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Living & Working in Germany - Opportunities in the ICT Sector -

Barcelona, 16./17. November 2012

Welcome to Germany!

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ZAV – The International Placement Services of the German Federal Employment Agency

Some facts about Germany

German labour market

The labour market for IT-Specialists

Access to German labour market

Salaries and deductions

Looking for jobs in Germany

The application process


Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn

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ZAV – Our Services for Jobseekers

The International Placement Services (ZAV)

EURES Germany

Provides services for:

jobseekers from abroad

German employers

Our responsibilities include:

Information and advice about the German labour market and employment opportunities

Placement for jobseekers from abroad (only selected professions)

Specific recruitment events in country of origin

Consulting for foreign graduates of German universities

Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn

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Some Facts about Germany

Surface area: 357.000 km²

Population: 82.6 million

~ 15 mill. with a migration background

Capital: Berlin

16 Federal States

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The German Labour Market

Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn

Unemployment rates in

October 2012:

Germany: 6,5 %

Western States: 5,6 %

Eastern States: 9,8 %

number of unemployed persons:


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The German Labour Market: Where is the Demand right now?

Labour shortage mainly in the following technical occupations:

Engineers in mechanical engineering and in the automotive sector

Engineers in mechatronics and electronics

Engineers in technical research & development (R&D)

Engineers in construction departments including model making

Engineers in metal construction and in welding engineering

Experts in computer science, SW-development/programming

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The Labour Market for IT-Specialists

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17 31



169 175 194 195






311 295




48 67

124 140














Scientists Latheoperat.





Chemists IT-Specialists Engineers Nurses etc. social

Professions Teacher

Datenquelle: Statistisches Bundesamt

People retired in:

2008 - 2017

2018 - 2027

2028 - 2037

Because of retirements

Germany will need:

in the years 2008 - 2017

311.000 in 2018 - 2027

406.000 in 2028 - 2037

169.000 IT-Experts

Demographic changes (employees 55 years and older - in 1.000)

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The Labour Market for IT-Specialists

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Computer Science, Softwaredevelopment, IT-

Consulting – June 2012 -

= real shortage (Period of a vacancy is at least 40% longer

than average period regarding all occupations and there are

less than150 candidates per 100 registered job offers or

there are less candidates than job offers)

= signs for a real shortage

= no shortage yet = no results indicated due to too few data

no general shortage in the ICT-Sector

a shortage of experts in SW/HW- and application development, programming, consulting

no need of IT-analysts/-sales, network engineering

shortage only in some regions (mainly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg)

a surplus of IT-Experts in Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt

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The Labour Market for IT-Specialists

Most wanted skills:

C#, C, C++, Java/J2EE, JavaScript, JSP, Delphi, PHP, HTML, CSS, XSL, .net, jQuery

SQL, MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL

SW-design, SW-engineering, IT-testing, design and development of testing methods (Hardware-in-the-Loop – HIL)

Automotive bus systems (CAN, LIN, AUTOSAR, FleyRay, OSEK etc.)


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Access to the German Labour Market

Free access to the German labour market for citizens of EU/EEA member states (except Bulgaria and Romania until 2014)

Members of third party countries (= anybody who is not an EU/EEA citizen), who are interested to work in Germany, usually need a residence permit including a work permit

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How much do I earn ? - Salaries in Germany

There is no general minimum wage regulation (exceptions for special branches)

Wages depend on collective agreements (Tarifvertrag) which exist for most sectors

Regional differences (East-West/North-South)

Wages: monthly salary (gross) – the net salary is lower

Talking about monthly salary means 12 month/year

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How much do I have to deduct from my Salary?

Social Security System:

Health Insurance 15,5 %

Unemployment Insurance 3,0 %

Pension 19,9 %

Long-Term Care Insurance 1,95 %

Work Accident Insurance paid by employer


Income tax 14 % - 42 % (Depending on income and marital status)

Church tax 8 % - 9 % of income tax

Solidarity tax 5,5 % of income tax

Automatically deducted from the salary

Registration to the social insurance system is done by the employer

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IT-Engineer in the automotive sector (approx. 2 years work experience), single, no kids, in NRW, tax class 1, 40h/week - Sample Salary Statement:

Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn




3.583,33 €

43.000,- €

Social security contributions

Pension Plan (Rentenversicherung, -19,6 %) 351,17 € 4.214,04 €

Unempl. insurance (Arbeitslosenvers., - 3 %) 53,75 € 645,00 €

Health insurance (Krankenversicherung, - 15,5 %) 293,84 € 3.526,08 €

Long-term care insurance (Pflegevers., -2,2 %) 43,90 € 526,80 €

Total Social Contributions 742,66 € 8.911,92 €

Taxation Solidarity tax (Soli-Abgabe) 34,86 € 418,27 €

Church tax (Kirchensteuer) 50,70 € 608,40 €

Income tax (Lohnsteuer) 633,75 € 7.605,00 €

Total Taxation 719,31 € 8.631,67 €

Salary after deductions

2.121,37 €

25.456,41 €

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How to find a job in Germany

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German Federal Employment agency

www.arbeitsagentur.de -> Jobbörse

(currently 767.634 vacancies registered)

Company websites

Specific websites for different branches

(see www.ba-auslandsvermittlung.de/deutschland)


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The Jobörse on www.arbeitsagentur.de

Quicksearch/ advanded Search

choose language

Register/ Log in

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The Application Process: How to read a job offer

The offer at a first glance

Living and Working in… (region, town, city)

Requirements – all that is a must

Qualifications which can be an asset

My qualifications/experiences vs. the requirements

The aim: a congruence of 70%

Any additional qualifications you can offer

Are there any questions left after you read the job offer carefully?

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The Application Process: CV and cover letter – Recommendations and No-Gos

Recipient of your application (name, address, position )

Structured design – uniform appearance

Your contact information – are you available any time?

Cover letter related to the requirements

Work experience when important for the future job

CV: No photo from your last vacation

It does not make sense to spread a generalised application

Apply the way the employer has indicated

! Don‘t waste the employer‘s time by providing unnecessary information !

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Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung

Internationaler Personalservice

Villemombler Str. 76

53123 Bonn, Germany

Phone: +49 228 713-1313

e-mail: [email protected]


Living & Working in Germany, International Placement Services, ZAV Bonn

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Living and Working in Germany

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