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  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx



    Computer classified based on there purpose with clear examples for the special purpose

    computers there are seven examples and three examples for special purpose computer

    each example have been explained clearly what it does and its already classified whether

    is a general purpose of specific purpose it hardware and software part have been

    discussed briefly with the. Help of diagram of each example; also be for the existence of 

    that particular computer what was used.


  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx



     Nowadays, most people knows what is computer. Computer available everywhere, everyone

    uses it at home, work, university. In future, computer will be using for everything. Individual

    computers means PC, they can watch movies, play games, connect to the internet to sit in

    Facebook or ou!ube. "ut this is #ust one face of computer. It is much more than PC. $

    computer can be defined as a machine that take s instructions and operations them.

    Commanded instruction is known as programs to do operation. $t a time, user can give a few

    instruction to a computer to complete %uite a lot of operations. !his is a point of difference

    for the computer.

    C$A%%I&ICATI!N !& C!'(#T)

    &tarting with the first computer, there are different types of computer. &ome of them for

    specific task and some for general users. !here are three types to classification computer

     based on application, such as $nalog, 'igital and (ybrid. $nalog computer is uses the

    continuously of physical phenomena like electrical, mechanical. )ostly, this computer uses

    in (ospitals and $ir*crafts. 'igital is common classes of computer. It can be distinct as acomputer for calculation and logical operations. (ybrid computer is mi+ing of $nalog and

    'igital computers. Computers also can be classified based on sie like )ainframe, )ini and

    )acro Computers. )ainframe computer is very powerful with large memory and processing.

    -ne of this computer will take many places but it can support hundreds of users at a time.

    )ini is medium sied computer. It support less than )ainframe and power is also less. )icro

    is computer that uses everyday by everyone. Classification can be based on brand, but

    everyone knows what of brand most popular now and they are choosing between some of


  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    %()CIA$ (#(!%) C!'(#T)%

    &pecial purpose computers are created to complete only one specific task. !hey are called

    dedicated computers, because are perform one task again and again. !hese computer mostly

    uses for playing graphic intensive /ideo 0ames, traffic lights control system, navigational

    system in an aircraft, weather forecasting, oil e+ploration, and in automotive industries, and

    obot helicopter.

    !o create specific purpose computer does not need a lot of memories because they are using

    to a specific issue its design as opposed. !hey are %uick in progressing than general computer 

     by they have only one functions. "ut weakness of this computer, they are not fle+ibility,

     because cannot utilied to perform different tasks.



  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    %mart Traffic $ight

    In an era, where everyone has a car smart traffic lights is very important. It combines e+iting

    technology with the artificial intelligence to create lights that can do own decision to control

    traffic. !his completely differs than the normal traffic lights systems which their signalling

    devices located at pedestrian crossings, road intersections and other places to control course

    of traffic, they have basically signal that operate a covered induction coil to intellect the

     presence of signal that regulate to information from the central computer about the position,

    speed and direction of cars. 34mad I $bdul 5areem, 6117

    &everal decades ago, police officer stayed on the road for driving the machine. -ver time, the

    number of owners of cars increased that forcing to create traffic technology to invent road

    accidents. Introduction of the system of red, yellow, and green signal was very helpful in this.

    -f course there were cons of first traffic but in time all the shortcomings were removed. Now,

    there is a new intelligent traffic system.

     35oopman, 6687

    'ain part of the smart light control system are traffic light control centre this where all

    information are processed and stored sensors to send the signals and send to the control

    centres and $)" light is for indication to the road users.


  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    -eather &orecasting Computer

    9eather forecasting is one of the best inventions, a breakthrough in the field of science and

    technology with it can accurately determine the state of the atmosphere for a given locality.

    !he computer that generates a weather forecast with the help of the meat computing and

    large*scale factors such as air pressure, rotation of the 4arth, the solar radiation and the water

    cycle. Forecasters can determine prognosis from all directions and not #ust at one point.

    3:ynch, 66;7

    "efore the weather forecasting computer man used history to e+pect the weather informally

    for periods, and formally since the nineteenth century. 34dwards, 6167

    -eather micro server this to provide real,time weather data to -eather 'aster

    %oftware over. %urge arrester is a device to protect electrical euipment from over,

    voltage transients caused by external lightning. Computer is to manipulate data and

    with the help of weather master software that come through a networ/.   3Colombia

    weather &ystems, 66

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    "igital 0ideo ecorder

    "evice that records video in a digital format to a dis/ drive example #%1 flash drive2

    %" memory card2 %%"  or other local or networ/ed mass storage device. "03s ta/e

    standard NT%C video from the same /ind of cameras as 0C3s. -hen the signal arrives

    at the "0 a special board converts the NT%C video image to a digital image file.

    "03s have hard drives and video images can be recorded and recalled from a hard

    drive 4ust li/e any computer file. 1ecause the images are digital2 they can be copied

    many times without losing any uality. "03s can also be networ/ed and lin/ed to the

    Internet2 4ust li/e computers.

    1efore "0 there was video tape recorders 50T6 later people start using "02 which

    allows higher uality and lower cost than 0T technology. 3&ony, 6127

    An analogue to digital converter2 or encoder2 which converts the composite analogue

    video signals into the digital domain. "igital storage2 usually hard dis/s2 where the

    digital representation of the analogue signals are stored ready for use. A database2

    relating the digital information to references; time2 alarms and other metadata2

    enabling the video information to be retrieved and displayed uic/ly and easily.. These

    are usually found more in smaller2 standalone "0s and less common in enterprise level

    "0s.An operating system2 which runs the whole "0.A computer networ/ interface2



  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    found in more recent "0s2 to allow the "0 to be interrogated remotely.  3Forouan,


    Aeroplane Control %ystem&pecialied computer system that automates a wide range of tasks in the air, reducing the

    load on the flight crew to the fact that modern civilian aircraft are not engineers or navigators

    tickets. !he main function is to control the flight of the flight plan. >sing a variety of sensors

    3eg, 0P& and IN& navigation is often backed up7 to determine the position of the aircraft, the

    aircraft control system can maintain the aircraft on the flight plan. 3Peter 9. )erlin, 617

    4ngineers or navigators was needed to control aeroplanes manually before creating

    $eroplane Control &ystem. 3Croucher, 66

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    #ltra %ound computer

    >ltrasound scan also known as a sonogram, it uses high*fre%uency sound waves that allowsyou to see through the skin and faceted person. In many respects it is used to monitor or the

    unborn child during surgery. 3"etter (ealth Channel, 61ltra sound computer. ?*ray scan was not very good

     because of health issues and ultra sound computer made it easy and fast. 9ith >ltra sound

    computer, e+aminer can see clear image 39omen@s 'iagnostic Center, 617

    #ltrasound %canner uses computer to analyse and to interpret and the main hardware

    are the scanner computer which consist of monitor for display have C(# and processors

    and software for the analysis of the results 5Chris 1asoglu2 78896


  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    AT' 'achines

    $!) is an electronic telecommunications device. 9ith the help of which you can carry outvarious financial operations such as withdrawing money from a bank or shipping. !hese

    operations do not re%uire human prevalence of the cashier that he was easier for them to

    work. 3Nair, 61

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    (rofessional  or -indows ( )mbeddedA small number of deployments may still be

    running older versions of -indows !% such as -indows NT2 -indows C)2 or -indows

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


     'emory management segment primarily manages memory. A' allows you to mount

    >(% devices. Antenna is for receiving signals.

    >)N)A$ (#(!%) C!'(#T) 

    $ general purpose computer was invented for diversity processing working places. 9ith this

    computer, you can perform different tasks simultaneously, including the creation and edit data

    to make scientific calculations and manage security, power consumption and temperature in

     buildings.  3:inda Null, 6187  0eneral*purpose computers are intended for use by a wide

    range of functions. )aybe right now you are using one of the bottom of this article to read as

    well as I use one of or for writing this article.  3)& 9ord7. $ general*purpose computer can

    store and e+ecute a variety of programs in its internal memory. "ut yet, this is achieved at the

    e+pense of speed and efficiency. (owever, having this fle+ibility makes the most acceptable

    compromise.6 34ben 9eitman, 1BB

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    :.7 %mart (hone

    &martphones, the device that everyone has is an advanced phone with the operating system.

    9hich combines the functions of a personal computer operating system and other useful

    devices. !hey usually combines the personal digital assistant, 0P& navigator and media

     player. !hey also have interface touch screen and has access to the Internet, which may allow

    to download multiple applications or the desired files from different devices. )ost

    smartphones since 61 has a high*speed mobile 80 :!4 Internet. 3'r. $soke N, 61

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    "ifferent smart phone have different specification in terms of hardware and software

    example i(hone @ has the following specifications storage 7@>12 processors A9 chip

    with @:,bit architecture2 software is using i!% 8 so with this phone you can do a lot of 

    tas/ since is manufactured for multiple tas/s.

    :.< Tablets

    !he tablet is a mobile touch screen, circuit and battery in a single unit. It is e%uipped with

    cameras, sensors, microphones and accelerometers. !he sensor display uses finger 

    recognition replaces mouse and keyboard. 9ith a tablet, you can go to a social network,

    watch different videos from ou!ube channel, check your email and listen to music.

    "efore the arrival of the tablet, people largely use return laptops but now the tablet is much

    lighter and more mobile. $nd they increasingly prefer to use a tablet.

    "ifferent company manufacture different tablet with various specifications based on the

    user needs example %amsung tab ? it using android operating software :.7.

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    :.? $aptop

    !he laptop, which is the thing every student, portable personal computer with a farm*factor 

    clamshell mobile use. It is also known as notebooks. $lthough there are differences between

    them, such as whole. Prior to #oining the laptop, people had a desktop computer but now they

     prefer laptops for work or watching movies because it easy to move around and do not need a

    constant supply, because there is where the battery is kept charged energy.


  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    $aptop has battery which helps to store power2 C(# for central processing unit2

    memory to store data display unit for displays also a laptop must operate under

    software example window 7=2 I!% and $inux. 5Consumereports.org2 1

    :==,rpm hard drive. %oftware is using operating system !% )l Capitan 5Apple2

  • 8/20/2019 assignment-1-crc-orginal_1 (1).docx


    .= C!NC$#%I!N

    Conclusion, the two types of computer &pecial purpose computer and general*purpose

    computer. &pecial purpose computers are created to perform specific task where general*

     purpose computer are made to perform multiple task, with e+amples, how they are used and

    why are they used and there main part where cleared elaborated computer and e+plain how

    the computer is used why is used and before there where created what was used instead.


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