) Code is separated from the HTML and interpreted Code is interpreted separatelyAns – Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled as a DLL, the DLLs can be

23) What’s the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?A) Response.Output.Write() allows you to flush outputB) Response.Output.Write() allows you to buffer outputC) Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted outputD) Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream outputAns - Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output

24) Why is Global.asax is used A) Implement application and session level eventsB) Declare Global variablesC) No useAns – Implement application and session level events

25) There can be more than 1 machine.config file in a systemSkill/Topic: BeginnerA) TrueB) FalseAns – true

26) What is the extension of a web user control file ?A) .AsmxB) . AscxC) .AspxAns- .ascx

27)What is the default session out timeA) 20 SecB) 20 MinC) 1 hrAns- 20 min

28) Which of the following is true ?

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A) IsPostBack is a method of System.UI.Web.Page classB) IsPostBack is a method of System.Web.UI.Page classC) IsPostBack is a readonly property of System.Web.UI.Page classAns- IsPostBack is a readonly property of System.Web.UI.Page class

29) It is possible to set Maximum length for a text box through codeA) TrueB) FalseAns – true

30) The number of forms that can be added to a aspx page isA) 2B) 3C) 1D) More than 3Ans – 1

31) How do you manage states in asp.net applicationA) Session ObjectsB) application ObjectsC) ViewstateD) CookiesE) All of the aboveAns- all of the above

32) what is the difference between user control and custom controlA) Both can use as drag and drop toolB) Both are sameC) Both can use different applicationD) One Custom Control can be use in different project but not the same with User controlans- One Custom Control can be use in different project but not the same with User control

33) The interface used by ASP.Net to create Unique Id’s?A) AppDomainsetup

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B) System.UI.Naming.ContainerC) IAsyncResultD) customFormatterAns- System.UI.Naming.Container

34) Which property of the session object is used to set the local identifier ?A) SessionIdB) LCIDC) ItemD) KeyAns- lcid

35) Select the caching type supported by ASP.NetA) Output CachingB) DataCachingC) Both a & bD) None of the aboveAns – both a & b

36) Where is the default Session data is stored in ASP.NetA) InProcessB) StateServerC) SQL ServerD) All of the aboveAns- inprocess

37) How do you disable client side validation ?A) Set the language property to C#B) Set the Runat property to serverC) Set the ClientTarget property to DownlevelD) Set the inherits property to codebAns – Set the ClientTarget property to Downlevel

38) Select the validation control used for “PatternMatching”A) FieldValidatorB) RegularExpressionValidator

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C) RangeValidatorD) PatternValidatorAns- RegularExpressionValidator

39) How do you trace the application_End event on runtime?A) By DebuggingB) By TracingC) Can not be doneAns – cannot be done

40) How do you turn off the Session state for a webform ?A) In Web.config file set the tag to TrueB) In Web.config file set the tag to falseC) Set the Session state to false in webform properties windowD) Set the EnableSession state to false in webform properties windowAns- d- Set the EnableSession state to false in webform properties window

41) Select the type Processing model that asp.net simulateA) Event-drivenB) StaticC) LinearD) TopDownAns- event-driven

42) Does the “EnableViewState” allows the page to save the users input on a formA) YesB) NoAns – yes

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43) Web Controls Supports CSSA) TrueB) FalseAns- true

44) Session Object classes are defined in which of the following namespace?A) System.Web.UIB) System.Web.SessionStateC) System.WebAns – System.Web.SessionState

45) Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IISA) SQLISAPI.dllB) SQLXML.dllC) LISXML.dllD) SQLIIS.dllAns- SQLISAPI.dll

46) What is the default authentication mode for IISA) WindowsB) AnonymousC) Basic AuthenticationD) NoneAns – anonymous

47) Which of the following is not a valid state management tool?A) Application StateB) Hidden Form FieldC) QuerystateD) CookiesAns – querystate

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48) What is the maximum number of cookies that can be allowed to a web siteA) 1B) 10C) 20D) 30E) More than 30Ans – 20

49) Select the control which does not have any visible or in-built interfaceA) DatalistB) DropdownListC) RepeaterD) DatagridAns- repeater

50) How do you explicitly kill a user’s session ?A) Session.Close ( )B) Session.Discard ( )C) Session.AbandonD) Session.EndAns – session.abandon

51) Why do we use XMLSerializer classA) RemotingB) WebServicesC) Xml documentary FilesAns- webservices

52) What does Response.End will do?A) It will stop the server processB) It will stop the client processC) None of the aboveAns- It will stop the server process

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53)Which control supports pagingA) RepeaterB) DatagridC) BothD) NoneAns- datagrid

54) Where do you store the information about the user localeA) System.userB) System.webC) System.DrawingD) System.Web.UI.Page.CultureAns- System.Web.UI.Page.Culture

55) What is the purpose of code behind ?A) To separate different sections of a page in to different filesB) To merge HTML layout and code in to One fileC) To separate HTML Layout and code to different fileD) To ignore HTML usageAns – c- To separate HTML Layout and code to different file

56) What is a satallite assembly ?A) Any DLL file used by an EXE file.B) An Assembly containing localized resources for another assemblyC) None of the aboveAns –b - An Assembly containing localized resources for another assembly

57) Whch of the following is not a member of Response Object?A) ClearB) WriteC) ExecuteD) Flush

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Ans – execute

58) The object used by SQL connection to make Security DemandsA) SQLLCientAttributeB) SQLPermissionC) SQLPermissionClientD) SQLClientPermissionAns- sqlclientpermission

59) Which of the following is not a member of ADODBCommand objectA) ExecuteReaderB) ExecuteScalarC) ExecuteStreamD) OpenE) CommandTextAns – executestream

60) Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?A) LoadB) FillC) GetAllD) NoneAns – fill

61)How to open more than one datareader at a timeA) Use different datareader variableB) Use different datareader and connection variableC) Can not be doneAns – b- Use different datareader and connection variable

62) What is the advantage of Disconnected mode of ADO.Net in ASP.NetA) Automatically dump data at client PCB) Not necessary to connect with serverC) user data can update and retrieve in dataset and when connection connected, update

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values with serverD) All of the aboveAns – c- user data can update and retrieve in dataset and when connection connected, update values with server

63) Which objects is used to create foreign key between tables?A) DataRelationB) DataRelationshipC) DataConstraintD) DatakeyAns – datarelation

64) Which one of the following namespaces contains the definition for IdbConnectionA) System.Data.InterfacesB) System.Data.CommonC) System.DataD) System.Data.ConnectionAns –c – system.data

65) Select the Interface which provides Fast, connected forward-only access to dataA) IdataRecordB) IdatabaseC) IdataReaderD) IrecorderAns – idatareader

66) How do we Delete, Update, Select data in a DatasetA) Using SQLDataAdapterB) Using SQLDataReaderC) Using SQLCommandD) NoneAns – a-using sqldataadapter

67) Which of the following is not a member of ConnectionObjectA) BeginTransactionB) EndTransactionC) ExecuteD) Open

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Ans – execute

68) Is it Possible to Serialize HashTable with XMLSerializerA) YesB) NoAns – Yes

69) What is the Full Form of WSDLA) Web System Description LanguageB) Web Services Detail LanguageC) Web Service Description LanguageD) NoneAns - WEB SERVICE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE

70) What is the difference between Server.Transfer & Response.RedirectA) No DifferenceB) Server.Transfer needs a roundtrip, Response.Redirect does notC) Response.Redirect needs roundtrip, Server.Transfer does notD) Server.Transfer can transfer user between 2 applicaionsAns – Response.Redirect needs roundtrip, Server.Transfer does not

71) Which Language can Support SOAPA) VBB) JAVAC) COBOLD) All of the aboveAns- d- all of the above

72) What is the size of the session IDA) 32 bit long stringB) 32 bit long doubleC) 32 bit long characterD) 32 bit long integerAns – 32 bit long integer

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73) Which of the following extension does a webservice file will haveA) .AsmxB) .AspxC) .AscxD) .ResxAns – .asmx

74) What is a strong name?A) Public KeyB) Private KeyC) Combination Of both Public,Private key and digital signatureAns – c- Combination Of both Public,Private key and digital signature

75) What is the purpose of Reflection?A) For Reading metadata at runtimeB) For knowing version of assemblyC) For finding path of an assemblyAns- a- for reading metadata at runtim

76) Is it possible edit data in a repeater controlA) NoB) YesAns – no

77) Why is Global.asax is used for ?A) To implement application & Session level eventsB) To store configuration informationC) To store styling informationD) None of the aboveAns - To implement application & Session level events

78) What is a diffgram ?A) The one which renders the dataset object contents to XMLB) Finds the difference in two objectsC) Finds the difference in two files

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D) None of the aboveAns – The one which renders the dataset object contents to XML

79) What is the lifespan for items stored in viewstateA) Exists for the Life of the current pageB) 20 minsC) 2 minsD) 2 secAns - Exists for the Life of the current page

80) What data types do a Rangevalidator supportsA) IntegerB) StringC) DateD) All of the aboveAns – all of the above

81) Select the output of the statement < form method=post action=”test.aspx” > A) Transfers all the form data to test.aspx with HTTP headersB) Transfers all the form data to test.aspx with out HTTP headersC) Calls post method on test.aspxD) None of the aboveAns – Transfers all the form data to test.aspx with HTTP headers

82) What is the out put of the following codebyte a=200;byte b=100;byte c=a+b;Response.Write ( C );A) 300B) Compile Time errorC) Run time ErrorD) Just prints “C”Ans – Compile Time error

83) What is the out put of Following codeString a=”Hello”;String b=”World”String c= a+bResponse.Write ( “C “);A) Hello worldB) C

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C) A+bD) None of the aboveAns - (B)-C

84) Whats the significance of Request.MapPath( )A) Maps the specified virtual path to a physical pathB) Maps the specified absolute path to virtual pathC) NoneAns - Maps the specified virtual path to a physical path

85) Which of the following are not a member of Server ObjectA) ExecuteB) TransferC) OpenD) HTMLDecodeAns – open

86) **What is the significance of Server .MapPathA) Returns the physical file path that corresponds to virtual specified pathB) Returns the Virtual Path of the web folderC) Maps the specified virtual path to Physical pathD) NoneAns – a

87) What is the Server.MachineName doesA) Gets the Server’s Machine NameB) Gets the Referred Web site name on the serverC) Gets the Client Machine NameD) NoneAns – Gets the Server’s Machine Name

88) Whats is the significance of Response.ClearHeaders( )A) Clears all Headers from the buffer streamB) Clears all the section value from rendered HTML File

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C) Clears the content of the Rendered pageD) None of the aboveans – Clears all Headers from the buffer stream

89) What is the significance of Response.AddHeaders( )A) Adds HTTP Headers to output streamB) Adds Tag to rendered PageC) Add Headers to the web siteAns – Adds HTTP Headers to output stream

90) What is the difference between HTTP handlers & HTTP modulesA) Httphandler is an class and Httpmodule is an assemblyB) Httphandler is an event handler and httpmodule is module to do some taskC) Both of the aboveD) None of the aboveAns – Httphandler is an class and Httpmodule is an assembly

91) Which namespace allows us to formauthentication ?A) System.Web.Ui.Forms.SecurityB) System.Web.SecurityC) System.Web.ConfigurationD) System.Web.ServicesAns – System.Web.Security

92) When is the user controls code is executedA) After the webform loadsB) After the page_init event of webformC) Before Page_init event of web formAns – After the webform loads

93) Client Sertificate is a collection ofA) Server

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B) ResponseC) CollectionD) RequestAns – request

94) What section of the config.Web file is used for storing a list of authorized users?A) 1B) 3C) 4D) NoneAns – 4

95) How do you add ASP.Net 3rd party componentA) By add/Remove items in the project menuB) Add reference of dll file and place the code where ever requiredC) Cannot add 3rd party component to asp.netAns – Add reference of dll file and place the code where ever required

96) Web service directories allows us to locate ________ of web servicea) Consumersb) Providersc) Usersd) None of theseANS – Consumers.

97) Which namespace allow a consumer to discover web services installed on a given machinea) System.web.services.protocolsb) System.web.services.descriptionc) System.web.servicesd) System.web.services.discovery

Ans – d- System.web.services.discovery.

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98) Deploying a web service is copying the web service entry point file(ASMX file) , the web service assembly and related assemblies and other support files like web.config etc to the target web servera) Falseb) Truec) Not always trued) None of theseAns- true.

99) Which namespace consists a minimal and complete set of types needed to build a web servicea) System.web.services.descriptionb) System.web.servicesc) System.web.services.discoveryd) System.web.services.protocolsAns – system.web.services.

100) If a user has cookies enabled, a session variable is available to all pages in one applicationa) Trueb) FalseAns – true.

101) ASP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters,which?a) <script>…..</script>b) <&> …..</&>c) <%>……</%>d) <%..........%>Ans - <%........%>.

102) Which one of these events is a standard global asa eventa) Application_on startb) Session_startc) Session_idd) Global asa doesn’t have any standard events

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Ans –application_on start.

103) Which namespace allows us to interact with WSDL programmaticallya) System.web.services.descriptionb) System.web.servicesc) System.web.services.discoveryd) System.web.services.protocolsAns – system.web.services.description.

104) Which of these is not a member of the system.web.services namespacea) Webmethod attributeb) Webattributec) Webserviced) Webservice binding attributeAns – webattribute.

105) What method of the xml DOM model will you use to delete a node from an xml documenta) Remove parentb) Remove siblingc) Remove childd) Remove nodeAns –remove child.

106) The DISCO files are stored in the virtual directory of IIS along with thea) Asm fileb) Asmx filec) Asmx directoryd) With all the other related files and in some location where the user wantsANS – Asmx file.

107) UDDI is:a) Universal data, discovery and integrationb) Universal description, data and integrationc) Universal description, discovery and integrationd) Universal description, discovery and integration

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Ans – c - Universal description, discovery and integration.

108) COM isa) Computer object modelb) Common object modelc) Com object modeld) Component object modelAns – d – component object model.

109)Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated datasetA) Fill ( )B) ExecuteQuery ( )C) Read ( )Ans- fillhttp://www.dotnetspider.com/questions/ViewQuestion.aspx?QuestionId=7089&http://www.geekinterview.com/question_details/19389

110)What version of the javascript should be used for client side scriptA) 1.0B) 1.1C) 2.0D) 3Ans – http://www.geekinterview.com/question_details/19475

111) Which of the following represents the best use of the Table, TableRow, and Table-Cell controls?

Select Answer:

To create and populate a Table in Design view

To create a customized control that needs to display data in a tabular fashion  

To create and populate a Table with images (Your selection was wrong)

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To display a tabular result set

112)Who can access Session state variablesA) All Users of an applicationB) A Single userC) All users within a single tunnelAns- a single sessionhttp://www.dotnetspider.com/questions/ViewQuestion.aspx?QuestionId=7129&http://www.geekinterview.com/question_details/19419

113) You have an xml file, and the corresponding xsd. Which class should you use to validate the xml against the corresponding schema file?a) Xml validating readerb) Xml dictionary readerc) Xml readerd) Xml schema reader.

114)Which method displays the custom controlA) The PrerenderB) RenderC) Page_LoadD) DisplayAns – bhttp://www.globalshiksha.com/Which-method-displays-the-custom-control/forum/146750


115) Which namespace defines a number of types that represents invocation protocols(HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST and SOAP)a) System.web.services.descriptionb) System.web.services.discoveryc) System.web.services.protocols

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d) System.web.servicesAns – system.web.services.protocols.

116) What is the IIS server running,handling ASP.NET requests among other things

Select Answer:




117) What dataabase is return in IsPostback property

Select Answer:





string 118) Universal description, discovery and integration is a

a) Software servicesb) Web servicesc) Network servicesd) Hardware servicesAns –b – webservices.

119) What are managed providers in .NET

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Select Answer:




Data set,Data Adapter

Ans – sql,client,oraclient


120) Which of these is not an infrastructure that is needed to support web servicesa) Web service directoriesb) Web service discoveryc) Web service data reportd) Web service descriptionAns – c- web service data report.

121) Web ServiceYou create an ASP.NET application for a hotel. Theapplication contains a page that displays current weatherconditions for the city in which the hotel is located. Theapplication calls an XML Web service every 10 minutes toupdate the current weather conditions. A new page is thendisplayed for subsequent requests. You want the same page to be cached and retrieved from thecache during the time between calls to the XML Web service.You decide to use a Page directive to accomplish this goal. Which Page directive should you use?

Select Answer:

<%@ Cache Seconds="600 '' VaryByParam="Page" %>

<%@ OutputCache Time="600" %>

<%@ OutputCache Duration="600" VaryByParam="None" %>   

<%@ OutputCache Duration="600" %>

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122) Name a property common in every validation control

Select Answer:






123) What base class do all web forms inherit from

Select Answer:

window class

web class

form class

page class  

document class

124) What data types do the Range Validator control support

Select Answer:

Integer,String and date  

Integer,String and float

Integer,ushort and date

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decimal,String and date

Integer,String and bool

125) When you have a complex control,like data grid,writing an event processing outine for each object like cell,button,row then it is quite tedious.The controls can .............................. their event handlers, allowing main Datagrid event handler to take care of its constituents

Select Answer:

invoked event

raised event (Your selection was wrong)

bubbled event  


126) Do you need IIS to execute a Web application in ASP.NET 2.0

Select Answer:

Yes (Your selection was wrong)



127) You need to display a large amount of data on a web form.Performabe is very important.What would be best method to use in retrieving data?

Select Answer:

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Use a datareader object to retieve data for DataGrid  

Use a DataSet object to retrieve data for DataGrid (Your selection was wrong)

Use a simple select statement as the data sources for the Datagrid

Use a cached XML file as data source and retrieve data with a data set

128) You need to obtain performance information about your web application You should use following?

Select Answer:

Performance counters  

Data readers

web performance counters (Your selection was wrong)

Data performance counters

129) Security is very important on any website.By default .net website is configured with which of following authentication format?

Select Answer:

IIS Anonymous  

Windows Forms

Windows 2000



130) What is the name given to the type of assembly that contains localized resources

Select Answer:


Hub (Your selection was wrong)

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131) How does ASP.NET store session ids by default

Select Answer:

in cache

in cookies  

in url strings or in database

In global variable

132) A project on which you are working calls for you to store small amount of frequently changing information about a page on the client.For this project, security is not a worry. Which is the best method to use

Select Answer:

A cookie

A query string

A url

A javascript function  

A hidden form field (Your selection was wrong)

133) While testing your ASP.NET web application you noticed that while clicking on CheckBox of one of the web page it does not cause a PostBack; you required that the CheckBox should make PostBack so Web page can be update on the server-side code. How can you make the CheckBox to cause a PostBack?

Select Answer:

Set the AutoPostBack property to true.  

Add JavaScript code to call the ForcePostBack method.

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Set the PostBackAll property of the Web page to true. (Your selection was wrong)

Add server-side code to listen for the click event from the client.

134) If you want to make a configuration setting change that will affect only the current Web application. Which file will you change?

Select Answer:

If you want to make a configuration setting change that will affect only the current Web application.

Which file will you change?  

Web.config in the root of the Web application

Machine.config (Your selection was wrong)


135) While creating your ASP.NET web based application you want to create multiple RadioButton server controls which should be mutually exclusive, what property of RadioButton server controls you must set?

Select Answer:





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