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Page 1: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra

Simulation of Assem Vblock 001 final with


Date: 04 November 2015

Designer: Andi Setyo B

Stud name: Study 1

Analsis t!e: Static

Table of ContentsDescription...........................................1Assumptions..........................................2Model Inormation..................................2Study !roperties....................................."#nits.................................................."Material !roperties.................................$%oads and &i'tures..................................()onnector Deinitions..............................()ontact Inormation................................*Mes+ Inormation..................................10

Sensor Details......................................11,esultant &orces...................................11Beams...............................................12Study ,esults.......................................1-)onclusion..........................................1"

Descri!tionNo Data

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 1

Page 2: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015


riinal Model

Model Analyed

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 2

Page 3: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load -

Page 4: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

"odel #nformation

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 4

Page 5: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

"odel name: Assem V block 001 final with load

Current Configuration: Default

Solid BodiesDocument $ame and

%eferenceTreated As Volumetric Pro!erties

Document Path&Date



Solid Bod

"ass:0+*0*,-. kg

Volume:*+.-/0*e'00. m,

Densit:-/.0 kg&m,

eight:1+2/,*- $

3:4A56%A B#$A C#T%A4ABC

Design Calculation

Pro7ect43"C4V block

0014Bolt 0-. inch+S8DP%T

9ct *2 02:*:;0 *01.


Solid Bod

"ass:0+*0*,-. kg

Volume:*+.-/0*e'00. m,

Densit:-/.0 kg&m,

eight:1+2/,*- $

3:4A56%A B#$A C#T%A4ABC

Design Calculation

Pro7ect43"C4V block

0014Bolt 0-. inch+S8DP%T

9ct *2 02:*:;0 *01.


"ass:0+*0*,-. kg

Volume:*+.-/0*e'00. m,

3:4A56%A B#$A C#T%A4ABC

Design Calculation

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 5

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

Stud Pro!ertiesStud name Study 1

Analsis t!e Static

"esh t!e Solid Mes+

Thermal (ffect: n

Thermal o!tion Include temperature loads

<ero strain tem!erature 2*( 6elvin

#nclude fluid !ressure effects from Solidorks

3low Simulation


Sol=er t!e &&7!lus

#n!lane (ffect:  

Soft S!ring:  

#nertial %elief:  

#ncom!atible bonding o!tions Automatic

8arge dis!lacement  

Com!ute free bod forces n


6se Ada!ti=e "ethod:  

%esult folder Solidors document 8&9:A6#,A BINA )I;,A:AB)

Desin )alculation !ro<ect:&M): bloc 001=


6nit sstem: SI 8M6S=

8ength&Dis!lacement mm

Tem!erature 6elvin

Angular =elocit ,ad3sec

Pressure&Stress N3m>2

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load "

Page 7: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

"aterial Pro!erties

"odel %eference Pro!erties Com!onents$ame: AS;M A-" Steel

"odel t!e: %inear 7lastic IsotropicDefault failure


Ma' von Mises Stress

>ield strength: 2.5e?00( N3m>2Tensile strength: 4e?00( N3m>2(lastic modulus: 2e?011 N3m>2

Poisson?s ratio: 0.2""ass densit: $(50 3m>-

Shear modulus: $.*-e?010 N3m>2

SolidBody 18Boss@7'trude2=

8Bolt 0$5 inc+@1=

SolidBody 18Boss@7'trude2=

8Bolt 0$5 inc+@2=

SolidBody 18Boss@7'trude2=

8Bolt 0$5 inc+@-=

SolidBody 18Boss@7'trude2=

8Bolt 0$5 inc+@4=

SolidBody 18)+amer2=86ey


SolidBody 18)+amer2=86eyNut@5=

SolidBody 18)+amer2=86ey


SolidBody 18)+amer2=86ey


SolidBody 18&illet1=8 bloc@


SolidBody 18&illet1=8 bloc@


SolidBody 18)ut@7'trude2=

8base plate v01@1=

SolidBody 18)ut@7'trude-=8main s+at carryin bloc@


SolidBody 18)ut@7'trude-=

8main s+at carryin bloc@2=

Cur=e Data:$&A

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load $

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8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

8oads and 3i)tures

3i)ture name 3i)ture #mage 3i)ture Details


(ntities: 2 ace8s=T!e: &i'ed eometry

%esultant 3orces

Com!onents @ > < %esultant

%eaction force$ @0.540-14 55202* 1.42505 55202*

%eaction "oment$m 0 0 0 0


8oad name 8oad #mage 8oad Details


(ntities: 2 ace8s=T!e: Apply normal orce

Value: "5000  

Connector DefinitionsNo Data

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load (

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8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

Contact #nformation

Contact Contact #mage Contact Pro!erties

lobal )ontact

T!e: BondedCom!onents: 1 component8s=

9!tions: Incompatible


Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load *

Page 10: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

"esh #nformation

"esh t!e Solid Mes+

"esher 6sed: Standard mes+

Automatic Transition:  

#nclude "esh Auto 8oo!s:  

acobian !oints 4 !oints

(lement SiEe 2$.-0* mm

Tolerance 1.-"545 mm

"esh Fualit Ci+

%emesh failed !arts with incom!atible mesh  

"esh #nformation ' Details

Total $odes 2(-"4

Total (lements 15-$0

"a)imum As!ect %atio 2(.0*4

G of elements with As!ect %atio H , $1.5

G of elements with As!ect %atio I 10 1.2

G of distorted elementsacobian 0

Time to com!lete meshhhJmmJss: 00900915

Com!uter name: ANDIS7;B

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 10

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8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

Sensor Details

No Data

%esultant 3orces

%eaction 3orces

Selection set 6nits Sum @ Sum > Sum < %esultant

7ntire Model N @0.540-14 55202* 1.42505 55202*

%eaction "omentsSelection set 6nits Sum @ Sum > Sum < %esultant

7ntire Model NEm 0 0 0 0

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 11

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8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

BeamsNo Data

Stud %esults

$ame T!e "in "a)

Stress1 N9 von Mises Stress -$(*(.4 N3m>2

Node9 11"5

2.52101e?00( N3m>2

Node9 *40$

Assem V block 001 final with load'Stud 1'Stress'Stress1

$ame T!e "in "a)Displacement1 #,7S9 ,esultant Displacement 0 mm

Node9 111--

0.1-"$44 mm

Node9 4251

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 12

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8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 1-

Page 14: Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

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8/19/2019 Assem v Block 001 Final With Load-Study 1-1

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PT Akura Bina Citra Andi Setyo B0431132015

Analyed /it+ Solidors Simulation Simulation o Assem bloc 001 inal /it+ load 15

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