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Are you paying attention?

The first impression

Sometimes the first impression is the most valuable…

…but some other, we need to observe a little bit more.

BIG signs

1. The stores try to attract people with its big signs. Some of those, assume it will be enough to keep customers. It works, but just at the beginning.

2. I noticed is most important to have the appropriate environment to keep and have more clients. The people, once they already know the store, they are looking for the best environment to be and to stay and purchase.

3. I’m not saying the stores don’t should be focus on the big and beautiful signs, but also should focus inside the store. Sometimes, when you observe a little bit, you find some stores doesn’t match its first impression (big outside signals) with the inside environment.



Product, product… nothing different

Small place, but not crowded

Boring and not innovative store

Cool, stylish, creative

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