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Page 1: AT NECEDAH WISCONSIN U.S.A. - Queen of the Holy Rosary ... · the soul whose Rosary changes is to use it, promote it, teach it, and work for the Blessed Mother. She has stated that

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Page 2: AT NECEDAH WISCONSIN U.S.A. - Queen of the Holy Rosary ... · the soul whose Rosary changes is to use it, promote it, teach it, and work for the Blessed Mother. She has stated that

Dedicated to the Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace, Who has humbled Herself to descend to these Grounds to give America, The World, and The Church Divine guidance and the grace from heaven to save themselves.

<OFirst Publication November 1982 ©Second Publication October 1987 Revised Ed. ©Third Publication May 2003 Revised Ed. ©Fourth Publication October, 2012 Revised Ed.

Compiled, edited and published by: Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace Shrine

For My God & My Country, Inc. W5703 Shrine Road, Necedah, Wisconsin 54646 E-Mai 1: [email protected]

Web-site: www.nccedahshrine.org Phone: 608-565-2617


A decree of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith " 'as published in the "Official Acts of the Holy See" (A.A-S.) S8/16, dated December 29, 1966. It abrogated Articles. 1399 and 2318 of Canon La"'· Approved October 14, 1966, for publication by Pope Paul VI, signed A. Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro­Prefect and P. Parente, Secretary.

This means Places of Apparition may be visited and Messages published If there is nothing against Faith or Morals. Also that any censure incurred previous or since is lifted and absolved. (Complete text sent on request.)

Page 3: AT NECEDAH WISCONSIN U.S.A. - Queen of the Holy Rosary ... · the soul whose Rosary changes is to use it, promote it, teach it, and work for the Blessed Mother. She has stated that

Heavenly Visitor "The blue mist comes through the tips of the trees

and forms into Our Lady. She smiled as I approached.

At all other times Our Mother was dressed in blue. Today She was in white, a real dazzling white, so brilliant and radiant! All Her garments were white. Her veil was a very thin material.

On Her head She had a wreath of small pink roses. She had the same golden cord around Her neck, with a globe of the world and the tassel. She again stood on a pillow, or cloud, with large pink roses on it. She was barefoot and held the same large Rosary. She smiled as I approached Her, and looking over the crowd, smiled again."

So reads the description of the eighth visitation of the Mother of God to a farm woman outside the little village of Necedah nestled amid pines and rivers in central Wisconsin.

Why Chosen? Mrs. Fred (Mary Ann) Van Hoof, the woman

favored with the heavenly visitations had predicted that 1 00,000 people would be present for the August 15th Apparition, and 100,000 did press into the small village that day in 1950.


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Feeling bewildered and unworthy of the Blessed Mother ' s visits, the Mother of God explained to her that she was unhappy as a child, always abused and misunderstood. "You took punishment for others to protect them. You received no love. which you longed for in your home. You always worked hard and were honest to your family. Yes. you committed sins, bur you have been forgiven for them long ago. At the time of your sins, your surroundings were more to blame than you.

You faced death four times. The Sister who took care ofyou in the hospital. she is with us now. You felt very close to her during her devotion and her tireless effort and vigils to keep you alive.

From childhood on, until today, the Stations of the Cross have made your heart heavy, and you shed tears because My Son 's sufferings grieved you. This is why I chose you, My child. "

"Pray, Pray, Pray Hard" Mary Ann, mother of eight, was first favored with

a visitation of Our Lady on November 12th, 1949 shortly after she had retired for the night. She was terribly frightened . The Blessed Mother spoke not a word .


Page 5: AT NECEDAH WISCONSIN U.S.A. - Queen of the Holy Rosary ... · the soul whose Rosary changes is to use it, promote it, teach it, and work for the Blessed Mother. She has stated that

April 7'h. 1950, as Mary Ann saw the crucifix on her wall glowing beautifully a voice said to her " Yes. pray, my child. Pray , pray . pray hard. My child. your cross is heavy to bear. but the people all over the world are facing a heavier cross and sorrow with the enemy of God unless you pray . Pra) hard with all your heart - devotedly. ' Instructions were given her concerning her parish Priest and relatives. The Mother of God warned her she would be laughed at and ridiculed . She then promised to return again "when the flm·vers bloom. and the trees and grass are green. "

True to Her promise, the Queen of Heaven appeared to Mary Ann on May 28, 1950, Pentecost Sunday. "Oh, She was so radiant and beautiful ,· explained Mary Ann. "An artist couldn ' t paint Her to do Her justice.'

Again the next day on May 29u', the Blessed Mother came and spoke to Mary Ann. " WAKE UP, AMERICA!" the Mother of God pleaded, '·]he enemy of God is creepinJ.: all over America.·· Our Lady wondered why the people turned their backs upon Her and Her messages . She said that all people must work together in prayer. "All


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religions must work together against the enemy of God. You must love thy neighbor and live the Commandments. the Way ofthe Cross- not just try. You must love My Divine Son above ail earthly goods. You must pray and convert Russia and you shall have peace. "

On May 30th, June 4°', June 16th, August 15th, and October 7th the Mother of God again visited and talked to Mary Ann. The Queen of Heaven promised Mary Ann that She would return every year on these chosen days, also on Trinity Sunday, for as long as Mary Ann lived. The Mother of God faithfully kept this promise.

Not only did the Mother of God appear to Mary Ann, but also the Blessed Trinity and over one hundred Saints. Messages from Our Lady and the Ce1estials are filled with requests, predictions, revelations, warnings and solutions to the myriad of problems, which face us in these precarious times.

Suffers tbe Passion Through the years Mary Ann endured extreme

suffering during which she envisioned and suffered the Passion of Our lord. She viewed also the Last Supper and the overwhelming beauty and solemnity of the First Mass. As a victim soul ,


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suffering for the sins of others, Mary Ann endured pain day and night. Her suffering allowed her to sleep only ten or fifteen minutes at a time. What a tremendous value was the suffering of this stalwart lady! Who can comprehend it?

Mary Ann Van Hoof with wounds from the crown of thorns, which became visible between

2:00 and 3:00p.m. on a Friday of Lent in 1951 . These wounds were vis­ible in Lent 1951 and Lent I 952. After that time, she suffered the wounds inwardly only.

Truth to All People Fourteen beautiful shrines, built at the request of

the Blessed Mother, grace this special place of apparitions at the present time. Plans are being drawn for additional shrines, which ha e been re­quested . These shrines contain exquisite life-sized statues, which bring inspiration to the steady flow of visitors arriving by car or chartered bus. Daily volunteer guides are available on the Shrine


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Grounds to explain the Blessed Mother' s messages and respond to any inquiries. On these flower­bedecked grounds, it is possible to retrace the footsteps of St. Therese herself who revealed to Mary Ann, "I often walk these grounds! "

Also, literature concerning the urgent and vitally important messages from heaven are distributed to visitors of all faiths, fulfilling one of Our Heavenly Mathe's requests to "bring the truth to all people".

Cures, Miracles, Conversions Hundreds of testimonies have been received at

the Shrine recounting conversions, reversions, cures, miracles witnessed and favors received. Astounding changes have taken place in the lives of those who have visited the Shrine and read the messages. Also occurring is the miraculous

phenomenon of the Rosaries - the silver links of the Rosaries tum to gold, or sometimes the beads change color. This is Heaven ' s way of bringing attention to the Rosary and urge its daily recitation; thus, proving false the various promptings to "discard the Rosary because it is repetitious or antiquated." The Blessed mother has revealed at Necedah "the Rosary is the strongest weapon against the enemy of God!"


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Our Lady interpreted the meaning of the changed Rosaries beautifully. She explained that the soul whose Rosary changes is to use it, promote it, teach it, and work for the Blessed Mother. She has stated that ALL can promote Her Cause since those unable to work can help with their prayers.

Enemies' Plot Revealed The various and astounding messages of Our

Lady to Mary Ann, unveil a vicious and cunning plot by the enemy of God to destroy all Christians by devious infiltration into the churches, schools, government, the arts, news media, and even the food we consume! Our food is being depleted in order to produce sickness and apathy among American people.

The youth especially are a target of the enemy. The tools being used for their destruction are drugs, pornography, satanic music distorted art, perverse sex education, and altered textbooks.

When the Blessed Mother exposed the most guarded secrets ofthe enemy, the fury of the enemy was unleashed and in retaliation they proceeded to spew forth malicious propaganda against Mary Ann, her family, and all those who believe in this Sacred Cause.


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Since the beginning of time, wherever truth abounds, persecution is close behind . The vicious lies were spread in an effort to discourage visitors to the Shrine. The people continued to come, however, and they still do!

Save America! Repeatedly, Our Lady stressed the urgency of

our present precarious situation. She pleaded for all to pray one extra hour a week besides their Sunday obligation, thus forming a Constant Vigil of Prayer. This vigil of prayer will stand as a watchful sentinel against the enemy of God.

What a beautiful promise Heaven made to the faithful souls who promote the Constant Vigil of Prayer Program - the assurance that St. Joan, St. Therese, and St. Francis will assist them in their work.

Destruction of Unborn and Elderly Throughout the years of Her visitations, the

Blessed Mother pleaded tearfully for the halt to the senseless butchering of the unborn - America ' s tomorrow. She warns, "Nothing is more sinful than wantonly destroying a human life, NOTHING! Children, children, what are you doing to thy Nation. Thy Nation that flies a beautiful flag? You are to he proud ofthy Nation,


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yet you are putting the most disgraceful mark of Cain upon it by destroying human lives."

Then came the ominous question, what will happen to the future generations if the people do not stand up and be willing to bear their own children? The appalling statistics showed that there were over three and one-half million abortions performed in America annually, more than any other country!

Sadly, another prediction reveals, "In thy institutions they are now preparing to destroy the elderly, the deformed. for they seem to be a nuisance. They will set themselves up as God "

Judases Our Lady ' s messages to Mary Ann also exposed

the fact that 30,000 Communists were trained as priests to infiltrate the Catholic Church to strive for its destruction! In the time of Christ, walking on earth, She said "there were twelve apostles, a number of disciples. Out of the twelve, He had one Judas. The percentage is now much greater. " Our Lady pointed out that liberals, who do not love God, but themselves, are carrying out the work of the Judases, putting their own interpretations on


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Our Lord 's teachings and causing the great confusion of our present time.

Pope Paul VI Necedah ' s Heavenly Visitor again and again

requested prayers for Pope Paul VI adding, "My Priest-sons could help very much to balance the scales of this tremendous burden that has fallen upon the Pope. He is a good man. Th e errors he made were not because of himself. but because of those about him, those who have misquoted him, those who have given false statements in place of his. He does not want the Mass altered. He wants the Mass said the way My Divine Son instituted it on Holy Thursday. He does not seek for an easier way. " Let us all pray every day for our present Holy Father.

"My Priest-Sons" Often, throughout the years, the Blessed Mother

gave messages for Her Priest-sons as She tenderly calls them . Referring to the Priest as the "Doctor of the soul. " She said, "The Priest is here to cure that soul, ro help the individual to find the 'Glory of Glories of God, ' to bring them to the Immaculate Heart of Mmy, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to teach them to carry their cross and accept


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the disadvantages of life instead of despairing. " " ... Oh, sons, what you do is simple. Love My Divine Son. Teach thy people, thy congregation the truth, the love of God. Teach them how to live a righteous, God-fearing life. Put aside the shining armor of the dollar sign. The dollars are mounting before your eyes instead of the Rosary, the prayers. Alms are needed, yes, but alms will come, for Christ does not abandon His own. "

Brides of Christ Referring to the nuns as Her daughters, She

pleaded with them to keep their vows, to continue wearing their habits, which distinguish them as "Brides of Christ", and to teach the children the Fundamentals of the True Traditional Church. One of the Celestials revealed : "Thy Holy Mother sheds bitter tears for Her sons. The representatives of Jesus Christ and the spouses of Her Divine Son are breaking Her heart, for they have sought the worldliness, they have not continued with their vows that they professed at their ordination or their entry into the Convent."

As the Women Go ... The old adage still applies: "As the women go,

so goes the nation!" Over the years, the Queen of I I

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Heaven has pleaded for women to dress modestly, and for the men "not to glorify their naked bodies for they will burn in Hell! " This warning was giv­en also, " The Priest should not permit women to come into Church improperly dressed as long as they expect the sins to lessen. It is the temptation of women and of the man that are dressed improp­erly, for the temptation not only befalls the .. woman.

The Mother of God also gave the direction that except where there is serious reason, the father is to be the head of the household, and that the mother return to the home and teach the child right from wrong. Children desperately need discipline and direction, but it must be given in kindness.

A warning was given that drug-taking, alcohol­ism and confusion will continue among the youth, as well as adults, because of those seeking libera­tion from their duties as husband, father, wife and mother. "They are going to cause a great catas­trophe to this nation. '

The words the Blessed Mother used for the Women ' s Liberation Movement are "scandalous and ridiculous ... they want freedom , FREEDOM!/ God, oh God, have mercy on them. For the f ree­dom that they will reap, they ~-viii wish they were


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dead. As they have destroyed the unborn in their wombs, they will wish that they co-uld change places and they will never forget the destruction they brought on the unborn. nor as long as they live here on earth. Nor will they be able to forget it in eternity, for HELLFIRE IS ETERNAL. "

Weeps for Youth Since the beginning of the Apparitions, the

Mother of God pleaded for prayers and guidance for the youth. She stated that She came to Necedah primarily for the youth . She begged them to be pure and chaste, loyal to their parents and brothers and sisters, to their fellow students, professors, teachers and officials . She warned them never to be tempted to try even a little mite of a drug, which leads to the destruction of the mind, body and soul. She asked them to show fortitude, honor and obedience, also to dress properly and behave as true Christians. She promised if they do so, graces will rain upon them, their path will be lightened, and they will find the goal they are seeking. She warned that nothing good can come from lies and deceit. Lies will never produce results, only sorrow and pain. She told of Her love for the youth , and asked them to love her.


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Diversions from Truth How sadly the Mother of God and Her Divine

Son watch their creatures, mesmerized by the glit­ter of materialism, desperately attempting to find happiness and fulfillment. Blindly, they flounder for meaning in their lives, grasping at fleeting di­versions, and forgetting that the further they get away from God, the closer they are to despair!

Many have taken refuge in the Pentecostal, Charismatic, Cursillo, Renew or similar programs. The Heavenly messages warn: "The enemy is using it (these program~~ for the two-fold purpose. The satanic powers are working with it. They have duped many Religious as well as the laity. The Pentecostalism of today is WRONG. His Holiness does not approve of it. If some Cardinals make the statement that he does. that is not true. Your Holy Father does not sanction it. He knows the reason they are using it. Pentecostalism has destroyed the true thinking of many a religious man, woman and layman. It will rather take them away from the True Church, than to jill their hearts with the Spirit of Pentecost. "


Theodore Bodoh
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Theodore Bodoh
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Comfort Her Son! Unfortunately, thousands have abandoned the

Church entirely, thus fulfilling the plans of the en­emy. The Mother of God has said, "Yes, you can go into ten, twelve different Churches, supposedly Catholic, supposedly the follo wers of My Divine Son, yet, in eve1y one you will find a different rit­ual. It is not the way to Calvary. It is NOT the True Sacrifice ofthe Mass." Yet the Holy Mother pleaded for us not to abandon the Church. She explained that the Priest, even if he were a liberal , if he has been duly ordained, still has the power to bring Our Lord down onto the altar.

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The neglect of the Ten Commandments, the pre­sent day deviations of the Mass, the desecration of Communion in the hand, are a few of the reasons Our Lord is being recrucified today. Can't we go to His House, and console Him? If we do not go to His House, we cannot expect Him to come to ours!

Certainly the solution for all lies in these words from Heaven: "Those with the Holy Mother will win, ihose with the Holy Mother will go to Heaven; those with the Holy Mother will see the Glory of Glories but those with Judas will go into Hellfire, and they will burn in Hell. IT'S YOUR CHOICE, PRIESTS IT'S YOUR CHOICE! IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SISTERS AND NUNS, BROTHERS. IT'S YOUR CHOICE LAYMEN. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED: IT WILL SOON BE TOO LATE. "

Answering Her Requests! The non-profit organization, "For My God and

My Country, Inc.," exists to further the work of this tremendous Cause. Youth groups also lend their time, efforts and talent to a :vance this " labor of love ."

In response to the command of the Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace, the Shrine is con­stantly promoting Her program - the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Groups are being set up through ­out the United States, Canada and many foreign


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countries, so that individuals can be reached and requested to give that one-hour of prayer with Him. "Like mushrooms on a warm summer night, " Our Lady urged, " it must spring up. There must be more efforr made. "

Our Lady requested that the Seven Sorrows of Our Sorrowful Mother Infants ' Home be built and that Sisters of the Seven Dolors of Our Holy Mother staff the home along with lay vo lunteers as needed.

Our Blessed Mother revealed that already over 200 babies were saved from the abortionist 's knife through the Seven Sorrows of Our Sorrowful Mother Infants ' Home located in Necedah. Many more were rescued, Our Lady revealed through the


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Pro-life literature disseminated through the Shrine. The Infant Home, at present, offers counseling and informs callers who call the Pregnancy Hot-Line, where to receive adequate assistance in their own area.

As Our Lady requested, the Rosary is being recited and promoted. A Rosary group has been formed to make and repair Rosaries to meet the Missions ' constant demand for them and they are available also for visiting youth. "How to Say the Rosary" and the "Fifteen Promises of the Rosary" are distributed to visitors. Busy fingers make the Brown and Green Scapulars, and many are pleased to accept these effective sacramentals.

Our Lady' s lament concerning the lack of pat­riotism is answered with the singing of patriotic songs, the flying of the flag daily on the Shrine grounds, and life-sized statues of Christ the King, Washington, and Lincoln erected as a Patriotic Shrine. Often Our Lady warned: "Fight the laws which will open up the gates f or your children 's destruction. Watch your laws. It is thy Christian duty to see that thy government fun ctions properly . It is everyone 's duty to see and be interested in how their government f unctions."


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Dedicated workers are also encouraged to reg­ularly visit stores, which sell undesirable literature and urge the owners to discontinue it. The Mother of God warns, "The drugs, the pornography, are disturbing the minds of the youth. It is poisoning them, destroying their minds. It is destroying their minds. " How sad that so few realize that pornog­raphy unfolds a panorama of filth before youthful and innocent eyes. Not only is pornography un­christian and unpatriotic, but also it gives the blue­print for every possible crime. Good books are cherished and kept in Necedah. The Blessed Mother pleaded, "All of you should seek for good religious books. Save them for they are being des­troyed and thrown into the garbage. Take care of them and use them. "

"Keep Christ in Christmas" This has been a repeated petition of Our Holy

Mother. Inspiring Christmas literature and posters are available to all those who desire to keep Christ­mas as Christ's birthday. At Our Lady' s request, a large cast portrays the birth of Our Lord and the events that surrounded it with live animals in an annual Nativity Pageant, which takes place across from the Shrine grounds. People from many states come to witness this moving event.


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The Blessed Mother has specifically requested all Shrine buildings. Dedicated workers have donated long and strenuous hours to complete them and beautify the grounds, which surround them. Our Lady referred to these efforts as a "labor of love".

The Information Building


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This building supplies rosaries scapulars, Blessed Sacramental Packets, crucifixes, statues, and the unity medal. Messages by the Holy Mother and the Celestials are also available, along with other literature books, DVD's and CO's to help fulfill the request, "bring the truth to all people ".

The Mediatrix of Peace Hall

Pilgrims are welcome to lecture conferences and video presentations, which give information on the Shrine, the Constant Vigil of Prayer, abortion, the Saints, patriots and other related subjects.


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The Saint Joseph the Worker Hall

This building provides space for offices, work­rooms, meeting rooms, and social events.

A Replica of Mary Ann's Residence

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The Van Hoof home was destroyed by fire in February of I 959. A replica of the original home has been built. It is historic in as much as it con­tains some items from the original home and other items to duplicate those lost in the fire. in a large window of the replica stands a statue of the Blessed Mother and the Infant Jesus with many dolls in front of the statue dressed in their native attire rep­resenting the children of the world.

St. Francis Home for Unfortunate Men

This large building is in the form of a cross and three stories high. When completed it will accommodate about 160 men. Presently it is the temporary home for the Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace School (K-12). The building, requested by Holy Mother houses a beautiful Chapel.


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House of Prayer

onstruction is in progress to fulfill Heaven 's request for this unique building. Our Lady ex­plained that it would be completed "when there is enough prayer, penance, and sacrifice ". The Mother of God informed Mary Ann that when walking into the House of Prayer, " the sinner should find refuge, the afflicted comfort, with help for all Christian , hope for those lost and confused, and peace for all men of good will."


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Heaven designed this building to be heart­shaped, representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary entwined. Pictorial views in this structure, of the Ten Commandments Way of the Cross and the Mysteries of the Rosary will give all visitors a better understanding of the Fundamentals of Our Faith. On October 7, 1975, the remarkable assurance came from Heaven that two Celestials will be present in the House of Prayer daily, twenty-four hours a day to shower their graces and comfort.

Sacred Spot


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This, of course, is the most important area of all - The Sacred Spot of Apparitions with its four ash trees. A life-sized statue of the Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace stands with delicate beauty before the Sacred Spot. Perhaps an example of the value of the Sacred Spot can be given in the description of a vision which Mary Ann had in March of 1971: "] see the Sacred Spot and upon it is a crib-like formation . Within it seems to be, yes, it looks like a diamond. This symbolizes the Sac­red Spot. It looks like a diamond among the rest. It is the most important place to place your heart upon.'

Our Encouragement Work and prayer continue as encouragement is

received in such messages as follows: "It is by the 'Fruits' that you produce, the 'Good Fruit ' that will make this place shine. IT WILL SHINE AS A STAR IN HEAVEN! This place can be known as Fatima has been known, yet this place can do more than Fatima ever did; for you are working for a Constant Vigil of Prayer; you are working to save the unborn: you are working to save the aged. "


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None of these worthwhile projects could have continued without the grace-filled visits of the Blessed Mother and the Saints, without the severe sufferings and perseverance that Mary Ann endur­ed, and without the prayers and good works of the faithful! A message from St. Joan of Arc pleaded emphatically, "NEVER GIVE UP!"

The Mother of God came to America! She waits with open arms at the place of apparitions for people of all faiths who come for graces and en­lightenment and then go away, as the Blessed Mother says,"'" ithjoy in their hearts! "

Mary Ann Van Hoof passed away on March 18, 1984. Only God and His Holy Mother know the value of the lengthy suffering and relentless per­secution she endured.

Mary Ann was privileged to vision Our Lord, His Holy Mother and countless Saints over a period of thirty-four years. Astounding truth and insight have been imparted to the world through the mes­sages of Heavenly Visitors. Mary Ann always minimized her own importance and put the empha­sis on Our Lady and Her Son . She now enjoys the reward reserved for those who love God and His Mother and attended to Their requests!


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Mary Ann Van Hoof


Later Years 28

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I. The Angelus (three times a day) . 2. Mass and Holy Communion - Daily if possible. 3 .. Pray for Our Holy Father first each day, then our

other prayers. Include the Bishop and Parish Priest. 4. Queenship Prayer - at least once a week. 5. Mediatrix of Peace Prayer and Litany - memorize

and say daily. 6. Pray for the President and Government Officals. 7. Pray for the Youth. Pray and work each day to save

our Country, our Church, our Youth- the America oftommrow.

8. Prayers for Unity and Charity 9. Daily Rosary - Family Rosary

10. St. Michael's Prayer. II. Sorrowful Mother of the Passion Prayer. 12. St. Anne' s Prayer. 13 . St. Francis' Peace Prayer. 14. Henry Swan ' s Prayer. 15. Morning Offering - daily 16. Sacred Heart litany on all Fridays of the year and

daily during June. 17. Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary on all Saturdays

of the year and daily during May.


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18. Sorrowful Mother Prayer and Sorrowful Mother Rosary on all Fridays of Lent and Sept . 15 (Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows) .

19. Precious Blood Chaplet - five days a week during the month of July.

20. During month of October after each decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries say "Peace be with you, St. Francis Pray for us."

21 . Wear the crucifix (with wood) for guidance and help especially during times of danger or temp­tation; place your hand on it and say the "Our Father" in honor of God the Father, the "Hail Mary" in honor of the Blessed Mother and the "Glory Be" in honor of the Blessed Trinity.

22. Make a Novena (9 days - one hour of prayer each day with prayers of your choice) previous to May 28, July 26, Aug. 15, Sept. 15, Oct. 7, Nov. 12 and Dec. 8. (Novena to finish the day before each date.) If it's not possible to make a complete Novena, make a Tridium (3 day- one hour each day.)

23 . Enthrone your home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Consecrate your home to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Renew your Acts of Consecration to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart often - at least once a week .


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24 Pray for the Canonization of Kateri Tekawitha, the North American Mohawk Indian Maiden-Martyr. (She is now canonized) .

25. Call on St. Dymphna (patroness of nervous and mental disorders).

26. Wear the Brown and Green Scapulars. August I 5, 1968 Message: "I am asking that all of you wear the Green Cloth of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and daily say, 'Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death, we have re­course to Thee.' Any one wearing this under the True Faith and Love will be protected from much, from evil , pestilence and injuries; also for a happy death. Keep it over your heart at all times, saying the short prayer daily."

27. Read and study the "Eight Points". See the Novem­ber 25, I 955 Message handout.

28 .Work diligently to bring about the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Take an hour each week yourself and contact interested individuals, clergy and groups for their cooperation . Make free packets of ma­terials available.

29 . Study the Mass - form Study Clubs - ask your Priests to help .

30. Pray much for Priests, Nuns, and Religious; especially those in the Missions .


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3 l .Pray much that the supplies of destruction of the Enemy become useless. Encourage others to do so.

32. Clean out the Schools, check Textbooks, News­stands, Movies, and Television (and Internet).

33 . Pray for Christian Unity. (See Messages October 7, 1967 and November 12, 1969.)

Message on September 19, 1975-Feast of Our Lady of La Salette

"Our Lady of La Salerte is before us in the trees weeping. We have the weeping statue, but that is only a statue. Here, Our Lady looks up towards Heaven, holding Her hands thus (Mary Ann placed her hands together as in prayer and raised them un­til the tips of her fingers were even, or just slightly higher than the top of her head) pleading with God the Father to give His children on earth a chance to redeem themselves. Our Holy Mother is shedding tears that we, Her children, are placing upon Her. This, what I was shown, can be lessened but not removed . We should claim that we are true Christians, true Catholics, and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself, not what the 30,000 have


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planted into thy Church, not what the 30,000 are preaching from their altars, not what the 30,000 do when invading all your homes, your schools and your government and especially your Church. The Church must return back to the true Church of Jesus Christ, the True Fundamentals. The Divinity of Jesus Christ must be replaced in the hearts of the catechists. They must be taught that Christ is the Son of God, that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. She is not a mere woman walking the earth. That Christ, while on earth, was not just a mere man who walked on the earth and then was punished for His ideas, His Christian principles. They do not teach the children of today that He is the Son of God; He is their Creator, their Redeemer, and their Savior. He was "just a man". As long as the catechists teach this type of catechism to the young souls, as long as they do this, you will not find Peace on this Earth. It is impossible, because a Peace would come that would be in mockery of the Son of God. What He instituted on Holy Thursday would be mockery, and God the Father in Heaven does not sanction such mockery. Teach thy youth the Truth. Our


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Holy Mother came down on this ground, not for you the adults, but for the children; to save the children, to implant into their innocent minds and hearts the truths of Jesus Christ. But it is not done today. Look at the erroneous catechisms; textbooks in the Catholic Schools, so-called Catholic Schools. The truth is not taught. We are asking all of you here, who are doing anything with the children, to teach only the truth. Do not hide as an ostrich, with your head in the sand, but stand up in truth and loyalty to Our Holy Mother and Her Divine Son; to all the Saints who humiliated themselves to come down on earth to try to guide and protect you. La Salette can befall thy Nation. The La Salette of old would only be a mere drop, just a small pebble in comparison to that which will happen to thy Nation for murdering the unborn, murdering the cripples, for murdering the soldier who fought for his Country, and now not strong enough to carry himself as the man he once was. So, to spare thy Nation , they will eliminate him and the aged. They say, " Why fill the old folks ' home with the aged? Remove them ." Yes, your biggest battle will be euthanasia to destroy the deformed, the aged, the crippled, and of course, the unborn . Teach them


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sex. Let them destroy themselves. For many a woman who takes pills will never be the same again, never, because it is against the teachings of Jesus Christ and He is never mocked.Why do women fight the birth of a child so tremendously, that they would go to any length to destroy a human life? To commit a mortal sin and face eternal Hellfire? Why women, why? Where is your heart? Why tarnish yourselves forever? Thy Lord and God will punish you according to thy own punishments. Some are misguided, God will balance the scale; but some are knowingly going in and fighting for it, for they are going to be the rulers of the earth. They are going to show the simpleton of man that they are more powerful. And men, if you do not watch yourselves, that will be the next thing in the next 15 to 20 years. You will be the infant and they will be the man. Are you letting these laws pass again? Can ' t you awaken to what is happening? Are you that much of a child or do you start to think? Think, men and women, true Christians, think ! Teach thy children the truth. As Jesus Christ was the head, while on earth, of the


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Apostles, so He has made man the head of the home. The woman is subject to the man, not the man subject to the woman. Who thinks otherwise is erring. Yes, there are exceptions, but yet it is the man that must be the head of the house. It must be a man to be the head of your Church. It must be a man to be the head of your Government. Once you tum it into "women's lib," men, you will be lost. you will do the dishes, you will scrub the floors , you will do the laundry, you will see to it that you are going to the laundromat, and when God removes it, you will do it on your hands. Men, to help thy spouse is nice, but to let the spouse control you, is wrong. It is the 30,000 who are doing the job well , to destroy thy Government, thy Church, and thy Youth . Think about it. Remember thy motto: For My God and My Country. They each stand in their own classification. "My God" and "My Country". And women, mothers, stand by thy children. Thy children must come first in thy life. Do not neglect them . Do not find anything more important than thy children. Teach them that God is first. Teach them how to pray. Teach them to say a prayer to their Lord and God. Teach them


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to salute the Flag, to honor their Country, and to honor thy father and thy mother. Teach them these things and teach them their prayers at your knees. Guide them, protect them, make them the loyal subjects by living your life in truth, in loyalty to thy Nation, to yourselves, to you home. As Our Holy Mother gave messages in 1950, that message had it been fulfilled, thy Nation would not be going through the turmoil it is going through . Had the Hierarchy heeded the message, thy Church would not be in this precarious condition. So children, men and women, be honorable to thy Nation, thy Flag, to Thy Lord and God, His Holy Mother and the Saints, to father and mother. That is the duty that must be taught to all children. La Salette will happen to thy Nation in a different form than it did at the time of the first La Salette. You will face it much differently, much differently, for you let the laws be put into effect to hand down a decision to bind you hand and foot. You would need another "Boston Tea Party ," but you will not be able to bring it forth . May God have mercy on all of you . May God have mercy on all of you .'


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Message on September 15, 1978

The following message was given on September 15, 1978 - Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Our Sorrowful Mother. "My Dear Children: It is very important that all of you get busy and save the unborn, save the children, save the youth. I, the Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mediatrix of Peace came to these Grounds in 1950 pleading for the children. the youth. Very few heard Me. The rest turned their backs on Me. Thousands and thousands are dying daily in your large cities. The unborn - I spoke of these in 1950. Nobody cared, nobody heeded. I speak again about these and all children who are being harmed daily, the pornography, the bad movies, the bad TV screens and so many other things the enemy of God is bringing to your children, and you as parents care not. You don 't want to be bothered. You want to go about your way. You want to be free. As some call them 'brats! ' /sn 't that a disgraceful remark to make to God's creation? God created you as well as every child that is born, plus those that have never had a chance to breathe on God 's


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earth. Th ey were never given a chance to breathe the air, for many of them were suctioned out like so many pieces of meat. Others were salted within the womb and destroyed. Many are born gasping, but death quickly takes them. How many of you f.."11o w what a vicious circle this is? Don 't you care? Think back, some of you that are mothers and fathers, how you cuddled your own little child. Don 't you think that these little unborn could be that same type of a child that you could love? No, you don 't care. You want freedom , freedom to play around, freedom to do, as you want. You don 't want these 'brats ' in your way. They are a nuisance. Why, My Children are you so careless? You can thank God that your mother and father didn 't do the same with you, you wouldn 't be here today , that you had Christian parents that loved you and cared f or you. When are you going to awaken and save the unborn ? Everyone ofyou is responsible for any death of one of the unborn. If you made no effort you are very guilty. Those that have tried and are alone and handicapped, God bless them for every child that they save. They will be rewarded in Heaven onehundred-fold, and even here on earth, f or God does not f orget when you


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save just one little one. one lillie one, let alone thousands that are heaping up daily to the butchers-the abortionists. For the misconception of some of you that believe that it is only a blob. it is a life from the time of conception, not when it is six weeks. it is a life right from the beginning. So God created it! Why do you let these little ones die before they breathe a bit of fresh air? If your own becomes sick you spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to keep it alive. Why not a little prayer, at least. ro save some of these? Why not? Ha ve y ou no hearts ticking in your bosoms of love? Or is it only 'let me be, gimme, gimme '? What you can get, not what you can give? Give the unborn life. Save their lives. Save the crippled that are born to many parents. Save them. Take care of your own children. Love them and teach them the love of God. Teach them the truth . Do not tell them white lies. as you call them, for no lie is white. Th ere is no gray matter, either black or white, no in between. it is either the truth or a lie. So many of you think you must lie. Tell your children the truth. Tell your loved ones the truth . Lying gets you nowhere. Honesty and truth is rhe only way you


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will find the Kingdom of Heaven. And once you lie, don 't continuously keep it up, for it is very easy once you start. One little lie. or two little lies and so forth . Finally you believe the lies yourself But God keeps record of all your lies. So be careful. You want to go to Heaven? Well the only way you can go to Heaven is by living a true Christian life, not being a pseudo-Catholic, another pseudo­Christian, but a true Christian Catholic that truly loves God. loves his neighbor as himself, is interested in saving the infants, the unborn, and the children, the youth, so that the youth can live a happy life. You are not asked to be guidedand misguided and fooled and lied to. You are to be given an opportunity to bringforth a chance of true life, to love God, to love your fath ers and mothers, to honor your professors, your teachers. Don 't be nasty, try to be obedient at all times. And if J ou have commiued a sin, confess it and be truly sony fo r it and then start anew and walk a clean life. Keep your soul untarnished. Keep it clean so you can live a happy life, for once you find out that you are honest and truthful, you live your life with God. For without God there is no happiness, bur sorro w,


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heartache and pain. Bur if you love God. you will find happiness in your path. Even if you have hardships. rocks, and many things that will happen in your life, you will always find that you can cope l1ith it, that you can accept it and offer it up to God. If you have a severe pain, don 't curse your Maker: but, pray to Him and ask Him to help you; to give you strength to endure whatever the affliction may be and you will find that when you offer it to God, that pain is bearable. It might be se\ere and sometimes excm ciating, bur offer it to God and you will find it is bearable. Don 't condemn Him. for if you condemn Him you will reap the harvest and it won 't be Heaven. So children. brothers and sisters, walk dail; with God, save the unborn. work on the Constant Vigil of Prayer. Keep a tu enty-four prayer going, so that this wickedness on this earth can be stilled and that peace can come to this ravaged. u o/jish. world that i destroying the youth. the unborn. It is destroying yourselves. For no nation can un,ive without God: and. th e United States of America is be­coming the worst and the most murderous nation on earth. Why? Because the; are destroying


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thousands daily, the unborn, for no one wants them. They don 't want to be bothered Turn the tables. Save the lives. One of these days, some of you will be sorry. You will think back about what you were told. For the other races are not destroying themselves. The white race, they are too busy with other things. They are destroying themselves. God created you in His image, His likeness, because He loved you: and, He does love you. Then Adam and Eve came and disobeyed Him and what happened? All, in the beginning, all tongues got scattered and the colors and races began, for it was a punishment from God for disobedience to Him, that there was a scattering of tongues as well as races. Think about it and try to spare the unborn, save them. You have much to do to take away the pornography from the children's eyes. So write in to your TV stations to change the programs. You can do it if you tl)' hard enough. And also save the children that are being destroyed because they are crippled, deformed, one way or another because of the sins of the world. They are innocent victims of their elders, as Our Holy


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Mother 10/d you in 1950. They would be the innocent victims of their elders. Remember, reread the 1950 message and try to concentrate on it. It told you the complete story, what you are reaping today. Read it, correct it. Save the child. Save the unborn. May God bless you


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Anniversan Procession Vigil April 7 Anniversary 8:45PM 9:00pm

May 28 Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00PM

May 29 Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00PM

May 30 Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00PM

June 4 Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM

June 16 Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00PM

Aug. IS Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00PM

Oct. 7 Anniversary 12:00 Noon 1:00PM

Nov. 12 Anniversary 8:45PM 9 :00PM

A PROMISE A promise made by the Blessed Virgin Mary previous to Mary Ann 's death : "When We take your sister home, I will be with you on all the Anniversary Days to bless these grounds. You will not see Me or the celestials with Me. I will not abandon you unless you abandon me. Is that understood?"

A newsletter is published by the Shrine and is sent free to aU who request it. Additional copies of this booklet sent without charge. An offering to cover printing and postage is appreciated.

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All that aura over the Sacred Grounds will be Hope - Green, even though it is intermingled with purple for suffering. Do I make myself clear? So continue on as you were told of the diamond on the Sacred Spot, the diamond is one of the most expensive jewels. The Sacred Spot in its place in sacredness is one of the most important jewels. It does not take the place of the Holy Mass, do not misinterpret that but the Spot itself will bring many a soul to God, that is why it can be the diamond. (Revelations and Messages Vol. 2, Friday in Lent, March 12, 19lf.) L-209E #651

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