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Page 1: ASS YER Livery, Sale - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHITE... · ASS YER Livery, Sale and Feed Stablt3 •• Chemist. (lgr,Ca~iwSt

N'ew Mexico as a State; The Development of Its Resoul'ces, and the

WHITE OAI{.S, LINCOLN COUNTY. N. ~1., D ---~- ·-----·-------~--·-- -- --.,. ___ w~- ____ _.,_ _____ ~- •

\V nut to 9P.o whcell'l go wound. •


PAUL MAYER'S 0!1, n f mny boy w11..; the de\·il b••.r, Devil "<'MC enred he:

'•Ye Xmns r.omes but nnee n. ,•ear~. But wh~u Ytte eomes ytte bri;tg> goo:le cbecre."

ASS YER Livery, Sale and Feed Stablt3


Chemist. (lgr,Ca~iwSt nud White O~&ksAve.

He bu,otc<l the e•l. n,,,l he pie<! the o.d, .\nd he luughe•l iu fiewli•h glee.

1884. ~~oco tiernpo. Tom 'IValln.ce is up from the Nognl~.

Sam Hearil.wn.s in from the Jic!nrillas last We('k.

\VfliTE OAKS • • .,.,,_,·,.oaks .~tvenue. What dill you l!et in your 'lloc_kiug?

NEW' MEXICO. A hole lot?

"~.!!!"'• XEW :..JtE_\..lCO.! -- ,. I .l'll"'SI\<loll e l(or&es &nd goOJl rig; to be h"d n!

.II •ime;. li"Y :.ml gr:aiu ah,ays Qt. h11uu &uu ·ort a._c__ •~- ·rerm.:~ ~ea..-;ouublc- ..

.. ~ -

• 2 511 :!.00

&t.5U 1.5~ :!.50 &.Ill)

aud Reportvd upGa Cor- K1 HARRisoN's

White Oaks is a good location for a q IIU t'l?;· Ul ill.

The smw of the assaver: "Button, .. . b!ttton, nt·i~'l !"

Thr, qut>~tl,Cin of the Lim.e• ; w.hich way h it goin;! to jnmp?

'Vh~·llnn't we hear ft·orn the Bonito? ~?B:Jiiij.A~:J.CJ'li.~' .Affit'PEE~..._NN'~T.;s·s~. -,Livery and Feed Stable,. Are YOII all tlcad •JVer there.?

i -------!#,----·------- Assc~!';mcnt work is growing small r -

\VUETSTO N E, -)Near Dnuninll' .t lllill.er's.•.- by dl'gt•ce"' n.n£1 beautifully less.

Ax~~ Land Agent The Chri;otmas am·ils made a million \VHITE OAJ~S, NEW MEXlCO. .., . . diu~>I'£1Jt ·echoes 111 the mountamq,

N. l£. "Thf! mil111 or the gods ¥•·inrl ~I.lwly." -Humph I ~o do those or \Vhite Or.k!l. 4r3:t<l•lle Hor~e• aml goml rigs to be hatl at

all times. !by •u•<i gr,.iu a)wnys on I! awl ~~;wl A~S('I!~lllf'llt~ nre fini~lu~rl or ~tin king f'h~s':!i.·h/T~~~~~l:.~a~g~~i,Vn couuectwu w•th ·~n th~ Pinta Verde, Little Nell anrl

lh, Samuel D. Ki~or atHl ~Ia-. Aaron nre vi~itiug um· town looking after theia· ]Jt'l'lpertr. :tutl will spend some time with us.

witlt t.he U. S. I .. :mrl CI'Ur.es:. N. :J\[., pt·om pt.!' Complete get of pi:Lts I uca tiou;o m:HIP. •lll the

---------------- 8tar lode.

for Sale and To l ·~

~ ,; Rent ' ' . sj Ranches for sale.

. ·' '!

i ~pnmll'nee sol h:ited with p:u•.

•ifitttiu;: business. ·. "•)

f>UK' RANCHES ;f,,;J .. ,

fMines, Lands : ' : '< :f

' j .AND

, f~a:c..d.. G:r3..nts .. I

_: iJJ :tn·iis)>ute:l, title "an be h:\d within tbit·~y !: of! 4a}'S' from' elms nf aeiotiatian. r:: f





N. 1\f. :I

------·------ --·-------

D. J. M. A. JEWETT, U. 8 !fiueral Deputr Sm'\'eyo1·,

Ne\Y ~texico and Arizona.

Unitetl Stafeii Deputy Sm·vcyot·,

Luu i~iaua.


Olllee .- \VnrrE OAKS AVENp-..:.

I t·-·; ~~AN'l'}:D BY I • tj ~

~!!!~·!:, BE.RKS,=- ATTORt~EY ·AT-lAW,

J'ohn Y. Hewitt.

. . .;....,-~ .... -·~- -- ._.,....-...-,_,.,..,.,.1"""""·

. I' -.\GEST ~·oa-\VHITE OAKo. N. M.

The music Clu·ist ma!l eve, was I'Xr.el • lt'n t. 'fhn d ift'~;a·ent pe:-ful'lners ha l'e gcnm·al tl.anl•~:.

''Oh, do not he rli~cuuraged." singR nnotlwr pil[lea·. That's so, b.Jys ; it is thl' Stayea• that Willi. ,.

R ,.,. I I OJ l ' All. R0,\.0 -' EWS. , I, you llCC( U t

g<:t so m:~d about it; we just wanted to ask if you knew aur.

Au impromptn rlnn;::c folloWe1l the cxce1·c!ses at the hall on (;hl'i;:ttun~ eve. The young folks will be young.

The smiling- countt>nanc'} of the gen­tle oy~ter hn~t been ~ceu iu our mid;u of !ate-nt about one doll at· a emile.

,Judge Blnneha1·d has lllO\'ecl his com·t lu·U~<!l into the building fut·•nt·rly oeeupicu by D1·. Ueid as a ch·ng store.

Thel;luss !>larnJl mill has been mn­uiug t'or the past week 011 Solitriit·t~ ot·e; the b(•ys aJ·c milling u twudrcll lou lot.

Tht> comm it.tee wh-o nt·t·nngecl the Chl'i~tmt\s eutcnuitm;r•m ~houlcl f('el hnppy nt the geucml satisli1etiou ax-

c John Brothet•.;; ~)ll'ead n spit u . Chri$tma:s dirmea·. Turkey. or~ters

and ll iitl'ing· or l!!itl $ !l-fOI·(J.s. He and .U1·~. Brothers ~any e~te, sut·e.

TIJP. man with the big, big b11ots and the whitv, white hat is n••t the cow. boy nor I he WI~Stern••r· ; hu is the tetJdcr· foot. lit hn~ 1'cad the books .

The phtes of the G·!n~s mill, running on Solitaire Ot't•, ar·c ;;bowing np aplim· didly. The boys feel cllcout·aged, They eet'laiuly dc>el've the be;;~ rewal·d for theit· W•ll''-1 aud we want to see them get it.

Ali expm·ien..:ed o1Js('1'\'cr of New ~lt>xicau rnnntwt·s ami cu~tums;oays that whene\·c.r ro11 sec :m Amel'ict~n wlw smoke~ eigarett,·s nml rl'ies to talk .Mexican, nr a H r·xican w lw smol;;es r~ pipe llli!L tries to tnlk Amct·icau, you want t·• kectJ away from hiru, foJ· he is 110 gooll.

'·cpean and Australian Investors, -~---~-----·------ [W~i'St:tl,

.An l'Xclwnge s1ys tltat dog;; h<nv! at night ht·enu~e they lu·c l'olrl 11111l llfl·

co,:.f,)J'tablc. Poor little doggits! \V a;; thl"y co:11, the neat• irs? l\:lny· be we'd hettea· build a pu!.Jlie ho~pital, wil h a st cam rcgistc•· iu it ; o1· m :ty be we'll helle I' lmr a f ·w pnuuris of hul'k­•hot, an,ltirc it into theil· rea1·. That'll wnt·rn 'tm, roo.

- - :N. l\1.

. - ___ .. _____ ---f F. D. 1!. UO ;:.iN ELf.,

tl Esta:te &



l'l'OIIl)lt attrntion tu bU!'iiJ('>:' ueforp t.lw lm11l Ollice.-Corn·s;>nudt-II<'P ~n-lidiPd, •J2-

".hite On I\!' l1on~ts of a pet fawn. We ow:e l111ci a pet ben.•· atld a pet wih!c:Lt, but tlll'y have gone out after wootl-bi•ll',

Tltvrc i;: ~till matrimony in t.hc hn•ezP. \Vu h(':11· thu.t ·Pete Lanum latch•

' -lllf't wii h n ~<eri,•u• :uHI nt·arfy fnt:1l ac-


! Mining Agent. O.u.:s. ·- - .s. ~l.

.. /lOOTS rl· SIWES.

·c.,t'eter Mackel ~

)[:sauf:tcturllr :\WI Ocular in

DOTS & SHOES JJ'" ['J.']g OAKS, '..:v. )[.


!ir.o. T .. Dr:;., r.r~ •. JR., Lineuln. X. lf. E1.1ll. CH•lWL>:R, :ourl .lo]. llm:cn,

White Oulro, X.ll.

BEALL, Cli.\XDI.Elt & llOUGll,

Attorneys and Counsellors At Law, Lincoln&. White Oaks, N. M.

fi"' Practice in all the Co:uts in the Territory.

Tlli:; thing- i'< !.!'Pitiug ft•ightful. Jt's t:utchiug. ) t i• I iahie lo gd into the hc·~t. of fnmil ic•. No oae !ll!PCat•s to be s·~fc.

Two booming lon.d" of eabbage null othe1· "~ar·dcn·tl'IJck" ~rL«&e hi ft·om the llg't'ieult•uat [ll'eciuer~ ;:,ium·duy.. We hope the dny i~ nut t'nr di~tnut when such llD event \Viii attl'llcl uo attenttou.

WIt ito Onks bas I he hat·dc~t luek of anr ~amp in the tel'l'itut·y. She has been hnm(lerad an1l fooled with beyond a.ll patiencP., and Leyond hot· just de· sorts. She, has nevet• had a square 1lcal.

eitleut whilt~ at work i11 lhc 'Vhite cnnuntaiu~. HI' wus tuga.ged iu wnrm­ing 11 stick of ginut powdel' in hot Wille•·, wllf'n it fot· wme t·uasuu ex­plodecl, infticling paiurul nncl danger ous iujcu·ic~. Pete is new nt the hos­l'itnl in Shmtou, nnt1 it is ho1mtl his hlll'ts will soon be me11dcd.

• We heat· that Mt·. Fletchet·, the gen-

tleman who erected the Nogal str1mp mill, will be ins•rurnenhd in putting up another mill pt'ol'illed \Vii h Co1'nisb t'Olls &llll coucent.rators iu Dt·y gulch, anrt that O!Jerution_s will bP couuneuced

in~t., 1\lr. E. Cochran ami Miss ;}!ollie Holde1·. \V1: wish the coutmqtingpa1·· tics jo}·, bcanily and siucet'l•ly. Rich­:ud will pwve " model son·h1-law, l\lr. Holde1·, :111cl a true :mel hnl'lh' ltus­b&nd. United on the joyous Chr:istmafl eve. mny the life of this worthy :Cont>lc be a perpectual holiday, Mart·ied on \'eo•y IH•aJ'!y the shot'!CSt day <If the yea•·, ll ay tht>il' sh:Ldow ncver · g1·ow less.

and .Shoes ~JI ltde ln flr<lm· and rt Tnt G!um.:m~ed. lV'. 1!~. BLA.NCIIARD,

\VHI"FE OAKS, • NEW .1\{u;I(;O.

Thl.) Iitllc llhild of )fr. Hale ~h·ayed from home last week, and cnnscd some uneasiness· C.O it~ )Ill rents, who firmlly • f,,mtd it f;lSI, aslf!CJI nt Dick Young's,

The Christmas T1~e. -at au cnt•ly date. Part of thl' machinery 'rhe Cristm!ls tt·eo fe~tivities of Moo­

A Uug ot' tlte LiucokJuut 1• ;gt;c•· . . ... . a tak1~) on, MOllcfan. 2.I, '84; at to

at ~~ • .for t.he Plll'J1olle i~ g Villl{l~l'tlliJt tbtdii oppor,tunitv men tte~ !d~~J'e-;.y

The soo\v has .... -L •

low I anil, exceprwhere but ther~ is· plenty in which .is melting. An water fOl' pt~~ut usc.

0. ll Kel~ey was up to the this \V!Ck. :rulrl Wm. Frost t1)ok a

ihe01\ksrfol' lJi;; health· W•heu. 0. '{, ~l

l'jltlll'l~d. ·'

just t•cceived a ret.~~f~~•u tie has been tofli:oJ~·

JIE..-tT X ARKET. w he1·e the boys hnd tnl>eu the little cs· tr:•1·, not .knowing whose it was.

is now· on the ground. Speed the goocl day evening H'ere a success in e\·ery wm·k, I.iucolo county will be waiJ. respcet, and a triumph to the ladies heeled before long, w.th mills. who had the details in mannge'lneut .

The deeorutio~s were as completl_l and ll'"'u~;.u On the 19Lh inst., the nccc~sat•y lllt:l''"l ta~ty.as:my in the·shmvy cltm·che• of

lot of cntLI~ for· .,::oun ty. 'l~exas, ""'tiil. iiet~ting





NOta:z:~ P1.:1 blio '

1•~1 alcalde de l\Ionclwstet· ~\11'1'0\Ved a hhotgun. He tried to shoot a big wildc:tt, but it wouldn't go oft-that ~~. the gun wouldn't; the cat went oft' all right. Then he ta·ied to mut·del' an inn~tclmt jack rabbit, wi-th like l'esult. It'inally he soaked the gun in wntct· ove1• night, and tht next mot·uing she gut the1·e booming. Such am life,

wel'e taken for filing scJven ditft•rent thl' eMt, being iu fsct· of 110 mca1i pt·e.laJtoug.fllllC. lil!Uii upon the Rockford mine, in the tentions, inasmuch as the hancls wllicllpLllctthf·till Nogal disu·ict. lt is to be l't'gl'f.'tted at·a·ang<'d tberu had. at tbeit· that thh pt·upert)· is lying idle; it the rcsout·ces of n forest embt•aciug and many aoothe1· in Lincoln connty, half dozen varieties of beautiful ev~~t·.~l ueecls only a little more capitalto put it green!!, together with mistlt:toe, in runnina o&·der and it1 a pusition to bet'l'ies and all the cattu·al help the "'c.)nnty. As it i~, ·the legal ot Cbri~tmail •• The cru4scc: ori complicatians are going to stop it. An walls \Vere especially beautifur. outfit that can't pay its miners, how- h-ee itself was a tall aud evet·, ought to stop, O! be stopped. .

No lodinll news since Fred :1\Iaycr•s If there had been two or

Hu,·eP. mere of .l!'t•ed 1 bel'C have heen

~~:CO~J:tfi~~ictitig flCCOUD tS i"t'i~~~lililcivll~s, saying they left the 1'1'.8·

because no SU}lpliP.s were is-

sprtoee, and a finer grew.

9ign!1, natiiJi)ol:: then · the

and enlcr.tll'i~!!i~

to .them. They tnade · little l.u-ouute.· 'they usus.lly. b~gin

inor ot.ltl'age of that kind, ·We w llext hear or somebody'$ lmrseil being

00.,v11 atolen.. 1• ' : ·

He will nofi.t~tfl1'l

Page 2: ASS YER Livery, Sale - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHITE... · ASS YER Livery, Sale and Feed Stablt3 •• Chemist. (lgr,Ca~iwSt



8TOG r: IJ.R.!N DS.

'BDlJY BllUS. New ]fexico ch:lllcn \\-orld in, the matter <•f healthful ; "'li'\"t'....,..-clirnatc. 'l'be l'llllllllt>l'S hoq -JC)t"'-· ----....,. and the wiatcr~ ll.l'e not l~'or' U • ·

' 1' u !!~" weel,;s ou1· Col omdo cxcb:ui gcs h,l Hl ··;, \! w . a.,;·; GUIDE. ' been talking· of shutting- down tl,eir; ' f~J-J

• h ··~··r,i.[_Jl A left side N JefL r.AsTKRN; u.m.o. miae», nud _note .tlw fn.~t of the pr.Js-! ·-~:..:!....:;;;;:=:;·:.d,~. A •in1!, daib·llit - 12:00 o'clnek, uoor, pectors gcnn g mto wmter quart PI'~, ' 'I\.. J);vur~. fl., t . ~ 2:00 " p. m', r ''."'1:.

while we ''<'Vel in ll'~l'jletunl sun-<hine •. ( •. · :.:,. :.&r.iv<s;;lnlly - 2:{)(lo'elock, p.m. \Vednesd:ty was fht: fll'st in timM iou wei ·' · ':;,, ~"l>Mt.r, " - 12:3(1 " p. m, i • ~!'>--..-__ _

have hall of wiutet·, nml when ouJ· 1· -:v - · \·

of left shouldt'r,

P. 0. Acldre~s -""='~

over two ')'Cal'>:! old have ~ 99 1 11· s sii on s 1011 t m, !;(ide r.nd bin. Horse hrand sau;o as cow l>raud.

llio Penasco, Iducolu Co., N. 1\f.




. \


}..-O!-t"':,STAX'l'OX MAIL. 13 :INTI/11.CJUUOliUL, 'i/./~ ,• :{ . l . • Ch' '~·· d , -d~"d , ~ Wot•st.snow ~tormscome thl'\' find rr:;:tl• ' ;L":i·· , aen:fe .-;1ntou, 100 ~e~ u.y s au .r I"l e.y s • n. .. m . • • • f ]" ' 11 •

Le~veWhitnl.iaks:ll"•"lay'sand'rhursday'sGa.m; upoa our h!IB but Lw ll few hours, <·"'· .!/ i JV .UJ.nmUsdu•e.Jttw.\quttsbcforedepa.rture, . .'f bcin..-llmTictl off lly lllll' W<ll'lll 1111<1 aJ. · .. :·:,:-. ~-, "''<.-!.,·

NOGAL ANDP~1'L'USRANGHBS · L l: N 0 0 L N ,. 0 0 -cj, ~ t-rJ ""'~!,..,

\ - ,.fu, ... • - t 0 't..!:'A~ - ~ ··~.::..;u;~

•'eg1storcJ. lo>tcl'i! null. package!> •hould be Pl'eil must perpetual ~uaslll!W. titoekfllt'U • __ "_··--·-·------------e;e._.teduuehourbefilro:Hlella~tllreo;f mail. • . Glt'O. 1'' L t l'J> ~· JI() n '·'

dmceopeu ~u;;ull<lay~ rrom i:do tolO:OO "· m: i!'penk ot out• t•zuge~ as supenor nucl; - 1 • •-"" ' •.6. .«.6. &ull:utno ~~oi;p, m;· m~tke Jh) cakulati,•u on lo~s fl'•>lll. -=-;~-"

• I C!-.. '.\iL.-M.H.BRLLOll\", P, ~~. , storms or seve1·e. we .. thcJ'. We pity: \ ~- ·----.~ ll<·r~c! hJ•n111l .A

If the stockmen. or K:tn>as :l!;d Nehra~kn! '\'! \:;' J~ p.ll 0 Lou lrft t,hig;h. STOCK NEWS !who lnbrw six mouths lllthevo,u··toj' ';· v ., ... iJ,•·P.,O,A<lt~r('"S · , . . · , · (,.,"~'IJ/)j i Scvea Rt '"N'i>, u· . . , • ::. •1mnlm feet~ to~ tht:ll' Sl<>el~ :w<i thcu• , .•. _1 /, ,!Q :N. III.

!Sf)n_ator lt~,,Lll" [li<I[JOSes .t~ m.1ke 1d/labo1• aaoltHlr s1x: m<•ntl!s m fur;; nu<lJ '~.: .• ,:::~·>"i::.:.:.t~-·-# · · "''"·'-''~· fo1· tho cutcrl:ll'JSIIlg hea·llS-, skin O\'ercoats nnd half a ,J.,;wn un<IPJ'· i '

Wt.St Wll<l :u·u ill thelml.Jit 1 shh·ts, to fe.,,i out '''lmt they sweat tho! S. 8. 'l'.E.l!.RBLL. of fencing large lmcts of tlw pull lie -th-st six mouth~ to m i~e. It nwl>e~ us: ~~~ ,. .

1 'I ·11 t ~)."~<~::1 R:-trure ltto .Bnn1to, donmiu l'ttiJC ws. L e WI . shud<lut• to think <)f tlw c:ol<i wiuter! ~:- \~r.J'. };a.:I·· :crNk :~n•l Hio. t1 e )Jli'"L . ., of ' · I f' 1 · · f 1· Jlj· <Z" ~ "~·, lt•wl<>>o. AU •to<·k otl endeavor 1 ~,.., g~ '•. Wlll- stot•rw; o L W lH'flll'l 1~~ 0 \.au~u~,, l --~ >:ll \'1" of the rnn;:-c ;~ citlwr

· ~lM10"--:l:tf'-:$ Cl' d '\.,~ 'T b 1 Il' · • 1 I J>l 1 l •.J., ~\1 strt~y,~tl or.:-:toh.·u. J>ot"t bill lt.:Vylng a I} . . P • Cl.r ~ ~~ e U\~ \a, 1 lU:H~ illlL 0\\ril -. ) aer~, ,ll ;4-f-.: ... ....._~.._\ lf_)P' ofnce a-IdJ\:.·!):o: ,r -~II en: I'\' Ill :til \\1 hu lll:tllltUIIIS a h·.tcc • Rctilfle. It·:/\\ I -. f'ort :O:t:tnt•>n, ' " • J 1 •' '-' \1-· LincohiO<J,N,;u, upon the puhlk hu11ls. The cattlemcu --~-

1 . ...:,.<,~·--·-··:·\>Xu· #

'lb A Mother's Bravery. will SCUtl in l'elll_Uil•Ll'llllCCS.- _..., u. i --.A-~-,-~ j_')_J_':_](_f:)_'U-.X--(-,"-1-1-'J.-''_L_J,_;_(,~'U. Jour11al. Sioux City, Dec, 19.-De•ail~ nre i

H '\V. CJ·cswell has pm·eh~tset1 All'S. iVcli here or the abt1uction hv ilft•q ! ~~-~-~ ~~ • • ' 8"" {'' ,Joseph ~Iorgan'll 1:att!e. 'l'he p1·ice living thl!ll'this citr, of !J,:t·cight j' ·-~Y,f; -~ P. 0 .. Atl<lrt'~:,

pai•t, we 1u·e iuf~mned, was ~illl,OOO, I' old nang~ttet·. nccompl i~lle<1uutlPt· it • 1~ t;,.._ _.f! mnge dcih·m·y. 'rhe eatllc- nrc ~ln;:~tl.!' ;~in,2"ulat· ciremn,tan<':!~. She jout'IWJ'"•ll ~~~~~;;J'--')\\! Ikswcl!, iu ~lr. ~t·c;nvcll·~ r:mg•.·, he ~avwg 1to DiX<lll couutr, Noh., wl. uro het· illt:; ·j ~\!'·,; .• W_ ... ~~:=!.•. :. ~~-~ Litwolu Co., luul charge uf' tlu:m ~mce Jnse::l .\lor- from whom she ha1! scpamt•:<l,, <>--~·-·: ·=~•=?-

. gaii's·tlct~th last~priug.-.Pmthl]llclle. ,1vas living. She dt'OI'C to the hou·"' nt I ~~ ~Pw :'lh·xkn.

The slnpmCrlU of ca!tll! n·)m this night ah111e, cut~c:recl t_ht! child'~ sh~r.ping f ~ \·\_ ~:.r.tPn len ;i.Je :>u•l .T n 1~ug!:uu[ ha1·e shoYu SlHlle .a·oom through u. Wm<l,w, too].;; the ~- 4,\ ~-muacetcdo,def,hip 1-ing the p:LSt s~n~u, :~uri :::hild t_<> a conve~·an<"l',. <tr~\·c 20 ulile:~ ~ ;:.,,.J1;_, ;n~ E11r ~.:1 ark upper half crop

coU!ius are aw1111 ~~ltUng ~~a pul~lt 0PPO~Itc_ tlu~. ctty, lli!ll :>t to I ,,~.~ ~( ~\Ynwl nu·Icr bit ln tho.lcft ~:Lid clf<Jrts nll be _) cluek 1a .the tnGJ'IIlug· mt1tl('Ctl n m:u.tj ~-:"".:;; 1\ , ~ . , ..

nr•n 1 . . ~i=:s.'ii;:'ll; :-:'""!iF .... ~z'·i.J awl crop 111 dlC' !"lCnt. \ lie.- ~t' com'cne: to 'i.i.- •.o fcnT huJ·~elf und rhl!tl ntn•oss the ... '""~.-""'--"'"J:.--;: nmde whm~ tu fmthun·cstric:t l', .'l'he iuei<lc11t ;lfl.S made her a' if~ On left, ~idt• ~n·l}~!t# 0 '' l(:ft hip. Ear

_. <l +iYI-tftR:UO'VCl"U · ·~~IU:1rk~f!.it)C:l..~IJL)iJ•f~u.&lb.!r..?:t~~!e, I ttcu -.=- "l'llll!~, it i& . <>cui hct•oiue. tho 'tl .. 1tlc. Upon "' . • • !;,{<,~On left >id" •:n.l.J H eo,u.(c:c•l a, left bir •.

. · ·' W til ' ;-,..,;;jm,,r upp~r nnc·lw!fo:·0p iu ltf<, ~iJ.•lumlcr nul s(a'ted, but · t(J . lii<'Xico wiil UP\'C:l' be inlmhitrd to! nue-i;a!t' •:rw iu ri,.oht. S'.11110 sani~:try pnex t · 1

t!rn gr • .;at cxtcut by t\..ugl<;-Saxrul ... , ae- ~o!ll~ftsirle~wl hit). Earmarkero~and "\Ct.sn(et tt1cir pH11><>'e ami rn:de tlwru. I ~'.ii-li~ in '"fr. an.I cllHler bit h ri!:ht. .. t• ~~ordin.(:: l•.> n.m I'atl'icio jl ilnw. n '''>ti~U; ill fa VOl.' or the !n'tll'-; lliHl lf_-;Jl ~- On lui •• u.,, Vnriotts ea ... lU"rk,:.

··" vnalthy e::.pihlli•t of :\!umprey, for tlw !t:::.'li the re,·r g'''O(t n•ao;on th1tt r !ll're i~ ton 1

wuch a\••ilnhle land in the Uuitrtll t''•t<•~ •':UIU'~ f\>J'Clllllll 01' i-(llo _ ••• , .._. ~

;tlteO- c:tlt 1 e com pa1111'ceenty herd fol' :tiH,OIJO "lll>t ;;b.

ime•i tllil.t the [out \lll!lt<..mth · · ' •:·Ltlle ill !t:ugb is lhe its ux:;:essivcly mois~tl enol

t[lat it is uevoa-kely to

~if!l>Oilll' iu·Atltel'i uule;,s or othur lll'il pr<.n··

T:']•rr[, L'">["f';l' .JJ~'J. 1. I .1.' ,/I, :. u •

' t' ~-~;""ij4 ~tate'! fiJI" ]H•ople lo i'cttle on rn.tl.eJ' ~4> ;~· "-----":\ tlhn.n <:a<t their lot nmong Spaniard,1 );s,:~- ~ ~'Ill I•n]'· !l' J'tl l\[c•v'l'O 'l'llOS" l•'•t<' R' ;...P:::;::'}

~;·~h·sp~;,~;~~~ pr::. _;i~ v \~ho a;.l; ~:~-:~v ~p:~~t,\J): P. 0. Aclr1resq,

.Linc->ln. · Liuc•>ln Co ..

)i. ~1. t;!Jm·e are gt!ll<'mllr advmmturcrs 1<1tll ~;;JtL~""'",f[Jj.~ IH nh>ney, ''lmt plenty of hra>;.;; antl _____ ·:-·~·--:·:-· ···----·----.. ----.L

"ullc,:k,'' :UHl · D,lll Patt·!cio predi1:t~ 8AJ/ [iEL WRLLS. ; theit·duwufall nud final I'X['llls:•m iulhe 1

®urac of tiu•e.-Olu:ca;;o 1'imes.

.J.INcor,:-; CoUNTY, • N ~L


v •


:ut.tmg took its orign li'do Wt!SlcTU T•·xus, umils snill Foot Wallact>;'ashfamii­

f;um being th(YCI uf ol' the "Big I!'uut Iu1•," i~ who wurked the bop, mul

.. Capt.. A. l[ llr1gardou~. !:He ch,ttu-

HM~fl hrnw1 x: P. 0. A(l<lt't!>S

A 1! »f.n.'!k driven off the i!lll ... e in aiJuve brontl< • ' ' "" <;<.• ,, :wnnou.r. Lae en,tHh•rhr::tL.J or tho JPC:rl~ ~ ~u·e

~traye1! 01~ stolc;l, PCJ;::tofii("O, \rhito U11k~. ~.!~ ..\L I

!iion wiug--~holef the wol'ld, lwiug now ii'J r!'lll'!; of lt.!.!e, l'l\tirc~ ft'lllll the tnrf' l>'ith n.11 his badge•, aud goes upc.n tl:t_. """"'" with, Bnft'alo Bill. Hi~ fom· Rous

Two fnnrters saw n couple of dutles·, Campbell'" sa.' cattle. Oil a stt·eet iu Trol' whcu 'one ·ex- 1

htst W m1ue vent·· chdmcd : "Gosh! \~hat thing sune Llu i 1hm1 $23 to :i lult•~, sw when one ha'nt got no gnu." ' c:Livr,s fr~m.o $4a. = " • """""'"""'~"""""={

late ad vices from 'l'ex:a~, them is a pru'l[Jrct of

up the twu-miHiuu­s:de madt: In' Uichnt·d . .

time siuce. Thi~ ' is ouly one is r:mclws. He lm~ pl~uty of lund ·'II Del cattle left to stock seveml amal\ opemtors with Jh·ll ot• teu thou­sand '·buuches."-JiJx.

Compact, stwrt-legged b11lh, of gt·cat depth and llt·e:nlth of cat·cnss, with -gootllwu<!, ll1'(l.M\ b;•~k'S aut'i crops, mnl lJecfy hams, fll'e the be!'t tn llic" with 'fexa.s cows. ·Bulls of this ch:ulwter are ii·iV~riably tile oflspring f)f lwaithy aucc~u·y.-L. S. Jr:mmut.

•,- -·-- -··• •• --·---- •• I

Sl'OCK 111U ... Y DS.


White O:tk'. I . 1 (' • ~lliCO.il .• 0.,

~. }L

.. ---·-·--·----

P~ 0. A<l ·1 J'('O~ }<'~. F; tn 11 t ()II.

Liucolu Cn .• :\. )I.


P. 0. Acl1lrcss Liuenln,.

L • I (' mco.u -t•., N. M.

Co., '" 1'[ J}l •• u •

In llatber ·coquty, , .K)ii-is,ts, t1vmty eteel'll, averaging 1,20Q pounds, bruught ljj,OO apiece; eighty-five five-ycar-oltl ~ow, ¥00; tl1h·ty-two two-rmr-old lite~1~, lf32~ n;1d a lat of ha.lf,breed$ s"m"' age, $25.50. -.7!: S: ,J om·1tctl.

I, -------- -·-~·-- ---------~~--w., W. BR~1Z l L.

S:in :Mig-uel

' Ool•nfy, N. U. I

.. P. 0 • .A!lda·css

St'vcn lllvqrs,

•N, J\!f.

B. 0 •. .AL'LlSUN. ·,

P. 0 . .Atldress Hni<losu, Lincoln Co ..

N. l\f.

·P.O. Ad.(ft·cs Hn do;;o,


P. 0. Rio "'·"­Lincoln


B on either Rot·se$ saml'

cow brand.


CAI.'TZOZU R,.LYCH. I '~ I ._,, ::'IL;


l ' '



Letter Heads,

" ~'!ote Heads,

Bill Heads,

Envelopes. •



1 0LDE~ u >




The CHICAGO WEEKLY NEvVS is recognized as "'- I'-"'P~run. surpiassed in ~111 the req-c1irements of Am5<rican '; ,,::;· · . :n. It .sta!JdE' conspicpous among I.he 1-r..etropolitan joul'r,~-· _. ::f . · ·o coun. try as a complete Ne-....-s-paper In the matter of te1,;-;:::<'.>: ... c serv­ice,. h ,_ving 'the ·adva:2tage of cGnnectlon with t.he CHICAOO DAILY NEvvs; it has at its command all the .dispatches of t)!e Wester·n Associated P•'ess;, bEsid<;s a very extens1ve service cf

' . Special Telegrams iron1. all h:nportant :points. As a Ncv;,-s-papo..r 1t has no supe:hor. It Is IlillEPENDENT in Politics, presentinG' all political ne"-'vs i1ee iPorn }'artisan bias- or coloring, and abs;'; lutely without :fear or favor as to parties.· It is, L"l the~-;~ful~l~e~s~~t~i;;;;j; a F.AMILY PAPER. Each issua contains sev3ral C.

STORIES, a S:$R:::AL- ST8RY--o~-.;a,b~'rb>iiE!.S'-·.iJ~~~:~~:~~~·~:~~:' varity of conde;:1sed notes o:n Fashions, Art, Industries, l. Science, etc., etd. Its Mc~rket Quotat:ior,s are com].::lete relied upon. Itiis l~llSUl'P"-SSed as an ente::-pri.sing, pure, a."ld trus,r), worthy GENERA.L F.A.:Ii.lLY N:SWS?APER,. We republish hel<t'Gi from the columns oi tl1e vVEEKLY NE\'VS a· few- of the vc~hlntar.Y!\ commendation:> it hJ.s received:


Page 3: ASS YER Livery, Sale - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHITE... · ASS YER Livery, Sale and Feed Stablt3 •• Chemist. (lgr,Ca~iwSt

----Prote:s:;ional Pay.

\W Tile following l'CC('Jitly am,•eat·ed iu ~\'Bt . . th9 J ounwl qf Comm.ei'Ce:


- T~ere i••i~?~1o~k 'ill rny Jut!u.'1 P. l{enjamiu, late Trea~ut·er sa-t·c; '~u&ff\'l~ l·em,;ved. of the Soutllet·n Cnuft:ueracr, aue later This ~lock you may have, if you tle~irtl pt'•l4:_'titione•· at tht Eng! jg!J ba1·, pus.9ibly it. It is a luxur·y, b~1t you may htn·e it. l'f·Ct!iVecl hwge~· fe, s fut• his SQl'Vicel!

l'a!leof' Camey vs the Arizona 1 have deciued to keep a hot·.<e ius1eau th~n atty ()the•· Amel'i<..'liu ·Ja,vrer eve!,' iJiiug- Company. tl1e question in of thi~ mining stuck. The hot·,;e m:~y did.· His iut:ome frolll his•·profes~ioQ

was whether l\1e laws of uot be so pretty, but it will co~t le,;s to for~evet'll.l Sl'Vt.mL\ years received $100,-requil'iu"' n'certaiu amount keep him. . 000 ,annually .. Our wc~tm•u lawvcrs work to be done by 11e~ous Yr~u ·~ill fi11d ~he'~~slal~~~p,h'that lutt'e not )'tlt rcaciH'Il ti.Htt polut irn'heit·

\!.O'~JtJJ,u until patcut i:; issuer!, 1 ~ave uot t>eeu use.lumlel' the tlistt·ihu- pruetice wherccolosst~.l feesllre realized p,lacer a:l well as lode or!' tmg table, and the coal down iu the fct· a fcwstrokesoft.hurenaud tougue.

, "' cc•llar. If the stove d1·aws too hat•tl, H.tH1coe lJrukliu~ r.eccived $10,000 fro~h close the dampt·t· in tlw pipe', aud !>IIlli. G<'ncral Palmer fo1· sir.:ty wiuuteil' talk the general dclivetT wi~td·"~W. to the Supt·eme court ou the. great

'"'1;.•"''-I"U..:I"'",g,'u.'cu;.'l c~ecl ion Lookirag ovet• rny ~tor my and event· Colorado mi!t•ontl lllllddle in '79. · S . .Revisc•l St:uute;:) that "on I ful ad:niuistratiuu as pustrnasl!er her<!, Hough Butlct· receire<llli!O,OUO for se1··

1~>~-atcd aft•·.r the 'lOth·. thy 1 J find ab_uuduu ~ cau'le fot• thanli~giviu.g. vices in th~ Rw G!'audu cause a:. again>t

187:!, &nd uuttl n pateut lms At tbe ll.tlt: I t>utned upou tlw dtttles the AtcJ)iHon !lud· '1\•p;!l{~. H .. n. Thos. d thllref,ll·, ~out leO's th_an $LOO I of my oflice the dep:.rtrnent was not .:.VI. Pattet·RotJ. nccjyctl wltaL wall lal><•r slmll oe ..,erfortuNl'o1·1 yet .:•u a payiug basis. It was·<>~.~ot even worth *liO.OOJ in !.heJ~>huny· Bul! min-' .

made during erH:h year; .. ; self·fli!.lstaiuitlg. Since that time. with ing case. Judge Stcc~: t•ec4;ived $5,GOO a. failure f<~ pvr!·,>J·m su..:h i the active co-operation of the Chief iu the cel~brated 'fa.hot· divorce catlq

tMlaim Rhall be open to reloca-! Executive and the heads of Lbo depal't- '!'he-etniueut law firm Qf\VPII'-', Smith \same mn.nr.ct· <tS if uo loca~ i ment. I have bellu a.b!e to make our & Macon have l't!Ceivcd $~0,0lJO in the eu.m:ule. l postal sy~te11l a paying· one; and on tori famed h·,m mine suit at Leadville.

Jnst' rnent:on<'d the pl~n- i d that I !lUI now able' to l'\!duce the Tlie_ finn of Sait·, Butlel' & W" .. ight Work 1\qd,_ made no im-1 tJU'iff 011 aV€l~tged-SfZ<!d lc!tel''l fi'Orn OUCJ receind $50,000 a year-aml that

of any "alne w hnteve1·.1 th~:e~ ctuts t" two. I might add that foil' suvet·al years....;fur le~al set vices

entel·cd upon a j thts ts l':tther too t<Jo, but I will uot say rendered· t11e Union nutl ~Kausa~ p,lcific • and loca.ted govem· anythiug that might seem uridiguifiPd railroad compauiee. J. Bright Smith,

hnil!lin"fil, in ~mplinoce with j iu au offidal resignation which is to a lawyer of the olden times, onco l'e·



U. S. Lnnd Offico, Las Cruees, N.1L, Leeem-bei' litb, 181!-3. •

N otiee 1s nereby given that tbelfollowing-nameJ settlers have !Ret! notioe of their intention to mnke final proof i.n support. of their reFpecth·c claims Lefore the probatn clerk of I,iucoln couutv, N. M .. Jotnuary ltit':l,l8~4, viz: ·

EnwAltD ,3. l\fnPHRRSON, on declnr~ttory ~tn.tu­!l>.ent No, !111, for son•hea•t quarr.er southwe.~t quarter, ~eetion 15, northeaB~ quartfJr uorthwe~t quarter. •e<'t>04 Z;, township lu soath, rnn<ec :U ea.;t. Witnessed: Cunde; :r. Clark, l}amue(CoJ· !ius, Samuel ,,feC. i'.IcPhet'>OH and Fra~.cis 3-l. Ui~beu•. all of Lincoln conut.y. N. M.

CHARI.Es ·r. CLAnK. ou tlt•ci:lratory •tntemeut, No. 9ti7, for notthca..•t quarter uorthei\St qua.rtur. seotiou 14. town; hip 9 •outh, muge ~4 east. Wit· ne,;c": Fra.nees l\1. IJibbene, Etlwnrd .~. McPh~r· son,1iamuel Collin• 11.00 5amnel .McC. JiePherdou, all of Liucolu county. N'. M.

SA>!t'R~ ~loO. J\fol:'mmso~. ou .)oelamtorystat.e· meut. No. }1136, for we~t h:tlf northwe;t quarter n.utl west halfsouthwe!IC 1-~. <ection 1-!, Tp. 10 ::;., rau~;e 2-' ea:;t. Wituesse·~: Samuel Colli us, Ch:trlcs 1'. Clarki Frnr,ce• 1\L 'HbbeJJo nucl EJwa.rJ ::l •• \fc!'uerson, a I ol Lincoln eo11uty. N . .vi.

1 5 llF.n. D. BtnYM.-\N, Regi~tcr. grcss: . Tha 1-{l'ollud · inj Lecomc a matter of history. ccivNI'$3.000 fo1· merely ri~ing in his ....,., .... "A'•.-~ to bhat ei~of miufug Acting uudet• the; advice of G~.,n. se&.t and snviug-: "!•tease, rour Honor _NOTICE oF !:'RE-FM!'TIO~T PROOF.

~nntlrlill< Plaoo1!1C . Ihttou a '.·eat• ll!!O, I·- i·ewo,-e.o the I I II k t ,. . b' , Hmted States Land 'Office, La.s Cruces. N. 111., I ~ ll S 1a a~ - YOII 0 OISIOl>\S t IR ca~~. Nov. 27th, l~H3. g_ .iu Det>.~rtL ___ ,cnt T=. 0 feather !Jed with w !J ich Ill r p•·ed.,ce~s- Gen ern. I Ram B!'OWQ oace ··e"eivmL Notice j; hereby gh:•·n t~at tl>e_follo~:in~:name•l

'JJ ,.. , t;.;; "' "' • set1.ler:'l have file1i twtweot ~heir Iutt'lhtou lo mnk=' tee ?.f._Y.l'~.ek ~ald tbat '1 or_, Deac·.~n. Har_furd, bad bolstered up $1,000 ffll'~iltin<r in cOUI't \Vhile a mur- fiw>lr>roof iu ~upport of thei_r re,peetive claim;

r ·~••·••o 't"' "' · bet;ro the Hl\gt•tcr aurl Reeen•er u~ La; Cr,wco, apphed til pla.:er 1 h1~ adm nnetr:ttiOI\ by ~tulfing I he win- tler ca:!'e was being conducted by Ia lV· N. M .. on the l>th day of Jnrnary,lK~~. vh: •

:'IS to v · •l d I-> w atll' •uhst1'ttJtnd 1 l'' d' h l r 1 1 I I .Jmw WM:rERH, ou tled:tJ·,,t,'ry ot.atenll,u!., No. • Clll tif. lo e I uO ' .l . . c gas~. , Ill mg ye-rs w 0 g Jt e•s JCCfj. ll t •e ega 26•J. f()r tbe ''Outben"t q.larter "ort!Je,,<t lj'lartcL',

~"''"i!' •a_!;)Uf. ao,'-q~·\ I'0\.'6- i nothing ill the O.ook of. ill~fi'UCt. iUUS to paofession it is not nj=~\'S the Ill. WI I' I' ""nth halfMrtnea•t (JLUtr~t·r _!lwluu,-t'!e'"t l]utLr• f . - ' "' n· ... · ~ "' ter uotthcu.'t ttuartl~r, .t>CctlOU 1. i01Vu.~lup :2d s..n!h ..

p~jesertf ~s .be, lloit"up·on postma~t~t·s wh1ch made th<;> fe~thcr who doe8 the most wod;: who gets the """1!" ~5 _c:.,t. \\'it.u<'""" M. :\\oll/llld•l, Tru-- bf1 UJn Mnh,m awl Y ~p\HU.Il~Pno )r'ft•lll.a. tJi Ltu<"olu 1'1 ;C.r lode bed a pal't of my ntfici!ll dotiefl, I filed moRt pay. While t!.e late ::O.Ir. JaJ(>b · Uo, .:-!. :ll .. all!! Jobn H. Riter, of D-Jua Ar.a Co.,

'"""''~Cill f .Jl' in it a way in an o hRcu m PI o.~e n tul huntt)t l ~nn gr t $2:50 for"ta lk in~r Rix: con~acu' in• N"'?\r,·nos-A r.o. on rlet•lar,tory ~tot< m··n~. On . it in cffigv, also, in the gl"amin<Y. Tbi,; hom~ iu 11 i>u·vo m iu inLI' ~uit Geneml[ '1'1,!'- f,, hthc w>rth h11lf ""rthwc't qLutr.er,

.. ~ . • ::- ... · ' .,, nort l'U.~t qm1;r~r w.n·tueast q..tart~r .• ~•-o•v·~ he case act ril:\dllened 111y P~•·tlcc~;;~o•· to such IHnughe~ n·ceind$~.00i)f01• tlu•diguit.y ~ "'"l.~1t.t ···~~~; q· .. c:;,.,· .-, ~t. .t ,,,,a,·lcr, oe< '""'

t l l 'b• . • •. uci,_)~LII. • . W!~UCS<l013.: ~1111kwli1~i~;.,,':a.degrec that 1e t 1C11 ant •·l'e lecame f of hi~ IH'CSefh~. Qtdtr.· a numbel' of PPLer

I. fi J ·t' tl 1' ' I .\ all,•fl ' . 3 er u, l~'t: w cacc '.awyers ut tho ·ct·lJur .. -aru as muc J>


4;,~ik}i~'f.il:il,OAKS- - -NEW MEXH: ... lJ

------0. EWING p A.!l"fl:RBO!<.

· " President. Seeretn ,;


Vice Presidc:1t. 'l'reasure.

'· WrLLIAII WATSON, Su:perio,tcndent. ·1... . : io\

I .J ; -~ t' • • ;4. t ·•

" :ti~pjtal Stock. $1,000,()00. (.; . ~

,.. ----: . ' • l .~

J!W'·Prlncip!Ll Office-White Oak!, N. M. Bra.neh Offi•a-417 Piue liit.street. Loui!• uo.



The Territory of New Mexico, 1. ss GoUinty of Lincoln, ) •

To All Whom It May Concern:

:t-::rog·al JOSHUA T.. WAYN,E;

Better kno•ivn in Liuooln


Grocerie£1 and A Braud-N ew Stoek of

Liquors and Ciga~. NoGAL,

H N. ~L

You are hereby notified that the uuder>igned N p have expeeded the mm of $200 in hlror Rnrl im- 0 a ten. t N €II P~ w prm ... rmcut upou the following mining claim re- ~&" €3 spectivcly to wit,: The A. P. Liviwg;ton lod,•, loc

PATENTS cated .fn.nuary 12th, 1880, in White Oak!! mi'l!in~ 1 di~trict. iu the county and territory afm'l!Sa.id, as will a.ppe~n by ~ertitiealc,; tiled in tim offi•oe of the lteeord~r of•n!d cuuqty of Liu<J?lfi· iu ortl"r. to 1 Obtained fo1· :.\iech•uticrrl f> •v' -hold saul prcn.n:-e undt'r the J)fl)\l510U~ nr ~e(·tlon I ( l e ICe~ 'll

2,:)24 of the 1!-evi'e'l 0tn t\tt.e,; of the U uile·l States, Com pouutl~<, Design~ and LJ.LlJel~. ~alfi ex.pendteure ht•wg tae unnual u.sse.~m~;nt re- * • • •

quire:! by law for the years li>81 "ud lkR:2. and if A!J preluumary exanuua~]'()IJS as t(l> within niuety dny• from the service of thia uotice. ~t, t· 1 'l't, f' • • F 0 hy publicatiou iu the Whit.e Onl<s 1l0hleu g?a. n P•• •.n .t ll I \ 0 llJVeiJtJOns, ree. m 11ew•paper publi>h.e·l in.\\ hite Oak,,, in. saiJ rp_un·I'Gu i<le to 0 bfa in in g Patents '' is S"llt' ty, YOil should ftnl or refu~e to e>ntrtbllte !'Out' . ' -portion of :mch cxp.mditures. n; co owuers. your I f•·ee evetoyw here. Add l'P~~. 1utere1tiu tho "ume will be forfeited ·nn<l he,>ome . ,, , tbe.rn:operty?fthe 1tn1e,rHi!?!!Cdacc~rdiug tllaw.l LOUl,, BAGGEH & en

Whtte Oak•, N • .:11., Nov. <th, l5x.~. I Solicitor~ of Patuctq,_ iiEO. w. PRICHARD,

' w. T. 'fHUR,TUN, ADIM H. Wmnwm:.


Tile Territory of New :VIexico, l , 8 Couuty of Lincolu I" · To All Whom It 1\[!ly Concern.: ~

You are hcrehr notifietl tl111t th~.:Unde•·si'!'neri· have e:.:pende<l the >um of $~011 iu labor no<! im· nro,·e•nci.Jt upo.1.1 l'uch of the followihg_ •niuirl.g·j· ,.,.IUD'".re,;pectit·•·lv to wit: c,.ptain Kid lode, 'I

.Tn.uua.r<• lfi1 h. ~~~l', Rip V "•n'l'iukl-3 lo<le.


. toca-~e,:!Dec.lOt.h. l'ill.awltheCom•tooklole, lo­

!0. l s-;g, all tu White l)a.k,, miniog dis-. awl territory afores~ irl. as ,

1\!ll>ell;eoy ~~flill>Ntl.•,; filed iu the offi(le of the 1 of Liuenlu, iu orier to'

v,rj[~;~i~!:J the P"nvi:don~ of ~ eetiou LC ;-;c.nurco of the l'nited Hmte•,

the u.nnunl a.-:ses:~nwnt, re~ ll:l~l autl 1 f.:/\2 awl

• ,·:: .. --:--sen-ice of thi:~ ·Jotiee~

f:g~~1~~~~j:~~i::~i~:;~,I~ Onk< Holrleu l':r>1., a of White Oaks, or to eon-

w AS!II?W'l':>N', D. c.

'l'l•e BrYlm.s' GriPE is lls­t;w;ti ll.l:m:h ami ~e· 't .. ~:~·:b year: !!W pag(·3, ·s ~ ':-:- !I } iJ;,·h~, with m·,"r 3,:;cu ill1str~tions-a w~.v:e ]'ic­

. L~;nq . .;u.ilery. (ii,·· .. \\ i.j~:u­eiale prices dir• d to con.-mmers uu -,II '""' !~ •for personj.l nr family uso. lc· .. , h··w· to ord.,r, :.mJ gh es exact Ci'>Ft c I c;,·r:-·­thlllg you l:~c, (·at, drink, wear. or }la-..u fnn with. 'JI1e;d inv:tluaLle J..,,;,:; """' tuiu infnrm~ti"n gleaned frm:\ tlw H1at>

kets of the worl<L '\Ve will m:d ;t , . .,

Fr~~o to any addxess upon re-.·c.-1 poo t.><;e-7 een ts. Let U.s hea r

1-tr:spootfnlly, . · . MONTCOM!ERY W

i!l<l'l' &; llllll <fUIIJ<M

I I ~


r .

. '

Page 4: ASS YER Livery, Sale - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHITE... · ASS YER Livery, Sale and Feed Stablt3 •• Chemist. (lgr,Ca~iwSt

Golden Era.

ln .. Is. Ct Jd.: • .Seb.J.)l C iU\te&i~!!L.Jue.-1.. ~·:\In :1 .En .. l~r.cr ,

,_Bill r,~e at-. t• ._t: ;rt!r 'l 1 -billE~£ tr~y.

lor.~.l\:.ill"€' ~( tt•...- l).~.tce-\\r. ~~ .. ll~!lneL.:t.rJ •

~·~.JJJJ...J;t.· ....... :-.:lh .....

A h.j int~:te~fi!l:{ I'Uli'O'o l ltltnlll

:om"~ tll> front All•taqunque. It1~1o

tl.c u.i et tiJ 1t tiJ .. A , 1. & S. 1•'. h:l" at !:Ft S•, m·c i <l;e lu. H'H 4 mt(·l(·~t iu the

• r • '

- :Olf I HE:-

I~ionser Store., •

~---====:- Keeps His Stock ==:=:-:-.--­Up Vv ith The Inci eased Demand of the Country.

"¢-;WHITE OAK'3 AYE7'1JE.~

N. :tv.!: ..



Real Estate An~ Insurance •


Houses tu Bent., (:ollections

Made And Taxes ~aid For Noq-Residents.

I' r~ ll \~TIL F. I'ROPlmT\ 'r:s- Tfm F'tl[,J,IH\ T~ < JH>;fRICI5 •

( '(11..-J)'S }t;_,l \. .. :1,.

• ' ' SA X ~-1. N DF_JS,



• Addl'ess : JONES TALIAFERRO & Co.,



noLD ).IJ:Yf~H CO:\TPA~Y

r,~t• thut. Nogal Sto:re. E.'"· Puu""-t1.

s~ c ... t

.Jon :s: '\. 11 \J 1 ..... c;~ I JOSHUA T. WAYr~E, Vu.:eJ~rc~nlt ut

"':.ILl UI \\ :\ n:m~, SdiJe\"lltt~n )('ut

-------Capt tal Steck, Sl,OOO,CDO.

l6i~ Prindp•l Otl1 ~-n lmo Ollld, S". ~t. !-:1 H,.. ~ fH'u c--.tl';' P\00 :'j, •• Hl eet. l.u il'" ~l!l

NOTIC~ OF FORFEll'UJUl: 1rtJc T' ltltorr •~f N"env ;\!e~It!o, ~ ~o:

Cn 'utl oj I~t,,t~QIJl -~ • To Ul Wl10m It lila)' Conceru •

Bettel' !,nowu in I~iucoin C.)llnn


j Grocel~ies and. Pro~isions. I A Dt~ml-'NPW Stock of ·

'j Liquors and Cigars$ .N. !If.

Page 5: ASS YER Livery, Sale - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHITE... · ASS YER Livery, Sale and Feed Stablt3 •• Chemist. (lgr,Ca~iwSt

-~-... -


t • .. - ...:;.,._ .. --..=...-... .;.... ... --.. . ...:....-... ----

The Golden Era. '


n: ' ; ' ,..

·-~-··2. ... •.· .,

G m .J.'It E . .k ifiERO RAN JJISE

' '

• t:,~~=:~~l\~~:::~~~~:~~:v-. ~-11\-,.t-k~~e:::~~!i··--:~l~-·:,-l~o;-:~-~~-~o~:-:~o~-~:-;~::,·~.:~: ,£ PA' T ~E. N-1 :. ~ ,,~':::!""~ =:;::::.~======::::::======--;. will jU!!t !Ill)' o. w:.a·d. u1' two ou.that 1u~w IIVRtem.-JJetU:eJ·News. M. s. Taliaferro, Edator and 'Manaa:er. hi·Dd. 'l'bt•t-e i~ pl lily f,)lllakc a town; I llfUNN & CO., of tlto Scrr-. ... TIFICAmntlC'A!f eon l

-··----~-- -------r---------------' . ' ,., •• , ct't• .... u'lll'te O••ks, CV"II l'f he"' Our Washtngtun Lct;er. ' Unuetorwt .... s.,:Ic;tnrsfur J'rtter·ts Cavwt;s' Trud; 'I J ... •• s· 'T I' '" p O..l'sbers .,. • vi n ~ • Mark•. O!Jlllrif'hl8\ :f<>r the tinlled 'St:lt"'• Gmu!la onea ... ..... • . • aa.erro, Uu I • . ~ J!:ngland, r'ltl.llCA, Uerm•ny, etc. H·•·td nook allout I '

g,•ltl Dl ines were th~ tJuort•st h!·<tcad ol' Rcgu.l~ar Corre8po.,dent Ql' the Era, P<lfento ••nt fr~u. ThiitY-•eveqJcaJ"S' operienee ' --.- . l . I l 1 \V • D c D Pntentsol~tltt•!''? tl•rul!o:h MUNN & co. are noticed OUR AGEN'fS. tll•.: I'IC lC!'l •. Ill t 10 Wl!~t; 0\'Cil if llhe l ic · a§h mgtun, . ., <lC 22, 1883.- Ia tho SciRNT!H<. A>umtCAN, the larne•t.t•wt ant: A I l • most widel.r ctri~~~rated AClenttflc paper. f;J.~O .. R! Yer.r . . -.-- l~ut h:tNt~ 1\ ~ingle A''!ld miue, OI'U ~inglt• · 1uge lUll imtce lll't!l'•~sted in the fale Weol:ly. tlPieD<ll<i ~n~:r~>vtno:sand t!l~rc·stln~r ,,_.

The fbllo"'iuc petiKI .. ! are dub auth~rized. k ] d £onnatlon. Specimen copy .,f the Sel•11tlfic A 1118..._ •"e»~a.fur l'a&J.or.olul JllJIA: l>I'<.Pili-Ct of uue. uur rna in a·e~ources or r·ulan -nu ti.IIU IEnce made U() lca11 ~~ent f!<!e. Ad•lrP•• MU.NN & co liciE!<TIJric· ... " r Jl • AIIERICAN Olllce, 201 liNliUtWilY. Nmi- York. ' fs:z: o:t~~,.~· _-, _- _ _ I"T. 8, ... ~~:,;~ Ill'~! OJucb as litl a lou ,I{ i imu hlle t'1·o•n ln•·gely of tuthusiastie Irisb-Arnet·icau I • W,Poa, - · - - - R.uu.cl!a&KK. m6 inertiae; the\' nt•e ht':lV\'; it take~> citizens, With a 8pl'iukling of mumucJ'i .

&h'lTB L••· - - - - - ..... N.!()I.N • . - . - • I A. H. WJIIlTil'l<>,... '!iO&WRLL •. pn\Yt'l' to 1111'\'e tlU!Ill; tlu·y w Jllnnr. go ur Vnnt,:'l'c•s;; \VR!I as~emhle.l at .l<'ul'tl's' lil&illf . .t.t>~<t&ltlu»•Qll', ib:t•t:t.ouu.l •.,. \V. ;11d • tl1• \' I 1 l 1• · t · 0[l"l'" (.IOli'C l·ast t1'1u·l·t t · t 1 · 1 s TA G E c 0 M PAN ;Said&!Uia<(<.;tr<:" ttburilt:•tto r""eil't: UUltJ.8Y Cl" u. ' , · '• lh:IJI 1111 II ,,, UU irltllll')J • .. I. . ' • "' • tl l\ \I! l\l'lJOil. · · y aab!cri~>Liuu•tl:ud .r~oei!•< tonam.,. 111 &ht·ia· ,1<•\'l'l<~pmeut. Just a.uch as conct•ruiug the •'X!'Ciltinn of P .. tl·ick ·

1 · .· . . .·

'· --------- they nre, unc•l t.h:vclopnl, have: be- O'D •mH•II, ln I<:ngb11tl, lust .Mouda,· ; trar R11.tared at tb.~: p.,_. Ollie" a~ White Ur.k~ • · '1


.,l!ec!o .. ,..CI" .. ;J.fn.tt~r. eowc the liJ .. o\lld. ~nul wul tht•oh\.lin;.{ fnt· tlu~ ldlliu~r nf Can•r, the infna·•ner.·· iu•/IJ't of mig-ht~ !ly•II::UII of t:iHilllll'l't:t•1 The liS~t'IUIJ!y \Vll~ of IIICIIIIIOS!h·. UUt"

--;;.-:-;., ~ . f l--1 ·-s·-·. c•, k .. r popula!iun, mul ot a ch·Hizt.tiuu ltulllhl'r of lntlics (Ct:npi,·d "C'il~··n Ll:e Sa.n Antonio, .t..u'l1iiiS uol·<.on}' (\ te pl'iUg'l~a· ~, .. oc -. . .. . . . _ \\ luch knnws n·1 fitt•p 11 rcu·agres~wn. ordu!Sim dmll':;. I W.: htt\'tl t:<·nl Wl• han• irun. Wui · :\11·. Uoi.Jiu~ou.Ncw York,,lmna:Jtlr•d 1 White OakS


mau, bus retul'llt!d fa·om 1t vio:it c:tst.

'~'bu El P•'iiO J)ailu 'l'imes, SU!OJWtuletl . have qu>tl'l'h:!i of lll'll'h:e. \\'t: h·lVc, ll•J& t:he r• •mil of L•JI'd J. Hus,ell LIJ\VdJ. 1 l:&!!t ~allmlny. Tlmt's Whllt tl•c)' ~et Ill; IUn,a !Ji'Ol"lJI'Cl II' :m iudi.:;ltiou •)f ~lr. Cnlkiu~<. or Indiana, maiutaiu!•ti -:.u·o:- Ft. Stanton.

. r,ar uotexchll.U!!illg with U!!. .:o:t!, hut\\'() have coal, in l.lt:t', IWO Ul' that O'Douuc!l had lJm~u illc·~ally C' u-·. ~ • :L. tlm:cn td:tc.·s, wh!!re yc;u <crul. vh:lcd, :uul !lb. Finnerty tll!(:lna·cd that -o-

Cnlthv~U, llf•tho, (iucl·l'l:l :t. bwu lo;: ~•Jl'l ~tc h, feel it, hui'U it. Tlu.•t·e is' til'! l'a·esidcut ought tu have demaudNl eVt:I'Y cluhl bom:thc1w Jetwe .. n a he l.nh, . · . . · · .1. . f' II f 1 · · O'f · · _ ' ,J. . • pa·c•l4 u!. Jt. · here lll't• \ n~t u: l s <• t UJ l'<'i!'JllliJ o.t ),,uucd ft~t·umctl' tiuys

..... Tltnc To.bl'! I·*'" or .Mnv •utll;;:tir. or IIIIC mx.t. Well!' () 1. • ' l. 'I . . I . r . ·II. \) )'011 uo•lcl'oc lh-H, Yvll enstcrn !LII( .Ill! Cfltlll.t tlf ll,llfiVC!!IIiiJI'C!Illlcd I i.e }.rrive, •ow 1 • Depart,

·. •. m.u? No. "A wc~teru buum •. " \.·ou ,· di,·>lomatit~ ·rcl:ttionos. lit:> ·,, .... tli,·t.·ci !1· .._ Wll11"K O.a.Jl8 .. Tbc Uulumdo (Texa") Clipper•, :. ~nr. \V..: C~ll i::tl'.!ly u!umc you. Y •• u ,· IIJ!l( if, iu (:OuFoqnen•;c of thiii Sll'rll! Arrh·e from Snn Am ..... h, -

1 Depart for '" _ aped11l Christmas etlitiuu, 1>1'111 b)· 0111~ h'~\·u l:ccu Ecd to too often. WI! will cours1•, Euglaucllull11 st•ut hl•a· tl:>ct out~.~r~i,..efromFt.Htnatou 0111 llchotll-n•ntt''Asa.Fa.,,.au,is.l\t lumd. w:ut. Some tby t •mcoa.t• w:ll.tli•cu\.'ct· ;, .hcrt·,~. hi' would h •. ·tvc got thrJ wor•t 1,r, Depllrtfor " -

)'CIIlT 57A:S1:0!\'! :Matt) thauks, ABA. ~hat IVc lhJ\Y kuow nu:l w 1!1 make 11, ,, .• 111 the Wtu· ol 1812. )1•·· llcH'uJ'Il,, Ar,·ive. _ _ ·---· ---·---- .ll t'urtunu o!' it, 111111 willnH>k•.lll ((.1\\'J\ 'of Colomclu. m:lintaiuctl lht! riuht ofi Depar~.

.t.Ji A~l'O~JO,


9:30a. m. • 4 p. m.

12 noo.ne 2~:~o p. tn. 2:30 I'· m.

12 noou.

i p. 1n. 8 B .• IU,

. ERI'ICru l!blN'I•l'i~~ i,; \Yell lll!UJif•·sled. of White Oak··· We: havu irun; nvt n 1 t \'m-y man to kill :t. •·~nenk," null d<!· 111 lht![Jl'~lty IUII.e ltlh~g~aph :ln~ nc·,-;wiu, ':l lJI'O'SlJcrt \II' au i•a.licad<.>u ut' dar1'tltlmt hnti O'l).>t·•mdl liol'u ll'ie1l

£0llli1JIIl.PU.;;.soa,~".Wrut.fol't.l~c(:tmlc·l iron. but. ii·11n • . Yun.can i!ltlll. it, l't·v.'l it,· il.1 Co! .. rado he. '.ruuld .h:we hccn buk4'>t,) \Vag~t, . llc~1t 0~11 °) :;tude· wei~h it, if ~on like, iu urn·, t\'\·o, ot·" pl'OIIlj.)lly :u:quittc!l. The llitlt!l'est t'c· ker llt•.J!:., of ~onth Ben.t, Iml: I hullth'cll pl:tccd. 'l'hct·c i, vleuty ... r it.! lmlw, h,IWC\'cr, elillt·tl ronh by ()'D. II

ll. Il. IIILLS, Sup't.

Jlmlnn. tim ou~~mnn, l-nt; ly offcretl It is !o i'll·lltJ as to nlti'IICL 110 IWticl', 't:t<ll'" •·x··•·ution, i~ t!w f•·rm:tl re:J.igna­.l.OUtl to 1\D\' mni1 in the l'aLcific erltlst lJu y.m i.a·lcivc thai, yuu, castes·u · ti<'tl loy _jfr. John J,lseph Hy1ua of hi.; Wftt) wuuhl oult'~i\'r" him. tituvensun meta. i' lleeu lit•d to luo ufteu, 1.'11?! AtuPJ'i~:au dtizen~ldp and the retu1n by 1l•!CCIJie•i• but Unulnnuow u11 !iri the lat· So•.lle on;: will discover tlli~: t•w,e~,·~·t~j ~tim•>f ~~~~ fi:J.tnmlizati:,u p:t.JHI'" tllt!w l~SI' to reie:ase. bill!, a tid won't 111tntc hi• utthy. \\1 c la;tn: utulnc. \V hem ts 11? · Jntlgl·s ot the Com·t of Common J>lca~.

GOAL MEJW1J A .NT. -----·------·------------------COAL!

COAL! I'CBIIull wh)'• Couw 0\'1!1' uud we Wi!l ilh••W it to you: He St:OI'IIll to he :.uy lr?ugm· lhn citi· llo•t Cll"l in N1l1v Me~ie<" Delivered ~t y 0,1r "'

-- _ . · ra~t cuougll. W c 11•1V1J unlilllitl!clpiue: zen of a t·l~[muli.; w J.it,h :tllows A•ne1·i At I\ Cult>l'eU hop in I.nlt v <'gRill· ful'l!,;t~, euit.l ole fu!' Uli i! tl it~g l'lii'J.lviill~ i enu d liZl'IIS tu be hanged ttiJI'mtd w hcu

'flnnsdny night, one .John llnul;s ot· foa· fuel •. Y"tl c1111 s(~e them with·! llrcy l'ommit mu•·dt:>r, or nllowl! them $5. 00 =i?'e:r 'J:'CJ:l.. (col1or•·1~} ~~~~~~d c.nt his. r~vol"l'l': nnd .ot.•t comiJ~g W;lhiu lifly anile,; of here. !

1. tu. b~ iml>l'isonPli w.ht•u tht:y hluw 1 · '

ful,oua·1shmg l.t :li'OUI•d 1t \VIl~ ncctd<!nt- Anti l'Ct we :rrc 11001., Whl'll the: bul!tlmg~ up, uuum· S<•ntqJt·t·S Whidt I b~t.-o !Milities for ~·,tlin:;: oat aurl dolh·eric;; Jy disch:tt';;f"ll,killiug:.fl )lexican :nu .. imd;!! IU'C lllllle mauipul:nin~ lhcir! h:weunt !Jct·U uppi'O\'t:ll oy Irish:ncu iu auyq:mutit.l'attheslwrte~tnotiee. •ici:m, ra:uned J••ii•' Mll.l'ia Abcyti:t. I•l'opel'lk", whl'll tho \Jig llhJnopolies l thi., tunntry,

h.lVc fmzen out the t<llltlHcl'lllunuvolit·s I ~i..-1·gt. ,J .. hu A. ){nson, who w:as pna·.

which arc frcuziug us llltl, :111.1 .h:n·t' I dun ell fl·ou1 the A. hnuy pcniwutiary W:ith W. II. W•c:l & Co., 3n<l they will be got hold uf enough cual laud hertJ at I :N"\"<!tnbc:l' :!7th, t.J which ho wa,; sen

I uceem: li.gurcs, Mtd ha.\'(• u!Jtuiucd r tt'Uetd by court lll:llti1\l fo1· eight yetu·s .

Do~r .For Only

-Leave Your Orders-

Protnptly l;'ill•d.

Q .• A.YOUNC, '




lHfOKEHS'. OUTFI'l'S i t

IIATmw AI~E. DCRS, ' ~·

SASH, ~tc., &c.

-t~~·,·MiliER~' S'PPLIES A SPECIALTY.:'·~-• • ! '

W nrr~ (J .L.Ks An: •• - ""H'.!T.E 0 A.K!; N . .}f

----.......___,, ---

---·---- r'

D· UN N I PC 8c MILLE R ' -' ;


· ta~le an I


t-•ick'a Jl'loml Gttide fo•· 1334-, cnh­

tsiniug about 11. thousaml ilht~II'R.tinns ur ftuwer!!, l'lant~ a111t vegfltaMc•, with inuructi(m;i for growing, is 1\l tmntl. Vick ahV!Lys bas ilomcthiug uwe· in hi>' f:Juicle~, and this ill lib excep!imr. La­diea wi!•hing l'J ordf'r ftowct· se('(b of auy kind, c:m sue til& buok at th i~ vflice.

E. ''Dick'' Cochra.n. tclwngia nf the SlLCI'<Lilltmlo ti:ll bei'l!mds I f<•l'. shnnt iu g :u Uu iteau, L h1' ll~>llli< m, fo1• Lhe:r vut·po.;es. we Will gtt a 1'1Lil·llll'I'IVNl he~·t- ht~t cVt•ning :tml put u;> l'utHI, aud we Will ha1·e n town, IL ci1y. 1 nt the llan·is i10tel, ~Iasou, 1111 his t·c ·w·ul'l'E OAKS,

. ancy rocenes, --·--=::"---"---=---=-...:! ----...~.o-

\'{hen will thntlJe? W~llouut kllliW,!IIm~e, i!lliiiCtlilLtcly weut W see hl'l N .. }I.

Hawkill81 the nega·o, munlere:· of Ba·uc:e Uu11t, at Dul'llugo, is ~aid to Ita ve i'ltlll'll CJVt'l' 11 lH'CCil'ice, hl'eaking his nci:k, ancl tn have livl'd long t•umrgh ttftt·l' it *'' make hla coul'tlllllion .It i~o Vt·ry ha1·d (or m; 1wt tl) bdiere that hll matl•' bi;; con fl•HSiim bef•ll'e b i.; uet·k Wl\!1 broken, 1\lld thflt when. be fdl, lbl!re wa.«< 11. •~ope 1 ied to hitn. At nm· l'tllt>• that i!' much more pNbablc-mul ·mnch uicer.

W v will llltt lie tu Y•)lJ, There h:Ls bcl'll [I w iTu au<l .:hilt!, at L•1im~L (.;rove in T>L ... .l ('} • • 'II1' ... , .v ~.· , t..S~, . H uHOP.

tuo mu;;h l,YIIIg th•nu in the tcrrholT. Omngc county Vu., lHI~.;;ing- Lllruugh ------·· .. ------.. ·-----·----The 1wur .foullsh liars dou't IHwiV Ll•at! thi!l city <Ill. his way. Siucu then hu thc•y 1~re llljlll'ing u:onJiiel~·c· and! h~1~ receh:~d olli:rs _of eugal{cmeut~ I DOERGES' 1111<1. clomg tllO! \VIJJ'~t km<l ur hurt tot l•om .. h•H\mun, clvtlucrs :lUll l'(.lll e•- Blacksmith, I

V\/agon and

Re~air S~o~! lr~-li"'First-r·Jasp WOI'k or a]l kind~; <lone

At the ~ho:·test uoticl". \Vt! luarn fram the Optic th<n the

Leu Vegas Gazette changt.;!'l h:ands uu the ill'S' ot' the :nunth, goiQg into the manllsemcnt of a col·poa·ation who•e tncmbet"'llre Jetf.•rilou Ra\'ttolds. L. t•.

we cmmuy uy !J•!r»i~tent mi~I'Ct•m•e,.ta~ /1 t:lle: men. One tit·m utl'ercd him 1111 an­lion. A.r., we di•c~lllll'•lg'l:d? Wu arc 1mml s:Llfli'Y of ~5,1JVi), !.las,Ju wi!l not uut. Th<·rc hn\·c been tut·tuuei m:ulci tlt:t,·rmiue what to uu until .)larch in Lr.s V('gas. !::i:ml<l i!'c, ::;;in·•·Cily and I UI'X.l. A few clays ug<J he rccci\•ed 1\n

A~lmquc~q••t•, pll tHY. of thc111. Tlw1·~ j i.uvit:Ui<>u f'ro111~ ~ eomn~itte~ of l~i~ old Will uc lununes lllt\w.~ hcl't:, pleull' ut ·!ll'glllH:nt, ~he lb:th Olii••, m wl11ch he them. li1·aut iL tu I><: tt\ltl th>~t uu city, •wr,·cd dunug the waa·, lo attend :L l'e­or t()\VII in the uuiun o:;au ~h~.JIV a lll'l'·!uui"n at Z:luc:'d1Ie, Ohi.•, tl;u·iu!!

.. 'I • it'l. I ... 1 I lWII/'I'I,:UAKS •. ··- ·NM lfifllleut Jll'USIJCI'lly IIlii t OIH)' 11p0!11 .. il'll! l!llt~ lltC ;, IIU!I tu:~ IC 1:1>' :L.::· • ·

mines of goitl ua· silvPr; it i,; 111'\'l:the·ll'u,•led. lit• will l• an: t•• night f'rll' ---~i)~V .. '.J'RACTOR~"..:.

. . Brown. Geol'j.:;e J. Dinkel, J. H. Wiit: and \V :dtm· C. li~td 'ey. \V e havt; nut nt writ iug l'ef!rr t be Gazette ns thus t:hsiliged, bnt ll"!.Ht tlmt the pn.prlr it<ocll

. will uot he ch:tn4'Ni fo1· the Wt.t!'!e l'ut· it!! l'eaulu~ "':qua.inlan<·cot.

- -Iu :eglltd to the plucct·-lell'el' at La~

lc~s ll'lll! that suuh miucs help a tuwal Zuws\'illc, 1111•J will rem:tinth.:rc lH'vh·

•vmuleJ·fully. •:m~'icallr, :uul ,;.•mbiucli j ably two Wt!ltk~ m· tll<:t'c, \'i.~iting his i·u·H· E with '.lthera<ivmu:~gc1 fu:ui>:h the ~urc I oltl C<>m•·atleenud the;;ct•ucsof hill !Joy·[ I meautJ ~~f immorliutc gTowth. W u 1 l.ucirl. ~=

MEXICO - -w h:lVc these too. Out· Utll'<:h:mt:> sen•!! Ct•ngTN;; intlulgetl F~ll't'tlny in it~ out wagouloads<.f gi-Od:! oh\ily; WhN'e 111111111<1 t!ll'llt·dy. eurirlu,J Tlte CIU'i~tmas rviining, Locating llo they go? 'l'o the e:tltleml'n awl Rc,·E:S'!, The pl~otof thi~ nmiHiug fa•·c1• · t'at':Ul"l'"• wlto will cowc ht!l'tJ when Lllis i>~ well known, but is nlwun• m·.>,lnc·e·l . '

wir h rp·e•U langhteJ' a1111 del il:'ht. The l'lll'tnin t·rse:• Rbi.lut a forlnig-ht before I he lv•lid:tp,. when C(lr•gressmr•n Rl'c

-· !AND:-

Developing Comp'y. --o-Vega!!, the Gazette ant:l Optic lHwu

&aken widely diVIH'lo poiilious, the 6az~tte. playing tho typical minin~ p~t.pet·, '\D•t lhe Opt,c the sober, truthful &rtd «!OilSCl'\':t.tive busiue~ll pr.pel\ There is 110 doubt!\!! to which lms the

i~ the l@l'lllhlllil of :~ 1'1\ill'(iad, iu ;ouch

number;~ as will ~UI'JII'ieo us. Thl·J'e will btl f•·•·umes nmde lmre. \Ve gt:t h!ue :OlHnet ime!l, uud 1a•oak. · \V c i'•n·get that it h the stayet• that j,!'el.s l het·~. But wu a'•·c guiug u bu llj; solid a t<Hvu a~ thel'e is ill thi;a ICI'I'iiUI'\·, ROIIlU \lny. We laa\'C come to stay. We will stny. Please •·em em lwt· it.

fOI.IUcl ~C11111Jy M•lll'ing TCJIOI'LCI'S thll.t Joa:o )fc~IUII.CRY, Gen'l :O.(~n~ger. tillS )'t:>"!!'t• lht'Y lll'lliJCl:>C t<l sit right lf. T,,Goa.Toll, As.t.lfaua;er. ILioug, nnd kliepChristmus by tJ•:tmllct.· J.C.Kr.IIPr~o~K. Secr3tary.

iii~ thtl pnbliu 1111~ines~ As Dt!centhlll' S. G. BIIARJ>, Treasurer.

true intet·cs(s of Ln" Vegas lll'lll'cst at ltciH'I, or \l.'hidt is 1-:'•;ing to make t.ho b~sl crtt)ital fut• it .. ulf out of its p•lll;tion.

. Mnrk u;;, it will be the· ·tmthful, sober arul conscrvativa papet';, e>verr till". c.

11 ch·:uteel', howe vet·, t hc•e gl'll tlemen rel••ut 11nvna·•l• them~eh·e~, nnd ;;ny thnt

~====-==~ pcJ•hnps they tv ill tr•kc the simple holi· At the h••giuu:ng of the uew yenr tlw dny Wtwk, ou I. he ga·ouud that a quo-

-o-wm J.oea~e. Survey an.I De..elop llii•ine

l>roportics in any of the Campi of

tlte T~rritory.

public sclwol childt·•·u ,,f lkooklyn rum of member.~ could not b11 111'111 will he supplied with boo);:•, 'ilt:Lti• llf'I'Y in the city. But further thnu that tlwv aud slates lt·ce of cost. Thel'tl al'e 6i,· ohjcl:t rnnst. po~itiv!y to vncntion. •

S;,u~ation'al jourrudilnn at timcll b£<- tJ?O school childa·eu in the ~i~r or 'l'he Rr•publiclln si<le of the UonsP. Mines ·Examined And Reported Upon. eornt>&. fli$glll>tiug. It will be t•emem. ~hrn·cllfs and the. llonrt~~~t l<:duca· yestenl:'r J:epUtlinted verr 1'fer.i~ivel}· bet:ed that gomtJ time ·ago tt1e1·e w11~ tum ha!l nJ•propt·aatetl $1 .~.000 f~)r l• hH n~~umed katl:.'t·!ihip of Mr. KeVeJ'.

Contract~ for .Asses,;meut or

Development \V ork T>tken. Estimates .Hade, Labor Proof• Ptlll!llretl ancl Filed,

pubJi;ohufR [fiSll!Hiu !Wt•eed IP tlw ef thu IJIII'l:hr.~e uf the :oiJCeS'IIUV lllCUSll~ I '"II cln•• tile llll"'Sf.lllllel' J t r ~ 1 dy • ~ • · · J' .. • COJ'l"••sponr en !I

feet thllt Sitting Bull was of .Eugli~h 0 \~,11 1 • t tl. t 1 t 1 intlil>n!ctl th.ciJ· opinion of l\h·. IC!•ifer (le "nt 8 d 1 d. • 1 1 . 1 • e IUl1C o see us !<}'~ ern tu op t!f . 1 1 . 1 · ·

IJII:,. • 11: . Ill . l'CC~Ivr•( a I! ~~~"WI~ . J . ' IV l!ll''ID" t 11! l:fii'I'CIIIlO~detJt• rrqllCI'V

Cm,·e.~pondence Sollcitccl. REFERI<:NC&'!t:-W. J. Speaee, \Vm. Wat.on,

D •• J. lf. A .• J~watt, W. ll. Wee<l k Co .. Richard Yottlli\' aml W. F. :Ula.nehnrd, nil or Whit11 Oaks New .Mexico. throtwht. the taufl, t ·IS IL n•~ce~~:ll'\' /· · "" . · · · ·· · ., e" . l'ducntiou in :.n eu~tCI'n co liege. No1v '" • 111 n. bn,h• w luon he slfuted out 011 11 ;;,At

"llt't o( our tm bhc ;;chool c;_vstPm, nn.cll , · • . • • ·." ---·--·----· -·----appeaa·s a. Pettu~.,·h·nnia fl:l'JCl' with .. "llCel I fnvt tl t f ~ "' lL(JU •r " :. nl'S ~ 1he oul.v wond<·t· ill th:ll it was uot gt·n-.' .. : 1 n·r.~•g 10 appom •aeut .o a ~"·' "'• ·''·" n .-.. lhtte!!. incident;;,, and detaill'l to> !ihOIV ~P< Cl'tl o tt .., ---.. -----.. -·---~-r·rr.ily. adu[>ted lr.>n .. <~ au:o. \Vo lliJW i· .! '. c ~l~nl re .on w .. om:ln suua·ngt:>. th:at. beyond a. doubt. El Mn.hdi, tltc· - ntJcl 1 AIIJRJ t t 1 1 1 1 f ·1 . 1 1 •· 'II' .d .1· •· umg ou. 1111 1 1e Ill( . com-Egyptian ;woau•ge, i<> 110thin:t lcs>~ than 111'111" 1 sr; '0 v uUH mgs au pay· ·1 t d • '1'1 . li .

· .., LelLdll!l';; fortheeduc:J!iou ofuua·routh,ll' e c Jt .. ley then If'!} mt•l &he .att Ameri<mn, bol'll in !!UYPttc Vo., 1 rrniJP.I'I' nnrl took theh·J)l•tceQ It lvas

• ·.. • . Rn<l what l't•ns••u •·nu <•x!Rt fut• tla•:twinu·:., · • ' · •

Miller's Place, GEO. W. MILLER, Proprietor • Penn... wlm after s.·ta·nuge VJci>Stturlc;:. . 1 b ? 1 "'


. the flt·st hme ~uc. b n s11nct·1(')e wa11 e\·e1• j · d · . I!' • . • the hue nt 11c wol ool•<~ ''he cost ol' • · ' • • · ome · the ,g~.·ptum nmty, nnd tiuRIJr b · k ... t· t 11 b •. 1 WJtness('cl, t't:(lresentntiv~>s of all the H:tndles the Jeaclt'•1,.a l'ellttrcJ:y b 1!'1 M l' · 1 oo'!', RUI wuer'}'.-e c. \V{Ill 1 e · uut a ~ _

. et:runn •• uhc I. Some poor l'f'POI't('l'll . f . r I • 'I l i' Republfclln nnd Dcmoc .. 1'1\tic Jlapel'S I braud~. ~ncb :.s the ()lcll'rl·l·n··s, tile Ol!l • · k' f. • 1• 1 • met·e rnc110n o 1 1c tunouul pn1t 1y . 1 v

IS wo~· mg or auA~so. ctat" C!f 1tors np. 1 1 • . 1 · 1 joining in it. " I C·.rnv. !o;·, the Am~"rs011 fl,otlntv, tile ()ld . . • - _,._ ·~ t t.e Jlll , 1<: to support· t •e common/· " " A lleuding. suit. in S~u Fraa:ci.;;co lm~ 1l!chool soy-.tt:>m, but it i;~. a suffic~mtt tax .A UGusr. 'row, the Mil dale and the CJieny

brought to hght c~•nstd."r:dJ.lo coJ·re[0.-1 to l.H'~Ver.t tlH>ta!!aurls of the.ebllllre•J ofl ·• ·) AC1·cck (I he latttot'll t"henpcr whiRkcv). poudeuce bet\VCI<fl Uultun a.ud Hnntiug.l the poore.l' cla~sess f&·om tujo~·iug 1 he NEW .AlJV lt.RTJ8EJll E:N1'i~. IRn Uoek and Ryt', Pca'ch ·and Ron~~·. ' tOI'i relative to '£t':x:as Pacific lllg'isla ·1 benefits of fl'eo educaUnn. Tl·c· \'ea·r Peach Ht·aurlr nlld Rre \Vhiskcy, all tian. and a1nou~r it ill following, w hh}h 1 pe,•J!Ic that aa·c mo;;tiu need of thPabell· . L. RALF .. :tS dii'Cct fror11 the distiJlcry. Will' be Gf inlel'ei!t to tho people Of cfiit.S P.UIIfCl'l'C<} by 0111' public sJacool

October 29 1877.-Tiliuk. Saff'ot•d C)f uuviug school bCJok~; lllo~t IIIIUCill'a.- . . . . . lTew lluico. . - Sf!ltem Rre the om·R that find tho cost 1 Lll'ERY STABLE

Will -Jake-­

Sample With. You. }and better bre:a in. Was. bin~tc·'" at lhe

1. b. h.•, t1;1d ao w: compel 1\ large l•~•.·ccnt: · · . ·

eommcul'fliiiCilt of the sesstou, to get ngt• of om· ;\OIIth to grow up 111 that. -ANI) CORRAL, BILLI'\V'AHIB,TE·I~AKHS ALL. Coug.r.essto.coufJ.a·rn b. is act.i in Aa·izon~ I ig~JrJrnt~ .... •. c which i~ that allr nf vile and I a;;,w Axtell, t.ho govt:ruor of New t'l'llne, m or<le1· to snvu tho petty sum

Me:Eioo, an·t·l· he. f<llitl he t.honght. if wei· wh. iuh wuulcl.ma.ke their al.teudanco. iu TH!U'.WORATii:RESIJRT wotild &l·nd·to J.iru such a bill fl& we school no; uuly !\}o~:'lible but cm·tain.

Wanht~,~~d i~ltO a htw, be could get Thu total co"t of rrovjdittg lext buoks <Formerly Ston•'s.> ' fOR £VERYBO'OY. =-. it/1. ·.·.·~ .. )t. w111t .litJie or no moor.y, ~ould. be :p·••n&ly reduced by the udup- WHI'rt;; OAKS. N. M. ·· -:o:- -w ·. , if 'We S• nf. a man there they . taon ol the B.:ooklyn l'lun tln.)llfl'hom BILLIARD TABLES.




fine Cigar, an~ To~accos. Cor. Pine: St.a.nd White Oa.ks Ave~


ccccccc\1 C G c c c c c p cccccccc

oooo 0 0


' i SIIIII!Drs to 0~1.1.0, SILL loB .t Ci},,J . - W::HOJJS.ALit AND R£TATL- -'

asus ~· :r .a • ~Ir i

~~~~5o=-=-~~~~;;,.;;if~~; • •• E l\1 .MM ··.:v; f llr X Jf 11 Mllf J . k KM 'H t lr X lll' ){ ! :u: l :it: ){ • l lll' If li

The celebrated

.-hhtil'l'c: Mm Cot· :argo &tiumnts. He I the er.uuta'Y. One set of bonks shottld A FULL strP.PLY OFl CLUB .ROOMS, .· <•irtif you would nmke a bill and scrad l!nffi•:c for •evcml .. llt•br of echo! A I.'S nnil COR. N. OATS H .A.'.y & FINE LIQUOR?, · or '"o \V~aldroll it could b~· purdlt~,Fiug at whole<>ale a l'tt!<lhii;V• . ' · ' · ~ C., ·~


Buggies, Bu ...... oarcts. auu

"'""an. jng would uuticcd in the pre~cn\ o9 II.m<l mul fol" sa(e • . thejuc11e,s in b:tdmeth\).11 iudh·illunlsnpJ,l>·· ne. . , G-ood. ~Usio.

- ...... " :... • . • of I Horsn Btardad by the Day ' Week. WfnTE QAK~l •r . 1

• .. ..

' .


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