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Page 1: Assessing polarimetric SAR sea-ice classifications using ... · VVj, 2jHVj and jHH + VVj, are assigned to the red, green and blue channels, respectively (Fig. 2), to produce what

Assessing polarimetric SAR sea-ice classifications usingconsecutive day images


1Department of Physics and Technology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, NorwayE-mail: [email protected]

2Norwegian Polar Institute, Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway

ABSTRACT. This paper investigates automatic segmentation and classification of C-band, polarimetricsynthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images of Arctic sea ice under freezing conditions prior to melt.The objective is to investigate the robustness of the results obtained under slightly varyingenvironmental conditions and different viewing geometries. Initially, three geographically overlappingSAR images from consecutive days are incidence-angle corrected and segmented into unknown classes.The segmentation is performed by an unsupervised mixture-of-Gaussian segmentation algorithmutilizing six features extracted from the polarimetric data. After segmentation, the segments arecontextually smoothed. One segmented image is manually labelled based on in situ data and expertknowledge. Using this scene as reference, we consider two strategies for class labelling of the otherscenes. The first manually labels the classes based on visual inspection of the reference; the secondutilizes various statistical distance measures to automatically assign each unknown class to thestatistically nearest reference class. These two scenes are also classified pixel-wise by a supervisedclassification algorithm based on the reference data. Poor classification results are obtained when theincidence angle is very different from the reference scene. Similar viewing geometries reveal goodclassification and labelling results, the latter regardless of the distance measure used.

KEYWORDS: remote sensing, sea ice

MOTIVATIONPrecise and reliable sea-ice maps are valuable for shippingactivity, environmental monitoring and climate-changesurveys. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is currently con-sidered one of the most important remote sensors foracquiring high-resolution, weather- and daylight-independ-ent sea-ice information, especially in Arctic areas where insitu data are limited (Barber, 2005). At present, no ice servicehas reported using automatic segmentation or classificationalgorithms operationally throughout the year, as all algo-rithms still require some form of human guidance. However,the Canadian Ice Service is considering operational use ofthe automated MAp Guided Ice Classification (MAGIC)developed by Leigh and others (2014). Automatization of thesegmentation and/or classification process will make sea-icemap production more efficient; the maps will be lesssubjective and probably more detailed (Clausi and Deng,2003; Moen and others, 2013). Consequently there is a needfor improved automatic segmentation and classificationapproaches to ice charting and monitoring (Clausi andDeng, 2003; Ochilov and Clausi, 2010; Kwon and others,2013; Zakhvatkina and others, 2013). Ochilov and Clausi(2012) and Karvonen (2012) present automated methods,which are close to being operational. The key issue iswhether the algorithms are robust and reliable in terms ofproducing consistent ice charts under changing environ-mental conditions and varying viewing geometry. We haveyet to see studies producing ice maps from extensive archivesof SAR data throughout a whole annual cycle. However,

MAGIC is automatically and accurately mapping ice andwater in dual-polarization SAR scenes. This paper presents apreliminary investigation towards such extensive studies, butin addition to ice/water discrimination (e.g. MAGIC) we alsoseek to distinguish the ice types in the scenes.

A full-polarimetric radar transmits and receives both linearhorizontal (H) and vertical (V) polarized electromagneticwaves. Amplitude and phase information of the back-scattered signal are recorded for four transmit/receivepolarizations (HH, HV, VH and VV), commonly referred toas quad-pol. Dual-pol scenes contain two polarimetricchannels (e.g. HH and HV). In operational ice-chartingservices dual-pol scenes are preferred because of their wideareal coverage (e.g. the RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR Wide modecan have a swath width of �500 km). Quad-pol scenes havesmaller swath width (�25 km), but are more detailed thandual-pol scenes. Thus, it is important to explore quad-polscenes in order to understand the polarimetric signatures ofsea ice and their relationship to physical sea-ice character-istics. Discrimination of sea-ice types has conventionallybeen accomplished using various combinations of linearlypolarized backscatter coefficients (Gupta and others, 2013).

Radar backscatter of sea ice depends on physical iceproperties (e.g. dielectric constant, temperature, snow coverand surface roughness) and sensor parameters (e.g. fre-quency, angle of incidence, polarization and noise)(Hallikainen and Winebrenner, 1992; Tucker and others,1992; Wackerman, 1992). Some physical properties maynot be distinguished by SAR, and sensor configurations canchange the backscattering. These can cause ambiguousclass signatures and need to be taken into account wheninterpreting the image.

Annals of Glaciology 56(69) 2015 doi: 10.3189/2015AoG69A802

*Present address: Institute of Marine Research, Tromsø, Norway.


Page 2: Assessing polarimetric SAR sea-ice classifications using ... · VVj, 2jHVj and jHH + VVj, are assigned to the red, green and blue channels, respectively (Fig. 2), to produce what

Throughout this paper we use the word ‘segmentation’ todescribe the task of dividing an image into non-contiguoussegments/areas with similar statistical properties. Thesegmentation is done pixel-wise, where each pixel isassigned to an unknown class. Such a class usually containsseveral individual segments. The result of this process is alsoreferred to as a ‘segmentation’. We further define ‘classifi-cation’ as the task of assigning each pixel or unknown classto a labelled class (actual ice type). In supervised classifi-cation, described in a later section, the first process ofdividing the image into unknown classes is not needed, asthe pixels are directly labelled by classification rules basedon the reference.

The preliminary analyses presented here and by Moenand others (2013) are important elements towards our maingoal, which is to develop an automatic algorithm foroperational ice charting. Moen and others (2013) investi-gate how quad-pol scenes can be automatically segmentedusing statistical and polarimetric properties of the back-scattered radar signal. Although detailed quad-pol imagesare too small to be considered for operational use, studyingthem may help us understand the physics underlying SARimaging of sea ice. This is highly relevant as the amountof in situ data is limited, particularly in the High Arctic.We also believe that such investigations will contributeto a better understanding of single- and dual-pol images,which may help in selecting the optimal channel combina-tions for a given application. Future satellites may possiblycapture wideswath quad-pol scenes. If so, quad-pol studieslike this will be highly relevant and may even motivatesuch a design.

This paper builds on the results of Moen and others(2013). Our main objective here is to investigate the

transferability of information obtained from one scene totwo scenes obtained on consecutive days. The scenes areacquired under slightly varying weather conditions anddifferent incidence angles. Such information is not directlytransferable, so we have included a pre-processing step, i.e.incidence-angle correction, as described below. We exam-ine both unsupervised segmentation (Doulgeris and Eltoft,2010; Doulgeris, 2013; Moen and others, 2013) andsupervised classification results obtained by an automaticalgorithm. Moen and others (2013) describe the segmenta-tion and classification of the middle of our three scenes. Theunknown classes of this scene have been manually labelledusing relevant in situ data and expert knowledge, hence it isused as a reference to classify the two other scenes. The twoscenes are segmented into unknown classes. These classesare labelled using two different strategies. The first approachis to manually match the unknown classes with the classes ofthe reference data. The second strategy uses distancemeasures to automatically assign the unknown classes tothe statistically nearest reference class. We have alsoperformed a pixel-wise supervised classification, where eachpixel is assigned to the statistically nearest class in thereference. The consistencies between all results are com-pared, and the effects of changing incidence angles andmeteorological conditions are discussed.

This work is intended to support operational ice analysis,but is not sufficiently mature to use the World Meteoro-logical Organization (WMO) sea-ice codes. The WMO codeallows a finer separation between different ice types thanour classification does. In contrast, our classificationsadditionally include deformation, which is not consideredin the WMO code.

STUDY AREA AND SATELLITE SCENESThis study is based on three fine quad-pol satellite imagesacquired by the Canadian C-band SAR satellite, RADAR-SAT-2. The scenes are located north of Svalbard (Fig. 1) andwere obtained on three consecutive days during April 2011.The entire scenes, not just the intersection, are utilized in thefollowing analysis. Acquisition time, position, incidenceangle and resolutions for each scene are given in Table 1.The study area comprises first-year drifting sea ice at variousstages of development and open and refrozen leads (Rennerand others, 2013). In situ observations were collected fromthe bridge of the Norwegian coastguard vessel Svalbard andan Iridium Surface Velocity Profiler (ISVP) buoy deployed onan ice floe. Coincident observations, from 11–13 April2011, are listed in Table 2. The distance between the centrepoint of the respective scene and the vessel was 82, 11 and19 km on 11, 12 and 13 April, respectively. On 12 April theship was within the scene.

Table 1. Information about the satellite scenes. CIA is the centre incidence angle. IACF is the incidence-angle correction factor. Theresolutions are ground resolutions and the numbers in parentheses are the resolution after the averaging operation in Eqn (2)

Date Time Centre position CIA IACF Range resolution Azimuth resolution

UTC ° m m

11 April 2011 14:04:28 81.0911°N, 19.4561° E 24.358 0.800 11.5 (241.5) 5.0 (105.0)12 April 2011 15:15:25 81.1228°N, 19.8664° E 40.048 1.000 7.4 (155.4) 4.9 (102.9)13 April 2011 14:46:10 81.1578°N, 19.7469° E 33.262 0.923 8.6 (180.6) 4.7 (98.7)

Fig. 1. Locations of the RADARSAT-2 images.

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Page 3: Assessing polarimetric SAR sea-ice classifications using ... · VVj, 2jHVj and jHH + VVj, are assigned to the red, green and blue channels, respectively (Fig. 2), to produce what

The scene acquired on 12 April 2011 coincides withvarious in situ data, such as helicopter-borne thicknessmeasurements, positions from different GPS trackers, abridge-based sea-ice observation log of the sea-ice condi-tions and optical photographs. Further details regarding thisscene are described by Moen and others (2013). Noprecipitation was observed between the acquisition timesof the first and the last scene.

The polarimetric intensity channel combinations, jHH–VVj, 2jHVj and jHH+VVj, are assigned to the red, greenand blue channels, respectively (Fig. 2), to produce what iscommonly known as a Pauli image (Lee and Pottier, 2009).The satellite scenes are provided in slant range, thus thewidth of the Pauli images varies due to different incidenceangles. The images are �28 km across on the ground. Thegeographical overlap of the scenes is good (Fig. 1), but icedrift causes problems when comparing multiple SAR scenes.Some structures in the ice cover are recognizable in two ormore of the Pauli images. Examples of structures that may betraced by visual inspection are indicated by the arrows inFigure 2.

In compacted pack ice and freezing conditions, the mostdeformed and thickest ice classes are expected to remainstable on a daily or shorter timescale under stable atmos-pheric conditions. Thus, their SAR signatures are expectedto remain largely unchanged. Given the low air temperature

(Table 2), the thin-ice and open-water classes are likely tochange the most due to new ice formation. Wind cansubstantially alter the ice cover, due to increased dynamicsleading to deformation and opening of leads. The latter thenprovides areas for new ice formation. The study area wasdominated by compacted pack ice with very little openwater, reducing the freedom of ice movement. However, thesubstantial variation in wind speed and direction (Table 2)suggests that both divergent and convergent ice motion tookplace between acquisition of the first and last SAR scenes.We also find evidence of such ice motion in the Pauliimages of 11 and 12 April 2011; the images indicate theopening of a lead between the two image acquisitions. Inthe following we refer to the scenes acquired on 11, 12 and13 April 2011 as S11, S12 and S13, respectively.


Radiometric correctionRadiometric correction of remotely sensed data involvescalibration of the digital images to improve the consistency ofthe backscatter magnitudes across different incidence angles.The sensor-specific backscatter generally decreases withincreasing incidence angle (Onstott, 1992; Gill and Yackel,2012; Gupta and others, 2014). Thus, it is essential that suchincidence-angle effects are taken into account prior toquantitative image analysis to ensure comparability betweenmultiple datasets. In this study, we performed a radiometriccorrection on the complex scattering coefficients in allchannels. The coefficients used in this study are standardsigma0 calibrated single-look complex (SLC) matrices, asoutput from the PolSARpro v.4.2 software (Polarimetric SARdata processing and educational toolbox; Pottier and others,2009; Pottier and Ferro-Famil, 2012). The scattering co-efficients are subscripted with the associated receive-and-transmit polarization. The scattering vector, which in ourcase is from linear full-polarimetric data, is given bys ¼ ½SHH, 1ffiffi

2p ðSHV þ SVHÞ, SVV�

T, where we assume recipro-

city ðSHV ’ SVH). The operator ðÞT defines the ordinarytranspose operation, and the factor 1=


ensures that theaveraged cross-pol term preserves the power contained in theindividual original cross-pol terms. The radiometricallycorrected scattering vector, src, is obtained from theuncorrected scattering vector, s, by multiplying the squareroot of the sine ratio of the centre incidence angle of theimage to be corrected, �, and a reference incidence angle, �ref

Table 2. Information about collected in situ data: barometric pressure; air temperature; relative humidity; wind speed and wind direction.The wind direction is in degrees true north (degT)

Date (2011) Pressure* Temperaturey Rel. humidityy Wind speed, directiony Time Position

hPa °C % kn (kmh–1), degT UTC

11 April 984.5 � 8:2 91 3.4 (6.3), 260 14:00*, 18:15y (81.1318°N 19.5368° E)*,(81.0063°N 14.7547° E)y

12 April 995.1 � 19:6 82 22.2 (41.1), 264.4 15:00*, 15:15y (81.0420°N 20.0054° E)*,(81.1035°N 20.5030° E)y

13 April 1001.1 � 19:9 83 3.7 (6.8), 45 15:00*y (81.0034°N 20.2480° E)*,(81.0400°N 18.9193° E)y

*Measurements from ISVP buoy. yMeasurements from coastguard vessel.

Fig. 2. Pauli images of the three scenes (11–13 April 2011, left toright) and examples of visually identified matching structures. Theimages are shown in slant range geometry and are �28 km acrosson the ground.

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Page 4: Assessing polarimetric SAR sea-ice classifications using ... · VVj, 2jHVj and jHH + VVj, are assigned to the red, green and blue channels, respectively (Fig. 2), to produce what

(Sun and others, 2002):

src ¼ s



: ð1Þ

We perform the correction directly on the scattering vectors,not the intensities, hence we include the square root. Thistype of correction only affects the brightness feature (Table 3),as it is divided away in all the other features.

In this study all scenes are corrected to reference angle,�ref ¼ 40:0�, which is the centre incidence angle of thereference.

The square-root factor (incidence-angle correction factor,IACF) for each scene is shown in Table 1. By correcting allrange lines of each image by the same amount, using a fixed�, we introduce an error, because strictly speaking � shouldvary across each image. The scenes are �28 km in groundrange, and the largest angular width is 1.9°. The errorintroduced by this approximation is <2% across the range,which we find acceptable given the class brightnessvariability.

Automatic segmentationWe calculate the polarimetric covariance matrix, C, byaveraging over L ¼ 21� 21 ¼ 441 pixels, each representedby a radiometrically corrected scattering vector, s, definedabove. The averaging is done with a stepping window:

C ¼1L


i¼1sisH i: ð2Þ

The operator ()H defines the Hermitian transpose operator.From the polarimetric covariance matrix and the radio-metrically corrected scattering vectors we calculate sixfeatures using the extended polarimetric feature space (EPFS)method (Doulgeris and Eltoft, 2010; Doulgeris, 2013). Fiveof these features are basic polarimetric parameters that havebeen used in many similar studies. The sixth, the relativekurtosis, is a statistical measure of the shape of the intensitydistribution. The names and equations of the features areshown in Table 3. (More information about the features andtheir interpretation with respect to sea ice is given by Moenand others (2013).) Using simple transformations on allelements in the extracted feature vector set (Table 3) we canmake them more Gaussian-like, i.e. the probability densityfunctions (PDFs) are nearly symmetric and have Gaussian

bell shapes. This enables the use of a simple yet efficientalgorithm, i.e. the mixture-of-Gaussians segmentation algo-rithm, which makes it suited for operational use.

The segmentation algorithm divides and smooths thesatellite image into a predefined number of classes. Weconstrain the algorithm to find seven classes; the reasoningfor this is explained in the following subsection. Thealgorithm will always split the worst-fitted class first, hencewe minimize the total fitted error. Contextual smoothing isan image-smoothing approach which considers the labels ofthe neighbouring pixels in the labelling of a given pixel. Thesmoothing process makes the segmentation less speckledand thus easier to interpret. Feature extraction, the auto-matic segmentation algorithm and contextual smoothing areexplained in more detail by Doulgeris and Eltoft (2010),Doulgeris (2013) and Moen and others (2013). In thefollowing we assume that the same classes are present in allthree scenes.

ReferenceThe S12 scene is chosen as the reference because of itsaccompanying in situ data. Moen and others (2013)segmented the scene into five classes, but they revealedone class to be bimodal (mixed) and therefore suggestedincreasing the number of classes. In this study, we haveused the same algorithm and increased the number ofclasses to seven. This was necessary to obtain classes withsmooth and unimodal histograms for all features. Each classwas labelled using suitable ancillary data and the expertknowledge described by Moen and others (2013). The iceexperts were able to label only four ice classes, so labellingseven classes was not trivial. Although the classes are notvisually distinguishable in photographs, Pauli images, etc.,they are statistically distinguishable using the polarimetricdata. In this study the remaining three classes were labelledusing statistical analysis of polarimetric features, togetherwith a physical interpretation of these features. The classlabels and associated ice types are given in Table 4. The icetypes are based on WMO stage-of-development definitions(CIS, 2005).

Manual matching and automatic labellingAfter segmentation, S11 and S13 were manually labelled bymatching them visually to the classification of the S12 scene

Table 3. Features from the extended polarimetric feature space (EPFS) method. The transformations to make the features Gaussian-like arelisted in the right column. L is the number of pixels in the stepping window, d is the dimension of the scattering vectors. s and C are thescattering vector and the polarimetric covariance matrix, respectively. Cij is the C-matrix entry of row i and column j

Feature name Equation Transformation

Relative kurtosis RK ¼1

Ldðd þ 1Þ


i¼1sHi C� 1si

� �2 1RK

Geometric brightness B ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffidetðCÞd


Co-polarization ratio �VV=HH ¼C33


Cross-polarization ratio �HV=B ¼C33


Co-polarization correlation (real) realð�Þ ¼ realC13ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiC11C33p

� �

Co-polarization correlation (imaginary) imagð�Þ ¼ imagC13ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiC11C33p

� �

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and by comparing the segmentations and Pauli images.Using the same segmented scenes as for the manualmatching, we used statistical Gaussian distance measuresto automatically label classes. This test was performed tocheck whether a particular distance measure was preferablewhen labelling the unknown classes. The transformation ofthe features (Table 3) justifies the use of Gaussian distancemeasures. Three different distance measures based on meanvalues and/or covariance matrices from multivariate Gauss-ian distributions (Eqns (3–5)) were tested on the assumedmultivariate Gaussian feature vector. They are all straight-forward calculations and hence suited for operational use.In addition we tested the Kullback–Leibler distance (Eqn (6))derived under the complex Wishart model (Goodman,1963). It has a simple mathematical form and uses thecomplete information contained in the polarimetric co-variance matrices (Eqn (6)), which is why we also test it. N iand N j are two normal distributions with means �i and �j

and covariance matrices �i and �j, respectively. � is themean of �i and �j. k� is the dimension of � and is equal to6. Ci and Cj are the polarimetric covariance matrices forclass i and j, respectively. kC is the dimension of C and isequal to 3. The operator tr defines the trace of a matrix, ðÞ� 1

is the inverse and ðÞT is the transpose operation.

Mahalanobis distance (Theodoridis and Koutroumbas,2009)

dMðN i,N jÞ ¼ �i � �j� �

�� 1 �i � �j� �� �1

2: ð3Þ

Multivariate Gaussian Bhattasharyya distance (Theodoridisand Koutroumbas, 2009)

dBN ðN i,N jÞ ¼18�i � �j� �T

�� 1 �i � �j� �


�j j

�ij j12 �j����12






Multivariate Gaussian Kullback–Leibler distance (Hersheyand Olsen, 2007)

dKLN N i,N j� �


htr �� 1j �i

� �

þ �j � �i� �T

�� 1j �j � �i� �

� k� � ln�ij j



Symmetric multivariate Gaussian Kullback–Leibler distance

edKLN N i,N j� �


dKL N i,N j� �

þ dKL N j,N i� �� �

: ð5Þ

Complex-Wishart Kullback–Leibler distance (Frery andothers, 2014)

dKLW W i,W j� �


tr W� 1i W j� �

þ tr W� 1j W i

� �h i� kW : ð6Þ

The manually matched images of S11 and S13 (Fig. 3a andc) were used to evaluate the automatic labelling because,ideally, the results based on the same scene should match.The same automatic labelling procedure was applied foreach distance measure. A 7� 7 distance matrix, with eachcolumn representing the unknown test class and each rowcorresponding to a class in the reference data, was used toidentify the nearest classes. We used a sequential approach,taking the best match first, i.e. the test class corresponding tothe minimum distance was assigned to the correspondingreference class. The corresponding row and column wereremoved and the row and column of the new minimumdistance were located. This step was repeated until allclasses were labelled.

Supervised classificationWe performed a supervised classification on the S11 andS13 scenes based on the statistics from the classes in the S12scene; the scenes were not pre-segmented. The classifi-cation was done in a traditional way, assuming Gaussiandistributed, equiprobable classes and using maximum likeli-hood classification (Theodoridis and Koutroumbas, 2009),i.e. each pixel was assigned to the most probable class in thereference.

RESULTSManual matching and automatic labellingThe manually matched labels are shown in Figure 3. Thecolours of the segmented image are chosen arbitrarily to bevisually distinct and do not represent WMO colour coding.In the following, it is important to note that (1) the S11 andS13 scenes only partly overlap with the reference scene and

Table 4. Class labels and associated ice types. The colours refer tothose in the segmentations (Fig. 3)

Colour label Ice type, properties, stage of development

Blue Medium/thick first-year ice, most deformedBrown Medium/thick first-year ice, second most deformedRed Young ice, thin first-year ice (sometimes deformed with

snow cover)Yellow New ice, nilasCyan First-year ice (slightly more deformed than the dark

cyan class)Orange Open water, new iceDark cyan First-year ice (smooth ice)

Fig. 3. Automatically segmented, manually matched results for11–13 April 2011, left to right. See Table 4 for labels. The manuallymatched images of 11 and 13 April 2011 were used to evaluate theautomatic labelling. The images are shown in slant range andrepresent �28 km across on the ground.

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(2) the images have different ground resolutions. The S12and S13 scenes look consistent, the main structures arerecognizable and have the same labels in both images. TheS11 scene appears substantially different, so its labels do noteasily match those of the S12 scene. Only a few structuresare recognizable and have the same label in the S11 andS12 images (e.g. areas indicated by white arrows in the Pauliimages (Fig. 2)).

Table 5 shows the results of automatic labelling ofthe automatic segmentation of the S11 scene, together withthe manually matched labels. The automatic labelling of theS11 scene performed by the Mahalanobis distance, dM,agrees best with the manual matching: all classes matchexcept the yellow and brown ones. The labelling resultcalculated from the Bhattasharyya distance, dBN , has noclasses equal to the manual matching.

The automatic labelling of the S13 image is identical tothe manual matching (Fig. 3) for all distance measures, butthe distance priority in which the classes are assigned isdifferent for each distance measure (Table 6). The manuallymatched blue class of the S13 image and the blue class inthe reference data are the nearest classes in all distance

measures, except for the complex Wishart Kullback–Leiblerdistance (Eqn (6); Table 6). This is not surprising given thetotally different data domain of that measure.

Supervised classificationThe results of the supervised classification are shown inFigure 4. Few similar structures (e.g. those indicated inFig. 2) are recognizable from the two supervised classifiedscenes. The structures in the supervised classification of theS11 scene do not resemble those in the Pauli image northose in the automatic segmentation. The new ice/nilas(yellow) dominates, followed by the most deformed first-year ice (blue, Table 4).

Contrarily, the supervised classification of the S13 scenecontains similar structures to those in the Pauli image and theautomatic segmentation and appears to be reasonable, butnot exactly the same. The most notable difference comparedwith the automatic labelling is that the open water/new ice(orange) is absorbed into the new ice/nilas (yellow) and thenumber of pixels in the second most deformed first-year ice(brown) increases at the expense of several other classes.

DISCUSSIONPrior to all segmentations and classifications, we made as-sumptions regarding the ice conditions: the same classes arepresent in all three scenes, no new classes evolved and noclasses disappeared. However, the predefined seven classesmay develop into other existing classes (e.g. open water canfreeze and become new ice, smooth ice can be exposed torafting and become more deformed, the ice pack can breakup and create open leads). Considering the prevailingweather conditions, we find this a reasonable assumptionbecause our selection of classes should cover the listedpotential changes. However, in general, this assumptiondoes not hold and must be considered when implementingan operational algorithm. Wet snow, slush and flooding ofthe ice are changes that will weaken our assumption, as thesechanges are known to affect the backscattering and are notcovered in any of our ice classes. Multi-year ice is alsoknown to have a different scattering signature to other icetypes. We have not included the aforementioned classes asthey were not present in any of our scenes.

Our study here is limited in time and space, using onlythree scenes acquired within 3 days. Looking over a

Table 5. The manually matched labels and the correspondingautomatic labelling of the automatic segmentation of 11 April2011. dM is the Mahalanobis distance, dBN is the multivariateGaussian Bhattasharyya distance, dKLN is the multivariate GaussianKullback–Leibler distance and dKLW is the complex WishartKullback–Leibler distance

Manual labels dM dBN dKLN dKLW

Blue Blue Orange Orange BlueBrown Yellow Blue Blue BrownRed Red Cyan Cyan OrangeYellow Brown Brown Yellow Dark cyanCyan Cyan Dark cyan Dark cyan CyanOrange Orange Red Red YellowDark cyan Dark cyan Yellow Brown Red

Table 6. The automatic labelling of the automatic segmentation of13 April 2011. Each column represents the order in which theclasses were assigned by the distance measures. dM is theMahalanobis distance, dBN is the multivariate Gaussian Bhatta-sharyya distance, dKLN is the multivariate Gaussian Kullback–Leibler distance and dKLW is the complex Wishart Kullback–Leiblerdistance


Blue Blue Blue RedBrown Brown Brown BrownYellow Cyan Cyan YellowRed Yellow Red CyanCyan Red Yellow BlueDark cyan Dark cyan Dark cyan Dark cyanOrange Orange Orange Orange

Fig. 4. Supervised classifications of the 11 and 13 April 2011 scenes,using the S12 scene (Fig. 3b) for reference. The colours correspondto those in Figure 3. The labels are given in Table 4. The images areshown in slant range and are �28 km across on the ground.

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different timescale and/or into a different region will involveadjusting the number and composition of the selectedclasses; this is a challenge for the future.

In contrast to the manual matching of the S13 scene, themanual matching of the S11 scene was difficult, possiblydue to the few visually identifiable structures in both theimage and the reference scene (Fig. 2). However, somemanually matched classes, such as the smooth first-year ice(dark cyan), new ice/nilas (yellow) and open water/new ice(orange), should be fairly well matched (corresponding areasmarked by the white arrows in Fig. 2 are labelled the samecolour in Fig. 3).

Our results show that automatic segmentation andlabelling works quite well for S13, but poorly for S11. Alldistance measures agree on the (automatic) labelling of S13;none agree for S11. Even though the automatic labelling andthe manual matching agree to some extent, it is notnecessarily the correct labelling. One disadvantage of theautomatic labelling procedure is that there will always be anearest class, which does not necessarily correspond to themanual matching. This will be the case if, for instance, theclass properties have evolved and/or the desired classes ofthe actual image are not represented in the reference image.The polarimetric features are not expected to be stablethrough the seasonal cycle. How each class propertychanges with feature, incidence angle, season and area willbe highly relevant in future studies.

The automatic segmentation is based on numericalvalues from each scene individually, while the supervisedclassification works pixel-wise, based on values transferredfrom the reference scene. If the statistics between the three

days were unchanged, the automatic labelling and thesupervised classification of the same days would beidentical. They are evidently not, because the statisticshave changed.

The S11 scene is obviously problematic. This is supportedby the PDFs of each class and each feature. Figure 5 showstwo classes from S12 and S13 that are quite well aligned,whereas the classes from S11 are shifted. The same is alsotrue for other classes from the S11 scene. We see thatstatistical class properties (mean value and variance) changedifferently with different features and incidence angles(Figs 5 and 6). This could be one reason for the disagreementof the automatic labelling of S11.

Incidence-angle correction (radiometric correction) ad-justed the misalignment to some extent for some classes.Recall that this type of correction only affects the brightnessfeature. Figure 6 illustrates three different effects of theradiometric correction. For three of the seven classes thecorrection made the alignment between S12 and S13 worse(e.g. the young ice class (red); Fig. 6b and e). However, theshift is not significant with respect to the class variation. Ourresults show that the performance of the automatic labellingand the supervised classification of S13 using corrected dataare very good (Fig. 3c; Table 6). The correction did not makeany substantial difference for the second smoothest first-yearice (cyan) of S13 (e.g. Fig. 6a and d), i.e. the PDF is shifted asmall amount to the right, but the overlap with the S12 PDFstays approximately the same. For two classes, mostdeformed (blue) and smooth first-year ice (dark cyan) thecorrection of S13 was very good (Fig. 6c and d). As seen inFigure 6, the S11 most deformed ice (blue) is also very well

Fig. 5. Examples of probability distributions for the relative kurtosis (a, b) and the imagð�Þ (c, d) features. The left column (a, c) represents thecyan class, and the right column (b, d) is the red class. The solid curves represent 11 April, the dashed curves 12 April and the solid curveswith squares 13 April, all from 2011.

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aligned with the reference data. This is the only class in theS11 image that is well aligned with the reference class aftercorrection. In the S11 image the radiometric correctionimproves the alignment of five of the seven classes (e.g.Fig. 6b and e, 6a and d). However, the improvement is notsufficient to make the automatic labelling and the super-vised classification work. The second most deformed first-year ice (brown) in the S11 image shows no difference inoverlap before and after correction, similar to the results ofthe S13 cyan class shown in Figure 6a and d.

Our results show that the performed radiometric correc-tion is not sufficient when the incidence-angle differencebetween scenes is large, and examples show that even withsimilar incidence angles, the correction can worsen thealignment of some PDFs. However, we conclude thatthe advantages of performing the correction are greater thanthe disadvantages.

A good incidence-angle correction is essential for consist-ent results using data covering the same area, but withdifferent incidence angles. To improve the correction mayrequire correcting differently for each channel and/or (moreproblematic) each class. This is an important future researchtopic. However, total compensation for the incidence anglewill be impossible, as it varies with ice type (Makynen andothers, 2002) and possibly also with polarization.

The three scenes have different incidence angles, andthus different ground resolutions. In our study we haveaveraged the scenes by the same amount. The consequenceis that the smoothing level on the ground is different in eachscene; ice structures clearly visible in one scene may notappear in another scene. Preliminary results indicate thatadjusting the amount of averaging such that the groundresolution is similar in all scenes improves the alignment ofthe PDFs for each class (e.g. Figs 5 and 6).

It is possible that the incidence angle of the S11 scene istoo different to be corrected according to the centreincidence angle and compared with the reference scene.Applying the correction per range line was thought to giveonly slight improvements, but this needs to be confirmed infuture studies.

The wind speed on 12 April 2011 was very high,compared with the other days (Table 2). This will most likelyaffect two main processes: the ridging of sea ice, leading toincreased deformation, and the opening of leads. The latter,combined with the low air temperature, may cause forma-tion of new smooth ice (e.g. nilas, grey ice). We have seenthat the open-water/new-ice (orange) class almost disappearsin the supervised classification of the S13 scene (Fig. 4). Theexplanation could be that the open water/new ice (orange)from S12 has evolved and become frozen, i.e. new ice/nilas(yellow). In situ measurements from 12 April 2011 indicatethat leads may freeze quite fast. In Figure 3 the proportion ofdeformed ice/ridges (blue) is larger in the S11 than the S12image, but the amount of new ice/nilas (yellow) is approxi-mately the same. The supervised classification (Fig. 4)indicates a lot more both new ice/nilas (yellow) anddeformed ice/ridges (blue) in the S11 than the S12 image.According to the weather conditions we would expect moredeformed ice and opening of leads in the S12 image than theS13 image. We do not believe that the problems regardingthe S11 scene are related to evolution of ice classes; they aremore likely to be due to incidence-angle effects.

CONCLUSIONAt present, no automatic methods for classification of radarimages of sea ice are robust enough to be used throughoutthe year.We have investigated twomethods for classification

Fig. 6. Examples of probability distributions for the log brightness feature. The top row (a–c) shows the brightness not radiometricallycorrected. The bottom row (d–f) shows the radiometrically corrected brightness feature. The left column (a, d) represents the cyan class, themiddle column (b, e) is the red class and the right column (c, f) is the blue class. The solid curves represent 11 April, the dashed curves12 April and the solid curves with squares 13 April, all from 2011.

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of polarimetric radar images of sea ice. The algorithms wereassessed in terms of their ability to produce consistent resultsunder varying environmental conditions and viewing geom-etry. The presented work is limited both in time and space,hence definite conclusions are not possible.

We have shown that automatic segmentation looksreasonable for all three scenes individually. The mainstructures are recognizable in both the Pauli (Fig. 2) andthe segmented image (Fig. 3). However, when we attempt touse the S12 image as reference data to label the unknownclasses of the test scenes, S11 and S13, the results differ. Themanually matched labels and the automatic labelling areidentical for all distance measures tested for the S13 image.For the S11 scene none of the distance measures used forautomatic labelling harmonize completely with the manu-ally matched labels. The Mahalanobis distance is the best-performing distance measure. It matches the labels of the S13image perfectly, and five of seven labels of the S11 image.

The supervised classification is reasonable for S13, butvery poor for S11. We suggest the problem with the S11scene is mainly related to incidence-angle effects (e.g.brightness and resolution).

The two test scenes were radiometrically corrected to thecentre incidence angle of the reference data, but thecorrection of the S11 scene does not fully account for thedifferences. The radiometric corrections are just a first-orderapproximation, but we conclude that the advantages ofperforming the correction are greater than the disadvantages.A good incidence-angle correction is essential for comparingscenes acquired at different angles, but as our dataset is notsuitable for such an investigation we leave this for futurestudies. However, we suggest that an improved incidence-angle correction could be accomplished by correcting eachchannel, or even each class, independently. The latter issupported by our study. The performed incidence-anglecorrection affects the classes differently (Fig. 6). Yet,correcting each class individually is obviously impossiblewithout a priori information on the corresponding ice types.

In this study we had to assume that the classes did notchange between the scenes. The number of classes in eachscene is an important issue. Future research should try toautomatically determine the number of classes. Otherrelevant topics in future studies are how sea-ice classproperties change with feature, area, etc.

Under similar incidence-angle conditions the proposedautomatic labelling method gives reasonable results and hasthe potential to be developed into an operational algorithm.However, the presented results are only valid for winterconditions. Preliminary analysis, i.e. supervised classifi-cation, of three other overlapping scenes from the sameperiod and area gives results similar to the S13 supervisedclassification. Structures clearly recognizable in the Pauliimages are also visible in the supervised classifications. Thecentre incidence angles are in the range 30–45° and theweather conditions appear reasonably stable (<5°C).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank the captain and crew of the Norwegian coast-guard vessel Svalbard and the airlift pilots and technicianson AS 350 and Dauphin for assistance during the researchcruise. We thank Nick Hughes, Gunnar Spreen andTorbjørn Eltoft for helpful suggestions. We also acknow-ledge the efforts of two anonymous reviewers and the

scientific editor, Stefan Kern. This project was financiallysupported by the projects ‘Polhavet – CASPER’ of the FramCentre and the Norwegian Polar Institute ICE centreproject ‘ICE-Fluxes’. RADARSAT-2 data were provided byNSC/KSAT under the Norwegian–Canadian RADARSATagreement 2011.

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