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Assault at the Gas StationSterlino (Menguzzo Stefano)

September 9th 2006

There are 7 secrets in this mission.

Initial Objectives:

Take the Primal Node or when the attacks start, everyone will die! Loot Goal: 2500 (Normal), 3500 (Hard), 4500 (Expert) When everything is complete, find another exit to the sewers and meet the Pagans.

Objectives that show up later in the mission:

Congratulations! You found all the gold available in this mission. (Bonus) One worm is more than enough for this sorry world. Find a way to kill all of those

Karras clones. Put that nice timebomb on a chair in the laboratory and activate it. (Bonus/optional) Why don't you put that timebomb near the Big Machine, between the join pistons in

the Main Room and activate it. (Bonus/optional) Add some spice! Put the timebomb in the machinery room in the Lab 2 zone and (of

course) activate it. (Bonus/optional) Ah... the place for the timebomb is in the main cistern room, over the little boiler to

the South/East wall. (Bonus/optional) My compliments! You found all of the secrets in this mission. There should be an interesting reaction between the two kind of gas. Try exchanging

the Redgas nodes with the green gas to see the results. (Optional)

Walkthrough by Nightwalker & Freddy Fox


You start in your room. Read the note on the table, then collect your equipment from thefootlocker. Go down the steps and out into the street. Head south, then go along the street on theleft (E) and enter the Gas Station main entrance on the right.

Sneak into the guardpost on the left and pick up a purse (100), a silver coinstack (+12 = 112) anda coin (+20 = 132) from the table. Read the scroll (install a gear at the rear?) and take the twokeys from the wall. The grey key opens the double doors, but it looks rather busy and noisyinside. Perhaps there is another way in?

The Back Entrance

Exit the Station and enter the building on the right. Pick up the gearwheel leaning against the

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machine in the northeast corner and retrieve four fire arrows from the furnace pit. Now walkWest, turn left through the arch, rope up above the doorway and collect a moss arrow from thewindowsill. Go into the room below, and flip the lever low down in the NE corner.

The steel cover retracts, exposing a gear train with one gearwheel missing. Pop the gearwheelyou are carrying onto the axle and the metal door on the right will open. Secret #1!

Creep into this room and steal the purse from the patrolling mech (+100 = 232). Now open thelittle door high up on the left wall and flip the lever; a panel on the floor opens, exposing a lockand a rotary valve. Pick the lock open and turn the valve, which opens a panel on the South walland exposes a gear lock. The sleeping guard is wearing the key. Use it on the lock, which raisesthe covers on two hatchways low down on the East side. Duck into one of them and slide downinto the water-filled sump below and pick up three water arrows, five heavy iron balls and ascouting orb. Climb out of the water at the South end. OK, now how can we get out of here?

Roll the scouting orb through the small aperture in the South wall. Aha, a weigh bridge - that's agood clue! Roll the heavy iron balls through the aperture to activate the weigh bridge and openthe rear entrance to the Gas Station.

Inside At Last!

Go through, pull the handle on the right (W) to open the door, go out into the corridor and roundto the left. Pick up two spice bags from the machine room (+80 = 312), then go left (N) at the Tjunction. Enter the Main Room at the end - note the Zone Under Construction sign on the right.Hop onto the elevator, operate the lever and ride up to the top. The double doors to the Northopen into the main entrance hall - that's the busy, noisy area you saw earlier. The Lieutenant is

Secret #1

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snoozing in a chair. Steal the Ltd's Room gearkey from his waist, then flip the left lever on theWest wall to send the elevator down again. Walk over to the other side of the Big Machine andclimb the ladder. Up here you can collect three coins from the floor (+60 = 372), a crystal fromthe toolbox (+25 = 397), three flares and a moss arrow. Read the note, which contains usefulinformation on how to open Blast Door B (the door into the Zone Under Construction).

Climb back down the ladder, walk past the corridor leading to the weighbridge, turn into the nextcorridor on the right and go up the steps to the Dressing Room - the door opens automatically.The sleeping guard is wearing a purse (+100 = 497), there are three coins on the floor beneaththe bench (+60 = 557) and in the lockers you will find a healing potion, two more purses (+200 =757) and two silver coinstacks (+24 = 781). You will also find the Anti-Gas Mask! It might be agood idea to practice taking it off and putting it on again before you need to do so in a hurry.(The method is described in the mission briefing. One tip: ensure that nothing else is highlightedfor frobbing when you click on the mask.)

The Officers' Quarters

Leave the Dressing Room, walk straight ahead (E) and through the door opposite into theOfficers' Quarters. Note the guardroom on the left as you enter, but don't try to get in there yetbecause it is occupied! Continue East to the T junction, go left and then enter the WC on theright. There are two coins in the urinal (+40 = 821) and in the right-hand cubicle you will findthe Cpt's Room gearkey. Be careful, because the guard will soon enter to use the facilities.When he does so, scurry back to the guardroom, steal the map from the wall, then lurk in theshadows at the end of the corridor until he is back in his room.

Go back to the T junction, but this time turn right, then left. Go past the Cpt's Room, open thedoor ahead, go in and operate the switch on the left. Open the other door when you get the greenlight and go through into the Old Laboratory. Wow!...that must have been a dreadful accident!Pick up a coin (+16 = 837), three assorted gold body parts (+100 =937) and an invisibilitypotion, then read the book and receive a new objective - swap the red and green gas cylindersand observe the results.

Back outside, use the Cpt's Roomgearkey to open his door and go in.There are two coins (+40 = 977) and astatue (+15 = 992) on the shelf, and onthe desk there are a silver coinstack (+12= 1004), a copper coinstack (+5 = 1009)and two flares. Flip the lever on the deskto open the wall case, which contains amoss arrow and five silver coinstacks(+60 = 1069), a Storage Room 1gearkey and a note to Grimaldi.

Flip the lever under the desk to open theCaptain's secret room - Secret #2!

Secret #2

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Go in and pick up the tapestry from thefloor (+150 = 1219), and a coin (+20 =1239) and three copper coinstacks (+15 =1254) from the workbench. There are alsothree Disintegrate Mines, a book thatdescribes their function and also mentionssome timebombs, and an incompleteHoming Node.

Now flip the switch on the small bot'sback - Secret #3! This reveals acompartment beneath the workbenchcontaining three gold coinstacks (+75 =1329), three spice bags (+120 = 1449) anda gem (+100 = 1549).

Leave the Cpt's room and head back towards the WC. Use the Ltd's Room gearkey to open thedoor on the left, go in and pick up a flute (+50 = 1599) and two statues (+30 = 1629) from theshelf on the left, and the Secret Passage gearkey from the desk. Read the book, then go back outinto the corridor and turn left. Storage Room 1 is opposite the WC. Open the door with theappropriate gearkey, go in and pick up three spice bags (+120 = 1749) and a tapestry (+150 =1899) from the floor. The cardboard boxes contain two healing potions, a gas arrow, a flashbomband ten flares. Rummage amongst the junk in the chest, and you will find two more flares and theother piece of the homing node. The two pieces automatically combine to form a completeHoming Node.

"Zone Under Construction"

Make your way back to Blast Door B in the Main Room and open it by using the Homing Nodeon the six-sided ring in the aperture below and left of the "Zone Under Construction" sign. Go inand turn left, where you will see Mario mending the pipes. They need it; you can see a gas leakfarther on. Pick up the coin beside his toolbox (+5 = 1904), then don the Anti-Gas Mask, gothrough the door the other side of the gas leak and turn the rotary valve on the left wall. Good,that's stopped it, so you can remove the mask.

Go through the door in the West wall opposite the site of the leak into another storeroom. In thecardboard boxes are a 5-second grenade, four water arrows and an ornate plate (+150 = 2054);there are two jars (+40 = 2094) behind the boxes.

Leave the storeroom, turn left, then go right and pick open the door in the SE corner. Go in andopen the footlocker, which contains a timebomb. This provides you with a new Bonus/Optionalobjective.

Look behind the clock, and flip the lever. Secret#4!

Secret #3

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The painting of Karras slides aside to reveal a safe. Pick it open and collect three gold coinstacks(+75 = 2169), three silver coinstacks (+36 = 2205), a purse +100 = 2305), a gem (+100 = 2405)and a tiara (+125 = 2530). The note says that the Lieutenant has the gearkey to the secretpassage, but we have it now! Read Lord Gourdbun's diary, which mentions a lever near the pipeswhere Mario is working.

A search will locate the leverhidden behind the pipe to theleft of the doorway on theway back to Mario's workarea. Flip the lever and ahidden door in the wall justpast Gordbun's office willopen. Secret #5!

Lord Gordbun's Mansion

Open the door beyond withthe Secret Passage gearkeyand go through. Whoops -let's hope we aren't trapped!Go downstairs first, usingthe ropes and ladders asrequired. Down here isCaptain Magog's body, ahealing fruit (too late for

Secret #4

Secret #5

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him!), three flares and two water arrows. Make your way back up to the entrance, and thencontinue on upwards.

When you near the top of the stairs youwill see an unlit torch on the wall. Frob it,and an elevator will descend - Secret #6!Ride it up, and collect a healing potionand a disintegrate mine from above thebeams.

Come back down and flip the lever on thewall to open the door into the mansionwine cellar. There are nine bottles of winein the wine rack (+450 = 2980) and a goldcup on top of it (+25 = 3005). Carry on tothe carpeted area, turn left, pick open thestudy door and go in. Here you can pickup a Tech Energy Crystal, a candlestick(+50 = 3055), a pair of spectacles (+50 =

3105), some gold dice (+50 = 3155) and a statue (+15 = 3170).

Look under the chest of drawers (lhs) and flip the little lever. Secret #7 - bonus objectivecomplete! The bureau slides sideways to expose a secret compartment containing a secondtimebomb. Pick the bomb up and obtain another Bonus objective.

Now have a look around thesitting room. Here you canpick up two swords (+250 =3420), a serpentile torc(+350 = 3770), a ring fromthe floor on the left of thefireplace (+100 = 3870), abottle of wine (+50 = 3920),three gold cups (+75 = 3995)and two statues (+30 =4025). The two standingnobles are wearing purses(+200 = 4225). LordGordbun (seated) is wearingthe Primal Nodelock B key.(On Normal difficulty thiskey is worn by one of theMechs in Lab 1.)

There is nothing of value in the garden, so go back downstairs and "use" the Tech Energy Crystalon the broken mechanism to open the exit door.

Secret #6

Secret #7

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The Main Cistern

Retrace your steps back past the Dressing room to the Main Cistern area. Don the Anti-GasMask, then go round to the right a short way to a pair of levers. Pull the lever labelled Green(left) to open the upper cistern; gas will escape, incapacitating any guards in the vicinity. Climbinto the cistern and look around for three gas mines and an invisibility potion. (The dense gasproduces a slow-motion effect and you can jump higher and further than normal. It is better tostay close to the walls and jump sideways rather than across.)

Leave the cistern and operate the lever to close it. You can take your mask off now! Collect thered and green gas cylinders from their holders, swap them over and quickly dive for cover untilthings calm down. Objective complete!

Lab 1

The doorway on the West side leads into the Lab 1 area. Sneak in and steal the LabKey gearfrom the guard. Go through the double doors in the West wall, out through the other door, thenthrough the door on the left. Go through the door straight ahead, and open the next door with theLabKey gear. Crack open the safe and collect an invisibility potion, a disintegrate mine and twobags of spice (+200 = 4425). Read the scroll - apparently the missing number is 4. There is acopper coinstack in the box on the table (+5 = 4430). Read and keep the crumpled piece ofpaper, which is a circuit design diagram - you will need to refer to it later. One of the mechs iswearing a purse (+100 = 4530) - Loot objective complete!

Look closely at the control panel, then flip the small lever left of the Alarm button. The plaquethat is revealed states "Lab code *1*5". We know the missing number is 4, so the code must be4145. Leave the control room, turn right and stop outside the door with the combination lock. Putthe Anti-Gas Mask on, and punch in the 4145 code. Go in, cross to the far side, pull the handle toopen the metal hatch, and collect the three gas cylinders. Now leave this room and take the maskoff.

Return to the big room where you collected the LabKey gear, and into the room in the south-westcorner. There are two spice bags (+80 = 4610) on the bench here, and also a third timebomb -you will get another Optional/Bonus objective when you pick it up. There is a gas arrow in thecardboard box, and in the display case are a pair of spectacles (+50 = 4660), a breath potion, aninvisibility potion, a speed potion and a frogbeast egg. The latter will probably hatch when youbreak the glass.

The Cryo Room

The diagram we picked up in Lab 1 referred to the cryo room. This is accessed via thecombination lock in the Zone Under Construction near where Mario was working, so make yourway back there and look at the number key pad. If the code corresponds to the diagram then the

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numbers required are 6,2,4,8. Punch them in, then enter and collect the four crystal chunks fromthe gas machinery (+100 = 4760).

Walk down the steps and get a new objective - Kill the Karras Clones. That sounds a very goodidea! Walk back up the steps to the gas machinery and replace the cryo gas cylinders with the redand green gas cylinders you collected from Lab 1. That should do the trick - it doesn't take verylong - objective complete!

Lab 2

Return to the main Cistern room and exit via the East doorway. Turn left, read the plaques, thenflip the left switch. Anything that disables anything must be good for us! Go back to the mainCistern room, but exit via the South doorway this time; this is Lab 2. Turn right, open the door,and ride the elevator up. Read the note on the table, then open the door and creep in. Whateveryou do, don't alert Elrik or he will nip into the alcove at the far end and activate a force field.While he is behind it you will not be able to get the gearkey you require. Shoot a moss arrow (ora water arrow) at the red-topped lever. This disables the red alarm beams, and does Elrik no goodat all!

Walk through to the lever, and pull it again to switch the deadly blue beam off. You can nowcollect the gearkey from Elrik, use it on the gearlock, and collect Primal Nodelock A key fromits niche. Go back past the lever, flip it to turn off the alarm beams, and exit. The elevator (Lift)switch is the right hand one on the control panel. Ride the elevator down and leave this room,then go through the Area 411 entrance and straight ahead into the Lab 2 control room. There issome informative reading matter in the cupboard here. Pay particular attention to the LabyrinthProcedure details.

Three of the numbers listed, and only three, add up to 18, ie 5 +4 + 9. The corresponding lettersare B, Y and O. If you put them in descending numerical order the result is O, B,Y. Rememberthat, it will prove to be very useful quite soon.

While you are in the control room, why not pull the Main Procedure Lever and see what thatdoes?

The Labyrinth

Now it's time to sort this Primal Node out. Back in the main Cistern room, exit via the Eastdoorway, turn right, go through the first door and walk along to the next one. Read the notice,then don your Anti-Gas Mask as instructed. Open the door to the labyrinth and go in to theswirling gas clouds.

Remember that the only weapons you can use whilst wearing the mask are the disintegratemines. At the top of the ramp, look over the rail - you may be able to take out one of the guardsfrom up here. Turn left at the bottom of the ramp, then go right, and right again when you get tothe West wall. Pull the lever here labeled G (Gamma). Now go back to the South wall, then East,and left into the middle passage. Go into the first room on the right (this opened up when you

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pulled lever G) and collect the three masks from the table (+150 = 4910). Pull the lever on thewall; two cardboard boxes appear, one of which contains a statue (+50 = 4960) and the other aspice bag (+40 = 5000). Bonus Objective complete - you have found all of the loot! Pull the leveragain to reopen the door.

You now need to find the O (Omega) lever. Leave the alcove and turn right (N). At the wall, turnleft (W), then right (N) then right (E) and follow the passageway around a couple of right-anglebends towards the NE corner. Take the first left (W) then turn left (S) again at the next cornerand watch the left-hand wall for the lever. Pull it, then turn around and walk back (mainly East)to the T junction and turn left (N). It's only a couple of steps to the NE corner where you shouldgo left (W); the B (Beta) lever is halfway along on the left. Pull it then turn around and walkEast. Turn right at the corner, then right again. Take another right at the next corner and you'llarrive at the Y (Epsilon) lever.

If you pull that and return to the NE corner you will see a metal door that was previouslyconcealed.

Push the button to the left of it and go through into the second half of the labyrinth. This is notcompletely gas-filled, so you can take the mask off. Phew- that's a relief! There are two morelevers in here you need to pull; they are in gas-filled alcoves, so don't forget to put the mask backon when you approach them. To get to the first lever, head South then West. The second lever isdown in the SE corner. When both have been pulled, a room in the centre will becomeaccessible. Go in and use Primal Nodelock keys A and B on the two lockboxes on the wall. Youcan now extract the Primal Node itself from the cavity in the central pillar. Objective complete!

Beam Me Up!

There is a teleport machine on the West wall. Press the middle button (Laboratory) then stand inthe tray and operate the machine. You will arrive in a hidden room next to the frogbeast room.From here you can teleport yourself to an area of Lab 2 you couldn't access before. Operate theswitch next to the Alarm button to remove the force field, and leave this room. So far so good.

The Timebombs

Now to plant those timebombs, and remember that you must escape within 16 minutes of armingthe first one!

Go through the Lab 2 control room to the machine room, where you can "use" a timebomb onthe centre machine on the East side. Pull the lever on the bomb to start the countdown -Objective complete!

Now go to the main Cistern room, turn right, "use" the second timebomb on the grey machine bythe wall and then pull the lever. Objective complete!

Finally, make your way to the Main Room and round to the far side of the Big Machine. "Use"the last timebomb on the "High Voltage" plate and pull the lever. Objective complete!

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Now we have to get out in a hurry. Go back to the Officers' Quarters, turn right past the Ltd'sroom, and go through the next door on the right. Jump down the hole and emerge in the sewers.You get news that the pagans have just started their assault! Make your way South until you exitthe gas station.

Mission complete

Loot List courtesy Freddy Fox

Location Item Value Total

Front Entrance Guardpost

Coin 20

Silver coinstack 12 32

Purse 100 132

Rear Entrance Mech Guard Purse 100 232

Machine room near weighbridge Spice x 2 80 312

Up ladder in main room Coin x 3 60 372

In toolbox Crystal 25 397

Dressing room

On sleeping guard Purse 100 497

On floor Coin x 3 60 557

In lockers Purse x 2 200 757

Silver coinstack x 2 24 781

WC In urinal Coin x 2 40 821

Old lab

Coin 16 837

Gold skull 50 887

Gold leg 25 912

Gold arm 25 937

Cpt's room

Coin x2 40 977

Statue 15 992

Copper coinstack 5 997

Silver coinstack 12 1009

In wall case Silver coinstack x 5 60 1069

Cpt's secret room

Tapestry 150 1219

Coin 20 1239

Copper coinstack x 3 15 1254

In secret compartment

Gold coinstack x 3 75 1329

Spice x 3 120 1449

Gem 100 1549

Storage room 1 Spice x 3 120 1669

Tapestry 150 1819

Ltd's room Flute 50 1869

Statue x 2 30 1899

Zone under construction By toobox Coin 5 1904

In storeroom Jar x 2 40 1944

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Plate 150 2094

Gordbun's office In secret safe

Gold coinstack x 3 75 2169

Silver coinstack x 3 36 2205

Purse 100 2305

Gem 100 2405

Tiara 125 2530

Mansion wine cellarWine x 9 450 2980

Gold cup 25 3005

Mansion study

Candlestick 50 3055

Spectacles 50 3105

Gold dice 50 3155

Statue 15 3170

Mansion sitting room

Sword x 2 250 3420

Serpentile torc 350 3770

Ring 100 3870

Wine 50 3920

Gold cup x 3 75 3995

Statue x 2 30 4025

On nobles Purse x 2 200 4225

Cryo room Crystal x 4 100 4325

Lab 1

In safe Spice x 2 200 4525

In box Copper coinstack 5 4530

On mechanist Purse 100 4630

In frogbeast roomSpice x 2 80 4710

Spectacles 50 4760

Labyrinth - operate Gamma lever

On table Mask x 3 150 4910

In boxes (flip switch)Statue 50 4960

Spice 40 5000

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