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Unit 8: Research Project 16

Assignment 1

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business (QCF)

Unit and code: 8 Research Project (K/601/0941)

Level: 5

Activity title: Research Project

Assignment reference: RP (Assignment 1 of 1)

Issue date: / / Date due: / / Date submitted: / /

Lecturer name(s): _____________________________________

Student name: _____________________________________

Outcome Summative feedback Lecturer’s






LO1 Understand how to formulate a research specification 1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications 1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection 1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references 1.4 Produce a research project specification 1.5 Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification


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Unit 8: Research Project 17



LO2 Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification 2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis 2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures 2.3 Record and collate relevant data where appropriate




LO3 Be able to evaluate the research outcomes 3.1 Use appropriate research evaluation techniques 3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification 3.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration


LO4 Be able to present the research outcomes 4.1 Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience


M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions


M2 Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques


M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings


D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions


D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinking


Statement of authenticity

I confirm that this is my own work

Student’s signature

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Unit 8: Research Project 18

Formative feedback

Action plan

Student comment Lecturer signature


Student signature


Summative feedback

Action plan

Student comment

Lecturer signature


Student signature


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Unit 8: Research Project 19

Scenario You need to agree a business topic about which to do research with your supervisor. It can be drawn from and relate to any area of business. It is important to choose a topic that interests you, about which more needs to be known and which is relevant to business.

There are various ways to generate ideas and these include but are not limited to:


Listing of key/interesting words

Identifying a subject(s) that is worth enquiry

Looking at what is in the news

Selecting subjects for which you will be able to understand the literature

Ensuring subjects are manageable

Selecting subjects for which there is material available

Being flexible about possible research

Doing some preliminary research

Reading around the subject

Being familiar with recent developments in the subject

Defining a focused research question or hypothesis

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Unit 8: Research Project 20

Tasks required This is a staged assignment.

Stage 1

Task 1 You are required to undertake a piece of research that has a business focus. You need to:

Formulate and record a possible research project with outline specifications

Identify the factors that contribute to the process of selecting a research project topic

Undertake a critical review of key references

Produce a research project specification

Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

(1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

Task 2 Once the business research question or hypothesis has been agreed and a plan formulated, you then need to:

Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures

Record and collate relevant data where appropriate

(2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Stage 2

Task 3 Once you have completed your investigation you need to:

Use appropriate research evaluation techniques to assess your research work

Interpret and analyse the results of the research in terms of the original research specification

Make recommendations and justify the areas that are worth for further consideration

(3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

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Unit 8: Research Project 21

Task 4 Once completed you should then write up the research using an agreed format and use appropriate media order to present the outcomes of the research to an audience.

A possible format might be:

Title page This should contain the title of the project, your name, the date you are submitting it and any other information your tutor has specified as relevant.

List of contents This should contain a list of the contents and have section or paragraph headings with page numbers and details of all tables, diagrams and appendices.

Summary This should be written last and is a brief summary of your report. It should be brief, concise and provide an overview of your research objectives, key findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Introduction This should outline the problem or issue that was researched and why it was researched, together with an overview of the literature review and the research question that was addressed.

Findings This section records the results of your data collection and analysis. It is the most important section of your report but can be the most difficult to write. It should be clearly and logically structured around relevant areas or issues. It should be written concisely and presented so that it is easy to refer to.

It should be broken down into the following sections:




Decide your structure before you begin to write it. You may also find it useful to decide how many words to allocate to each area within each section.

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Unit 8: Research Project 22

Conclusion This is the final stage of analysis. It is a brief summary of your research. It draws together the results of your research and applies them to your initial research question and objectives. There should be no references to research or literature that have not been referred to earlier in the report.

Recommendations These will logically follow from your conclusions. What further action do you recommend? This may involve recommendations for action related to a business issue or suggestions for further research.

References References in your project report should be in the format and use the convention agreed with your tutor, such as Harvard referencing.

A reference section at the end of your report should list the sources of reference referred to in your report.

A bibliography section should list all the documents you have used in compiling your research: those listed in your reference section and others that you have not referred to in your report.


Tasks 1 to 4 will generate evidence for M1, M2, M3, D1, D2 and D3.

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Unit 8: Research Project 23

Grading Pass Work has met the requirements of all the assessment

criteria identified in the assignment.

Merit The research deals with a complex business problem and concludes by making effective judgements about the subject under enquiry.

An effective approach to studying is demonstrated by ensuring the deadline to submit the tasks has been met.


The research demonstrates the use and application of relevant business theories and techniques to the issue being considered for which a range of sources of information has been used.


All components of the research work are logically structured and the results of the research are based on a clear analysis of results obtained and presented in an appropriate format for an audience of peers.


Distinction A critical view of the problem being investigated has been carried out and justified conclusions have been drawn as a result of applying theoretical ideas to the analysis of a business problem.


The research has been self-managed and conducted autonomously in ways that ensure its completion within the agreed time frame.


The research has involved considering a novel situation/problem and thinking about how it can best be analysed/resolved through the application of innovative ideas.


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Unit 8: Research Project 24

Centre guidance notes for this assignment Use recognised business formats for presenting the work.

Use appropriate software in producing the work.

Use 11 point Arial or Trebuchet script.

The report must use the standard conventions for presenting a research report. A suggested structure is identified as part of task 4.

Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.

Bind you research report.

Detach the title page and fix it to the front of your assignment before submitting your work.

Work must be checked by a plagiarism checker and the institution’s plagiarism policy will apply to all student assignment work. A copy of the plagiarism checker report must be attached to the assignment that is handed in, otherwise it will be rejected for marking.

Submit the work to {insert name} in the faculty office by {insert date and time}. Late work and non-submission of work will be dealt with in line with the institution’s assessment policy.

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Unit 8: Research Project 25

Topic 1: Choosing a research topic The purpose of the session is to develop the process of choosing a topic for the research project and drawing up research questions and objectives. It will also explore the structure and elements of a research project. This session should be activity based and is designed to encourage learners to work together to share ideas and support each other in developing a topic for their research project and developing a project specification.

Before the end of the session hand out the assignment. Indeed, you might want to distribute the assignment in the introductory session. It is important that learners can see what they are going to be asked to do. They need to see how the topics are going to be of value in approaching the tasks identified at the different stages in the assignment.

Activity 1.1

Divide learners into groups and ask learners to consider how useful a framework Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats provides for tackling and finding a solution to a problem. Provide learners with a copy of the handout (on pages 27 and 28). Ask each group to appoint a spokesperson to feed back findings to the rest of the class.

Activity 1.2

Ask learners to brainstorm some ideas about a research topic, research questions and objectives that they want to consider. Provide learners with a copy of the handout on choosing a research topic (on pages 29, 30 and 31). You need to have the lecture slides to hand for this as a memory jogger. Learners could be encouraged to learn from each other by putting possible hypotheses or research questions on a single sheet of paper and sharing these with others and asking for helpful feedback. Alternatively, they could place ideas on a wiki or discussion board so that they can share them with others and provide helpful feedback. Spidergrams can be used to trace the different dimensions and facets of a problem.

Activity 1.3

Ask learners to crystallise their ideas and identify one or two topics, some research questions and objectives that might be considered for the business project. In tutorial discussions you will need to agree with each individual the topic for the research project. It needs to be agreed at this early stage to provide a focus for subsequent activities and for learners to begin thinking about carrying out research and collecting relevant information.

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Unit 8: Research Project 26

Tutorial activity 1.1 handout Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats Six thinking hats can be useful for exploring and evaluating research topic ideas. As each ‘thinking hat’ is a different style of thinking it encourages different perspectives on the topic you have chosen or are considering.

White hat

With this thinking hat you focus on the data available. Look at the information you have, and see what you can learn from it. Look for gaps in your knowledge, and either try to fill them or take account of them. This is where you analyse past trends, and try to extrapolate from historical data.

Red hat

‘Wearing’ the red hat, you look at problems using intuition, gut reaction and emotion. Also try to think how other people will react emotionally. Try to understand the responses of people who do not fully know your reasoning.

Black hat

Using black hat thinking, look at all the bad points of the decision. Look at it cautiously and defensively. Try to see why it might not work. This is important because it highlights the weak points in a plan. It allows you to eliminate them, alter them, or prepare contingency plans to counter them. Black hat thinking helps to make your plans ‘tougher’ and more resilient. It can also help you to spot fatal flaws and risks before you embark on a course of action. Black hat thinking is one of the real benefits of this technique, as many successful people get so used to thinking positively that often they cannot see problems in advance. This leaves them under prepared for difficulties.

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Unit 8: Research Project 27

Yellow hat

The yellow hat helps you to think positively. It is the optimistic viewpoint that helps you to see all the benefits of the decision and the value in it. Yellow hat thinking helps you to keep going when everything looks gloomy and difficult.

Green hat

The green hat stands for creativity. This is where you can develop creative solutions to a problem. It is a freewheeling way of thinking, in which there is little criticism of ideas. Other creativity and problem-solving tools can be useful here.

Blue hat

The blue hat stands for process control. This is the hat worn by people chairing meetings. When running into difficulties because ideas are running dry, they may direct activity into green hat thinking. When contingency plans are needed, they will ask for black hat thinking.

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Unit 8: Research Project 28

Tutorial activity 1.2 handout Choosing a research topic It is important to choose a topic that you will enjoy researching as you will need to expend considerable effort and time to complete it.

Use the checklist below to help you choose a topic area and develop a main topic question and subsidiary question. An example of using this checklist is shown in italics.

Interests What areas of your course, work experience, life experience or news media topics have interested you the most or raised questions you would like answers to?

How effective is the use of social media in marketing products and services to different segments of the market and to different demographic groups?

What topical areas at the moment would you like to know more about?

Growing a business by using new technologies to integrate all areas of activity such as production, marketing, distribution and administration.

Developing knowledge and skills What are your personal strengths and areas for development? (The handout for tutorial activity 0.3 might be useful here.)

What skills and knowledge do you think you will need in the future?

Using social media in business.

Past projects and assignments If you have previous experience of projects and assignments, which ones have interested you? Which ones would you like to know more about?

Human resource management and marketing assignments.

Relevance of the four Ps in today’s global economy.

Use of technology in business.

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Unit 8: Research Project 29

Using relevant literature Explore literature in the area you think you will be interested in. Does this suggest any topics or questions?

A Google search revealed that there are now seven Ps and a further four suggested for marketing that uses technology.

Apply techniques to develop ideas – on your own or with others It is not necessary to use all of these, only those that appeal to you and/or your colleagues, but consider brainstorming, six thinking hats, concept mapping and the Delphi technique.

Ask others You will have a network of people you could ask for ideas or to ask for responses to any ideas you might have already had.

Tutors, course colleagues, work colleagues, friends, relevant professionals

Do not be afraid to ask. Most people are always willing to help others.

Decision time

What is the main topic(s) you are interested in?

The use of new technologies such as social media and data mining in marketing.

Research questions

What will be your main research question or hypothesis?

What are the subsidiary questions or objectives you will seek to answer?

What key words will you use to inform your literature review?

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Unit 8: Research Project 30

Research objective

This should only be a draft, to be confirmed after you have completed your literature search.

Will your research objective(s) pass the SMART test? Are they:

Specific – do they state precisely what you hope to achieve from your research?

Measurable – have you determined how you will know you have achieved your objectives?

Achievable – have you considered all constraints, barriers and difficulties?

Realisitic – will you have sufficient resources and support to meet your objectives?

Timely – can you complete the necessary work to achieve your objectives within the time limit(s)?

Check out your research topic

Use a scale of 1–6 where is 1 low and 6 is high.

How enthusiastic are you about it?

Is the subject topical?

Is it relevant to your future career path?

Will you have sufficient resources available?

Can you research it within the timescale of your summative assessment?

Will it enable you to meet the assessment criteria for this unit?

Are there clear links to relevant literature?

Will it provide fresh insights into the topic?

Are the research question and objectives stated clearly?

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Unit 8: Research Project 31

Topic 2: Literature review The purpose of these activities is to help learners understand the purpose of a literature review. The session should help to develop learners’ skills in how to conduct a literature review and identify the sources of literature available, and at the end they should understand how a literature review contributes to project research.

Activity 2.1

Divide learners into groups and give each learner the handout on ‘literature available for your research project’ (on pages 33 and 34). In pairs or in groups ask learners to identify:

Additional search terms

Possible barriers to access and how to overcome them

Sources of support and how to access them

Use the responses as a basis for discussing the different types of literature.

Activity 2.2

Distribute the handout on ‘check your literature review’ (on page 35). Explain how it can be used by learners when they are reviewing literature for their project.

Give learners an opportunity to have a go at making some initial entries to get an idea of how it works and then get them to use it to record any initial literature review work that has been done to date.

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Unit 8: Research Project 32

Tutorial activity 2.1 handout Literature available for your research project The main types of literature are listed on page 37 of Doing Research in Business and Management, together with a brief overview of what they are, their usefulness for your research project and where caution needs to be exercised.

Type of literature How to find suitable sources

Textbooks Bibliographies of other textbooks or journal articles Searching websites of publishers or booksellers

Peer-reviewed (refereed) academic journal articles

In textbooks Library search engines Online journals Bibliographies of other research Databases such as EBSCO or Emerald

Non-refereed academic journal articles

In textbooks and peer-reviewed articles Internet search

Professional and trade journals Libraries Professional body websites

Newspaper articles Libraries Newspaper websites

Conference proceedings Peer-reviewed articles Online search

Reports Sources listed above but may be expensive if not available online or in your own institution’s library

Online databases for business and management These are listed in Table 2.4, page 40 of Doing Research in Business and Management, together with a brief description. If you are unfamiliar with using any of the databases listed below, your librarian will be able to assist you:




Blackwell reference online

Wiley online


Google Scholar


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Unit 8: Research Project 33


Referencing is critical throughout your research report if you are to avoid charges of plagiarism. Different organisations use different models for referencing. One of the most popular is Harvard referencing. Guidelines on this, together with examples, can be found in the references at the end of each chapter of Doing Research in Business and Management. It is important to establish the favoured method for your institution. Libraries usually hold copies of guidance and examples of the preferred method of referencing.

Direct quotations, tables, figures and diagrams It is important to reference sources of information, direct quotations, tables, figures and diagrams that have been imported from another source.

Reference section All references in the body of your report should be contained in a reference section at the end of your report.

Bibliography The contents of your reference section and other texts that you have used in your research should be listed at the end of your report.

How it helps you Referencing helps you avoid charges of plagiarism and provides a record for you to refer back to information. It is critical that you keep a systematic record of your findings and related sources of information. It is very frustrating and time-consuming to find a useful piece of information when you are writing up but cannot find the source.

Develop a record system before you start searching and then systematically complete it as you undertake your research.

Internet material that is downloaded should record the website and the date it was downloaded as websites are frequently refreshed and information taken off.

Undertaking your literature review

Questions to help you evaluate the relevance and value of literature are contained in Table 2.5 on page 45 of Doing Research in Business and Management and these will help you to identify suitable sources of literature.

The ‘Summary’ and ‘Thinking about your critical literature review’ sections on pages 54–56 of this textbook also provide useful checklists to guide you through your literature review.

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Unit 8: Research Project 34

Tutorial activity 2.2 handout Check your literature review This list can be used when planning your literature review and checking its suitability during and after you have completed the review. Tick the statements that most accurately describe your literature search.

1 Identified and included the most relevant and significant research for your topic

2 Included all research that is relevant to your topic

3 Discussed and evaluated your literature search

4 Just summarised and described your literature research

5 Identified the recognised experts

6 Failed to mention recognised experts

7 Contextualised and justified your research questions

8 Failed to mention your research questions

9a Considered and discussed research that supports your ideas

9b Considered and discussed research that opposes your ideas

10a Only considered and discussed research that supports your ideas

10b Ignored research that opposed your ideas

11 The points you have made are justified

12 Unjustified or poorly justified points

13 The points made are logical and backed up by valid evidence

14 Points/findings are unstructured and fail to flow logically

15 It is possible to distinguish between fact and opinion

16 Fact and opinion are mixed up

17 Research is relevant and up to date

18 Recent relevant research is missing

19 All items are fully referenced

20 Failed to reference all or some of the items referred to

Check out the boxes that have been ticked. The odd numbered statements ( 1, 3, 5 and so on) are criteria that your literature review should meet. The even numbered statements are characteristics of an unsatisfactory literature review.

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Unit 8: Research Project 35

Topic 3: Research design and types of data The purpose of the session is to help learners begin the process of research by determining the information and types of data that are required and by examining ethical issues that need to be considered at each stage of the research design process. All four activities are directed at supporting learners to do the preparatory work needed for the research required in doing their projects.

These are individual activities. It might be useful to pair learners up so they can test ideas out with a partner. You will need to check on the work of the individuals as the problems are likely to be specific to each individual project.

Activity 3.1

Ask learners to group the additional information they require for their project into these categories:

Primary and secondary data

Qualitative and quantitative data

Activity 3.2

Ask learners to:

Identify the dependent variables in their research topic

Determine the potential independent variables in the research topic

Activity 3.3

Ask learners to use Figure 4.1 page 86 of Doing Research in Business and Management to identify potential sources of secondary data for the research topic.

Activity 3.4

Ask learners to clarify the ethical issues they should consider at each stage of their research and the strategies they will use to address them.

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Unit 8: Research Project 36

Topic 4: Designing research methodology The purpose of these activities is to help learners create a research design and draw up a specification for the research project.

These can be run as individual activities. However, it might be useful to pair learners up so they can test ideas out with a partner, or to ask learners to work in small groups so that they can swap ideas. You will need to check on the work of the individuals and as the problems are likely to be specific to each individual and each project.

Activity 4.1

Divide learners in to groups and ask each group to prepare a short presentation on the approaches that can be used when adopting:

Exploratory methods

Descriptive methods

Explanatory methods

They should present the advantages and disadvantages of each type of approach, and illustrate the presentation with examples from the research projects they are undertaking. Ask each group to report back to the rest of the class.

Activity 4.2

Ask learners to choose and justify the strategies they intend to use for their own research project. Each learner will need to discuss this with you on an individual basis.

Activity 4.3

Ask learners to identify and list the factors that may affect the validity and reliability of their research and identify what action they can take to minimise or remove the effects. Each learner will need to discuss this with you on an individual basis.

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Unit 8: Research Project 37

Topic 5: Action plans The purpose of this activity is to help learners draw up a plan and procedures for the agreed research specification.

Activity 5.1

Ask each individual to prepare a draft of plan and procedures for the agreed research specification. They should identify any areas of difficulty that exist. These should be outlined in a troubleshooting report, using the supplied format (on page 38). This should be submitted to you so that you can discuss each approach on an individual basis.

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Unit 8: Research Project 38

Tutorial activity 5.1 handout Troubleshooting report In planning and conducting your research, there might be areas or issues where you are experiencing difficulty and require more information, explanation or support.

Being able to identify and seek help where more information or support is required is a key managerial and business skill.

Area of difficulty or where more information required

Topic number (if known)

Nature of help required

Literature search

3 Critically reviewing what I have read rather than describing it

Learner name: Email address Phone number

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Unit 8: Research Project 39

Topic 6: Questionnaire design and sampling The purpose of these activities is to allow learners to consider how they might use questionnaires and interviews as their primary research tools.

It might be useful to pair learners up so they can test ideas out with a partner, or allow learners to work in small groups. You will need to check on the work of individuals as the problems are likely to be specific to each individual and each project.

Activity 1

Divide learners in to groups and ask each member of the group to identify from their list of primary data the information that is:



Ask learners to discuss their categorisation with each other to confirm the suitability of the choices about categories made.

Activity 2

Keep learners in the same groups and ask each one to formulate questions about the quantitative information required in their project. Ask learners to discuss their questions with each other to confirm the suitability of the content and format of the questions.

You may need to discuss this with learners individually to ensure the right approach to questioning is being used.

Activity 3

Keep learners in the same groups and ask each one to formulate questions about the qualitative information required in their project. Ask learners to discuss their questions with each other to confirm the suitability of the content and format of the questions.

You may need to discuss this with learners individually to ensure the right approach to questioning is being used.

Activity 4

Working in the same groups ask learners to discuss the sample models they propose using for their questionnaire surveys and/or interviews.

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Unit 8: Research Project 40

Topic 7: Piloting surveys and interview questions The purpose of these activities is to allow learners to pilot their questionnaires and interview questions and to review potential methodological problems such as bias, identification and control of variables, validity and reliability.

These are group activities. Learners will need to test their research instruments on other members of the group. You will also need to check on the work of the individuals to address any problems in their approach.

Preparatory activities

Ask learners, before they attend the session to:

Design a questionnaire that will collect the quantitative data that they require for their projects

Decide on an interview approach by considering the benefits and drawbacks of conducting semi- or unstructured interviews and by determining ways to record the outcomes of the interview

Design questions that they will use in the interview

Activity 7.1

Divide learners into groups of three. Ask them, in turn to give their draft questionnaire to the two other members of the group to complete.

The learners completing the questionnaires should give constructive feedback.

Did they understand the questions?

Is the language or terminology clear?

Did they feel comfortable answering the question? For example, were they intrusive?

Do they think the questions need to be changed?

Each learner needs to reflect on whether their questionnaire is producing the type of information that they are seeking?

Ask each group to summarise the key points emerging from this exercise. Use the findings as a basis for a class discussion to clarify any issues relating to the design and use of questionnaires and brainstorm ways to deal with them.

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Unit 8: Research Project 41

Activity 7.2

Again in groups of three, ask learners, in turn, to interview the other two in the group using the planned questions in a semi-structured or structured interview.

The interviewees should provide constructive feedback.

Did they understand the questions?

Did they feel comfortable answering the questions?

Did they feel that the interviewer was listening to their responses?

Learners need to reflect:

Do they need to change the wording, or the language and terminology, of their questions?

Do they need to reconsider their interview approach?

Did the interviews produce the type of information they were seeking?

Ask each group to summarise the key points emerging from this exercise. Use the findings as a basis for a class discussion to clarify any issues relating to the use of questioning and the conduct of interviews and brainstorm ways to deal with them.

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Unit 8: Research Project 42

Topic 8: Recording and analysing data The purpose of the activities in this session is to monitor and review the progress of the research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures and to review and identify methods that learners will use to analyse their quantitative data and present results.

Preparatory activities

Ask learners, before they attend the session to:

Review their research and consider the analysis needed to answer the research question and meet the research objectives

Consult with relevant experts to identify computer analysis tools that are available to help with their analysis

Identify and arrange for any personal development and support needed in order to use the analytical tools

Activity 8.1

Divide learners into small groups and ask them to identify and share ‘golden moments’: research activity that has worked and contributed to investigating the research question or hypothesis.

Ask each group to summarise and share any key points that emerge with the rest of the class.

Activity 8.2

Ask learners individually to use the example of preparing a coding matrix on page 168 of Doing Research in Business and Management to make sure that any quantitative data is ready for entering into Excel by:

Working out the number of variables

Giving variable clear names

Working out a coding scheme for each variable

Coding each variable, leaving variables with no data blank

They should then consider the best way to present and summarise the data they have collected. Table 7.1 on page 170 of Doing Research in Business and Management provides useful advice.

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Unit 8: Research Project 43

Activity 8.3

Ask learners to share with others in the class the computer analysis tools that they are going to use and to discuss how they will be used in their analysis. If they have used any online tutorials, you may wish them to share their experience and learn from the experience of others.

Ask learners to prepare a demonstration to show the use of a software tool to others in the class.

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Unit 8: Research Project 44

Topic 9: Evaluating research activity The purpose of these activities is to:

create an awareness of methods used to record, collect, analyse and interpret and present qualitative data

evaluate the outcomes of research

Activity 9.1

Divide learners into small groups and ask them to discuss the methods they might use for analysing their qualitative data and to consider how these findings can be presented.

Ask each group to summarise and share the key points with the rest of the class.

Activity 9.2

Ask each learner to decide if an inductive or deductive approach to analysis is going to be used.

You may need to discuss this with learners individually to ensure there is an understanding of these approaches and how they can be applied in analysis.

Activity 9.3

Ask each learner to reflect on their findings so far and share with the class one element of the analysis. They should focus and draw conclusions about the:

Key points

Issues raised, and the importance of these issues

Emerging patterns, themes or relationships

Contradictory views

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Unit 8: Research Project 45

Topic 10: Presenting findings The purpose of the activities in this session is to support learners to:

Interpret and analyse the results of the original research specification

Draw conclusions and make recommendations for areas for further consideration

Examine techniques for professionally presenting research outcomes in an appropriate written and verbal format and media

Make a short verbal presentation on the research project and receive feedback

Factor in enough time for discussing drafts of projects before they are finally submitted.

Preparatory activities

Ask learners, before they attend the session to read the handout on ‘writing up your research project report’ (see page 47).

Activity 10.1

Pair the learners and ask each one to tell their partner the draft outline of their report in respect of:






The draft outline could be in the format of a spidergram, or headings with key words, or a logical structure for the information under each heading. Learners should provide an estimated word count for each heading.

Activity 10.2

Ask each learner to prepare a draft feedback sheet that can be used to collect feedback from the rest of the class on their presentation. Ask each learner to copy enough sheets for distribution when they make their presentation.

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Unit 8: Research Project 46

Activity 10.3

Ask each learner to give a short presentation (up to 15 minutes) that informs an audience of the:

Research question or hypothesis

Methods of research and those that worked and did not


Use that could be made of the findings

Different approaches that would be used on another occasion when research was to be done

Learners should support their presentations by using posters, diagrams, PowerPoint or other computer-based materials.

Activity 10.4

Ask the audience of learners to complete the questionnaire designed by the presenting learner. Completed surveys are then given to the presenting learner who should the use the feedback to make any final modifications to the research project.

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Unit 8: Research Project 47

Topic 10 handout Writing up your research project report The project research report is normally written after you have completed and analysed your primary and secondary research. It normally contains the following elements.

Title page

This should contain the title of the project, your name, the date you are submitting it and any other information your tutor considers relevant.

List of contents

This should contain a list of the contents (the main section or paragraph headings) with page numbers and lists of tables, diagrams and appendices.


This should be written last and is a brief summary of your report. It should be brief, concise, and provide an overview of your research objectives, key findings, conclusions and recommendations.


This should provide a brief background to the project, the nature of the problem or topic or why you have chosen this topic, the objective of the project and an outline of the report.

Literature review

As you have already presented a research proposal this should be a brief account, containing key points of what it revealed and questions that need to be investigated.

Findings section

This section records the results of your data collection and analysis. It is the most important section of your report but can be the most difficult to write. It should be clearly and logically structured around relevant areas or issues. It should be written concisely and presented in a manner that makes it easy to refer to.

Decide your structure before you begin to write it. You may also find it useful to decide how many words to allocate to each area within this section.

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Unit 8: Research Project 48

This findings section is sometimes divided into several further sections.

The methodology section

This need not be a long section but should clearly outline how you conducted your research. Its aim is to provide sufficient information for your reader to understand how your data was collected and your results achieved.

If you wish to include lengthy documents such as the questionnaire you used, these should be placed in an appendix.

The results section

The results section should form the main body of your report. It includes what you found out and your interpretation. It provides an overview of the success or failure of your research in answering the research question and meeting your research objectives. It should logically present the findings of your research, providing evidence that led to them and your interpretation of them. Issues relating to the validity and reliability of your findings should also be addressed.

The results section should follow a logical structure that is clearly linked to your research objectives. It should be written up in narrative form and accompanied by appropriate tables, charts, figures and other visuals that will support and illustrate your findings.

It is a good idea to write an outline of this section before you write up the report.


It you have encountered limitations these should be included. This is not an unusual occurrence. You would identify what contributed to them, how they affect the validity and reliability of your findings, and what you did to overcome their effect.


This is the final stage of analysis. It is a brief summary of your research. It draws together the results of your research and applies them to your initial research question and objectives. There should be no references to research or literature that have not been referred to earlier in the report.


These will logically follow from your conclusions. What further action do you recommend? This may involve recommendations for action related to a business issue or suggestions for further research.

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Unit 8: Research Project 49


All references that have been included in your report should be listed here in accordance with the model agreed with your tutor, for example Harvard referencing.

Personal reflection

If your research project has been part of a learning programme it is worthwhile to include a reflection on your research journey. This should be a critical reflection that helps you to identify what has worked, what you will do differently next time and what skills you need to develop. It should not be a description of what happened.

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