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1. Analyse the following using stiffness matrix method

2. Find stiffness matrix with reference to co-ordinates.




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4/4 B.Tech Civil - 7th Semester 2011Theory Questions:

Discuss different types of shear failure in the case of shallow foundation

What is the effect of water table, depth and width of foundation on Bearing Capacity?

What is plate load Test. Discuss the uses of plate load test.

Explain briefly different methods of soil Investigation

Explain the design features of good sampling tools.

Discuss about extent and depth of soil exploration

What do you understand by N value? What are the corrections applied to field N value and under what conditions?

Problems:1) Compute the safe bearing capacity of a circular footing 1.50 m wide at a depth of 1.50 metres in a soil with unit weight 18 kN/m3, Cohesion = 18 kN/m2 and angle of internal friction = 25 degrees. Bearing capacity factors for 25 degrees, Nc = 25, Nq = 12.5 and Nr = 10. The water table may rise upto 1.0 metres below the ground level.

2) A loading test was conducted with a 300 mm square plate at a depth of 1 m below the ground surface in a pure clay deposit. The water table is located at a depth of 4 metres below the ground level. Failure occurred at a load of 45 KN. What is the safe bearing capacity of 1.5m wide strip footing at 1.5 m depth in the same soil. Unit weight of soil is 18 kN/m3 above the water table and a factor of safety of 2.5.

3) A footing foundation for a water tower carries a load of 900 t and is 3.60 metres square. It rests on dense sand of 9 m thickness overlying a clay layer of 3 m deep. The clay layer overlies hard rock. Liquid limit of clay 54 % and water content of 40.5 % and G=2.70. Estimate the ultimate settlement due to consolidation of the clay layer assuming the site to be flooded.4) A normally consolidated clay has a liquid limit of 50%. Due to construction of footing the average stress at the centre of the clay layer has increased from 2.o kg/cm2 to 3.0 kg/cm2. Find the settlement of the footing if the thickness of the compressible layer is 4.0 metres. Assume G= 2.7 and natural moisture content of clay = 40 %.

5) A 300 mm square plate settles by 8 mm in the plate load test on sand, when the intensity of loading is 180 kN/m2. Estimate the settlement of a shallow foundation of 1.60 m square under the same intensity of loading. Also find the safe bearing capacity of foundation

6) The observed SPT, N value in sandy soil at 8.0 metres level will be 8/7/18. The saturated unit weight of the soil above the 8.0 m level will be 1.90 t/m3. The water level is at 6.0 metres below the ground level. Determine the corrected N value.

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Department of Civil Engineering :: VRSEC W.R.E-III Design and Drawing

II Assignment Examination (A & B SECTIONS)CE 7003

1. Design of Ogcc Spillway

2. Design of Direct Sluice vent way

3. Design of Sluice barrel

Design of head wall & wing walls

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1. Discuss the growth of air transportation with reference to India

2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of air transportation and Compare air transportation with land transportation

3. Draw a neat sketch of an aero plane and explain its various components

4. Define air craft and explain aircraft characteristics

5. Explain about airport site selection

6. Discuss about apron, hanger, taxiway, runway of the airport

7. Explain about layout of the airport with sketch.

8. Explain zoning laws, and classification of obstructions of airport.

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4\4 B.Tech 1st semesterPRESTRESSED CONCRETE

ASSIGNMENT-II QUESTIONS1. a). List the various factors that have influence on deflection of a prestressed concrete

member.b). Distinguish clearly between short-term and long-term deflections of prestressed concrete beams.

2. A prestressed concrete beam of rectangular section is 125mm wide and 250mm deep has a span of 6m. The beam is provided with a straight tendon at uniform eccentricity of 40mm. The prestresseing force is 190KN. Find the deflection at centre for the conditions of

(i) Prestress + self weight of the beam(ii) Prestress + self weight of the beam + u.d.l of 3.75KN/m.

3. A concrete beam with a cross sectional area of 32 x 103 mm2 and radius of gyration of 72mm is prestressed by a parabolic cable carrying an effective stress of 1000N/mm2. The span of the beam is 8m. The cable, composed of 6 wires of 7mm dia, has an eccentricity of 50mm at the center and zero at the supports. Neglecting all losses and take Ec = 38 KN/mm2, find the central deflection of the beam as follows:

(i) Self weight + prestress, and(ii) Self weight + prestress + live load of 2 KN/m.

4. A concrete beam with a rectangular section, 100mm wide and 300mm deep, is stressed by 3 cables, each carrying an effective force of 240 KN. The span of the beam is 10m. The first cable is parabolic with an eccentricity of 50mm below the centroidal axis at the centre of span and 50mm above the centroidal axis at the supports. The second cable is parabolic with zero eccentricity at the supports and an eccentricity of 50mm at the centre of span. The third cable is straight with a uniform eccentricity of 50mm below the centrodial axis. If the beam supports a uniformly distributed live load of 5 KN/m and Ec = 38 KN/mm2 , estimate the instantaneous deflection at the following stages:

(i) Prestress + self weight of the beam, and(ii) Prestress + self weight of the beam + live load.

5. A rectangular concrete beam of cross-section 300mm deep and 200mm wide is prestressed by fifteen 5mm diameter wires located 65mm from the bottom of the beam and three 5mm wires, 25mm from the top. Assuming the effective stress in the steel as 840 N/mm 2. (a) calculate the stress at the extreme fibers of the mid span section when the beam is carrying its own weight over a span of 6m,and (b)if a uniformly distributed working load of 6KN/m is imposed and the modulus of rupture of concrete is 6.5 N/mm2 ,obtain the maximum working stress in concrete and estimate the load factor against cracking. The density of concrete is 24kN/m3.

6. A prestressed concrete beam of Rectangular section is 120mmX250mm and has a span of 6m.The beam is provided with a straight tendon at a uniform eccentricity of 45mm,the prestresseing force being 200KN.Find the deflection at the center.(i)under the action of prestress and dead load of the beam (ii)under the action of prestress ,dead load and live load of 4Kn/m.

7. A prestressed concrete beam of uniform rectangular c\sand 12m supports a total distributed load of 272KNexcluding the weight of the beam .Determine the suitable dimensions of the beam and calculate the area of the tendons and their position. The permissible stresses are 14N/mm2 for concrete and 1050N/mm2 for the tendons.

8. Design a prestressed concrete beam of I-section to the following particulars.Span=18mSuperimposed load=32KN/mConcrete used:M35Safe stressing concrete in compression at transfer of stress=0.5fckSafe stressing concrete in compression at service of stress=0.4fckAllowable tensile stressing concrete=0.219 sqrt (fck)Total loss of stress=18%Ultimate stress in steel=1500n/mm2

Safe stress in steel=605 of ultimate stress

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2nd Assignment Questions

1. Explain the manufacturing process of pulp & paper, identifying the sources of pollution with the help of flow diagram.

2. Discuss the characteristics of pulp & paper mill waste.3. Explain the Treatment process of pulp & paper and suggest a suitable treatment

with the help of flow diagram.4. Discuss the pollutional potential of various sections of pulp & paper industry

with reference to large and small mills.5. Explain the following:

(a). Removal of Nitrates(b). Removal of Phosphates

6. Explain Anaerobic Filer 7. Explain U Tube Aeration system with the help of neat sketch 8. Explain the working & operations of RBC with the help of neat sketch

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1. Explain the Oxidation ditcher with design consideration2. Design a facultative stabilization pond for waste water flow of 2 mld in a locality

where the latitude is 200 north. The 5 day BOD of waste water is 200 mg/l, assume any other necessary data.

3. Design a facultative stabilization pond and Aerobic stabilization pond for the following data:

Quantity of waste water = 1.5 mld5 day BOD 200 C = 180 mg/lDesired effluent BOD = 20 mg/l

4. a) Explain mean cell residence timeb) Derive the mass balance equation related to growth of microbial.

5. Design a continuous flow type oxidation ditch to treat a domestic sewage flow of 2 MLD for the following data:

BOD of raw sewage = 210 mg/l Effluent BOD = 25 mg/l Suspended solids of raw sewage = 250 mg/l Suspended solids of effluent = 30 mg/l MLSS = 5000 mg/l Y, Growth Yield Coefficient = 0.55 Microbial decay Coefficient Kd = 0.03 Mean cell residence time θc = 15 days

6. Design a complete mix aerated lagoon to treat a domestic sewage flow of 1.5MLD for the following data:

Influent BOD = 250 mg/lEffluent BOD = (not greater than) 20 mg/lInfluent suspended solids = 200 mg/lEffluent suspended solid (not greater than) 30 mg/lSummer temp = 350CWaste Water Temp = 200CGrowth Yield Coefficient, Y=0.5Decay Coefficient Kd = 0.05F = 0.7 x 106 cal/day/m2/00CTemperature Coefficient θ = 1.065K = 0.05 lit/mg/day

7. Explain the aerated lagoons and extended aerated lagoons with design criteria.

8. (a). Explain the suspended growth system and attached growth system.(b). Derive the mass balance equation for continuous flow reactor.

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