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  • 8/14/2019 Asynhronous Transfer Mode


    Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM)

    Mathews VergisTEL 660

    Winter trimester 2005 - 2006

  • 8/14/2019 Asynhronous Transfer Mode


    Topics to be discussed:

    Need for network convergence

    Introduction to ATM

    ATM Interfaces and Service categories Basic ATM Concepts and Operation

    ATM Cell Structure and Addressing

    ATM Layers

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    Popular misconceptions even among


    The phasor was invented by Captain Kirk of

    Star Trek

    Armature reaction is a chemical reaction

    ATM stands for Automated Teller Machines

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    Need for Network

    Convergence PSTN sometimes used as a data network

    backbone but since it is circuit switched

    (voice optimized) not very WAN efficient

    Delay sensitive traffic such as voice not

    possible on data networks since there is no

    guarantee of QoS

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    Types of Traffic and demand on a

    communication channelVoice

    Its generation is asynchronous (a speaker may speakanytime)

    Its transmission must be synchronous (once themessage starts, it must flow continuously as it isspoken)

    The bandwidth required for a voice conversation indigital communication is relatively small and constant

    (64K) The signals may contain a high degree of error and

    the information can still be retrieved correctly

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    Types of Traffic and demand on a

    communication channel


    The generation is synchronous (continuous)

    Its transmission is synchronous. Thebandwidth required is variable and it couldrange from under 64 Kbps to several Mbps inthe same session.

    Error control should be tight - otherwise thewrong information on the monitor may triggersevere wrongful actions

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    Types of Traffic and demand on a

    communication channel


    Its generation could be either asynchronous (text) or

    synchronous (telemetry)

    Its transmission in general can be asynchronous (data

    typically can wait patiently in buffers)

    The information is extremely error-sensitive, so

    extreme caution must be exercised in transmissionand error control must be very tight.

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    How can we combine voice , data

    and video on the same link?

    Fixed and relatively short packets

    Delays associated with each packet are going

    to be short and fixed predictable


    If Voice and Video can be given priority

    handling then mixing is possible without any

    diminishing in quality

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    ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

    It is a high speed, connection oriented

    switching and multiplexing technology

    capable of transmitting voice, video and data

    and interconnecting LANs

    ATM is asynchronous because information

    streams can be sent independently without the

    need of a common clock

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    History of ATM

    Developed in the early 80s as a switching technologyfor Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network

    Anchorage Accord in 1996 declares availability of

    specs required to implement a multi-service ATMnetwork

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    Market Segments of ATM

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    Features and Benefits of ATM

    Convergence of Voice , Video and Data onone network

    High speed switching at hardware level

    Bandwidth on demand

    Predefined and guaranteed QoS and CoS

    Superior Management features

    Scalability in network size and speed

    Ease of integration with other technologies

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    ATM Applications

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    ATM Fast Packet Standards and


    Handles traffic through fast

    packet switching


    Must be able to handle both

    circuit and packet switching

    Must also be able to

    accommodate the different

    bit rates variable (packet

    switching) andconstant

    (circuit switching)

    Uses Cell relay technology

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    Important terms relevant to ATM

    Quality of Service (QoS) :A broadly used term that refers tothe performance attributes of an end-to-end connection. A QoSdefinition for data would address attributes such as error rates,lost packet rates, throughput, and delay

    Class of Service (CoS) :It is a way of managing traffic in anetwork by grouping similar types of traffic together andtreating each type as a class with its own level of service


    Fast Packet Switching :A packet switching technique thatincreases the throughput by eliminating overhead. Overhead

    reduction is accomplished by allocating flow control and errorcorrection functions to either the user applications or thenetwork nodes that interface with the user. Cell relay is animplementation of this.

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    Cells and Cell relay

    A Cell is a formatted packet that uses a fixed lengthdata unit

    Cell relay is the process of moving these cellsthrough switching elements

    Fixed size cells can be switched at a very high speedand add predictability to data transmissions

    Variable length frames produce unpredictablepatterns and performances as the buffer time cannot

    be determined Cell tax overhead imposed by ATM cells which can

    cut into amount of data that can be transferred

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    ATM Interfaces

    ATM is a connectionoriented technique designedto transport both connectionand connection-less services

    Operations at the boundaryof a network are connectionoriented

    Within the network theoperation is connectionless

    User to Network Interface (UNI) :Connection existing between theuser equipment and ATMequipment.

    Network to Network Interface(NNI) : Connection via which

    traffic travels between ATMdevices in the same network.

    Intercarrier Interface (ICI) : Usedto send traffic across intermediatenetworks

    Data Exchange Interface (DXI) :

    Used to transmit packets ratherthan cells to the ATM interfacewhen non ATM equipment isused

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    ATM Service Categories

    Allow for traffic to be buffered and queued for later


    Can permit loose timing and asynchronous operations between

    sender and receiver

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    Fundamental ATM Operations


    A virtual or logical connection is established

    ATM forms a packet of fixed length 53 octets ( 5octet header and 48 octet information field )

    Cells are placed in a queue, on reaching ATM switch Cells are then multiplexed asynchronously with other

    cells for transmission

    Switch adapts the incoming bit rate to match the

    transmit channel bit rate Switch inserts dummy cells to meet the aggregate bit

    stream rate of 155.52 Mbps

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    ATM Virtual paths and

    ChannelsATM Virtual Circuit Terminology

    Virtual Channel (VC) provides afixed pathway or route between 2points. Setup across an ATMnetwork whenever data transferbegins.

    Virtual Path (VP) groups of VCsused to tell a switch how to forwardan ATM cell through an ATMnetwork

    Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) inthe ATM header used to identifyroute established in the ATM Switch

    Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) -in the ATM header used to identify achannel within a VP

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    ATM Virtual paths (contd)

    Transmission path physicalmedia transporting the cells

    Virtual Channel Connection(VCC) connection from sourceend user VCI to destination userVCI

    Virtual path Connection (VPC) connection from source end userVPI to the destination end userVPI

    Operation : Cell is receivedacross a link on a known VPI or

    VCI value - their values areremapped as necessary as allVCIs and VPIs are onlysignificant to the local link

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    ATM VCI and VPI Swapping

    Logical ID Swapping : This is the technique by which the Logical IDof one link is changed to another one as the cell passes through it. ATMswitch changes the cell header VPI/VCI fields to reflect a new VPI andVCI for the outgoing cell. This can be done in one of 2 ways : VP is

    predefined in the switch or VP is set up dynamically when cell reachesthe switch.

    Forwarding process depends on 2 lookup tables within the switch: VP table record of VPs on each link

    VC table maintain the output VP and VC to send the cell Connection Admission Control (CAC) - procedure used to decide if a

    request for an ATM connection can be accepted based on the attributesof both the requested connection and the existing connections

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    VC and VP Swapping

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    ATM Cell Structure

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    ATM Cell Structure

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    ATM Addressing

    Uses addressing similar tonumerical addressing for telephonenumbers

    Uses E.164 addresses for publicATM (B- ISDN) networks

    Extended ATM addressing to

    include private networks Overlaymodel ATM layer maps networklayer (IP) addresses to ATMaddresses. Address format uses OSInetwork service access point(NSAP) addresses

    NSAP address providing thelogical point between the networkand transport layers of the OSImodel the location of this point isidentified by network serviceprovider

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    ATM Address formats

    Currently 4 formats used for ATM networks

    The fields are divided into 2 sections: network and user

    Network prefixes : fields as needed by the network side of the

    UNI User prefixes : Fields as needed by the user side of the UNI

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    ATM address formats (contd)

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    ATM Routing Domains and Areas

    ATM address 20 byte string that has the following fields:

    Country code

    Administrative authority

    Routing domain Area identifier

    End system identifier


    International code

    ISDN telephone number

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    ATM Routing Domains and Areas

    Authority and Format Identifier (AFI): This identifier ispart of the network level address header. Value for 1 st AFI fieldcan be : DCC (hex 39),E.164 (hex 45), ICD (hex 47)

    Routing domains : used for traffic management and

    allocating bandwidth capacity. Defined in the lookup tables inthe switch.

    End System Identifier (ESI) : identifies an end system( computer or LAN) within an area

    Selector Field not used by the ATM network

    Purpose of the ATM address format is identify ATM devicesin an ATM network

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    ATM Routing Domains and Areas

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    ATM Layers

    ATM architecture uses a logical reference modelto describe its functions

    ATM functions correspond to physical layer and

    part of the Data Link layer of the OSI model On its own ATM has function at layers 1and 2 of

    the OSI model, but today TCP/IP is routed overATM networks which means it can also function

    at layers 3 and 4 of the OSI model.

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    ATM reference model

    The ATM reference model constructed as 3 planes

    which span all the layers : Control generates and manages the signaling requests User manages the transfer of data

    Management contains 2 parts: Layer management : manages layer specific functions

    Plane management : manages and co ordinates functions related to

    the whole system

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    ATM and OSI model

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    ATM Adaptation layer

    Has 2 sublayers:

    Convergence Sublayer ( CS )

    Determines the Class of service (CoS) for the incoming traffic

    Provides a specific AAL service at an AAL network serviceaccess point (NSAP)

    Segmentation and Reassembly Sublayer (SAR)

    Segments higher level user data into 48 byte cells plus

    necessary overhead at the sending node and reassembles cells

    at the receiving node

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    AAL Types and Class of Service


    Depending on data type, the AAL protocol provides 5 AAL

    types to accommodate a particular service class

    AAL 5 is the most popular AAL type

    For IP, LAN frames , signaling messages, frame relay , video

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    ATM Layer

    Performs the framing , multiplexing /demultiplexing of cells and also does theswitching

    Generates cell headers on transmitting node based on information from higher layers

    Generic flow control

    VCI /VPI translation Extracts cell headers on a receiving node and

    passes cell payload to higher layers

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    Physical Layer

    Transports ATM cells on a communications channeland defines mechanical specifications ( connectorsetc.)

    2 sublayers: Transmission Convergence sublayer

    Maps cells into the physical layer frame format on transmit anddelineates ATM cells in the received bit stream

    Generates HEC on transmit

    Generates idle cells for cell rate decoupling or speed matching Physical medium sublayer

    Medium dependent function like bit transfer, bit alignment

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    Trivedi, Carol, Wide Area Networks; EMCParadigm 2004

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