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Assessment Package for Year 3

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Assessment Package for Year 3 Class of 2021, 2019-20

All formative and summative assessment components/modalities* are mandatory with the exception of optional Practice MCQ quizzes. Failure to complete or attend any mandatory assessments may lead to failure of the course.

Assessment and Grading

All students within the MDUP are graded on a pass/fail basis. All assessments are designed to measure achievement of specific objectives related to each course in fulfilment and overall successful completion of the program. Students must pass each assessment component (see below) to pass the course.

Failure of an assessment component will result in a detailed review of performance by the Regional Student Promotions Subcommittee (RSPS). The student will be offered a supplemental exam or assignment (if available), by the RSPS.

The following assessment components are used in the MD Undergraduate Program:

• Written Exams

o Progress Tests: Students are required to take scheduled multiple choice-based progress tests. This exam is mapped to graduation level competencies. The results of progress tests allow students to track their learning trajectory and identify areas for improvement and emphasis. Students must complete the formative Progress Tests.

o Course based MCQs: Students are required to take scheduled summative written exams during the course, consisting of Multiple Choice Questions to assess their application of knowledge. Students must achieve a cumulative score of ≥60% across all exams in the course in this component to pass. The questions in these exams are mapped to Academic Session Objectives and Clinical Objectives.

• Portfolio

o Students are required to attend scheduled Portfolio group sessions and submit a variety of portfolio artifacts. Artifacts may include narrative assignments, reflections, critiques, etc. Assignments are considered complete if they meet the minimum standard set in the Portfolio rubric. Assignments must be submitted by deadline.

*Assessment component and assessment modality are used interchangeably in this document

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Assessment Package for Year 3

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• Workplace Based Assessments (WBA)*

o The Workplace Based Assessment is linked to the Course Learning Outcomes and based on information gathered about the student’s observed knowledge, skills and behaviour in the workplace from all sources in departmental rotations, supplemented by multiple direct observations linked to Year 3 clinical milestones. Students who achieve the Course Learning Outcomes and complete mandatory observations will pass the WBA.

*see the WBA and Expert Panel Reference Guide on page 13

• Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

o Formative: Students are required to take a formative OSCE during the course using standardized simulated clinical scenarios. Students will perform specific clinical tasks such as history-taking, physical examination or counselling, reflective of an appropriate level of skill development and receive feedback about their performance.

o Summative: Students are required to take an OSCE at the end of the course using standardized simulated clinical scenarios. Students will perform specific clinical tasks such as history-taking, physical examination or counselling, reflective of an appropriate level of skill development. A pre-set number of summative OSCE stations are required to be passed; passing score for each station is ≥60%.

Formative and Summative Assessments:

Formative: assessment activities that are designed to enable students to use the assessment process and/or outputs to guide their own learning; also known as Assessment for Learning.

Summative: assessment activities designed to indicate to the Faculty whether a student has achieved course learning outcomes and/or year-level milestones; also known as Assessment of Learning. Results of assessments of learning have an impact on whether a student passes a course or is promoted to the next year in the MD program. For more information, see Orientation to Year 3 Assessment

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Assessment Package for Year 3

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Assessment Components

Frequency Programmatic Week Date Details Formative / Summative

Progress Test (PT)

2 Week 72 Monday, June 10 PT: 3 hrs.

(150 Marks) Formative

Week 108 Monday, Mar. 2

Written Exam (Course-Based MCQ)


Exam 1: Week 83 Friday, Aug. 30 Block Exams: 3.75 hrs. (180 marks)

Summative Exam 2: Week 95 Friday, Nov. 22 Exam 3: Week 107 Friday, Feb. 28 Exam 4: Week 119 Friday, May 22

4 Practice Quiz Blocks 1-4: Week 79

Released Jul. 30 Available on ENTRADA No close date


Workplace Based Assessment (WBA)**

Total 49

Ongoing throughout Rotations Weekly direct observation, student-driven using Qualtrics tool See WBA Direct Observation Domain and Requirements for a

detailed list of what is required




(Student will attend a total of 4 sessions)

Portfolio Learning Group Meetings

Portfolio Submission after learning group


Portfolio 1: Week 75 or Week 76 or Week 77

See Entrada calendar for site(s) date/location details

Portfolio 2: Week 87 or Week 88 or Week 89 Portfolio 3: Week 101 or Week 102 or Week 103 Portfolio 4: Week 111 or Week 112 or Week 113 Portfolio Submission Week 76 or Week 77 or Week 78

See Entrada calendar for site(s) date/location details Week 88 or

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Week 89 or Week 90 Week 102 or Week 103 or Week 104 Week 112 or Week 113 or Week 114


1 Week 95 Saturday, Nov. 23 4-5 stations Formative

1 Assessment Week Saturday, May 30 8-10 stations Summative

*Quizzes are optional and designed to help students test their applied knowledge as a practice prior to the written exams (course-based MCQ). It is recommended that students complete them independently.

The quizzes will be posted on ENTRADA. Individual results of the quizzes will not be used in grading students, and will not be available to tutors, other faculty members or the Dean's Office.

**see the WBA and Expert Panel Reference Guide on page 11

*** Portfolio submission dates are 1-week after the small group learning (SGL) sessions. For example, the students who attend the SGL on June 21st must submit their Portfolio on June 28th.

Students who are unable to attend a Portfolio session or meet the deadline for submission of an assignment should refer to the Portfolio Missed Session Procedure on Entrada.

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Assessment Package for Year 3

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Assessment Components

Frequency Programmatic Week Date Details Formative / Summative

Progress Test (PT)

2 Week 72 Monday, June 10 PT: 3 hrs.

(150 Marks) Formative

Week 108 Monday, Mar. 2

Written Exam*

2 Exam 1: Week 98 Monday, Dec. 9

CWE 1: 3.5 hrs. (160 marks) Summative

Exam 2: Week 115 Monday, Apr. 20 CWE 2: 4.25 hrs. (200 marks)

4 Practice Quiz Blocks 1-4: Week 79

Released Jul. 30 Available on ENTRADA No close date


Workplace Based Assessment (WBA)***

Total 48

Ongoing throughout Course Weekly direct observation, student-driven using Qualtrics tool

See WBA Direct Observation Domain and Requirements for a detailed list of what is required




(Student will attend a total of 4 sessions)

Portfolio Learning Group Meetings

Portfolio Submission after learning group


Portfolio 1: Week 75 or Week 76 or Week 77

See Entrada calendar for site(s) date/location details

Portfolio 2: Week 87 or Week 88 or Week 89 Portfolio 3: Week 101 or Week 102 or Week 103 Portfolio 4: Week 111 or Week 112 or Week 113 Portfolio Submission Week 76 or Week 77 or Week 78

See Entrada calendar for site(s) date/location details

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Week 88 or Week 89 or Week 90 Week 102 or Week 103 or Week 104 Week 112 or Week 113 or Week 114

OSCE 1 Week 95 Saturday, Nov. 23 4-5 stations Formative

1 Assessment Week Saturday, May 30 8-10 stations Summative

*CWE Distribution of Marks

Exam Details Departmental Content Approximate Number of Questions in the exam

CWE 1 (~160 questions) Monday, December 9

Emergency Medicine 46 Orthopaedics 23 Family Practice 46 Anesthesia 23 Dermatology 11 Ophthalmology 11

CWE 2 (~200 questions) Monday, April 20

Surgery 40 IM CTU 40 Psychiatry 40 Obgyn 40 Pediatrics 40

**Quizzes are optional and designed to help students test their applied knowledge as a practice prior to the written exams (course-based MCQ). It is recommended that students complete them independently.

The quizzes will be posted on ENTRADA. Individual results of the quizzes will not be used in grading students, and will not be available to tutors, other faculty members or the Dean's Office.

*** see the WBA and Expert Panel Reference Guide on page 11

****Portfolio submission dates are 1-week after the small group learning (SGL) sessions. For example, the students who attend the SGL on June 21st must submit their Portfolio on June 28th.

Students who are unable to attend a Portfolio session or meet the deadline for submission of an assignment should refer to the Portfolio Missed Session Procedure on Entrada.

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Assessment Package for Year 3

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WBA Direct Observation Domains and Requirements

The following table indicates the WBA Direct Observation domain titles.

MEDD 431: WBA DIRECT OBSERVATION DOMAIN TITLES DO # WBA Title 1 Obtain a history adapted to the patient’s clinical situation 2 Perform a physical examination adapted to the patient’s clinical situation 3 Formulate and justify a prioritized differential diagnosis 4 Formulate an initial plan of investigation based on the diagnostic hypotheses 5 Interpret results of common diagnostic and screening tests 6 Formulate and implement an appropriate care plan 7 Present oral and written reports that document a clinical encounter 8 Provide and receive the handover in transitions of care, for example, handing over patient

clinical status and tasks prior to leaving for academic half day 9 Recognize urgency of unstable vital signs and participates in stabilization. Seeks help when

needed. 10 Communicate care plan with patients and their caregivers in an empathetic manner 11 Collaborates as a member of an interprofessional team 12 Contribute to a culture of safety and improvement 13 Educate patients on disease management, health promotion, and preventive medicine 14 Perform general procedures of a physician

a) CPR (performed or simulated) b) Bag Mask Ventilation c) IV insertion

The following tables on pages 9 and 10 indicate the mandatory WBA Direct Observations that must be completed within each rotation or in the ICC program. Direct Observations will be tracked and the Year 3 Site Director will monitor completion of required DOs periodically.

The Expert Panel will review students with incomplete DOs at the end of the course. This will lead to a recommendation of an ‘incomplete’ grade or ‘failure’. Please see WBA reference guide and “Year 3 WBA Expert Panel + Support Process” for details.

Please note that there may be additional rotation-specific expectations which will be communicated to you at the time of the rotation.

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Logging of Clinical Case List/Patient Encounters and Clinical Procedures in One45

Students are expected to log Patient Encounters and Clinical Procedures regularly (please see the “Logging (one45)” folder under Assessments > Student links on Entrada).

To pass the MEDD 431, the Patient Encounters and Clinical Procedures log must be complete by the end of the year. Students with incomplete logs at the end of the course will be reviewed by the Expert Panel. This will lead to a recommendation of an ‘incomplete’ grade or ‘failure’.

Logging will be tracked and students who have unsatisfactory logging (<70% of items) at the end of the 3rd block will be referred to the Expert Panel.

In the ICC program, logging will be reviewed as part of each 6 weekly clinical performance review (CPR).

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Block Rotation (Qualtrics Link) WBA DO Domain #s Total #


Emergency Medicine DO 1 DO 2

DO 9 (x2) DO 14a 5

Family Practice DO 1 DO 2

DO 3 DO 13 4

Dermatology DO 3 1


DO 2 (x2) Complete 1 of each:

• Slit Lamp Examination • Direct Ophthalmoscopy


Internal Medicine - Ambulatory

DO 1 is mandatory and complete 1 different DO out of the remaining DOs 2 - 7 listed below

2 DO 1 (mandatory) DO 2 DO 3 DO 4

DO 5 DO 6 DO 7

Brain and Body

Internal Medicine - CTU

DO 8 is mandatory and complete 5 different DOs out of the remaining DOs 2 - 7 listed below

6 DO 2 DO 3 DO 4

DO 5 DO 6 DO 7 DO 8 (mandatory)

Psychiatry DO 1 DO 2 DO 3

DO 4 DO 6 DO 10


Surgical and Perioperative Care

Surgery (General and Sub Specialties)

DO 1 DO 2 DO 3 DO 4

DO 5 DO 6 DO 7 DO 12


Anethesiology DO 14b and 14c see drop down list to ensure both procedures are completed 2

Orthopaedics DO 1 DO 2 2

Women’s and Children’s Health

Obstetrics and Gynecology

DO 1 DO 2 DO 3

DO 4 DO 6 DO 11



DO 2 (x2) Complete 1 of each: • Physical examination of a child • Physical examination of a newborn

DO 1 DO 3 DO 6 DO 11


Missed Direct Observation

C2021 Year 3 Missing DO link

If you were unable to complete a required WBA direct observation within a rotation, please use this form to make it up in the next rotation. You are required to complete the same number DO that is incomplete. (i.e. if you missed WBA 9 then get a WBA 9 done in another rotation)



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The following table indicates the mandatory WBA Direct Observations that must be completed within the ICC. Failure to complete these will lead to referral to the Expert Panel.

It is recommended that a minimum of 1 WBA DO be performed per week throughout the academic year.


DO 1 (x8) DO 2 (x11) DO 3 (x7) DO 4 (x4) DO 5 (x2) DO 6 (x5) DO 7 (x2)

DO 8 (x1) DO 9 (x2) DO 10 (x1) DO 11 (x2) DO 12 (x1) DO 13 (x1) DO 14 (x3) *see table on page 7 (Total 50 to complete)

WBA Direct Observation Requirements

Components of an ICC Clinical Performance (CPR) Review

In the ICC Program, students will meet with their Site Director every 6 weeks for a CPR. In addition to an overall check-in on student performance, individual components listed below will be reviewed:

• Review of DO, • Case presentations, • Preceptor progress assessments (mid-rotation assessments), • Logging, • Exam performance

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MEDD 431 (Rotational and ICC) – DEFERRAL EXAM INFORMATION Assessment Components

Exam Type Date/Time Details Formative / Summative

Progress Test (PT)

Progress Test 1

Scheduled on a case-by-case


PT: 3 hrs. (150 Marks)

Formative Progress Test 2

Written Exam

CWE Exam 1 CWE 1: 3.5 hrs. (160 marks)

Summative CWE Exam 2

CWE 2: 4.25 hrs. (200 marks)

Block Exam 1

Block Exams: 3.75 hrs. (180 marks)

Summative Block Exam 2

Block Exam 3

Block Exam 4

OSCE Formative 4-5 stations Formative

Summative 8-10 stations Summative

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Formative/ Summative

Requirement to Pass Component If Requirement Not

Met Written exam (Progress Test)

Formative Required to complete. Deferral will be offered

Written exam (Course-based MCQ)


Rotation: Cumulative score of all 4 end-of-block Written exams is ≥60%

ICC: Cumulative score of both CWE Written exams is ≥60%

Supplemental will be offered

Portfolio Summative Completion of all Portfolio assignments to meet minimal criteria set in the Portfolio rubric by deadlines*.

Supplementary assignment will be offered

WBA Summative

Students achieve observable Year 3 clinical milestones (as laid out in the EOR) and have completed all required Direct Observations, mandatory Clinical Procedures, and logging (Patient Encounters and Clinical Procedures) will pass the WBA.

See WBA Reference Guide

No supplemental offered

OSCE Formative Required to complete.

Deferred exam will be offered

Summative Pre-set number of summative OSCE stations are required to be passed, passing score for each station is ≥60%

Supplemental will be offered

*On rare occasions marking of the Portfolio may be deferred to a new deadline pending revision of the assignment In summary: You need to pass each component to pass the course. If you fail the WBA component, you fail the course.

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Information for Supplemental Exams and Assignments

All supplemental exams/assignments will be granted by the RSPS.


Assessment Components

Supplemental Activity and Requirement to Pass If Requirement

Not Met

Written Exam

Rotation: MEDD 431 supplemental written exam. Cumulative score across supplemental written exams is ≥60%.

MEDD 431 is failed

ICC CWE: MEDD 431 supplemental written exam. Cumulative score across supplemental Comprehensive Written Exams (CWE) is ≥60%.

MEDD 431 is failed


Supplementary Assignment. Completion of supplementary Portfolio assignment which was failed; must be submitted by new deadline and meet minimal criteria set in Portfolio rubric.

MEDD 431 is failed

WBA no supplemental offered MEDD 431 is failed

Summative OSCE

Supplemental OSCE. Pre-set number of summative OSCE stations are required to be passed, passing score for each station is ≥60%

MEDD 431 is failed


Assessment Modalities Date/Time Details Formative / Summative

Written Exam June 4-5

CWE: 7.5 hrs. (360 marks)

Summative June 19-22

Block Exams: 7.5 hrs. (360 marks)

OSCE June 22 8-10 stations Summative

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Year 3 WBA and Expert Panel Reference Guide

What is Workplace Based Assessment?

Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) is one of the four modalities of Assessment used in the renewed Year 3. The WBA is aligned to the Course Learning Outcomes.

End-of-Rotation Workplace Based Assessment will take into account two streams of information:

A. Contributory Stream: This stream includes information gathered about the students’ applied knowledge, skills and attitudes from all sources, within the department.

B. WBA Direct Observation Data Stream: There are 14 clinical task domains, such as history taking, physical examination, communication and others. Students will be responsible for being observed performing a required number of clinical tasks in each rotation. These details will be provided under the WBA Direct Observation Domain and Requirements section of this Assessment Package and rotation-specific orientations. Students should contact their supervisor if they are having difficulty completing direct observations in a timely manner. On rare occasions, if a direct observation is missed, a student may complete the missed domain in another rotation using the ‘missing DO link’.

WBA Direct Observation Data Stream WBA Domains 1-14 – Clinical Tasks • WBA Direct Observations should address only a small aspect of the clinical task being observed and

take no more than 5-10 minutes. • WBA Direct Observation assessment forms are completed electronically via a survey tool. Links to

Direct Observation survey tool will be provided to students and preceptors in the Assessment Package and at rotation orientations.

• The WBA Direct Observation form can be completed using either the Student’s or the Preceptor’s mobile device.

End of Rotation Assessment • Using assessment data and information about the students’ applied knowledge, skills and attitudes

gathered from all sources within the department and from the WBA Direct Observation forms, the Discipline Head Assessors will complete End of Rotation (EoR) Assessment forms. The domains in the EOR form are aligned to the Course Learning Outcomes.

o Mid-Rotation assessment forms are completed for disciplines with 4 weeks of rotation or greater and focus on formative feedback to students.

• If the overall performance of a student is found to be ‘Not on Track’ to meet end of Year 3 milestones related to the Course Learning Outcomes, the student will be referred to an Expert Panel. If a student is found to be ‘Not on Track’ in the same domain in 3 rotations they will be referred to the Expert Panel.

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Summary of Referral and Monitoring by Expert Panel for ICC and Rotation based Year 3 (see Year 3 WBA Expert Panel + Support Process and Year 3 WBA Referral and Monitoring Summary on the next 2 pages) • The Expert Panel members are drawn from the RSPS because of their expertise and contextual

knowledge of the program and experience with teaching and assessment. They will review the student’s assessment data, recommend support, and monitor the student’s progress.

• At the end of the course, the Expert Panel will review all students under monitoring at year end and all students who have incomplete elements or deficiencies which require completion or remediation. They will recommend a grade based on the following criteria: o A passing grade if the student has achieved Year 3 milestones related to the Course Learning

Outcomes (as laid out in the EOR form) and has completed the incomplete elements. o A failing grade if Year 3 milestones related to Course Learning Outcomes have not been

achieved or if incomplete elements cannot be remediated within 4 available weeks in the summer, unless a Leave of Absence (LOA) or other policy applies. The earliest point which the Expert Panel can recommend a failing grade is at the end of a

24 week period of monitoring. o An incomplete grade if a student has incomplete elements (such as logging, direct observations)

that can be completed within the 4 available weeks in the summer.

Links to Resources • Faculty Development Module • WBA Direct Observation Videos • Year 3 WBA Expert Panel + Support Process

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Year 3 WBA Referral and Monitoring Summary - Rotation

End of Rotation Assessment (EOR)

On Track NotOn Track

1st Expert Panel Review

MEDD 431 Starts

Pass MEDD 431 WBAFail MEDD 431 WBA;

Fail MEDD 431(Repeat Year 3)

Notes:• End-of-Rotation Assessment is

completed at the end of each rotation.

• The Expert Panel may recommend a failing grade before the end of the course, if serious concerns persist at or after 24 weeks of monitoring by the panel, at the earliest.

• For further details, see Year 3 WBA Expert Panel + Support Process

End of Course and Expert Panel Review

Complete Remaining Incomplete

Incomplete Elements; Remediation during 4 weeks

in Summer

Monitoring and Support

(no SADS yet)

Refer to RSPS for SADS


2nd Expert Panel Review

12 weeks later

No further monitoring


Continued monitoring and


Refer to RSPS for SADS or continue


3rd Expert Panel Review

12 weeks later

Subsequent 12 weekly expert panel

reviews as above

EOR Assessment Throughout Course

EOR Assessment Throughout Course

No further monitoring


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Year 3 WBA Referral and Monitoring Summary - ICC

Clinical Performance Review (CPR)

and ICC Progress Assessment Form

On Track NotOn Track

1st Expert Panel Review

MEDD 431 ICC Starts

Pass MEDD 431 WBAFail MEDD 431 WBA;

Fail MEDD 431(Repeat Year 3)

Notes:• ICC Progress Assessment Form is

completed every 6 weeks after the CPR meeting.

• CPR meetings occur every 6 weeks.• The Expert Panel may recommend a

failing grade before the end of the course, if serious concerns persist at or after 24 weeks of monitoring by the panel, at the earliest.

• For further details, see Year 3 WBA Expert Panel + Support Process

End of Course and Expert Panel Review

CompleteRemaining Incomplete

Incomplete Elements; Remediation during 4 weeks

in Summer

CPR every 6 weeks, until end of course

Monitoring and Support

(no SADS yet)

Refer to RSPS for SADS


2nd Expert Panel Review

12 weeks later

No further monitoring


Continued monitoring and


Refer to RSPS for SADS or continue


3rd Expert Panel Review

12 weeks later

CPR every 6 weeks, until end of course

with reports/ feedback to Expert

Panel thru ICC Program Director

Subsequent 12 weekly expert panel

reviews as above

No further monitoring


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Assessment-Related Policies:

Deferral Policy: To outline the conditions and procedures by which a student may request a deferred assessment. Assessment, Grading and Standards of Achievement: To inform medical students and faculty about the assessment, grading and standards of achievement for all years. Advancement, Promotion, Graduation and Academic Standing: To describe the criteria for advancement, promotion, graduation and academic standing and the consequences for students who do not meet the criteria. Exam Conduct: To provide students, faculty and staff with the expectations of student conduct during formal examinations in the MD Undergraduate Program. Student Examination Accommodations Procedure: To provide information on procedures specific to MD Undergraduate Program students requiring assessment for and implementation of accommodations. Attendance Policy & Absence Procedure and Negotiated Absence Guideline: To provide students, faculty and staff with the expectations for attendance in the MD Undergraduate Program and the procedure to be followed in the event of absences. Reference CACMS Standards 12.4. Leave of Absence: To provide students, faculty and staff with information regarding the types, duration, consequences and procedures for a Leave of Absence from the Undergraduate Medical Education program. Delivery Disruption of Examinations: Describes when and how examinations are rescheduled if extreme weather or other disruptions occur at one or more of the Undergraduate Medical Education program sites, including Integrated Community Clerkship sites. Year 3 Expert Panel and Support Process: Outlines the processes related to the referral, recommendation for support, and monitoring of students by an Expert Panel. It also describes the role and responsibilities of the Expert Panel.

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YEAR 3 MEDD 431: Assessment Calendar 2019-20




Multiple Choice Questions

Progress Tests

Objective Structured Clinical Examination

Workplace Based Assessment


103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117










Last updated: May 31, 2019



Jun 17

Jun 24

Jul 1

Jul 8

Jul 15

Jul 22

Jul 29

Aug 5

Aug 12

Programmatic Week 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

First Monday of Week


100 101

98 99


Y4 Start

For exact dates, refer to the Assessment Package



Y3 Start





ICC Comprehensive Written Exams



*only students in the Integrated Community Clerkship (ICC) stream will sit a Comprehensive Written Exam (CWE) in place of the rotational end‐of‐block written exam (MCQ)

MEDD 431 Supplemental Exam Weeks

**WBAs occur regulary across all blocks in

MEDD 431

119 120 121


Aug. 19

Aug. 26

Sep. 2

Dec. 16

Dec. 23

Sep. 9

Sep. 16

Sep. 23

Sep. 30

Oct. 7

Oct. 14

Oct. 21

Oct. 28

Nov. 4

Nov. 11

Nov. 18

Nov. 25

Dec. 2

Dec. 9

Dec. 30

Jan. 6

Jan. 13

Jan. 20

Jan. 27

Feb. 3

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 24

Mar. 2

Mar. 9

Mar. 16

Mar. 23

Mar. 30

Apr. 6

Apr. 13

Apr. 20

Apr. 27


May 11

May 18





May 25





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5 Educational Assessment Unit, Feb 2019


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