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Iran President Visits Kazakhstan, Deepens Bilateral Relations

Kazakhstan, EU Move Closer to Cooperation Agreement

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Turkestan Combines Ancient and Modern to Attract Tourists

Iran President Visits Kazakhstan, Deepens Bilateral Relations

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived for an official visit to Kazakhstan Sept. 9 to promote relations between the neighbouring countries. He and President Nursultan Nazarbayev discussed issues related to the oil and gas industry, agricultural sector, infrastructure, Kazakhstan’s bid for a non-permanent UN Security Council seat for 2017-2018, among other items.

Iran and Kazakhstan have enjoyed a solid relationship in past years, despite the fact that this is the first official visit for Rouhani not only to Kazakhstan, but to the entire Central Asian region.

Kazakhstan plays the role of mediator, continuing its policy not only in the Caspian region, but globally. In 2013, Kazakhstan offered Almaty, its largest city, as a platform for peaceful negotiations to host the P5+1 world powers that joined diplomatic efforts with Iran in 2006 with regard to its nuclear programme. The first meetings were held Feb. 26-27, with a second round April 5-6 to continue the talks. In 2013, President Nazarbayev took part in Rouhani’s inauguration in Iran.

“Kazakhstan sees the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of its important partners in the world and as a good neighbour in the Caspian region. We are confident that you will find the best solution to the Iranian nuclear programme and achieve the agreement, as it will affect the development of the Iranian economy and the Kazakh-Iranian partnership,” Nazarbayev said during the meeting of the two leaders.

In his message, Nazarbayev invited Iranian companies to participate in the international specialised exhibition EXPO 2017 that is to be hosted by Astana and thanked the country for its support of Kazakhstan in many international initiatives, such as its bid for a non-permanent UN Security Council seat for 2017-2018.

“It is crucial that Iran supports our international initiatives. Kazakhstan wants to take a temporary seat on the UN Security Council in 2017-2018 and we really appreciate Iran’s support in this respect. I have invited Iranian companies to participate in the upcoming EXPO 2017 event in Astana,” Nazarbayev emphasised.

The Kazakh president is eager to boost trade between the two countries but admitted during the meeting that sales turnover had shown a decline over the past years, with a slight improvement this year.

President of Iran Hassan Rouhani (left) with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

The annual trade between Iran and Kazakhstan amounted to $293.4 million (March 2013-March 2014). Kazakhstan exported $209.6 million in goods to Iran and imported $83.8 million. Kazakhstan exports mainly oil products, grain and metals to Iran, while importing Iranian food products. Some other possible trade areas discussed by the countries concern mining, agriculture, transport, logistics, tourism and culture.

Rouhani, in his turn, considered it necessary to increase the trade turnover with Kazakhstan by five times.

“With regard to the sales volume, we believe that it should be increased five-fold. Decisions on it have started today,” President Rouhani told the media briefing.

“We also talked about the development of tourism. Both countries have wonderful sights and tourist potential. We must intensify tourism and provide the necessary benefits to our tourists,” Rouhani added.

The Iranian leader thanked the Kazakh President for the warm reception and also showed eagerness in promoting economic ties with Kazakhstan by bringing representatives of the Iranian business community in his delegation.

“The visit by our high delegation and representatives of the private sector shows the seriousness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to develop relations with Kazakhstan in all areas,” he stressed.

President Nazarbayev expressed confidence that the visit and bilateral agreements signed in Astana will bring the partnership of the two neighbours to a new level.

“Both countries have wonderful sights and tourist potential. We must intensify tourism and provide

the necessary benefits to our tourists.” – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Kazakhstan, EU Move Closer to Cooperation Agreement

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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov discussed expanding Kazakhstan-European Union ties during a Sept. 8 meeting with the heads of the diplomatic missions of European countries accredited in Kazakhstan. The meeting was in preparation for the eighth and final round of negotiations on a new agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union.

“The new agreement will be comprehensive. It will reflect the existing mature and equal partnership between Kazakhstan and the EU, based not only on common interests, but also on shared values, on mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual benefit. It should provide a solid basis for taking Kazakhstan’s cooperation with the EU countries to a higher level,” Idrissov said, noting that the parties continue to work tirelessly to finalise the draft agreement and that the agreement’s initialing is scheduled for autumn.

A key element of the new agreement, said Idrissov, is a modernised trade and investment section that takes into account the development of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as Kazakhstan’s eventual accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Kazakhstan and the EU also agreed that in addition to the new agreement, which will form the cooperation’s legal basis, “road maps” and sectoral agreements to deepen cooperation in specific areas might also be developed. Minister Idrissov also noted that Astana attaches particular importance to the development of cooperation in such areas as innovations, science, education and competitiveness.

Noting that the European Union is the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Minister for Economic Integration Zhanar Aitzhanova briefed the gathering on the details of the negotiation process, saying that agreement on many issues has already been reached. She also added that the agreement provides for the entering into force of a section on trade and investment after the accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO.

In turn, Ambassador Aurelia Bouchez, the head of the European Union delegation to Kazakhstan, noted the importance of an early conclusion of the negotiations on the agreement, including the section on trade and investment.

Officials from Kazakhstan and the European Union discuss expanding cooperation during a recent meeting in Astana

The sides also discussed visa regime liberalisation with the European Union, promotion of Kazakhstan’s candidacy to be a non-permanent member on the UN Security Council for 2017-2018 and cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Astana and other issues.

The intensification of travel between Kazakhstan and EU countries, the growth of political, economic, commercial, cultural and business contacts between Astana and the capitals of European countries requires cooperation simplifying visa requirements. Idrissov stressed that Astana consistently works to facilitate visa regimes for the citizens of Kazakhstan at the global level, especially the Schengen zone and Europe as a whole. He noted that the free movement of people is the key to further developing friendly relations.

Introducing Kazakhstan’s candidacy to be a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2017-2018, Idrissov emphasised that this election is among the most important foreign policy objectives of the country and that Kazakhstan has already begun work to promote its application.

“The new agreement will be comprehensive. It will reflect the existing mature and equal

partnership between Kazakhstan and the EU, based not only on common interests, but also on shared values, on mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual benefit. It should provide a solid basis for taking Kazakhstan’s cooperation

with the EU countries to a higher level.”-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov

Noting that Kazakhstan was a Chairman of OSCE in 2010 and organised the historic OSCE summit in Astana, the minister said that Kazakhstan attaches great importance to the cooperation in the framework of the organisation in all three of its dimensions, with special emphasis on transnational security threats, economic and environmental spheres and regional cooperation. In this regard, taking into consideration the advancement of cooperation, Foreign Minister Idrissov set out a vision of the transformation mechanism for such cooperation and its implementation in accordance with modern realities.

Turkestan Combines Ancient and Modern to Attract Tourists

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Turkestan Akim (Mayor) Bakhytzhan Ashirbekov said recently that the ancient city has not reached its tourism potential and would benefit by the development of a tourism cluster, including the development of tourism and hotel infrastructure, the area’s entertainment industry, sports and other tourist activities.

He also said it is important that the region develop international tourism standards in order to compete globally for tourists and that the Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Mausoleum alone is not enough to attract visitors.

More than 701,326 tourists visited the Turkestan region in 2013. That number was up from 612,000 tourists in 2012. And this year, more than 564,323 tourists have visited, which represents a 65.3 percent increase over this time last year.

Among the offerings is the Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Mausoleum, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2003.

An excavation at the site of Kultobe Hill has also opened an architectural complex exposing well-preserved, four-metre adobe walls with arched doorways that, according to specialists, was the most ancient nucleus of the city.

Also interesting to tourists is the Sauran complex, located 40 kilometres from Turkestan. It was often mentioned by medieval authors who wrote about events in the region and today its walls can be seen rising above the steppe.

The mayor also noted that at the end of last year, a Centre of Craftsmen was also commission as a tourist attraction featuring local artisans. Potter Abaikhan Ryspayev and jeweler Kasyl Khalmurzayev are certified by UNESCO and display their work at the site.

The area around Turkestan also offers something for ecological tourists, including a deer-breeding facility 30 kilometres outside of Turkestan in the floodplain of the Syr Darya River. Ten years ago, two female and one male endangered species deer were brought to the region from the Almaty zoo. That population has grown to 64 animals.

Mausoleum of Rabiga Sultan Begim in Turkestan

Also in the region is the Karatau State Nature Reserve, which offers long hikes, mountain streams and the ability to climb the Khan’s throne. The reserve is the youngest in the country and was established by the Global Environment Fund.

A transport corridor from Western Europe to Western China also now runs through Turkestan.

To capitalise on these offerings, the region recently opened the Centre of Tourism Service at a cost of 405 million tenge (US$2.2 million). The 1.4-hectare centre offers a hotel with 200 rooms for as low as 1,500 tenge ($US8.24) per day, a cinema, library and ceremonial sites. The centre’s staff also help visitors arrange individual or group visits to area attractions.

Ashirbekov noted, however, that the area’s tourism infrastructure is still under developed. “We must recognise the fact that we’re not quite ready to receive this category of tourists. First of all, [the reason is] the shortage of hotels and the quality of service in them. Today, they number 11, differ in comfort and service, and definitely do not comply with the level of foreign hotels,” he said.

He also noted that studies have shown that most tourists only stay one day. So officials, in cooperation with the Azret Sultan and Centre of Tourism Services, intend to develop a two-day programme– Ziyarat – that would feature sacred places. Officials hope extending tourists’ visits will benefit the regional economy and create jobs.

Turkestan is growing rapidly and has expanded its population by 33 percent over the last decade to 150,000 residents. The population is expected to reach 250,000 by 2030. It has a low cost of living and attracts domestic migration as well as shoppers from Kyzylorda and Zhezkazgan.

It is also located along the Silk Road and has a history of entrepreneurship and providing services to visitors. So, says the mayor, the situation is improving. Hotel owners are repairing their properties, installing modern conveniences and paying closer attention to training personnel.

Also In The News... • FM meets with Chairman of CICA Chinese Chairmanship

WorkingGroupOn Sept. 10, Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov met with the Chairman of the Chinese Chairmanship Working Group for the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) Ambassador Gu Ziping. During the meeting, the sides discussed bilateral cooperation within the CICA framework and further developing CICA. Ambassador Gu considered the results of the Shanghai CICA summit, in particular, the initiatives taken by President Xi Jinping. Idrissov said most of the intitiatives correspond to Kazakhstan’s priorities within CICA and stressed Kazakhstan’s readiness to fully support its implementation. The initiative to create CICA was presented by President Nursultan Nazarbayev during his first speech at the UN General Assembly on Oct. 5, 1992. Currently, 26 states are CICA members, seven countries and four international organisations are its observers. (mfa.gov.kz)

• FMIdrissovmeetswithCanadianParliamentdelegationKazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov met Sept. 10 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a delegation from the Canadian Parliament. The delegation included representatives from both houses of parliament, all the major Canadian federal political parties and was led by Co-chair of the Group of Friendship Kazakhstan and Canada, Chairman of the Committee on natural Resources of the House of Commons Leon Benoit. During the meeting, the sides discussed bilateral cooperation in various fields, noting positive dynamics in areas such as the strengthening of political dialogue, inter-governmental contacts, trade, economics and humanitarian ties. Special attention was also paid to developing inter-parliamentary dialogue within Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND). Positive trends in Kazakh-Canadian trade and economic cooperation and investment were also noted during the meeting. In 2013, turnover between Kazakhstan and Canada amounted to almost $3 billion. (mfa.gov.kz)

• Foundations in Kazakhstan, Doha sign memorandum ofunderstandingOn Sept. 4 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar in Doha, Kanat Saudabayev, director of the Nazarbayev Foundation of Culture, Education and Social Programmes and Dr. Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Muraikhi, director of the Qatar Development Fund signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the two foundations. The document envisages cooperation in the sphere of culture, education, health and social development. In accordance with the memorandum as a first step of cooperation, the sides discussed the possibility of a joint project to build a rehabilitation centre for victims of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site in the city of Semey. (mfa.gov.kz)

• Seminar informs Israeli entrepreneurs about doing businesswithCustomsUnionnationsA business seminar titled “New Order: Doing Business in the Single Eurasian market” was held on Sept. 10 in Tel Aviv. The seminar was organised by the embassies of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia with the support of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce. The seminar was attended by Israeli entrepreneurs and representatives of the ministries of economy of the three countries. The seminar is designed for companies interested in doing business in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Participants were provided information about the opportunities that exist in these markets, as well as information about free trade zones, customs regulations and sanitary standards. (izrus.co.il)

• Astanahosts10thAsianCongressofNeurologicalSurgeonsRixos President Hotel Astana hosted the 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons (ACNS) on Sept. 9-12. The theme of the congress was “Unique Science – Unique City: Let’s meet in the heart of Eurasia.” The opening of the congress was held at the Astana Opera Concert Hal and demonstrated Kazakhstan’s ability to host such events. The ACNS Congress was attended by more than 600 foreign experts from 50 countries and served as an international dialogue platform for neurosurgeons not only from Asia but from Russia, Europe, Africa and America. The III Congress of Asian Neurosurgical Nursing was also held within the ACNS Congress. Nursing experts from the leading Asian neurosurgical clinics were invited to share experiences and discuss the care and treatment of neurosurgical patients. The event also included a meeting of the Asian Women’s Neurosurgical Association. (nmh.kz)

• TennisplayerfromKazakhstanranksinworld’stop40Twenty-year-old athlete from Kazakhstan Zarina Diyas recently reached the third round at the US Open Tennis Tournament in New York and, as a result, was propelled into a top 40 Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) ranking. Diyas is the top tennis player in Kazakhstan and this is her best ranking so far. Other players from Kazakhstan lost their positions in the rankings, including Yaroslava Shvedova who dropped to 63rd place, Julia Putintseva to 130th and Galina Voskoboeva to 148th. (vesti.kz)

• 420athleteswill representKazakhstanat theAsianGames inIncheonKazakhstan will be represented by 420 athletes, 207 men and 213 women, in 39 disciplines at the Sept. 19 - Oct. 4 XVII Summer Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea. Kazakhstan’s national team will participate for the sixth time in the games. According to the game’s organising committee, the event is expected to draw 13,000 athletes from 45 countries. In total, 439 medals will be awarded in 41 Olympic and nine non-Olympic disciplines. Kazakh athletes hope to win at least 20 Olympic medals. (kazinform.kz)


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