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Page 1: Assignment 12 (i)   planning for documentary

Assignment 12 (i) –Planning for Documentary

Kaya Sumbland

Rahel Fasil

Joanne Aroda

Gledis Dedaj

Page 2: Assignment 12 (i)   planning for documentary

Final Chosen TopicOur New Questions is…

Is the current media landscape democratic or hegemonic?

We have focused the previous question about the progression of social media to how different aspects of media are used as

tools to manipulate society.

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Part B

Required Elements/Conventions

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Required Elements/Conventions

Required Elements/Conventions How? Where in the documentary?

Establishing shots How: • To establish the setting• to link with documentary themeWhere:Internet café (inside and out)

Title of your documentary How: Picture animationWhere:

Use of presenter or voiceover How: Kaya talking over clipsWhere: Living Space (internet café)

Public interviews How: Asking people at Trafalgar SquareWhere: Trafalgar Square

Expert interviews (with titles) How: to offer views onWhere: office

Appropriate titles

Supporting footage/photographs How:• to support the concept of the

documentary• to introduce the topicWhere: in the beginning

Use of statistic, graph or diagram

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Part C

Conventions List

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Conventions List

Convention Use Develop Challenge


Natural Lighting

Supporting Footage

Volume Control

Expert/Public Interviews



Establishing Shot


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Part D


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Actors / PeoplePresenter

Representation The presenter is to represent someone who is simply to guide through the documentary – she dose not take sides, she is

unbiased – on the fence and dose not dress to an exact audience

Costume/Props Her costume is not too exaggerated for a target audience, her clothing would be plain, her clothes will have no pictures or

statements on them, and no props

Body Language Body language would be open to form a relationship with the presenter and audience – not to make the presenter seem in any

way superior

Gesture There would be abit of hand movement to make the presenter more natural in speaking, not to look to formal or rehearsed

Facial Expression Would be warm, slight smile to attract audiences, make them feel comfortable, so they will want to listen to presenter – also having

a straight faced presenter would not match our score music

Speech The speech would be formal, but not posh.Language would be standard English to appeal to both target and

secondary audience

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Actors / PeoplePresenter Presenter - Kaya Sumbland

Before After

Hair down with full fringe

Brown/Beige Winter coat

Black tights

Black converse shoes

Black eyelinerBronzer



Black skater skirt

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Actors / PeoplePublic


For Public Interviews we want to interview people who are in their

20’s or 30’s because…

• They would have more general knowledge within this topic than those younger and those older

• We would like to have an equal amount of men and women as there would be no reason to have more of one gender than the other

• We would want them to be British, of any ethnicity

• We would want to interview range of working and middle class only

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Actors / PeoplePublic


We would ask them something along the lines of…

1. Do you use all forms of media regularly? If so what types?

2. In you experience, has the way you use media changed over the years?

3. Have you every noticed online that yoursearches tailor to you needs and likes?

4. Do you think a all media has increase freedom and control for audiences? Is that positive or negative?

5. Do you think the media presents all differences or enforced a dominant ideal?

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Actors / PeopleExpert


For Expert Interviews we want to interview either a sociologist, or possibly a professional technician as they have great knowledge within society and all generations

of the Web.

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Actors / PeoplePublic


We would ask them something along the lines of…

1. Do you think media has reinforced democracy or another form of hegemony?

2. Is anonymity throughout the internetinfluencing users throughout Web 2.0a good or bad thing?

3. What factors are taken into consideration when across media when they form something ideal to attract audiences?

4. Do you think if they do manipulate a view, that audiences have the freedom to see the other interpretation? Is it blocked away?

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Part E

Risk Assessment & Health and Safety

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Filming in unknown location It could be off limits or closed.Always check to make sure it is always accessible

Travelling to filming locations (walk/bike/bus/tube/car etc)

Could forget equipment behind on public transport. Always keep equipment close by and have a check list

Interviewing people for filming Could end up talking to dangerous people Make sure you are always with a member of you group

Filming underage (below 16) people Could get into trouble with the parents. Always get parental consent.

Filming anyone This causes legal problems as people have to be asked if they can be filmed.

Always get permission to film anyone.

Health of group members when filming(ex in cold weather, filming for extended hours


Cold weather could lead to people getting sick and extended hours could lead to walking home in

the dark which is dangerous.

Ensure that all group members are well at all times and manage the time of filming as

to not extend to dark hours.

Travelling to filming locations Could get lost if going to an unknown location. Always carry a map when travelling to new areas

Interviewing the public for filming Could end up talking to dangerous people Make sure you are always with a member of you group

Interviewing an expert for filming Could be falsely advertising their level of professionalism

Ask to see certificate or identification.

Types of areas (how safe are they) Rough neighbourhoods could lead to equipment being stolen.

Only choose safe locations to film in.

Time of day Walking home in the dark with expensive equipment could lead to getting mugged.

Make sure all filming is not left for one day so that it doesn’t extend to dark hours.

Using technology ( filming) equipment Not knowing how to use the equipment could lead to damaging it or filming poor footage.

Always practice using equipment in the proper way.

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Part F, H,

#1 - Location Exploration#2 - Locations Not #3 – Using Locations Using

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Location Exploration

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Locations Not Using

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Location Using

Location Name &What For

How To Get There Access To Location Photos Of Location

Name: Living Space Internet Cafe

Used For: To establish with presenter

From School –

18 Bus To Euston Then…52 Bus To Waterloo Road

Closed and Public

Name: Trafalgar Square

Used For: Public Interviews

From School –

Bakerloo Line To Oxford Circus,Then Walk To The Square Or catch 453 Bus

Open and Public

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Part G

Location Risk Assessment & Health

and Safety

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Location Possible Risk Involved In Tasks

Actions To Prevent Harm To Health Or Safety

Travelling to filming locations (walk/ bike/ bus/ tube/ car etc)

Tube & Bus: o Getting losto Not having enough

money for the whole journey

o Planning our journey before leaving

o Topping our Oyster cards before departing

How safe when you are there

Being attacked Stay in a group and in public known places

Physical surroundings: (ground/ buildings/ people/ objects)

Road blocks Check routes and maps to see if all is clear

Type of area To many people and cars causing noise not giving us clear audio

Pick a less busy time or move to a less busy area

Access to location (open/ closed/ public access etc)

Public and open: personal belongings going missing

Keeping all personal belongings close and out of view

Link to time of day Filming early in residential areas may cause noise for locals or venues may be closed

Don’t film in residential areas check opening and closing times

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Part Q

#1 - Exploration of Sounds/Music#2 - Music

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Exploration of Sound/Music

Copyright Free

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Exploration of Sound/Music

Background Music (to play when there are images and montage footage – no voice overs)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE (copyright)

Background Music(to play when presenter is talking)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA85eWL_W90 (copyright)

Jinglehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLJZYXpskd0 (we will make our own similar one)

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Copy-Right Permission

We are allowed to use this song in our coursework

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