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and Other Clues tothe Lost Originsof Civilization

New Details on Egypt from

Ralph EllisRobert SchochJohn Anthony West

and Other Clues tothe Lost Originsof Civilization

New Details on Egypt from

Ralph EllisRobert SchochJohn Anthony West

EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITINGCynthia Gage with Sensational New Author Lynn GrabhornEXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITINGCynthia Gage with Sensational New Author Lynn Grabhorn


Explores the Disturbing Research



Talks with Zulu Shaman



Could the Fate of the RedPlanet, Be Earth’s as Well?


Len KastenExplores the Disturbing Research



Julia GillentineTalks with Zulu Shaman



Monica Rix PaxsonCould the Fate of the RedPlanet, Be Earth’s as Well?


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CONTRIBUTORSJohn Chambers Richard Conant

Ralph EllisCynthia GageKathie GarciaJulia GillentineFrank JosephLen Kasten

Dr. Eugene MalloveJeane Manning

Monica Rix PaxsonRobert Resetar

Hilly RoseDr. Robert Schoch

John Anthony West

COVER PHOTOGreg Hedgecock

ATLANTIS RISINGpublished quarterlyWrite PO Box 441,

Livingston, MT 59047COPYRIGHT 2000 by

ATLANTIS RISINGNo part of this

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written permission fromthe publisher.

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Number 23


OrderBOOKSVIDEOS& MORESee OurCatalogPage 74



Canadian Conference Hears from Zero Point Experts 23VISIONS OF THE SHAMANA Conversation with Credo Mutwa 24EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITINGAuthor Lynn Grabhorn Offers New Tools forPutting Your Feelings to Work for You 26

THE BLOODSTREAM WARSWarnings from Dr. Leonard Horowitz? 30

UNCOVERING LEMURIA Cayce and Churchward in Light of New Discoveries? 32

THE MARS MYSTERY Could the Fate of the Red Planet Be Earth’s? 34

NEW STUDIES/OLD SPHINXRobert Schoch on New Support for His Thesis 39

THE AGE OF THE PYRAMIDS Author Ralph Ellis Finds Evidence in Surprising Places

for Some Very Old Buildings 42 “GIZA THE (HALF) TRUTH”John Anthony West Challenges a New Book 45THE CURIOUS HISTORYOF ADELE HUGO Victor Hugo’s Daughter and the Spirits 46ASTROLOGY 48BOOKS 51RECORDINGS 56



Canadian Conference Hears from Zero Point Experts 23VISIONS OF THE SHAMANA Conversation with Credo Mutwa 24EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITINGAuthor Lynn Grabhorn Offers New Tools forPutting Your Feelings to Work for You 26

THE BLOODSTREAM WARSWarnings from Dr. Leonard Horowitz? 30

UNCOVERING LEMURIA Cayce and Churchward in Light of New Discoveries? 32

THE MARS MYSTERY Could the Fate of the Red Planet Be Earth’s? 34

NEW STUDIES/OLD SPHINXRobert Schoch on New Support for His Thesis 39

THE AGE OF THE PYRAMIDS Author Ralph Ellis Finds Evidence in Surprising Places

for Some Very Old Buildings 42 “GIZA THE (HALF) TRUTH”John Anthony West Challenges a New Book 45THE CURIOUS HISTORYOF ADELE HUGO Victor Hugo’s Daughter and the Spirits 46ASTROLOGY 48BOOKS 51RECORDINGS 56



s has been pointed outbefore in this space, allchange occurs through dra-matic episode. Most seem toagree we live in a

time of great change. Thequestion arises, does thismean we can expect greatdrama, as in planetary cataclysm,or can we look for something morepersonal and spiritually symbolic,rather than physically actual?

And then there is the matter of human consciousness itself. Does naturereflect our thoughts, or do our thoughts reflect nature? What is the natureof the dance between the two?

Today, many who consider themselves avant-guarde, see a prophesiedgolden age already beginning to unfold, while others who also believethemselves to have a handle on the future look for some kind of catas-trophic day of reckoning before any such age of gold. The latter can pointto precedents in Earth’s history—from the remembered, as in the last daysof Pompeii, to the forgotten, as in the destruction of Atlantis. They canmake a strong case for the inevitability of such a judgment day for our owntime.

At Atlantis Rising, we respect both poles of the argument, but we sug-gest that a new kind of alchemy, which may now be brewing, is creatingpossibilities and graces unaccounted for in past rounds of our planet’s cy-clical drama. In other words, consciousness can evolve and new possibili-ties can emerge.

Having said all that, we felt that questions raised by many about pos-sibly imminent earth changes of Biblical proportion deserve to be wiselyexamined. Moreover, we also felt that it was equally important to considersuch episodes, which may have occurred in our past, and to ask if the con-sequent, albeit largely unrecognized, scars might play a part in our currentchallenges. Does the amnesia following past trauma increase our risk of re-enacting the drama, and, by the same token, does breaking the spell of saidamnesia, improve our chances of transcending possible forthcoming re-plays?

For these reasons and more Atlantis Rising, in conjunction with An-cient American Magazine has decided to hold, this September, an interna-tional conference on these questions. Earth Changes 2000 will seek topierce the planetary amnesia and explore the possibility of future catas-trophes in light of our forgotten past. We have invited several of today’smost notable writers and researchers including Graham Hancock, John An-thony West, Robert Schoch, Richard Noone, John Brandenburg, Dave Tal-bott, Mike Mandeville and others to lend their wisdom.

Please consider this your personal invitation. For more details read else-where in this issue.

If it is true, that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to re-peat it, could our greatest service to ourselves and our posterity be simplyto learn our lessons?




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Approaching Changeso get your com-ments into thisspace, write AtlantisRising, P.O. Box441, Livingston, MT

59047. Writing a brief andclear letter remains the bestway to get your views to ourreadership.

Poles ApartRichard Noone’s prediction

(“Are We Approaching theAbyss?” No. 22) that theEarth’s geomagnetic field willflip-flop in May, 2000, is off byabout two thousand years. Re-search has shown that geo-magnetic field strength de-clines to zero before itchanges polarity, as it hasdone numerous times in thedistant past. The last reversalwas 780,000 years ago. In thepresent era, the earth’s mag-netic field has lost half of itsstrength since the time ofChrist. So we have anothertwo thousand years or so be-fore it declines to zero andmakes another flip-flop.

Alan Vaughan, Ph. D.Santa Monica, CA

That you print the ideas of RichardNoone lessens the credibility of yourpublication, as I see it. Many peopleare tired of prophets of doom whoclaim to have the exact dates of immi-nent disaster.

Helene Blavatsky once said: “Oc-cultism is altruism.”

What this means, of course, is thatthe principle of Love is the “buildingblock” of Nature.

The opposite of altruism is blackmentalism.

Black mentalism is based on fear.Noone’s predictions of disaster are

more such fearmongering. One mightspeculate that the numerous charlatanswho tried their best to generate massfear during Y2K have a lot of left-overmerchandise which they would like tosell.

Altantis fell through the practise ofblack mentalism. As the souls from an-cient Altlantis reincarnate among us,the karma of black mentalism is stillbeing worked out.

One nice thing about the “scientific


Continued on Page 9


too. The power of earth's spinis 750 billion trillion mega-watts. Then it’s possible to

have the poles in open oceanswhere ice has no land to stick

to and weather becomesbalmy all over earth!!

Earlier world cities tried todo that when they had thepower to do it. But, as theRock of Ages shows, they

failed!! And only caused a bigupheaval. That Record, in theRock, shows there were 6 dif-

ferent pole locations duringthe ice ages of the last

500,000 years. And one polarlocation that is 600 million

years old.I'm able to make math

models using known laws for-mulated in math-physics.These laws reveal what’s

really wrong with the way weuse this world. Philosophers

saw this centuries ago. We usethis world backward, killing

life instead of aiding life!Killing life creates less love

and warmth and creates morecold and hatred. The result is

ice ages.Former world cities tried to

move the poles into openoceans to have balmy weather all over.

But, because they were killing life in-stead of helping life, they never consid-ered what all living creatures have tosay about it. These creatures sent outwarnings, but the warnings weremissed. The animals were telling aboutVan Allen's radiation belts.

The ions in the oceans make themagnetic poles of earth. Van Allen'sbelt is the sky magnet. Both as a coil in-side a coil, they form the magneticpoles.

Moses Bernard, Jr.N. Las Vegas, NV

Abydos ContinuedRichard McNulty’s letter in #22

brought back memories of the time Imet Omm Sety, in 1977, when I wasworking on the Akhenaten (“that SOB”according to Omm Sety) Temple Pro-ject in Egypt. McNulty’s suggested ra-tionale for the alleged appearance ofhelicopters in the inscription is cer-tainly elegant, but it does not address

invention” called the Love Generator isthat it is absolutely free. It overcomesfamine, disease, fear, and disaster of allsorts. It is beyond time and space. Itcannot be bought and sold.

It would be better for your publica-tion to have more articles of a spiritualnature, and less material geared to-wards the negativity of fear. Love alonecan help our planet.

Eric WhollemOroville, CA

The Abyss is described at Rev. 9:11in the Bible as the Bottomless Pit. Theidea that the earth's center is spinningseparately from its salt water surface isactually unknown.

A glacier is part of the crust of theearth. And it does move separatelyfrom the earth's center. It's possiblethere may be a pole shift. I used knownlaws in math-physics and analyzed thatfor energy and power needs. I foundout 75,000 trillion megawatts is neededto do that in 72 hours. Using gyro-scopics. That is, using the spin of earth,


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Continued from page 7

LETTERSdiscoveries. While I accept Jesus’words when read symbolically to bepsychologically and scientifically true, Iconsidered much of the Old Testa-ment, preaching fear and punishmentby an imaginary, invisible Father inHeaven (“No man hast seen God at anytime.” John 1:18) to be pure nonsense,the worst yoke ever placed upon thehuman soul...

Lloyd UleryLakeside, CA

Great Spirit and AntigravityYour article about The Politics of

Antigravity by Len Kasten, is a goodone there are many Antigravity patentsout there. All we have to do is to re-search them and then start buildingships from their plans. I am Chief ofthe Lenape stock that was left in NewJersey. The Great Spirit has told methat our ancestors more than just a fewtimes used ships that flew using anti-

gravity as a powersource. This is all

races of people in-cluding some race

types that have gonefrom this earth, like

the green race for in-stance. It is our heri-

tage as a people tohave the right to flywherever we wantand how we want.

Using whatevertechnology that is at

our disposal (i.e.space drive sys-

tems). These space drive systemswould allow us to travel to the starsand on the earth as well.

The religions of the earth say loveone another (and) the antigravity drivesystem would allow us to do just that. Iwould love to go to the European con-tinent but would only like to do it inabout twenty minutes. One (problem)of these space drives is that in theearth’s atmosphere they are very fast.This would allow us to go anywherehere on Mother Earth fast. We couldsee friends and relatives almost at will.The Great Spirit says also that we needto develop as many of the space drivesystems as we can. There is a reason.He says this Mother Earth needshealing and the forcefields that reso-nate from thousands of the craft of dif-ferent types of design would do justthat. Mother Earth right now needs asteady diet of different antigravity tech-nologies. I am praying that the govern-ments of the world allow mankind toonce again honor both our future andour ancestors and the heritage that wehave.

Chief Gregory Wayne CockefairPompton Lakes, NJ

the simple explanation of the hiero-glyphs given by me in this column andin the November 1999 issue of FATEMagazine. Although we cannot knowexactly what Omm Sety herself wouldsay about this “helicopter” flap wereshe still in this world today (though Isuspect it would be pithy and memor-able), I would note the following rele-vant facts about that remarkable andwonderful woman:

Omm Sety was intimately familiarwith the Abydos temples, which shedescribed in great detail in her booksAbydos: Holy City of Ancient Egypt(Los Angeles, 1981) and Omm Sety’sAbydos (Toronto, 1983, originally seri-alized in the Journal of the Society forthe Study of EgyptianAntiquities). I have nodoubt that she was fa-miliar with the in-scription featuring theso-called “helicop-ters.”

Omm Sety couldread hieroglyphs andknew the standardphraseology of Sety Iand Ramesses 11 in-scriptions backwardsand forwards. She wasthus just as capable asother Egyptologists oflooking at the “heli-copter” text and seeing through the“helic-optical” illusion of its over-carved signs.

In conclusion, I would like a propo-nent of the “helicopter” hypothesis toexplain to me what the passage inquestion says IN EGYPTIAN accordingto his/her reading of the signs, since,after all, the inscription is writingsomething in the ancient Egyptian lan-guage.

Edmund Meltzer, Ph.D.Stevens Point, WI

New Light on Old MysteriesI have enjoyed ALANTIS RISING

very much and though I am 96 and le-gally blind I have read, with the aid ofan Aladdin Magnifier, every article inthe copies I have received. I have beenamazed by the amount of information,some true and some questionable, butnevertheless interesting, which yourauthors have presented. They musthave studied well and extensively.

But I have often wondered why wesearch questionable ancient recordsand myths for truths (as if anything oldmust be true) about life and our pur-pose on earth when so much solidtruth is being revealed by our scientific

“...Mother Earthneeds healing andthe forcefields that

resonate fromthousands of thecraft of differenttypes of design

would do just that...”


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Thoughts on Near Death I just got done digesting Atlantis

Rising #22. What a fabulous and infor-mative magazine. I loved the article“When Children Return from Death”.

I do believe that there is life afterdeath, because the body is one big bat-tery that carries energy. This energy ismade up of our own life force, ourthoughts, what we see, smell, think,speak and touch. This energy is re-ferred to as our soul, or as our aura.When we die, this energy leaves ourdead carcass and continues on. Where?I’m not sure. Energy cannot be de-stroyed and where it goes is anyone’sguess. Could heaven and hell be worldsof pure energy? Is this where our de-parted energy goes after death? Ifmatter can have intelligence, why can’tenergy? If there is a matter world, whycan’t there be a world of pure energy?There are so many questions and veryfew answers. Perhaps one day, livinghuman beings will know the full truthabout the afterlife...

Paul Dale RobertsElk Grove, CA

Ancient AstronautsYou carry an ad for a book entitled

Mankind—Child of the Stars, by Flindtand Binder. As an interesting aside, inthe early 1960s, perhaps 1962, 1 wassitting in the UCSF office of the chief ofendocrinology. While waiting for him,I picked up a journal from UK (he wasBritish and widely read). In that journalwas a paper discussing the Dead SeaScrolls—specifically a version of Mannafrom Heaven.

The investigators had started transla-tions as follows. Starting with com-puter entry, they translated until therewas a multiple translation for a word.At this point the computer split thestory into two lines, i.e., two equallyvalid stories running parallel. They con-tinued this and soon had an array ofstories. One of these translations in-cluded the word “skull” as a vessel. Inthis vessel was blue-green algae andthis was energized with laser light togrow protein. The story left one withthe impression that some advancedgroup had landed—or crashed here. Astheir equipment began to fail, theywere unable to make necessary repairs.Consequently, they remained.

I can appreciate this situation. Wenow live in a highly dependent techno-logical society. If my Sony Walkmanbreaks down, I haven’t the foggiestidea of how to fix it—nor do I have theparts.

Ed McGowanSanta Barbara, CA


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In September “EARTH CHANGES 2000” WillSeek to Pierce the Planetary Amnesia andExplore the Possibility of FutureCatastrophes in Light of Our Forgotten Past



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estselling author Graham Hancock (who has written ex-tensively about humanity's perennial risk of cataclysm),

geologist Robert Schoch (with evidence behind the reawak-ening science of “catastrophism”) and Egyptologist John An-thony West (offering new insight into the hopeful meaningof the ancient myths of death and resurrection) are amongspeakers scheduled to headline the program at a late summerconference on the banks of the Yellowstone River in Mon-tana. The site, during the weekend of September 8 - 10, willbe the brand new Wellspring Conference Center in the heartof the picturesque Paradise Valley just a few miles north ofYellowstone Park. Other noted authorities expected includeFrank Joseph (editor of Ancient American Magazine), JohnBrandenburg (scientist/author of Dead Mars Dying Earth),Mike Mandeville (author of Trilogy, a new study on theprophecies of Edgar Cayce), Dave Talbott (scientist/authorfeatured in the video “Remembering the End of the World”),and Richard Noone (author of 5/5/2000).

Evidence for impending Earth changes—from possiblepole shifts, to eco-disasters, from cosmic collisions to inter-planetary magnetic storms—will be thoroughly scrutinized bythe experts. Conferees will also consider whether suchevents have interrupted human history in the past andwhether our ancient forebears attempted to warn us of whatwe might have to fear if we are not able to learn from ourprior experience.

Reservations to attend all events in the main auditoriumwill be $195. Reservations for secondary areas, served byclosed circuit TV (including full mingling privileges) will be$150. To make reservations and/or obtain more informationincluding available accommodations at a discount in the areacall toll free 1-800-310-9543. Ask about RV and camperspace. Business people, ask about exhibitor space.


Graham Hancock

Dr. Robert Schoch

John Anthony West


is D



ne H




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n archaeological dis-covery with far-

reaching implicationswas recently announcedin Augsburg, Germany,by Dr. Hubert Zeitlmair,a German real estate in-vestor and part-time ar-chaeologist, at a meetingof the Paleo Astronaut.

The discovery off thecoast of Malta, a rocky is-land situated in the Medi-terranean Sea betweenthe tip of Italy and thecoast of Africa, hadposed an archaeologicalenigma since the un-earthing, earlier this cen-tury, of a series of mega-lithic structures olderthan any other in Europe. According tosome studies the “temples” aboveground may be as old as 3500 B.C. Thediscovery of one more such “temple’”underwater poses an even largerpuzzle and may indicate a much, muchearlier date for these complex andlarge structures, built with giganticstones and aligned with the solstices,equinoxes or both.

Zeitlmair’s search was inspired bythe writings of Zecharia Sitchin in hisEarth Chronicles series about the or-igin and extreme antiquity of ancientcivilizations, and especially his bookWhen Time Began in which he attrib-uted the world’s megalithic structuresto Divine Architects. Based on thesewritings and because the knownabove-ground temples on Malta and itssister-island Gozo are built in pairs,Zeitlmair concluded that there oughtto be more such undiscovered struc-tures. That it might be at this time offthe coast and underwater occurred tohim almost three years ago.

Underwater temple sites near Malta area (© Hubert Zeitlmair, 1999). Web site: MaltaDiscover.com

The final impetus to start a series ofunderwater searches was given to Zeitl-mair during a visit to Malta by Sitchin,with a group of fans, this past June.

The final dive that led to the dis-covery took place on July 13, 1999.Subsequent dives and underwater pho-tography confirmed the nature andmegalithic size of the structures.

In his presentation, Zeitlmair re-vealed that the temple sits on an under-water plateau about 500 - 900 meterslong. The lowest point of the plateau ismore than 25 meters below sea leveland the highest point of the plateau isabout 7 meters below sea level.

The structure itself shows the samecharacteristics as the other above-ground temples on Malta. Giganticstone blocks aligned with astronomicalsignificance are thought to be used as acalendar. The basic diameter of the in-terior rooms are 6 - 7 meters and someof the highest walls that are stillstanding are about 4 - 6 meters high.There is an avenue that goes up the

center of the structureindicating an orientationto the equinoxes. There

are kidney-like formedrooms orientated to an

easterly direction, whichwould coincide with therising sun and the winteror summer solstices. The

main difference is, thisstructure is underwater.

Since the structure, asthe other’s on Malta, had

to be first built on solidground, its present un-

derwater position couldresult from either thesinking (due to earth-

quakes?) of coastal partsof the island, or from amarked rise in the sea

level (due to an immense flooding).Zeitlmair adheres to the second pos-

sibility, and wonders whether thecause was the Great Flood described inthe Bible and in the lore of many an-cient peoples, the so-called Noah’sFlood.

He is inclined to this explanationbecause the west side wall of the struc-ture is more overgrown by sea grassthan the east side wall, apparently be-cause there was more sand depositedon that side. Therefore, the stones onthe east side are mostly free of seagrass. This could indicate that the de-structive water flow came from thewest into the Mediterranean Sea,adding confirmation to theories thatthe water broke through the Strait ofGibraltar, filling the Mediterraneanbasin. A couple of big stones werelifted up and dropped down in a valleybelow, apparently by the destructivewater flow.

For more information go to Malta-Discover.com.


Southern entrance of Malta’s ancient Mnajdra temple. (© Eric Parker, 1999)



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he search for the Hall of Records—the legendary archivesmentioned by Edgar Cayce and thought to have been left

behind by ancient Atlanteans—may not have born fruit yet,but that does not keep people from searching, and not allthe searching is in Egypt. Some believe the “Hall” will turnup in Yucatan and others have even stranger ideas.

British writer Ralph Ellis (Thoth: Architect of the Uni-verse, see his article on the age of the Bent Pyramid else-where in this issue) thinks the Hall will turn up in the Hima-layas. In fact he is planning to lead an expedition to look forit later this year.

Following what Ellis believes to be a virtual map of theEarth laid out in the pyramids of Egypt, Ellis will lead hisgroup to mount Kailash in Nepal. The pyramids themselves,says Ellis, were intended by their builders to represent moun-tains.

Ellis says the Hall was never to be simply buried under thepyramid, where it could have been accidentally unearthed bya lucky grave robber. The true location had to be remotefrom civilization.

If you are interested in participating in the Ellis expedi-tion, he can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].


The Pyramids of Giza viewed from the west. (Ralph Ellis) Inset: Mt Kailash


Tom McClelland of Richland, WA shows the skullcasting of Kennewick Man he and anthropologistJim Chatters used to re-create the features of the

9,200-year-old discovery.(Photo: Tri-Citi Herald/André Ranieri)

he federal government has decidedthat whether it is politically cor-

rect or not, the true origins of theKennewick Man should be determinedonce and for all. That at least is the in-ference one could draw from the deci-sion in February to go ahead with ex-tensive DNA testing of the 9,000-year-old skeleton which has caused somuch furor in more recent years.

Despite the vigorous objections ofnative Americans, who claim theKennewick man as their ancestor andwant him buried without further distur-bance, the Interior department intendsto put to rest any controversy over theskeleton’s actual origins. The depart-ment has recently classified theskeleton as Indian, but says it would

like to make the point conclu-sively, in light of recent forensic re-constructions which make theskull appear to be something quitedifferent than Indian. Thus theDNA tests.

Many believe, and the recon-structions support, the notion thatthe Kennewick Man is of Europeanor African ancestry. If the latter isproved to be true, many of themost cherished assumptions of aca-demic orthodoxy will be onceagain in dire peril.

Results of the DNA tests are notexpected to be forthcoming forsome time and are not guaranteedto be conclusive.




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Exploring AncientMysteries

Dr. Lora Little discusses finds at PiedrasNegras in Guatemala including the mys-terious firestone and the probable site ofthe American “Hall of Records” Caycerefers to.Dr. Greg Little looks at evidence that nowsupports Cayce’s idea that the moundbuilders migrated from Central America.And more...

Exploring AncientMysteries

A.R.E.’s Annual Egypt ConferenceA.R.E.’s Annual Egypt Conference

Dr. Robert Schoch the geologist who datedthe carving of the sphinx to around 7,000 B.C.

Dr. Fred Wendorf talking about his discoverieson the Egypt/Sudan border including ancientstone circles and 12,000-year-old mummies.

• Geologists now date the Sphinx to at least 7,000 B.C. and maybe earlier!!• 12,000-year-old mummies have been found in the area of Egypt

where Edgar Cayce hinted that the Ra Ta exile occurred!• A site in Guatamala may be the location of the “Hall of

Records” Edgar Cayce said would be found in Central America!


t the March semi-annual meeting of the InternationalUFO Congress, they outdid themselves in bringing

speakers from every corner of the globe who are honest re-searchers in paranormal phenomena. I am constantly amazedat the variety and depth of experience these 20 or sospeakers provide at every Congress, thanks to the efforts ofBob and Teri Brown, as well as the board of directors.

This year one presenter showed photographic ev-idence of some wild claims. To those with pho-tographic expertise, the pictures appeared bla-tantly false. One-third of the audience walkedout in disgust, one-third more sat throughthe presentation but complained to manage-ment and the final third thought it was astartling story proven by the filmed evi-dence.

The big buzz behind the scenes for therest of the Congress was whether a Board ofAcceptance should be established to qualifyclaims. After all, the International UFO Congressis without doubt the most professional and re-spected of all the regular paranormal confer-ences. They get the biggest names in the fieldand the biggest audience turnout. If they could find a way toqualify these paranormal claims, it would go a long way todignifying paranormal in the eyes of many scientists, as wellas the regular news media. Perhaps we could put an end tonews stories that begin or end with, “No little green menwere seen.”

When the idea was first presented, I thought it might be agood way to go. Then I began thinking about Galileo, Co-lumbus, Joan of Arc and the thousands (perhaps millions)who were condemned by the conventional thinking of theirday—but eventually were proven right. In modern times,Barney and Betty Hill were laughed at and ridiculed for theirstory of abduction. She drew a map to show where the ab-ductors came from. No such stars appeared on any astron-omer’s map of the heavens. Yet, ten years later, modern as-tronomy showed that there were indeed stars in the exactlocation Betty indicated. There are numerous other exam-ples.

As I focused my thinking on modern times, I began towonder about other abduction stories. Other than Betty Hill(and that could have been a coincidence), there is not a scin-tilla of scientific evidence that anyone has ever been ab-ducted. We do have great storytellers who would have us be-lieve they were abducted, but who is to say?

Unless you have actually seen a UFO with your own eyes,can you believe the many photographed sightings? The fa-mous case of Billy Meyer in Switzerland sure sounds con-vincing. Some of us believe his evidence, some do not. Hisson Methusalem says it couldn’t be faked. His father, with noformal education, became a learned man after talking with


Hilly Rose alternates as host of “Coast to Coast” (10 pm to 3am pst) radio’s highest rated talk show on the paranormal


Hilly Rose


Continued on Page 58



the Pleiadians. Speaking of Pleiadians, Barbara Marciniak has sold more

than half a million books describing her conversations withthe Pleidaians. Recently she said she is not sure where theycome from. They have never actually acknowledged beingfrom the Pleiades. Does she actually receive communicationsfrom outer space beings, or is she a very talented and imagi-native writer?

Uri Geller failed miserably to bend spoons or do anythingelse on the nationally televised Johnny Carson show. Becauseof the large size and popularity of Carson’s audience, Gellersingle-handedly did more to discredit paranormal phenomenato the general public than any other person or event.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell believed in Geller and sponsoredan evaluation of his abilities by the Stanford Research Insti-tute. Ninety-eight percent of what Geller claimed was para-normal ability could be duplicated by any trained and tal-ented magician. Mitchell points out that while that is true,two percent could not be duplicated. Today Uri Geller is aquite wealthy man living on a large estate in Britain. His mainbusiness is “divining” oil and other mineral deposits for largedevelopment corporations.

Most stories concerning the paranormal world require acertain amount of “suspension of disbelief.” Who can say

whether James van Praag actually gets messagesfrom the other world? Some people are so des-

perate to be in touch with their loved ones,they will accept anything. Others scoff at the

way van Praag asks questions to get clues.This goes for other psychic readers as well.

The great Houdini told his wife thatwhen he went to the other world he

would send certain clues back to her. Hesaid if anyone could break through, he

would be that person. A seance has beenheld every year on his birthday in Holly-wood for over half a century, but not a

peep has been heard from Harry Houdini.Is there another world? It is not such a

great leap to move from the paranormal to religion—both be-lieve in a spirit world. What about the very poor peasants inMexico who crawl on their hands and knees to the VirginMary and leave what few pesos they can scrape together?What about the ill who go to Lourdes? For that matter, whatabout the millions and millions who observe church servicesall over the world? Does this differ so much from those whobelieve in the paranormal?

The Bible is a document that seems to be based on fact.The Israelis will tell you that if the Bible says Ruth went tothe well in a certain location, they can dig down and find awell. There are many other physical proofs that the Bible ishistorically based. We know the Bible was written by man.Does this mean we are to believe everything the Bible says asthe word of God? Some people believe this is so. Someothers do not. As in the case of Joan of Arc (and manyothers), lives were lost because they did not toe the then cur-rent religious line. In effect, the leaders of the Spanish Inqui-sition determined what you must believe...and what youmust not believe.

Coming back to the paranormal world, who can set them-selves up as the arbiters of what is valid and what is notvalid? Who is it that can say to true believers they are wrong?

Another presenter at the recent International UFO Con-gress is very well-known and highly respected. He claimsthere are almost nightly visitations from UFOs at his ranch.As proof, he presented three independent television news-casts made by different commercial TV stations. In each in-stance the news cameras came to the designated place be-

Mission Control, There’sno sign of life here.



SPEAKERS INCLUDE (Barring unforeseen developments)

GRAHAM HANCOCK researcher and best-selling author (Fingerprints of the Gods, TheSign & the Seal, Heaven’s Mirror, etc.), haswritten extensively about evidence for our priorexperience with cataclysm and the need toawaken from the resulting ancient amnesia.

Dr. ROBERT SCHOCH geologist, tenuredprofessor at Boston University and author(Voices of the Rocks), will present evidencein support of the newly reconsidered theo-ries of “catastrophism.”

JOHN ANTHONY WEST noted egyptologistand author (Serpent in the Sky), will offer hisunique insight into the hopeful meaning of an-cient myths of death and resurrection.

FRANK JOSEPH editor of Ancient American and author ofseveral books (The Pyramids of Rock Lake), provides dra-matic new evidence for the catastrophic destruction of for-gotten civilizations in the Pacific.

JOHN BRANDENBURG & MONICA RIX PAXSON co-authors of the acclaimed now book Dead Mars, Dying Earth,scientist Brandenburg and writer Paxson examine evidencelinking the fate of Mars and Earth.

DAVE TALBOTT scientist and author (Symbols of an AlienSky) Talbott reconstructs an ancient planetary environmentwhen the planets came so close that lightning arced betweenthem.

WALLACE THORNHILL astronomer and author (The Elec-tric Universe) with evidence supporting a dynamic new inter-pretation of ancient mythology.

MIKE MANDEVILLE author of Trilogy , an exhaustive studyof the prophecies of Edgar Cayce.

RICHARD NOONE author of 5/5/2000 with special insightinto the possibility of a pole shift.

MOIRA TIMMS author (Beyond Prophecies and Predictions)and expert on the wisdom teachings of the ancient Egyptiansand the Mayans, offers a new to approach to ancientprophecy.




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Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20

LATE BREAKING STORIESwe’re following atatlantisrising.comExploring Recent Discoveries that Can Benefit You



This May, according to AtlantisRising sources, Fox TV plans a livebroadcast from Egypt which will in-clude a segment dealing with theanomaly discovered beneath the Sphinxby seismic expert Thomas Dobecki in1993. Some believe it could be the leg-endary Hall of Records. The new spe-cial to be hosted by Hugh Downs (ap-parently an effort by Fox to recoverfrom recent negative publicity) is themuch anticipated sequel to Fox’s suc-cessful March 1999 Opening The LostTombs: Live From Egypt program.

The highlight of the evening will bea report on Dr. Joseph Schor’s currentexploration for a chamber, which ear-lier expeditions have indicated is underthe paw of the Sphinx. Program planscall for a live look at the Giza plateauwith state-of-the-art ground penetratingradar which is said to be capable of re-vealing deeply hidden undergroundanomalies as well as secret chambersbehind thick granite walls.

Fox TV, Dr. Joseph Schor and Dr.Zahi Hawass, Egyptian Secretary ofState for the Giza Plateau, have only re-cently agreed on how and when to pro-ceed with this much delayed broadcast,on hold for more than five months fromits originally scheduled date of October1999. According to Dr. Hawass, whohas conducted many of Egypt’s mostimportant archaeological excavations,TV coverage such as this is “an impor-tant step forward in bringing the sci-ence of archaeology to a mass audience,which is only a little step towardswhere we hope to be years from now.”The 1999 Opening The Lost Tombs:Live From Egypt special was “one ofFox’s highest rated Tuesday nights ofthe season. Many, were disappointedwith the findings; however the May ef-fort has the potential to deliver revela-tions of a far more significant nature.


Richard Conant, L.Ac. C.N.

magine you are one among millions who greet each spring with worry about theflood of pollen that fills the air this time of year. When the pollen season arrives, as

it inevitably does, you find yourself with two choices. You can either takeover-the-counter antihistamines and put up with unpleasant side-effects, or endurethe sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes and other discomforts of hay fever.

If there was a natural ingredient, a nutritional substance found throughout naturein many foods and plants, that could offer an alternative, would you not beinterested?

Quercetin, one among hundreds of flavonoids found throughout the plantkingdom, is this ingredient. Quercetin has been researched in numerouspharmacological studies. The results of this work strongly suggest that quercetinhelps to stabilize the fundamental process in the body which causes an allergicreaction. Quercetin, as shown in test-tube (“in vitro”) studies, prevents the release ofhistamine from “mast cells,” immune cells that stand guard in the tissues which meetthe outside environment—the nasal passages, the lungs, the digestive tract and skin.While this has yet to be confirmed by human clinical trials, in the picture thatemerges from the research so far, quercetin looks like a rescue nutrient for allergysufferers.

Reports from Quercetin UsersI have seen numerous reports from individuals who have indeed achieved

significant reductions in allergic sensitivity by using quercetin. And this includes foodallergies as well as environmental allergies. Anecdotal stories like these carry littleweight among scientists, because they do not provide evidence that the observedresult will be repeated in other cases. Only placebo-controlled, double-blind studiescan produce this kind of scientific proof. Yet, when anecdotal evidence (this includes




physician “case reports”) correlates with the results of pharmacological research suchas we have on quercetin, I believe it should be taken seriously. And quercetin is anutrient that works effectively when taken as a dietary supplement.

For example, one gentleman writes that his wife, who is allergic to pollen anddust, is now “sneeze-free” after using quercetin for three years. A Pennsylvaniawoman writes that her husband, also a long-time allergy sufferer, “seems to be nearlyallergy free” after one month of use. Another man says that “quercetin has literallychanged my life.” These are not isolated cases; a respected nutritionist whospecializes in allergies and environmental problems has seen many similar outcomeswith a quercetin. Clearly something significant is going on with respect to quercetinas a nutritional approach for overcoming allergies.

Bear in mind, though, that quercetin does not function like an antihistaminemedication; it is not a quick fix. As a nutrient that helps to normalize body functionsnaturally, quercetin needs time to work, and should be taken for at least two or threeweeks to achieve these results.


range of biologicaleffects, quercetin isperhaps the most activeand versatile flavonoid.In test-tube studies,quercetin acts directly onthe mast cell in a waythat quiets the allergicresponse.

An allergic reactionoccurs when IgEantibodies, positioned onthe mast cell surface,come in contact with apotential allergy-causingsubstance like pollen.The mast cell is thensignaled to releasehistamine from storage

granules located inside the cell, through a process called “degranulation.” Thehistamine circulates throughout the body, causing the runny nose, itching and otherdiscomforts associated with allergies.

Quercetin stabilizes mast cell membranes, in effect turning down the allergicresponse signal. Quercetin also slows other mechanisms which are involved withinflammation, such as the production of inflammatory prostaglandins andleukotrienes. This adds to its membrane-stabilizing effect, and its value in allergycontrol.

Quercetin appears to substantially raise the threshold for initiation of an allergicreaction. In allergy sufferers this threshold is low, for reasons which are not wellunderstood. They may have more IgE antibodies than normal, making the mast cellsoverly “trigger happy.” Histamine has its proper place in the immune response thatdefends us against truly harmful foreign substances in the body. But like manychemicals produced by the body, histamine is a two-edged sword. In allergy-proneindividuals, the mast cells have become overactive, releasing too much histamineunnecessarily. With quercetin in the bloodstream, histamine release from mast cellsis kept under control. Quercetin’s ability to down-regulate both the inflammatory andallergic responses makes it, I believe, a highly important nutrient for humans toconsume on a regular basis.

QUERCETIN—THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE Several studies, published in respected journals such as the Journal of Allergy

and Clinical Immunology and others, have demonstrated quercetin’s ability to controlthe release of histamine from mast cells. (Quercetin has the same effect onbasophils, a type of white blood cell that also contains histamine.) In these

See http://guardians.net/hawass/foxlive.htm and http://

www.foxtv.com/frameset.htmlEdgar Cayce, world-renowned

psychic and founder of the A.R.E.,predicted in 1933 that such a chamberwould be found near the left paw ofthe Sphinx before the completion ofthe 20th century. He believed that theSphinx had been built in 10,500 BCby the survivors of Atlantis who hadconcealed beneath it a “Hall ofRecords” containing all the wisdomof their lost civilization and the truehistory of the human race. Cayce saidthat the contents of the Hall wouldnot be shared with the general publicuntil many years after it had first beenentered by “three who would make ofthe perfect way of life.” It was statedthat two men and a woman from thewest would be the chosen three.

See http://www.are-cayce.com/ancient.htm, http://www.are-

cayce.com/akashic.htmFor the past several years, various

groups have continually suggestedthat secret interest groups have beenhiding information from the public.Now the Egyptian Antiquities author-ities and Dr. Schor hope that such apublic disclosure through globalmedia will reveal the “truth aboutGiza”—using the most sophisticatedtechnology available. Synchronizingthe capabilities of 3-D radar pene-trating technology and computer im-aging with uploads to live satellitecameras, world-wide televisionviewers will have the rare opportunityto participate real-time in what justmight be one of humanity’s most im-portant moments.

See http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/

~lawtoni/, http://members.aol.com/jawsphinx/index.html, http://

www.robertbauval.com/, http://www.grahamhancock.com/and


STARGATE 2000Do ancient mysteries involving

pyramids at Giza, Mayan prophesies,the Magi of Northern Mesopotamia,King Arthur, and religious sites in Is-rael share a common secret? AdrianGilbert, well-known British author ofThe Magi and co-author of TheMayan Prophesies and The OrionMystery, believes that they do. His re-cently published book, Signs in theSky, attempts to unravel many of theprophecies contained in the Bible.Gilbert believes that specific prophe-cies in St. Matthew’s Gospel refer tocurrent “signs in the sky” and showthe precessional movement of the


Continued on Facing Page

“My boyfriend never brings me flowers.He claims his histamines act up.”


constellations that signifies the end ofthe Age of Pisces and the beginningof the Age of Aquarius. In a recentArt Bell radio interview, Gilbert seesthis present moment in the history ofhumanity as a time of spiritual trans-formation and “wake up” from thelong sleep of materialism. He sug-gests that people should prepare men-tally for what is to come.

See http://www.adriangilbert.co.uk/.

See http://www.artbell.com/audio.html

Gilbert describes how the WiseMen of Jesus’ time were members ofa secret brother-hood of initiateswhose workdated back to atleast 10,880 BCwith the destruc-tion of Atlantis.The preferredtitle of Jesus wasnot Son of Godbut rather “Son ofMan”, that is tosay of “Adam”. The symbol of Adamin the sky is Orion, the “AdamKadmon” or “First Man” of the Kab-balists and Gayamart of the Zoroas-trians. In Christian traditions, Orionbecame St. Christopher, who carriesthe Christ child over the river in thesky, the Milky Way. Before dyingJesus passed on his mantle to hisapostles, and in particular to St. Peter,to whom he gave the keys of heaven.Gilbert describes two Stargates,which are really time gates—ratherthan physical ones. One is in Sagitta-rius and the other in Gemini.

On April 1, 2000, Gilbert told alarge audience at the ARE headquar-ters in Virginia Beach, VA that thisStargate event might also includefinding the Records of Atlantis, whichEdgar Cayce said lay buried in a se-cret cache near to the Great Sphinx. “Ibelieve that the discovery of the Hallor Records is tied in with the openingof the Stargate” states Adrian. He fur-ther comments, “As the cosmic Star-gate opens in heaven, so a terrestrialcounterpart might be opened on earth.Remember also that although we arein the year 2000, we have not actuallycompleted 2000 years of the last mil-lennium. We don’t go into the newmillennium until January 1, 2001.This means that Edgar Cayce’sprophecy that the Hall of Recordswould be found before the completionof the 20th century may still be true!”

For more information, see http://www.are-cayce.com/index.htm.

iNEWSiNEWSexperiments, mast cells taken from bothanimals and humans are exposed in thetest tube to varioussubstances—called “antigens”-that stimulate histaminerelease. The researchers thenadd an inhibiting agent suchas quercetin to the mixtureand measure thedifferences in histamineoutput. Quercetin hasshown itself to be one ofthe more powerfulhistamine inhibitors, morepowerful, in fact, thandisodium cromoglycate,an anti-asthma drug.

Quercetin has otherbeneficial properties. Astrong antioxidant,Quercetin has a higherlevel of antioxidant activitythan both vitamin C andvitamin E. (Quercetinenhances the antioxidantactivity of vitamin C;quercetin and vitamin C aretrue synergists.) Quercetinhas been shown to block theoxidation of LDL cholesterolby free radicals. Quercetin alsoprotects cell membranes frombeing injured by oxidized LDL. Thedamage that oxidized LDL causes tothe delicate membranes of bloodvessel linings allows plaque depositsto form, setting the stage foratheroslcerosis. These observationspoint to quercetin as a key nutrient formaintaining cardiovascular health.

Like all flavonoids, quercetin is notclassified as an essential nutrient,although flavonoids were once called“Vitamin P.” In view of its manybeneficial actions, quercetin is anutrient that clearly has importantroles to play in human nutrition, forallergy sufferers, and foreveryone.

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n unusual internationalgathering in March in Vic-toria, B.C., Canada—the Cli-mates of Change Congress—illuminated the clash of

worldviews between an industrial-eraparadigm and a newer understandingof how the universe operates. How-ever, there is a beautiful congruencebetween the new energy science thatis emerging and old spiritual and mys-tical teachings, the audi-ence was told.

The organizers hadthe foresight to bring to-gether New-Energy re-searchers, governmentemployees, universitystudents, climate-changescientists, ecologists, al-ternate energy propo-nents, aboriginal leaders,union leadership, a fewpoliticians, a monetaryreform specialist and a re-nowned economist intoone conference center.

There were fourspeakers in the New En-ergy segment, but this ar-ticle will focus on the far end of thespectrum of conventional/nonconventional science, a visionaryview of the implications of the new sci-ence of zero-point energy.

Like an ambassador from the future,physicist Mark Comings arrived fromSan Francisco where he works withthe International Space Sciences Or-ganization (ISSO). He is on a team ofphysicists funded by ISSO founder JoeFirmage, former CEO of US WEB.

“From my point of view, the futureis incredibly bright,” Comings said.“The so-called energy crisis has beenonly a greed-and-ignorance crisis. How-ever, human evolution can move into amode of cooperation as one unifiedliving being, which clearly the bio-sphere is.”

The audience was not unified, how-ever. Some sat back with folded armson the second day while listening tothe New Energy segment (Dr. EugeneMallove, Hal Fox, Comings and Man-ning), although others were obviously

rived for the second day. His view isthat OPEC (Organization of PetroleumExporting Countries) has an opportu-nity to help the northern-hemispherecountries kick their oil addiction. Oilprices will not fall in the near future.

Peter Bunyard, of the British maga-zine The Ecologist, cautioned that withthe emphasis on fossil-fuel emissionsand global warming we tend to forgetecosystems. As did Henderson, he saidthat a cheap energy source is not theanswer to global problems.

Dr. Timothy Brennard, formerchairman of Shell Oil operations inChina and Hong Kong, now helps de-velop wind power for China. He saidcommunities should express theirneeds, and that should determine whatare the best technologies to deliver.

None of the new-energy speakersclaimed that inventions would save theworld; instead they recognize thatwisdom, commitment and living in in-creasing harmony with each other andwith all of nature is more importantthan mere devices. However, in theirview; new inventions make it unneces-sary to continue burning fossil fuels.

Their view was perhaps lost onmany attendees who apparently feelprotective of the existing renewable-energy industries in which they haveinvested either money or careers. Dr.Mallove provided the conference withadvance copies of his essay on water-as-fuel, recently requested by theWhite House staff at the suggestion ofauthor Sir Arthur C. Clarke. At the Ca-nadian conference it seemed the mediawere oblivious to the paper’s impor-tance. Later, for example, in a CBCradio report on the conference the re-porter commented only on a speakerwho had taken standard solar photovol-taic panels to South Pacific islanders.

This ignoring of new energy sciencecame as no surprise to this reporter,since for years I have heard, from thefollowers of certain environmentalleaders, phrases such as ‘no good cancome from technology.’ Their reactiondoes not allow them to hear that newenergy technologies can be developedto work in harmony with nature, usingcompletely different approaches than



Continued on Page 59

open to what they were hearing. Subse-quent speakers made such a point of re-minding the audience to be wary oftechnological solutions, however, thatthe conference as a whole seemed tothrow out the energy-solution babywith the dangers-of-technology bath-water.

As is often the case on the cusp ofany scientific revolution, the emergingscience was presented but then ig-

nored. Fox, founder of anew emerging energy

marketing firm, attendedthe closing session. He

reported that a self-proclaimed futurist had

summarized the Con-gress sessions, devotingmost of the summary to

one professor and to thefuturist’s own presenta-

tion about the use of con-ventional energy alterna-

tives (solar and windpower).

The ‘futurist’ had, inFox’s view, entirely failedto grasp the concept that

the developments ofnew-energy technology offered an inex-pensive solution to the fossil-fuel-burning problems…In an after-sessiondiscussion, it was suggested that hehad failed to understand the new tech-nology. His response was that he didn’tbelieve it.

Fox noted that the futurist had notinvestigated the new-energy technolo-gies, had not read available literatureon it and had no basis except for per-sonal judgment to completely ignorethe new-energy concepts that werepresented.

Prominent among the manyspeakers, Hazel Henderson, whosemany books include Building a Win-Win World and Beyond Globalization,talked about a need to tiptoe awayfrom obsolescent dinosaur fossil-fuelsectors and politicians who supportthem and how to invest in sustainablesectors of a restructuring economy.This requires a new scientific world-view where we finally learn that every-thing is connected to everything else.

Henderson’s friend, the former am-bassador from Venezuela to India, ar-

Mark Comings


e D






one sangoma (shaman) to the next forthousands of years. Star lore is an es-sential component of sangoma training.According to Credo Mutwa, “In everylanguage in Africa, the meaning of staris Bringer of knowledge‚ or Bringer ofenlightenment.” Credo has traveled thecontinent of Africa, sculpting hauntingimages of visitors from the stars, whichwere described to him by other Africanshamans. “These beings have beencoming and going to Africa for fortythousand years,” he says. Some bearstriking resemblance to beings re-ported by modern experiencers of theUFO phenomenon.

Cradled in South Africa’s KruegerNational Park lies a private game re-serve called Timbavati. This emeraldjewel of the African bush is almostmythical in reputation. White lions areborn in here, it is said. “A long story istold about a chieftainess calledNumbi,” Credo recounts. “Many gener-ations ago, she and her people saw aburning white light like a star fall outof the sky right where Timbavati istoday. The story is that it was not astar; it was a shining ball of metal,brighter than the Sun. When this ballcame down to the ground, QueenNumbi, who was a sick old woman atthat time, went towards the light andwas swallowed by the light. In thatlight, very faintly seen, were strange

Credo Mutwa

The Ancient Wisdomof Indigenous People

Reveals a StartlingHidden Side of History

widely known. The Dogon possessknowledge, such as the star system’sorbital periods and the companionstar’s invisibility, which cannot be con-firmed by naked eye observation, andwhich modern astronomers havelearned only recently.

In South Africa, Vusamazulu CredoMutwa, a renowned Zulu elder and au-thor of Song of the Stars: The Lore of aZulu Shaman, claims that, in terms ofknowledge of African shamans, this isbut the tip of the astronomical iceberg.Credo Mutwa has chosen a path of‘openness’, coming forward to sharesecret star lore of indigenous Black Af-ricans. “I pray that this effort will unitethinking people around the world anddiminish the severity of our prophe-cies,” Credo explained recently. Amaster storyteller, he has traveled tomore than twenty countries sharing hisvision and wisdom despite the greatpersonal loss which his openness hascost him. Credo’s son was brutally mur-dered, apparently, by those who wanthim silenced.

Indigenous cosmology of stellar rela-tionships is complex, he explains,often dwelling at the heart of sacredceremony. Rich oral traditions, in-cluding protocol for contact and howto distinguish friendly off-earth visitorsfrom those who are potentiallyharmful, have been handed down from

nthropological orthodoxyinsists that civilizationbegan in Sumeria six thou-sand years ago, and themodern metropolis is the

pinnacle of culture and evolution onthe planet. But, Circa World War II, hu-manity shattered the rails of our tech-nological playpen, sporting newatomic bombs. And, it is said, space-faring ETs took notice, and silver sau-cers suddenly filled the skies. The UFOera was born; Roswell was a definingmoment.

An alternate view is emerging, how-ever. According to indigenous peoplesfrom the Americas to South Africa, theyhave guarded the hidden history of hu-manity all along, quietly maintainingcontact with visiting and residentstellar relatives. Mobilized, now, bywhat they believe is the fulfillment oflong-prophesied warnings, the eldersof these indigenous people around theworld have begun, they say, to breakvows of silence and share their ancientsecret stellar wisdom.

African EpiphanyThanks to the work of Robert

Temple (The Sirius Mystery), the star-tling knowledge of Sirius and its dwarfcompanion by Africa’s Dogon tribe is


the Loreof a


the Loreof a



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grasses of the African bush, but theoutline of a large circle is suggested.This writer stood on the spot at MarchEquinox sunrise—the beginning of au-tumn in the Southern Hemisphere—andthe alignment of certain stones whichremain erect pointed to the eastern ho-rizon.

The standing stones have a resonantquality when struck with a smallerstone, similar to the deep, bell-like res-onance of certain Egyptian monoliths.Adjacent to Timbavati is an enigmaticplace known as Manyeleti, whichmeans “Gateway to the Stars.” A com-munity of thirty shamans lives there be-cause they believe Manyeleti bindsheaven and earth.

In his book, Credo Mutwa relates aprophetic vision of four great leadersemerging around the world: red, black,white and yellow. The colors are thesame as the Lakota Medicine Wheel,mentioned below, and four races ofhumanity. “These leaders will work tounite the planet,” Credo says. “One ofthese, a female leader, will arise inAmerica. She will be called the RedSavior, because of the fiery color of herhair.”

Native Americans, such as the La-kota Sioux, have an expression, “Mita-kuye Oyasin,” which means “All our re-

beings with very large heads. These be-ings received Numbi into the light, andfor some hours she was inside. Whenshe emerged and walked toward herpeople, she had become muchyounger than when she had gone intothe light.

“After that star fell, stayed on theground for some days, and then roseback into the sky, strange thingsstarted happening there. Cattle withtwo heads were born repeatedly.Lions, leopards and even impalas withsnow-white fur and green eyes wereborn, until to this very day. This storyis one of the most amazing in Africa.Even to this day, white animals are stillbeing born in Timbavati. Some yearsago, a snow-white elephant with beau-tiful blue eyes and long tusks used toroam the area, until white adventurersshot it.

“When a tribe of invaders appearedat Timbavati many years after Numbi’sexperience,” Credo said, “they broughtsacred stones which had been takenfrom Zimbabwe, and planted thesestones there in honor of that place.Timbavati, which is Zulu for ‘thefalling down of a star’‚ is one of the ho-liest places in South Africa. But now itsstory is lost and has been overshad-owed by a lot of nonsense.”

The standing stones of Timbavati,brought from Zimbabwe to honor

Numbi’s visitors, are reminiscent ofmegalithic sites around the world andgive mute testimony to the antiquity ofthe place. Most of the stones now lieon the ground, overgrown by the

Timbavati Continued on Page 60


Putting YourFeelings to

Work for You



xcuse Me, Your Life IsWaiting. The words jumpedoff the book jacket, reachedout and grabbed me in theSeattle airport, diverting my

attention from commanding best-sellers. Come to find out I’m not theonly one.

Just six months after self publica-tion, “Excuse Me” has been grabbingjust about everyone around, includingHampton Roads Publishers, who notonly picked it up, but adopted the prin-ciples of the book in their offices. For-eign publishers are waiting in line tocarry Lynn Grabhorn’s sizzling newtitle. And, like Julia Cameron’s TheArtist’s Way, groups are alreadyforming around the country to “do” thebook, probably because just about eve-ryone who delves into it experiencesthe same dynamic results: Health issuesresolve, bank accounts fill up, relation-ships become fulfilling, sales close, pro-motions happen. Things start to movein all areas of life, prompting a bankpresident to write, “Good grief, Lynn,this stuff is dynamite!”

What’s so hot? It’s the Law of Attrac-tion, a universal principle that statesthere is magnetic energy attached toour thoughts, and that thought isdriven by emotion. Which means thatevery moment of our lives is created byhow we feel—not by luck, chance, hardwork, positive thinking, affirmations orvisualization, but by our day-to-dayemotions. Since energy is vibration andmatter is energy, then we, as matter,are also vibrational, walking magnets.And the energy we send out is chargedwith emotion, creating equally chargedelectromagnetic wave patterns of en-ergy, bringing us the circumstanceswhich match the frequencies we’vesent out. The premise seems simplistic,esoteric and just too good to be true,but Grabhorn offers both scientific andanecdotal evidence to back it up.

EReplete with

well-placed, mildexpletives, Ex-cuse Me is main-stream, upbeat,practical and thor-oughly enter-taining; a funread, written by awoman who de-cided a long timeago that shewanted to live lifeon her ownterms. Raised inShort Hills, NewJersey, Grabhorn(pronounced“grab horn,” not“gray born”) grad-uated from Ste-phens College inMissouri andworked in advertising in New Jerseyand New York City before moving toLos Angeles. There, she founded andran an educational AV publishing com-pany for elementary education which,though innovative and successful,didn’t reward her financially. “Eve-ryone in the company made money ex-cept me,” she recalls. Having been on aspiritual path for a number of years,she felt her dedication to it shouldshow concrete, material results. “Mystudies had taken me from learned pro-fessors of physics to deep within theesoteric sciences...to the point where Idecided I could call myself somewhatof a lay expert on the subject of thephysics of thought, its magnetics, itspropellant, its frequencies, its relationto emotion, its effect on our experi-ence, etc.,” she states. “But my life justwasn’t happening; something wasmissing, and I was getting frosted.”

Then, one day a friend called andsaid, “Lynn, I have some tapes you’vegot to hear.” Grabhorn’s feisty replywas, “I don’t gotta hear nothin.” Thesecond time the friend called, Grab-

horn said, “Forget it.” The insistentmessenger then drove down with tapesand that did it. Grabhorn “told the uni-verse” she would listen; “It wasn’tmore than 5 minutes after listening thatI began to shake all over. I knew I’dfound a magic bullet. Suddenly every-thing about how our lives work madesense. I also knew I was going to writea book.” With her income at an all-timelow, she began writing Excuse Me onweekends, still running her mortgagecompany during the week. Within 18months after beginning work on thebook, her income increased by 830%,where, she notes, it has stayed.

According to Grabhorn, most of usspend the majority of our time fo-cusing on “Don’t Wants” situations andconditions we don’t want in our lives.Outside of the obvious, we don’t wantto work at a job we hate, don’t want tobe ill, don’t want to be late. We alsocouch Don’t Wants in seemingly posi-tive ways. We want to lose weight, getout of debt, stop smoking, get a betterjob. “All things you want to change,”

Putting YourFeelings to

Work for YouA New Book Sends a Challenge to

Conventional Views of Emotion

Continued on Page 28


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Continued on page 61

people—anything. It gets your energymoving and your valve open.” Oncewe’ve determined what we want andhave our valves even partially open,we need to find the FEELING PLACE ofhaving that want or, as Grabhorn putsit, “get jazzed about your wants, feelyour pride as you approach the plat-form to receive your well-earned de-gree, even if you haven’t startedclasses yet.” She also suggests ex-ploring why we want what we want;“To help a Want magnetize in, weneed to get our juices running so wecan flow out as much positive, excitedenergy as possible. Tell yourself whyyou want something. The What de-fines, but it’s the Whys that chargeyour battery and start the juices run-ning.”

Grabhorn starts her day by talkingwith both her expanded and localselves, defining and describing herWants in detail, a process she calls‘scripting.’ “Scripting should be doneout loud,” she insists, “and with asmuch enthusiasm as possible.” In-tense, dramatic and definitely funny,Grabhorn certainly grabs the bull bythe horns! And is able and quitewilling to laugh at herself. “I’m no proat this,” she says. In fact, even in themidst of stunning success, she claimsto have “made a mess” of setting up acouple of seminars she plans to givethis summer. “One is completelyfalling apart and the other is scheduledin the wrong hotel,” she says. “I didn’tfollow my own advice. To begin a pro-

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she says, “except that yourfocus has included them in yourvibration so they’re bound tostick around; we get what wefocus on, and what we focus ongets bigger.

“Most of us were taughtbackwards; we’re trained tolook for what’s wrong witheverything from our jobs and re-lationships to our shapes, ourhealth, our freeways, our gov-ernment, our planet. That’ssimply not the way real Life is,and it’s time we faced up tohow we actually do create whatwe have in our world.”

Grabhorn sees Don’t Wantsas valuable assets, springboardsto well-being. “Only from aDon’t Want can you know aWant, which means that everycrummy experience, every uglyevent, every unhappy momentand every minor concern is theopportunity of a lifetime,” shesays. To become conscious crea-tors, she suggests four simple steps shesays work fast, are uncomplicated andare guaranteed: First, identify what youDON’T want. Then, determine whatyou DO want. Next, FEEL exactly whatit would be like to have what youwant. Finally, expect, listen andALLOW your want to come to you.Though simple and straightforward,the process is not easy. As Grabhornputs it, “the tough part is learning howto feel good about something we wantand don’t have.”

Earthy and at times irreverent, Grab-horn’s philosophy embraces the ideathat our natural state is one of joy andincredible happiness, something our“Expanded Self” enjoys all the time.She believes that “the broader, older,wiser and vastly expanded extension ofeach of us” communicates through‘feelings!’ She also believes we all em-body with the same Original Intent: tofind ways to feel good most of thetime. “Original Intent always manifestsas desire,” she states. She likens theconnection we have to that ExpansiveSelf to a valve on a firehose. “We’re thevalve, and the firehose is what carriesthe energy flow from our Source,” sheexplains. And that valve is either openor closed.

Grabhorn has developed innovativeways to keep the valve open, oftenplaying games with herself whiledriving. “I practice flowing apprecia-tive energy to inanimate objects I seealong the way,” she says. “Anythingwill do—‘Men at Work’ signs, othercars, stoplights, birds overhead, other

Continued from Page 26

Lynn Grabhorn


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t started out as many such pro-grams do—with a scare. ThePolio epidemic, primarily from1942 to 1953, had every parentin America very frightened for

their children. As if to accentuate thehorrors of the disease, Americans ofthat era were presented with a high-profile, living example of its effects inthe person of their president. PresidentRoosevelt suffered lifelong paralysis ofhis legs in the aftermath of a polio in-fection. The public fear was thus inten-sified. If it could happen to the presi-dent of the United States, it couldhappen to anyone. Consequently,when Jonas Salk developed a polio vac-cine in 1954, the public offered max-imum cooperation. And so began theera of mass inoculations. From 1955on, polio immunization was mandatoryand practically no one objected. Virtu-ally every American school child wasgiven a polio vaccination. Thus wereswept away all the objections and con-troversies, both religious and secular,that had plagued earlier attempts atmass immunization. The State had fi-nally established a firm beachhead inthe American bloodstream which itwould never again relinquish, and fromwhich it would go on to bigger andbolder incursions.

Overall, the history of immuniza-tions is studded with startling successstories. Prophylactic immunizationshave banished many scourges of man-kind off the face of the planet. Plagueslike Typhoid, Diphtheria, YellowFever, Cholera, Tetanus, certain typesof Hepatitis, and now Polio, have basi-cally been eradicated through immuni-zations, despite widespread concernand even some horror stories. The vac-cination concept became a corner-stone of public health in the 20th cen-tury, and stellar proof of the incredibleadvances in medical science. If onewere to look into the subject no fur-ther, it would be ‘case closed.’ Butnow as a result of careful scrutiny byqualified researchers, it’s beginning tolook as if the mass immunization con-cept might have a very, very dark side.Some doctors and public health offi-cials have begun to question whetheror not the fundamental genesis of

IBLOODSTREAM WARSDr. Leonard Horowitz Warns of Vaccine Perils and Worse

strange new illnesses and diseases suchas AIDS, Fibromyalgia, and the wide-spread Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,might be contaminated vaccines withlong incubation periods. Some believethat vaccine contaminants may even beoncogenic (cause cancer). Such here-sies were rare and scattered until theGulf War in the early Nineties.

The so-called Gulf War Syndromeraised questions about the inoculationsthat all military personnel were re-quired to take before going to theMiddle East. Several researchers sus-pected that the Anthrax vaccine mayhave been at fault. But no credible evi-dence presented itself, and no con-trolled tests were undertaken, so thesuspicions remained vague and uncoor-dinated. This was the situation whenDr. Len Horowitz appeared on thescene.

A Radical TransformationNobody could ever have predicted

the astounding and radical careerchange that Len Horowitz made. Froma normal, establishment-type dentistwith all of the best educational creden-tials, including Tufts School of DentalMedicine (1977), and the HarvardSchool of Dental Medicine (1979), he“morphed” into a “Caped Crusader,”and rapidly emerged as the most cred-ible of all the conspiracy theorists inthe country, and perhaps the world.Coming from a very normal life as a

neighborhood dentist on the sleepyGloucester, Massachusetts peninsula,and co-director of a dental clinic in thelittle oceanfront resort town of Mag-nolia, Massachusetts, he burst upon theworld scene as the conspirators’ worstnightmare. While practicing dentistryin Rockport, Massachusetts, he com-muted to Boston to obtain his Master’sDegree in Public Health with a concen-tration in Behavioral Science at the pre-stigious Harvard School of PublicHealth. With these superb qualifica-tions, he has been able to speak withcredibility and authority on all the sub-jects he has investigated.

Until 1996, almost all of his pub-lished writings related to dentistry. But,in the early nineties, public concerndeveloped about the possibility of thetransmission of AIDS through dentalwork. This was primarily due to thenow well-known case of Dr. DavidAcer, the Florida dentist who appar-ently became a serial killer by deliber-ately giving AIDS to several of his pa-tients between 1987 and 1989.Because of the horrendous implica-tions for his profession, and probablyalso because of his background and in-terest in public health, Horowitz foundhimself inevitably drawn to investi-gating the David Acer case, and beganto delve deeply into the facts of thecase, and into Acer’s motivation. Heeventually wrote his first book on thissubject, Deadly Innocence: Solving the


Continued on Page 63

Greatest Murder Mystery in the His-tory of American Medicine.

His research in the Acer case beganto turn up some disturbing informa-tion, and the deeper he dug, the moredisturbed he became. He found outthat Acer was homosexual, and hadbeen outraged because he believedthat the AIDS virus was ‘manufactured’by the government. He had told hisfriend Edward Parsons that he had evi-dence that the homosexual communitywas deliberately targeted for decima-tion through transmission of the AIDSvirus hidden in Hepatitis B vaccinationsin the gay communities. Horowitz con-cluded that Acer may have been trans-mitting AIDS to his patients just todraw public attention to these notions.Horowitz’ interests then turned toother forms of viral infection, and in1995 he wrote an article for ‘DentistryToday,’ titled Ebola Outbreak 1995:Separating Fact from Fiction.

Emerging VirusesHorowitz’ research during this sem-

inal period resulted in a ground-breaking, iconoclastic book in 1996that shocked his colleagues andstunned the reading public. It was abook that could not be ignored be-cause the author had such impressiveacademic credentials in public health.It was Emerging Viruses: AIDS &

Ebola - Nature, Accident or Inten-tional? published by his own com-pany, Tetrahedron Publishing Group.In the book, he makes a careful casefor a far-reaching conspiracy by aglobal power-elite who have no com-punctions about using segments of thepopulace to test toxic biologicalagents, and who have embarked on adraconic, sub-rosa program of worldpopulation reduction through selectivebiological genocide.

He was led inexorably to this con-clusion by following the virus trail.Seeking to either validate or disproveDavid Acer’s hypothesis, Horowitz,through painstaking, thorough re-search at the Harvard School of PublicHealth and various Boston libraries,through interviews with whistle-blowers, applying his own consider-able knowledge and intuition, and withthe help of his wife, Jackie, slowlycame face to face with what he feltwas the inescapable truth—the AIDSvirus was very probably bio-engineered! His newest book, recentlypublished also by Tetrahedron,Healing Codes for the Biological Apoc-alypse, continues the story of biolog-ical warfare against the masses, takingthe reader into new and incredibleplaces. Dr. Horowitz is now the mostelectrifying speaker on the ‘New Age/Alternative’ circuit. He has been on the

Art Bell show twice and has been inter-viewed by all the major television andradio networks. He has written 24books and over 100 articles for variouspublications. He has emerged as thefocal point for the anti-conspiracy/secrecy movement, and has given thatmovement a new impetus and clear di-rection, and tremendous believabilityand respectability. We called him re-cently, and conducted two one-hourphone interviews.

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rom the 1920s tothe ’40s, the so-called “SleepingProphet” was fa-mous for his state-

ments about Atlantis. Hismonologues always occurredwhile in a deep trance-state,and, on awakening, he neverrecalled anything he had said.During this unusual process,Edgar Cayce believed hismind or soul was able to tapinto what Carl Jung called“the collective conscious ofmankind” for accurate memo-ries of the past, including At-lantis.

Less well-known wereCayce’s descriptions of aneven earlier civilization, thePacific Ocean empire of Muor Lemuria. He said, for ex-ample, that “the Andean, orthe Pacific coast of SouthAmerica occupied then (inpre-deluge times) the ex-treme eastern portion of Le-muria” [The Edgar CayceReadings, Association for Re-search and Enlightenment,Virginia Beach, VA, Volume22, 364-13 11/17/32, p. 99].When he made this state-ment nearly 70 years ago,oceanographers knew littleof what lay beneath the Pa-cific. Only recently couldthey confirm that a sub-surface archipelago con-nected with the Peruviancoast as dry land until it sanksometime within the last10,000 years. Known todayas the Nazca Rise, it perfectlyfits Cayce’s description of thepartial location of Lemuria.

Beginning in March, 1995, Japanesedivers began discovering the remainsof a city, complete with paved boule-vards, stone arches, broad plazas andgrand staircases 20 to 100 feet under-water off Okinawa. Photographed andsurveyed, these ruins are the first phys-ical evidence for the lost civilizationsince Cayce spoke of it more than halfa century ago. Such evidence combineswith his “life-readings” to roughly de-pict Lemuria as a broken chain of archi-



What Are the Facts Behind the Visions of Churchward and Cayce?

Artist Tom Miller’s conception of Lemurian Ruins.

pelagoes and islands that spanned thePacific from the coast of SouthAmerica, just as Cayce said, to Japan,where divers found the sunken city.

While neither Atlantis nor Lemuriawere continents in a strict geologicalsense, both were indeed “continental”in their far-flung influences and vastcultural extent. The Pacific civilizationwas variously known as “Lemuria” and“Mu.” Both names appear interchange-ably throughout world-mythic tradi-tions, but any differences in signifi-cance between them are not Continued on Page 64

understood. Refugees fromMu took few of their recordswith them while makingtheir escape to the nearesthabitable dry land. Caycetells us that Lemurians of thebrown race were the first ofthe great horde of strangersto reach Peru.

James Churchward, whofirst popularized the subjectin his series of books aboutMu in the 1920s, wrote thatthe aristocracy of Lemuriawas ruled by a white race.Indeed, Polynesian legendsstill speak of white-skinned,fair-haired culture-heroeswho fled to the Pacific is-lands after their homelandsank into the sea. Cali-fornia’s Chumash displayedmany Caucasian characteris-tics, such as full beards, notshared with other Indians.Moreover, these nativetribes of white people toldof their ancestral arrivalfrom an island that wentdown into the sea and evennamed one of their sacred,off-shore islands “Limu.” Italso appears that a blackpopulation was in residenceat Mu, descendants of whichmigrated westward into Mi-cronesia, where they be-came today’s Negritos.Other black Lemurians jour-neyed to the Americas,where they participated inMexico’s Olmec Civilization,and became memorializedthrough the great stoneheads sculpted by its ancientartisans.

The brown race of which EdgarCayce spoke appears to have been Le-muria’s native majority population,whose descendants comprise modernPolynesians, despite significant influ-ences from Asia and India. Church-ward, who published decades beforethe Cayce material was generallyknown, likewise stated that a brownrace resided in Mu. Cayce divulged thefollowing information in response to aquestion concerning the appearance ofthe Earth’s surface during the zenith of


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Laser Altimeter Image of the Mars northern hemisphere shows what was probably once a greatocean. Blue areas indicate areas of lowest altitude, red and white the highest. (NASA photo)



magine that you returned hometo find the house next door aburned-out, lifeless wreckage,uninhabitable and abandoned bythe former occupants who were

never to be seen again. If you’re likemost of us, learning what actually hap-pened next door would be vitally im-portant.

Now consider that scenario playedout on a cosmic scale.

Mars once had an ocean larger thanthe Pacific. Mars once had an atmos-phere. Mars once had life. They are allgone. What happened on Mars, ournext-door neighbor in the solar system?And could what happened on Marshappen to us?

Like it or not, humans are per-forming wild experiments on the at-mosphere, oceans and climatic systemsof our own planet, and since we haveso little knowledge of the outcomes onplanetary scale, the lessons Marsteaches are vital for us. Mars is ExhibitA.

At one time we thought that Marshad always been what parts of it looklike now—a cold, barren, crater-pockedrock—rather like our own Moon. How-ever, when images from the 1976 Vi-king Mission revealed features on thesurface of Mars that look remarkablylike ruined architecture in the Cydoniaregion, an amazing independent scien-tific inquiry began that continues tothis day. The question now became:Could Mars have sustained circum-stances favorable for life? And if it did,were these circumstances present forlong enough for advanced life to haveevolved? Over time, the “Lunar Mars”


The Mystery of MarsThe Co-Author of a

Compelling NewBook Considersthe Fate of Our

NeighboringPlanet and the

Implications forEarth

model favored by Jet Propulsion Labor-atory has given way to a whole newparadigm, a view that Mars’ historywas far more Earth-like: wet, warm andalive.

In 1986, Dr. John E. Brandenburg, along-time Mars researcher and my co-author of the book, Dead Mars, DyingEarth, became the first scientist tostand before a scientific conferenceand announce the hypothesis that apaleo-ocean once existed on Mars. Atthe time this idea seemed absurd to themainstream community of planetaryscientists. However, recent visual evi-dence from the Mars Global Surveyor—of past flowing water and of an oceanshoreline—supports his claim. Perhapsthe most telling evidence of the paleo-ocean has been from the recent imagesof Mars produced by the Mars OrbitalLaser Altimeter (MOLA), which showsa huge topographical depression in theNorthern Martian Hemisphere where

the ocean, covering approximatelyone-third of the surface of Mars, was lo-cated.

The presence of this large body ofwater on the surface of Mars tells us agreat deal about the planet’s history.For example, the presence of liquidwater reveals that temperatures onMars, currently ranging from –137° to+16° F, were at one time abovefreezing. This is a remarkable fact. Herea planet about half the size of the Earthand much further away from the sun (aminimum of 56 million miles furtherthan we are) was at one time warmenough for abundant water to flow.

The presence of flowing water andwarmer temperatures also reveal thatMars once had an atmospheric green-house and much higher atmosphericpressures than it does today. (The at-mosphere on Mars today is a mere one

Continued on Page 36



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percent of Earth’s.) This atmospherewas probably primarily carbon di-oxide, which is a very effective gas forretaining solar energy and warming aplanet. However, the red color of theMartian “soil” tells us that there wasabundant oxygen on Mars as well. Thereddish color is caused by oxidizediron in the Martian terrain, like rust,and is very similar to landscape seen inthe desert in southwest North Americaand the cracked deserts left by the de-struction of Amazon rain forests.

Suddenly we know that the warm,wet circumstance needed for life toemerge was at one time present in ourneighborhood—on Mars. But was therelife on Mars? The answer is growing incertainty daily: yes. To begin with, al-though we have nevercollected and broughtback sample rocks fromMars, Mars has actuallysent a few to Earth forus to examine.

“Mars sent Earth alove note sixteen mil-lion years ago. In-scribed on a stone, to-ward the starry etherthrown, it took millionsof years to be capturedby gravity to take aflaming plunge throughthe currents of ourplanet’s atmosphere.Fallen and alone, it layon ancient ice unreadfor thirteen thousandyears. But when itscode was broken andits legend read, the message that wasetched in stone told humans we arenot alone. ‘I too have life.’”

Dead Mars, Dying Earth

It is difficult to imagine how a rockfrom the surface of Mars could land onour own planet. In fact, it wasn’t untilwe discovered meteorites that wecould clearly identify as Lunar (be-cause we had collected samples on theMoon to compare them with) that wewere able to conceive of something ar-riving from another body in our solarsystem. However, although we’d neverbrought back a sample from Mars, wehad run tests on the surface during theViking Mission that allow us to readthe unique signature of oxygen iso-topes in meteorites from Mars. So,when we discovered microfossils in-side the meteorite ALH84001—whichwas discovered lying on the ice in Ant-arctica—we were also able to deter-mine that it was of Martian origin. Re-cently, the finding that it containedMars bacteria was strongly bolstered

when a form of magnetite—only pro-duced by living processes—was foundin ALH84001.

It is a little known fact that the me-teorite that was the basis of the NASAannouncement of Martian microfossilsis just one chapter in an expandingstory of exobiology from Mars. For ex-ample, a second category of meteor-ites, known as the Carbonaceous Chon-drites or CIs, have been identified asMartian by John Brandenburg and theycontain microfossils in far greater abun-dance than ALH84001, more like whatwe’d expect to find at the bottom of apond on Earth. And that doesn’t evenbegin to illuminate the discoveries ofmicrofossils in other rocks from “outthere somewhere.”

Did you know that Richard Hooverof the Space Science Laboratory at theGeorge C. Marshall Space Flight center

opened a space-rockand found tiny mush-

room-like forms insidewhich immediately

turned to dust beforehis eyes? Fortunately

there are pictures thatremain. Evidence of lifeaboard meteorites isn’tall Martian life. We are

discovering that there isa lot of life out there inthe Universe. We seem

to find evidence for itnearly everywhere we

look.At the turn of the

century there was atheory that the Uni-

verse was throbbingwith life and this life

traveled from onecosmic body to another as sporesdriven by solar pressure. This theory,known as Panspermia, was advancedby a scientist named Svante August Ar-renhius. Although Arrenhius won aNobel Prize in chemistry in 1903 forhis work on electrolysis, the scientificcommunity did not adopt his notion ofPanspermia. In fact, it was ridiculed.(Notions about life from outside Earth’sbiosphere have never been popular inscientific circles. Even now there arefactions that argue with NASA’s lifefinding on ALH84001.) Nevertheless,our understanding that life can surviveunder very extreme conditions haschanged a great deal in the last twentyyears. We now know that here onEarth it is possible for life to thrivedeep within hot-water vents at thebottom of the ocean, deep under Ant-arctic ice, in volcanic lava and even in-side nuclear reactors. Does it remain in-conceivable that life could survive inthe frigid cold of outer space?



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s many readers of AtlantisRising are aware, for thepast ten years I have beenworking closely with JohnAnthony West on the re-

dating of the Great Sphinx of Giza. Thetraditional date for the statue is circa2500 B.C., but based on my geologicalanalysis, I am convinced that the oldestportions of the Sphinx date back to atleast circa 5,000 B.C. (and John Westbelieves that it may be considerablyolder still). Such a chronology, how-ever, goes against not just classicalEgyptology, but many long-held as-sumptions concerning the dating andorigin of early civilizations. I cannot re-call how many times I have been toldby erstwhile university colleagues thatsuch an early date for the Sphinx issimply impossible because humanswere technologically and socially inca-pable of such feats that long ago. Yet, Imust follow where the evidence leads.

My research into the age of theGreat Sphinx led me to ultimately ques-tion many aspects of the “traditional”scientific world view that, to this day,permeates most of academia. I got to apoint where there were so many newideas buzzing around in my head that Ifelt I had to organize them on paper,and this led me to author the bookVoices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looksat Catastrophes and Ancient Civiliza-tions (by Robert M. Schoch, withRobert Aquinas McNally. New York:Harmony Books, 1999).

The manuscript for Voices was com-pleted in August 1998. Since that timeI have learned of two independent geo-logical studies of the Great Sphinx andits age. These studies go a long way to-ward both supporting my analysis andconclusions and rebutting the inade-quate counter arguments of the critics.



Continued on Page 41

In both cases they corroborate the pri-mary conclusions of my original studiesof the Great Sphinx, namely that theSphinx and Sphinx enclosure show evi-dence of significant precipitation-induced weathering and erosion (degra-dation), and the core body of theSphinx and the oldest portions of theSphinx temple predate the pharaohsKhafre (ca. 2500 B.C.) and Khufu(Khufu or Cheops, a predecessor ofKhafre, reigned about 2551-2528 B.C.).

The first study was undertaken bythe geologist David Coxill (The Riddleof the Sphinx published in the Spring1998 issue [Issue 2, pp. 13-19] of thejournal Inscription: Journal of Ancient

Egypt). After confirming my observa-tions on the weathering and erosion ofthe Sphinx, and pointing out that otherexplanations do not work, Coxill clearlystates (page 17): “This [the data andanalysis he covers in the preceding por-tions of his paper] implies that theSphinx is at least 5,000 years old andpre-dates dynastic times.” Coxill thendiscusses very briefly the seismic workthat Thomas Dobecki and I pursued andmy estimate of an initial date of 5,000 to7,000 B.C. for the earliest parts of theSphinx based on the seismic data. Heneither supports nor refutes this por-


ProtestsNotwithstanding,Evidence for theSchoch/WestThesis Is Growing

Sphinx and Khafre Pyramid


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Continued on Page 68

tion of my work, but simply writes(page 17): “Absolute dates for thesculpturing of the Sphinx should betaken with extreme caution and there-fore dates should be as conservative aspossible—until more conclusive evi-dence comes to light.” I can under-stand that he could take this stance, al-though perhaps I feel morecomfortable with, and confident in,the seismic analysis we did. Coxill, inthe next paragraph of his paper (page17), continues: “Nevertheless, it [theSphinx] is clearly older than the tradi-tional date for the origins of theSphinx—in the reign of Khafre, 2520-2490 BC.”

Bottom line: Coxill agrees with theheart of my analysis and likewise con-cludes that the oldest portions of theSphinx date to before dynastic times,that is, prior to circa 3000 B.C.

Another geologist, Colin Reader (heholds a degree in Geological Engi-neering from London University), hasalso pursued a meticulous study ofweathering and erosion (degradation)features on the body of the Sphinx andin the Sphinx enclosure. This he hascombined with a detailed analysis ofthe ancient hydrology of the Giza Pla-teau. Although as of this writing, his re-search has apparently not been for-mally published in journal or bookform, Reader has been circulating hiswork as an illustrated paper entitled“Khufu Knew the Sphinx” (the copy Ihave is dated July 1998). Like Coxill,Reader points out the problems andweaknesses in the arguments of my op-ponents. Reader notes (quoted fromthe summary of his paper; no pagenumber) that there is “a marked in-crease in the intensity of the degrada-tion [that is, weathering and erosion]towards the west [western end] of theSphinx enclosure.” Reader continues,

“In my opinion, the only mechanismthat can fully explain this increase in in-tensity is the action of rainfall run-offdischarging into the Sphinx enclosurefrom the higher plateau in the northand west . . . However, large quarriesworked during the reign of Khufu [asnoted above, a predecessor of Khafre,the “traditional” builder of the Sphinx]and located immediately up-slope, willhave prevented any significant run-offreaching the Sphinx.” Thus Reader con-cludes (page 11 of his paper) that“When considered in terms of the hy-drology of the site, the distribution ofdegradation within the Sphinx enclo-sure indicates that the excavation ofthe Sphinx pre-dates Khufu’s earlyFourth Dynasty development at Giza.”

Interestingly, Reader also concludesthat the so-called “Khafre’s” causeway

(running fromthe area of the

Sphinx, Sphinxtemple, and

Khafre Valleytemple up to themortuary temple

on the easternside of the

Khafre pyr-amid), part of

“Khafre’s” mor-tuary temple

(which Readerrefers to as the

“Proto-mortuarytemple”), and

the Sphinxtemple predate

the reign ofKhufu.

As is discussed in the text of Voices,I have come out strongly in favor of notonly an older Sphinx, but also a con-temporaneous (thus older) Sphinxtemple (at least the limestone corebeing older than the Fourth Dynasty).Independently of Reader, John An-thony West and I have also concludedthat part of “Khafre’s” mortuary templepredates Khafre, but I had not pub-lished this conclusion or spoken of it atlength in public since I wanted to col-lect more corroborative evidence first.Reader has now come to the same con-clusion concerning “Khafre’s” mor-tuary temple. I am pleased to see hisconfirmation. I believe that there wasmuch more human activity at Giza inpre-Old Kingdom times than has previ-ously been recognized. I even suspectthat the second, or “Khafre Pyramid,”may actually sit on top of an older siteor structure. According to the Egyptolo-gists John Baines and Jaromír Málek(Atlas of Ancient Egypt, 1980, NewYork: Facts on File, page 140) theKhafre Pyramid in ancient times was re-ferred to as “The Great Pyramid” while

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Telltale weathering in the Sphinx enclosurre


here has been much debateof late as to the true age ofthe pyramids. Perhaps wehave all heard about the dis-cussions and arguments that

have erupted in books and on the in-ternet regarding the era in which theSphinx at Giza was constructed. JohnAnthony West and Robert Schoch havemade a cause celebré out of specula-tion regarding the amount of weath-ering that is present on the Sphinx it-self and its enclosure, and how the eraof its construction can be gauged bythis observation (see articles elsewherein this issue). It is an interesting discus-sion and one that apparently has muchlife left in it—I am sure it will run andrun. But erosion of the Sphinx (as JohnWest himself has frequently said—seeAtlantis Rising #19) is only one smallaspect of the evidence available whenassessing the age of the pyramids;there are plenty of other examples oferosion that also point towards an ear-lier date for the pyramid’s construc-tion. Personally, I think that many ofthe early dynastic monuments in Egypthave a tale to tell in the weathering pat-terns that scour their fabric, and in thebook Thoth, Architect of the Universe Itry to explore many of these telltalefeatures. So let us indulge ourselves ina quick tour of Lower Egypt and seewhat evidence is there to support theconcept of a very early constructiondate for the pyramids.

The first example of pyramid ero-sion that I want to look at lies a littlesouth of the Dahshur pyramids—atMeidum. The pyramid at Meidum is theone that looks as though it has col-lapsed and the prime clue to the trueage of this pyramid can be derivedfrom those very upper pyramidal clad-ding stones that are now missing fromthis pyramid—what exactly happenedto them? Various authors have arguedthat these upper cladding stones, theremaining lower portions of which arestill apparent under the piles of rubblearound the pyramid, have either beenstolen in subsequent eras or they havecollapsed in a kind of pyramidal ava-lanche. But perhaps this was not actu-ally the case. From a later excavation ofthe rubble surrounding the pyramid inthe early 1990s, it was quite apparentthat the pyramid had simply beeneroded away by the weather, like somany of the less well-made pyramids inthe area. Unfortunately for thebuilders, while the central core of thepyramid was made of a fairly durablelimestone, the attempt to turn the edi-fice into a true pyramid used a veryweak and friable stone. This stone hasproved about as durable as mud-brickand although initially quite solidlooking, the blocks that have been ex-posed to the elements are extremely


Age of thePyramids

The Case for the Great Antiquity of the SphinxIs Well Known. Now a Groundbreaking BritishResearcher Turns up Startling Corroborationin Some Surprising Places

(Top) The Bent (Vega) pyramid of Dahshur. (Middle)Progressive erosion at the base of the pyramid of Meidum.(Bottom) Long shot of Meidum pyramid.

“...just when youthink that there is

no more to say onthe subject, thenovice hits youwith a questionthat you were

neither expectingnor can easily




fragile.The fact that the

pyramid has erodedand not collapsed canbe clearly seen in therubble around the pyr-amid, which consistsof layer upon layer ofsmall stones. Thesestones form the typeof strata that are al-ways associated witheroded and depositedmaterials. It can alsobe seen that, wherethe rubble has pro-tected the base of thepyramid, the claddingstones there surviveintact. But highercourses, which wereexposed to the ele-ments for a longer pe-riod have been succes-sively eroded moreand more, until atabout six meters upthere is complete ero-sion.

Clearly this is dueto exposure to the ele-ments with the stonesat the lowest levels,which were first cov-ered with rubble de-scending from above,being preserved the most. Yet one stillwonders how long it takes to erode acomplete pyramid, even if the stonewas a little friable, for in places someten meters of stone have eroded awayat Meidum. The current shape of thepyramid results from the fact that theupper flat section at the top of therubble marks the start of another stepof harder limestone just under the sur-face; the present layout is thereforequite stable and may not have changedfor some considerable time. Is it pos-sible, however, that so much of a solidstone construction was eroded in justunder 5,000 years? Personally, I thinknot, and the supporting evidence I waslooking for became apparent whilestrolling around the Giza pyramids.

I was trying to explain some of thetechnical details of the pyramids to mywife and it is one of those facts of lifethat one never really knows a subjectuntil it has been successfully explainedto a novice. The novice does not al-ways understand the first time and sothe topic has to be explained againfrom another perspective. Then, justwhen you think that there is no moreto say on the subject, the novice hitsyou with a question that you were nei-ther expecting nor can easily explain.The thick limestone paving slabs uponwhich the pyramids were constructedcomes right into that category. My wife

anomaly here thatmade me sit and think

for a while. Whenlooking at both the

Dahshur and the Gizapyramids, there

would appear to be alarge differential be-

tween the pavementthat has been covered

for a while and theportion that has al-

ways been exposed.This is true withinone single slab of

stone; this is not acase of dissimilar

stone strengths. Thenthere was a little

pause in the discus-sion, for it was ob-

vious now that thislittle line in the pave-

ment could now beused to date the pyra-mids, but what wouldit tell us?

With ruler in hand,I tried to estimate theextent of the erosion,using the base of the

remaining facingblocks as a guide to

the original surface ofthe pavement. It was

not the most precise of experiments,given the tools at my disposal, butluckily the amount of erosion waseasily visible. At Dahshur the amountof erosion on the covered half of theslab was approximately 5 millimeters,the sort of erosion one might expect insuch a climate over 1,000 years ofweathering, yet on the exposed por-tion of the stone there was about 50mm of erosion. At Giza the differentialwas even greater. The amount of ero-sion on the covered portion of thestone was again about 5 millimeters,and the exposed had between 50 mmand a massive 200 mm of erosion.

In general, it would appear thatthere was a minimum of ten times asmuch erosion on the exposed sectionof each block as on the portion thathad been covered with the claddingstones, and this would give us a directindication of the true age of these pyra-mids. If a constant erosion rate is pre-sumed and if the time elapsed sincethe cladding was stolen is about 1,000years, then the time required for theerosion of the exposed sections ofeach slab would equate to about10,000 years and quite possibly much,much longer.

Remember that this is true within asingle slab of stone, it is not a case ofdissimilar stone strengths. Indeed,

Continued on Page 69

asked, ‘Why is there a line runningdown this pavement?’

The initial answer to this was easyfor, when fully finished, the casingblocks of each of the pyramids invari-ably stopped short of the pavementedge, such that one particular pave-ment slab was partly covered by thecasing and also partly exposed to theelements. The exposed portion of thisslab was therefore beginning to erodeover the years, slowly but surely, moreand more as the years went by, as ex-posure to weather and the feet of mil-lions of pilgrims took its toll. But thestone masons were normally wise intheir choice of stone, and the amountof weathering is minimal in comparisonto what we find at Meidum. As we cansee from the remaining cladding stonesthat still cover the Bent Pyramid andthe upper portions of the Khafre Pyr-amid, in the sub-desert climate, goodquality stone usually weathers quiteslowly.

Then, after many millennia,someone came along and started pil-fering the cladding stones from the pyr-amids, something that is usually as-cribed to A.D. eighth or ninth century.From this time onwards, the whole ofthe paving slab was now exposed tothe elements and started to weather,hence a line was formed in the pavingstones between the two periods ofweathering. But there was a curious

At the Khufu pyramid both plates show the area that was exposed to the elements sincethe pyramid was built. The area that was covered by the cladding stones, and so only hasbeen exposed for about 1,000 years is on the right. Note substantial erosion difference.


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ccording to the view of main-stream historians, primitivecivilization in Mesopotamia,

Egypt, and in India emerged from thestone age just over five thousandyears ago.

Just a few centuries after what theexperts say was the first great laborsaving invention of the ancient world,the wheel, society crossed a major di-vide and headed inexorably towardthe modern world. The wheel, we aretold, revolutionized primitive societyand set the stage for the great achieve-ments which were to follow.

Such is the conventional scenariofor the dawn of civilization on Earth.The assumption is, that the rise ofhighly organized society was unprece-dented. If there had been an earlieradvanced civilization, we would havediscovered unmistakable evidence—highways, and bridges and electricalwiring; plastic bottles, city dumps,and CD Roms. Those, after all, arethe things which we will leave topuzzle future archeologists.

But could an ancient civilizationhave risen to heights similar to ourown and, perhaps, have traveled a dif-ferent road? Would we understand aworld which might have employedfundamentally different—though noless effective—techniques to harnessthe forces of nature? Would we un-derstand, for example, the transmis-sion of energy by means other than a power grid, rapid transit without internal com-bustion engines, or highly complex calculations involving earth science and astronomywithout electronic computers? Have we been surrounded by evidence of such ancientadvancements, but not yet, advanced enough ourselves to grasp the astounding impli-cations.

Now a breakthrough video from the creators of Atlantis Rising magazine takes alook at real evidence—largely ignored by the academic establishment—which shattersthe orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. Now assembled in a devas-tating one-hour documentary, hosted by Atlantis Rising Editor and Publisher J. DouglasKenyon, are the comments and evidence of breakthrough researchers such as JohnAnthony West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson, John Michell, Pat-rick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress,Edgar Evans Cayce and others.



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Editor’s Note: A recent book Giza:The Truth by Ian Lawton and ChrisOgilvie-Herald (referred to by some asan “apologia for the establishment,”published in the U.K. and expectedsoon in the U.S.) is causing quite astir in the debate over the facts behindthe monuments of the Giza plateau.Directly challenging (some would sayattacking) the work of Graham Han-cock and Robert Bauval as well as thework of John Anthony West andRobert Schoch and others. The bookand associated discussions on the in-ternet has prompted some heated re-sponse. Recently John West posted sev-eral e-mail commentaries to AtlantisRising challenging several specificareas where “Giza: the Half Truth”(as he calls it) had attempted to de-bunk his and Robert Schoch’s re-search on the Sphinx. Here are someexcerpts:

rank Domingo’s forensicwork.

(Domingo was the NewYork police artist featured inthe television special, The

Mystery of the Sphinx, to show thatthe Sphinx’s face could not be, as ismaintained by orthodox Egyptology,the face of the Pharaoh Khefren.)

Ogilvie-Herald/Lawson write: “However, at a ‘nonforensic’ level,

Domingo’s reconstructions andKhafre’s face from the statue do, fromthe front at least, look strikingly similarin our opinion—except that theSphinx’s jaw is rather more squared.Turning to the lateral view, once thenose is reconstructed, the Sphinx’sface is nowhere near as negroid-looking as it usually appears, and in-deed if it is tilted forward somewhat itonce again appears very similar in ourview. Certainly the profile of the eyes,nose and lips is remarkably consistent,even if their relative positions do notmatch exactly.”

Just think about this a minute. FrankDomingo is one of the top forensic art-ists in the world, a recognized au-thority in a highly specialized field.Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald are respec-tively an accountant/race driver and aretired army squaddie/van driver and



John Anthony West Tackles a Controversial New Book“GIZA: The (Half) Truth?”

briefly, editor. Their combined knowl-edge of forensic art is precisely zero. Totake it upon themselves to challengeDomingo’s carefully considered conclu-sion (that the face of the Sphinx andthe face on the Khafre statue representtwo entirely different individuals,which in and of itself pretty well scut-tles the basis of the Khafre-as-creator-of-the-Sphinx assertion) is equivalent tome, with no medical training, chal-lenging an X-ray analysis by the world’sleading radiologist, or, say, writing anarticle claiming that no matter whatanyone else may say, Michael Jordanreally isn’t much of a basketball player.

‘If it is tilted forward somewhat’ in-deed! And if you stand on your headand view the Sphinx from the back, italso looks like Khafre, as long as yousubtract the falcon... To produce hisstudies, Frank Domingo went to ex-traordinary lengths to make absolutelycertain the heads of the huge Sphinxand the life-size Khafre were photo-graphed from exactly the same anglesso that an exact comparison could bemade. Sorry, guys, no ‘tilting it forwardsomewhat’ allowed, I’m afraid. ‘If it istilted forward somewhat’ then theSphinx would be looking at its ownpaws instead of the horizon! Both thehead of the Sphinx and Khafre’s sitsquarely and irrevocably atop their re-spective necks, both gazing straight Continued on Page 71

ahead at the horizon. And that is howthey must be compared. This demon-strates the pronounced prognathism inthe one profile and the total lack of itin the other, i.e., two totally differentindividuals.

What Ogilvie-Herald and Ian Lawtoncall ‘analysis’ is actually a classic ‘signa-ture’. Rarely has so much ineptitudebeen packed into so few sentences.That paragraph alone is an act of suchconsummate, monumental, moronicchutzpah that it is quite unnecessary tolook at anything else in their 600+ pagebook to dismiss it ... and them withoutfurther consideration.

Nevertheless, a new millennium hasdawned: and I cannot help but becaught up in its spirit of charity andcompassion. So, let me give them thebenefit of the doubt and consider fur-ther anyhow.

Frank Domingo, (unlike the Pope) isnot infallible. He may well make mis-takes. But for two forensic greenhornsto make a case for fallibility their ownopinion is worthless. What they shouldhave done is to first get in touch withFrank Domingo, or me, and procure acopy of the detailed report Domingoprepared explaining how and why hecame to his conclusion. There theywould have learned why it is that theprofile, rather than the frontal view, istelling and most important. (It is forthe same reason that the ancient Egyp-tians themselves, in their reliefs, alwaysused a profile view.) It is more individ-ualized, and, in forensic work, showsdifferences between faces much moreclearly than the frontal view. Had theytaken the trouble to do this they mightperhaps have been a bit more circum-spect in putting forward their ludi-crous screed in defense of a mortallycompromised hypothesis. Alterna-tively, or in tandem, they might haveconsulted another forensic artist for apossible second expert opinion,which, had it differed from Domingo’s,might have been the basis of a rea-soned argument. They did not. Theydid not, because, no matter what theymay say, a book that merely defended acomplex but extremely popular heret-ical view developed by others, comingfrom two unknown authors far less cre-dentialed even than the heretics (all ofus, at the very least, have relevant jour-


The CuriousHistory ofAdèle Hugo


he channeling experiencesof Victor Hugo are probablyamong the most interestingof all time. From 1853 to1855, while in political exile

on the channel island of Jersey, the au-thor of Les Misérables, his family, andpolitical exile friends communicatedwith more than 115 ostensible discar-nate entities in the course of numeroustapping-table seances held at least oncea week (Victor Hugo and the Spirits, At-lantis Rising, No. 15, p. 28+). Therewere five types of spirits: the illustriousdead, such as Shakespeare, Plato andGalileo; entities who seemed to be incharge who had never been alive, withnames like Shadow of the Sepulcher,Death, and the Archangel of Love; fa-bled beasts, such as Balaam’s Ass, theLion of Androcles and the Dove of theArc; abstract concepts, such as India,The Novel and Metempsychosis, and,perhaps most astonishing of all for thattime, ETs, with Hugo and participantscommunicating with the inhabitants ofMercury and Jupiter. The occasionalwandering island ghost rounded outthe roster.

Almost lost in the tumult of theseexchanges, in her little bedroom abovethe sitting room where they took place,a lone figure was conducting her ownseances. This was Adèle Hugo, eldestdaughter of Victor and wife Adèle, whohad come to the island with her familyin 1852, when she was 22. On scat-tered occasions, during 1854 in partic-ular, she would, hunched over her ownlittle tapping table, communicate allalone with some of the same spiritswith whom her parents spoke, notablythe Shadow of the Sepulcher, whoseemed to be chief among the spiritguides. But, while the participants

Tdownstairs fiercelyhammered out withthe spirits all the se-crets of the universe,Adèle, in her seances,had only one interest:herself.

This was likely becauseshe was not a well woman.In 1854, she was already inthe early grip of the schizo-phrenia which had plagued theHugo family, causing Victor’sbrother, Eugène, to have a completebreakdown on her father’s weddingday, on October 14, 1822, and to beeventually taken away to the asylumwhere he died in 1837. Probably, inthe first years of exile, this disease inits incipient form was largely respon-sible for the tall, dark-haired Adèlesmoodiness, her insecurities, her self-centeredness, her strange detachment.It compelled the self-absorption of herconversations with the tapping tables.It burst out in her obsessive, unre-quited love for the English LieutenantAlbert Pinson, whom she had metbriefly in Brussels in 1854, and whohad arrived at the Hugo household toparticipate in the seances. That bitter,one-sided, delusional love has beenchronicled by François Truffaut in themovie, The Story of Adele H. [LHistoiredAdèle H.] (1975). In it, the Frenchfilmmaker follows Adèle as, against herparent’s wishes, she leaves Jersey in1863 ostensibly headed for London,but instead crosses the Atlantic, allalone, to Halifax, Nova Scotia, wherefrom June, 1863, to June, 1866, she vir-tually stalks Lieutenant Pinson in hisgarrison in the New World. When he istransferred to the Barbados, she fol-lows the same pattern. In 1872 whenshe is still in the Barbados, but threeyears after Pinson has left for Ireland—


The CuriousHistory ofAdèle HugoVictor Was Not the Only Memberof His Family to Entertain Spirits


brings herback to France.

She is almost immediately institutional-ized, remaining in a series of mentalhospitals until her death in Paris in1915, at the age of 85.

For all the stark tragedy of her life,and to compound that tragedy, Adèlewas a woman of undoubted intelli-gence, sensitivity, and journalistic skill.We know about her private seances be-cause of the diary which she herselfkept, and which, edited by FrancesVernor Guille, has only just recentlybeen published in three volumes(1968, 1972,1984, Minard, Paris,); oneor two more volumes may follow.

This diary is of immense value tothe student both of Victor Hugo’s life,and of channeling. Adèle had set out,with the help of her family, to create aday-to-day chronicle of the life andtimes of the Hugos in exile. Her diary,painstakingly reconstructed by Pro-fessor Guille, provides a fascinatingrecord of the immense day-to-day polit-ical, literary and social activity of thegreat writer who was in exile onJersey, with at least one hundred fa-mous figures passing through the is-land and through its pages. In thenumber of entries that Adèle devotesto the seances (comprising perhaps

Adèle Hugo


100 pages out of a total of 1,300) werereminded that channeling was only onesmall part of Victor Hugo’s enormouslife.

But it was a crucially important part.At one time, Hugo thought the tran-scripts of the seances would be one ofthe Bibles of the future. He was surethat the seances had at the very least in-creased his creative powers fivefold.Adèle’s Diary (referred to early on,and mentioned by Victor Hugo, as Ex-iles Diary [Journal de lExil]) providesus with a unique window into thosemesmerizing experiences.

Adèle’s Diary also illustrates the ex-tent to which the dictates of the spiritshad permeated the everyday life andthought of the séance participants. ForJuly 26, 1854, she records the fol-lowing dialogue at the dinner table:Victor Hugo: I did a good deed. I saveda salamander. Auguste Vacquerie: Me, acrab. - Charles Hugo: Me, a bird.François Hugo: Me, a spider. A.V. toV.H.: Tell the story of your salamander.V.H.: There was an unfortunate sala-mander on the road, which the passers-by would infallibly have crushed had Inot picked it up and carefully placed iton the grass. There, the rescued sala-mander looked at me with his big softeyes, and seemed to be thanking me.A.V.: I saved a crab. The sea had tossed

a crab on the terrace. This unfortunatecrab had wandered right to the pointwhere the Rose kids [next door] wouldhave taken it upon themselves to mas-sacre it. I courageously took the craband carried it back from the terrace tothe sea. Then François Hugo andCharles Hugo tell exactly analogousstories, François of his monstrousspider, crab of the earth, and Charlesof his bird, which involved his per-suading someone to climb a tree. Theyare all deadly serious.

Of greatest interest of all, perhaps,are the transcripts of Adèle’s own con-versations with the spirits. A number ofthose communications seem to havebeen with the Shadow of the Sepul-cher, the commanding spiritual pres-ence of the high-powered conversa-tions taking place downstairs.

There was much of a disturbing na-ture for Adèle to confide to theShadow of the Sepulcher and the otherspirits. Albert Pinson was not the onlyobject of her affections on Jersey is-land. There had come with the Hugofamily from Paris Auguste Vacquerie, abrilliant young scholar, journalist andpolitical activist and long-time friend ofthe Hugo family who, eleven years hersenior, had fallen in love with Adèleeight years before. But the disturbedand capricious Adèle, finally terriblyafraid of life, could never quite commit

herself to Vacquerie, who sufferedfrom her fickleness. The stage was setfor the arrival of the handsome, dan-dyish and also somewhat dishonestPinson, upon whose person Adèlewould crystallize all her frustrated anddistorted longings, thereby surely hur-rying along the progression of her dis-ease.

Professor Guille compellingly sumsup Adèle’s relationship to her twolovers and to the spirits her tappingtable: Adèle believed in the spirits likeher father. Adèle believed herself to bea superior woman from the otherworld, a supernatural being…. Duringthat year [1854], there were 21 per-sonal seances, seven in a row, andother related texts. Though she citesthe advice of the spirits in the plural, itis rather Lèopoldines [Adèle’s youngersister, often called Didine, who haddrowned in 1853] spirit that sheevokes the greater part of the time. Shealso talks to a good spirit and to a badspirit and even with the Shadow of theSepulcher…

When she speaks to the spirits,we feel as if we are present at a debatewithin her own conscience. There isno medium at these seances; shedoesn’t need one. It’s almost Adèle’salter ego that’s at play here. Adèle asks

Continued on page 72

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ho willcome tosave us?From travailand ignor-

ance, from pain and sorrow,my God, from ourselves? It issaid that at times of greatestdarkness, the Almighty, outof infinite compassion, sendsadepts, avatars, greatteachers, prophets and onein whom and upon whomthe hope of humanity lies.The Messiah. Author JohnHogue posited the question“Who is the Savior of theWorld?” In search of an an-swer, Hogue traveled fromone country to the next, living withBuddhist monks, Christian priests,Hindu pandits and New Agers. In Mes-siah, he presents us with 700 prophe-cies from around the world “that casttheir oracular gaze into the 21st cen-tury to capture the promised advent ofmore than 30 world saviors pledgingspiritual resolution and redemption.”There is a saying in astrology thatduring the Age of Pisces many teachersappeared, but in Aquarius we eachmust sit under our own vine and figtree, that is to say, the Aquarian manand woman are responsible for the sal-vation of his or her own soul. Hoguepresents a new perspective on Mes-sianic prophecy for a new millennium.The quest for the Messiah must nowbecome an inner search. But are we, infact, prepared for such a journey?

While discovering an almost uni-versal belief that the anointed One willsoon appear to deliver us from dark-ness, Hogue found each credo to bezealously possessive of its chosenSavior. Despite the common thread,the faithful stubbornly assert that theirprophet is the only true prophet, allothers are imposters, even anti-christs.You can almost feel the author groanwhen he bluntly declares that “noother subject in prophecy suffers frommore religious myopia.” It is as if he issaying, “ Look at you! You’re so close,but you miss the point.” The pointmissed, of course, is that the Messiahand the promise of redemption doesnot belong to one people or to another


but to all mankind. Hogue is as pas-sionate as those who declare the Mes-siah to be Krishna or Jesus come again,or a reincarnation of Lord Buddhawhen he presents us with his ownview. In no uncertain terms, Hogueopens by letting it be known that “Allbets are off on a future based on tradi-tional views. Even the most hallowedof prophetic subjects—the Messiah—will undergo a death and resurrection.”This opinion, or bias, finds its waythroughout the book, that otherwise isa worthy reference for any student ofreligious history. The artwork alonemakes Messiah a must-have volume onyour shelf.

Hogue alerts us to the rude awak-ening to which we and our descen-dants, by the very nature of cosmic cy-cles and evolutionary advancement aresubject: “Our descendants will dis-cover that no Messiah outside of them-selves is coming,” Hogue concludes.The Christian of today becomes theChrist of tomorrow. We become thehead and hands and heart of the livingGod and in so becoming, the Messiahspeaks not in one but in a billionvoices, in love in action and in a will-ingness to” abandon trust and fear ofthe unknown.” Abandon trust of theunknown? Some would call this faith!

Of course, the notion that thismortal might put on immortality is notnew. The becoming the One whosaves the world by saving himself is aconscious choice and a Path which is,in fact, ancient and much trod upon.What is new is a phenomenon whichHogue and others call “the collectiveawakening.” The collective awakening

to which Hogue refers is, ofcourse, the very essence of

the Age of Aquarius. TheGolden Age so many antici-

pate in Aquarius is a timewhen the Christic conscious-

ness we recognize in theMessiahs becomes the rule

for the majority of humanityrather than the exception

outpictured in an extraordi-nary godlike individual who

radiates divinity. Manywriters today echo Hogue’sperception that “in the new

Aquarian Age, the indi-vidual’s spiritual journey will

be nurtured by the cumula-tive impact of millions of other individ-uals seeking enlightenment on an un-precedented scale.”

Perhaps in ages past it was neces-sary to be separate to develop ac-cording to the demands of differentcultures and times, but now is the eraof universal brotherhood, marked bytolerance and shared understanding(and challenged by the eruption of ha-tred and disputes as the individual andcollective shadow rises up to opposethe inevitable advent of greater love).Our childhood is over, states Hogue.Like birds ushered out of the nest, wehave reached the time when we mustlearn to fly. Historians in the future willspeak of this age as a time when theenormity of challenges we now faceforced us to spiritually mature, to rec-ognize our innate potential for geniusand Christlike consciousness. I wouldnote the mystic of old often worked insecrecy and veiled his revelations inmysterious and even misleading sym-bolism in order to save himself and hisloved ones from persecution and accu-sation of heresy. Collective awakeningto spiritual reality is impossiblewithout universal freedom of religion.

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar taughtthat the earth herself is approaching analignment with the Galactic Corewhich is accelerating not only knowl-edge but our capacity for under-standing. (See AR #14 and #15 on Rud-hyar’s work on Galactic Astrology, thetiming of taking on galactic (Christlike)dimensions of consciousness. What ofthe Gurus, the great spiritual teachers?Hogue envisions a new dispensationfreeing the enlightened master from

The Quest for the Inner MessiahWith the Growing Tumult of the Times an Ancient Calling Continues


the shackles of messianism. “As we abandon our myths about

saviors, those upon whom we haveprojected that myth will find them-selves liberated from their masks suchas the God-man, Avatar, Messiah, 12thIman, or Redeemer. When at last wesee their original faces, these individ-uals will simply become our teachers,our friends.”

Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradi-tion, teaches that the Maggid or spiri-tual teacher occupies the place (Ti-feret) of the student’s real self until thelatter reaches that union. The teacheris in fact endowed with a greater spiri-tual attainment and serves as a livingexample to the student of what he canbecome. And while the Maggid will at-tract often the aspirant to him throughdevotion, he will expose some aspectof his humanity if the student becomesidolatrous of his person. The great ava-tars are, I believe, god-men, in thatthey fulfilled the mystical goal of unionwith God by sacrificing their personalegos to a divine light and purpose. Thevibrancy of their beings and thewisdom of their words serve to shakethe slumberer out of complacency.

In my astrological practice, I’ve ob-served many times in clients workingon deep levels of psychology, the ac-quisition of a house in need of restora-tion. Often it is their dream house.

When the restoration is completed, theclient is shocked that she or he sud-denly has no desire for the house andoften sells it. The rooms of the housebecome rooms in consciousness. Whenthe work is done, it makes sense thatone desires to move on. Holy Placessuch as Jerusalem may have magneticbesides historical significance. Jeru-salem may forever remain a Holy Place.Many of the prophets and teachersquoted by Hogue tell us that it is timeto bridge our understanding from aphysical and symbolic place to seekingan inner New Jerusalem.

Global fusion increasingly becomespart of our vocabulary and a reality wecannot ignore. However, the individualwho awaits the savior in the cast of hischosen faith has not, I believed, neces-sarily erred in his devotion. We wincewhen such zeal leads to bloodshed andterrorism in an ironic betrayal of thefaith itself. It is good to embrace ahigher ideal. Ultimately the value of anyspiritual belief may not be so much inits proven veracity but in the integrityof action such a belief inspires.

The decision to take up the Path, tobegin becoming the One who saves theworld by saving himself is a very con-scious choice, and this point must bemade. The availability and urgency ofthe choice “to come up higher,” coin-ciding with Pluto within Neptune’s

orbit for the last twenty years and thewith the discovery of Chiron (1977), isexciting.

The sacred scriptures can be readon many levels; each one presents a dif-ferent, seemingly contradictory, but il-luminating key. Some take the parablesof Jesus or the stories in the Torahquite literally. Others seek an allegor-ical understanding. Others “with eyesto see and ears to hear” seek thehidden meaning. Biblical tradition, forexample, speaks of “the world that isto come,” a reference to a far-off Mes-sianic era. The Mystic Kabbalists, saysauthor Daniel Matt, while not denyingthe possibility of a coming teacher orgolden age interprets this phrase as areference to “the world that is con-stantly coming, constantly flowing, atimeless dimension of reality availableright here and now, if one is recep-tive.”

Did not the great Kabbalist, Joshuaben Miriam, later known as Jesus, tellus that “the kingdom of God is withinyou”? Hogue writes, by the way, that“Jewish mystics debunked the heroismof Christ and dismissed him as a falseprophet.” In my readings, however, Ihave found the opposite to be true. Infact, several Kabbalistic authors referto the man Jesus as the greatest Kab-

Continued on page 73


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istorians of sciencemay well look backon this book as adying ember fromthe funeral pyre of

late-twentieth-century-establish-ment physics, which hurtles to-ward a supposed “theory ofeverything,” while being bliss-fully ignorant of profound cracksin its very foundations. But au-thor Robert L. Park, a physicsprofessor at the University of Ma-ryland, is now riding high. Forsome years he has been the dar-ling of editors seeking crisp com-mentary from the chief represen-tative of the American PhysicalSociety (APS), a position he hasheld since 1982.

Whether railing againstmanned spaceflight, anti-ballisticmissile defense, alternative healthcare, ESP research, UFO investiga-tion, or his favorite whippingtopic, cold fusion, you will find RobertPark in top mud-slinging form on theOp Ed pages of The New York Timesand The Washington Post, amongothers. His politicized weekly “What’sNew” internet science column(www.opa.org/WN) is remarkable inthat it is tolerated at all by the APS. Es-pecially since Park, with insufferablechutzpa, ends each column with a fakedisclaimer: “Opinions are the author’sand are not necessarily shared by theAPS, but they should be.” That’s purePark, who hopes that his audience willcome to see the world through thefilter of the scientific certainties that heand many of his arrogant physics col-leagues claim to possess.

Dr. Park has now compiled hiswisdom in a short volume, in which heclaims to have discovered a new kindof science—“Voodoo Science”—the titleof his book. His definition of voodooscience is encapsulated in the subtitle,“The Road from Foolishness to Fraud.”There is a progression from “honesterror” that evolves “from self-delusionto fraud,” he says. Further elaboratingthe definition: “The line between fool-ishness and fraud is thin. Because it isnot always easy to tell when that line iscrossed, I use the term ‘voodoo sci-


ence’ to cover them all: pathologicalscience, junk science, pseudoscience,and fraudulent science.”

This is how he says he discovered‘voodoo science’. In the course of hisPR work for the APS he “kept bumpingup against scientific ideas and claimsthat are totally, indisputably, extrava-gantly wrong.” He is that certain, threeadverbs worth, that many of the thingshe calls voodoo science cannot beright. More often than not, he drawshis conclusions from fundamentaltheory that is supposedly sacrosanct.Therein lies the fundamental failure ofPark and so many of his colleagues inthe physics establishment. They haveabandoned what little curiosity aboutscientific experiments that they mayhave had at the beginning of their sci-entific careers: they attack data fromexperiments that at first glance appearto be in conflict with theory, aboutwhich they have concluded one of twothings: 1) The theory can’t possiblyneed fundamental modification, whichmight allow the phenomenon to occuror 2) It is inconceivable that existingtheory can be applied to allow the phe-nomenon. It takes a special kind of ar-rogance to conclude affirmatively onboth those points, particularly whenboth experimental data and theory foran anomalous phenomenon trend

strongly against the doubters, coldfusion being a prime example.

Park thinks he knows what heand the physics establishment aredoing, but he does not. He writes,“. . .no matter how plausible atheory seems to be, experimentgets the final word.” For Park,theory rules which experiments hewill even look at. Revealing com-plete ignorance of the bloody bat-tles over paradigm shifts in science(of the very kind he is ob-structing!), Park claims, “Whenbetter information is available, sci-ence textbooks are re-written withhardly a backward glance.” Ba-loney!

In Voodoo, Park dismisses coldfusion at its very first mention, re-ferring to it as “the discredited‘cold fusion’ claim made severalyears earlier by Stanley Pons andMartin Fleischmann.” He says that a“dwindling band of believers” con-

tinue to gather each year “at someswank international resort” in an at-tempt to “resuscitate” cold fusion. Heasks, “Why does this little band so fer-vently believe in something the rest ofthe scientific community rejected asfantasy years earlier?” He speculateslater, “Perhaps many scientists found incold fusion relief from boredom.”

Park works himself up about coldfusion throughout the book and tells uswhat he really thinks of cold fusion:“On June 6, 1989, just seventy-five daysafter the Salt Lake City announcement,cold fusion had clearly crossed the linefrom foolishness to fraud.” He statesthat Fleischmann and Pons “exagger-ated or fabricated their evidence.” (Heonly speculates whether cold fusion re-searcher Dr. James Patterson of CleanEnergy Technologies, Inc. may have“crossed the line from foolishness tofraud.”) He complains that no helium-4results were forthcoming from Fleisch-mann and Pons by June 1989, ergo,cold fusion is a fraud. Since at least1991, Park has been informed byfellow APS scientists, such as Dr. ScottChubb, about helium-4 detection incathodes and in the gas streams of coldfusion experiments. These indepen-dent experiments have been publishedin the U.S. and Japan in peer-reviewedjournals. There is no doubt that Park

Challenging the Establishment’s Kangaroo Court of Alternative Science

“COURT DISMISSED!....We’ll try this case in the media!”



knows this. Voodoo contains no men-tion of this data, an egregious fraud byPark on journalists and the generalpublic.

Park has not troubled himself tostudy the very data which he de-manded many years ago as proof ofcold fusion, e.g., the helium-4 nuclearash data, even after this data made itinto the peer-reviewed literature. “Youdon’t have to worry about the heat ifthere is no helium,” was his statementto me in the spring of 1991, recordedin my book, Fire from Ice. On June 14,1989, in the Chronicle of Higher Edu-cation, Park opined, “The most frus-trating aspect of this controversy is thatit could have been settled weeks ago. Iffusion occurs at the level that the twoscientists claim, then helium, the endproduct of fusion, must be present inthe used palladium cathodes.” Apartfrom his gross error of ignoring the he-lium that might be in the cover gascoming from surface reactions (suchcold fusion helium had been detectedin 1991 and later), it is notable thatPark has never mentioned any of thepublished literature on helium in coldfusion experiments.

On the issue of cold fusion Park hastraveled, in his lexicon, from foolish-

about cold fusion from technical pa-pers, the normal approach in science,from where does he get it? Apparentlyhe is briefed by fact-resistant critic Dr.Douglas Morrison of CERN, who has at-tended the international cold fusionconferences where he asks mostly ob-tuse questions, proving that he, likePark, has not read the cold fusion litera-ture. Morrison has “kept an eye on coldfusion for the rest of us,” as Park putsit. The result of all this is to have Mor-rison, the prime purveyor of the “path-ological science” theory of cold fusion,passing misinformation to Park, whothen jazzes it up with snide remarkssuited to the Washington beltwaycrowd.

Morrison is the only skeptic to actu-ally publish a paper that attempts tocome to grips with quantitative issuesof cold fusion calorimetry and electro-chemistry. Every paragraph in hispaper included an elementary mistake.A few examples: he subtracted thesame factor twice. He claimed thatFleischmann and Pons used “a compli-cated non-linear regression analysis”method — which they did not use. Herecommended another method instead— the one, in fact, they did use. He con-fused power (watts) with energy(joules). He claimed that hydrogen es-caping from a 0.0044 mole palladiumhydride might produce 144 watts of

BOOKSness to fraud. Though he has not trou-bled himself with inconvenient facts,such as experimental evidence of ro-bust character that supports cold fu-sion, he states preposterously: “Tenyears after the announcement of coldfusion, results are no more persuasivethan those in the first weeks.” He re-writes cold fusion history with ludi-crous bloopers designed to entertain:“How, I wondered, could Pons andFleischmann have been working ontheir cold fusion idea for five years, asthey claimed, without going to the li-brary to find out what was alreadyknown about hydrogen in metals?”Electrochemist Fellow of the Royal So-ciety Martin Fleischmann not knowinga lot about hydrogen in metals? A bitmuch to suggest, even for an unethicalobfuscator like Park. Park is the onewho should have gone to the library.He would have discovered that leadingcold fusion scientists like Fleischmannand Bockris wrote the textbooks abouthydrogen in metals. Fleischmann’s out-standing research in this area earnedhim a Fellowship in the Royal Society,arguably the world’s most prestigiousscientific society. In other contextsPark claims allegiance to establishedtheory and the expertise of leading au-thorities; in this case, he does not evenrealize who the authorities are.

If Park doesn’t get his information


will never come, bypassed bythe advance of science.”

Amateur astronaut Park of-fers an amazing blooper, “Ifthere was gold in low earth

orbit, it would not pay to get it.”Astonishing! He apparently doesnot understand such elementary

concepts as the small propul-sion energy cost of de-orbitingwith rockets and aero-braking,when he makes this and otherclaims. In the emerging era ofcommercial space transporta-

tion, this Park faux pas will beremembered as a late twentieth-centuryhowler, on par with statements by as-tronomer Simon Newcomb earlier inthe century that heavier than air flightwas likely to remain impossible.

In Park’s crusade against mannedspaceflight, he even goes after astro-naut hero John Glenn: “Both Ham [achimpanzee aboard an early U.S. spaceflight] and Glenn would end up inWashington: Glenn in the U.S. Senate,Ham in the national zoo. Ham died ashort time later without ever returningto space.” He attacks “messianic engi-neer” Robert Zubrin, who has put forthconcrete, well-researched proposals forcost-saving space missions, in his bookThe Case for Mars. Park says that Zu-brin started “his own cult — the MarsSociety.” Park mocks the aspirationsthat led people like Dr. Robert Goddardand so many others this century towork toward the manned explorationof space: “Zubrin had learned his les-sons well. The focus is on the dream.His followers feel their feet crunchinginto the sands of Mars, while the mostdaunting technical challenges areswept aside with simplistic solutions.”

On the book jacket Park singles out“magnet therapy” and cold fusion asthe epitome of “foolish and fraudulentscientific claims.” In the only “experi-ment” that he actually decides to per-sonally conduct to test any of his opin-ions, he launches a misguided effort todisprove the alleged therapeutic effec-tiveness of magnets in contact with thehuman body. He bought some athleticmagnets from a local store, then stuckone on a steel file cabinet. He then in-serted sheets of paper under themagnet, finding that at ten sheets themagnet fell off. He exults, “Credit cardsand pregnant women are safe! The fieldof these magnets would hardly extendthrough the skin, much less penetratemuscles.” Park had merely found thepoint at which static friction (causedby the magnetic force) is insufficient tohold the magnet against the force ofgravity. On this basis he concludes thatmagnetic field would not penetrateinto skin! This is completely wrong, assophomore physics students at MIT,and presumably at the University of Ma-

power and 1.1 million joules of energy,whereas the textbooks say the max-imum power from this would be 0.005watts, and a simple calculation showsthat the most energy it could produceis 650 joules. This is the “expert” Parkrelies upon for news of cold fusion!

And Park well knows the propa-ganda value of turning a serious subjectinto a joke. In his account of the earlydays of cold fusion he observes, “ColdFusion was becoming a joke. In Wash-ington that is usually fatal.”

After assaulting the main body ofcold fusion research, Park singles outfor attack Dr. Randell Mills of Black-Light Power Inc. (see Infinite Energycoverage, Issue No. 17 pp. 21-35 andIssue No. 29, pp. 40-41). He says thatMills did not offer “any experimentalevidence” for his claims of excess en-ergy caused by catalytic hydrino forma-tion. Park does not discuss the multiplechannels of experimental and astro-physical data that Mills has cited to de-fend his theory. He covers up the se-rious, positive results that the NASALewis Research Center published in itsofficial report on the Mills replication.But Park, at his core, argues mainlyfrom theory: “But those who bet on hy-drinos are betting against the mostfirmly established and successful lawsof physics.” Mr. Certain asks rhetori-cally, “What are the odds that Randall[sic] Mills is right? To within a veryhigh degree of accuracy, the odds arezero.”

Though I expected Park to bash sci-entific anomalies, I was unprepared todiscover the depths of his ignoranceabout spaceflight and its future. Com-menting on his early 1990s testimonybefore Congress in support of un-manned space missions, he recalls, “Iwanted to explain why the era ofhuman space exploration had endedtwenty-five-years earlier and was un-likely ever to come back.” No futurefor human presence in space? Is Parkfor real? He ends his myopic refrainwith inept poetry bearing an absurdmessage, “America’s astronauts havebeen left stranded in low-earth orbit,like passengers waiting beside an aban-doned stretch of track for a train that

Drs. Stanley Pons (L.) and Martin Fleischmann (R)


is apparently “all in the family”—thekind of money that the white collarwelfare, government-funded physicscommunity can be forgiven forwasting.

It is tempting to speculate that Parkmay be suffering from a psychologicalproblem known as projection, or pos-sibly cognitive dissonance. At somelevel, this confused man with all hisyears of schooling must realize that heis out of his element in evaluating thecold fusion evidence. He doesn’t reallyknow whether the evidence is good ornot. Obviously he has not studied it ex-cept superficially, yet he has gone farout on a limb in attacking it—he can’tbring himself to turn back. Amongother problems, admitting he had beenvery wrong would call into questionhis many other judgments, frommanned space travel to magnettherapy. He expected that cold fusionwould have gone away years ago, but ithasn’t. So he creates the myth that thecold fusion field consists of “followerswho see what they expect to see.” Intruth, it is Park who is seeing what hewants to see—lack of evidence wherethere is evidence! The following grandassessment by Park of “voodoo” otherspertains most properly to him: “Whileit never pays to underestimate thehuman capacity for self-deception, theymust at some point begin to realizethat things are not behaving as theyhad supposed.” It will be cosmic jus-tice for this profoundly foolish, mean-spirited flack for the physics establish-ment when in the light of scientific ad-vance the bigotry and lies he hasturned against others expose him forwhat he is.

The author is the editor of Infinite

Energy Magazine. (Copyright 2000,Cold Fusion Technology, Inc.)


ryland, wouldknow. Park getsan F-grade on thatone. “Not that itwould make anydifference if it didpenetrate,” hesays. Park alwayshas some a prioritheoretical insightabout why some-thing “can’t be.”This PR agent forthe AmericanPhysical Societyneeds a refreshercourse in Science101.

Given Park’s in-competent assess-ment of cold fusion and his failures inelementary scientific methodology, wecannot expect a useful appraisal ofother controversial areas, such aswhether or not there are loopholes inor extensions to classical thermody-namics, whether low-level electromag-netic fields can affect biological sys-tems, the “memory of water” question,or the scientific foundations of alterna-tive medicine. Regardless of their indi-vidual merits, Park gives these ques-tions the same brush-off he applies tocold fusion. It is not that one mightnever find areas of agreement withPark. For example, some of the char-latan-like antics of Dennis Lee of BetterWorld Technologies, which Parkchronicles, are appalling and havenothing to do with the serious scien-tific investigation of anomalous energyphenomena. And Park states that“there is now overwhelming scientificevidence that we ourselves can affectEarth’s climate.” Some scientists wouldagree with that; I don’t happen to. Iside with those atmospheric scientistswho believe that computer models donot yet come close to an adequate rep-resentation of all the factors that affectclimate.

On the other side, Park is rather for-giving about such things as govern-ment spending for tokamak hot fusion,which is widely regarded as a finan-cially wasteful research boondoggleeven by those who have nothing to dowith cold fusion. He says absolutelynothing about the ill-fated Supercon-ducting Supercollider (SSC), whichwas begun and then cancelled, beforeit could waste even more taxpayermoney. We do not hear of the scan-dalous recent cost overrun at the ICFweapons simulation laser fusion de-vice, which was led by a physicist whowas not even honest about his aca-demic credentials. To Park, this waste

The Tokamak hot fusion project, Princeton University.


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Continued from page 17cause of the reported nightly visitations. In allthree TV visits (made on different nights), therewere no UFO manifestations. The reporters thenfocused on interviews with people who sworethey had seen the UFOs...not exactly the kind ofproof that skeptics would buy. When someonein the audience asked why the UFOs were comingso frequently to this one place, the speaker responded,“Because there is a university nearby in the upper far westwhere higher learning and consciousness is going on.” Thismeans, I suppose, that the UFOs and their occupants are to-tally ignoring Harvard, Stanford and Yale to zero in on a smallregional college.

It is not my intention to impugn the integrity of thepeople I have mentioned. Just because there is no specificscientific proof does not mean that the events they describedid not happen. When I took over for Art Bell on the radioduring his mysterious disappearances, the Washington Postdelighted in pointing out that I had “seen” Martians. Actuallyit was my daughter (who has no belief in the paranormal)who saw Martians. I believe they manifested themselves toher, a non-believer, as a means of proving to me that they doexist on our planet. The truth here did not matter, it wassimply a way of discrediting me and the paranormal world. Ihave had a number of other weird and unusual experiencesthat I cannot explain any other way than through paranormalbelief.

As I pointed out earlier, whether it is paranormal, religionor some other unexplained area, we must “suspend disbe-lief.” We must accept what to others may be ridiculous.

• We may believe there are many other life forms and life

styles in the heavens. • We may believe there is nothing far fetched in the re-

counting of abduction stories. • We may believe crop circles are not a sham, but mes-

sages from somewhere that we are unable to deci-pher.

• We may be thrilled with the many photo-graphic proofs that UFOs exist.

In the face of all this, how can we set up aBoard of Standards? Who are we to tell someone

else they are “wrong” in what they accept andwhat they believe? The Supreme Court frequently makes

decisions on a 5-4 basis which then become the law of theland...even though four people disagreed. A board of humanswho pass judgment on other human experiences could vote5-4 and discredit the next Galileo.

Even if the vote is 9 to 0 on the Paranormal InquisitionBoard, does this make them correct? Should they drum someexperiencer out of the corps? I think not!

When the human race finally hears the secrets of the Uni-verse, there will still be those who choose not to believe.There will still be those who twist the truth and presentfraudulent proofs that such revelations are untrue. I leave itto whatever higher powers there are to deal with those whochoose to muddy the waters of the real intergalactic truthswith deception.

I do not wish to discredit anyone’s beliefs and motiva-tions. I don’t think any other human should. Certainly I don’tbelieve there should be a board to investigate.

There is room for everyone. You are intelligent enough todecide whom to believe no matter how flimsy their proof.

I would like to hear from you on this issue. Please con-tact me through “Atlantis Rising,” P.O. Box 441, Livingston,MT 59047. You can e-mail me at: [email protected].




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twentieth-century energy technologies.However, many young people at the

conference responded enthusiasticallyto Mark Comings’ talk about new sci-ence, and besieged him in the hallwaysafterward.

“Is the whole universe a giganticzero-point energy device? Science isjust getting to the point of recognizingthat,” said Comings. “Were starting todevelop a wide range of actual devicesthat can tap directly into that energy.”

“In the physics community,” Com-ings said, “initially the idea of zero-point energy was merely meant to ad-dress a recurring problem in quantumfield, but eventually it was related to anunderlying presence that is necessaryfor the laws of science and everythingto exist.”

Everything is supported by this in-visible all-pervading energetic field.Comings prefers to call it the quantumplenum to indicate its fullness, insteadof the common term quantum vacuumof space which falsely pictures an emp-tiness.

“The energy is really there,” he said.“We’ve been able to extract very smallamounts, but just showing proof-of-concept that the energy is there opensthe door to a wide range of applica-tions.”

The basic principle is that we haveto somehow create an assymetry or in-balance in space. If all the fluctuationsof space are symmetric and in balance,nothing manifests.

Devices categorized as zero-pointenergy technologies fall into a fewbasic classifications:

• Electromechanical devices whichin some way create a slight inbalancein space and draw some of that energyinto a circuit for usable electric cur-rent. This strategy sometimes uses ro-tating copper discs which are oppo-sitely charged in such a way that theyseem to create a bias in the underlyingquantum plenum and can draw out cur-rent.

• Plasma devices that seem to beable to tap into the zero-point energythrough nonlinear oscillations inplasma tubes. Paulo and AlexandriaCorrea of Canada seem to have devel-oped a promising direction along theselines.

• John Hutchison of Vancouver hasdeveloped a crystal energy converterthat seems to tap into the zero-pointenergy and pull out a current, Comingssaid.

Using an oscillating crystal, Com-ings himself once repeatedly demon-strated an effect that made him a be-liever. The effect drew twice as much

current out of the system than he putin.

When he witnessed the over-unityeffect, it was like taking a leap into awhole new vision of reality of a radi-cally abundant reality. “When you startcoming to grips with the figures ofhow much energy is locked up inevery part of space, we start realizingthat we’re not just talking about a littlebit of abundance; were talking aboutinfinitely more energy than you couldpossibly conceive in your wildest imag-ination.”

What does this mean? We don’teven need fuel any more. Comings saidthat development of these types oftechnologies would mean thatwherever you are in the universe, youcould just draw a current out of space.

This seems too good to be true. Infact, Comings said, stories of the devel-opment of these new technologies arefraught with peril. He cautioned aboutbringing such radical abundance into aworld that is so deeply conditionedinto a mindset of scarcity and the fearof scarcity into a social-economic andpolitical system premised on a core be-lief that there’s not enough and weneed to compete for scarce resources.

Bringing into manifestation a devicethat demonstrates an enormousamount of energy just coming out ofnowhere would pull the rug out of thatbelief system in a profound way, Com-ings said.

He has witnessed people’s peculiarreactions.

Many people see it and are willingto embrace (the new science) becausethey’re at a place in their personal de-velopment where they are willing toembrace abundance. But the core be-liefs of scarcity are so deeply ingrainedin us that very peculiar resistances de-velop to these kinds of technologies.

There have been many stories ofsuppression, destruction of laborato-ries and lives threatened for buildingnew energy devices. Comings said hesees those horror stories diminishingover time. There seems to be a generalraising of the level of awareness andwillingness to accept the new. Also asthe crisis in the biosphere become in-creasingly obvious, the need to move

Hazel Henderson


e D





Continued from page 59in a direction that brings forth an abun-dant alternative is rising very fast.

Everyone can participate in thismost exciting, scientific revolution,this change in worldview helped bythe new physics of space, he believes.For example, we all exist in space andcan realize that our bodies and ourvery beings are at every moment per-vaded by the infinitely energetic field.

The vision of human potential thatthis new paradigm brings is staggering.Literally, we are utterly with that en-ergy continuously.

That knowledge reso-nates strongly with state-ments that enlightened be-ings and spiritual teachersthroughout the ages havemade that we have infiniteresourcefulness within us.Comings pointed out thatthe superlatives used inScriptures to invoke the na-ture of the Divine are of om-nipotence, infinite love, infinitecompassion.

The ISSO (International Space Sci-ences Organization) is doing forefrontresearch in showing that over-unity sys-tems do exist. Up to now, the inven-tions have existed in scattered places.People who have the creative intelli-gence to invent such things are gener-ally far outside the mainstream aca-demic/scientific establishment andunder-funded, Comings pointed out.They work out of garages, buying mate-rials with what remains from a pensioncheck, for example.

The process of going from proof-of-concept—a device that demonstratessomething not understood by the stan-dard framework—to a prototype thatcan then be manufactured and mass-produced is a rocky road. There is verylittle support for that. I’m constantlymeeting new people who have beenoff in their own little domain makingall kinds of incredible breakthroughswith very little support.

ISSO wants to bring together an alli-ance of such researchers and getfunding moving to the inventors.

The lack of interest from those whoadvocate planetary cleanup strikesComings as very odd. It seems thatthese technologies are answers-to-the-prayer of the environmental move-ment, because it literally pulls the rugout from under fossil fuels and makespollution absolutely unnecessary.

There is such a wide range of thetechnologies that should be developed,including solar and wind power. Com-ings reported on an aspect of new en-ergy technology which he sees as ex-

citing the physics of space is the newfrontier where a profoundly unifiedview of reality will emerge.

Comings has gone to Greenpeace,Rainforest Action Network and otherconcerned groups and has spokenabout the new technologies, hoping tocreate an alliance so that all the peoplecould be working together.

The response has been discou-raging. A lot of environmental groupsare wary of technology and tend to notwant to support this. However, he re-mained hopeful of forming alliances be-tween the people on the forefront ofnew energy developments who aremarginalized and scattered and defi-

nitely need funding and alsoneed the education to go topeople who need to knowthat these solutions to the

world’s environmentalproblems exist now. If we

play our cards right, anumber of (clean-energy)

technologies could sweepthe world rapidly.

The public in general isnot resisting, but vested inter-

ests think they will lose in a situ-ation where everyone wins. The newparadigm of zero-point energy, thequantum plenum, sets the stage for analmost unimaginable win-win situation.

There is a big if involved—if we havethe collective will and intention, wehave the energy to rapidly clean up alot of the ecological damage that we’vecreated.

After we had given our speeches, Iobserved the mixed reaction to Com-ings talk. A man who was consideredan environmental spokesman needledhim over the buffet table in the aborig-inal longhouse that evening, but Com-ings remained unruffled. On the otherhand, many others responded enthu-siastically to his vision. When we weretrying to get Comings out of the confer-ence center and to the airport, the fanswere still following him out to our ve-hicle, wanting to talk with him. Oneyoung woman handed an infinitydrawing to him through the vehicle’swindow as we pulled away.

This was no personality-cult reac-tion, because Comings’ sense-of-humorand low key, other-centered mannercertainly does not encourage that reac-tion. Instead, I agree with him thatpeople react to his message becausethey are hungry for a more completewholistic understanding of the uni-verse.

The Climates of Change Congresshighlighted the situation we are in.While new-energy researchers find in-novative approaches to tapping a freesource of energy, spokespersons forthe older paradigm are apparently re-luctant to hear the news.


Continued from page 25lations.” Four-legged ones, wingedones, crawling ones, plant and stonenations are greeted as relatives. The La-kota Medicine Wheel is composed ofred, black, white and yellow, repre-senting four races of humanity. WithinNative American cosmogony, it is nat-ural to include and respect the Star Na-tions among extended family members.

Standing Elk, Dakota elder and SunDance chief, recently presented anopen letter to the Elders of Turtle Is-land. “My heart told me to speak of thesecret knowledge of Native Americansconcerning the Star Nations, since thetime of our prophecies is at hand.” Be-lieving the knowledge belongs to theworld, Standing Elk has created StarKnowledge Gatherings, a forum toshare this information. Sharing such se-crets is controversial and unpopularwith some native peoples. StandingElk, like his African counterpart, has re-ceived numerous threats.

At Standing Elk’s gatherings, NativeElders share the conference podiumwith prestigious researchers in theUFO field. “Alien” contactees speakopenly of their experiences. Indige-nous Elders perform ceremony andgive candid testimony of their knowl-edge and relationship to the Star Na-tions.

“Humanity was seeded from thestars, and we have a profound genetickinship with humanity’s stellarbrethren,” Rod Skenedore, a nativeelder, recently told an audience of hun-dreds in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

At the same Star Knowledge Gath-ering, Quiche Mayan Elder, Grand-mother Windrider, talked of her visionsand her challenging personal path. “Ichallenge conscious people to stand to-gether in peace and tolerance to makea difference at this time on Earth,”Windrider said.

Mayan Calendar ConnectionFrom Central America, Guatemalan

Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro, speaks ofvast and repetitive cycles of time. “TheMayan calendar never has to be altered,because it is based on the stars,” hepoints out. Our unwieldy Westerncounterpart, on the other hand, hasbeen changed many times and is stillnot very accurate. “This knowledgewas bequeathed to the Mayas by theAbuelos, the grandfathers, who camefrom the stars,” Don Alejandro said. Heenigmatically links the origin and des-tiny of the Mayas with the Pleiades,who he says, were called May. Ac-cording to the work of archeoastron-omer Anthony Aveni, certain Mayansites appear to be aligned with zenith


risings of the Pleiades. One of thenamed stars in the constellation of thePleiades, The Seven Sisters, is Maia.

December 21, 2012, will be the endof the current Mayan long count. Ac-cording to scholars, this Great Cyclebegan August 11, 3114 BC. In Mayanterms this time period equals thirteenbaktuns. In the Gregorian lexicon, thisequals 5125 years. Five Great Cycles,or suns, equals 25,625 years, which isamazingly close to what modern as-tronomers count as one cycle of theprecession of the equinoxes, 25,920years. Mayan daykeepers say we areliving in the time of the fifth sun, ap-proaching the end of a major cycle.Mayan prophecies also point to thistime as filled with earth changes andtransformation.

On December 21, 2012, winter sol-stice in the Northern Hemisphere, asignificant astronomical event willoccur. From the vantage point of Earth,looking through the constellation ofSagittarius toward the center of ourMilky Way galaxy, our Sun will alignthe Galactic Center. This close con-junction occurs only during a specificepoch each twenty-six thousand years.In his book Maya Cosmogenesis, JohnMajor Jenkins likens the four quartersof the precessional cycle to seasons ofa grand year. He believes this junctureis the completion of one full cycle, de-scribed and monitored by the sophisti-cated Mayan calendar.

Prophets and SeersAncient prophets and modern seers Standing Elk

sky would be vital. The last such junc-ture seems to have occurred roughlythirteen thousand years ago, halfwaythrough this large cycle and resulting,it would seem, in the last ice age.

Pieces of this puzzle continue tomove into position. Investigators in-creasingly believe that our history, andthat of our progenitors, has been re-corded in legend, myth and star lore.William Sullivan’s ground-breakingwork with the Incas, (Secret of theIncas), decoded myths as astronomicalmetaphor. Robert Bauval and GrahamHancock have shown that megalithicmonuments contain critical stellaralignments and, when understood,convey messages and timing signifi-cance. Physical evidence of earlier lifeexperiences may have been left onMars, as Richard Hoagland and otherssuggest.

Other forgotten civilizations, per-haps several, may have preceded us—their life cycles and attainments termi-nated by cataclysmic events which alsodestroyed the evidence. Humanity’strue origins and history may have beenbequeathed to us through the meta-phorical oral traditions of Earth’s indig-enous peoples and a world-wide webof stone. Sherlock Holmes asserted thatthe best place to hide something is inplain sight. It appears that once wehave decoded these Rosetta Stones ofthe stars, our place in the interplane-tary scheme may become more clear.When we remember the code and deci-pher the messages, the truth may beobvious.

seem to speak with one voice and seewith a single eye. The Bible, Nostrad-amus, Edgar Cayce, Hindu texts andHopi prophecies predicted this time onearth would be marked by miracles andcataclysm, the storm before a long-prophesied golden age. Credo Mutwatold me, “Anyone who investigates willcome upon this amazing fact. In SouthAmerica, in Brazil, in Peru and in Bo-livia, different Native American tribesare expecting a worldwide cataclysmin this coming century. They havebeen expecting this cataclysm for cen-turies, and they knew it would occurvery early in this coming century.”

If numerous traditions concur thatwe are poised at the culmination oftheir prophecies, how did they knowthe specific time frame thousands ofyears ago? If the triggering event ofglobal cataclysm is an external objectlike a comet, with a cyclical orbital pe-riod, its return would be predictableand monitoring the movements in the


Continued from page 28ject without flowing your high-frequency energy to it or scripting it inthe high energy of joy and excitementis bound to result in failure,” she ad-vises. “You want to come from in-spired action, not from a sense of “do,do, do, gonna make it happen!”

This intense drive to make thingshappen is something she is all too fa-miliar with; having grown up with astrong work ethic, she became a bona-fide overacheiver. “When you get thatknee-jerk response to leap into franticaction, just cool down and relax. Thatchanges the thought, which changesthe feeling, which changes the vibra-tion and allows the universe and yourExpanded Self to take over.”

Though we can slow the process ofmanifestation by indulging negativeemotions and “closing our valves”, thegood news is that even a few seconds(Grabhorn says sixteen seconds at atime anchors a thought / feeling) of

having our frequencies higher canovercome years of negativity. “The mo-ment you make that decision to changeyour energy, whether it be sadnessfrom a divorce or anger over pollutedlakes, the entire universe coalesces inthat instant to cascade well-being intoevery crevice of your physical exis-tence,” she says emphatically.

Mindful that she may offend everypsychologist, psychiatrist and therapiston the planet, Grabhorn nonethelessstates that, “digging up is a waste oftime, going back and processing thepast is a waste of time..we just have tochange our focus and our frequency.”If something’s not going well in ourlife, it’s our energy—that’s the bottomline. It’s not woo-woo, it’s purephysics. Like attracts like, and that’sthe way it is.” She says the key tochanging an unwanted condition is“knowing that you don’t have tochange it; you just have to stopthinking about it! The problem will nolonger be the focal point of your life.”

Sometimes easier said than done,Grabhorn has “tricks” for getting atten-tion off unwanted conditions. First,

switch your focus. Find anything elseto think about that will get you feelingeven a tiny bit better. Another tech-nique is to “tender-talk” it out; startsome soothing talking to yourself, outloud, much like a loving parent mightcomfort a little one. “Tell yourself allthe comforting things a child wouldwant to hear: that it’s going to be okay,that things are in the process ofchanging, that you have nothing tofear.” If that doesn’t do it, go for the“tough talk.” Again, out loud, give your-self some tough love talk but be sureyou’re not getting down on yourself.“What you’re after here is stern, horse-sense reasoning where you firmly pointout to yourself what will happen if youcontinue to focus on and stew over thecondition. Then tell yourself quitematter-of-factly what will happen whenyou remove your focus and changeyour vibration.”

Grabhorn even has a “jump start”suggestion: Put a smile on your face,drawn from deep inside; done genu-inely, this should result in a mild“buzzing” sensation. Then, choose a fa-vorite feeling (her personal favorite is ➛


anyone against his brother, evenwithin the context of the age-old bitter-ness in the near East.

“It’s the amalgamation of all thelittle ‘ain’t it awful’ vibrations thatcauses wars, and riots, and terrorism,and anarchy. Those vibrations havecome from you, and they have comefrom me. Instead, see your world andall who live upon her as abundant andwell, and you will help her to getthere. Flow your apprecia-tion for the life the rainforests continue tonourish, for the ox-ygen they are stillcontributing, andstay out of the‘ain’t it awful’energy that willeat up our ox-ygen supplyfaster thanthousands oftree-choppers ever could.If only a few of us willdo this, the choppingwill soon cease.”

Grabhorn cites apersonal examplealong theseexact lines. Re-cently, thesmall treeslining her prop-


“tickled pink”) and lay it over thesmiling buzz; this should get your en-ergy flowing. Grabhorn says she usedto get a “whooshing” feeling in hersolar plexus when she deliberately“flowed” energy. “It was like I waszooming down a roller coaster at break-neck speed. I can’t even get thatwhoosh anymore; my body is just oper-ating at a higher frequency now. Thereare definitely chemical changes in thebody because it isn’t used to the higherfrequency. You’ll be pushed into someserious emotional cleansings...the les-sons you came here to learn are goingto come up for you.”

Grabhorn appreciates the chal-lenges in life, calling them “necessarycontrasts:” “If we came in and every-thing was peaches and cream, whatwould we learn? By contrast, I don’tmean the world has to blow up or Mt.Rainier has to explode...it’s just an ‘Idon’t think I like that..I think I’d likethis.’ But we say, “I don’t like that, butI guess I’m stuck with it.” She is confi-dent that the principles she advocatescan solve global issues, crime, etc.,stating that: “When valves are open, nogang law, no government ultimatumscan ever be strong enough to set

erty were scheduled to be cut down.She watched as her neighbor’s treeswere razed, appreciating hers andknowing they would be safe. Neverthe-less, she was amazed when the truckmade a wide swerve around hers, itsdriver clearly intending to spare hertrees. She flagged him down, askingwhy he had skipped her property. “Idon’t know, lady,” he replied. “Theyjust seemed so pretty there, I thought

you might want to keep them.” It’sexperiences like this that remind

Grabhorn that her life is now“happening.”

Convinced she’son to some-

thing we canall experience,she is eager to

share her discovery.“You deserve it all,”

Grabhorn tells us.“You deserve to

have all of your as-pirations realized,

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Continued from page 31

they never took any steps in that direc-tion. And now, they would be playinga major role in the development of theimmune-destroying virus.

The NCI was now sitting at the veryapex of viral research in the world,supported by both the WHO and theDOD, and having at its disposal the fa-cilities of the foremost Biological War-fare facility in the world. At this point,in 1971, President Nixon announcedwith a great flourish, the “war oncancer,” and hailed the work of Dr.Robert Gallo for the discovery of theleukemia-causing virus, an “RNA-retrovirus.” Gallo was now in charge ofNCI’s Section on Cellular Control

Mechanisms. And so, this is how it hap-pened that the foremost virus re-searcher found himself working at theforemost virus research facility, whichwas now charged with, and funded for,the development of a virus that wasspecifically intended to slowly killpeople by evading and destroying thehuman immune system! It is very inter-esting that now, 30 years later, we areno farther along with the viral cause ofcancer despite all this horsepower—butwe do have the AIDS virus.

The Strecker MemorandumThe book devotes a full chapter to a

phone interview with Dr. RobertStrecker, author of The Strecker Memo-randum, a strident but carefully re-searched tract that contends that theAIDS virus was jointly developed byWHO and DOD at the NCI, and was al-most identical to the bovine lympho-trophic virus (BLV), which occurs natu-rally in cattle. He alleged, in thatdocument, that the AIDS virus cannotthrive in monkeys, but does in cows.He says that the AIDS virus was ob-tained by combining the BLV, which at-tacks T-cells, with the visna virus,which destroys T-cells in sheep. Theythen, according to Strecker, cultured

seems to be a high degree of coordina-tion between the WHO, the NCI, FortDetrick, and the U.S. intelligence anddefense agencies. This fact alone seemshighly incriminating. Viral research atthe WHO started in 1950. By 1969,they knew a great deal about the infec-tious behavior of viruses, and alreadyhad evidence of the viral links to cer-tain types of cancer.

The Killer VirusIn July of 1969 the Department of

Defense requested funding for the de-velopment of biological agents thatcould destroy the immune system!They claimed that the Soviet Unionwas stockpiling a variety of similar bio-logical weapons for use on the battle-field, and that was the driving motiva-tion for this program. During thecongressional hearings, Dr. MacArthur,the Deputy Director of the DOD, madethe following statement, “Within thenext 5 to 10 years, it would probablybe possible to make a new infective mi-croorganism which...might be refrac-tory to the immunological...processesupon which we depend to maintainour relative freedom from infectiousdisease.” These comments were origi-nally stricken from the public record,but were obtained later through theFOIA.

According to Dr. MacArthur’s time-table, such a microorganism shouldhave been developed by 1980, justabout the time that AIDS made its ap-pearance on the world scene! Also in1969 “the WHO’s viral research pro-gram shifted into hyperdrive.” Horo-witz tells us that, in that year theWHO’s distribution network of proto-type virus strains, antigens and cell cul-tures leaped from 120 laboratoriesworldwide to 592. In the U.S. the Na-tional Cancer Institute at NIH becamethe prime recipient, and the primaryvirus research facility.

Despite President Nixon’s ratifica-tion of the Geneva Protocol, whichoutlawed offensive biological weaponsresearch, Congress gave the DOD $10million to develop their killer virus.After getting the money, the DODturned to the NCI to develop the virus.The NCI, whose prime mission was re-searching cancer-causing viral agents,in turn announced that they would beusing Fort Detrick for assistance in thisprogram, and for “the containment andlarge scale production of suspectedviral tumor agents.” At this point,under the terms of the Geneva Pro-tocol, Fort Detrick was supposed tohave transitioned from testing biolog-ical warfare agents to a pure researchfacility. In fact, according to Horowitz,

Dr. Leonard Horowitz

this lethal combination in human tissuewith the herpes virus. The result was akiller virus in a herpes envelope.

Strecker says, “The ‘D-Type’ are cy-lindrical-shaped retroviruses which ofcourse BVV and AIDS are identical. Be-sides the fact that they were both mag-nesium dependent and were T-cell at-tackers that would produce syncytiumand could wipe out cells.” When Horo-witz asked how they could combinethe two viruses, he said, “Nature doesit all for you. All you do is take a cowand simultaneously inject bovine inone hip and visna in the other, and thecow is your mixer.” This statementshould certainly set off a very loudalarm in the minds of students of thewidespread cattle mutilations, andmight just clear up that mystery. Couldit be that whoever is draining theblood of these cattle is simply reapinga deadly viral harvest? Strecker went onto claim that Dr. Robert Gallo, and Dr.Luc Montagnier at the Pasteur Institutein Paris, both had the AIDS virusgrowing in their labs in the early1970s. The reader will recall that theseare the two men credited with dis-covery of the AIDS virus a decade later.

In 1976 and 1977, The New YorkUniversity Medical Center, under thedirection of Saul Krugman, adminis-tered 1,083 experimental Hepatitis Bvaccinations in New York City specifi-cally to homosexual males, at the NewYork Blood Center. Gay men were re-cruited for these experiments throughnewspaper advertisements. The vac-cines were developed by Merck, Sharp& Dome, a company that was the mainvaccine supplier to the U.S. Army. Infact, Maurice Hilleman of the Merck In-stitute of Therapeutic Research partici-pated in the studies. A task force fromthe National Institute of Allergy and In-fectious Diseases (NIAID) were also in-volved in the program. The mainsource of funding was the U.S. Army R& D Command. The following year,1978, the AIDS epidemic broke outamong the gay population of NewYork City. Nineteen months later, 501were dead. Horowitz leaves room forthe possibility of accidental contamina-tion, since the chimpanzees held at theBlood Center lab were natural breedinggrounds for every type of virus andviral mutation. In all, 200,000 doses ofthis experimental Hepatitis B vaccinewere administered nationally underthis program, just prior to the outbreakof AIDS.

In the early 1970s, the InternationalAgency for Research on Cancer (IARC)conducted widespread experimentalvaccine programs in central Africa, pur-portedly to help find the causes of cer-tain types of cancer afflicting these cen-tral regions. The IARC was basicallyoperated under the auspices of WHO



and NCI, and was funded primarily bythe NATO nations. Since they believedthat these cancers were caused by vi-ruses acting as catalysts, they em-barked on an inoculation program tocontain the virus. Coincidentally (?),the AIDS epidemic in Africa, which isnow wiping out a large segment of theheterosexual (90%) population, beganin the very locationsin which these vac-cines, also made byMerck, were tested,especially NorthwestUganda.

The Smoking GunDid these vaccina-

tion programs startthe AIDS epidemic?Horowitz believesthat the ‘smokinggun’ is there, al-though he declines tochoose between the‘intentional’ and ‘acci-dental’ hypotheses,giving arguments forboth. But in his finalchapter, he pointsout how similar theAIDS situation is to

the polio contamination scandal of1955. It turned out that the first batchof Salk vaccine shipped by Cutter La-boratories in Berkeley, California, werecontaminated with live SV40 monkeyvirus. This batch gave polio to 80 chil-dren, who in turn passed it on to 120playmates. Three quarters of all ofthese became paralyzed, and 11 died. Itwasn’t until 1961 that, according to aNew York Times report, Merck andParke-Davis decided to pull the plug on

the Salk vaccines“until they can elimi-

nate a monkey virus.”But, nowhere was it

reported that SV40was known “by eve-

ryone in the grape-vine” (according to

Alan Rabson at NCI)to be carcinogenic.Says Horowitz, “the

virus is apparently cir-culating now

throughout thehuman race, and maygive rise to more viru-lent viruses over time.

Moreover, the possi-bility of SV40 genes

being transmitted con-genitally...cannot beruled out.” More am-

munition for the

‘smoking gun’ comes from Dr. W. JohnMartin, Professor of Pathology at USC.He discovered a cell-destroying “stealthvirus” which evades the immunesystem, and which he believes causesChronic Fatigue Syndrome and relateddisorders. Martin showed that thisvirus came from the simian cytomegal-ovirus from the green monkey kidneycultures used to prepare the polio vac-cine. He notified the FDA, but theyfailed to take any action.

Has the public acceptance of massimmunizations opened the door topopulation control “from within?”There are many other dimensions tothis assault on the bloodstream: thenow well-known CIA LSD program inthe 60s, the widespread, excessive ad-ministration of Prozac and Ritalin, fluo-ridation of the water supply, geneticmodifications of foods, and now thosestrange “chemtrails” in the skies allover America. And will the contents ofyour bloodstream someday determineyour occupation and place in society,as in the movie “Gattica?” Certainly,you can’t get a decent job todaywithout taking a drug test. The “Battleof the Bloodstream” is raging, and self-education is the key to protecting yourbody, brain and immune system. Wewould strongly recommend that youbegin with the writings of Len Horo-witz.


Continued from page 32Atlantean greatness:

“Then, was that portion, then theSouth Pacific, of Lemuria [Mu], beganits disappearance—even before Atlantis,for the changes were brought about inthe latter portion of that period, orwould be termed ten thousand sevenhundred (10,700) light years, or earthyears, or present setting of those, as byAmilius, or Adam.” (364-4).

Cayce seems to be referring to asolar calendar ["light years, or earthyears”]. It is inconceivable that the pe-riod he spoke of took place10,700 ac-tual light years ago, as we currently un-derstand time in relation to the speedat which light travels. The destructionof Mu begins to date, then, fromaround the year 8700 B.C. But thisdate, too, is troublesome. If, in fact, acivilization existed at that time, it flour-ished in a vacuum, utterly cut off fromboth southwest Asia and Pacific coastalAmerica. There, archaeologists cannotdetect any trace of high cultural influ-ences until much later.

At the time Mu supposedly went be-neath the waves, 107 centuries ago, itssurvivors left zero impact on contem-porary Peru, where the first known cer-

emonial center was not built for atleast another 5,200 years, a periodroughly contemporary with the earliestcivilized stirrings in China and Thai-land. If archaeologists’ understandingof Asia and America [to say nothing ofthe Pacific Islands] in the 9th Millen-nium B.C. is correct, than either Caycewas wrong, or we have not under-stood him properly. To accept his dateat face value we would have to ac-knowledge that our conception of theworld 10,700 years ago is wildly inac-curate and woefully incomplete. Geo-logically, however, Cayce’s time-frameis more credible. Scientists believe theseas rose suddenly with the end of thelast Ice Age at levels sufficient to havedrowned the stone city recently dis-covered near Okinawa.

Returning to a closer look at his life-reading, Cayce said, “Lemuria began[author’s italics] its disappearance “in8700 B.C. It is entirely conceivable,and, in fact, far more likely, geologi-cally, that the process of total submer-sion took millennia to complete, ratherthan in some sudden natural upheaval.Indeed, a gradual inundation is re-flected in the Okinawa ruins, whichstand in relatively good condition.They evidence no signs of catas-trophism, implying a slow burial be-neath the surface of a continuallyrising ocean.

As the archipelagoes of Mu weresteadily lost to encroaching seas, theLemurians found themselves with lessterritory to call their own and wereforced to migrate, resulting in the ear-liest civilizations of Asia and the Amer-icas. Cayce tells us the Lemurians wereunlike the aggressively imperialistic At-lanteans and may have been reluctantto assert themselves in foreign lands.Their self-imposed isolation could havebeen part of Mu’s cultural personality,much like the introverted feudal Japa-nese up until the mid-19th century.

If we accept this interpretation ofCayce’s date, together with the archae-ological evidence at Peru and Okinawa,then Lemuria emerges as possibly theworld’s first civilization, perhaps ante-dating Atlantis, with whom she was atleast partially contemporaneous.

“According to Churchward,”Carlson writes, “Mu was a continent inthe Pacific. There were, he writes, fourgreat cataclysms, the first taking placein the Miocene era, about 800,000years ago; the second and less violentepisode about 200,000 years ago; andthe greatest about 80,000 years ago. Afourth and final event was the catas-trophe of 12,000 years ago that sent Muand millions of her people to thedepths in a “vortex of fire and water”(The Great Migration, by Vada F.Carlson, WV: ARE Press, 1970, p. 5).


Carlson here confuses the Theoso-phists of Madame Blavatsky, Scott-Elliot, et al, with James Churchward,who wrote that the Pacific civilizationwas destroyed around 10,000 B.C.Some 64 million inhabitants, he wrote,perished in a natural catastrophe of tre-mendous violence.

But if taken at face value, as Church-ward seems to have done, his date pa-rameters for the destruction of Mu areeven more incredible than Cayce’s. Hisprime sources were Indian temple doc-uments, the literal translation of whichhe used for the basis of his conclu-sions. Almostcertainly, thoseprime materialswere originallywritten bychroniclerswhose concep-tion of time wasnot the same asours. Veryoften, they pos-sessed lunar orsidereal calen-dars, and under-stood “lunaryears” to countmonths or “staryears” forlonger orshorter pas-sages of time.We do notknow whatkind of timescale Church-ward’s templedocumentsused. Acceptingthe 12,000 year-old date as liter-ally true places Mu in the last Ice Age,when the tropical conditions he de-scribes did not exist. Not a trace of any-thing dating to that time remotely sug-gesting civilized life has been foundanywhere, least of all in the Pacific.

Interestingly, Plato wrote that At-lantis was destroyed 11,500 years ago,just five centuries after Churchward’sMu. It is now thought by some thatPlato’s years were not solar, but lunar.His 9500 B.C. date actually took placemuch later, close to 1200 B.C., at theend of the European Bronze Age. IfChurchward’s sources also used a lunarcalendar (in fact, Hindu religious histo-rians often calculated time in lunaryears), their actual date for the destruc-tion of Mu could have been about 1250B.C., just two generations before theactual loss of Atlantis. This date is fea-sible to conventional thought, not onlybecause it occurs well within the con-text of other civilizations, but it also co-incides with a period of massive geo-logic upheaval that took place around

the world. Cayce always said that Lemuria was

destroyed before Atlantis, but he neverindicated by how many years, and in-vestigators have long suspected thatthe doom of both were somehow re-lated through a common catastrophe. IfCayce’s 10,700-year date representedthe beginning of the break-up of Mu, alunar calculation for the period sited byChurchward may have marked its finaldestruction.

According to Cayce, that catas-trophe evidently affected the continentof South America as well: “In the one

life before this we find the entity in thedays of the peoples coming from thewaters in the submerged areas of thesouthern portion as is now of Peru,when the earth was divided, and thepeople began to inhabit the Earthagain. The entity was among those whosucceeded in gaining the higher groundand then in the name of (which waschanged afterward) Omrui, andchanged to Mosases, for the entity be-came the ruler and the guide, or the pa-triarch of that age and gave much assis-tance to the few as were gatheredabout the entity.” (470-2)

Just north of Trujillo, on the northcoast of Peru, lie the ruins of asprawling pre-Inca city known as ChanChan. During excavation of its Palaceof the Governor, archaeologists uncov-ered a truly vast expanse of walls deco-rated with a peculiar mural; it depicteda sunken, pyramidal city with fishswimming over the top. Churchwardmight have been directly referring tothe Chan Chan mural, when he wrote,

Churchward’s map

“there are existing ruins which, bytheir location and the symbols that dec-orate them, tell of the lost continent ofMu, Motherland of Man.” That thisscene represents lost Mu is under-scored by the very name of the peoplewho created Chan Chan: the Chimu.They recounted that civilization hadbeen inaugurated by their earliest cul-ture-hero, Taycanamu, at the bequestof “a great lord from across the sea,”who had given him a royal commissionto build a magnificent city. He foundedChan Chan, and it was from his descen-dants that all subsequent Chimu mon-

archs tracedtheir lineal de-

scent. That thisNative Americansite and founda-tion-story repre-

sent Lemurianculture-bearersto Peru is self-

evident and con-firms Cayce’s

statements de-scribing migra-tions from Mu

to Pacificcoastal South

America. Related

Spanish ac-counts of the Pe-

ruvian nativesheld that the

Chimu adminis-trative center ofPacatnamu wasnamed after its

first ruler. At an-other archaeo-

logical site inthe central high-

lands of the Andahuaylas Valley, exca-vators found a 3,440-year-old stonebowl containing metalworking toolsalong with gold beaten into thin foil,the earliest evidence for precious met-alworking in the Andes. The name ofthe site where this important discoverywas made is Muyu Moqo.

Chimu, Taycanamu, Pacatnamu andMuyu Moqo embody in their characterand very names the Lemurian source ofPeruvian civilization. Moseley writes ofthese culture-founding traditions (page250), “The lore clearly contains mythand allegory, but also mentions placesand events identifiable in the archaeo-logical record.” (Civilization before theIncas, by Leonard Moseley, NY:Parthenon Press, 1995.)

The few, foregoing comparisons be-tween this archaeological record withEdgar Cayce’s “life-readings” do morethan establish the Sleeping Prophet’scredibility. They demonstrate that lostLemuria was a real place, the Mother-land of mankind.


make contact. And as rare as they maybe, our generation here on Earth waswitness to a major strike on the planetJupiter when, in July of 1994, the Shoe-maker-Levy asteroid plowed into thatplanet one huge hunk after another,like a slow-motion train wreck. Nowthat we have become citizens of theCosmos, aware of this threat to ourhome world, we need to expand ourability to deal with such a dangerousreality. Fending off a major strike is oneof the few things that humans may beable to do to help all of the species ofEarth.

Not that humans are contributingmuch to the protection of Earth’s bio-sphere at present. In fact, it may not re-quire an asteroid impact to generate acatastrophe here on Earth. We areclearly enacting a similar kind ofplanet-wide climate change by alteringthe chemistry of our own atmosphere.The problem on Earth is unprece-dented levels of atmospheric carbon di-oxide, the same greenhouse gas thatkept Mars warm enough for liquidwater.

Many people aren’t aware of thefact that carbon dioxide, which is amajor by-product of the burning offossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal,was considered a deadly gas until veryrecently in our history. Miners in theearly 1900s called it blackdamp or car-bonic acid gas, and respected it as asubstance that regularly killed miners.Brewers in the past knew that carbondioxide could be lethal and avoidedplacing their heads lower than theirvats since the toxic gas would tend toaccumulate toward the floor. However,in the 1940s, when human respirationwas more fully understood, and we de-termined that carbon dioxide was oneof the by-products of our own bodies,our attitudes began to change. The fact

that it is also the substance that makessoda pop fizzy also hides the darker,more destructive aspects of its nature.

In fact, the darker side of carbon di-oxide was once again demonstrated inMarch this year when asthma re-searchers showed that people in themidst of asthma attacks are exhalinghighly acidic water vapor, in otherwords carbonic acid, the gasified com-bination of water vapor and carbon di-oxide. Fortunately, they also think thisimplies an effective treatment for whathas become a worldwide epidemic ofasthma.

Carbon dioxide is the major compo-nent of the atmospheres of both Marsand Venus. If you think of it as the sub-stance of the atmospheres of played-out planets, you begin to see what theproblem is with putting billions of tonsof the stuff into our oceans and airevery year.

We have already made fundamentalchoices as a species. For example, welove technology; we live in a goldenage of transportation, telecommunica-tions and computer wizardry. Yetevery time we bring home a new boxof computer gear and plug it into oursurge protector, we are connecting toa grid of wires that leads back to apower station. We seldom considerthat the technology behind the scenesis over a hundred years old. For themost part we still produce electricityusing steam-driven turbines. About sev-enty-five percent of the time, the fuelbeing burned to turn those turbines iscoal. So, your brand new mega-megahertz machine is essentially coalpowered. Our space-age technology isconnected to an antiquated method ofenergy production. Even if your elec-tricity is produced by a fission nuclearreactor, that, too, is a technology thatis nearly a half-century old and we’venever managed to get the bugs out.Not much better can be said of thecombustion engines that drive ourcars.

So we have to ask ourselves: Are weso married to these shamefully out-dated methods of energy productionthat we are willing to risk becoming an-other lifeless rock with an out-of-control greenhouse? We have ad-vanced in nearly every other area oftechnology, why don’t we take on thetask of updating our energy productionmethods? Why aren’t we developing fu-sion energy, a safer form of nuclear en-ergy? Why aren’t we using more en-ergy from the Sun? We need to lookvery carefully at the choice we aremaking by doing nothing or little, byconducting business as usual, becausewithout change, Earth may soon be-come another sinking Titanic. Yetdoesn’t a sense of foreboding and help-lessness justify inaction, too?


Continued from page 36This is a particularly interesting

question when you consider how Marsdied. It appears that water stoppedflowing on Mars about 500 millionyears ago. This coincided with the verylarge asteroid strike, which created theLyot impact crater on Mars. The Lyotimpact was similar in size to the Chicx-ulub impact on Earth 65 million yearsago in the Yucatan region of Mexico.That strike threw so much debris intoour atmosphere that it altered Earth’sclimate for long enough to cause amass extinction. That’s when the dino-saurs were wiped out on Earth. How-ever, eventually Earth’s biosphere re-covered, and the mass extinctioncreated new niches for furry little mam-mals, including our ancestors, toflourish. However, Mars, being smallerand further away from the Sun, wasnot able to recover. Eventually it lostits great ocean and atmosphere, leavingit a frozen wasteland, ultimately toachieve a second stable state, the onewe know today.

This scenario was recently illus-trated as an animated sequence in thefilm “Mission to Mars.” While this filmhad some of the science right, it lapsedinto pure fantasy in other parts. For ex-ample, it suggested that Mars had beeninhabited by a space-faring race ofaliens who abandoned the planet at thetime of the meteor strike and set outfor other places, including Earth. Morelikely, if there was a race of humanoidson Mars 500 million years ago, theyweren’t that advanced. Based on whatremains of their culture (if the featureswe are looking at in the Cydonia regionof Mars are indeed artifacts), theywould probably have been more sim-ilar to humans during the Bronze Age.Nevertheless, Mars may have seededthe Cambrian explosion of life onEarth, which happened just after theLyot impact on Mars. The more likelymechanism for this “seeding” of life onEarth by Mars would have been rocksthat were thrown to the heavens bythe asteroid strike rather than a con-scious effort on the part of alien beingsaboard space-craft.

Asteroid strikes continue to be aproblem for planets and not just onMars, (which is particularly vulnerablebecause of its location near the as-teroid belt). As a human on Earth, yourchances of being killed by a meteor,comet or asteroid impact is about thesame as that of dying in an airplane dis-aster—1 in 20,000. This isn’t becausethe strikes are that frequent, but rather,because they are so devastating onthose rare occasions when they do

Boundary of scarp between Mars’ highlandsand northern plains. (U.S. Geological Survey)




Continued from page 41the Khufu Pyramid (referred to inmodern times as “The Great Pyramid”)was known in antiquity as “The Pyr-amid which is the Place of Sunrise andSunset.” Does the ancient designationof “The Great Pyramid” for the “KhafrePyramid” indicate that the site, if notthe pyramid itself, was of supreme im-portance and pre-dated many other de-velopments and structures on the GizaPlateau?

Reader tentatively dates the “exca-vation of the Sphinx” and the construc-tion of the Sphinx temple, Proto-mortuary temple, and “Khafre’s”causeway to “sometime in the latterhalf of the Early Dynastic Period [page11]” (that is, circa 2800 to 2600 B.C. orso) on the basis of “the knownuse of stone in ancient Egyp-tian architecture [page 8].” Ibelieve that Reader’s estimateddate for the excavation of theearliest portions of the Sphinxis later than the evidence indi-cates. I would make three gen-eral points:

1) In my opinion, the na-ture and degree of weatheringand erosion (degradation) onthe Sphinx and in the Sphinxenclosure is much differentthan what would be expectedif the Sphinx had not beencarved until 2800 B.C., or even3000 B.C. Also, mudbrick mas-tabas on the Saqqara Plateau,dated to circa 2800 B.C., show no evi-dence of significant rain weathering, in-dicating just how dry the climate hasbeen for the last 5,000 years. I con-tinue to believe that the erosional fea-tures on the Sphinx and in the Sphinxenclosure indicate a much earlier datethan 3000 or 2800 B.C. In my opinion,it strains credulity to believe that theamount, type, and degree of precipita-tion-induced erosion seen in theSphinx enclosure was produced inonly a few centuries. Reader points outin his paper, as I have previously, thateven the Egyptologist Zahi Hawass(one of the most ardent “opponents”when it comes to my redating of theSphinx) contends that some of theweathering and erosion (interpreted asprecipitation-induced by Reader,Coxill, and me) on the body of theSphinx was covered over and repairedduring Old Kingdom times—thus wecan safely assume that the initial corebody of the Sphinx was carved outmuch earlier.

2) In his July 1998 paper Readernever addresses the seismic work thatwe pursued around the Sphinx, whichis in part the basis I used to calibrate a

crude estimate for the age of the ear-liest excavations in the Sphinx enclo-sure. In my opinion, the date estimatebased on our seismic work is compat-ible with the type and amount of ero-sion and weathering seen in the Sphinxenclosure, and also nicely correlateswith the known paleoclimatic historyof the Giza Plateau. Some of my criticshave suggested that our seismic studiessimply recorded subsurface layers ofrock rather than weathering per se.Here I would point out that the diffe-rential weathering pattern that we re-corded in the subsurface cuts acrossthe dip of the rock layers and parallelsthe floor of the enclosure (as is to beexpected of weathering). Furthermore,the dramatically shallower depth of thelow-velocity layer immediately behindthe rump of the Sphinx is totally in-compatible with the notion that the

seismic data simply records originalbedding in the limestone.

3) I do not find dating the Sphinxon the basis of “the known use ofstone in ancient Egyptian architecture”convincing. I would point out that mas-sive stonework constructions werebeing carried out millennia earlier thancirca 2800 B.C. in other parts of theMediterranean (for instance, at Jerichoin Palestine). Even in Egypt, it is nowacknowledged that megalithic struc-tures were being erected at Nabta(west of Abu Simbel in Upper Egypt;discussed in the text of Voices) by thefifth millennium B.C. and the predy-nastic “Libyan palette” (circa 3100-3000 B.C.), now housed in the CairoMuseum, records fortified cities (whichmay well have included architecturalstonework) along the western edge ofthe Nile delta at a very early date. I findit quite conceivable that architecturalstonework was being pursued at Gizaprior to 2800 or 3000 B.C.

Bottom line as far as I am con-cerned: Reader is one more geologistwho has corroborated my basic obser-vations and conclusions. The oldestportions of the Sphinx date back to a

period well before circa 2500 B.C.It is not only concerning the age of

the Sphinx that there have been signifi-cant developments since the originalpublication of Voices. In June 1999 Iparticipated in an amazing conferenceorganized by Professor Emilio Spedi-cato of the University of Bergamo enti-tled “New Scenarios for the SolarSystem Evolution and Consequences inHistory of Earth and Man” (7-9 June1999, Milan and Bergamo). I was in-vited to speak on the age of theSphinx.

A number of scientists and re-searchers attended this conference,representing many “alternative,” heret-ical, and “catastrophic” viewpoints. Inparticular, the University of Vienna ge-ologist Professor Alexander Tollmannwas there discussing the work pursuedby him in conjunction with his late

wife Edith Tollmann. The Toll-manns accumulated a mass of

evidence supporting cometaryimpacts with Earth at the end

of the last Ice Age betweensome 13,000 and 9,500 years

ago (between circa 11,000 and7,500 B.C.).

Another important re-searcher attending the “New

Scenarios” conference was Dr.Mike Baillie, a dendrochronolo-

gist (he studies ancient treerings) at the Queen’s Univer-

sity in Belfast. Further sup-porting themes developed in

Voices, Baillie has documenteda series of “narrowest-ring

events” in the Irish oak tree-ring chronology at the following dates:3195 B.C., 2345 B.C., 1628 B.C., 1159B.C., 207 B.C., and A.D. 540. As Bailliepointed out, these dates mark majorenvironmental downturns and alsomark the general time periods of majordisruptions and changes in the historyof human civilizations. Baillie alsonoted that some or all of these datesmay be associated with cometary ac-tivity influencing Earth. Indeed, I be-lieve that these dates, along with thedate of A.D. 1178 elucidated by Pro-fessor Spedicato and discussed in thetext of Voices, may all represent pe-riods of more or less intense cometaryimpacts somewhere on our planet.Also note that these dates appear tofollow a roughly 500- to 1,000-yearcycle.

Looking at each of these dates inturn, we can make a few casual obser-vations and speculations:

3195 B.C.: Possibly this marks thefinal end of the “Sphinx culture” (thebuilders of the Great Sphinx and othervery ancient megalithic monuments)which, due to its collapse and the re-sulting cultural vacuum, paved the wayfor the dynastic culture of Egypt and

Valley Temple


other Mediterranean civilizations, thedevelopment of writing as we know it,and so forth.

2345 B.C.: The early Bronze Agecrisis, discussed in Voices.

1628 B.C.: The end of the MiddleKingdom in Egypt; dynastic changes inChina.

1159 B.C.: The end of the BronzeAge, discussed in Voices.

207 B.C.: Social disruption in Chinaand the Far East; decline of various Hel-lenistic empires in the circum-Mediterranean region which clearedthe way for the dominance of theRoman empire.

A.D. 540: Collapse of the traditionalRoman empire which ended the an-cient world and set off the Dark Ages.

A.D. 1178: Social unrest and tur-moil, particularly in the Pacific regionand Asia (including the rise of the Mon-gols under Genghis Khan).

Based on the pattern above, I willnot be surprised if our planet experi-ences another major cometary en-counter during the twenty-first or earlytwenty-second century. This predi-cated future event may have alreadybeen foreshadowed by the 1908 extra-terrestrial impact (I believe it was com-etary in origin) in the Tunguska regionof Siberia (see Voices).

Extraterrestrial events have recentlybeen acknowledged as also playing amajor role in the development ofhuman culture in the very distant past.The March 3, 2000 issue of Sciencemagazine includes an article on stonetools from southern China dated to ap-proximately 800,000 years ago (“Mid-Pleistocene Acheulean-like Stone Tech-nology of the Bose Basin, South China”by Hou Yamei, Richard Potts, YuanBaoyin, Guo Zhengtang, Alan Deino,Wang Wei, Jennifer Clark, XieGuangmao, and Huang Weiwen). Whatis particularly interesting about thesetools is their association with tektites,glassy fragments of molten rock that re-sulted from a meteorite impact (the re-sult of a comet or asteroid collidingwith our planet). It seems that the im-pact scorched the landscape, dramati-cally altered the local environment, ex-posed the rocks from which the stonetools were ultimately manufactured,and paved the way for early human in-novation. In the devastation of the im-pact and its aftermath, new opportuni-ties for cultural development arose.

Clearly the evidence continues toaccumulate that extraterrestrial, and inparticular cometary, events have di-rectly influenced the course of humancivilization. I stand by the ideas pre-sented, and themes discussed, inVoices. More than ever, I believe wemust learn from the past even as weprepare for the future. Let us hope thatwe learn in time.


Continued from page 43some of the softer slabs in the pave-ment have been eroded more thanusual on both the covered and the ex-posed sections, and this weathering isin direct proportion on both sides ofthe divide. This would seem to indi-cate that this erosion process is a validtool for dating the pyramids, for eachstone tells the same history, no matterhow hard or soft it is. While a 10,000-year history for the pyramids agreesquite well with John West’s Sphinx ar-gument, it conflicts strongly oncemore with the traditional history of theregion. Nevertheless, this era is in

agreement with some more interestingand quite persuasive evidence that liesa little south of Giza—it has beencarved into the fabric of the Dahshurpyramids.

Passing through the small militaryarea and onto the Dahshur plateau, thevast bulk of the Red pyramid (Dracopyramid in my book Thoth) lies beforeyou. The casing blocks have, ofcourse, been removed and what is vis-ible are the rough-hewn sandstonecore blocks. The sandstone is rela-tively friable, but its high iron-stonecontent seems to form a tough oxid-ised ruddy layer on the surface of theblocks, hence the usual appellation forthis pyramid.

That most of the pyramids are inthis parlous state is a great shame, wewould know so much more of the eraand methods for their construction ifthey were still in pristine condition.But there is a pyramid that can give ussome clues here, take a look aroundthe corner of the Draco pyramid andthe curious form of the Bent pyramidlooms into view (Vega pyramid inThoth, each being named after thestellar location they represent). Firstly,it is my contention that the Vega pyr-

amid was not hastily finished off; it wasdeliberately made in this fashion with abent upper portion. For if you extendthe line of the upper outer casingdown to the ground, the shape, sizeand volume so created is exactly thesame as its northern partner, the Dracopyramid. This shape is also directlyformed from the Pythagorean 20-21-29triangle, with cubit measurements of200, 210 and 290 forming the sides ofthe pyramid—a sure indication that thedesigner knew what he/she was doing.

More importantly, though, the Vegapyramid retains much of its outercasing, which forms an impressivelysmooth, straight surface all the way tothe top of the construction. Ap-proaching the base of the pyramid, the

fine workmanshipof the massive

casing blocks iseasy to see. Other

items are not soobvious—the core

of this pyramid,despite being

right next to theDraco pyramid, is

made from a dif-ferent material;

rough limestoneinstead of sand-

stone blocks,with a mud

mortar in be-tween, form thebasic shape. For

the casing blocks,however, the

mortar is replacedby a fine pink mastic, apparently sostrong that many of the casing blockshave split into two before the mortar it-self gave way.

But this is not all; the basis of thisnew evidence for the age of the pyra-mids is another curious feature—thesurface of the stones. At some time inthe long history of these pyramids, along-forgotten pharaoh looked at theVega pyramid and said to his chief ofpublic works “We must do somethingabout the condition of this pyramid!”The chief acted immediately on theseorders and started erecting scaffoldingall over the four faces of the pyramid.This was no mean feat, for wood is nota readily available commodity in Egyptand convoy after convoy of Lebanesecedar had to be brought in to providethe working materials. Slowly butsurely a great latticework of poles cov-ered the entire face of the pyramid—right to its very apex.

A team of several thousand artisans,some skilled, some not quite so, startedchipping away at the casing blocks.Stone is not a uniform material, ofcourse, and small fault-lines, cracks,and shoals (sand inclusions) within the

Vega (bent) pyramid



limestone blocks each weather at a dif-ferent rate. Over the years the Vegapyramid had become pockmarked withthousands of small patches of erosionin the casing blocks. Some were minus-cule, only a few centimeters across;some required the removal of the faceof an entire stone (not the entire stoneas the casing blocks aresome 2m thick, only theouter face was taken awayand replaced). Each andevery defect was chippedsmooth and a new pieceof limestone was neatlyplaced in the hole andsmoothed down to a per-fect surface. The pyramidthen began to look like ithad acne, with the freshwhite of the repair blockscontrasting strongly withthe older surface. So theentire face of the pyramidwas scrubbed clean of thesandy colored patina thathad developed over theyears, to display the bril-liant white Tura limestonecasing as it was in its newcondition. Pharaoh lookedat his achievement with pride—the pyr-amids were as new again, sparkling inthe ruby glow of a bloated setting sun.He truly must be one of the greatest ofpharaohs to have achieved such a featand the gods must have been pleased.As a record of his great achievementthe pharaoh dared the almost sacrileg-ious, he carved his cartouche in thelower casing blocks to the pyramid andwithin the mortuary temple.

The description above is of my owninvention, but the fact that somethingvery like this has occurred in the dis-tant past is self-evident by the thou-sands and thousands of little repairsthat have been made all over the Vegapyramid, from the bottom to the verytop. The question is, though, whomade them? The records not only failto mention the actual construction ofthese pyramids, they also fail to men-tion the repairs that were made tothem. It has to be pointed out that therepairs are not due to manufacturingerrors, as the face of the pyramid thatwas protected by the adjacent mor-tuary temple has no repairs on its sur-face. Clearly the repairs were made toa surface that had been eroded overmany millennia, but when was thisdone?

Personally I think that if such a featwere achieved in the relatively welldocumented New-Kingdom era on-wards (c 1500 B.C.), we would haveheard about it. There are records that

once more that these high quality pyra-mids (those at Dahshur and Giza) wereactually built in the distant past. To re-fine this date further, though, all we re-quire is the date of the repair work.Can such a date be found in therecords?

Egyptology has attributed the Dah-shur pyramids of Vega and Draco tothe pharaoh Snefru and they indicatethat he built both of these plus the pyr-

amid at Meidum, all in thespace of some 25 years.But not only does thisseem illogical and physi-cally impossible, the pyra-mids themselves have noinscriptions within themto confirm this proposal—just a few cartouches onthe outer casing and in themortuary temple. A muchsimpler solution, whichwill help considerablywith the dating processabove, is that Snefru is inti-mately associated withthese three pyramids notbecause he built them all,but because he repairedthem all. If one is preparedto accept this, then thesepyramids have apparentlylasted some 4,600 yearswithout further repairs to

their fabric and therefore the actualconstruction era for these particularpyramids must have been many thou-sands of years before the reign ofSnefru.

Such a scenario may be based on anamount of guesswork, but it does makea great deal of sense and the underlyingevidence is irrefutable. Taken togetherwith the data from Meidum, Giza andat the Sphinx—does this not all tend toreinforce the evidence that is emergingthat these pyramids are indeed mucholder than we have traditionally beentaught? The weight of evidence ap-pears to be mounting relentlessly thatthe pyramids could be as much asdouble or treble the orthodox age.Double the orthodox dating represents9,000 years ago, and treble would indi-cate a massive 13,500 years, it is nowonder the orthodoxy would resistsuch an interpretation of the facts.

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, byRalph Ellis. All comments on the ideasabove would be gratefully receivedand considered. Please address toRalph at: [email protected]. Ellisis the author of Thoth, Architect of theUniverse (Hardback with color plates,ISBN 0-9531913-0-3, Edfu Books) andJesus, Last of the Pharaohs. Visit hisweb site at http://freespace.virgin.net/kena.edfu.

document the repairs made to theSphinx by Tuthmoses IV during theNew Kingdom era, yet the surface re-pairs to the Dahshur pyramids was a fargreater undertaking than this. Thistends to indicate that the repair workwas actually completed in the ancientpast—earlier than the New Kingdom.Remember that the present conditionof the pyramids is due to their delib-erate destruction in relatively recent

history. Had this not taken place themajor pyramids at Giza and Dahshurwould have been in good condition tothis day. So if these pyramids havelasted so well in the 3500 years sincethe New Kingdom and not neededmuch in the way of repairs, as the evi-dence from the Vega and Khafre pyra-mids indicates—why did these pyra-mids need repairing so quickly aftertheir supposed construction by Snefruin the 4th dynasty (c 2600 B.C.)?

There is a deep conundrum herethat is presented by something as mun-dane as an inserted repair block: justwhen was this major feat of repairwork carried out? As the Vega pyramidappears to have lasted for the last 3500years without any repairs, my solutionis simple, if rather unorthodox—theVega (Bent) pyramid must be muchgreater than 3,500 years old. In fact theevidence from the current state of theVega pyramid points towards it re-quiring another surface repair in thenot-too-distant future, which wouldtend to suggest that the surface can sur-vive for just over double this particulartime period. Thus if the repairs we seetoday were carried out some 3,500years ago, then the pyramid wouldhave been constructed some 7,000years ago.

As has been speculated in many pre-vious works, including my own bookThoth, Architect of the Universe, thissimple observation seems to indicate

Repairs to Bent Pyramid



Continued from page 45nalistic, engineering, technical or pub-lishing track records) would have littleappeal.

It is this sort of thing that I try to domyself when taking on the Egyptolog-ical establishment without the relevantcredentials. A says this, B says that, Csays something else; these explanationsare in conflict with each other, noneexplains the data to hand, here is an al-ternative that better explains the data,etc. Whenever possible I try to consultsomeone with the relevant credentialsfor a more informed opinion. In thepast, this often proved impossible. The‘experts’ refused to involve them-selves, and I was obliged to use myown judgment — which ultimatelyturned out to be largely accurate. If myopposition happens to be a personalfriend, then, before trashing his or herread on the matter, I would consulthim or her. to see if my objectionsmight be met and overturned. Ogilvie-Herald and Lawton do not extend thiscourtesy, not even to (ex) friends.

How the Pyramids Were Built. Should readers object that I have

chosen a single unfortunate misstep(everyone makes mistakes) out of 600+pages of otherwise careful analysis toprove a point, similar strictures applyto the Ogilvie-Herald/Lawton ‘analysis’of pyramid building. Now, this is notquite the same situation as Domingo’sforensic work, which is the result of acarefully developed methodology thatcommonly works in practice. Here,Ogilvie-Herald and Lawton do not in-criminate themselves in a single glo-rious paragraph, but rather over thespace of some 60 diffuse, ultimatelyself-contradictory pages.

This comes from their entry in theDaily Grail website but it is a resume oftheir treatment of the subject in theirbook:

“Our readers will be aware that ourresearch for Giza: The Truth led us tocome out in favour of the orthodox ex-planations as to when the Giza pyra-mids were built (c. 2500 B.C.) and why(primarily as funerary edifices, but ac-cepting that there was a great deal ofesoteric symbolism and ritual in-

volved). As to how they were built, wefeel that there is no conclusive evi-dence in the pyramids themselveswhich requires us to look outside of es-sentially orthodox explanations, evenin the “worst” case of the 70-tonnegranite blocks which had to bedragged up (in our view via a spiralramp) to between one third and onehalf of the height of the Great Pyramidto form the ceilings/floors of the King’sand Relieving Chambers. Nor do wefeel that the logistics of Khufu buildingthe Great Pyramid in something like 20years—or even his father Sneferu’sachievement of erecting three sizeablepyramids in a similar period—were im-possible, or required anything otherthan massive commitment and dedica-tion to a national cause, and superbproject management skills. This is not-withstanding our boundless admirationfor the quality of the workmanship,and our acceptance that, for example,tube drills were used with great skill—albeit that we do not believe at thisstage that these tools were powered byanything other than human or animallabour...

“However there are two areas inwhich we might be said to depart fromthe orthodox line. The first is that ofacoustics, where ongoing work by re-searchers such as John Reid is sug-gesting that the ancient Egyptians hada highly advanced understanding ofacoustic properties and design—although we feel it is critical that suchtheories be evaluated in the context of,for example, other 4th Dynasty pyra-mids such as those at Dashur, as op-posed to concentrating exclusively onthe Great Pyramid and to a lesser ex-tent its counterparts at Giza. And thesecond is that of sonic levitation—which is clearly not entirely unre-lated...”

Here again, as non-engineers andnon-movers-of-stone, they beg to differwith the engineers, quarrymen andcrane drivers familiar with movinghuge chunks of heavy matter. These ac-knowledged experts in various relevantfields assert that their own level of ex-pertise is insufficient to account for thevery large fact of carefully fitted 200-ton blocks in the Sphinx and Valleytemples and 70-ton blocks in the King’schamber halfway up the pyramid. Afterconcerted studies of the problems in-volved in pyramid building, they main-tain that no known, simple method oframps, levers and sledges (which wasapparently all the ancient Egyptianshad at their disposal) explains theirability to move the stones into place.

In and of itself, that expert opiniondoes not mean that the Egyptianscouldn’t have done it that way. What itdoes mean is that Ogilvie-Herald andLawton’s characteristically uninformed ➛

oday, many great men of science believe that some-where in the universe exist invisible gateways to

other dimensions, and realms of space and time.It has taken many centuries for man to finally

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conviction that that is how they did doit is as arrogant as it is uninformed.

To support that conviction there areonly the opinions of non-engineerEgyptologists, which are by definitionsuspect, and a single clever but mani-festly inappropriate ramp-and-rope ex-periment by Mark Lehner in which av-erage size 1/2 - 2 ton blocks, similar tothose in the core masonry of the GreatPyramid were successfully but roughlywrestled more or less into place upmud-slicked rubble ramps to the heightof twenty feet. (Note: When the cam-eras weren’t trained on the action, abulldozer was pushing the recalcitrantblocks into easy striking distance.Shortage of time was the reason given.)

Most technological methods tend tohave inherent, self-imposed limits.What works with a ton does not, inand of itself, mean that it will workwith 70 or 200 tons.

But now, having thrown their jointinexpertise in behind orthodoxy—while ignoring all those informed con-trary opinions, along with the 70-tonblocks—they reverse themselves anddecide that ramps/levers/unlimitedmanpower will not suffice, after all, toexplain the 200-ton blocks in theSphinx and Valley Temples. What will?Well, acoustic levitation maybe? Andoff they go on another diffuse rambleinto the resonant properties of theKing’s Chamber and ‘burial’ chambersof the Red Pyramid (Dahshur), citingvarious sound experiments done thereand then off into the sound levitationexperiments that we, in our “Mysteryof the Sphinx” video, cited as a possi-bility in principle. In principle because,at present an elaborate space-age ma-chine is capable only of levitating apea-size pebble. They speculate that,hey! if the resonant properties of thechambers cited above are deliberately‘tuned’ to specific frequencies (I thinkthey are, too) then maybe that knowl-edge combined with some (totally uni-dentified and undemonstrable) ancientEgyptian, gravity-reversing technologywas what put the 200-ton blocks intoplace after all.

But of course, if they had such atechnology in place for 200-ton blocks,then why go to the prodigious troubleof building gigantic building ramps toput the smaller stones of the pyramidsinto place? The point is that orthodoxexplanations for how the pyramidswere built do NOT—except in prin-ciple—suffice to explain how they werebuilt, while the speculation aboutacoustic levitation is no better, actuallyworse, since we DO know the Egyp-tians had ramps, ropes and plenty ofmanpower, while they do not appear

to have had anything resembling anacoustic technology...

Even Zahi Hawass acknowledgesthat no one REALLY knows how thepyramids were built, (though he, too,ascribes to the ramp theory in oneform or another). The credentialed en-gineers, quarrymen and crane drivers,on the other hand, tend to believe thatsince they can’t figure out how thetask was accomplished with simpletechnology, it couldn’t have been donethat way. But this is erring in the otherdirection. In other words, the field isopen.

It seems to me that the best way toapproach this game is very gingerly ...

and systematically. And to this end Ioffer my own contribution — the resultof vast (non-expert) reading of the var-ious experts who’ve played this game.

There are, it seems to me, but fourpossible explanations for building thepyramids, none of them necessarilymutually exclusive.

A. A simple technology (ramps/levers/sledges) brilliantly applied.

This is of course the only solution al-lowed by Egyptologists, even thoughwe cannot reproduce such resultstoday. On the other hand, despite whatthe starry-eyed New Agers (and indeed,the hard-nosed engineers) may say, thiscannot be dis-allowed. Put a violin inmy hands and I will quickly prove toyou that music cannot be wrung fromthis intractable device. But give the vi-olin to a virtuoso and out comes Bach’sPartita or the Paganini Violin Concerto.Just because we can’t move 200-tonblocks up a ramp doesn’t mean theycouldn’t.

B. A hard technology for whichthere is no evidence.

This sounds on the surface outra-geous, but who knows what ancienttechnology may have looked like. Sup-pose, 5000 years from now, a com-puter is found, and technology at thattime does not use electricity or micro-chips and there is no record of such in-struments. Computers turn up in arche-ological digs but they are mute bits of

plastic with no moving parts. Theymight be fobbed off as ceremonial/religious artifacts (with some justifica-tion perhaps). Who could guess thatthe Library of Congress could be storedon a few internal chips, or that prodig-ious mathematical calculations couldbe performed on them with the touchof a few keys? Maybe certain familiarbut mysterious symbols of Egypt—thedjed column for instance—were actu-ally technological devices, and we justdon’t know how to use them? Whoknows?

C. A soft technology — mindpower—for which, by definition, therecan be no evidence, and the knowl-edge was a priestly secret and/or refer-ences in the texts have been mis-translated.

The Egyptians were very good atkeeping secrets; the texts refer to se-cret knowledge over and over again. Itwas the garrulous Greeks, Pythagoreandefectors, who let the secrets outs ofthe bag. Ancient Egyptian, unlike San-skrit, is not a living tradition and hashad to be reconstructed from scratchmainly by scholars hostile to a mysticaland esoteric tradition. Thus, possiblereferences to such a soft technologymay have been misunderstood or ig-nored. Yogis, Zen masters, advancedmartial artists, and shamans can rou-tinely perform physical feats that to therest of us look and are impossible. Butthere is a volume of evidence to provethey can do it.

D. Aliens dunnit. I personally like this explanation

less than the others. I prefer to thinkthat people rather like ourselves, butunencumbered with our stultifying andbanal rationalist/materialist baggage,did it. Still, anyone who looks seriouslyinto UFO literature has to acknowledgethat something is going on out thereand they (whoever ‘they’ may be) areperiodically coming here. Why Icannot imagine. But who knows? Wego up there, why shouldn’t they comedown here—and once here, for alienreasons of their own, build pyramids?

The point is that the facile assu-rances given by Ogilvie-Herald/Lawtonendorsing the orthodox viewpoint areillegitimate, their exclusion of con-trary, genuinely informed opinion istypical of their selective bogus scholar-ship, and their long-winded acousticlevitation hypothesis is pure specula-tion and self-contradictory besides. Westill don’t know how the pyramidswere built. Period. Full stop. Over toyou...

Editor’s Note: The article byRobert Schoch elsewhere in this issueobviates any need to respond to theOgilvie-Herald/Lawton critique of theWest/Schoch dating of the Sphinxthrough water weathering.



Continued from page 47the questions, gives the pro and consof each problem and the spirits oftensupply the reply that Adèle would havewanted to make herself. Sometimes,the spirit seems to serve as a safety-valve for Adèle. If she is feeling guilty,she can always say that it’s the spiritwho told her to do such and such anaction. Finally, we regularly see ration-alizations for what she very stronglywants to do. We have no difficulty be-lieving in the likelihood of these con-versations, which help Adèle to faceup to her problems.

Adèle Hugo’s Diary, then, may bemuch more important than meets theeye, and may point the student of chan-neling in wholly new directions. It mayeven be the case that this unusual and

gifted young woman will end up, al-most one hundred years after herdeath, which followed several barrenand tragic decades, to have made aunique and lasting contribution to awhole new world of knowledge that isonly now a-borning.

John Chambers is the director ofNew Paradigm Books, Boca Raton,Florida http://www.newpara.com. Heis the translator and commentator(with introduction by Martin Ebon)of Conversations with Eternity: TheForgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo(New Paradigm Books, 1998). He ispresently preparing the first Englishtranslation of Professor Giorgio di Si-mones Symbole: LUltimo Messaggiowhich is still being channeled to Pro-fessor di Simone. All translations Cop-yright © 2000, John Chambers.

Adèle Hugo

village and return when such com-ments no longer affect you.” Therabbi’s intention was not to dissuade ordiscourage the young man but to pre-pare him properly for a dangerousjourney. This need for ethical, psycho-logical and spiritual integration is re-peated constantly in Kabbalah. Today,

we would say, go work on your psy-chology, then come back. Hogue givesmany examples of how messianic zealcan be twisted and perverted and be-come, in essence, the catalyst for vio-lence and destruction. Inner imbalancewhen meeting greater light can be-come exaggerated and dangerous.

Looking ahead, Hogue concludesthat by the end of the 21st century, theSecond Coming Syndrome will be athing of the past.

“The humanity of the future will cel-ebrate innovation and have the cou-rage to embrace the unknown...Theywill awaken from the messianic pa-thology imposed upon them by a pastoriented society that could only existby exploiting people’s limitations, su-perstitions and fears.”

I’m not so sure I agree.Before the century con-

cludes, Neptune, Uranusand Pluto will all transit

through Pisces. Religiousdevotion will not disap-pear. Somehow I sense

Hogue’s judgment to be ex-cessively severe. His work

smacks of a coldness notuncommon to the intellec-

tual realm of Aquarianideas. Aquarius is aboutpeople, real people, not

just trends and paradigmshifts. Somewhere he fails,in my opinion, to capture

the magic of devotion, thepower of faith, the great

love between the discipleand the Teacher, the inef-

fable ecstasy of mysticalunion. Placing our atten-tion on Jesus, Gautama,Krishna and other great

teachers keeps aflame ourhope of one day finding our

way back after a long separation. Plutohas eight more years in Sagittarius.Pluto exposes the ignorance ignitingour conflicts with one another in thename of different gods. In sextile toUranus, the Awakener, the time hascome indeed to shed many skins. Aswe awaken from a sleep of aeons, letus awaken to a new day where manycan become what only few could be inages past.


Continued from page 49balist of all, who gave the world themystical Kabbalistic teaching of manbeing made in the image of God, a son-ship which is the birth-right of each one to claim.He never intended for theChristian Church to pro-claim him as the only Sonof God. Remember, theJews at that time were notonly persecuted by the Ro-mans but struggled with di-visions within their ownranks. Mary, Joseph andJesus are said to have beenEssenes, members of thegroup of Jews living in aKabbalistic mystical com-munity.

Kabbalistic Rabbis andEastern Gurus warn of thedangers of entering thisother dimensionalkingdom. There are illu-sions and entrapments, en-ticements and the possi-bility of insanity, even thepossibility of throwing outreligious life all together ifthe intellect is overly con-founded by intuitive gnosis. It is saidthat an aspirant traveled many miles toseek his teacher. “Rabbi, rabbi, I havecome from far off to study at your feet.I pray you accept me.” The rabbi looksat the youth and asks, “Do you feelpuffed up when others praise you? Doyour cheeks get red when someone in-sults you.” The hopeful student hon-estly replies, “At times, it is true, I doreact this way.” “Then go back to your

Montezuma greets Hernando Cortés, the person he believes to be the secondcoming of the mesoamerican savior Quetzalcoatl.

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FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS Graham Hancock—Astonishing evidence pointing toward the existence of aforgotten epoch in human history—that of a highly ad-vanced, technologically proficient and civilized societythat flourished during the last Ice Age and was destroyed12,000 years ago by global cataclysm. Hancock embarkson a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of thevast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past.

Paperback, 578 pgs. $17.00

GENESIS REVISITED Zecharia Sitchin—Space travel,genetic engineering, computer science—astoundingachievements that stunning new evidence proves wereknown to our forefathers millions of yesterdays ago, asearly as 3,000 years before the birth of Christ.

Paperback, 343 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99GIZA POWER PLANTChristopher Dunn—Did ahighly advanced civilizationexist in prehistory? Is the GizaPyramid a remnant of theirtechnology? What was thepower source that fueled sucha civilization? In a brilliantpiece of reverse engineering,Christopher Dunn reveals thatthe Great Pyramid of Gizacreated a harmonic resonancewith the Earth and convertedthe planet’s vibrational ener-gies into microwave radiation. This may be the same tech-nology discovered by Tesla and the solution to our ownenergy needs.

Paperback, black & white illustrations, 6 x 9 $18.00GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIES VOL. II: HIGHSTRANGENESS Linda Moulton Howe—Discover thetruth behind the US Government’s cover-up of paranormalactivity. Emmy award winning journalist Linda MoultonHowe presents evidence that a non-human intelligence isinteracting with earth, including information about recov-ered crash debris and the transfer of human souls frombody to body—evidence of a mystery involving the entirehuman race.

Paperback, 477 pgs., black & white illustrations, 11 x 8.5$27.95

HEALING CODES FOR THE BIOLOGICALAPOCALYPSE Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Dr. Jo-seph E. Barber This book details the gravest chal-lenge and most thrilling opportunity the world has seen inat least two millennia. The two researchers investigate2000 years of religious and political persecution and thelatest technologies being used to enslave, coerce, andeven kill billions of unsuspecting people around theworld. But they also give us great hope in revealing amathematical formula, hidden in the King James Bible, ofmusical and electromagnetic frequencies for spiritual evo-lution and world healing. Fascinating.

530 Pages 6X9 Hardcover $26.95

HEAVEN’S MIRROR—Quest for the LostCivilization Graham Hancock—Hancock continuesthe quest begun in his best-seller “Fingerprints of theGods:” to rediscover the hidden legacy of mankind and toreveal that “ancient” cultures were, in fact, the heirs to afar older forgotten civilization and the inheritors of its ar-chaic, mystical wisdom. Fully illustrated with hundredsof dazzling color photos, “Heaven’s Mirror is a stunningand illuminating tour of the spirituality of the ancients—asearch for a secret recorded in the very foundations of theholiest sites of antiquity.

336 pages 8X10 Paperback Photographs & Illustrations$25.00

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Paperback, 228 pgs., black & white illustrations, 6 x 9$15.95

HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL Baigent, Lincoln, LeighA detailed and meticulously researched insight into

the history of the Catholic Church, and how it distortedthe life of Jesus Christ in order to sell Catholicism to theworld, gain power and riches. Presents the argument thata secret order with blood connections directly to Jesus hasworked behind the scenes of world history to perpetuateits agenda. An excellent read for the open minded.

Paperback, 8 X 4 $7.50

10% Discount on allorders of over $100

(See page 81)





MAHABHARATA Translated by Krishna Dharma—Recounts the story offive heroic brothers,the Pandavas, whowere destined to rulea vast kingdom.Robbed of theirkingdom and exiledby their envious cou-sins, they encountermany hardships, cul-minating in an apoca-lyptic war. As we ac-company them ontheir extraordinaryadventures and spiri-tual journey, we meetKrishna, a divine in-carnation. Because ofKrishna’s presencethe “Mahabharata” is revered as a sacred text. It containsthe “Bhagavad-gita”, a masterpiece of spiritual wisdom,embraced by millions and one of the world’s most signifi-cant treatises on karma, reincarnation, and yoga. Highlyreadable and beautifully illustrated.

940 pages 6X9 Hardcover $39.95MANKIND— Child of the Stars Max H. Flindt andOtto O. Binder forward by Erich VonDaniken—Scientific evidence proving that mankindcould not possibly have evolved naturally, but quite pos-sibly are the direct descendants of ancient starmen whocame from other planets to Earth millions of years ago.

252 Pages 5X8 Paperback $15.00

MARS MYSTERY Graham Hancock—Megalithsfound on the parched shores of Cydonia, a former Martianocean, mirror the geometrical conventions of the pyramidsat Egypt’s Giza necropolis—could Mars have once sus-tained an advanced civilization? The Mars Mystery is bothan illumination of our ancient past and a warning—thatwe still have time to heed—about our ultimate fate.

Paperback, 344 pgs., 6.25 x 9.25 $16.00MAYA COSMOGENESIS 2012 John Major Jen-kins—Reveals the secrets of the Maya’s galactic cos-mology. While researching the 2012 end-date of the Mayacalendar, John Major Jenkins discovered that the periodicalignments of the Sun with the center of the Milky Way isthe formative influence on human evolution. These align-ments also define a series of world ages, with the fourthage ending on December 21, 2012, when a large chapterin human history will come to an end.

Paperback, 423 pgs., black & white illustrations, 7 x 9$20.00

MESSIAHS—The Visionsand Prophecies for the

Second ComingJohn Hogue—All world re-

ligions teach about the adventof a messianic figure, a savior

of humankind, who will bepreceded by a time of disasterand tribulation. According tomany, that time is now. But,

as John Hogue claims, we arein danger of misinterpreting

the signs. Is the messiah a person or a spiritual awak-ening?

256 Pages 8X11 Fully Illustrated in color Paperback$24.95

76 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 23



MESSENGER OF BEAUTY—The Life and VisionaryArt of Nicholas Roerich Jacqueline Decter,Ph.D.—Artist, archaeologist, explorer,and peacemaker,Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) left a rich legacy that com-prises 7,000 paintings, drawings, and set and costume de-signs, as well as 30 books. This lavishly illustrated editionfeatures 88 color plates that cover the full scope of Roe-rich’s artistic career.

Paperback, 10 1/2 X 10 1/2, 123 pages, 88 ColorReproductions, 35 B & W photographs $24.95

MYSTERIES OF ATLANTIS REVISITED Edgar EvansCayce—From the hidden vaults beneath the Sphinx to thecoastal waters of Bimini, three scholars explore thewisdom of Edgar Cayce and discover shocking new evi-dence about the destruction of Atlantis—and why strikingparallels between our society and theirs could provide im-portant lessons for the future.

Paperback, 214 pgs., 4.5 x 6.75 $5.99NIKOLA TESLA’S EARTHQUAKE MACHINE WithTesla’s Original Patents Plus New Blueprints toBuild Your Own Working Model Dale Pond andWalter Baumgartner—In 1935, Nikola Tesla revealedthat an earthquake in the region of his New York labora-tory in 1898, was the result of a machine he had been ex-perimenting with. This book presents that technologybased on sonic vibrations. Now, for the first time, the se-crets of the Tesla Oscillator are available to both thelayman and advanced researcher.

176 pages, 8 X 11 Paperback, illustrated $16.95ODYSSEY OF THE GODS—The Alien History ofAncient Greece Eric von

Daniken—Did the ancientGreeks have encounters with analien race? Erich von Daniken,

the international best-selling au-thor of Chariots of the Gods,

now turns his years of experiencewith Ancient Astronaut studies

towards ancient Greece! InOdyssey of the Gods, von Da-

niken suggests that the Greekgods were in fact extraterrestrial invaders who arrived onEarth thousands of years ago. Using sound archaeologicalevidence and a close analysis and interpretation of theworks of Plato and Aristotle, von Daniken takes his evi-dence a step further, claiming that these aliens not onlyoverran the Earth, but also performed genetic experimen-tation on humans, and then interbred with the Greek civili-zation to form creatures such as centaurs and cylops.

JUNE 2000 hardcover $24.95 ONE FOOT IN ATLANTIS— The Secret OccultHistory of World War II and Its Impact on NewAge Politics William Henry—After fifteen years ofoccult research, investigative mythologist William Henryoffers conclusive evidence that WWII was actually a HolyWar between two major religions, and that F.D.R. andHitler were competing to lead humanity into a new goldenage: the New Atlantis.

249 Pages 5X8 Paperback $16.95ORION MYSTERY Robert Bauval—The story of a se-cret, hidden for thousands of years, that will foreverchange our understanding of the meaning and purpose ofthe most fascinating wonder of the ancient world; the Pyr-amids of Egypt. Written by a construction engineer, bornin Egypt in 1948, who developed a line of study linkingthe pyramids and the Pyramid Texts with astronomy.

Paperback, 325 pgs., 6 x 9 $14.00

THE HOMOPOLAR HANDBOOK—A definitive guideto Faraday Disk and N-machine technologiesThomas Valone, M.A., P.E.—Investigating the PaulsenUFO story and the DePalma claims of overunity, the au-thor began an earnest scientific endeavor in 1980 to buildand test a homopolar generator (HPG) for the elusive“back torque” which had never been measured before in aone-piece HPG. This project helped complete his Master’sDegree in Physics at SUNY Buffalo. What does the torquepush against when the magnet spins with the disk? Howcan the back torque or armature reaction be diminished orcounteracted? These and other burning questions are an-swered in the only book of its kind on the subject of ho-mopolar generators.

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Truth Behind theMask Revealed

Ralph Ellis— Tracesthe history of the Egyp-

tian royal family fromthe time of Noah

through to Jesus, com-paring Biblical and His-

torical records. Nearlyall of the biblical charac-

ters can be identified inthe historical record—allare pharaohs of Egypt or

pharaohs in exile. TheBible depicts them as being simple shepherds, but in truth

they were the Hyksos, the Shepherd Kings of Egypt. Thefamiliar Biblical story is a history of one family, Abrahamand His descendants. In the historical record he is the pha-raoh Maybra—the most powerful man on Earth in his life-time. By such simple sleight-of-hand, the pharaohs ofEgypt have hidden their identity, but preserved their an-cient history and bloodline. These kings were born of thegods; they were not only royal, they were also Sons ofGod. Hardcover, 6 X 9, 320 pages, Color Illustrated

$24.95LOST PYRAMIDS OF ROCK LAKE—Wisconsin’sSunken Civilization Frank Joseph—Forty mileswest of Milwaukee lies the pyramid complex of Aztalanand the sunken ruins of Rock Lake. For years, rumors of alost city in the lake have circulated and finally in 1989 aside-scan sonar mapping of the lake was done. This bookrecounts that expedition and gives the reader backgroundinformation on the mysteries of Wisconsin.

Paperback 6 X 9, 212 pages, Illustrated $14.95LOST REALMS Zecharia Sitchin—With a visionary’sardor and a scientist’s attention to detail, Zecharia Sitchin,author of The Earth Chronicles, gives a stunning accountof human interaction with celestial travelers. He also pro-vides further proof that prophetic dreams, visions, UFOencounters, and other phenomena, are the hallmark of in-tervention by intergalactic emissaries who reach out fromother realms.

Paperback, 390 pgs., black & white ullustrations $6.99LOST TREASURE OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARSteven Sora—Solving the Oak Island Mystery. Fasci-nating detective work connects the lost treasure of theKnights Templar to the mysterious treasure pit on Oak Is-land, Nova Scotia, that has baffled treasure hunters fortwo centuries. Paperback, 308 pgs., black & white illustrations $16.95

10% Discount on allorders of over $100(See page 81)



PATH OF THE POLE—Cataclysmic Pole ShiftGeology Charles Hapgood—Hapgood researched Ant-arctica, ancient maps and the geological record to con-clude that the Earth’s crust has slipped in the inner coremany times in the past, changing the position of thepole.He discusses various “pole shifts” in Earth’s past,giving evidence for each one, and moves on to possible fu-ture pole shifts. A planetary alignment on May 5, 2000 ispredicted to cause the next pole shift ...Packed with illus-trations.

413 Pages 6X9 Paperback $16.95THE PHYSICS OF LOVE: The Ultimate UniversalLaws Dale Pond, Edgar Cayce, John Keely, RudolfSteiner, Nikola Tesla— Explore the physics of love andconsciousness in an easy-to-understand and excitingmanner. The universal laws in this book are applicable tomusic, electronics, mechanics, healing and all branches ofscience and philosophy. This science demonstrates thecommonality that underlies all phenomena—vibration.Another name for Sympathetic Vibration is Love. Scienceand Spirituality are finally reunited.

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PYRAMID POWER—The Millennium ScienceDr. G. Patrick Flanagan—This book will inform, ex-cite and stimulate the minds of readers as it moves fromthe mysticism of ancient Egypt to the hard science of themodern world. Dr. Flanagan explores pyramid energy andmeasuring technologies, it’s hidden mathematics, it’s ef-fect on plants, water and animals, and it’s effects on brainrhythms, meditation and thinking, and much more.

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Review the many types of UFOevidence for yourself; Explorethe evidence of the July 1947

crash and retrieval of a UFO andits occupants near Roswell, NewMexico. Judge the testimony ofthe witnesses. Examine modelsof aliens, beautiful murals and

art, along with eyewitness draw-ings and photographs of UFO

sightings world-wide. Read wit-ness-signed affidavits and letters

of physicians, military men and citizens of the U.S. whohave witnessed UFO’s and aliens. Study indications thatreveal an alien presence on earth in ancient drawings, arti-facts and present day crop circles.

black and white pictures and illustration 157 pages 6x9hardcover $24.95Paperback $19.95


Contains AtlantisRising’s great inter-views with the likes ofJohn Anthony West,Robert Bauval,Graham Hancock, Ze-charia Sitchin, RandFlem-Ath and manymore. Plus incisive ar-ticles by Joseph Joch-mans, David HatcherChildress, DavidLewis, J. DouglasKenyon and others.Scores of photos andillustrations.224 pages 51/2 x 81/2

Trade Paper 16 color photos $14.95

Number 23 • ATLANTIS RISING 77


THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES—AnEncyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic,Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian SymbolicalPhilosophy Manly Palmer Hall

Simply put, this is the most beautiful and complete oc-cult book ever published. It represents a lifetime of re-search into the mythology, symbolism, and magical prac-tices of countless cultures. From the secrets of Isis to theteachings of mystic Christianity, nearly every occultdogma imaginable is represented here. Included is Hall’scase for Francis Bacon as the author of the Shakespearianplays. The book is full of giant illustrations, some ofwhich fold out into magnificent two-page splendor. Thisis the definitive guide to secret societies, famous figures,and more. A must for every personal library.

Paperback or Hardcover, 254 pages, Illustrated

PB $54.95, HC $69.95SHAPE POWER Dan Davidson—This book is the re-sult of 35 years of personally funded research into findinghow shapes and different materials convert universalaether into other forces and energies. Dan has broken thecode on how the process works; how nature manifestsfrom the virtual particle soup of the aether into matter.Dan has also defined a unified field theory which puts allthis into perspective, complete with the mathematicalphysics and a morphology of atomic structure. He definesthe embryonic basis for a new branch of physics andchemistry. The implications of the breakthrough discov-eries elucidated in this book have far reaching implica-tions in every area of our lives.

154 Pages Hardcover $19.95SIRIUS MYSTERYRobert Temple

Superior beings from Siriusvisited earth between 7,000 and10,000 years ago, the extrater-restrial origin of human civiliza-tion. This claim, and Temple’ssophisticated case, caused theworld’s top secret intelligenceagencies to wage a fifteen yearpersecution campaign againstthe author. Draws on Templesastounding knowledge of ancient history, mythology, Py-thagorean physics, chaos theory, and the African Dogon’sbelief that they were visited by beings from Sirius.

Paperback, 440 pgs., black & white illustrations, 6 x 9$19.95

ST. GERMAIN’S PROPHECY FOR THE NEWMILLENNIUM Elizabeth Clare Prophet—Saint Ger-main, Nostradamus and Mother Mary reveal that the pe-riod we are entering is unique—both in opportunity forspiritual and technological progress and in its potential forwar, turmoil and even cataclysm. Explores the most com-pelling prophecies of our time, with new interpretations ofthe celebrated quatrains of Nostradamus.

Paperback, 386 pgs., black & white illustrations $7.99STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Zecharia Sitchin—Afteryears of painstaking research—combining recent archaeo-logical discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts—Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of theGods…and provided astounding new revelations aboutthe Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysteriousmonuments whose true meanings and purposes have beenlost for eons.

327 pgs., illustrated, Paperback, $6.99 Cloth, $22.95STONE CIRCLES—A Modern Builder’s Guide tothe Megalithic Revival Rob Roy—The author hastraveled the Anglo/Celtic world to learn the hows andwhys of stone circle construction. He investigates the re-markable accomplishments (many still unexplained) of

his ancestors. And he exam-ines the methods of contem-porary practitioners, himselfincluded, and presents hard-to-find information on how

to move and align giantstones. Stone Circles is

filled with amazing photosand personal anecdotes.

Who were the designers andengineers of the ancient cir-

cles? And who are thesemodern revivalists of mysterious arts and techniques?What motivates them? What are their rewards?

369 pages 8x10 paperback, Color and black and whitephotographs and diagrams $35.00

TEMPLE OF MAN R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz—Twenty-eight years in the making, a monumental workthat brings to life the greatness of ancient Egypt and theprofundity of the human soul. Combines first rate scholar-ship with profound spiritual insight. Commentators likenreading The Temple of Man to a spiritual and philosoph-ical odyssey. $20 S&H on this item.Clothbound with case, Two 544-page volumes, 400 black-

and-white illustrations, 9 x 12, $195.00THOTH—Architect of theUniverse Ralph Ellis

A fascinating reevaluation ofthe ancient monuments of Stone-henge, Avebury and Giza. Theseancient monuments are nothingless than ancient maps, maps ofour world that indicate the hiddenlocation of the legendary “Hall ofRecords.” And there is scientificproof of an ancient technical civil-ization...To be read with an open mind.

287 Pages 6X9 Hardcover Illustrated $29.95THE TIME TRAVEL HANDBOOK—A Manual ofPractical Teleportation & Time TravelEdited by David Hatcher Childress

An authoritative chronicling of real-life time travel ex-periments, teleportation devices, and more, from the gov-ernment to individuals like Nikola Tesla and Dr.. John vonNeumann. A highly visual book, with patents, photos and

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UNIVERSAL LAWS NEVER BEFORE REVEALED:KEELY’S SECRETS—Understanding and Using theScience of Sympathetic VibrationDale Pond, John Keely, Nikola Tesla, Edgar Cayceand others—One hundred years ago, scientist/inventor/philosopher John Keely built various devices that wereable to overcome gravity, tunnel through rock using ahand-held device, employ acoustics to power engines, andcreate superconductivity by using wires made of gold,silver and platinum. Almost lost, this book finally com-piles ten years of research by the editor/author that ex-plains the technology used. Understandable to the laymenand useful to the most advanced teacher.

Paperback, 288 pages, 8 1/2 X 11 illustrated $19.95ULTIMATE TIME MACHINE Joseph McMoneagle—McMoneagle, a former remote viewer with the UnitedStates Army’s top-secret STARGATE project, exploresquestions philosophers have debated for centuries: Doestime really exist? Can we change the past? Do we slip be-tween alternate realities. McMoneagle also delivers firsthand information about the origins of humanity, thebuilding of the pyramids, the crucifixion of Christ, and adetailed picture of our immediate future through the year2075.

Paperback, 275 pgs., 5.5 x 8 $12.95




the ATLANTIS RISING CatalogURIEL’S MACHINEChristopher Knight &Robert Lomas—Puttingtogether the latest find-ings of leading geologistswith their own sensationalnew archaeological dis-coveries, they show how acivilization emerged andwas able to build an inter-national network of so-phisticated astronomicalobservatories which pro-vided accurate calendars,could measure the diam-eter of the planet and ac-curately predict comet impact years in advance. They re-veal that this is the true purpose of the great megalithicsites in Western Europe, built long before the Egyptianpyramids. Further they show that the Book of Enoch, longa part of ancient tradition of Freemasonry but then redis-covered among the Dead Sea Scrolls, contains precise de-tails on the building of a machine in the reconstruction ofa shattered world.

466 pages 7x10 hardcover, black and white pictures andillustrations $27.95

VIMANA AIRCRAFT David Hatcher Childress—Authentic Indian texts and epics such as the Ramayanaand Mahabarata are used to prove that man flew in air-planes thousands of years ago. Learn about the secrets ofMercury Vortex Propulsion, the true nature of the RamaEmpire of ancient India, the wars that destroyed it—andits connection to Atlantis.

Paperback, 334 pgs., black & white plates andillustrations, 6 x 9 $15.95


Schoch—Following the

trail uncoveredby his re-datingof the Egyptian

Sphinx, Scientistand universityprofessor Dr.

Robert Schochspearheads thescientific para-

digm shift. Thisis the story ofSchoch’s ownsearch for evi-

dence of lost civ-ilizations obliter-

ated by Earth’slong catastrophic

history, and his warnings about how to survive whatevercatastrophes the future has in store.Hardcover, 258 pgs., 8 pages of black and white plates,6.25in x 9.25 $25.00WARS OF GODS & MEN Zecharia Sitchin—Eonsago, the Earth was a battlefield. Mighty armies clashed,led by giant warriors meticulously skilled in the art ofcombat. These wars would shape man’s destiny and liveon for centuries in legend, song and religious lore—brutaland terrible conflicts that began lifetimes earlier on an-other planet.

Paperback, 377 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99WHEN TIME BEGAN Zecharia Sitchin—The archi-tects of Stonehenge, says Sitchin, came to Earth thou-sands of years ago to usher in mankind’s first New Age ofscientific growth and spiritual enlightenment.

Paperback, 410 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99

COLD FUSION: Fire from WaterFind out what happened to the Cold Fusion discovery

in the years since the Utah announcement. The facts ofCold Fusion’s birth are far stranger than fiction!

VHS $34.95ENTER DARKNESS, ENTER LIGHT Can We ChangeOur Predicted Doom? On May 5, 2000 all of the planetsand the sun will align opposite the Earth provoking mas-sive Earth changes and perhaps even a cataclysmic PoleShift, according to many scientists and psychics in thisfascinating documentary. Testimony from experts, chan-nels and futurists like Richard Noone, Dolores Cannon,Richard Kieninger, David Childress, Dr. Jean Houstonand others reveals the mounting physical evidence as wellas the unseen forces affecting our future.


Zecharia Sitchin, inter-nationally acclaimed authorof The Twelfth Planet, TheStairway To Heaven andGenesis Revisited to name afew, presents evidence formankind’s extraterrestrialorigins and cosmic connec-tions. Sitchin discussessome of the advancedknowledge possessed by theSumerians nearly 6,000years ago. Not only did theyhave the wheel and detailedwritings on clay tablets butalso wrote of the planets in our solar system and knew theaccurate distances between them.

2-hours 2-videos $34.95GEOMETRIC METAPHORS OF LIFE In 1968 physicistStan Tenen noticed a pattern in the Hebrew Text of Gen-esis. It took ten years for him to discover how the se-quence of letters in the first verse of Genesis mathemati-cally folds itself up into a fundamental three dimensionalgeometric shape whose shadows generate the alphabet inwhich the text is written. The implications of this workelaborated since then link consciousness with cosmologythrough geometric meditations expressed in gestures ofour own hands.

2 hours VHS Video $33.00HOLES IN HEAVEN?Narrated By Martin

Sheen— A Documentaryon HAARP & Advances

in Tesla TechnologyStarting with Nikola

Tesla’s inventions, thisvideo features interviews

with HAARP expertRobert Eastlund, and

shows how the militaryplans to use this giant fa-cility located at Gakona,

Alaska to focus a billion-watt pulsed radio beam

into the ionosphere. Thiswill give us various capa-

bilities, including“seeing” inside the earth, communicating with satellitesand more.

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CLASH OF THE GENIUSES:INVENTING THE IMPOSSIBLEHere, at last, is the story of ahandful of inventors battling tosave the world from industrialgiants, like Ford, Morgan, Edisonand their ilk. From Nicola Tesla toT. Henry Moray. From John Keelyto Pons and Fleischman, thestruggle to break through withworld-saving technologies has gone on for generations,but now a new breed of inventors threatens to succeedwhere others have failed. Here is the story and the com-mentary of the geniuses behind many of today’s amazingdiscoveries in free energy, anti gravity, rejuvenation, andmuch more.

One-Hour VHS $19.95

ENGLISH SACRED SITES: THE ATLANTISCONNECTION Powerful evidence linking Stonehenge,Avebury, Glastonbury and many other English locationswith an advanced ancient order now lost to history.Written and narrated by Atlantis Rising editor DougKenyon, the video is based primarily upon the discoveriesof Cambridge-trained scholar and author John Michell.The program demonstrates how a mysterious network ofperfectly straight tracks, laid out for hundreds of milesacross the English landscape, proves the great advance-ment of pre-historic science.

Forty minutes VHS $19.95TECHNOLOGIES OF THE GODSOverwhelming evidence of the ex-istence of high technology in pre-historic times, this video shatters

the orthodox scenario for the dawnof civilization on Earth. Now as-

sembled in a devastating one-hourdocumentary, hosted by Atlantis

Rising Editor and Publisher J.Douglas Kenyon, are the com-ments and evidence of break-

through researchers such as JohnAnthony West, Robert Bauval,Richard Noone, Colin Wilson,

John Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Ze-charia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress, Edgar EvansCayce and others.

One-Hour VHS $19.95



BAYGEN FREEPLAY RADIO Powered bythe Baylis Clockwork Generator, it neverneeds batteries or an external powersource of any kind. One minute (60 turns)of cranking the fold-out handle will runthe radio for about 30 minutes. It producesvery good audio and plenty of volume forAM, FM and Shortwave between 5.8 and18MHz. Made in South Africa. 14" x 10"x 5.5" weight 7 lbs. Six-month warrantyagainst defective workmanship or mate-rials. $12.50 S&H in the USA.





MAP OF CYDONIA A marvel of researchand draftsmanship, this 24" by 36" postersummarizes the known details and many ofthe theories concerning the mysterious Cy-donia plain more concisely than any othersource.

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UFO FROM LEGEND TO REALITYA video documentation with sensa-

tional material and fantastic UFO footageand photography. In this first part scien-tists elaborate on the most recent research:Is there life in the universe? Were theGods astronauts? Which signs are there toindicate the UFOs were presentthroughout the ages? Are there Pyramidsand a Sphinx on Mars?

85 minutes VHS $24.95

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the atomic era, the 1948 UFO project ofthe US Air Force, and the CIA’s politicsof secrecy. Incredible evidence includingUFOs on radar, reports from Soviet air pi-lots, commercial airline pilots who sawUFOs, an encounter between an Englishpolice officer and extra-terristrials, offi-cial photographs from the Brazilian navy,hidden alien spacecraft at the US AirForce, and Project Majestic 12.

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teric, metaphysical, religious as well as ascientific background. It is the preparationfor something unfathomable. The SouthAmerican Air Force discovers an aliensurvivor? UFOs: what is their intention?Do humanity and the aliens have acommon origin? Are these the first signsof an open communication? Will UFOs bea part of our daily reality?

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UFO SECRETS OF THE THIRD REICHOne of the last secrets of this century

is the occult history of the Third Reich aswell as its secret societies, such as theTemplars, the Thule, and the Vril. Anti-gravitional technology emerged from se-cret occult knowledge discovered in theThird Reich. The allies covered it up andit was never revealed to the public. This isa thrilling documentation with extraordi-nary stories, testimonies, documents andoriginal footage from the Third Reich. Sci-entists and CIA members reveal their se-crets!

85 minutes VHS $24.95are Ph.D.s & 1 MD; 15 Audios (All Plenary Sessions)(.wav); 14 Audios (All Workshop Sessions) (.wav);and 23 Papers Published in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf);Just a few of the speakers and guests: Thomas Va-lone, MA,PE, “Understanding Zero Point Energy”Ken Shoulders, “Charge Clusters in Action.” Dr. PaulBrown, “Betavoltaic Batteries.” Kent Robertson,“The Coming Energy Revolution from Wind,” DavidWallman, “Carbon-Arc Gasification of Biomass Solu-tions,” Bruce Perrault, “Radiant Energy Generator,”Dr. Ed Storns, “New Method of Initiating NuclearReactions.” Special video, “Cold Fusion: Fire fromWater” and “Peroxide Helicopter Demonstration.”

1 CD $49.99TRILOGY Mike Mandeville— The Trilogy providesmaster keys from the predictions of Edgar Cayce tothe ancient past, the future, and the anatomy of thecoming pole shift. The three books include a scien-tific assessment of Cayce’s accuracy and how his sto-ries parallel with the ancient memories of humanityand with the latest findings in archeology, the earthsciences, and other fields.

3 CDs $38.45


CONFERENCE ON FUTURE ENERGY—29 April - 1May 1999 This special edition CD-ROM features 4 daysof a conference on future energy. 20 Speakers, 9 of whom

Number 23 • ATLANTIS RISING 79


A LEGACY OF KNIGHTS TheKnights of Malta were foundedduring the First Crusade as a Hos-pitaller Order to care for the poorand sick who visited the HolyLand. Very quickly these religiouswarriors took center stage andtheir feats became legendarythroughout the West. After losingthe Holy Land to the Moslems, theknights withdrew to Cyprus,Rhodes, and then to Malta wherethey became the last bastion of the Christian fight againstthe Ottoman Empire. The Knights of Malta left a legacyof military and engineering breakthroughs.

56-Minutes VHS $19.95MONUMENTS TO LIFE: 2-PAK With Graham Han-cock And Robert Bauval—The Hidden Secrets of Man-kind’s Past Revealed and Lost Civilizations—Covers themysteries of the alignments of the three pyramids inEgypt with the constellation of Orion. Exciting and top-ical.

150 minutes 2 tape set, VHS Video $29.95MYSTERIES OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS EXPOSEDFrank Stranges—Dr. Stranges points out that there arecurrently 72 English translations of the Bible and thatfrom the earliest days these translations were often incom-plete, inaccurate or actually tampered with to change theirmeaning.

#1 —72-minutes $24.95#2—40-minutes VHS $19.95

MYSTERY OF THE SPHINX BC Video—The originalNBC special (plus additional footage) which documentedthe case of John Anthony West and geologist RobertSchoch that, based on obvious rain weathering, the GreatSphinx of Egypt is thousands of years older than is main-tained by orthodox Egyptology. Powerful and convincingarguments. The howls of protest haven’t died down yet.West won an Emmy for research for work on this pro-gram.

95-minutes VHS $29.95SECRET OF NIKOLA TESLA—This is the rare Yugo-slav-made feature film (in English) made 20 years ago.With Orson Wells as J.P. Morgan, the movie tells thestory of the young genius as an immigrant to New Yorkand his struggle to bring his fantastic inventions to thepublic, including his system of towers that would broad-cast power into the atmosphere. A great movie on the sup-pression of technology and free energy!

110 minutes VHS Video $29.95THOMAS TOWNSEND BROWN: Bahnson Lab1958-1960 Electrogravitics Levitation Experi-ments—The only existing film featuring T. TownsendBrown working on his metallic saucer-shaped modelswhich are powered by high voltage applied to separatesections. Labeled “electrogravitics” by Aviation StudiesLtd. in 1956, such experiments were carried out by severalmajor aerospace industries in the 1950’s. Brown andBahnson each obtained several patents, during and afterthis period, on the designs seen in this video. Bahnsonseems to have pursued vertical lift designs, with the +voltage on top, while Brown focused on horizontal propul-

sion designs.These modelslift and hoverwith electro-

gravitic forcesin this film!

Many dif-ferent hemi-spheric de-

signs aretested. Also

seen is a Wim-hurst gener-

ator and ashort, fat Tesla

coil, provingthe necessity

for highvoltage in the

operation ofthe craft. This

film was origi-nally called

“Daddy’sLab” by Katherine Bahnson, who filmed the segmentswith a Super 8 camera.


Author of the bestselling alien-visitation books withinsights into the depths of human consciousness as itreaches beyond the third dimension.

108-minutes VHS $19.95


The legend tells how thousands of years ago the Gods arrived on Earth from the stars inorder to instigate the genesis of the human race. Human civilization developed and reached itspeak at the time of Atlantis. A dark era was initiated and a war of the Gods lead to the sinkingof Atlantis. A secret brotherhood brought the Atlantean knowledge to safety in Egypt andelsewhere. The secret Atlantean Brotherhood together with inspiration from extra-terrestrialguardians has used its educational programs to influence all our political systems.

85 minutes VHS $24.95THE SECRET BROTHERHOOD—Part Two

After the destruction of Atlantis the nations were divided. Parts of the Atlantean Brother-hood survived in Egypt, India and in Tibet. The Freemasons, the Templars and the IlluminatiBrotherhoods all emerged from this original brotherhood. This is the first documentation of itskind to reveal the true origins of the secret brotherhoods and their belief structures.


The prophecies of Nostradamus, the Mayan calender, the writing in the great pyramid ofGiza, and the recent changes on the Earth indicate that today’s humanity has reached anothercycle of evolution. This poignant documentary tells us about the last warning of Elia the re-turned prophet and his message for our times.

85 minutes VHS $24.95THE RETURN OF THE LIGHTMASTER—Part Four

Thousands of years have passed since the high civilization of Atlantis. All the ancientpeople who lived through the decline of this dark era are being reborn today. This thrillingdocumentation shows why all the environmentalists, therapists, artists, esoteric teachers andmany more are entering the Earth in order to heal it.

85 minutes VHS $24.95THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON- Part Five

In this thrilling video documentation, the ancient secret of the pyramids, the Sphinx, theworld network of tunnels under the Earth, the expedition of the Nazis to the South Pole and alot more give the spectator an overview of the lost secrets of the past. It also discusses thegreat changes which will come on Earth.

85 minutes VHS $24.95SERIES SPECIAL - $99.95




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The Bio-electric Field Enhancer or BEFE Unit is the latestin home based therapies developed by Q-Tech Laborato-ries P\L as a therapeutic aid for pain management andrapid healing. The unit is self-contained and is used in anordinary bathtub or footbath. We have seen fantastic re-sults when it has been used in the treatment of arthriticaches and pains, burns, scalds, incontinence, muscular in-juries, menstrual problems, headaches and tooth aches. Itcan also aid in the reduction of swelling of any kind andleaves the skin soft and supple.

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The BEFE, once placed into water, is capable of generat-ing a magnetic bio-field similar to that of a living thing.The advantage of creating a field with some of the prop-erties compatible with life is that it can be used on a liv-ing organism with minimum disruption and completelynegate side effects that are all too common with things ar-tificial.

The BEFE unit utilizes the latest in magnetic technology,which in recent years, has been used by practitionerswith only some success. However, what makes the BEFEunit different from all other products in the magneticrange is the development of what Q-Tech calls the “Bio-Charge”. The Bio-Charge is the organic electricity yourbody produces in order to operate on a daily basis. Withthis in mind, a low charge means you are low on energyand thus your whole body becomes sluggish and lethar-gic in all its functions. Physical symptoms can developfrom being tired and stressed and can manifest them-selves in the form of aches, pains or illness. Bygiving the body a Bio-Charge boost,some of these symptoms can be alle-viated and your system restored toits full function.

The Q-Tech Laboratories Bio-Charge system is currently theonly method for creating a bio-charge that is both safe andcompatible with living matter.The system uses water becauseup to 73% of our bodies arewater, and water contains thenecessary electrical patterns toadapt a conventional electricalcharge to a bio-charge.

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You’re about to discover one of the most amazing healthbreakthroughs right when it’s being released to the world. Iencourage you to read every word on this page at least once. I thinkyou’ll find it’s that important. You have within your grasp the nextMLM goldmine!

IF YOU COULD TURN BACK TIMEThere is now solid scientific evidence that you can

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Not only does this age reversing productwork, but you can prove its working.

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What’s more, and this is acritical point, the Longevity Signals formulacan make you biologically younger in 30 days,and there’s a breakthrough, scientific agingtest to prove it. You either become youngeror you get your money back on the productand your money back on the test.

Every so often a brand newblockbuster health formula hits the networkmarketing scene. A product that’s so powerfuland so life changing that fortunes will bemade. THAT TIME HAS COME AGAIN!

TAKE OUT A PIECE OF PAPER AND A PEN…… if you don’t have these handy, that’s ok, because the image Iam going to ask you to illustrate is simple enough for you tocreate in your head. Draw a straight line, horizontally, from leftto right. At the starting point at the left – write "birth", At theendpoint on the right – put "death".

Now I have two questions for you:

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Then call the toll free number below and order your FREE Oasisaudio tape and information pack.Re-Set your aging clock now.

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Amazing New Youth Formulais GUARANTEED to make you biologically younger in 30 days or lessand we have the test to prove it

Amazing New Youth Formulais GUARANTEED to make you biologically younger in 30 days or lessand we have the test to prove it

an invitation to all “Boomers”an invitation to all “Boomers”

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