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Assignment 8:Narrative theory

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Todorov’s theory In relation to a film

Part A

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What is Todorov’s theoryTodorov specified that there are five different stages of narrative.

Equilibrium (normality)

Disequilibrium (Conflict of equilibrium caused by event)

Recognition of disequilibrium

Attempt to repair disequilibrium

New equilibrium (New norm)

By this Todorov meant the common structure of beginning middle and end.

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Equilibrium in relation to Armageddon

Here are men, at work, (normal)

Normal, everyday banter between manager and worker (normal)

Sexual relationship between man and woman (normal)

These are the ways in which Equilibrium (Normality)is applied to Armageddon at the beginning

This conforms to Todorov’s narrative theory as the beginning always starts of with a sense of normality

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Disequilibrium in relation to Armageddon

These are the ways in which Disequilibrium (problem) is applied to Armageddon in the middle of the film

Astronomers discover that an asteroid will hit earth and destroy the entire universe(problem)

They learn that the asteroid is due to hit earth in 18 days(problem)

This conforms to Todorov’s narrative theory, as he states that there is always some sort of dilemma in the narrative of a film.

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Recognition of Disequilibrium in relation to Armageddon

The best drillers, are called to help drill and destroy the asteroid (recognition of problem)

The drillers are taught how to be an astronaut, so they can go to space and drill the asteroid, before it hits earth (recognition of problem)

This conforms to Todorov’s narrative theory as he states that the problem is always recognised

These are the ways in which recognition of disequilibrium is applied to Armageddon during the middle of the film

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Repair of disequilibrium in relation to Armageddon

The men are attempting to drill a massive hole in the asteroid to destroy it

A bomb is put inside the asteroid and the whole thing is blown up

(Repairing problem)

(Repairing problem)

This conforms to Todorov’s narrative theory, as he states that in the narrative of a film the problem is always solved.

These are the ways in which the disequilibrium is repaired, coming to the end of the film.

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New equilibrium in relation to Armageddon

Couple are getting married, symbolising a new beginning New equilibrium

Father and son are united and brought closer together. This is the start of a new father son relationship New equilibrium

This conforms to Todorov’s narrative theory, as he states that the narrative of a film tends to end with a new normality

These are the ways in which New equilibrium is applied at the end of Armageddon

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Levi-StraussPart B

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What is Levi-Strauss’ theory Strauss supposed that our world is made up of binary of differences, contradictions, conflict or opposites.For exampleNight/dayGood/BadDaopposites

He claimed that themes within stories consists rk lightMale/female

Without realising, we recognise the essential conflict in relation to narrative which is familiar in stories and films

These opinions are fundamental to our ability to make meanings of our lives

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Taken 1) 2)

Film Opposite 1 Oppostie2 Why they are opposites

Male /female

Parent /child

Wise / naive


Mature /young

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Film Opposite 1 Opposite 2 Why they are opposites

1) 2) Male/female



Brown hair/blonde hair


Chainsaw massacre


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Film Opposite 1 Opposite2 Why they are opposites

Drag me to hell 1) 2)Old/young






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Film Opposite 1 Opposite 2 Why they are opposites

Slum dog millionaire

1) 2) Bad/good




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BarthesPart c

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Enigma code

This map immediately seems quite mysterious as the audience are eager to discover where exactly the map leads to, and if the map is actually correct.

Film: The beach

Film: Narnia

This wardrobe, directly gives a feel of ambiguity. The audience want to learn what is so special about this wardrobe and what makes it different from other wardrobes.

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Action codeHorror/thriller Drama

Action:A) Shark swimming up to personB) Person trying to escape from shark


A)Man will get bitten

B) Man will get eaten and killed.

A) Cancer patient laying in bedB) Mother comforts her


A) Cancer patient will die

B) Mother will be deeply hurt

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Semantic code

Wedding crashers (drama romance)

Black suits connotes death and morn

Colour = Black

Wedding crashers (drama)

Black bra is sexy and seductive

The dark night (action)

Black consume symbolises power and authority

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Learn from experience

Villain is usually a dominant male who is hideous and horribly disfigured,

Victim is usually a helpless female, usually of white race, with blonde hair.

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Iconographic features have clear connotations and meanings to the audience


i.e. Horrific imagery, blood and gore = Horror

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Symbolic code for women (titanic)

Here, rose is standing at the edge of the ship, her red dress is symbolic of danger/hazard along with the red notice sign beside her.

Here, the heart shaped necklace that rose is wearing symbolises wealth and expense

The whistle that rose is blowing symbolises being safety and survival (being able to escape from the water)

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Symbolic code for men (Titanic)

Iceberg symbolises an obstacle/ complication to prevent jack being with rose (essentially causes his death)

The way in which jack is holding rose symbolises romance and affection, the scuttle orange/brown colours in the background also adds to this and make the setting appear calm.

Feeling positive and free, jack is happy to be of the streets. (clear blue sky = freedom), as jack he is happy to be of the streets.

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Cultural codeOutside of text and knowledge, we commonly know to bring understanding of the meaning in the text. Often references to things in popular culture and historical events.

In a modern day adaption of Cinderella, there are many modern interpretations that we recognize, that were not in the original story...

Stepmother is using a sun bedStep sisters are in a fancy pool

Cinderella is using a computer

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Propp Part D

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1) hero 2) villain 3)Dispatcher 4)Donor 5) Helper 6)heroine 7)False Hero

Propp suggested there were 7 spheres of action

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On some sort of a quest.

Usually male, but in this case both. Role is to restore disequilibrium (usually by defeating villain)

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Starts hero/heroes on their way (usually to restore the disequilibrium)

He/she sends hero of so they can prove their worth

Encourages hero and on their side

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Opposes the hero cause of disruption

Often treat to safety of the heroine

Usually male, rarely female

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Helps Heroes by giving them ‘magic’ tools or gifts

The tool/gift may even be advise, a skill or an object i.e. (A weapon)

This makes hero/heroes more likely to win battle

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Assists and helps hero/heroes in restoring normality/equilibrium

Like a ‘sidekick’ (for the whole part of journey) (can meet on way)

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Tempts one of the heroes

At first seems to be caring and kind

Keeps him as bait to capture the rest of the siblings(heroes)

False Hero

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Allan Cameron-Modular narratives

Part E

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Forking pathJuxtapose alternative versions of a story that may result from small changes in a single event or group of events.

The woman misses her train, which results in her being late for work

The woman, just makes her train and is on time for work



The story then shows the events of what happens when she makes the train, and is on time for work

This story then shows the events of what happens when she misses the train and is late for work

The story keeps going back and forth which makes it a forking path

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Organised as an abstract series or narrative anthology (collection of multiple stories)


Two complete strangers, who are having relationship issues swap homes.

The story is then shown from the point of view of both women, which makes it episodic.

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Split screenDivide the scene into two or more frames, juxtaposing events within the same visual field

This scene from mean girls is an example of a split screen

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