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    PO Box 4Lyndon, KS 66451

    ith the current round of handwringing over the unhappy state of the econom

    it is worth pondering whether there may be an unconsidered benefit in the siation. Indeed, if the materialistic prison in which we find ourselves incarcerat were to break open its doors just a bit, it could well do us all some good.

     As we see it, a deep confusion over the nature of reality has produced a near universaltrance state, in which the visible world seems to be made of very solid stuff. That illusion osolid boundaries to our existence is, in fact, so strong and so pervasive that any suggestionthat it might be otherwise is—if not completely ignored—greeted with derision by our felloprisoners. This is so despite our certain knowledge that all matter is made up almost entireof empty space, in which are only dancing forcefields of spinning particles or waves which collective senses have agreed to interpret as solidity. Illusions notwithstanding, though, evryone dances madly to this music, and very loud music it is. Almost completely drowned ouare more subtle signals—still small voices, if you will—that speak, not from outside, but inside of us, attempting to turn our fractured and fevered attention toward more important, less noisy, stuff, like finding freedom from our common slavery to crude phenomena.

    The loss of appreciation for finer things like spiritual freedom, we suspect, is at the hea

    of most of society’s ills. Whether it be a reductionist “scientist” insisting that the humanbrain is the sole source of consciousness; a preacher declaring that Earth is only 6,000 yearold; or a stickup man relieving us of our wallets; we are left violated—our true worth anddepth uncomprehended. Such tyrannies of aggressive salesmanship, or just plain brute for would not be possible in a world where the faculties of all were sufficiently developed to es-cape the dense yoke of materiality.

    Materialism, like slavery, can take many forms. If I may speak generally, here are some amples: In politics it is fundamental to the strategies of both right and left. On one hand, psonal gain (read that material wealth) is pursued with little regard for the rights of those ufortunate enough to get in the way. On the other, the needs and rights of the individual aresacrificed to some blind ideal of collective good (thought to be material prosperity for all). the mass culture, we see the addiction to consumer goods. In fundamentalist religion, itcomes as the attempt to follow holy writ to the letter while losing track of Holy Spirit. For ductionist science, it comes as the reflexive rejection of all ideas falling outside the prevailimaterialist paradigm. With so many ways to bind our minds, it’s no wonder that few can

    summon the will or the wit to break free.But with 401K’s dwindling, home equity plummeting, and joblessness expanding, some we suspect, have begun to wonder anew if there could be something else beyond these walls—something more enduring—more worth pursuing.

    Maybe soon, the revelation will come and they will understand, at last, how we have allbeen enslaved and why publications like this must come to be.



    The Upside to the Downturn



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    More to the Storyriting to  Atlantis Rising,

     via snail mail or e-mail isthe best, but not the only way to make your views

    known to our readers. There are also“forums” on the  Atlantis Rising  website. (You can go to www.AtlantisRising.com and select “Discussions”.)

    Jesus in IndiaLen [Kasten] let one “thread” drop

     when he mentioned that we had tocancel the trip to film at Hemis Mon-astery (“Jesus in India: Making theMovie,” A.R. #74) because of terroristdanger for the airplane we were

    scheduled to fly out on from Srinigar.He neglected to mention that we didsend a second unit crew to Hemis twomonths later that did accomplish anessential interview there, which doesappear in the film.

     About the search for the missing“Notovitch” document on “St. Issa”that fills in the missing years. Thereare some fascinating new develop-ments. It’s come to my attention thatSteven Hairfield, formerly a Buddhistmonk, claims in his massive book  A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible  that while he was a monk inSoutheast Asia he was at Hemis and was shown the “Issa” documents thatNotovitch had seen. They exist, he insists. Also, there has been recent email correspon-dence with the Hemis monastery in whichthey admit the documents exist but claimthey are “monastery property” and “higherauthorization” would be necessary foranyone to ever get to see them. Then, whenpressed, they refuse to say who the “higherauthority” would be.

     Paul Davids Producer of “Jesus in India” 

     Los Angeles, CA

    Ice Age Eviden ce

    In William Stoecker’s critique (ReaderForum, “Lake Titicaca,”  A.R. #74) of my ar-ticle (“The Place that Mocks Science”, A.R.#72), he states there is “massive evidence”for all “the various ice ages.” But there wasonce “massive evidence” for one ice age. Ex-actly how many “ice ages” were there? Thereare many causes, he notes, in fact, causes ga-lore. In other words, massive confusion. Andnot one cause that attempts to deal with themassive source of heat required to evaporatethe world ocean to 165 meters. The cause asa sudden “accumulation of snow,” as he ad-duces, begs the question. He states that

    WBruce Gordon and Jonathan Wells a

    a little harsh on Dawkins. I have reaRichard Dawkins’ book and, thoughdon’t necessarily agree with everthing he writes, he made me realizthat it is OK to be an atheist or agnostic. I tend to lean toward being aagnostic and not a strict atheis When it comes to the question of hothe universe/multiverse began, I amdefinitely an agnostic because I donbelieve this is a question we will eveknow the answer to. I don’t, howevefeel the need to attribute the answeto every unknowable question t“God” (the idea that “I don't kno

    how the universe began so it must bGod”). I find it ridiculous to believin the Judeo-Christian idea that theris an invisible man who lives in thsky and has the time to watch oveevery minute thing in the universlet alone here on planet Earth.

    On the other hand, I do nostrictly believe in Darwinism either.believe there has been evolutiotaking place on this planet. Therseems to be evidence to support th“survival of the fittest” idea and somof the other concepts Darwin suggests, but I don’t believe evolution the only process going on here. Aftereading Marsha Oaks review of  Ex

     pelled , I have been educated as to the trudefinition of Intelligent Design. I, like manpeople, have confused ID with the religious fanatics belief in “Creationism.” Intellgent Design fits well into my belief system After reading Zechariah Sitchin’s bookabout the Annunaki and the intense researche has done into the subject, I am convincethat the ancient “gods” were extraterrestriaIt is all in the ancient writings Sitchin referto. He may not have everything 100% corect, (nothing is ever 100% correct!), but hideas and the evidence he refers to make great deal more sense to me than the “invi

    ible man in the sky controlling everythingidea. As to the rest of the universe, againdon’t know how it all started, and I am O with not knowing the answer. I think if morpeople read works like Sitchin’s, they wourealize that the major religions of the worare not what they seem.

    I really enjoy your magazine. It educatme in subjects that I may not otherwise finanywhere else. Keep up the good work!

     Robin BruzdzinskTracy, CA

    “there is absolutely no evidence” that LakeTiticaca was part of the sea because in hison-site experience, after 10,000 years, it isonly “slightly brackish.” But others havenoted massive port facilities, the rock cliffsnear the piers with yellow-white calcareousdeposits forming long, straight lines indi-cating pre-historic water levels, their strangetilt, although once they must have beenlevel, and millions of fossilized seashells inthe surrounding area, all—given the tiltingof the ancient shoreline striations and theabundant presence of fossilized oceanic floraand fauna—massive evidence that a tremen-

    dous uplift of land must have taken placesometime in the ancient past. For an upliftso massive, it is difficult to imagine theforces that caused it being localized to just asmall area of South America. Whether ma-rine creatures still dwell in the lake, for which I made no argument, is irrelevant.

     Steven Robbins, Ph.D. Minneapolis, MN 

    Intelligent DesignI just read the article “Daunting Dawkins’

    Darwinism” and the review of  Expelled   byMarsha Oaks. I think the writings by Dr. Continued on Page


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    Continued from Page 7

    Global Warming

    I understand and appreciate that the crea-tive forces behind  AR’s  support of efforts todevelop various speculative energy solutionsand that there is an implication that marketinterests tied to conventional energy sources

    are invested in efforts to discredit free en-ergy, but I’ve come to respect  AR  for its ob- jectivity. Articles such as “Global Cooling” in AR #74 presume global warming due to in-dustrial CO2 to be fact-based when we’re cur-rently enjoying one of the coldest winters onrecord here in the New England states andglobal temperatures peaked in 1998. Thesame forces discrediting free energy have in- vented the global warming myth to socializethe democratic governments of the worldand tax its citizens into dependency.

    The pursuit of free energy is an honorableone, and it does not justify letting articlesthat promote the myth of global warming gounchallenged.

     Brian White Simsbury, CT 

     A lot of attention has been placed onglobal warming. According to other scientificclaims, we are also due for another ice age.Does anyone else see the irony? Could it be we are inadvertently saving our planet? Ihave also recently seen a television show, in which it stated global warming could bringabout an ice age. One wonders what to be-lieve in these days.

    More food for thought—another scien-tific claim is that we live in a expanding uni- verse. As it has been yet another 26,000 years

    since we have entered into the galacticcenter alignment, might this lessen the pro-posed negative effects? Maybe the next 1000 years isn’t doom and gloom after all, and theglass is half full. Or is it that we really do wake up each day into the reality that we be-lieve in?

    Timothy Nicholas Sarno Author of “Are You Considering The Guitar?” 

     Sandwich, IL

    Today we have hysteria over climatechange and also a lack of initiates of the kindseen in history. The two subjects are relatedas I will show. In Romans we find Paul de-scribing how people came to worship the

    Creation and also the nature spirits asso-ciated with it. Today we would call that envi-ronmentalism. Carbon dioxide would be sub-stituted for the spirits to make it modern andscientific. There are no magi or magicians asdescribed in the Bible. These wise men knewof the Christ long before the Apostles everdid.

    The canonization process has almosteliminated all knowledge of the practicingoccultists, the Magi. We only know of people who can see the results of the magicians.These are known simply as initiates or clair- voyants. These two cannot do any magic at

    all. By this I mean getting the cosmic spirits,not the nature forces, to do something out of the ordinary. If Reich’s work is true, thenthere are beings composed of finer spiritforces that are not limited to the earth as thenature spirits are.

    The fact that Peter was called a rock wasnot a compliment at all. It meant he wasmore of a materialist than anything. So a

     whole edifice has been built on a very shakyfooting, a footing that can be toppled by anygood magician, good or evil. Now, there arethree Beings that have the most influence onthe planet. We could call it a three-phasesystem. These would be Lucifer, Christ, and Ahriman. The Magi would have known of Ah-riman as the great Magi; Zarathustra hadtangled with him before. The Magi wenthome from their Christ visit via a differentroute so as to not run into Herod, or rathermachinations by Ahriman via Herod. The Apostles never seemed to possess such skill.The slaughter of the innocents is a direct re-sult of Ahriman [attempting] to kill the

    Christ child. No one seems to ask the ques-tion how all of this was known before the Apostles were even called to duty.

    The legendary leader of the Magi people,Zarathustra, was used by Christ. A part of Zarathustra was added to Christ when Maryand Joseph left without him. They found thechild at the temple, speaking great things.Zarathustra had entered Christ. We see theexit of Zarathustra on the cross when Christsays, why have you forsaken me? If this hadnot happened, humans could lay claim totheir own salvation from the so called fall.Up to this point, Christ was not able to dis-tinguish between him and Zarathustra in

    him. It took what we would call a relativisticmoment for Christ to do this. Now a Godbeing had experienced death. The descent orfall into matter had been halted.

     We owe a great deal to Zarathustra andthe Magi.

    Tom Batorski 

     Angola, NY 


    Re: your article on “Defying Gravity” byLen Kasten in issue #73; it is true thatThomas T. Brown worked with Dr. Paul A.Biefeld at Denison University in GranvilleOh. In fact, Dr Biefeld, who transferred to

    Denison in 1911, stayed in Granville untilhis passing in 1949 while Brown moved onto other things. While the article was inter-esting, unfortunately, your author mis-spelled Denison’s name—note that there isonly one “n” in the University’s name. As aDenison graduate, I felt compelled to pointout this grievous error.

     Stephen G. Purdy

    Colleyville, TX 

    Write to us at Letters to the Editor, At-lantis Rising, P.O. Box 441, Livingston, MT  59047 or [email protected]


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    tonehenge in North America? At letwo professors are claiming that th

    have found what could be such a thiOne is pointing to the fields of AlbertaCanada and the other is looking benethe waters of Lake Michigan.

    In Alberta, Gordon Freeman, a retiprofessor from the University of Albehas written a book called Canada’s Stohenge   in which he argues that “Gen

    existed on the prairies 5,000 years agOn a series of low hills overlooking Bow River about 50 miles east of Calgahe has investigated a large pattern boulders for their astronomical aligments. His discovery is that the centcairn is surrounded by 28 radiating stolines, four of which align with the cdinal points of the compass. Freeman hbeen able to show that, among oththings, the site marks the equinoxes aprecisely measures the lunar cycle.

    Meanwhile at the department of uderwater archaeology at NorthwestMichigan University College, profes

    Mark Holley, using side scan sonar, discovered a series of standing stones the floor of Lake Michigan, 40 feet belthe surface, with some arranged incircle. One appears to show carvings omastodon. The spot would have bebelow the surface for about 10,000 year

    Like Nabta Playa in Africa, such dcoveries appear to be part of a patternincreasing recognition of ancient aligments and the emergence of long-lknowledge from times generally believto be entirely primitive. Some see it asign of a modern reawakening.



    he ongoing attempt by academic archae-ology to reconcile the growing gaps in

    its prevailing theory of history could be be-

    coming something of a bridge too far. At themoment, dramatic discoveries at an out-of-the-way Turkish dig near Urfa a few milesnorth of the Syrian border, known asGöbekli Tepe, are readily acknowledged to bea “challenge to conventional history,” butthat characterization could well prove to bea major understatement.

    Carbon dated at twelve-thousand yearsold, Göbekli Tepe offers incontrovertible evi-dence of advanced human activity at a timewhen our ancestors are said to have beenstill at the hunter-gatherer stage—thousands of years earlier than we have beentold was possible. Profusely and skillfully

    decorated with carvings of animals and ab-stract pictograms are numerous T-Shapedlimestone monoliths, some almost 10 feettall and weighing as much as 25 tons, stillstanding about the vast and sophisticatedsite on Roman-like terrazzo floors.

    First discovered in 1964, the significanceof Göbekli Tepe was not recognized until1994 when German archaeologist KlausSchmidt began to excavate. To this point, weare told, the investigation of the massive sitehas barely begun and that doubtless manyamazing discoveries remain. Already,though, it is possible to see strains in themainstream theoretical fabric, which mayhelp to account for the relatively modest

    publicity thus far accorded the discoveries.Schmidt still insists that the site, which hebelieves was the world’s first temple, wasbuilt by hunter-gathers though he acknowl-edges that the construction would have re-quired the systematic effort of at least hun-dreds of workers over a span of years.Orthodoxy just does not entertain the notionthat civilization or even agrarian societiescould have existed that far back in time, so,there is no alternative, the constructionmust have been by hunter-gatherers. If so,though, Göbekli Tepe falls outside any defi-nition of hunter-gatherer currently extant.

    TIn the mid 1990s when maverick Egyptol-

    ogist John Anthony West and Boston Univer-sity Geologist Dr. Robert Schoch announced

    that water weathering proved the GreatSphinx of Egypt was thousands of years olderthan traditionally believed, they were greetedwith howls of outrage from the Egyptolog-ical establishment. And despite evidencewidely accepted by professional geologists,the establishment archaeologists have con-tinued to deny the possibility of the Sphinx’sgreater antiquity. “Where,” they ask, “is thecontext?” In other words, what civilizationwas up and running during that time andcould have done it? Where are the artifacts?In the years since, West and Schoch have la-bored mightily to show that there is, indeed,plenty of evidence in Egypt itself for such an-

    cient advancement. Other possibly corrobo-rating material has also been turned up atunderwater sites around the world. InGöbekli Tepe, though, could be the kind of smoking gun evidence for antediluvian (pre-flood or pre- end of the ice age) civilizationthat many alternative theorists have believedwas there and which the establishment haspersistently and emphatically denied.

    Schoch has long mentioned the site inhis presentations on Sphinx dating. “GöbekliTepe is from the same period, or even ear-lier, than what we have at Giza.” he told At- lant is Rising , “Plus, it is incredibly sophisti -cated. I do not understand why it has notgotten more publicity. Perhaps because it is

    so anomalous and just does not fit the con-ventional paradigm. It sure seems to supportwhat some of us have been arguing for dec-ades.”

    Interestingly, one of the important dis-coveries at Göbekli Tepe is the carved figureof a half-human/half-lion creature—in otherwords, a sphinx.

    Could this have been the original inspira-tion for Egypt’s Great Sphinx? Or, perhapsmore importantly, what was the earliersource of the figure at Göbekli Tepe? So far,we have no answers, but maybe soon thatwill change.


    Is GöbekliTepe theSmoking Gun?


    Is GöbekliTepe theSmoking Gun?


    Is GöbekliTepe the

    Smoking Gun?


    Is GöbekliTepe the

    Smoking Gun?


    Is GöbekliTepe the

    Smoking Gun?



    Sonar Imagebeneath Lake


    O ne of G öbekliTepe’s m any

    giant T-shapedobelisks

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    Intel l igent Alien W or lds Galor e

    he odds that you may have an alienneighbor some day are greater that you

    may have thought, and we don’t mean fromUzbekistan. According to scientists at theUniversity of Edinburgh, nearly 40,000planets in the Milky Way could support alienlife at least as intelligent as we are.

    The researchers created a program which organized all the data we have on ap-proximately 330 known planets and calcu-lated the percentage that might have condi-tions suitable for life. Taken into account were such things as the availability of water

    T and minerals. Once that was determined, anextrapolation was made for the galaxy. Theresult: up to 37,964 life-supporting worlds. According to astrophysicist Duncan Forgan,this is not about one-celled organisms to bestudied through a microscope but about spe-cies on the human level.

    Forgan thinks we are still about 300 to400 years away from contact, a view which will come as something of a surprise to those who believe ETs have been, not only visitingthis planet regularly, but participating in ourpolitics for years.

    ust when we thought we knew about thecomet threat from space, it turns out that

    most of it may be invisible. According to aFebruary report from NewScientist.com thebig threat to Earth may come from ‘Dark’comets, virtually unseen and undetected byus.

    Of the 3000 comets which have enteredthe solar system, the whereabouts of onlyabout 25 are known. Astronomers Bill Napierin the U.K. and David Asher in Northern Ire-land say they think that is because when the

    Jice and gases have burned away, the under-lying crust reflects only a fraction of the lightand that makes them hard to see.

     When the comet IRAS-Araki-Alcockpassed Earth in 1983 at only 3 millionmiles—the closest in 200 years—it was de-tected only two weeks before it passed be-cause most of its gases were gone and thesurface was extremely dark.

    Scientists with the international spaceumbrella project known as Spaceguard havemixed views on the danger.

    Dar k Comet Thr eat W ar ning

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    Infrared image of the cometIRAS-Araki-Alcock (Caltech)


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    ero Point energy may have ar-rived—almost. A new patent

    granted to Jovian, a Boulder, Coloradocorporation, is for a device designed toextract energy from space itself. If it works, it would be the Holy Grail ofree energy research. Com-mercial developmentfor a similar tech-nology is already un-derway in Cranbury,New Jersey at Black-Light Power corpora-tion.

    One proposed ver-sion of the Colorado de- vice, it is said, would generate froma sugar-cube-sized device, up to21.5 kilowatts of heat—half of whichcould be converted to electricity. Thecompany has been funded and plansmore experiments with the hope ulti-mately of creating a full scale energy

    harvesting system.Dr. Garret Moddel, Professor in Col-

    orado University-Boulder’s Departmentof Electrical Engineering is inventor ofthe Colorado technology which utilizes what are called Casimir Channels. It isbased on papers published in the journal Physical Review by Hal Puthofin 1987 and Timothy Boyer in 1975Though the principles have been dem-onstrated, the device has not been fullyproven yet, but the potential rewardsare seen as well worth the substantiainvestment required.


    teorn, the upstart Irish engineering com-pany that claimed, almost three years

    ago, to know how to extract useable powerfrom magnets is back in the news. Appar-ently undaunted by recent negative pub-licity, the company has unveiled the first of  what it says will be a whole series of technol-ogies call Orbo.

    In August 2006 the company caused worldwide consternation by running a fullpage ad in The Economist  claiming to beable to produce clean free energy from mag-nets. The company invited experts from


      U.S. fighter pilot who wasscrambled to shoot down a

    UFO over England in 1957 hasnow talked publicly to the pressabout his experience. In an inter- view with Sarasota, Florida’sHeraldTribune (HeraldTri-bune.com), Milton Torres, saysthe craft he spotted “didn’tfollow classic Newtonian me-chanics.”

    Torres story first came tolight last fall when the BritishMinistry of Defense released it,as part a large public documentdump of old UFO files.

    Torres, now retired from the Air Force, says the craft he waschasing, “made a right turn al-most on a dime. And after twosweeps [of his radar], which tooktwo seconds, it was gone. And I was flying almost at Mach 1 at.92.”

     Afterward, Torres says he wasbullied into silence. Since thenhe has obtained a doctorate in

    mechanical engineering and hasserved as a college instructor,but he has not forgotten the epi-sode. He told the HeraldTribunehe hopes the U.S. government will soon declassify its UFO files.“This has gone on for too long,”he said.

    AUFODogfightVeter an


    around the world to participate in a series of tests to determine the validity of its ap-proach. The outcome of those tests is yet tobe announced. In July, 2007, a plannedpublic demonstration of the technology atthe Kinetica Museum in London failed be-cause of “technical difficulties.”

    Undeterred though, Steorn CEO SeanMcCarthy says the company is now ready tomarket Orbo to engineering firms aroundthe world, which would, it is hoped, figureout ways to harness the technology in manydifferent applications.

    St eor n Releases “ Or bo”









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    or those more worried about a pole shift than global warming, anew study may help to consolidate their concerns. Researchers

    now think global warming could cause  a pole shift.Geophysicists at the university of Toronto say they have studied

    the possible effects of the collapse of a large portion of the Antarctic

    ice sheet and concluded that it would shift the axis of the Earth it-self. In an article published in February in the journal Science,  thescientists said such a collapse could bring about a shift of about 500meters.

    While such a development might not compare with the kind of catastrophic thing envisioned by people such as Charles Hapgood orEdgar Cayce involving several degrees of planetary tilt, the seriouscontemplation by scientists of a pole shift event of any kind repre-sents a new stage in global alarmism, and unexpected corroborationfor the ideas of thinkers once dismissed as lunatics.

    Of course, it remains to be seen whether the warming trendsthus far observed, which are not unprecedented, are caused byhuman activity or are part of larger ongoing recurring cycles such aswith sunspots.


    former top climate scientistwith NASA now says he has

    become a skeptic regarding thetheory that global warming is aman-made phenomenon. Dr.John Theon who once supervisedJames Hansen, the celebrated ac-tivist-scientist who put the man-made hypothesis at the center of 

    media attention, has repented atlength in a public letter to theMinority Office at the U.S.Senate’s Environment andPublic Works Committee.

    As chief of several of NASA’sprograms, Theon was respon-sible for all weather and climateresearch for the entir e agency in-cluding Hansen’s. In Theon’sview the climate change modelscited for much of the argument“do not realistically simulate theclimate.” He explains that,

    Aamong otherproblems,many smallerprocesses arepoorly represented oromitted by the models; moover, he complains that soscientists are manipulating served data to justify their mo

    results and failing properly to count for their actions.Theon also denies Hanse

    claim of suppression by NASThe science, he says, does support Hansen’s increasinapocalyptic warnings of an minent “thermageddon.”

    Hansen, on the other hahas called for energy industryecutives to be jailed for senting with the man-mawarming hypothesis.

    M a r yW or ship

    BannedOn Hill

    n the African country of 

    Burundi, those who havea “special gift” claim they areable to see the Virgin Mary on asmall rural hill, but now it ap-pears that they may need morethan such a gift to continuetheir communion. They mayneed a government pass.

    Euzebie, a 23-year-oldwoman, says she sees the virginon the hill on the same day of every month. Her experienceshave become widely celebratedand now thousands gather onthe hill at the appointed time topray and worship with her. Thesituation is not well received byEdouard Nduwimana, the gov-ernor of the northern province.The worshippers, he says, aretroublemakers and should cut itout.

    As is its custom, the churchis investigating the authenticity

    Iof this latest reported Marian aparition. In the meantimthough, the faithful of Burunas well as nearby Ruwanda aUganda, are not waiting church approval, or for govement permission to gather. Tultimate church position on matter may or may not accowith the views of the people. Tchurch in Rome never took a psition on the widely reported aeven photographed 1968 - appearances of the Virgin Mover the coptic church of Ztoun, Egypt, though the thodox pope of Alexandria approve. The Zeitoun appeances were seen by millions cluding Egyptian presideNasser, and are still widely cebrated, not only in Africa, baround the world.

    Photo of Zeitoun apparition

    Art byTom Miller

    Could Global

    W ar ming Causea Pole Shift?

    Could Global

    W ar ming Causea Pole Shift?

    Could GlobalW ar ming Causea Pole Shift?

    Could GlobalW ar ming Causea Pole Shift?

    Could GlobalW ar ming Causea Pole Shift?


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    For mer Top NASA

    Climate ScientistNow a Skeptic on‘Ther magedden’

    For mer Top NASA

    Climate Sc ient istNow a Skeptic on‘Ther magedden’

    For mer Top NASAClimate ScientistNow a Skeptic on‘Ther magedden’

    For mer Top NASAClimate Sc ient istNow a Skeptic on‘Ther magedden’

    For mer Top NASAClimate Sc ient istNow a Skeptic on‘Ther mageddon’

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    R E P O R T F R O M T H E F R O N TTracking the News of the Coming Energy Revolution




    day the water in a natural stream whirls anddraws in air every time it runs into a pro-truding rock or poli shed stone.

    Viktor was particularly observant of thebreathing and spiraling of water. He recog-nized a basic form of movement in natureand aimed to imitate that inward-spinningmovement in technical devices. His goal wasto reproduce environmentally-friendly en-

    ergy conversion. For example, he developedrevolutionary propulsion units whereby air-planes wouldn’t be pushed forward by ex-ploding fuel but instead would be drawn for-ward by suction created by vortex-basedtechnologies. This alternative to a propellerfor propulsion would make a “biologicalvacuum” in front of airplanes into whichthey are sucked—just as the trout in a nat-ural wild river is sucked upstream and over awaterfall through an invisible vortex in thestream.

    As a young man Schauberger was respon-sible for a huge forest in a remote moun-tainous district. This gave him a front rowseat for observing nature’s processes in apristine interconnected ecosystem. For yearshe hiked through hills that were then un-touched by human interference, and what hesaw there shaped his later life’s work. For in-stance, watching the trout in mountainbrooks taught him that the fish not onlyswim with a downhill stream, they deal withwater that can flow in opposite directions atthe same time. He also understood the bigpicture, such as the full water cycle betweenatmosphere and the ground, and the role of the forests.

    The “simple forester” turned against thetide of academic doctrine and astonished   Continued on Page 5

    scholars who considered themselves at thpinnacle of expertise concerning water andhydraulic engineering. His first feat was t

    show how an unusual flume could carry logdown a mountainside and to a stream on itway to the Danube River. His logging flumemeandered downhill to the valley in a waythat imitated a wriggling snake, and they included regular injections of cold water so thlogs would ride high and not get hung up oncorners. Further structures along the waswirled the water within the chute. When hregulated the forward-moving vortex of thwater and its temperature in a certain wayhis inventions created an anomaly—thwater starts to pull and no longer relies onbeing pushed. This happened in his spirapipes as well as his logging flume, and is

    key concept in his energy generators.Throughout his life, the strong-mindednaturalist counseled his family to free theiminds from the limits of what’s explained inbooks, and instead “think in the opposite drection.” He told his son Walter that in ordefor it to turn out right, technology should b180 degrees different from the direction iwas taking.

    Although textbooks insisted that we canget propulsion effects from using the heat inour surroundings, Viktor said otherwise. Inthe interviews filmed in Austria, German journalist Gott fried Hilscher points out t ha“if a tornado was a machine then it woulnot work.” Nature, however, does its creativwork through implosion instead of explosion—movement directed inward, not outward. Viktor Schauberger urged us to comprehend nature and then copy nature in outechnologies.

    He did copy nature, and the results included antigravity effects, a “suction turbine,” spiral pipes and water vitalizing machines, a very unusual home powegenerator and agricultural t ools that don’t dharm to the skin of our earth.

    The spiraling “bioplow” for example looknothing like ordinary plows that farmers useSchauberger’s plow turns soil inward centripetally, not outward. To design it h

    copied the ways of a tiny rodent, the molewhich moves through soil without resistanc just l ike a shark with its part icular skin canmove through water with hardly any resistance. Schauberger’s backwards-turninplow turns the soil twice and thus leaves microorganisms in the soil where they belongHe used copper instead of iron to make toolsuch as a garden shovel. His understandingof earthy topics such as trace minerals, diamagnetism, magnetism and life-force in thsoils will be urgently needed if local foo

    iktor Schauberger is on my mind thisweek. Why thoughts of a long-deceased

    forester/inventor from faraway Austria?There are several reasons.• This month’s New Energy Movement

    Canada event—the tenth in their series of speakers in Vancouver (www.newenergymovement.ca)—was titled “Schauberger’sLegacy.”

    • I received a new DVD from Austria onthe same topic.

    • And we’re seeing the parti al breakdownof an industrialized society that chose the

    “breakdown” type of technologies. Schau-berger predicted such societal disorder if twentieth century technological develop-ments continued to go in the explosion-based direction (exploding the atom andburning fuel). However, he also pointed theway toward technologies that can help re-generate our world instead of destroy it.

    To put it briefly, today our society and  ec-osystems need to be regenerated; but if Schauberger’s warnings had been heeded, itwould be a different world scene today.People who do everything in harmony withnature are more likely to be in harmony withthemselves and each other.

    Schauberger’s understanding of regener-ative implosion-based technologies versustoday’s explosion-based energy technology ismore complex than that brief statement, butwe have to start somewhere in drawing at-tention to his wisdom. A good start would beto encourage purchase of the new DVD pro-duced for the Pythagoras-Kepler School(PKS) in Bad Ischl, Austria. You can find itin the Atlanti s Rising catalog. There are alsoexcellent books on Schauberger by the Aus-tralian architect Callum Coats and by AlickBartholomew in Britain. Breakthrough Power , co-authored by Joel Garbon and me,has a chapter titled “Living Energy” onSchauberger’s story and his concepts(www.breakthroughpower.net).

    Viktor’s grandson Jorge Schauberger isshown in the new DVD, retracing his grand-father’s footsteps.

    Viktor Schauberger was born in 1885.For generations before him, the Schauber-gers were a family of foresters with a keeneye on the environment. For instance, theynoticed what happens in a babbling moun-tain stream when trees and bushes on itsbanks naturally keep it cooled to four de-grees Celsius. Such water is at its most “po-tent”—able to carry weight such as logs orsediment—in full moonlight. And night or


    New Appr eciat ion for Vikt or Schauber ger ’s Legacy


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    N ationalG eographic

    LATE BREAKING STORIESLATE-BREAKING STORIESw e’ re fo l low ing on the In terne t 

    Continued on Page 20

    • Researchers Find Brain 

    Di ff erences Between 

    Beli evers and 

    Non-Beli evers 

    Believing in God can helpblock anxiety and minimizestress, according to new Uni-versity of Toronto researchthat shows distinct brain dif-ferences between believers andnon-believers.http://www.physorg.com/news


    • Are Fossi ls Really Mill i ons 

    of Years Old? 

    If, a world-wide flood the Bible

    describes in Genesis had actu-ally occurred then wouldn't ithave, indeed, altered the initialconditions so as to make radio-metric dating less than anexact science.http://english.pravda.ru/science/



    • Yeti Evidence I s Strong Says Wi ldli fe Expert 

    Sir David Attenborough be-lieves there is 'very convincing'evidence that the abominablesnowman exists.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/scie



    his year, 2009, is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, credited withfounding the theory of evolution by natural selection. It is also the 150th anniversarof the publication of his book The Origi n of Species . Darwin was a theology studentwho never graduated from university, never got a Ph.D., and never worked as a profe

    sional scientist. He was an amateur naturalist. Nevertheless, his books and papers came to attention of the scientific world, and became quite influential.

    I spent Darwin’s birthday (February 12) giving a lecture against Darwin in Copenhagen

    Denmark. An abridged version of my book Forbi dden Archeology , which documents archaelogical evidence that contradicts the Darwinian evolutionary account of human origins, habeen published in the Danish language. Many years ago, a friend of mine jokingly said to mthat perhaps I am a reincarnation of Charles Darwin, and I have had to take birth again to crect my mistake. I thought it was funny, so I started using the line in my lectures, includinthe one in Copenhagen.

    On the two evenings before my lecture in Copenhagen, I was in Aarhus, Denmark’s secolargest city, giving lectures at the Unversity of Aarhus. Some professors atthe university were very upset that Ihad been allowed to speak there. Thihad come to the attention of one of tAarhus newpapers, the Aarhus Stiftsdende, one of Denmark’s largest. Sothey ran a big article about me, with

    headline asking, “ Is This Man Dan-gerous?” One of the professors wasquoted as saying I was. But the art iclalso quoted me as saying a universityshould be a place for the free exchangof ideas. The theory of evolution shonot have a monopoly in the educatiosystem. Students should be exposedsome opposing ideas. Apparently, students felt the same way. My lecturesthe university were packed with stu-dents. I talked for about an hour andthen opened things for discussion. Tdiscussion sessions lasted longer thathe lecture. I was very pleased with t

    turnout and the kinds of questions thwere asked.

    After the lecture that I gave on fobidden archaeology on Darwin’s actubirthday in Copehagen, an archaeologist from the University of Copenhagtried to raise some doubts about the

    idence I had printed for extreme human antiquity. The objections he raised were typical of those raised by other evolutionists. All he could really do was give a long series of possible rsons why the human bones and artifacts I talked about could be younger than the strata inwhich they were found. For example, perhaps there were animal burrows through which afacts came down from higher, more recent layers to lower, older layers. Or maybe there wa

    www m remo omwww.mcremo.com

    Notes from

    Michael A CremoMichael A. Cremo


    Happy Birthday, Charlie

    Continued on Page 20


    at 31

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    Purported Yetifootprint


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    Continued from Page 18

    fissure. Or maybe this, maybe that. I pointed out that this not a very scientific way in which to proceed, given that the dis-

    coverers of the bones and artifacts had considered such possibilities andruled them out. I suggested that if he wanted to raise such doubts, he should

    be able to demonstrate that the things he mentioned actually were true of thesites. For example, if he claimed it is possible that an artifact or bone slipped into

    some ancient layer of rock through an animal burrow, he should be able to show that athe actual site there was in fact some animal burrow penetrating from the surface into the

    older layer of rock, at the place in the rock where the artifact was found. That would be an atual scientific objection. It is not enough to raise possibilities. Anything is possible. To makmy point, I said, “For example, i t is possible that you are a robot programmed by some sketics’ society to play back a recording.” That got a supportive laugh from the audience.

    Anyways, although I disagree with Darwin on some points, I agree with him on others.Some of his insights are in some ways similar to the insights on the origin of species that Iget from the ancient Sanskrit writ ings of India, which I have applied to the origin of t hehuman species in my latest book Human Devolut ion: A Vedic Alternati ve to Darwin’s TheoIn hisOrigin of Species , Darwin was arguing against the Christian doctrine of special crea-tion, which holds that God individually creates each species. This implies that each speciesshould be designed in a unique and different manner. But Darwin took note of the commonanatomical features of living things that suggested they all came from some common an-cestor. For example, if we look in detail at the skeletons of humans, other mammals, reptileamphibians, and fish we see they all have limbs with five digits. This suggests a common ancestor.

    My ideas about alternatives to evolution come from the ancient Sanskrit writings of IndThese writings also claim that the forms of all living things come from a common ancestorAccording to Darwin, the common ancestor was some tiny single-celled organism, the simplest form of life. But according to the ancient Sanskrit writings, the first living thing in thmaterial universe was not the simplest but the most complex. This first li ving thing is call eBrahma. He is the first demigod.

    According to Darwin, species are produced from his version of t he common ancestor byprocess of reproduction with modification. The same is true of the account of the origin of species found in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. Brahma, the first demigod, is the

    Continued on Facing Page

    • Randi Backs Out of 

    Challenge wi th Homeopath 

    George Vi thoulkas 

    A long tussle concerning thevalidity of Homeopathy be-tween the world`s most famoushomeopath and probably the

    world`s most well known`quackbuster̀ appears to havecome to head.



    • Mars Volcano Could 

    Harbor Lif e 

    Ancient water may lie hiddenwithin the largest volcano onMars, researchers now say, andthey speculate that such asetup could also harbor life.



    • Di scovery Suggests Recent 

    Water on Mars 

    Fan-like gullies discovered onred planet mean water wasprobably running on the sur-face at some point less than amillion years ago.



    • Expediti on to Probe 

    Ancient Lake 3km Beneath 

    Antarctic Ice 

    The UK government has giventhe go-ahead for a team of British boffins to mount an ex-pedition to Lake Ellsworth.



    “Is this m an dangerous?”the headline asks about M ichael C rem o

    20 A TLANTIS RISING •Num ber 75

    Olympus Mons,eastern flank 


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    • Wireless Electri cit y I s 


    Tesla's dream has come true.After more than 100 years of dashed hopes, several compa-nies are coming to marketwith technologies that can

    safely transmit power throughthe airhttp://tech.msn.com/news/



    • Nazca Lines Created by 

    Prayers Walki ng? 

    The purpose of the lines is notyet known but a new hypoth-esis maintains that the lineswere most likely drawn by anendless procession of prayingpeople, who were made to walk

    designated portions of thebarren landscape back andforth.http://news.softpedia.com/news/Nazca-Lines-Created-by-Prayers


    • The Fir st Virtual Reali ty 

    Technology to Let You See,

    Hear, Smell , Taste and 


    The headset that can stimulateall five senses has been un-veiled at a major science eventin London.http://www.physorg.com/news


    common ancestor of all living things. He produces from his own mind and body other demi-

    gods, called prajapatis, or generators of population. By their reproductive activities with dem-igoddesses, these prajapatis produce the forms of the plants and animals we observe on ourlevel of reality. Once produced, they go on to reproduce themselves. These bodies are vehiclesfor souls who have fallen from the spiritual world because of misuse of their God-given freewill.

    Darwin was not completely hostile to the concept of God. In his book Origi n of Species ,the actual question he tried to answer was this: Did God create each species separately, or didGod create one (maybe a few) species in the beginning and then let them evolve? His answerwas that “ the Creator” breathed life into one or a few and let the rest evolve. So I agree withDarwin that God has something to do with the origin of the life forms we see around us. But Idisagree with the evolution part of his answer.

    I do, however, accept a different kind of evolution: the evolution of the conscious self, orsoul, if you like that word, through the various kinds of material bodies in the course of rein-carnation. In the beginning, when conscious selves first come to the world of matter, they areprovided with a whole range of vehicles to accommodate conscious selves with different de-sires and qualifications. Each conscious self is placed in the vehicle it most deserves. We no-tice, however, that we inhabit these vehicles for only a limited amount of time. What happensthen? There is something called transmigration, or reincarnation. If a conscious self main-tains material desires, it remains in the world of matter, and is placed in another materialbody, according to its karma, the totality of its desires. In the cycle of reincarnation, it is pos-sible for a self placed in a more limiting vehicle (the body of a plant or animal) to graduallyimprove its posit ion, l ifetime after li fetime, until it receives a human vehicle. This is a kind of spiritual evolution. The vehicles, or bodies, do not evolve one from the other. Rather oneevolves through the vehicles until one gets the one with the most capabilities, the human ve-hicle. And in the human vehicle it can, if it properly uses the human vehicle, become freefrom the whole cycle of birth and death, and return to the level of the cosmos dominated bypure consciousness.

    I’ve explained all this in great detail, in my book Human Devolut ion: A Vedic Alternati ve to Darwi n’s Theory . We do not evolve up from matter, as Darwin believed. Instead, we de-

    volve, or come down from the level of pure consciousness and are placed in vehicles, bodies,designed for us by higher intelligence. We can evolve through the different kinds of vehicles,until we finally get a human vehicle, in which it is possible for us to re-evolve back to ouroriginal position as beings of pure consciousness, existing in harmony with the source of allconscious beings and all other conscious beings.

    I wonder where Charles Darwin is today in that process. Somehow I have the feeling thatafter his life in England, he went down into an animal vehicle. Perhaps that of an ape ormonkey. And now he is evolving back up through the species, until he will once again inhabita human vehicle. I hope he makes better use of it than he did the last time.

    Michael A. Cremo i s author, wi th Richard Thompson, of the underground classic Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Hi s lat est book i sHumanDevolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory (see www.humandevolut ion .com).

    Packed house for C rem o’s Lecture

    N um ber 75 •A TLANTIS RISING  2



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    Continued on Page 5

    •BY M IC H A EL SALLA , Ph.D .

    ewly confirmed Secretary of State,Hillary Clinton, has long had an in-terest in UFOs and the existence of extraterrestrial life. She was given

    an informal briefing in August 1995 by bil-lionaire philanthropist, Laurence Rocke-

    feller, on the best available UFO evidence.An August 4, 1995, memo by PresidentClinton’s Science Advisor, Dr Jack Gibbons,confirmed that the Clintons would be vaca-tioning with Rockefeller at his Teton Ranchin Wyoming that summer, and they woulddiscuss UFOs: “You will probably see MrRockefeller on your vacation in the Tetons.He will want to talk with you about his in-terest in extrasensory perception, para-normal phenomenon, and UFOs.”

    In the memo, Gibbons then attempted todissuade the Clintons from pursuing Rocke-feller’s agenda to disclose national securityfiles concerning UFOs: “He knows that weare trying to be helpful in responding to hisconcerns about UFOs and human potential… but I’ve made no secret about my convic-tion that we must not be too diverted frommore earthly imperatives.”

    Both Clintons were involved in numerousattempts to force the release of national se-curity files concerning UFOs. According toGrant Cameron, founder of the PresidentialUFO website, the “Clintons tried to get UFOdocuments released as part of PresidentClinton’s 1995 Executive Order 12958.” Ex-ecutive Order 12958 was similar to PresidentObama’s recent January 21 PresidentialMemo on “Transparency and Open Govern-ment,” where he instructed government

    agencies and departments to relax rules gov-erning the release of national security files.

    Cameron has made numerous FOIA re-quests on Clinton administration files andfound “that there are literally thousands of pages of UFO files.” He concluded that this is“clear evidence of an administration that wasactive but unsuccessful on the UFO front.”

    Hillary Clinton’s subsequent public state-ments concerning UFOs and alien life showthat she was greatly concerned with the neg-ative stereotypes created by Hollywood con-cerning extraterrestrials. January 25, 1999,at the White House Fifth Millennium Eve-ning, she said: “Most of the movies about the

    future show aliens descending from outerspace determined to blow up the world, andsomehow they always begin or end withWashington, D.C.” Later that same year onJune 17, in Paris, she explicitly questionedthe rationale behind such movies: “... oftenin these movies, for reasons that I question,we have space aliens who are always blowingup Washington, D.C., and the White House.”

    Most revealing is a recent comment shemade during the recent presidential cam-paign on December 17, 2007:

    “Remember that movie Independence Day , where invaders were coming from


    outer space and the whole world was unitedagainst the invasion? Why can't we be unitedon behalf of our planet? And that's what Iwant to do.”

    Clinton’s criticisms of Hollywood stereo-types of invading aliens alludes to her disap-proval of secret national security policiesconcerning UFO evidence and ‘future’ rela-tions with extraterrestrial life.

    Clinton’s public statements and sustainedinterest in UFOs suggest that, if given theopportunity, she intends to create a very dif-ferent national security policy concerningextraterrestrial life. As Secretary of State,Clinton will stress ‘galactic’ diplomacy over‘future’ mi li tary confrontation with extrater-restrial life. That may represent a departurefrom national security policies that havebeen secretly developed and implementedover six decades of the UFO phenomenon.

    Also prominent in President Obama’sinner circle is John Podesta. The co-chair toPresident Obama’s transition team, Podesta


    played a key role in selecting personnel foPresidential appointments. His influence wamost clearly displayed in the Executive Oders and Presidential Memoranda oObama’s first full day of office on January 2promoting Transparency and Open Government. Transparency and Open Governmenwere signature issues for Podesta during htime in the Clinton administration when h

    pushed aggressively for Executive Orde12958.EO 12958 prescribed “a uniform system

    for classifying, safeguarding, and declassfying national security information” thawould reflect a greater “commitment tOpen Government.” EO 12958 was viewed aan essential tool in ensuring the release omany national security files that had beeunnecessarily classified for decades. After thpassage of EO 12958, Podesta served on thCommission on Protecting and ReducinGovernment Secrecy, chaired by Sen. Danie

    Wil l the Incoming Administration Bring an End to UFO Secrecy? 

    Hillary Clinton and

     John Podesta are amongthose who have favored

    public disclosure

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    Continued on Page

    extbooks tell us that civilization isabout 5,000 years old. At least that’sabout as far back as we find the firstwriting and the first significant man-

    made structures such as ziggurats and pyra-mids. Before that was a period called ‘prehis-tory.’ Unrecorded, it was a time assumed tobe far more primit ive than our own.

    No one would argue that a lot has hap-pened since “prehistoric” times; usefulthings like the invention of the television re-mote control, escalators, and computerdating services. O.K. maybe some of thesearen’t essential, but they do show how dif-ferent life is now from 5,000 years ago. Infact, most of the products and services thatfill our lives today were absolutely inconceiv-able to our distant ancestors; and that’s thepoint. Just as our great great grandfather

    could hardly envision our present, so too is itexceedingly difficult for us to see our distantfuture.

    Just one hundred years ago, few couldhave imagined we would now be sending ro-bots to the surface of Mars, cloning plantsand animals, and carrying around little cel-lular devices that enable us to instantly talkto or text someone halfway around the world.If we could go back in time and query a nine-teenth century farmer about these things hewould probably say, “What’s a robot and howdid it get to Mars?” Or, “why do you want totalk to someone in China?” Could they have

    understand you? Cloning would probablysound downright scary to them—if they be-lieved you. Relevance is a prerequisite for un-derstanding the future—without it, it is hardto conceive of where we are going.

    While predicting specific technologies

    might be very difficult, our distant ancestorsdid leave us a key to comprehending the fu-ture—at least in broad terms. They talkedabout it in myth and folklore and ancienttexts; Plato called it The Great Year.

    Ancient cultures around the world be-lieved that history or consciousness moved ina vast cycle of time with alternating Dark andGolden Ages. Of course most scholars con-sider this just a myth nowadays and assumethere was no fabled Golden Age. But an in-creasing amount of evidence suggests our re-mote ancestors (long before the classicalDark Ages) possessed tremendous knowledge.

    For example, we find evidence of preci-

    sion engineering in the pyramids and canalsystems of ancient cultures in both Mesopo-tamia and South America. There are also tell-tale signs of a massive agricultural society inBrazil where we find the famed Terra Pretade Indio soil. It is self-replenishing, con-taining billions of living organisms per cubiccentimeter, and plants thrive in it. It is foundall over the Amazon basin, in measured plotsaveraging 2 to 4 hectares and laden with pot-tery shards, so we know it was used exten-sively by some unknown culture. This re-markable soil has been studied at CornellUniversity, but still no one knows how to re-create it. Scientist John Burke (see sidebar,

    page 61) has shown us that the megalistones at Avebury are neatly aligned by pority. The amazing non-random pattern tus the unknown ancient builders cosomehow detect the subtle magnetismthese stones thousands of years before we

    veloped the instruments to do the same. these things were thought to be impossfor ancient civilizations according to mtwentieth century textbooks. Yet, here tare popping up left and right. Most of us familiar with the more mundane examples

    Schools teach that Volta invented the btery in the early 1700’s, but ancient battehave been found in Babylon dating to the era (Baghdad Battery).

    Textbooks state that complex geared vices were not developed unt il the great clmaking era around AD 1300 to AD 1400 highly sophisticated gears were found iGreek shipwreck that dates to the BC era (A

    tikythera device).Orthodontics and dentistry were thouto be developments of a modern society, now we find the Egyptians wore orthodon4,000 years ago and some skulls in Pakisshow neatly drilled rear molars that datealmost 8,000 years ago.

    We were taught that Copernicus discered the heliocentric system (Earth garound the sun) in 1543, but it has rececome to light that Aristarchos of Samos aArchimedes knew of such a system alm2,000 years earlier.




    What’ s to Be Learned from the Changing Seasons of Human Evolut ion? What’s to Be Learned from the Changing Seasons of Human Evolut ion? 

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    This story repeats again and again withengineered structures, metallurgy, plant hy-bridization, mathematics, and many othersciences. It seems we are just rediscoveringthat are ancient ancestors weren’t so primi-tive after all.

    Therefore, if we read repeated myths thatour ancestors saw an ebb and flow of theages, wherein history or consciousnessmoves in a vast cycle of time, should we notat least consider they might be right—even if we have not yet noticed such a phenomenon?

    It should be noted that more than a fewpre-Dark Age cultures (including AncientIndia, Egypt, Babylon, and Greece) predictedtheir own decline as a natural process of theGreat Year. And they were right! Every lastone of them slipped into a worldwide DarkAge that obscured the ancientknowledge and nearly de-stroyed the culture. Many an-cient discoveries, from the he-liocentric system of theGreeks to the Babylon battery,were lost for millennia andnot rediscovered until the“renaissance” (French for “re-birth”) or later.

    So how did these peopleknow they were headed for adecline? Hesiod and theGreeks spoke poetically of thelong-lost Golden Age butknew their own time was in alower age and descending era. They had hun-dreds of stories about the amazing course of life and history, tales that we now call myth

    and folklore, but they believed them to betrue.

    Our very distant ancestors lived muchcloser to nature than we do today. Their viewof time goes like this: Just as the earth spinson its axis and gives us the cycle of night andday, and just as the earth goes around thesun and gives us the cycle of the seasons, sotoo is there an even larger celestial motionthat results in a larger cycle. This cycle, theirGreat Year, a.k.a. one precession of theequinox, is said to have its own type of sea-sons or “ages of man.”

    The Greeks broke the cycle into the Iron,Bronze, Silver, and Golden ages. In one

    phase, we are said to progress upward andeveryone and everything evolves to greatheights. They implied consciousness wouldexpand when they said humanity goesthrough the following stages: age of man, tothe age of the hero, to the age of the demi-god and finally to the age of the gods (GoldenAge) before the cycle slowly reversed itself.

    The ancient people of the Indus Valley(whom Alexander the Great called the “In-doos,” the writers of the Vedas) called it a“yuga” cycle and broke it into the Kali, Dwa-para, Treta, and Satya yugas, correspondingto the Greek ages. Other cultures from the

    Continued from Page 24

    Sw am i Sri Yuktesw ar

    Continued on Page

    Hebrew to the Hopi also spoke of it althouit was often in obscure language.

    Giorgio de Santillana, the former pfessor of the history of science at MIT, stain his book Hamlet’s Mill   that this thouwas embedded in several hundred myfrom over thirty ancient, diverse culturThis is how universal the cycle of the agonce was. Giorgio suggested that we shotry to understand why the Great Year andattendant motion of the heavens, the precsion of the equinox, held such importance

    the ancients.There is an increasing body of modwork that examines the cycle, its nuanand possible causes, and it is gaining in entific merit. In fact, the 6th annual “Confence on Precession and Ancient Knowledwill be held this year at the NatioAcademy of Sciences Beckman Center onUniversity of California campus where a hof scientists, historians, and students of cient history will address the topic. But ointerest here is not to discuss the merit

    mechanics. Our focus nowif the ancients are right, thunderstanding the ebb aflow of the cycle can give uglimpse into our own futur

    Back to the Futu re

    According to the Vescholar, Swami Sri Yteswar, the cycle takes ab24,000 years (which is wit7% of the currently accepperiodicity for one precessof the equinox). By his reoning, the last Golden Apeaked in 11,500 BC and c

    sciousness slowly declined from this tuntil bottoming out around AD 500. We csee from the historic record that most of

    world’s great ancient civilizations are indein decline leading up to this point in timeparticular, Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Babyand many of the cultures in the Mideast gion have fallen to the point that they aremost nomadic societies, unable to build of the ziggurats or pyramids of their anctors. In Europe, too, Greece and Rome hfallen to very chaotic and brutal states, wmost of the world’s historians calling final fall of Rome, and the shutteringPlato’s Academy (in AD 519), the beginnof the “classical Dark Ages.” China wthrough a similar process losing muknowledge and turning fierce with the H

    Dynasty. Many of the cit ies of the early Amicas from Caral to Teotihuacan had also beabandoned by this time, but these histoare not as well known.

    From AD 50 onward, we have sloevolved to once again being capable building great cities, codifying laws, andleast not crucifying people in the street amore. With the burst of the renaissa(when we went from the lowest age to next highest age) we rediscovered many cient technologies and began developmany new ones. At the same time we h

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    n June, 1987, I took a tour group toChina, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, India,Nepal and Kashmir on a grand odysseyto many of the sacred places of Asia.

    While visiting India, one of the highlights,for me, was to see what is called the DelhiPillar, a column of wrought iron that standsin the courtyard of Kutab Minar, in what is

    now the capital city of New Delhi. In the pastthe column has also been called the SinghStambh, the Ashoka, and the Lion Pillar. Itstands 23 feet 8 inches tall, averages 15inches in diameter and weighs approximately6 tons. The real enigma is that it has notrusted in the millennium and a half of its ex-istence.

    As I stood in person next to this very un-assuming yet impressive column of blackmetal, I touched its surfaces and felt like theastronaut in 2001: A Space Odessey  reachingout toward the alien black monolith foundon the Moon.

    For the Delhi Pillar is a genuine out-of-place artifact, a silent tribute to advancedmetallurgical skills made by unknown arti-sans who possessed a secret knowledgehanded down to them from a forgotten civil i-zation. The Pillar contains such a level of so-phistication that its inherent wisdom istoday just beginning to impact upon ourpresent manufacturing technology.

    The Delhi Pillar is a solid shaft of wrought iron made up of iron discs expertlywelded together in a fashion that the weldingmarks are hardly discernible. The iron forthe Pillar is believed to have originated fromthe Bihar region and may have been manu-factured there, for the forest people of Biharare reputed to have known of advanced

    forms of the art of forging iron and steel intheir clay furnaces for untold thousands of years.

    An inscription still plainly seen on thePillar’s base is an epitaph to King ChandraGupta II, who died in AD 413. So it is knownthe Pillar is at least 1,600 years old, probablyolder. The monument was first erected atUdayagirl near the present-day city of Bhopalin central India. The Pillar first stood in thetemple of Muttra capped with a Garuda, animage of the bird incarnation of the godVishnu. In the year 1052 Moslem invaderstore off the Garuda and took away the Pillar,eventually re-erecting it where it stands

    today, in what was then the courtyard of theQuwwat-ul-Islam Mosque, the very firstmosque built in India. How long the Pillarhad been in the previous temple, however, isunknown.

    The most fascinating feature about theDelhi Pillar is the fact that, despite it beingwell over a millennium and a half in age, itsiron constitution is nevertheless in a re-markable state of preservation. The inscrip-tion on its base still appears clearly cut withvery little evidence of weathering.

    Immediately above the base the Pillarsurface is slightly rough and pitted due to


    Continued on Page 6



    corrosion from soil moisture inroads intoforge-welding marks and areas damaged byits re-erection in the past.

    From here on up, the surface is verysmooth, like polished brass, and in the topportion this smoothness persists, with onlyoccasional instances of pockmarks andweathering.

    At the column’s very top is a rust-freedecorative “bell” that is, itself, a marvel of blacksmithing, consisting of seven parts.

    These individual components were shrunk-fit around a hollow cylinder and then joinedto the main body with the use of an insert.

    The mystery is, one would expecte thatany equivalent mass of iron—subjected tothe Indian monsoon rains, winds and tem-peratures for 1,600 years or more—shouldhave been reduced to a pile of rust long ago.But the Delhi Pillar still stands, unthreat-ened by the elements. What are its secrets?

    In 1911, Sir Robert Hadfield made ananalysis of the pillar’s ingredients and foundit be composed of: Iron-99.72%, Phos-phorus-0.114%, Carbon-0.08%, Silicon-

    0.046%, Nitrogen-0.032%, and Copper another elements-O.114%. Hadfield found thiron to be entirely free of inclusions, and iterms of homogeneity and purity ranked with the best Swedish charcoal irons of hiday.

    The purity level is particularly surprisingfor it was not attained in Europe until thnineteenth century, and was certainly a technological anomaly for the fifth century. Thlevel helps to explain, in part, the Delh

    Pillar’s survival. The process of rusting requires a catalyst, and with few impuritiepresent in the iron, oxidation would havbeen retarded. However, the purity alondoes not ful ly answer it s persistent existence

    In 1953, J. C. Hudson published the results of experiments in which he exposesteel and zinc plates 4 x 2 and one-eighthinches in size to the atmospheric conditionat Delhi over one-year periods. What he discovered was that the corrosion rates fometals in this locale are low, and he proposed this finding as the answer to the iro

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    • BY RO BERT M . SC H O C H , Ph.D .id Christianity spring onto the scene two mill enniaago as a divine revelation that came directly fromthe one true God, as to this day some of its morefundamentalist adherents contend? Was there a

    real individual, a historical person, a genuine JesusChrist—a preacher and, according to his followers, a

    theurgist and wonder-worker—who was crucified in Je-rusalem? Was such a man the Messiah for whom manyJews longed?

    I would venture to guess that most people who callthemselves Christians today (there are estimated to beover two bil lion throughout the world, making i t thesingle largest religion, although divided amongthousands of sects), as well as many of other faiths,do not doubt that a historical Jesus walked onEarth. Of course many might doubt his reputedbirth from a virgin, question his working of mira-cles (such as turning water i nto wine or raisingthe dead), and deny his resurrection after sup-posedly being dead for several days, but theystill accept that there was a real Jesus. Indeed,there is a small industry that revolves aroundpresumably identifying and tracking the his-torical Jesus. There are those who contendhe survived being nailed to the cross. An-other idea popular in some circles is thatJesus sired a bloodline by his wife (usuallyconsidered to be Mary Magdalene), whichsome claim can be traced historicallythrough various Dark Age and Medievallineages, such as through the Merovin-gian royal family in Europe (ruling inparts of modern France and Ger-many). Others would trace Jesus andhis bloodline in the opposite geo-graphic direction, such as toKashmir, Tibet, or India. Still

    others attempt to identify Jesusand members of his immediatefamily based on the physical evi-dence of t ombs and ossuaries(bone boxes) from first centuryJerusalem. No matter whichapproach is taken, the pointhere is that it is assumedthere is an historical manbehind the myth of Chri st.

    On the other extremeare people like D. M. Mur-dock (also known asAcharya S., the pseu-donym she used for her

    earlier works) whodeny completely thatthere is any historicalbasis for the Jesus of Christianity. Mur-dock (in suchbooks as: Acharya

    The Baptism of  Jesus, Leonardo

    da Vinci

    S., 1999, The Chr ist Conspir acy . Adventures UnlimitePress, Kempton, Illinois. Acharya S., 2004, Suns of God . Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IllinoisSee also her website http://truthbeknown.com forother works by her), builds on the research of sucscholars as Gerald Massey (1828-1907) and Egyptogist E. A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934) who point othe many similarities between the ancient Egyp-tian religion and Christianity (which is not to sthese earlier scholars held Murdock’s extremeviews). Murdock argues that the Jesus of thegospels, ostensibly the founder and lynchpin Christianity, never actually existed. He was acreation of those who “invented” the cult thwas to become Christianity. Forget about a

    guing whether Jesus was the result of agod’s (presumably the one true God) miraulously inseminating a virgin (thoughMary was betrothed to Joseph at the timor if he performed miracles and preachthe truth, much less ponder the concethat he was kil led and resurrected onthe third day. This is all nonsense—is it?

    Ironically, it may seem to somewhether or not Jesus ever existed aa real person, the story of his life irich in meaning and fits into abigger and deeper picture thanmany professed Christians dareimagine. Whatever the reality onon-reali ty of a histori calJesus—total fabrication or obscure rabble-rouser and antiRoman independence fighteupon whose personage manmyths were grafted—Christianity as such, interpreted in hindsight, arosin the broader context othe Roman Empire fromsyncreti sm of near-Eastern beliefs, incorprating especially Hellenistic, Egyptian, andJudaic elements,

    during the period othe Flavian, adoptiand Antonine em-perors of the latefirst and secondcenturies of theCommon Era

    Is Christ iani ty Based on Histori cal Facts or Ancient Mystery Traditi ons? 

    The Mythical J esusThe Mythical J esusThe Mythical J esusThe Mythical J esusThe Mythical J esus



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    Continued on Page 6

    ested readers. (Note that there aremany versions of the Egyptian mythsand the versions highlighted here arethose that best parallel Christian be-liefs.)

    Osiris/Horus (father and son, to acertain extent interchangeable, just ain Christianity) died and was resur-rected on the third day, just as wasJesus. The rebirth or resurrection, asone might expect, for both Jesus and

    the Egyptian deit ies tradit ionally coincides roughly with the SpringEquinox when the Sun moves northfrom below the celestial equator toabove it.

    Like Jesus, Horus was born of aVirgin (Isis), and descended from aroyal lineage.

    The birth of both Jesus and Horusand indeed many other ancient deitieas well, occurred on December 25(correlated with the Winter Solsti cewhen the Sun has reached its furthestpoint south in the sky and just begun

    to move north again), and both were born in a manger. In both birth

    accounts there is a star in the east and three wise men or kings visitthe child.Anup/Anubis is the equivalent of the Christian John the Baptist,

    and he baptizes and initiates Horus, just as John baptized Jesus; piv-otal ages for both Horus and Jesus are 12 and 30.

    Osiris/Horus, like Jesus, is a teacher and miracle worker; both he

    (AD). Furthermore, it is slowly be-coming more widely recognized thatthe whole concept of a messiah, andeven the specifics of such a messiah’sdeath and resurrection three dayslater, was an element of Jewishthought and tradition in the decadesbefore the supposed historical Jesuswas presumed to have lived and car-ried out his ministry and passion (seeEthan Bronner, 2008. “Ancient

    Tablet Ignites Debate on Messiah andResurrection.” New York Times ,issue of 6 July 2008). In this sense,there was nothing new about Jesus.

    The Christian concept of Jesus asthe Messiah fits into a broad histor-ical, cosmological, and astrologicalcontext. The l ife of Jesus reflectsmany elements found in religioustraditions current in the first andsecond centuries, as well as muchearlier. In particular, the Jesus mythmimics important aspects of thewell-known and widely popular my-thology of the Osiri s-Isis Cycle, and the later Greco-Roman Serapisand Isis cult derived from it. Indeed, with Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Setwe see so many familiar “Christian” themes, I find it personally in-comprehensible that this evidence of a connection between Egypt andChristianity can be so easily brushed aside by certain people who findsuch concepts inconvenient or even threatening to their religious be-liefs. Listed below are a few examples discussed by Murdock, Massey,and Budge in their various works. Murdock elaborates on these fur-ther as well as recounts more, and I recommend her books to inter-

    O siris, Horus and Isis

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    Continued on Page

    n 1921, The Occul t Review , a British il-lustrated monthly journal, ran an in-sightful article entitled “Shakespeareand the Occult” that quite plausibly

    concluded that many of his plays were unin-tell igible without an understanding of the es-oteric s

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