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Page 1: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer€¦ · 28/05/2017  · Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast) Mon 29 May (Bl. Joseph Gerard, Priest) Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68;

SUNDAY MASSENTRANCE ANTIPHON:Men of Galilee, why gaze in wonder at the heavens? This Jesus whom you saw ascending into heaven will return as you saw him go, alleluia.FIRST READING: Acts 1:1-11.RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 47.RESPONSE:God has gone up with shouts of joy. The Lord goes up with trumpet blast.1. All peoples, clap your hands. Cry to God with shouts of joy! For the Lord, the Most High, is awesome, The great king over all the earth. ℟2. God goes up with shouts of joy. The Lord goes up with trumpet blast. Sing praise for God; sing praise! Sing praise to our king; sing praise! ℟3. God is king of all the earth. Sing praise with all your skill. God reigns over the nations. God sits upon his holy throne. ℟SECOND READING: Ephesians 1:17-23.GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:Alleluia, alleluia. Go and make disciples of all nations, says the Lord. I am with you always, to the close of the age. Alleluia.GOSPEL: Matthew 28:16-20.COMMUNION ANTIPHON:Behold, I am with you always, even until the end of the age, alleluia.

CCCCatholic ink inkinkinkL Easter LightAscension of the Lord Year A Divine Office: Week III 28 May 2017

Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 087 808 2369. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: [email protected]. Internet: www.rpp.org.za. Printed by Paarl Media.


In the Light of the

IN MOST paintings about the Ascension of Jesus we see a small group of people on the ground gazing up to the sky where a cloud hovers

above them. The Risen Christ is either entering the cloud or is seen above the cloud on his way ‘up’ to heaven; sometimes God the Father is shown at the top of the picture – usually as a very old bearded man.

We know of course that the Father is not a man, young or old; we know too that the Ascension is not about a fantastic feat of levitation. We know that dealing with the Risen Lord we can only use symbols and metaphors, images and emblems. The ‘cloud’ mentioned in the account of the Ascension in the Acts of the Apostles retains its importance: ‘a cloud took him from their sight’ (Acts 1:9).

The light of the Ascension is such that it blinds our natural sight. The mystery of the Ascension is as far removed from space-travel as possible. In celebrating the feast of the Ascension we discover afresh the limitations of our minds and our imaginations. We have no way of comparing the Ascension to anything in our ordinary human experience. Although the same is true of the mystery of the Word made f lesh, we can at least be led into the mystery of the Incarnation by our experience of human birth and growth. We can appreciate many things in the life story of Jesus and especially his suffering and death – even when the mystery of redemption is greater

than our thoughts. But Resurrection life and the Ascension are beyond all our words and symbols.

It is not a question of trying to f it Resurrection and Ascension into our tiny minds but of f itting our hearts, minds and imaginations into the mystery of the Risen, Glorif ied Christ.

The Risen life of Christ, including his Ascension, his sending of the Spirit, his abiding presence with us, is a new form of existence. But it is a form of existence for which we too are destined: ‘He ascended, not to distance himself from our lowly state, but that we, his members, might be confident of following where he, our Head and Founder, has gone before’ (Preface 1 of Mass of the Ascension).

The light of the Ascension illuminates our past, our present and our future.

In the glorious return of Jesus to his Father the whole history of salvation (from beginning to end) is brought together. In this light we see that we come from God and are destined to return to God: ‘he was taken up to heaven… that he might make us sharers in his divinity’ (Preface 11 of Mass of the Ascension).

The light of the ascension reveals that we ourselves are living the Resurrection life already in the present. We are invited to live ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’

Finally we are given in the Ascension a glimpse of our future: in the Spirit, with the Father through Christ our Lord.

Live the Word T H E W E E K A H E A D

(KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial)Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast)

Mon 29 May (Bl. Joseph Gerard, Priest)Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68; John 16:29-33The disciples experience a ‘light bulb moment’. They see the light, or at least they think they do. Yet one of the most brilliant light bulb moments involves the humbling realization of how little we truly know.

Sun 4 Jun PENTECOSTActs 2:1-11; Psalm 104; John 20:19-23The Spirit living in Jesus’ followers has enabled them to speak about his coming in a language that everyone can understand. Love is that language. Invite God’s Spirit to live and move in you.

Sat 3 Jun St Charles Lwanga & companions, Martyrs Acts 28:16-20.30-31; Psalm 11; John 21: 20-25Many of us act as if our religion is all about convincing God that we love him when, in truth, it should be about enhancing our knowledge of God’s love for us – convincing ourselves that God loves us.

Fri 2 Jun (Ss Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs)Acts 25:13-21; Psalm 103; John 21:15-19In today’s Gospel, Jesus shows Peter – and us – what love is, by directing our gaze toward those in need – the Lord’s lambs and sheep. If you love me, he says, then express that love to others.

Thu 1 Jun St Justin, MartyrActs 22:30; 23:6-11; Psalm 16; John 17:20-26‘Father, they are your gift to me’ (v24). We are gifts to Jesus! Each of us is a special blessing to Jesus. Living as if we believe this is one way of showing what it means to be a Christian.

Wed 31 May VISITATION OF OUR LADYZephaniah 3:14-18; Isaiah 12:2-6; Luke 1:39-56Through Scripture, as we watch the word made flesh grow within Mary, and see her acceptance of the gift and the mystery, we are moved to reflect: What is my response to the presence of Jesus in my life?

Tue 30 May Liturgy of the DayActs 20:17-27; Psalm 68; John 17:1-11Paul admonishes a community for a misdeed out of love, never out of malice. Are you able to deliver a dose of the truth in love; and are you, sometimes, open to receiving a loving and gentle challenge?


Page 2: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer€¦ · 28/05/2017  · Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast) Mon 29 May (Bl. Joseph Gerard, Priest) Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68;


Parish Priest: Fr Gerard McCabe C.Ss.R � [email protected]

Assistants: Fr Scott Davidson C.Ss.R and Fr Charles Mulenga C.Ss.R

27 / 28 MAY 2017 ~ ASCENSION OF THE LORD PAGE: 267 in New Sunday Missal. Year A. THEME: The Start of the Church’s Journey


SATURDAY: 6.00pm

SUNDAY: 7.00am, 9.00am, 11.00am and 6.00pm



MON to FRI: 6.15am (or Communion Service)

MON to SAT: 8.30am


ROSARY: WEDNESDAY after 8.30am Mass


THURSDAY: 7.00 to 7.30pm

SATURDAY: 9.00 to 10.00am & 5.00 to 5.55pm


MONDAY to FRIDAY: 9.00am to 9.00pm

except THURSDAY: 9.00am to 7.30pm



THURSDAY: 7.30pm



Bergvliet Road, Bergvliet, 7945

021 712-2210 or712-1181

021 712-4271

9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday

[email protected]


[email protected]

Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Bergvliet

Catholic Counselling

Network Need somewhere to talk that is safe, where there is total confidentiality and where you will not be judged?

Contact one of our trained counsellors

Cynthia Wiese: 021 794-1601

Annette Milner: 021 715-8177

St. Vincent de Paul Society assists the areas poor.

If you need help / assistance / a visit contact the SVDP pres-ident on 083 450-5479. The matter will be dealt with in confidence.


May 29 Mon Finance meeting 7pm in boardroom Men’s group 7.30pm Edna Cottle room

6.15am Deceased C.Ss.R - Rip 8.30am Peter Millar - Rip

May 30 Tues Care & craft after 8.30 Mass Edna Cottle room Charismatic Praise & Worship 7.45pm Room 1

6.15am Benefactors- C.Ss.R 8.30am Pauline Crowe - Rip

May 31 Wed Rosary after 8.30am Mass Life Teen 7pm in boardroom

6.15am Private Intention 8.30am Jos Sutter - Rip

June 1 Thurs Novena 7.30pm in the Church Badminton after Novena in Parish centre

6.15am Private Intention 8.30am Edward Lambe - Rip

June 2 Fri Rummage sale 1pm Parish centre 6.15am Private Intention 8.30am William & Louise Orgill - Rip

June 3 Sat. Legion of Mary 9.15am Room 2 8.30am Brenda Nieuwstad - Special Intention 6.00pm Sheila De La Cruz - Rip

June 4 Sun Pentecost Sunday SOLEMNITY Theme: The Spirit, New Law of the Christian

PAGE: 285 in New Sunday Missal. Year A

7.00am Parishioners 9.00am Val Palm - Birthday 11.00am Mary-Ann Jones - Rip 6.00pm Mortuary List


certainty that Jesus will return in the same way they saw him ascend to Heaven. It is an invitation to step forth from the contemplation of Jesus' Lord-ship and to receive from him the strength to carry forth and witness to the Gos-pel in their everyday lives: to contemplate and to act in such a way that the glory of God is made manifest in our lives

“The Ascension,” Francis concluded, “doesn't indicate Jesus' absence, but ra-ther it tells us that He is living among us in a new way. He is no longer in a particular place in the world as He was before the Ascension. Now He is in the Lordship of God, present in every space and time, close to each of us. In our lives, we are never alone: we have this Advocate who awaits us and defends us. We are never alone. The crucified and risen Lord guides us. With us there are many brothers and sisters who, in their family life and their work, in their problems and difficulties, in their joys and hopes, daily live the faith and bring, together with us, the Lordship of God's love to the world. In Jesus Christ, risen and ascended into Heaven, we have an Advocate.”

Fr Gerard, CSsR


Barbara Alexander Monica Arendse Fr Anderson Lily Ball Dylan Berry Jill Buser Gloriana Cloete

Alvin Cozett Magdalena Cozett Trevor de Beer Mr Doidge Christian Engelbrecht

Mary-Anne Esau

Desmond Fernandez Dawn Forsdyk Jose Santos Gomes Keith Gomez

Fred Harrison Kerry Heideman

Rita Hendricks

Sam Hendricks

Dale Heynes

Dawn Heynes

Russell Heynes

Jean Kennedy

Fr Lunney

Gerald Louw

Geraldine Malander Willi Malherbe

Brian McEvoy

Rosetta Orgill Monty Pasqualie

Patrick Perreira

Ernest Peskin Sylvia Peters

Albert Petersen

Carris Pietersen Lindsey Pietersen

Elaine Roode Lionel September Dorothy Slayne Vera Steyn

Renelda Visser Jack Whitwam Margie Wilhelm Claude Woodward

Eileen(Fr Gerard sister)


Let us pray

on this day of Ascension

as we watch and wait for Jesus' return:

Father in heaven,

our minds were prepared

for the coming of your kingdom

when you took Christ beyond our sight

so that we might seek him in glory.

May we follow where he has led

and find our hope in his glory,

for he is Lord forever. Amen

Page 3: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer€¦ · 28/05/2017  · Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast) Mon 29 May (Bl. Joseph Gerard, Priest) Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68;


Today we celebrate the wonderful feast of the Ascension of Our Blessed Lord into heaven after His earthly work was complete. The feast serves, too, as a reminder that, just as the apostles were commissioned on this day to make the name of Jesus known throughout the world, each of us is also called by our baptism, to make known the love of God in our words and actions. I thought that today I would like to share with you some recent reflections of Pope Francis on the significance of the Ascension for all of us:

“In the Creed, we confess our faith in Christ who 'ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father'. What does this mean for our lives? While he 'ascends' to [Jerusalem], where his 'exodus' from this life will take place, Jesus already sees the goal, Heaven, but he knows well that the path that will take him back to the Father's glory passes through the Cross, through obedience to the divine plan of love for humanity. We also must be clear, in our Christian lives, that entering into God's glory demands daily fidelity to his will, even when it requires sacrifice, when it sometimes requires us to change our plans.”

The pontiff referred to the account of the Ascension in the Gospel according St. Luke. “Jesus led his disciples 'as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven'. This is the first important point: Jesus is the only and eternal Priest who, by his passion, has traversed death and the grave and is risen and ascended into Heaven. He is with God the Father, where he always intercedes in our favour. As St. John affirms in his First Letter: He is our Advocate.”

“How wonderful it is to hear this! When someone is called in front of a judge or goes to court, the first he does is look for a lawyer to defend him. We've got one who always defends us, who defends us from the devil's snares, defends us from ourselves, from our sins! Dear brothers and sisters, we have this Advocate. Let us not be afraid to go to him and ask forgiveness, to ask for blessing, to ask for mercy. He always forgives us. He is our Advocate. He defends us always. Never forget this!”

The Gospel of St. Luke mentions that the Apostles, after seeing Jesus ascend into Heaven, return to Jerusalem 'with great joy'. This seems a little strange to us,” the Pope said. “Usually, when we are separated from our family members, from our friends, definitively, and especially when caused by death, we are naturally sad because we can no longer enjoy their presence. Instead, the Evangelist emphasizes the Apostles' profound joy. Why? Precisely because, with the gaze of faith, they understand that, even if they gone from view, Jesus remains always with them. He does not abandon them and, in the Father's glory, He sustains them, guides them, and intercedes for them.”

He continued, "The Evangelist also tells of the Ascension at the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles “to underline that this event is like the link that connects and unites Jesus' earthly life to that of the Church.” He also mentions that, after a cloud takes him from sight of the Apostles, they remain looking at the sky until two men dressed in white garments invite them not to stay fixed there, looked at the sky, but “to nourish their lives and witness with the

(Continued 2nd last page)

2nd COLLECTION This week: None

BACON & EGG ROLLS Sunday 28 May After 9.00am Mass

Alpha Group initiative

FINANCE MEETING Monday 29 May 7.00pm

Venue - Boardroom

MEN’S GROUP MEETING Monday 29 May 7.30pm Venue - Edna Cottle room

RUMMAGE SALE Friday 2 June 1.00pm

Venue - Parish Centre

DOUGHNUTS FOR SALE Sunday 4 June after 7 & 9am Masses

PPC MEETING Monday 5 June 7.30pm

Venue - Boardroom

READERS MEETING Tuesday 6 June 7.30pm

Venue - Boardroom

YOUNG ADULTS MEETING Tuesday 6 June 7.15pm

Venue - Monastery


Saturday 10 June 9.30am

Venue - Edna Cottle room

BAPTISM INSTRUCTION Saturday 10 June 1.00 to 4.30 pm. Venue - Parish Centre

BAPTISM CEREMONY Sunday 18 June after 11.00am Mass.

THEOLOGICAL CIRCLE MEETING Monday 12 June at 7.30pm Venue - Boardroom

REPOSITORY Available from the Repository

• Faith themed gift items and cards

• Revised - Celebration Hymnal for Everyone R120

1. Zuma’s visit to a Catholic church

2. Land reform: Put benefit to people first

3. Was Mary at Medjugorje?4

4. Why we must read Bible anew

5. Do romantic comedies teach us love?

THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL: What next for Medjugorje?


SMS “CATHOLIC” to 31222

Receive a daily reflection from the Redemptorist Community to your mobile phone. Support the Redemptorist Mission in South Africa.

ADORATION CHAPEL The Adoration Chapel is open from Monday to Friday 9.00am to 9.00pm except on Thursday when the Chapel closes at 7.30pm

Please Note

There is an urgent need for someone to fill the following hours Monday: 2.00 to 3.00pm

Friday: 5.00 to 6.00pm

Warmest thanks to those who have recently joined the group and helped to keep Adora-tion constant throughout the daily 12hours.

If you are interested please contact Carol Cornell on 073 194 7295 or Theresa in the office


Thursday evening at 7.30pm

Place your special Prayer Intentions & Thanksgivings in the box at the back of the Church.

Also at www.holyredeemer.co.za

Page 4: atholicLink - Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer€¦ · 28/05/2017  · Colour = Liturgical colour of the day or feast) Mon 29 May (Bl. Joseph Gerard, Priest) Acts 19:1-8; Psalm 68;


















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♦ DROPPED OFF AT THE PARISH OFFICE (Mon to Friday 9am to 2.30pm)

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The cycle for planned giving is from July to June annually. The Parish Secretary captures all personal details as well as your contributions, so planned giving is strictly confidential. Planned giving is vital for budget purposes. Your contributions allow us to project future planning re renovations/maintenance to the parish church/hall/etc. You may either contribute per envelope (a set will be handed to you) or per EFT. Envelopes will only be issued once you have completed your registration form. Envelopes will be ready for collection after each Mass at the weekend of 24th/25th June May we take this opportunity of thanking all parishioners for their continued support, whether you contribute per envelope, EFT or via the plate.

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