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Page 1: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Asset Pipeline (2)

ROR lab. DD-1- The 9th round -

July 31, 2013

Hyoseong Choi

Page 2: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails


• javascripts

• stylesheets

• images

• fonts

• videos

• audios

Page 3: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails



Web ServerNginx


Middleware Sprockets

Three pipelines• app/assets• lib/assets• vendor/assets

• public/assets

sinceRails 3.1

fingerprinting static assets

rake assets:precompile

Page 4: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails


• concatenate

• minimize or compress

• using high-level languages

for Assets

Page 5: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Assets-writing Languages

• CoffeeScript

• Sass


• others



ruby code





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If you don’t want

• in Application.rb

config.assets.enabled = false

$ rails new appname --skip-sprockets

• on creating a new application



Page 7: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Cache Busting

• MD5 fingerprinting


a hash of the content

Page 8: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

CSS and Sass

body { background: asset-url('image.jpg'); background: image-url('image.jpg'); background: url(asset-path('image.jpg')); background: url(image-path('image.jpg'));}

*.scss on `sass-rails` gem

asset-url, in sass => asset_url, in rubyimage-url, in sass => image_url in rubyasset-path, in sass => asset_path in rubyimage-path, in sass=> image_path in ruby

hyphenated in sass, underscored in ruby

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CSS & ERB using data URI

#logo { background: url(<%= asset_data_uri 'logo.png' %>) }

a method of embedding the image data directly into the CSS file



Page 10: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

To add pipelines


<< Rails.root.join("lib", "videoplayer", "flash")

in config/application.rb

lib/videoplayer/flash/abc.css.scss *= require abc (in application.css)lib/videoplayer/flash/abc.js.coffee /= require abc (in application.js)

Page 11: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

production.rb• config.assets.enabled = true

• config.assets.precompile += %w(*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif)

• config.assets.compress = true

• config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier

• config.assets.css_compressor = :sass

• config.serve_static_assets = true

• config.assets.digest = true

• config.assets.version = '1.0'

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Controller-specific Assets



a javascriptand

a stylesheet

a scaffoldor

a controller


<%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %>

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Precompile Assets

# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled

asset is missed.

config.assets.compile = false

$ RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

in config/environments/production.rb

in terminal console

on deployment with Capistrano

$ cap deploy:assets:precompile

Page 14: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Compile Assets

# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled

asset is missed.

config.assets.compile = true

$ RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

in config/environments/production.rb

in terminal console

on deployment with Capistrano

$ cap deploy:assets:precompile


Page 15: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

`Manifest` File

• to make a whitelist of assets included and served

• to build a single CSS or javascript file

• Directives :

★ `require`

★ `require_tree` (with recursion)

★ `require_directory` (without recursion)

Page 16: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Server -e option

$ rails s (-e development)

$ rails s -e production


In development mode

In production mode

Page 17: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Before Deploy

• For the simulation of Production Environment in local machine

1. Check config/production.rb

config.serve_static_assets = false true

로컬머신에서 production mode로 웹서버를 실행하면 어플리케이션 서버(webrick, puma, thin...)가 static assets을 인식 못함. 따라서 레일스가 이를 대신할 수 있도록 true로 지정해 둠.

Page 18: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Before Deploy

• For the simulation of Production Environment in local machine

2. Precompile assets

$ RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

결과로, public/assets 디렉토리가 생성되고 컴파일된 자원들이 fingerprinting되어 위치하게 됨.

Page 19: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Before Deploy

• For the simulation of Production Environment in local machine

3. Run local Web Server in production mode

$ rails s -e production

Page 20: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

Before Deploy

• For the simulation of Production Environment in local machine

4. Revert config/production.rb to

config.serve_static_assets = true false

production mode로 시뮬레이션 작업이 끝나고 실제 원격 운영서버로 배포하기 전에 false 값으로 되돌려 놓음. 이유는, Apache나 Nginx 웹서버가 컴파일된 파일들을 로드하기 때문.

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Deploy after Local Precompilation

• not have write access to your production file system

• deploying to more than one server

• doing frequent deploys that do not include asset changes

Indications :

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Deploy after Local Precompilation

• not run the Capistrano deployment task that precompiles assets.

• change the following two application configuration settings

Treatments :

config.assets.prefix = "/dev-assets"

config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false



Page 23: Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails

ROR Lab.

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